The Buena Vista Argus. (Buena Vista, Ga.) 1875-1881, December 22, 1880, Image 2

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Si* fiita ~~W. A. Editor & Proprietor. WEDNEHIur MOnNI 'O DEOEMIiEK, 22 1880. Justice Strung,of the United States Supreme Court, has roHi;rmt.*—‘“■‘g Georgia railroad has declared n scmi-nnnnid dividend of 8£ pi r cent. A young woman in New York so v<n>ly horsevwhippcd a nmn who in— r >d her. ■ mo Tiihnne: Tho distance from rjf.oga to Horne is sixty-live • and the toadgis new uady to ;.:ul the money is in'huud to axable properly Of Georgia . -reu ul over thirteen million .a thus luring the past yearn A little daughter of Mrs Jeff Vaa ghn'waa roaatedjulive in Gainesville. Her dress canght from au oven in •which her mother was cooking. The sales of cotton injfSavannah on the 10th reached the large linin' her of 6,524 bales, the largest /cr one single elay this season, amlj at 4 p. m., prices advanced Jc. all round. ol I'tvv York think one of their colorjjsjentitled to a seat in GarlUU’s cabinet, g* Upland rice begining to be gener ally cultivated in some ports of North Carolina, In the vicmityjol v v.bern. 40.000 bushels „boeu marketed and sold thisse, • , Some zealous politicians are work ing to have all. telegraph Services placed exclusively in the hands of the genera! government like postal mat ters. Three negroes were sold at auction in Lynchburg, Ya , on the loth ins', under an ordergfrom a magistrate lor the crime of vagrancy. They were knocked off r.t four , dollars each lo three months. Judge “Locbrnno’rud some other politicians who may reasonably ex pect a fat fee are tiying to get Congress to force Georgia to pay $1,500,000 ol bonds which have been repudiated by the people. Under .he new code of Mississip pi, any citizens has the rigut to ar rest or carry before a Magistrat.Cj.or any proper officer the tramp.ho may find beggtDg about his premises. It is made the duty§ of to commit Buchjtramps the jail he is£to bethirod out as Loth er convicts are. Rcleriugjto hof money-jj in Journal .says: “In’this'city itjis going from bad jt° worse. Twenty years ago the„lcgit mate expenses which a candidate lor Congress was called npon„tomeet av -~~v> <s>vnn ti.o lioston dist) at least, SIO,OOO i3 quite mo: The more closely the die. tri vided political)' the great t: '. Weekly hasjJounu the tr. ~ of. t!i efc'outh.gjlt medi tat. , .-i:r . For ;y ■ ;. Cotton. For vice pro dent—Corn. .Cabinet dicers—Secretary of the. treastuy. Hog; secrerotary of*[state, Horse; secretary of interior. Cow; secretary of war, Sheep; poster gen eral, Mills, Gins, [Factories, Facto ries and Factories. Victoria Norris a young woman, living at the house of James Jolly, in "Deifalb county, in 187 G, was missing from the community. Jolly gave out the report that she had gone to live •with relatives, and at the time noth ing was thought of it. Sometime after this, Jolly got iuto a scrape about somcfcotton and to escape tied tto .Mississippi. Sometime si. 1 the ’remains of the young worm,, was found,under a brush heap near . here Jolly lived, injDoKalb county, and circumstances pointed to her having been murdered by Jolly. Ho was arrested, brought back to Georgia and tried in DeKalk Superior Court, found guilty and sentenced to nn- j prisonment for life. Jolly has made a statement since his sentence, de claring his innocence of her murder, land saying that she tell out of his wagon and killed herself, and he buried her and said nothing, about it. Jolly is abor t2B years old, and Las a wile and three children. Killing tlx BomociaUu Party. It was killed when John Adams beat Jeflerson in 1707. It was killed in 1824, when Andrew J.iCkson was/lefeated by the CO' li - tion between the el John Quincy Adams and Ilenry Clay. It was killed iii 18JJ by th>- “Hard Cider Campaign" of Gen. llui risou. It was killed by the election U Abraham Lincoln in 1860. It was ki Id by the re-clection o! Lincoln in, 1804. It was f,killed by the election of Grunt in 1808. It was killed '‘wry dead,” by tin re election of Grant in 1872. It was killed by the “counting out’ process of 1876. It was k lied by the “counting in” 11'occss of 1880. tgdt had a popular majority in’;:Lt South, and within*!) small fraction'of a popular majority in the North and si in, tho electionfof J ; 80. st numbers over three millions ol votersjin the North and [We.-t, and nearly a million in the South. It*members cannot be bought or intimidated; their lidth'J upon tlie eternal principles of justice, liberty and equality. Long live the democratic par ty. — Monmouth (N.f J.)bD-. mocrat. THE EPIZOOTIC. This troublesome disease is again spreading overjhe West,"but not so severcjasjbcfore. Good®/cetl, fpvarm stabh.s, and modcrato work will*gcn erally keep them in good [condition, but if Llie h arse calehe; cold or t::pe rieuces an usually Severefaituck, the following simple and safe cure from an old veteran arinyfsargeou'wiL be found valuable: “Take <>no pound gum asafoedita, mix it with one gal lon boiling water, stir f the ’ mixture until the assafoetida Jet the r.ixture Coo!,strain and give half pint every three hours. This will re lieve tho horse within twelve hours, and.,give him,a,.good appetite.-Auter ican^Aggiicullurkt. GEORGIA NEWS. The next session of the Woman’s Missionary Society wiH\bel£held in Fort Valley some time next summer. The two'prisonersjjoarriedjjfromUp son county/to Spalding jail some days since, sawed a case knife last week and made their os cape. Tho gin house u of ColonsFJohn B. Willcoxon, of Coweta county, thirteen bales Gf cot ton, was burned last night by ain in cendiary, '£NoJnsurance. N0,]46- There is a bill in the United gfjates Senate and likely to pass, appropri ating the net proceeds of the sale of public lands andj-thc net proceeds ol patents to the education of tho chil drenijof the States acco!'diii<yj,to“ illit eracy. Albany last Friday night two bales of cotton were stolen from the railroad plat form r.t Duckcr’s station. The cot ton belonged to Mr. JP R Durham, and hady been hauled to[tho station for shipment' to this city Saturday morning. As soon as the cotton was missed Justice J L "Dozier and his bailiff, Mr. John Cannon, got on track cf it and followed it to within about a mile Walker’s station where they found it hid in an old field. Re turning to tJicjfstation they met a col ored man named 11 amp Peterson, who told them that Reuben Wagon er, Alex Johnson and Jack Norwood, all colored, had been to his place be fore day that morning with two bales of cotton, which they desired to de posit in his gin-house and have re packed. He had refused to Jet them deposit the cotton in his gin-house, but told them to take it out and hide it somewhere —giving them to under stand, at the same time, that he would perhaps accommodate them later. Like a good citizen, Hamp went to the station and informed against them, and no time was lost in taking out warrants for them. — They were arrested by Mr. Cannon and committed by.Justico Dozier in default oi bonds to the amount 0 f S3OO each lor their appearance at the next term of the Superior Court. Mr. Cannon 'brought them to t-hecity and lodged them in jail for safekeep ing yesterday. , Old Fort Hawkiuu lias tumbled to the ground. Seventy five emigrants left Green county lust week for Texas. A spe ciul car was sent by tho railroad for their acoominod&tlon. A boat van recently capsized near Siiviuiunh and six colored pt rsons drowned. The mumps have tnr!;>d‘Fors)th and noitriv tvey otic in tho plana have them. Several colored men arc candid; ter for the (.'Hi; oof JuMicoof the Ptae m Dougherty c-mnty. An Arlington man recently killed it hawk whi. h measured throe led from tip t© tin.. Col. Win. Wadlej and other prom ineut' col iMe Is lire very much Opposed to the Railroad Commit. sioa. Theij next ness in u of t.hc Sou Hi Georgia OenforciH: be h: Ot lumbus. t):i last, iturday, in r Conyers, Mr. Bartim®Scott ami three of iw, brothers wore out hunting, m<l wltilc itqtlir jwocds a largo dead post -oak tree fell amongst the parly and com pletely crnehctlfaad killed Barton Scott I::-t.iutly, breaking his .lack iu * wo.places. Rill Moore, of the Augusta Nows, makes the announcement that Angus ta h:is|2, 000 mere women than nn.n, and >vt§he remains',a bachelor. J. W. Rogers, formerly amosidont has been arrested m West Tennessee and brought to Georgia to be tried for the murder of James Smith about six years ago. ■■ o claims 4o‘have acted iu self defense. On Thursday evcineg'jthe Itonse of Mr. J. C. Reid, in Putnam,"county, was; burned, together with (iiteen bah sof ami ton am! two gins. There was some insurance. Three male negroes were recently sold at auction in Lynchburg, Va., under au old vagrant iaw. Owner ship to cease after three,"mouths. Tk.'.y wore bid off at four dollars. Calhoun Times: Last week Mr- Woody,;, with his wife and three chil dren, drove iuto a ferry;,.Mont gomery ferry, lie nnd tho Deny man werej standing on the boat and ills vvjifb and chi!drcu[inThe wagon. Tire boat sank and the wagon floated down the river about threo-qnartera of a mile^-Mre.,s Wooddy andj the cliildren were taken]; out at Reed’s ferry, and Mr. gsYoody7 and the ferryman got out right. One of the horses was drowned. Atlanta Post-Appeal: The South ern Christian Advocate eays the churches of the B ble were not sup ported hot cuppers, r. fil s, grab-bags,■ concerts and such like questionable entertainments. To which Rev. Dr. Tucker, of the Chris tian Index, adds: “Yes; originally the church was founded on a rock; nowJiUseems toFlsa ;/oundcd”!argelv on fmc music, jini'Craeke, ice-cream and oyster stews.” We“think Rev. D. Tucker wouid be much nearer right if to assert that the modern church has foundered .on tine music, ice-owam, oyster stows and jim crockF, y News and Advertiser: The amount of cotton still coming in from the plantations is a .-..rprise to many croakers who estimated the crop of Southwest Georgia cut so t-. rribly.— Tho country isn’t in such a bud fix after ail. The ono-baio carts which come in from the pineywoods create a greater stir among the hmercants than nM the six-mule teams: for t'm-y know the, one bale belongs to its owners anil that the money to ha derived therefrom is good. Atlanta Constitution: On tho 27th of April, 1878, Wash McDaniel, a white man j was tried in the Wilkin son county Superior Court, upon the charge of murder and sentenced to the penitentiary, and since that time has bc-en devoting his energies to the State. Not long since an indict ment was found against him charging him with another murder of a more outrageous character, and on .yester day, in compliance with the demand of the State officials, McDaniel was surrendered to their charge to be ta ken back homo to stand a trial on the second indictment. It is though hanging will be las lot when the case is disposed of. Ho will leuve Atlan ta this morning in charge of an osß fficer, who will take him back to hia county for trial. The Lumpkin Independent reports n’l the can lubtics ul Stewart confity for re-election, uitd thualar they have n > opposition. That's comfortable. Lev, A. At. Wynn bad a very cor dial gnMii g bn his return to hin old home in Suvarin h, Two convict-! ul the camp nv i Onjl'i' Sw amp died last w< ck. Both wore iruai Buvannah. The bulk of the,H'oci-.’.-oUlc!;Nwho ult"mb j .i tin: aimnrtl mb ting in f.'a 1 1 uet-iora-' of Hit'city that t.i.ey f. t>: uib ml the meeting of t,li • f-i holders, and in consequence of there being au quorum pros. id. the me. !■ mg had to adjourn. The efiii' l ‘T of Ordinary and ' let oi So] it. riot* Court of Frank I: a count y were 'entered by sonic unknown per son: on the .Uit:r, and the records ..I tiie count) burned, At the municipal election iu M n:v- I ion ' last Frida} Jl he ti-iiowirq; officers { wore eheted: Major. Join i>. Fei- I dor; alder men, W. J. flniqror, L. If | Bosw-.rth, P. H. AVtliiunm ami It D. j Watt. J. J. linden:: f: :!d over lor u year. I), K. Britmon, Clerk and treasurer. A colored mail in UNewnnn was * party last Saturday night A waito man is injaii under arrest. C. 11. Hamburg' r, traveling sc let - man b w a J.lacon house, committed suicide in Hardman last “:iUir ;oy. An i • Coimtitut'oa scys: “'A-.;- i- i.t a i;.ily in Sumter cctmlv who Ins lost two liusbautis within 'the last 1 months. She mu’ricd in n little over two months alter the death of her first husband, and I.’lowed her sec ond sponau to thu grave about two weeks after he led her to tilt: dt-.r. I Bo:L were good Citizens venose a<\v i Is rogrctted.ia the commaj-ity w'u re i they lived. j Mr. S- rsl.'oru Sh'.iiiult!, of:; Marly * i one tuoucui.fdru'he'.s of c >rn iairt!- vd last night togetlicr wiih a g-.e-.i many stacks of fodder. Tie was ab sent in Baker county at, tin time. It I is supposed to Lav-: be n the woribof : an ir.c. ndiary, and loss will fill | ily upon Mr. BiielSoli!. W- hope the i guilty party may be speedJv appre- I bended and brought to justice. A:- | lingtoa Advance, lltti. On Thursday of last week Jo Mc- Lendon (colored) and wife got up a “iiiuss’’- : which resulted ;o •.r.oh | of them taking cut a w irr:;e* for the arrest of t"ie otln-r. 0:i Satuntay they were arr igne 1 before a ."I'min.'it ial court, but- witir what result wo have not learned. Whi'e th- y were attcaiiiiig rt, one of t::!•;>• ct-h --dren, a girt abtrnt two ve or tab tocn years old, w.m so fiadly b-irm’d that, -he, dii lon Monday. Tho ;;=rt v;;v picking si ~in the (i.'i i, and -.wnt up to a b o uo-g stv.m|> ii :a. a. when her lb"-..-took tiro i: too blaze. 'I f(i> l-)v. i:rg persons c.' the joint beari c.f finance of ti--.- br-mh GeorgiaConibrer.ce for the ne::t year: Dr. It. W. L'U’ttt, prosido;,; : “ G. J. (Jrif’.bb-', secretary; Rev. 8. Sweet, treasurer; J. XI. Mnuhl'n, b F. Brcodlovo, J. P.'.v, N. .v. Morchou-f, C. A. Moore, Mb Junes, A, M, Brannan, 0. M, Hpecr, Samuel Hayes, TANARUS, D. Haukius, 1 '•:■. 11. Fislur. Tho following preachers were or - daiued daieoas at tho I;t..t session ol t£i i , oouin G*-■.-,giu, Cotiferciioj r.i, Hawkinsvilie: If, A Hodges, George W. MctLiewf. J. J. Aiisioy, Barrel ;i. Key, (J. G. V,'r ight, J.’H. Carter, J. C, Face, J. S. Evans, (i. V. -V! I ':'.: ;-, J. 11. Frisbee, if. C. Britton, J. J, Barrett, 11. 11. Clarke, Henry yorMous The following Ministers were or dained Elders at th-; Conference held in Hawkinsvilb, week before lasi: Vvb J. Stallings,L. A Snow, R. W. Macdoned, John It. Carter, John Wlikes, G. M, Pivscott. Oglethorpe Echo: There i.-as been a good deal of excitement in our com munity for tiie last two or three weeks on account of mail dogs. About a month ago a strange dog passed through Mr W F Moore's farm and bit one of his dogs and came near biting an old negro. In a few days on-:; of Mr Moore’s dugs began to show bogus of hydrophobia and bit, over a dozen dogs in various sections. Another accident lias boon const and ly little harmless toy pistols, this tiino in Columbus, Tim Times i.f that ei'y says tlmt on 5Ti inluy lif-t j iiiHi enrnost Joliiimmi, son of MV, : .?( •: ,1 dinsoft, i'.liil" jilnyinj* with u ; :•••; bull il to < \pl do ill hill i luce, it, ■ m* the litlio fellow h..d i hiv:: .•;i.■}j ■ i 11: , i’. nn<! hi show lb il i ; ! :iM •*-t go ei.'P, pi::. .:■! -t ngniugt i nml Mi'inpi'd it, when |it imns-diii'dv exploded Iho glyonr | .no C;i:t:iih:o nnd made U ; Ugly I wourul ou the id i. T 1 o j charge had to be < :;tr:u t id. I’.u mors oboal Uuioti Point, j Giveno county, my that the continue ‘wet weather has rolled a thons-jnd j iu!t\i o( c otton but would have been i delivered at th: j;d.:pot of lbut place. Another cm of lint Ding to tU-nlli a: - to lie obit, W i, ■ ike already l.*ng i list of sncbjiiccidenu this season. It ' o,; u red near C’arncslille, Eemklin i e,.':!-.ty, r on Ido'VUi insirtn!. and tve ■ ' from the Id gi*t< r tl. it. the vic tim-v. ifs Lucy Holly, n-n old colored j iiviii on tin; form Of Nit'TO. fAjS i.‘ v. u uee-D that dnv, | lu t.’c a© a. in., going to her 9 j i>:i li.. V ! ruing all J W.ia./if; lllid j i .at' id -o.i pact * from her ! c © ■)! land clashing i '. tc A ©out front the duct i iierY'd-::; toth. 1 spot where she . c l .*n 1 : i.iceljt'* the liHunw, Every ! . file : ol'jrra was burnt off vx i:vc:J ::':d -cchillgs andjud t.iii v-/ie oil her body, cx •e. ■'i mid r.teu. A Coro. : . . .' and. i the jury of death by ac cident: i turn 1 ; g. r ! in A. Chronicle and ‘ o: aa . lust i this eifyVca'led on Judg Eve, of i the Coa-oClair'. nud informed | ii‘M ''■■■■• a i just, i\ ceived a young xoan who cou fcy in iii;; r:. j duel. Tin.: elmdci ye ve.s handed by• . ■ • . : eomi. Th-.- i ■■•ite'.en gave Judge Hvj the note to . di ;ci nail that ii tlie chal coopted prompt ly. ! I-: 10 - l'p tv l* V.'GUb l t 0-V ;l< 10 tuc ! c:ii illetjcgrti 1 parry. Judge Eve issued I Avarrai'ts lor -the arrest of t-ho dial 1 onger and ins src.ittil; for the one i ou the eiairgo of sending a cilnliengo, ! and for die oilier on the charge oi ! c■; I ry : n,;• it, hoc li lining clfun.ios uu ! and r the Ih\v of Georgia. i Griffin No.-..-: When the'Sh^riiF, | Bridge!-;, after being out on official bn.-iuess, i-(-turned to hie home some tight miles fount Griffin, about mid night <u Monday, he >und his wife i and i/n.idrciu in the woods and Isis ! dwel'iir.g and ernohe house iu ruins, j Tt-e f,unify hud retired and '.vent to !:d n vdi--i! they were ar-.used by a ,'>i;i:.." :••>!* wlro itved mar by. and I ii. .. ;.i:iDed wltn on.v uvu rv -mnli i■■ u: >unt of doth!tig nnd furniture, ! i-.'j.j : -e. Y.d bv Sluioe V. no . AUK • iu i iicir i!-iaiico. Air Bridges had a , odd hoi;wilich fi.-ul JVCenl ly : - v: .t :fm f-:',so(i. and tins well fur ui-iu';:. in Ids smoke imiiso was n ! >■ udi!.ri.ii;y*qniuitv of meat, l.ran j by. (to., rb! ol wfitcli wn-s (:e<tn>yed. liurinv the progr-vs of ihe lire, hi.- e.o;Ti, Pit,' y:,r f.-: i:i.-'i,;-.r:t, us set on ] fire, though the wind was ’.bowing in an opposite direction from 1 ids iij'i-e and bui tar someone go |■■ g dait would have al.-o been |1 it rued down. is was clearly Go work of some infamous scorn <!rcl, there can be no duiuit, and it is to be. hoped the guiily pv.-ty tnaj bo !■: -;Ut- and puti Abed lo the extent of :ho eiV:ire propeny Mr. Biidges had i.a-.ui ineecJ h'h■.-I-i, but his loss ; of it- being his ivmi) will i: .). 1 i:t to m tir (To bars* the pntiiy nl the v\hole community; ii tie seotus to ii-'.ve a great deal ol j;:..-.', hick, as last year his mill house —on wiiich Use■••••• w*i no insurance —bnrtuvl, i*nta-ii:ig on him a l.,ss of nbi.ut §3,000. t; ... ... , • r fu c: i id, id. t S r-" : '■/ ■■■■■ ■ .••• PX h s and. / • ■ - m <3 mm wm* C> V ' 7 4 and \; p „ liapuiro IH-Cj-l-o Soda fa *">f f. lij'ltiiy il-rfy wii.llo eoSor# Ifc_ may nrjpeai* \vS-u-% toy Ifaclf, ?ilrC pa <T> OMPAII 7. SO U WIT U O v -x 7J r.•: <■ and i fy, <• j *•* ■■ a M Al 7 D n. Jll!frdL s > wlii 2iow *lio Sco }>:•-. your Soda is x-vZrlio r-'-'Td pii ! u.2'l, a fc.irAva.ul be fiSKUijAAv. ijlj rwwl *or notifjf who prefor bread made with •troast, will i:.*iprovo li/d equality, rnato It rif;o bottosaud prevent It from pourir.p, by Bdding c-Mo-iiiidt tc£.r.T!OGr.i'-.l of Clmreli t.z Co.’.? Seda cc i \il cxi.i uij. Aie HUi’e awil not nae too much. Tho rxoofthla with cc-nr mill: In profronce to iiiJiing Powder, ravf twenty timers Its coat. fd; j coo x-oonil prtc 1 : :.<*o tor v-I'Af.blo iuionnac CJo-t o :ui l'ertu curciiil/y. show to mm saosEK. i • JI ... ** r/^9 Baal ®x: J Mte&m piajifffli is r.:l Jp|j p iii&? liJ li 1 Bl M l , : i j:A . . : and 1 1 ... y j its—i Maakas X-j-iiJ Has now become wn i v BeTMUKimn His js s sh/ I fthi, onriij air -p ic\T ms tlie Local Mews fd PC; •'"G.-Xi p of S:,iXA- cXA/ k > A A. Jk ? fif a itu In tat atj re nriTT T nir | M Ahi IS \ || i V /.x jl piilj il 5 | || J•: 11 U 1 I IpH j ■w b" ii L J/. i.' a ti. JL CtJ? Ju Vi X i. ii ot-J JL wh@re if | fens a Larger circsala v-trth i\ l’ ; "icrir// camw* 4g&m A.x -X'f a ...... -uG jLis 7m Viv- 4;srlrau. "q © © in * ■ x:> TANARUS: iiy fx Vi ]: ■; r (f?; 13 ffb IHi y! - J fl ivlli c@sMpsai e e miyof H T 7 ' 3 ® J ? 4F? a! /* SJ other paper from q/i S R w Macoss to Albany be- A i H "R ' ft T- .T...” fShAn 7:' ‘il? O r*i /TO r a aV w n/L 'H H/JLa.'O AJ JL tlHiik'd (&> AP. „ PH TTlrr -MTV TTft do a Hi© X. H • ITu J::i. : rr-:.””x r-:;| i X‘V:' ■ dipf H a..-,:a d.i j Nfj G: irdj n’| Is A: U 1 H F3 lil rv! W tii a.a i.| i ha X g n -iY a M %, /Hal tl Ldtiil II BlLlfiiiP "SS ff i>-> ,<*, btT7©>Ti V if CtiiLulvi/ H-feidl-ii XO 4 Til <9 4 ® / fV : p. and q.: : i Q;\r R 8 •cix tdi/;_> xixr ii'C>'' \ 'H.-' iH |4 HH / © T3II m/B” 0 - p lixMl SUMS ?-S i' v 3 O .TT: @d |1 ,/Th n-x 'L.xy If JLjiSiJp q A A * ftj A & © ddetteif iaslyeFtasMig’ medium* rji|| p gjjigr|i is Lie cheapest in the ©oailj ' §© IpsatriDeise Y . p I'O'l W* AWP iCWTQ Jv-X Xi.iX J k~/