The Buena Vista Argus. (Buena Vista, Ga.) 1875-1881, February 05, 1881, Image 2

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?he v, *. W. 1.1, W BI'*JLIOTO*, Kill tor. AV. A. SINGLETON, roi Turn a i: eoitit i:s ru v /> j;.v r. BUENA VISTA. OA., FEBRU IRS sth. 1881 An lowa clergy tnnn regulates his marriage fees by weight, t ho rate be ing four cents a primal for the groom ©mi two for the bride. The first pound of coltoe evrir mined in the United States lias been grown by a Florida woman. She ebtuined the plants from the Agri cultmetl Departmental Washington, Riding with pickles has become a regular business according to recent telegraphic dispatches. The bright green kind arc fail Ol poison. The innocent pickles ore dull in color. — Exchange. A whit* girl who had I ved a* ser vant in a regro family, was refused ad niDsion to the public fehool in Lynch burg, Va. The girl lias brought a fait for dninages, under the civil rights bill Tbe Georgia press is lauding Em Ory Speer for a bill which was first agitated by Henry I\rsons. Honor to whom honor is due, gentlemen. • ___ m m _____ The Republicans have a majority of one in the city of Wheeling, Va. Too close to be comfortable. The Republicans of Augusta, On., arc pressing the claims of Senator ltruce, of Mississippi, for a place in Gat field’s cabinet. Ibuce, it will be remembered, is a colored man. Last Wednesday’s issue of the Ma- Oon Telegraph and Messenger con tains the valedictory of €ol. H. 0. Jones. According to the Baltimore Sun Hancock's majority of the popular vote of the people was 6,332. Tie was lacking on electoral count, how ever, and that’s where the trouble came from. Secretary Sherman, in his speech at Columbus, Ohio, Wednesday even ing, said that the South was about to be developed in wealth and popu lation; that we have been surprised by the returns of the census from the South, Lint that new surprises may be expected, anil that lie expect ed ere long to see a happv South, adding to the wealth, population and energy of the country, and contrib uting al the great staples that add to our wealth and population. Color at Court. —Among the fash ionable callers at the White house last Saturday, “four handsomely dressed colored people attracted some attention Tho two women wore black silk cos tume®, one wearing a white bonnet and the other a black one. Their escorts weie correctly dressed in mourning cos lunion. They seemed much interested is what was going on, yet. promenaded about the east room as il they had always b.en accustomed to th society of such dietinguised p#o p!e.” If the two hundred roosters that are expected to engage in the Boston main, would stay at homo and attend to their legitimate business, eggs would not be forty cents a dozen. —[New York Mer cury. You Blasted idiot; don’t yon know anything more about chickens than that? Who ever heard of roosters lay ing eggs before ?—[Albany N.w and Advertiser. Pr. G. E. Adair, of Talbotton, hns been doing some excellent dental work in our midst.— Butler Herald. And did you survive? We grunt powerfully when a dentist does ex cellent work on our teeth, and if the same should bo done in our midst, we would certainly give up the ghost. Good Novrft For Buptistft. * We have received a copy of ‘'The Baptist Sun," a large 28’ column weekly, brim full of good reading. It has an edge about it that makes it really refreshing as a religious jour nal. It is all alive wilh religious en ergy, and glows with earnestness. The publishers are determined to ad mit, but very few advi rtisements and depend almost entirely upon sub scriptions lor support,. Send for sample copy. Addrcssrßiaptist Sun, Konse, Georgia. Lumpkin Independent: On Mon day of this week a negro giilon the farm of Mr. J. Leonard Burks was dangeronly shot. The particulars are about as follows: A negro boy on the farm was hunting robins, when this giil came up the road. He was trying to shoot a robin when lie re marked to the girl, “If you scare that bird I’ll shoot you.’’ The little girl said. ‘Shoo bird,’’ when the robin flew away, mid the boy imme diately discharged his gun at the giil. 't he load of heavy duck shot took effect in her si oulder and came near tearing it bom lit r body. The girl was attended by Dr. W. F. WIN son, who said it was tho worst wound (1 the kind be bad ever witnessed The shoulder was a mass of shatter ed flesh which bad to ba cutaway, ami the chances are that the girl will die. WILL TllE EXTRA SESIOK IJE A LEGAL ONE. The question ns to tho legality til i the adjourned Mission of the Icgi-da Lire is being ng t iled by some of the newspaper correspondendents. Tie adjournment to meet again in July m.\t, is not without precedent. It was during the adjourned term in July 1879 that most important legis lation was enacted. During this terra Goldsmith was impeached; l’.cn froo was arraigned; the Rat'road Commission created, and various othor very important measures adopt ed. Men of legal ability and long expelienoo have agreed upon the le gality of a recess, and we do not think our readers need loel much apprehension on ti c subject. We give place to the tollowing paragraph, however, from a cDrrespomb-nt of the Barnesvt lc Gazette, as it will be read with interest: ‘•The Legislature having taken n recess to inert .1 u'y next, let’s see what authority for such a meeting, and as Dr. G. M. McDowell says, deal in stubborn facts. The funda men to 1 l,w of Georgia, which is tbe Constitution, in section 4 h, para graph 3<l, says: ‘The first meeting "f the General Assembly, alter the rati fication ol this Constitution, shall be on tne first Wednesday in November, 1878, and biennially thereafter on the same day until the day shall be changed by law, but no hing herein contained shall be construed to pre vent the Governor from calling an extra session of the General Assem bly before the first Wednesday in November, 1878, if, in his opinion, the public good ahull r quire it. Bar. 4th - A majority of each lious.- shall constitute a quorum to transact business, but a smaller numb: r may adjourn from day today, and compel the presence ol its absent members, as each house may provide. I’ar. 6: No session of tie General Assemb y shall continue longer than lortv days, nnltss by a two-thirds vote of the whole numb-r ol <ach house.” I there anything herein contained in the Con.-titution authorizing a recess of the General Assembly of Georgia to meet again in a succeeding year? Take tho lettering of the Constitu tion. No recess about nr in it, but : the meeting of the General As-cmbly shall be biennial. The words ‘shall be’ is a strong and positive term. Well, if they meet next July, and make any laws, vvi 1 thiy be legal or binding? I think not, for they will not be made in annual session. Can they draw on the State of Georgia their per diem and mileage pay? I dou’t see any law for such,’’ PETER'S PRA YER. It was one of the shortest prayers re- in the Bibie—only three words —and yet il brought an immediate an swer: What was it in those words, “Lords save me,” that brought an immediate and effectual response? It was in humble prayer. Peter knew that lie was beginning to sink—that lie was utterly helpless in the midst of an gry waves which were ready to swallow him up, and he was willing to acknowl edge his helplessness. In that sudden, sharp cry for help he did acknowledge it. It was a sincere prayer for just the thing that he wanted. Those three sig nificant words went exactly to the point of his need. He wanted to be saved, and without any vain repetition of un meaning words, he cried, “Lord, save me!” If he had bad time enough he might have sard, “O, thou omnipotent Ruler of tho Universe, in thine infinite com passion condescend to stretch out thine Almighty arm for the succor ol one of thy feeble children.” Butsuch a prayer could not have received a better answer than the simple, pointed one that he did ut:er., —American Messenger. TAKA TION. Tim law of Taxation is universal Its justice is in its equality. It is the hardest money to pay in alt tho catalogue of expenditures, but its ' benefits are reciprocal in its protec tion of life, liberty and property. Not withstanding that the law in Georgia | requires the giving in of all taxable property at its true value, the penal ty of dereliction is not certain, conse quently the amount of evasion ami duplicity prncticedjis alarmingly fre quent. and d-iecreditable to the moral character of. unau. If propert yin ev ery instance was given in at its true market value, the burdens of taxation on tbe tax payers would be light. But bow it is to be accom plished is a mytery beyond finding out. Human nature is peculiar.— [Marietta Journal, I neither drink wine nor give it to my guest. Strong diink is the curse of the country age. .Sisty thousand men in America cvc:y year lie down in the giave of the drunkard. Drink Ins murdered my best friends, and I hate it. It burdens me with taxes, and I de nounce it as a nuisance, which every honest man should put his heel upon. —l)r, J. G. Holland. A Cynthiana, Ky.. citizen swal lowed a needle four years ago, and now he is happy because it came out through his back a few days ago. Around about in Ojorgia. | Tin re are thirteen negroes in tin j K bi rtun j d|. Thousands of rn! let shins are sold in Dalton nt. one c itt each. A coon skin brings five cents. The Toceoa News learns that there is api eject oil loot to or,rt. an ex tensive tobacco manufactory at Mount Airv, in Hubeisham county. Burglars entered tho house of Mr. j John Patterson, of Columbus, lust Monday night, administered chloro form t> him and his wife and took S9O 00 fiom his pants pockets, Mr. J. 11. Uni', of this place, killed thirteen cloves at one shot, on the wing, some days since.—Sylvania Telephone. Twelve buddings were burned inWest Point last week. Loss, estimated al 850,000. Moss Twiggs (col.) who murdered a peddler in Burke county for his inoncy on tbe 27th of last November ws hung on Friday, tho 28th. II - confessed his guilt. The mail rider on the Moultrie route savs he killed and cut, open a line deer the other day and found in the animal a live catfish eight inches long. This is something remarkable, —Albany News and Advertiser. Some of tbe farmers of E’ber county are going to trv tho experi ment of sowing wheat even now. Th weather was so unfavorable during the months ol November arid December that many of iltein were unable to sow nt tbe usual time, and must oil her sow now or do without tbe crop. W. F. Young, a section-maiter on the Southwestern railroad, wh le pass ing fiom one car to die other on the irain coming in from Arhngton last Thursday, lost his footing and fell from the platform, sustaining very serious, ar.d probably fatal injuries about the head and face, braak ng a jaw-bone, be sides other wounds and btu scs about the body. The Columbus people h ive some excitement outside of coal seizures and mud to keep their spirits up. The Enquirer: Last night qu ten largo crow greeted Kit Carson, Jr , ami his partner, Mr. Bigelow, at the intersection of Broun and St. Clair Streets. Mr Carson lectured for about 35 minutes on the lile ami habits of thelndian. After the lectnrcMr Bige low stood against a tree in the centre of the street with an Irish potato on his bead. Carson stepped back a dis.incp of about twenty-five st-ps and rh 4 the potato off the ba 1 burr ing itself in the tree about an inch above Mr. Bigelow’s head. lie.fired an Evans’ rilL with which he says he has done some fine shooting pn 'be plains. A demijohn containing what is said to be an ItKtiun remedy for various ills was produced, and all who wished it were given a drink. Brainbridga Democrat. —The negroes of Camilla have turned the court house into a place for shin digs, and break downs. The Hartwell SuU says: “Very little little wheat has been sown in Hart. Just our luck. This is to be a good year for grain, and if tbe average farmer has neglected to sow wheat, don’t let him forget to sow oats and plant eo“n. One bushel of grain marie at Nome is worth two brought away from home. One great draw back to this part of the Lord vineyard i, ever.body wants to get an easy place where he can smoke cigars, take a couple of drinks a day, and do little work. The negroes,excepting a small minority, won’t woik, and what in the Tom Walker wi'l the white folk do ? Go to work and quit loafing around the 6tores.” TbeMayor andCotincd of WestPoir.t, Ga., have all been at rested and brought before the U. S. Commissioner on a charge of having intinvdated Voters at the recent municipal election. Tbe At lanta Post-Appeal thus tells bow it a'l happened: '"On the day of elei ton there was two candidates for Mayor,viz: E. F. Lanier and VV. L. Williams. T here was considerable excitement incident to the contest, and on the morning of the election,after the managers were chosen and She voters assembled at the polls, some of the voters were challenged hv friends of the Lanier party. This caused a commotion among the friends of the respective candidates, anil some of ibe voters left the polls without casting their ballots. At tVis juncture it is said Mr. Williams notified the managers that be withdrew from the race and for them not to vote for him. The result was that Mr. Lanier received ICI votes and Mr. Williams received 15 votes, There were ten other voles cast for him, which tho managers permitted to be withdrawn. Mr. Williams and his per sonal adherents denounced the election as a fraud and refused to- participate in it. Mr.Williatns then came beforeCom rnissionersSmith and procured warrants against the Mayor, Council-and officers of tho town of West Point charging them with q violation of the election laws of the United States, in prevent ing ceitiin parties from preparing to vote by paying tax*e and registering. . Ylio I) triott Timber Gaz tta and • claivs that within t'o past few years i her*. linv • been vary no .r I murders commit t<l in Mclntosh county, ami asks. ‘ How many mur derers have boon hung? °m. v ° 110, It thinks til s isn’t as it ►honld be. Judge Crisp soti'onced lit toon yeai old boy,during Sumter Loan last w ok, : found guilty of an H'lempt of npo upon a young ladv of that city, to twentf years in tho panitmttiaiy; al-o, Gus Ux lord, colored,lor laoing a colored child; also, George Burnett, colored, to ton years for stealing mule. a little negro gi'l was burned to death ou J. G. Burovs’* place, in East Donghei ty,while cleaning out and burn ing trash it, the fence corners, on Thurs day last. She stated before dying ih>,<- S coloted boy, who was working with her. had set her on fire, which the boy denies. T/tilo Cordio, daughter of W. A. Chad-viek, living near Sulphur springs, was badly burned onWcdnesday last. She was playing around a fire near the house when her clothes caught, and be fa re any one could reach her a s -is'ance she almost perished in the flams*. La-.i County Gazette. Messrs. John M. Cntliff and W. D. Mann, of Albany, killed one hundred ami forty-lour black . birds in two shots last Friday. Scvanty two bird?, at a snot sounds fishy, but the News nud Advertiser save it is a fact. The Gainesville Engle tells a story to the effect that a Joai shorn attor noy wanted to cousu't with a prison ,.r, and a ked the jailer to admit him to the cell. The joker did so. turned the key and wt-nt up town and spent the day. When he ri turned at night to Ist' his prisoner out, the latter stood out in the yard and •‘ensued ’ the bark off the trees for a bundled yards all around. A young g-ntlenian in this county made a little over a bag of long cotton to four acre* of land without manutc this was the average of his last years crop —-and the ballanee sheet struck Another acquaintance of ours, running two farms at a distance of fourteen miles apart, cleared for tbe years operations $1,700, -Valdosta Time*. “We areinfouned by Dr. B. S. Brs zael,” savs the Irwinton Sourtherner and Appeal: “’-hat a few days since large hawk, pinched by hunger, was so pager to catch a chicken that he pur sued it into the yard of one of the tens ants on his lather’s place, and was in the act of seizing it just at the house, when a cat, ljmg nmler the edge ol the house, rose to the emergency, tool charge of the haSvk anil killed it on the spot, thus putting it beyond depradatfem on feathered l>ipfesal §. ’ t Lumpkin Independent- Otic farm ers have bad a terrible time to begin the work of the new year, and in many instances but little could pos sibly be done. Tne ground has been too wet, to plow for the past four or five weeks, and besides there was considered) e cotton in the fit lls which it was impossible to pick out and which is doubtless entirely ruined ere this. There ban been no bottom to the roads ami hauling was out of the question, so miking fences was also a poor business. Well, a late start, is better than none and the way to get out of sue'-, difficulties is t strike harder blows. We have a splendid class of farmers in Stewart county and we believe that they will be equal to the emergency and will retrieve the losses ol January. Bad State of Affairs.—The Eastman Times thus bewails Un state of affairs in that section of the “mors! vineyard:’’ The rains continues. The roads are washed arid mircy, the woods are Kitten, the creeks are swollen the cows are dying, and the voting, iambs ditto. Farmers are behind in their preparations for another crop, hands are scarce and scarcer are those ol them who are disposed to make contracts. These are among the many complaints that we daily hear from our country friends who come to town. The case of the State versus A. J. Tlrorna®, for the murder of John Alford, on the first day of January, was tried in Bartow Superior Court last week. On that day an election for Justice of the Peace and Bailiffs was held at Euharlee, and these two were there. Late in the evening the two men started home to gether, Thomas living intoxicated. Al ford seemed much concerned about bis friend’s welfare, and was taking him home much against Thomas’ will. Al ter they had proceeded a short dislance from ih village, Thomas drew his pistol and fired twice;, the first ball taking ef fect between the right eyes, and the o.ber in tho’right breast. The poor fel low lived only three minutes after lie was shot. On the next day (Sunday) Thomas was arrested without any resist ance whatever,.and lodged in jail. Last Monday bis case came up before court. Tbe jury rendered a verdict of guilty, and recommended to tbe mercy of the court. The Judge sentenced the pris oner to- tbe penitentiary for life. The prisoner seemed very much unconcern ed, and all 1 through the trial he display ed wonderful coolness. The murdered man’s wife and five lit la children were in the court room during tbe argument of the case. Wo see by th Cliattano ig \ Times that at, w da' ■ ago Mr. A. 11. liaise, of Reeves’ Station, passed through that city on ronto to Fort Smith, ' rk., accompanied by Ida wife and nineteen children. It is satil that lie Ims buried live children and tbf" wives in Georgia. Tbe Yoon? Lady aad Yenag Cleat'eman Friends of the Editor of THE ARGUS ere requested to do all the*' c,n to tx end tho e elution of hie and their paper bv ctin<r a Agent, and on a 1 no -asions so- i-• .t a good word lor us. AND BY SENDING US THE NEWS OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD Wcbstcfslaabridgcd Tfetioaarj [east $ 12J iS OFFEKED AS A FKEMIUiI to ibe Lady or Gentleman ltiend who w; I in 1 1** n x NINE. Y DAYS send n- the most subscribers, at the 1 >w rate ol ONE DOLLAR from and te until Curist nas Day. Those w .o accept this I’-oposition arc teducated to go right to work, >rui chop timed tor a nets so jforming him. Tb it m di.scnnteut may arise on account t suspicions of wrong in counting, the contestants are requested t forward a 1 names to Rev. i D Clements, who will count them and turn t.ieai over to u-. fiiiaat SBgfljJL.- 1 We are Ageuts for tie following Brands of Guano which justly stand at the head of the STANDARDS : SOL. SEA ISLAND, Walton, Whann & Co.’s “PLOW BRAND!” Some of these have beei used for years by our farmers, who will rise tbeni again. 86®“ Refer to Duncan Bros., Dr. McMiehael, P. S. Stevens, Cupt. Sheppard and others. LOWE 1 RUSH. February 4th, ISBI. fett&ii Planter. Derbies improved Cotton P.auter and C, in Dropper does the work complete, drop ping corn I—2—3 or 4 feet ezaet'y; opens and covers cotton and corn, call and exam ine—price $9.00. Better than Dow Law and tive dot lars cheaper. Rollih v, General Agent, GIN AftO MILL NOTICE. Our Steam Gin and Grist mill ocated in Buena Vista, are now do ng good service. We will gin cotton or grind corn with dispatch and give - B.ilifaction. We will soon be prepar ed to supply the people with the best anti lresh >t meal. Johnson & Perry. GEußGlA —Marion Count* A heras SAC Appersnn of A J Appetson has filled her petition for Isave to sell the land of said decased. All persons in interest are notified of the above application. Witness my hand Jan 21st 1881, Jas M. T.owe. J22nd 3 , Ordinary. JAS. S. MOOORKLE. E. W. MIM.ER. HeCofklo, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Buena Vista, tia, TTTILL practice in the counties of tin V v Chattahoochee Circuit, and elsr .vhd • in the State by special arrangement v/ith *' ■. el:( nt oct26-tt. GEORGIA- Marion <7o*ntV Whereas B B Hinton has applied for the administration of the estate of M. F. Story deceased with will annexed. All persons in interest are hereby notified of said application. Witness my hand Jan. 29th 1881, Jaa. M.Lohe Ordinary Help Needed Those to whom I h-tve extended credit, and whose balances are past due, will bear in mind that I need the money, and please le turn favors by paying up. .KoLLIN JEFFEIWOX 151 West Side Broad Stree , Columbus, Ga. MRS. W. C. GRAY, Proprietress. Pleasant Rooms, Comforlable Reds, ai r] polite attention. Tabte Supplied with the beat the market affords. landrethsT M SEEDS the BEST ]Qni If not sold in soar town, you I flfi I lUUI la*u and Prices. The. Oldest and most eaUonsivo Best? ifrotsera in the United States. fUVI r> * *ONS.PKItA*JL.P4, Gmm m o Depo f, EB<:JiTM 1 'TT-fii-l T’ie Salable Pacific still in the Lead! •. 1 , ■ : su* 1 have nml will keep on hand a largo supply < f tliii most popular and standard fertilize*- No old stock, bntall tresh Ui'in tho works,—full weight-; l have no sub-agents, but deal with the fatiin-r inysi-if. 1 himdls only the hesl brands. 1 do strictly a fertilizing business and eon always be found at toy otflee ready to serve yon both lu selling and settling 1 will also keep a stock on timid at Box Springs, Juno-’ i ros.dlig and Wimlierly, and can give you orders to either piece, c imu aad see me or send iu vour orders before the rush commences. W W JENKINH. Agent. Geneva, Ga. Kstfc A* Issdltsia Manufactucrer of and Dealer in * IlancfiD, KsrS<S3‘f, 11 nrm*.•*.*, TrmikN, Ac 04 Bioail Street, GOLT7MBITB, GA, a* I deal in hand-made work, good work that I can guarantee, and invite you to cull and see me before buying. FIVE HUNDRED Best quality of Unlaumlered Shirts ju>t received. Neckwear and Undeiweard of all kinds, Shaker fianncl, redMannel, lantbs'-wool and Merino Uudershiits and Drawers. Wo guarantee more value for your DOLLARS Ilalf-ilollsi* and dimes than yon can find Ht any other p'ace. Our stock of Fsll and Winter Clothing, Hats, Caps, Tiunks V’alies, Canes, Umlirellara and Pisrs Goods is uuw complete. Our Merchant Tailoring Department is now well sup plied, and we are prepared to cut and make,suits to measure injthe beat style. \Y offer belter harg than ever before mwwmm ctconr ent(imers snd trade gchera . We invite a cMi liom every on, and oi.fidl-nlthat no ohe will go AWFILV' unconvinced of the stqierior excellence of our good and thegrcal)barg*ins weoffsr 83 &85 * IIOA D STREET THOS. B ARTOPB. DEALER IN MARBLE AND GRANITE WORK. Im, liioN ll uii, Copi.viis, Building W ork, i:., AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED STONE BORDERING AND VASES FOR GRAVES, econd Street, near Campbell & Jones WarehouSo. MACON, - - -a A* I V. WADDLE, i Bar & Eestara&t, (Opposite the Market House) West Side of Ogletorpe Street, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. This house is meat conveniently sit. na'.ed for the patronage of Marion, Chat tahoochee and Schley county men. The best Wines, Whiskies, Beer, Cigars and Tobacco always on hand. Customers waited on by our clever and genteel young bur tender Mr.Osear Elannagai* who is now with me and will be pleas ed to have a call fiom bis friends in Marion and adjoining counties. THE RESTAURANT ALWAYS SUPPLYED with tbe freshest Fish and O.stern and other eadibles to uit it It man 11 Jj lite. Everything well cooked and polite attention always received. Price so low vou cau’l help lie pleased. J. I. WADDLE. BRIDGE NOTICE. The Contnetlfor the Building ol a ffew Bridge over Juniper Creek at the Gin Facto tory will be let to the lowest bidder nt Bue ua Vista, ou (he 18thot February next. fipecifientions of said Bridge can be seen in tbe offices of the Comity Commissioners of Marion and Taibot couuty. John It Bushin, Chrm.) J M Gill, | Jno A Shepherd. [Com. Marion Cos. L F M cLaugbliu, J J Nicholson J W E Williams, ) J L Dozier, >■ Com. Talbot Cov Cullen P Miller, j GEORGIA —Makion County. Will be sold on the Ist Tuesday in March next within the legal hoftrs of sale before the court house door iotlie town of Buena Vis's, Marion comity, lot of land 134 in the sth district of said county, containing 20‘2j at re*, more or less, under and by virlue of a ti fa iu favor of Henry Ship]) vs Jacob Wad - die issued from the Justice G’-mrt 948th dis trict said county. Said property levied upon as the property of defendant by John HnnksConstuble and turned over to me This January 28th 1881 A- W. Davis 4t. Sheriff. GEORGIA -Maiuon County Whereas M. J. Mathews Admx, of T J Mathews dee’d makes application for leave to sell a portion of the laud of said estate, to-wit: a strip ot land on the east side of El a ville and Tazewell road. Witness my hand, December 30th, 1880 Jus. M Lowe, 2t, Ordinary. GEORGIA— Marion County Whereas, T. W. Harvey gin rdian of M. F. Harvey, formerly Brown, makes application for dismission. All persons in iotcrest are notified of said application Witness rny hand, Jan, slsf, IBBf^ ,ias. M. Ijowe, 3 23r<J It, Ordinary. MEDICAL. [HAVE located in Bnena Vista for th pur pose ot practicing Medicine, in * I it* branches. I otter my services to the citizens of town and country, t; y „triet and prompt attention I hope to share a Q f pat ronage. My charges will be My Elegant Cough Panacea and Golden P-,,' yp a _ ter prepared at short notice. W. J. REESE, M. D„ Residence, Hinton place—Office, neat the Hotel. FOUND” A REMEDY THAT IS A SURE AND EF fectual cu re for al 1 diseases of the Bfrod, .skin, Scrofula, Cancer in the worst form, White Swelling, Catarrh, Cancer of the womb and all Chronio Sores, no matter of how ong standing; we guarantee a euro, if our remedies are used according to direction*. Smith’s ScrofulaSSyrup and With these two medicines combined, wo have cured hundreds if cases of tho ditferen dise ises mentioned above. Smith’s Scrofula Syrup is an internal remedy, one of the best blood purifier now known to the A merienn people, Star Curine is an external remedy; by applying it on tha out side and taking Smith’s Scrofula syrup, your case will be easy cure. If you will call on or address us wo will take pleasure in showing you hundreds of certificates from parties living in this State that you are well acquanted with, that have been cored sound and well by using Star CuriW* and Smith's Scrofula Syrup. 11 yortare afHicted with any of the above mentioned diseases do not think your case will get well without treatment; do not delay; the sooner you get to using our two remedies, the Hlftitier yon will be restored to health and happiusss. Call on J W Ansley at once, before Is too late, and get a bottle Smiths Scrofulsr Byrupand Star Currine. Road the following certificates: Jan 19 1879. Messrs. Dmiinl ft Marsh, 13 Klmbal Hoiim, Atlanta: Gentlemen: This U to certify that we have tried Smith's Scrofula ay rnp in a* vrral old croufe eases of Catarrh Cancer .Sore Lege, etc., nud we cheerfully reeom-uenci it to tha public as the best, aafrataad i.-ioet rel able Lion,l purifier that can ha ueed for all dieeaeea lot which it is recommended. Keepeetfalty, U. Harthax ft Ce: All Coiiiini.nlratloni should ba Ad. dri'.oril te IHKIEh ft MARSH, Sola Pra prietoi a nud nlunufwcturcra, 18 K lwahall lionae, Atlanta. For salo by J W ANSI EY, Buena •prT *ljr. Rtlpcrtris Celebrated Breech-loading Shot Gang a* sl9 up. Double-barrel Breech loaders at 830 up Muzzle and Bveecb-l<widmg Guns, ttifles and Plstolsot most approved English and American makes. All kinds of sporting imple neats required by sportsmen and Gun-makers. Colt's New lircerti-Ijoa.<l lnjj Double Guns at §SO up— the beat gnu ye! made for the price. Prices on application. JOS. C- GRUBB & Co> 715 MARKET ST, PUIL’A., PA