The Buena Vista Argus. (Buena Vista, Ga.) 1875-1881, September 26, 1877, Image 1

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W. A. SINGLETON, Editor &. Fro'p. VO LIME 11. NEVER BET ON WO MAN'S LOVE. t David Lovrat. Prom the K. Y. Mercury] There was a brightniU. ft fmhnees and glo-v about Annie Breton that won everybody over toiler before they"ware aware of lu it wa curious to note that everybody agreed in on* tiling; that she was not a beauty and could not betermed pretty. Come to analyze he—to .measure the wid h between her eyes length of her nose, proportions of her mouth complexion, hair—really tliero was not a re markable feature. What it was that tasei natedev-fry one who came in contact with her few oouid talk As for Annie herself, the chief ehnrua of ah was revealed in the tact that she was wholly unconscious of her charms. So when Allan McDonald—young Allan, the wealthiest man in the county laid his lands, hia decant establishment and tboir owner at her feet one afternoon in Oc tober op the russet-colored leaves, no one was more surprised lhau Miss Bret n. Stop. 1 will do her the justice to say that aha was prepjred for evidences of friendship: she had not thought lie entertained the idea l making her his wife. Her surprise was transient, carefully cou cOiled. Ho saw that the. *r brightness of hir faoe was brightened a trifle, that was all. With tha self-possession and grac e of a queen, Miss Breton asked ‘time to consider ” And ■Mr M -DouMld was compell and to be content with that answer. To say that tha young man was ill at ease, mortiti-'d, won!:’ scarce 1 )’ con ray the truth. lie was angry with himself for risking a refusal. Allan had a confidant. To him he revealed the truth. Unfortunately for him he selected the las! plaoe in the world lor a private con versation. The friends met in a photographer's gallery, and in the absence of the artist this occurred: “Hoes it ocer.rr to you there may be a ri\al," said the bosom fneud. “x can’t conceive who Tt could bo," replied Allar, thoughtfully. • <You can mu over her acquaintances and friends in your mind.' "There is no one better acquainted with her than myself, that lam aware of. Stop I Yes. there is a fellow—you don’t him —a car pentor, or something ul that sort, named 1 e no.” "Wh . by tha wif, 'ns achieved distinction as an architect. They say he is bouud to make his way. i’ve heard my uncle say ho has brains. X dare say it is the me," and •young Hathertoiilaughedat his friends length' eningfaoa Allan reflected. It would bo mor tifying. indeed, to be outstripped by a poor young mechanic; he with an incomo of seven thousand a year. • I see it disturbs you. Have a care my boy," added his friend. •i’ll wager you my ponies against a pai r of gloves—anything you pleise,*' said Allan Lilly, “that I win the day." • Oh I Don’t be offended,” replid the friend “Only don't be too sure.” ‘Will you bet.' ■Sinoa you persist, yes.' ‘Dose, fchake on that.’ ■With all tuy heart, old fellow, aud I hope you’ll win.’ •It’s a go,’ said Allan. llad he known that ho had a listener, and that the listener was the subject of their dig. cus&ioc, he would have been less confident. For in the ladies waiting room beyond. Annie Breton lifted a finger warningly. as she glauoed at her friend. It was a trying mo ment to both. Hiss Ulgton was a young lady who looked at the humorous aide of things. Hot a giggler, but a wit. A puff of u'r ; a chanoe movement on the part of the young men might have revealed the young ladies. Hiss Allston put her handkerchief to her lips aud stifled a laugh. Again Annie’s finger was held tip warningly. ‘Be still It will bo very awkward if they see us he.o,” she said. I.uckily the operator entered at that mo ment, and thua relieved them their of bus pensa. , , , .. , •Well say nothing about it, said Annie gravely. ‘At the same time, I will punish im.’ •And throw away the best catch in the county.' •I hat for the beet 'catch' as you call him.’. Iteally, Mies Breton looked auperb at that moment ‘A* if money could ever weigh against brains, decency or love.’ •Jly dear,’ said Miss Allston, 'you and 1 know a boat who are dying to be honored by such mention.’ 'ihc-to is no accounting for taata. Give me a man who oan keep his own counsel, and who is not a fool. It sometimes happen—it ofien happens— that a woman’s chance for matrimonial ad vancement aro flung together- veriiyiug the old saying *‘lt never rains but it pours. It was so in Annie Breton's experience. The very next morning Arthur Lane ca led in person, and proposed in ft manner that I roved to her that to him the decision was a question of momentous importance. He was a man of deep feeliug, uud.unonbtr.itive, but his embanmwment, his very silence pleaded for him a i he departed with the question still u ai t led. And now M -a Breton began to chide her. self, ftnd to marvel how she could have enter tjied Air McDonald’s proposition. This man’., manner, was so different. In shor although .he morrow’s mail would announce his fate. Bile sat down then and there, and addressed the lover a note bearing a siugh word :“Yes;”uud rose from her wilting with sparkling eyes and flushed cheeks. lu due time Allan McDonald a l lied for his answer. He wis vain enough to flunk that a little time was all that was needed. No woman, he argued could reflect upon his proposal without Surrenderiug. No woman would throw away seven tarns and a year’ especially with such an accomplished, ban i_ some, well-bred appendage as himself. A m n struggling for recognition upon the threshold of a profession that required influ ence as Wl 1, as decided talent had uo chance with liitn When he was announced, Miss Breton de termined to prevent him from subjecting him self to unnecessary humiliation. She was so charitable as to credit him with mo e feel ing than ha posaessed. •I have called, Aiiss Breton, for my answer' ile bowed, flecked an atom of dusk from his sleeve and sat down The action frozo Miss Breton rympathy. “I almost regrott that I didn’t give it at once, Mr McDonald” ■Mister!" Bo she inti not Lud sufficient time Wh ■ 6 fool he was not to give her plenty of t me Of course no girl liked the idea of selling herself cheap ■My dear Miss Breton, al ow me to say —or permit rue to cull you An oe— ’ The quiet look she gave him checked ibe speech. He h-doitcd a moment. You study do not mean—perhaps I did not give you tsiiffic eot time. kr Utn M'S.s Breton.’ That I have pot <u • -j i m be ecu e aginst a pair <>i pouc h valued a thousand dollars,’ said Annie with rut ing lip. “Aud I tied my heart 11 -■■ i than the p" : te.s. The world now says Mrs. Lane made a good choice. Few men are more re spected or honored than her husband. The lesson did McD na and good. It did much towards curing inm of ins vanity, besides teaching him never to bet on woman s love. V Very Oe . st./ry. In the VV ,r- Gazette, of May 13, 1703 i the fo.lowing extraordinary re lation : “On<- Margoett • Ivdsona idla My in the vill vi- >• K ri' .is. ac-d 108 be ing horn Fvb 12. 1655. A h- ngc of 94 s tit or ed ei tid'd ' ushand. Gas pard K vkon, of Crowsgin, lien aged lUS D t ug tne fourteen ja-t s they lived "g- her, hev had two h y tid •me gi", no and what is ver\ iem ok die, these lbr •• oh •hen h-r evi iO'.i mark of the old ago of tneu hither and trio: h-1. Hieir hair is already gin}', and 'hey have a vacuitv in their gums like that which appears a her tha oss of tee-h, though ti-ey never liad any teeth ; they have not St ongih enougli 'O chew .olid food, but live on bread an I vege aides. are of a proper Bte tor 'lieii ng , hui their baeks are bu l . the r comp ec liona are sallow ami they hav- ah otnei svtnpioms ef deeipiiude. Ih ir father s ahve." T"e par iculats are oflicidly cerufled u> lv l ie pa isn regw ere A Pig n t): a EEiimaii Head. Dveisliu g, Tenn , i< excited ovet the tlie iiu'ili of a p g wuh * humen head. Tee piy wae tmrn on the sever, h lib. ft has a i effect li.imnn face >-d lie el. the rest of is formati n b.iog 'hat o' any other pig. I has red hair .>n its head; l's teeth tnutl'h and e>ea arc s.ra. gelv human ; while "lie ar ie the ol a hog, the othei i* hat o< a itl child, Thi* new and sunge •• duct o is the wonder of the neighborhood. Dr. Dt ffl-, the druggist ai Ki 'emisli o, lift- preserved it in 'dco ol and lion ~<ls are-fl i. king to see it daily Memphis Ledger. A Gypsy Queen Neonah (Wis.) Timus. The gvpties who laletly left Madison I have . ncampeu out ne->r this c ty. They have some rough looking men, hut’ most bcnutiiul-looking women. The chief has a daugli er of 19 t ears, wlu> is of surprising loveliness, queen among queen-', said to be the most be.tu tilui woman in the country, combining hedvhfui Anglo-Saxon blood anti Italy’s warm ua'iire. The Chief, it is said, has tired of his nomadic manner of liv ing, aud wid give the hand ot bis daughter an i a dowry of $20,000 to any young man of proper credentils as to morality and standing in social life who will marry this beautiful queen. Bum v sta, mum coimy, Georgia, Wednesday, September 26, W 7. ElFc st of lAnd-Staiie-Ovcr F.ny C live* > r dydi oplio but Cured by 11. A Harrodsburg, Ky., <Ol respondent wiites: ‘I saw‘ genuine mad-* 1 one to day—the only one, to ntv knowledge, n Kei tncki. It is in <h* boss,-.moo of fayoer >f ih'K eoumy—no W. P. Chok-' soil- wb • p v*d i > vl n (~r e fifty-ninth title s nee lie •wu--> it) t l ' "lomiog by applying it to ■ w u- o ili ught io h ve c.unDiiiu-o virus ion he salt ot a mad dog. The Sion ac a v tuck —adhered t, the wound fo ■ v’r on- iioui, absoihing die poison, 'be owner said. S-verai dav* sine ■< mu - ■ h g wandi red in'o the 'iv„uu!ut groun is ot'-t, Cai her)lie’s o' Sieon •, a convent ii a. Spn jjfield, in fl ash ngton fountv, wii ie dwell some forty or fif y cun a id before the dog could be dispatch,d lie had bi’tnn tw-. or three and m* nelorg ing to tire convent one a valaaf-le ii;tfe te,rier, to which Sister Id > w,s >ey inu-li atticnel, Alrei inle oauine wa-wounded, he 'a" uv ■ ■red with the saliva of the tun 1 , Maty B-iiven, who patterl tin <tl,-,- ntely and wiped the saliva from his h with her hand, upon one fingei ot wh c was a scratch or small abrasion of th skin. In a day or so the Wound, in s ea I ol healing exh bited signs alarming her and all the sisteis in the convent, ad ihe fears of a horrible death Irom liydropbohia caused her to seek a tna l stonc ; hence her trip t > this counuv and to Clarkson’s, who applied ihr in- w ill riie result stated, and upon us te-app ication it “faded to slick," showing its work had been -nceesafnll) accomplished iluj hist time ii was ap plied. Sister Benven was ve.y much relieved. Mr, Clarkson has had i i> stone in his possession for twenty th e years, and during this period 'as -nc e.-sflnlly treated fifly-n,ne cases ot oil s of dogs, cats, snakes and po onons i> secs. Mr. Clarkson claims to have procured this stone of an Italian, who brought i: tiomSwiiz rand. I is ulnn •me inch m I hir k no-s by one ami a hat ■ nches long, and perhaps weigh* u ounces. It ris-ertiol.-s s m-whai li c* ot hot e, b mg very p*voa , 'hongli • a del ilnd: ■ f el be ; , ... (.!) a wt.U' and cor ■ . __ v un i: oe ■ ■..! i! e, q * i-s i k*’< Hi a Mi.A Utr .'i A • ‘ V watei, whan i may e ag.u app i- . •udsoon u; ii ait Um poi .o ha h.e . ali'orln;...' or dtawn o u. Artificial Lemonade- Loaf sugar 2lbs j tartaric acid ons-half ounce; essence of lemon 3J drops j es store of aimonds 2U drop-. 1) so ve the acid ill 2 pints ot hot water, add the Migar, lastly the lemon and almond, stii we I, cover wi Ii doth, leave uoti 1 Cold, not two tahiespoon-fol in a tumbler and fill with cold wa er It is more refresh mg and mice palitahle than ginger beer or lemonade, and cos only ih-rty cen - lor ie. pint-. Tit- a dilion of very lice b'Cil'hohate of potash to each lumblertol ;ves a wholesome, effeive cii.g drink. Two men, driving an old hors in •> car , and lining a barrel in befiind the s at. ut'euip dd to turn. It was adi mil failure, The cart went -ver, the horse went down, and the barrel rolled away, while t e two men w re o tangled up that they could not. ex ti i ate thetns Ives. Nine men r ached the sp.-t annost simultane<uj9ly. and eight, of t em rushed to see tf he barrel was injured, w, ile the ninth halt and tnilwav between the barrel aud the strugg mg victims n >d called out; “is til it wit sky in Hie oa rel “No, it’s vi egar," ans ered one ot the pair. “Tis, ch ?” Wed, I sup pose we'll have to lift that cart up. sighed the nin h, as hewa ked around it. Jos ph D.imon l murdered a woman and two children in Merc and countv, Cal., an i a re srd ot SSOO was fferu lor is deli'ery me au h ritics. 'hi, ad or aliv-. Two white men and two Inmans state ', in pursuit. The fugitive w.s tracked to his h dmg place, w are he had made b networks of logs. Toe pur suers advinct-d incauti uißl., ami Oumoi.d i ed th Indians and on* of the wi'ite- woh hi.-riflebu: e fell mortalG wounded, and his body was cartied away by t ■ onl ati vivor. ol the oonJiCt, iu order to He ; curs the reward. An enterprising female ws ob served iilftDaytou ; she bed a large b eket till and tvi o provisions on her right, .rm, ami grasped aa umbre-1 • in li r right hand; tie< left mitt en circled a watenne n; f e l#lt hand clutched a po, te ..onnaie, uid -ho curried nor door-key ia i-er mon-thl Mor. over she wore u nuit wi li u long trail, and that trail she mckeo around the handle of her market baskoi 1 A young man, 17 years of age, died recently at Charleston, Mass., of hemorrhage, resulting from tne extraction of a tooth. Nine of the young man’s relatives tuvo died from similar causes.. .A. DEMOCB4TIC FAMILY NEWSPAPER. ITEMS OF INTEREST. Taxation in Cine nnati is over $2!) per 11,000. S a i* and grass >s shipped to Eu rope from Bit xi, Mi ais-ippi. T< xas thi kr he t SBO census will gie her eigh v -'i ran c • nt ttivea. The other <H,- Webster cit\, lowa, ship ,1 80,Odd* omtls of butier Cotti u g OJ3 a e a shade iovre than yvar ago ; woole 3me iaber. There tire three t .ousand person-, in ho tex ns prions. In two years G,OOO London ch i dren have been t uglit. to swim by the hea th society The State of Yi ginia ffeis a boon y ot $1 f. )> the s nip of orry drey Ix, and $1.50 f r red on s. Tobac -- cultiva ion in Germany oe upies about 51,000 uctvs, accoal mg o tecen consular report. Tit. re is a filing fT this year in h •‘Govern > eat i colptsfr postage IV r S4OO 000 Th M il aa river at the San An (Oiii crossing. Ca-trovi le, Texa , ia s dry us a : owder-house. There are twenty-two sped s of oak in the State f North Carol! a. 18 sped s of pirn-, 9 of -pr.'Ce. 5 ol birch, 8 of hicko }, and 7 of magnolia. The forests of N >r h Carolina pm duce twenty-two species, s-vt-n of magnolia, eight of hickory, and five -. cu of elm and ttiicli A team of six eon tim es, drawing a wagon laden wilt 40,000 pounds ot ore, is a common iu Reno, Ne vada. Two worn' qfi light duel af w days ago in he forest of heptxl epee, near Mexico. .• They a ere separate* ‘ by two before inucti dam age rad been lion . It is olllciiajty announc'd tat all the great powtjii s and Belgium, 110 l land, FweeiVi!! ad Portugal havt i.e'rr-eiTf• i rite Gjemian protest again t T o'kisii crueity. Bel •• u vd, v o figu ed so ext-n --aiv. iy - x bv w.ras a scout lox i• ■C 1 e <ite lore, s, is now living j; vt, Texas, and supports Iter - t ,um .-lute by sowing. At Lea ban m, Pa., a few days ago wi re to be -eeti a g eat graudf .!• er, Ins dauvi ter. tier son, aud that -on’s son at work together in the harvest, fi id. The oldest was ninety years of age and the y uinge-t nineteen. A ilhicago man marr ed three sisters, and all are liv ng. lie took them in the order of then au. s, lived wi ll cacti abom a year, and then otva lied a di vorue. Tbetv are three in ie slates left. A K ntucky newspaper says that an investigation "f the records of the State sito-vs noi a single man or worn in wit.ii i its borders has been legady married. A woman in Baltimore wears purple clothing only, her undergat • ments even being of that, color. Sue believes that she is a p.incess, and must, wear royal purple. In other respects she is sane, A gold medal is in preparation in •he Treasury Department tor Captain Corbel Keeper of life station No. 5, on the emst of Virgin.a, near Nor folk, lor rescuing seventeen persons from the English b rk Tmto. Two you iq men, named Joseph E. Johnston and Fi zliug Lee, _ure learning lie macnine-t trade in "the Pennsylvania rail oad machine shop at Altoona. They are nephews of the Confederate officer: whose names they respec ively boar. Jrst before leaving Boston for Eutvpe. Prof. Graham Bel, of tele jiho i- fame, marr ed the dauglit. rof Gardinet n. Hubbard, u deal mote. He had so caiu fully instructed her tha she uttered distinct y all the re sponses of the wed mg serv ce. A prisoner for ile in t.iie penilen tiary at Michigan ■ i v has served v t'i'3, during uich time it- has ma ‘e 9.312 large lard t His ta k w.. ,s 7.0..'5f0r tlie State, teavtug2,3l2 jo a hi-i t sk, tor whiclt ne ramtl 18 cents each as a< average, s cur ing io iin or o erwork $416 16. Tip re are 125 temperance rel'-.rm clubs in New Ha -. pshire, with an ag- j gi ga e membership of 65.000 in n, : ot whom 27,000, are "Vc eighteen years of age. do h pol tical parties are trying h -rd io gecuie their sup port in ihe coming gub.-rn-iturial campaign, “Your vis ts remind me of die growth of a sued ssiul newspaper,” said Uncie Jahez, leani g is ch n on h.s hand and glancing on William II nry, who wns sweet on A' _elica. “Why so?” inqu red Willie in H nry. “Well, they commenced on a weekly, grow to a tri-weekly, an i have becomo daily, with a Snndy supple ment.” “Yea? * said Williuin Henry, bracing up, “and after we are mar* !rid Vie wiil is?QQ an extra.” In San Francbco all th*- groceries and mil in- riei ke p open oh Sunday*. The Memplt b Appeal gives ft sum mary of the l>ui iling done in that city within the past two years. The aggregate is a million and a half dollars. A tombstone with a six-shooter on graved on it is to be erected t > Ihe mum ,rv of one Tom Bums, wjiowafl kill and in the Choctaw nation lust montm The Fort Smith (Ark) /- dependent surmi-esthat a fix-shooter was probably the Inst thing Tom saw, hence (Le nov 1 design. Two pa s of the Union Pacific sail road h-i go ov.-r the Mi sour i river at Omaha, wer blown down du-ing ■ : c ific sr.o in early Saturday morning. The pi rs are left s a d ing, ad file other ■ ine span ; but it will piobablv take tw > or three m nt Its to rebuild the bridge. The oss is estimati and a r about $350,000. Th Ede ton (N. C.) Times : “A citizen of Dare county told us a day or iwo since that one day 1 >st. f->ll he made a haul wi h his se ne in the ocean, and caught one hundred and wo sharks. Te s-in was on>y two hundred and eighty yards long, and he sav- that twice ae mauv got away as lie anded. Through the ar cst of one Crawford for horse stealing the pc,lie-■ of Fori Wav'6, In_< 1.. have discovered he existene f tin o gauized soen-ty of horse thi* ve-, with officers, signs, gtip-. and pa-swords, vh ■ have been s’ealing fine anim Is >n we-tern Ohio for a long time, and selling them in Fort Wayne. Wit an A Stumor. A i olored postmaster is How called a bl n It mail. r. Aff c ion writ ch is never recipro cated —• euralgie affection. A p u 'ont man is like a pin ; his head prevents him from going too fa r. Adam missed one of the lnxnri of IT-. Ho couldn’t la< gh t his slei-ve. In New Jers v, win n they want to praise a man they say ‘H a< such a mean-looking f ce that a fly wouldn’t light u it. A man declares Unit it isimp ssibie fo hint to keep out of trou ie. t>r in th b s' timerfids ousiness drives him to th" wall. He L a bid-posier. Wny are some won en wry much lik" tea-kettles ? Bcciusetiie' sing a.vuy pi a atitly, and then all at once bod over. Why is a youmr lady who has just ie t boaidin r- chool like a building coi.mir.te ? Because she is ready to receive proposals. it is stlgjested tha’ one re son why Calif rnians hate Cl in- se is be cause the latter introduced tire fash ion of having shirt- washed at least once per we k. An Irish pilot being asked if he knew the rocks in ihe harbor, rep ied with coiifldr-nce, ‘I do your honor, ivory wan of tbim. Til t’s wan,’ ho added calmly, as the ship struck it, fi led. ami sauk. Y -s,’ said she, ‘a dish of ice cream relaxes rile muscles Of mv heart, but two dishes —O, two makes me feel ns though I could l“'e >n and on forever.” So he odered the w iter o bring on another dish, and counted not. ou the cost. It east a gloom ove r an entire church mir, the other night, when the minister’s son walk and up to the grab-bag und pnze-cake table, and demanded iliat the game be a plained to him bdo re he bought his Chips. Jimmy,’ said an Englewood father yesterday morning, The doctor ha just brought yon a beamitul, new In tie sister.’ ‘No he didn’t, neither,’ said Jimmy, ‘fur I seen him whe.. he kmo ii, an* lie 'ad a cane in one hand and nothing iu tlico her. ‘Tli re is one thing about ba'dos, ’ sa cl ala e traveler, They never change. We have girls of the period, nun ol the world, bu the baby is ih same self-possessed fearless, liurhinx, V. rac oiis lilt e heathen in all ag sand in a 1 countries. A baker once into his basket did 1 peep, and peiceived a young child in ii asleep. A wit passing by, his ae toniphment heeded, and arc ly ob ,-e ved, “He found mor- than he kneaded.” The baker replied, ‘Nought |ou ea th can be true , for he who 1 ii eds bread, needs no children, I’m : sme.’ A man nsnally makes s mooli fuss msteirmg a limber Btalk oi uspara gus t-> his mouth as an old woman tT.i -ng io thread a cambric needle with a linen thread. But no matter how crooked a etinw may be, it always finds its way between his lips without trouble, especially when the other end of it b ui a '-Tsetk*. AM ERICHS ONE PRICE STORE - Wo are now rec : eving our Fall Stock of— * DRY uOODS, HATS, SHOES, UMBRELLAS, LADIES 4 GENTS MERINO VESTS. GENTS LINEN SHIRTS AND COLLARS **BON TON” COREETS —an extra article, KNITTING and SEWING TH RE AD, SO!>A, POTASH, POCKET 4 TABLE KNIVES, “RA.ROR STEEL” SCISSORS, 40, &o. THE LARCEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT OF CARPETING IN bourn WESTERN GEORGIA, AND AS low a3 they can be bought io our larger oities- Besides a general and wed assorted stock of FIRST CLASS CLOTHING. We are now having manufactured to order, in New York, a fine lot of SOUTHERN-MADE DOESKIN JEANS SUITS, WHICH WILL BE VERY CHEAP. AND SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHER GOODS AT THE SAME PRICE. We also have the same goods in the piece. while we do not propose to sell a few items at less than cost,for effect, we do intend that our avetage profits shall be as low as those of any house in Ceorgia, Granberry &. Barlow, Americus, September 10,1877 -2ms imi .... 1 1 'v 1 ..* 1 ::. . I .'.'i"!' > 1 '■* ,■■■%■ "■■■ ■■ • New Stock. WE ARE NOW RECEIVING A Large & well selected sleek of Groceries, To which ice ask the attention of the Surrounding Country, and respectfully solicit a por tion of the patronage of all who buys their supplies in this Market — IISP. Cl LLY HJ A RIO*, WEBSTER aud SCHLEY COUNTIES. W e will give PERSONAL and PROMPT ATTENTION, to all business en trusted to u.—hopbig iherel v to merit the confidence of all. ?'!Hff f i M H We have in Store to which v e are making additions daily 's#, UA CON. LA HD, IH.MS COKFIiE SCO AK, KUC. OBACCO -Jga mt- FLOCK. SALT, CHEESE, CH tCKEKS. MACKKBAL, BAGOING A **Bl TIES, SODA, POTASH, SOAP. SHOT, POW.ERAOtPS, Srff- SMOKING TOBACCO—WHOLESALE A RET'IL. >■! *LL OTUMR ARTICLES CSCALLY KEPT IN A GROCERY STORE. IV vv II Keep :• Compiele Slock, >nd wall be Undersold by Tone. Thanking our iriends for past &.vo!“S, we ask a irial in future, to prove what *e true. A. J BUCHANNAN & BRO. lßt and 2nd doors south of Grange Warehouse, Cotton Avenue, Americuß, Ga. sept I‘2-tf COCKRELL i KKOWLTOB’S FLOUR MILLS, SHl'V’ille 9 We Annouca to the PEOPLE OF SCHLEY, MARION, SUMPTER, WEBSTER, MACON AND TAYLOR COUNTIES, THAT WE are making from GOOD WHEAT FLOOR WHICH C!N NOT BE SURPASSED Bf ffl MILLS IK 01 ws GUARANTEE AS GOOD AND AS LARGE A YIELD OR FLOUR, FROM SAMS WHEAT. AS ANY MILL IN THE STATE, AND FAR SUPE RIOR TO ANY WE HAVE SEEN IN THIS COUNTRY. WE ASK BUT A TRIAL—CONVIC7ION WILL FOLLOW Jg3 COO2.HELL & XXOWLTOX, E'laviile 0,., A--. 20, 1677. Proprietors CHAP XTATN" S tew hIQZ'OS ffMMB. afiSUAUSASI? &HB B.coaas EOBItBBERS, FIRST~CIASS F IRE, AXJ> ORES' AT ALL HOURS. •--- - - - BAB AND BILLIARD SALOON CONNECTED WITH THE HOUSE. la.AriMA.Tt STREET, AMBBIOUB.OA. P. ICMAIPIBAH, - - m-i'fe'aasfftDlß. ntro obapmah. -vho never sluts np late or soon, Who cooks good things mom, night and noon. Who keeps a number one Saloon ? BCOO CaAPAASt. Who has good O stern, Crabs and Fish, ueef, Mutton. T irkey, or any dish, From Sausag-x up to what you wish f Bvoo Chapman. Who night and day stands ther° to sell, Plant OyMe 5 on the big halt shell. With i-te AS and Fries as hot as ve'l? Bcoo Chapman, sept 13-3 tn* SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS! JUST RECEIVED AT McMichael Stevens . Our purchases exceeds that of any season past, and w* feel confident that OUR STOCK CAN’t BE EXCELLED' In town in prices and variety We solicit an early call from the people of the% omi . As we will do our best to please iu Price? JKJUCttAIiX. & X *Vs. Annual Subsoripticn $2 OO Who meets his gaest with friendly smile, And for his frieudfi will go his pile, And give them grub in any style? Boon Cnitvkvji And when at night he sits well fed, With Bugg’s “Log Cabin,” and level bead, Who’ll put him in his little bed? Bcoo CairUA-V.i Oh !§good old house on LaMab street, Ob ! good old Rye—good things to eat, Oh Ijbest of places whew yon’ll meet Buck} Chapman. No. 50