The Buena Vista Argus. (Buena Vista, Ga.) 1875-1881, October 13, 1880, Image 2

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fcltr surna ntij&ta *■ W. A.' SIUGI-EYOBL Editor fct Pronriotoc. VIiUNKHUAV MOICNI (i OCTOBKU U, IKKH OTIt AGENTS Rubßeripiinn to the Annus ran ho loft writli either B. A. or W. O. Strange At Rllnville O. T. Walker, of Schley comity. J. Til, R. Westbrook, Auclersonville I*o. Smith Butler. ,7. 11. Smith, Silicon, Ga.‘ DKMOIUVTK NOMINATION FOR FRES/DFST: Winfield g. Hancock, k OF I‘EXNSyiVAKIA. FOE 1 1CE-P H ESWFXT: William H. English, OF IXJ>I AAM . It CONGERS rorllTH OONGEESaiONAL DtRTRICT; Jlrgli R33a<‘fiaa?.iii£, of Coweta. FUmWEtfTIA L ELECTORS. State ut Large. lion. J C BLACK, of Richmond. Hon. R E KEXNON, of Randolph. ALTERNATES. Don. I. J GLENN, or Fulton. Hon. A PRATT ADAMS, of Chatham. District Electors. First—SAMUEL D. BUADWELL, of Liberty. Second—Wm M HAMMOND, of Thom -09, Third—CHRISTOPHER C SMITH, of Telfair- Fourth—LEANDER R RAY, of Coweta Filth—JOHN I HALL, of Spaulding. .Sixth —REUBEN B NISBET, of Put 11am. Seventh—THOMAS W ADAMS, of Bartow. Eighth—SEABORN REESE, of Hau cock, Ninth —Wm E SIMMOMS, of Gwin nett. ALTERNATES. First*-Joseph Camp, of Emanuel. .Second —Wm Harrison, of Quitman. Third—James Bishop, Jr., of Dodge. Fourth —Henry G Cameron, of Harris. Fifth —Daniel P Hill, of Fulton. Sixth—Fleming G Dußiguou, of Bald win. Seventh—Peter W Alexander, of Cobb. Eigth—James K Hines, of Washington Ninth—Marion C Boyd, of White. Congressional Nominations to Date. Hon. 11. <*. TURNER, Second District. (Jen. PUIL,COOK, third district. Hon, J. It’ BLOUNT, Sixth District. Hun. H. t>- BULL, Ninth Dittricf. Hon. N. J. HAMMOND, Seventh District. There was one death in New Or leans of yellow fever on the sth inst. Senator Bayard, of Delaware says Hancock will be elected by half a million popular majority. There was a largo crowd at Kings Mountain on the sth inst. The peo ple were orderly, sober and respect ful—no drunkenness nor profanity, Efforis are being made, it is said, to shove Garfield out of the way and run in Grant on the clectorial vote. That is another effort to disregard the will of that party, Gen. Grant lias just now seen fit to find fault with Hancock’s bravery and question his patriotism, lie has just learned that Hancock is ego tistical and knows less than he thinks. Grant has been much more prudent than any other. — Savannuh News: There are to be seven eclipses this year —four of tin Rim, two of the moon, ami one of the Republican party. The last will oc cur November 2, and will be visible all over the United States, DeJaruette, who was sentenced for the murder of his sister iu Virginia, has been granted a hearing on u ■writ, of error, wnieb will be argured in December. Nancy ]leywood had murdered a woman at Manitowoc, Wis., and was in jail on suspicion; but her denial ot guilt had been persistent, and there was hardly any evidence against her. Her mother visited her in prison, held a crciiix before her, and called on her in the name of the Vji-gin -Vlary to tell the truth, The girl thereupon Confessed thO\ crime. Tire projects of a canal for ships from the Baltic to the North sea, between the Bay of Ivicl and Brunshuttie, in the estuary of the Elbe, appears likely to prove a success- Its depth throughout is to be 20 feet and nine inches, its width at the surface of the water 100 feet, and at the bottom 64 feet, the banks thus having a gentle slope. Provision is also to be made, by means of a peculiar sys tern of locks and reservoirs, for in creasing the depth of water to some 26 feet, whenever it may be desirablo to do so, this depth al lowing of the passage through the canal of the heaviest Gorman iron pi,ad a float, namely, the Konig Wilhelm, a vessel of nearly 10,00 U tons displacement, but drawing on ly 26 feet. In size this canal will not compare unfavorably with the Suez, the latter being seventeen and a half feet wide at the surface ; of the water, 70 feet at the bot tom, and about 20 feet deep. nos. m mi nrri/AN.iN. Our able Biul gallant congress ionul stand uni .bearer, Judge Hindis sunui, is mnliing friends wlierever lie gnus. A friend says his speech in Tulhotton produced it prol'miml impress on in Talbot, comity and made hundreds of votes fur It in. On the stump Judge Pott dare uot meet Duclinuau. Wo trust now our eoui’ty and state elections are all over that every democrat in the county will forgo the dillier cnees of the past, close up ranks and work shoulder to shoulder for llu hanan’s ttiumphai election. Wo owe that much to democracy ourselves and our country. Groeit viilo Vindicator. a no IUIIA NEWS. The Carrol County rimes thinks t hat county will give Buchanan 1500 majority. Ed Mercer, of Atlanta, lias leased the Albany race track at SIOO per day for live days. Matt Smith was found dead in her bed in Gainesville a few days ago. Wm. II Helms, a train hand of the Central Rail Road, was crushed be tween two cars at No. 11, on that road, a lew days ago. A grist mill, and cotton gin, was distroycd by fire on the Woolbright place near Dawson iast Friday. John Rawlins, of Telfair county, Had his right arm and hand “hashed jp” in his steam gin afew day since. Mr. Powell Daniel, of If oust in county was found dead in his bed faew mornings ago. Last Saturday week, the gin house of W. A. Maxwell of Sumter coun ty was burned. Nothing was saved. Nine bales of cotton and a fine gin were consumed, Supposed incendi ary ism. A mam in DeKaib county is said to have had a misunderstanding with his wife a few days ago and took re venge by hanging himself with Lis well rope. Ben Ilowell (col,) who lives on the Pike couuty poor farm and is said to be 110 years old, married Miss Jane West (col) aged 40 years, a few days ago. Both of thi beneficiaries of the farm have entered their m arried life with much appearant pleasure. A young man, named Sellers, liv ing near New Canton, Illinois, with a family named Baker during the nb secnce of Mr. Baker, desired that Miss Raker should marry him, she refused, and Sellers drew a pntol, killed the f unity dog, and then shot Mrs. Sellers, next the girl, and then blew oat his own brains. Ev ery shot k.lled. Brunswick Advertiser: From eotno of the Carolina exchanges, we learn that there will boas much sea island coton raised on the island and sea coast of Carolina as there was in] an te-bellum days: aud that, too, by col ored labor. What sad contrast to this picture onr own present desolate, but once beautiful and fertile island present Glynn county often raised ttvo thousand bags, the greater part f which was grown on St. Simmonss. This year there will not be five bags on the while island. Albany News and Adveitiser: It is with feelings of the profound regret that we have to record the death of one of he most worthy and popular oung men of Southwest Georgia, Mr. P. D. Davis, of Baker coun ty who died suddenly at the lamily home thirteen miles south of this city, a short while before daylight yesterday morning. Mr. Davis had been attending the election the day before, and had ta. ken an active part in canvass for his father, who was a candidate for the State Senate. After the-excitement of the eleclion was over he went' home Wednesday night, and was a corpse before morning. Athens Banner: “Thomas Akins the colored man who had himself in acerated in the Watkinsville jail be cause lie had been bitten by a mad dog, left the jail clay before yester day, Ho had never thought there was any danger of his going mad, for he did not fuel sure that tho dog was mad. Mr. Juanas, howover, is positive that ho was. Tho madstone which belongs to Akins, and was. applied to the wound, but it was so long after Ihe biting occured that, the wound bad festered and the stone would not adhere. It will be fortunate if Akins does not have an attack of hydropbia A hu!\ hll fi’t m a wii dow in At lanta to the gr. mnl, a distance of 20 feet, one night last week, without serious injury. Mrs. Sarah Caldwell, for many yiais a citizen of Fort, Valley, died tiio other day at lloinpsL ml, Texas. — Iliiwkiiisvilln Dispatch. Mr. W, L. Lane, the Democratic nomini c for llie Senate, in the Alba ny District, has retired Irom the race —another nomination will he made Charlie Bird, of Jones county was fenrlully cut in a difficulty on Q ction day and All Gknvson of the same county was shot by a Mr. Rickets, Savannah News: AVe learn that U. J, Corley, the beloved pastor of Trinity Methodist Church, who met with such a severe and serious acci dent in getting off a train at Mount Airy in July last, is expected home this week. He lias not entirely re covered from the effects of las great injury, and his strength is still im paired. We regret to hear that the injury is so serious as t > permanent'}* cripple him, the injured leg being an licit or so shorter titan the other. Sumter Republican 9th in.-t, : On Thursday last Mr. U. B. Ilarrold was walking over the platform, at the de pot, .in this city, when ho stopped upon something that turned iin.lor his foot. lie fell and spininetl his ankle ko badly that I c tins been con fined to his bod since. He sprained his ankle, slightly on Friday of last week at the depot, but was up in a day or two, but tbiis time he is suf ferin'!, Spat til Times and Planter: ‘ The devil and Ii is wife are fighting,” was the ejaculation of one of our young ladies the other day when she beheld t!ie sum shining, and it raining at the same time. Then, quick as thought, came “Good enough for her; she had .10 business marrying him.” Girls, there's lots of philisophy in this. The devils are not cl confined to the lower region. Fort Valley Mirror: On last Mon day Mr. George W. Thames, an old and excellent citizen of oCiawford county, was so uufoitunate as to lose his gin house, new sixty-saw “Oenteti iaP’gin and eight bales of cotton by fire. Th*-y were packing cotton and dropped a lamp which caused the Arc. Columbus Enquirer: Mr Jesse Board, of this city, has a three-legged pig, which is a curiosity. It is now three or lour months of age, and has fair prospects ol becoming a hog. The pig has three well developed legs, two in front and one hind leg, and no sign of the second hind leg. It is a com plete curiosity and can be seen at the Centennial store. Mirriwether Vindicator: The Nor wood men had a large banner on elec tion day displayed on the public square. On one side was a sketch to represent Norwood with a fiddle in his hand. In Mcrriwethsr it i-i gen orally believed that Norwood will now “hang up dc fiddle and do bow.” The horses on the Lumpkin and Columbus mail route are breaking down and considerable complaint arises from the benifieiaries along the line. Such is the elfoct of mail route monopolies. Merriwi titer Vindicator: Last Monday Mr J W Estes, near Oak land, had ltis gin house, two gins ami press burned. Tue fire Originated by a spaik produced from Diction ol -he iron screw packing cotton. 13. J. Owen, a jnMtce of the peace at Concordia, Mississippi, was hold ing court, when a young man, named Glover, caused a disturbance, and was Oid. red under arrest by the court. The comt and prisoner both drew pist 1, and each began shoot ing, Owen fc II dead, shot through. arrcDGloyen ran about 500 yards and fell. He died in eight hours. Both were young men ol good stand ing. ITawkinsvillc Eispntch- Steamer Cumberland, Capt. Wilcox, left on Sunday morning for Savannah, with three hundred bales of cotton. The Cumberland will hereafter make reg ular trips between this place and Sa vannah. Greenville Vindicator: Gen. Wof lord said last Tuesday that Gov. Col quit! was a good but weak man, — Suppose a real strong man had op posed Mr. Norwood, would there have been a splinter of his fiddle left ? If awKlNsvillk, October <i Hawkinsville is once more mis ti css of the situation. The tVeatner Cumberland left Item on Sunday last with several hundred bales of cotton for Savannah. We have now organized a joint stock company and a fund raised for the purpose of purchasing boats for Hawkinsville that will make reg ular trips to Savannah. Notwith standing the railroad has reduced its rates considerab v, we must have them lower, and the warfare is now actual and bitter. Wo arc determined to do all in out power to continue the rapid itnprov< mcut and wonderful growth of our town, and it must be admitted on all sides that wo have superior advan tages. The letter of Joe Drown to the people against Lawton is regarded here as one of the ablest documents ever written—-an arg - ument unanswered and unanswer - able. Lawton's reply is regarded its eour.eous and gentlemanly, but .cry weak. Let us return this grand o'd giant inteleJoet. to the senate, and in the Georgia's prou dest boast will l j that Drown and IIi ! i sat side by side in the Ui.i'ed Sta'es Senate Tim Athens Banner says that a hoi\n b!c crime was committed a few days ago by a negro named Bradshaw, out in the country between Piineoton and Georgia factory. Biadsliaw entered the hous of a white man named Spence*, while the lat'er and his wile were out at work, and found three girls, the eldest being about ill il l e< n years old With a of liglitwoo 1 ho struck the oldest on ilia head and knocked her down, Oio of the others started to mu on*, when lie struck her inflicting an ugly wound un der the eye. Site escaped, however, and w idi all her speed went to the Reid where her parents were and informed them of what had happened. Hasten ing home they found that the villain’s design had been too commit an outrage too l.oriiblo to name. The reports which we ch ained differed as to wheth er or net the hellish intention was ac complished. The negro It ad fled, and the whole community turned out in pur suit. It was not long before he was caught, and he was b:ought jto jail 'in Allien-. The girl whom he knocked down is very seriously injured. So se vere was tile blow on her head that her eyeballs were partially forced from their sockets, and she is now lying in a crib, cal condition. GIN AND MILL NOTICE, Our Steam Gin and Grist mill, located in Buena Vista, are now do ing good service. We will gin cotton or grind corn witli dispatch and give satifaction. Wo wifi soon be prepar ed to supply the people with the best and freshoi-t meal. OP Hill II 11*1' IMIS: Thanking you for your liberal patronage since the establishment of my store here and having by this timed found out the exact wants of the people of this commu nity, 1 have decided to lay in for the fall and winter trade A. LARGE SELECT h i k HaiCoiptf * §t's. m-Jtt €llß* W A tyr -*uo -8 4v§B -4 -'aaatfc consisting in part of Flour, Sugur, Coffee, Corn, Meal, Rice, Potash, Soda, Meat, Hams. Starch, Kerosene, To bacco, Snuff' Baggin, Ties, Mak oral, &c. IN FANCY GROCERIES: ill sorts of Canned Goods, Candy, Crackers, Cigars, Tea, Sprices, Fruit and Bread. I will have the largest and most complete stock ever brought to this place. And don't you torget my WHISKEY, BEER, AND LEMONADE Department next door to, and distinct from, the grocery business. I -will take espcciat care to fill orders for such goods ns are not kept in my line, will charge very moderately for IAA.UMWG. I will make daily trips to and from Americas, and will pay in Cash the highest market price for any all Country produce. Respectfully, s. M. COLOPISr, BUENA VISTA AND AMERIOUS, GA. GEORGIA Makwin County. Notice i* hereby given that applica tion will ho made to tlm n***;i General 1 Assembly jf the S ato cl Geoigta for a j charter for a radnmd to run from tin j town of Buetm Vis'fl, Marion county, 1 state of Gootgia to either Geneva or ] S.alion No. 0. on tlie South • tvesiei n j railioad in the county of Talbot Thai | siid application w It he nude in the names of T L Uogeis, K M Butt, E \\ Miller, J L Baker, Joseph rdiort, Mu-on M'lion, John A Shepherd, I 1’ Blue, .1 VI Gill, John P II .Ilia, J D Wilson, J b j Mathews, John W Slaughter, J U ; R.isliin, .1 W Allfdey, J M Lowe, M Hair, T U Lumpkin, John R Short. 11 Z Burt. Gaoige Muni'o, I’ 8 Stevens, Joe S Rog ers, Mathew Melton, C II MoOalt, Itobt E M Tlm'rp.*, S I! Stow, I! A Story, Wm J hint, A U Bulk, J H Denham, S W Woodruff, F L Wisdom, Seaborn Montgomery, M G Brady, M R Edwards, 1. W Wall, corporators. By Tim Coupon.vrons. Jilfi BONANZA | MR & RESTMWi 1 j} Will run <liy ami night*. Meals at anyaml till hours. Everything cash at llivj 13 nuiza. Pun t fail to call on II (’• JOHNSON, Cor. Cotton Ave. & Forsyth struct. Americas. HOOKS ANI) STATIONERY. • I now have n. fine assortment ol New and Fresh Goods, consisting ol Books. Music, Stationaiy. Ac., at as low pi ices ns can be bought elsewhere Daily and Weekly Newspapers and Magazines for sisL*. Will receive subscription for all periodicals. All orders promptly filled. AGNES AY-COCK. Americas. Gu SIMMONS & SIMMONS* ATTORNEY AT AW AMKKICUS, (JIJO lOlA• to tin It 10-1 vr. AND —- FEED STABLE. All parsons visiting Geneva will please re member that I am prepaid to take care of horses and vehicles left in my charge. I am preparing to build new aud commodious Stables for the accommodation of the pub ic. Drovers aud stock men will have ample provisions made for them. Patronage desir ed olid satisfaction guaranteed. Rates rea sonable, and attention faithful. P. A. S. MORR IS, Proprctor. flMlliu SI it r,3 Jl rtit Side iIItOA7J STIiEET, COLUMBUS, A. Thi* Hotel is now open for the reception fransicn and permanent boarders. Reing ro pently opened, everything is new and in “apple eic" order. No labor or expense spared to make guests comfortable, and. as my rates are very reason a Lie, those who stop at. •the “West Side Hotel” cannot fail to be pleased. My old fiends from Marion will meet with a heart} elcoiue at this house. U. W.RADCLIFF. Pro’p ■ • ' 7 '"* fl| BUENA f Has now become * 1 151 tis Local Mews ! paper of and. a3. frcs.c ii 1 a other paper from c ’ J ies €S 137 ft jO sj Li %o a aLv i-lS' o TV o • o of* tills seetioEa (espe cially Marion aiul better advertising' is t ■ cheapest tin the end, so putronise