The Buena Vista Argus. (Buena Vista, Ga.) 1875-1881, February 19, 1881, Image 2

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(Th? snrnu i’ista - w *■ * -• rr-- . • ...j t< 11.1.. W I VULKTUV, 10it 1 1 or. \V. A. NIMJI.KTOV, kditohl l r, r<>ititi:sro v/i/vr. I'•ITEN A V IST A, (i A.. I'EHKUUtY 1!lh. ltud Oil in Milpps, of R, d'nrd, luff., *lnwk n g ■ l ll not whi-ky ivory ouy for a month, and tlun died. A Hoiks county, Pa., school tench, or whipped thiity-ono pupils hi a single ila.v, yot some folks dai ms Hint school teachers’ salaiies should he cat down. An Irishman being naked on a late trial for a certificate ol his marriage, exhibited a huge Pear on Ids head, which !o iked as th nigh it might have been made by a fire shoTel. I he evidence was satisfactory. The production of steel in Great Britain rose from 1,009,711 tons in 1879 to 1,550.000 in 1880. Tim in crease in this country was in an even larger proportion. A bill (o revive the whipping post wife beaitors is 1 kely to pass the In diana Legislature. It limits the 1 unishmentto twenty-five strokes on t o bare back a cat-o’-nine tails. Blown Away.—On Wednesday lest a terrible storm of wind and rain from the southwest struck Pass Monchac, La., sweeping mvoy every building in the place, including the depot and til graph office. No lives were lost,but citizens lost even thing in the way ol house hold effects It is not what wc earn, but what we save, that- makes us rich. It is Lot what we eat. bat what we digest, that makes us strong It is not what we read, bat what we remember, that makes us learned. It is net- 1 what we intend, but what we do, that makes us useful. It is not a few fair.t wishes., but a life long strug gle tint makes us valiant and suc eesrfu 1 . “Judge,” sai 1 a western lawyer, “Isn’t c-q-u-i the way to spell equi nomical ?” ‘‘l think so,” said tlie judge, ‘‘but I’ll look it up iu Weo stur’s Dictionary.’’ 110 fumbled over the pages lor live minutes and said, in heat: “Well, I’ve been a Webster man an 1 voted fur h m for President, but any nwm that will write a dictionary and leave out such a common word as •equitiomicai’ can’t Lave my vote any more.’’ Ham l;'i n .Ton it a : Last we k we inadvertently failed to chronicle the frightful death by burning of a liltle live year old daughter of Chance Mouthed, colored, which occurred at Dr. R ky’s last Thursday week. The little girl was standing in iront of ih • lira when her clothing caught. She tiicd to smother the flames with a bed spread which sh * wrapped around her body, but did not succeed, when she ran into the yard and screamed for help. When assistance came she was burned so badly that she died a few hours later. Every thread ol clothing, except her shoes aud stocking, was burned. A sad looking man went info a drugstore’. “Can you give me,'’ lie asked, “something that will drive from nay mind the thoughts of sor>' row and hitter recollection !’’ And the druggist nodded and put him up a little dose cut quiu’rie and worm* wood, and rhub.rb and cpsom suits, and a dash oi caster-oil, auubgave ii to him, and for six months the man couldn’t think of anything in ihe world but new- schemes fur getting lie taste out of his mouth. A WRONG HINT. “Just look at my thimble,’’ said a young 1 uly to her beau; “ft is actual ly! worn out. Don’t you think I ought to be rewarded for my indus try. The young mn. replied trial luS thought she should be, ami next clay lie s nt her a cap for her finger l with the following lines: “I send yon n tlximble for fingers nimble. Which I hops svi 1 fit when you try it; Itlwill last you long if it’s half as strong As the hint which you gave me to buy it.’’ Eclipses. —There arc to be two eclipses of the sun and two of the moon during tb year 1881. The llrst a-partial eclipse of .1 he sun, will oc cur May 27. June 11 and 12 there will' be a total eclipse ot the moon. November 21 there will be an annu lar eclipse ol the sun, December 5 a* partial eclipse'.f the moon. None ol I terse ec ipse?, however, will be vis- | iblo in this section, except that of June lllh aud 12 h. The"i a in the Sen >oi. Iloo.w. —Wu have receive Ia Inner IVom | .).<!. Delia, pdticipd i>t ••Ward S | timi High School, *' a-k tig legMidinc our paper and stat ng tint lie inlembil to introduce the newspaper into liis ■filmol (H liie rending lessons. 'I Ills t a 'her is one of id a need idea". We have o'ton suggested the thought. In h North aid llie plan lias been put into opetaliou and found lo work admirably, Bi ll the newspaper ap peal the prod.te ions of tlio l a ling minds of a’l ilie country. Pupils are not c infilled to the led in us repetidon of of te.v hooks. They are not compelled to listen to the same tedious routine. They sic found to learn the correct thought of ihe cl iy by absorption. Gained lurti or, the paper is the hast si hml for' or yin I geography, liis o'v is triced < aily in the telegiaphie Columns, an 1 ilia stud nt can he in stunted in tile snl'j *ot by constanl reference to Hie maps. The newspaper is the educator of the day, reflecting the imp ess'ons an I opinions of the world, liehig ihe historian of the present and tarnishes mtleli of the past that is worthy of preservation. One of the most hil iant young men wo know, whose success is most maiked, once told us tl at li- n iver picked up an ;ws; apor without finding in it some inter, sting information—something to be remem bered. There fie.'s of en strike with force and produc a stronger impression than when read in books. The exer cises mentioned wi.l n t rest pupils in reading, and if they acquire the lialiii they must become Dei force well inform ed. In the joirnal he lias everything —news, fact'-, fiction, poetry, science and pln osopiiy. The advanced in structor who keeps pace with progress finds tire piper an mv.iiuab'e aid. — Columbus Enquirer. THE TOUGHEST STORY EVER P U BUSHED. A correspondent of the Louisville Cornier Journal toils the following story of Cornwall, on the llinLon, well known as a summer boarding pine: 'T once knew a very mlii* o 1 ons thing to happen > Sever al years ago 1 was coming down from I’ouglikceps'o bv boat. It was a bright morning in midsummer, and we, stopped tit Cornwall to take aboard the few gentlemen who went early to business in New York. In stead of the n-ncl number, there were a great many people who rush ed aboard in various stages of indig nation and disgust. It was a perfect exodus and we soon learned the caws'. The night before, light bread was made up and set in the pautrv to ‘rise.’ Bed tme came and a 1 re tired —all; nt least, save a pet kitten who prowl, and about seeking a c m ioitable bed. Kitty got into the the pantry,and firming tin* pan of bread, which she mistook h-r a nice soft cushion, laid down thereon and qnt it y went to sleep. The soft dough yielded gradually, arid si iwly but surely poor Kitty was engulf ed,the b tter closing over and leav ing 11 no sign. When morning came the bread was baked and brought in hot to breakfast. Imagine the scene—all the boarders seated nt the table —whet that loaf was broken open. 1 bey left in a body. Cambridge Democrat:. A party of official?, headed by United States- mar shal and armed with carbine rifles, boarde 1 the steamer Jordan at Ocbeesee Ins', Thursday en loute for Jackson county, Florida, where thev were going •_o make some arrests. Just above Port Jackson the United States mar shal, while walking Hong the edge of the lower deck, tripped, lost his bal ance and fell overboard. The steamer was stopped and a boat was lowered and sent out to save the drowning man. Rut the unfortunate marshal sank just before the boat reached him, never to rise again in life. The old waters of the Chattahoochee closed over his life less form,- perhaps forever, for we learn that up to date a 1 eilorls to recover his body have proven fiunless. When the Marshal trippe 1 and le.'l overboard he had on Lis overcoat; which, with bis hat, was picked up floating down the river, 'llie overcoat was buttoned up from top to bottom and the man’s pocket-book containing some money was found in its side pocket. No one can imagine how he could get out of the coat and let it Kinain Imitined. To sry the least, it’s exceedingly strange aud puzales every one. Tfic sm of the cotteii factory at Piedmont,-Si C.. Isas been more Ilian double, and it is-now the largest fac tory in one building in the South. A correspondent CbnicstOn News and Cornier says that live years ago there was not a single house at that place, ami now there arc 1-17, besides the fact ry building, which is to support 1.500 people and house 12,000 bales of ce' ton a year. A IV 'U IV' I I'll Wl B. In Burlington, Vt ,n poor family and two tieli fnmi U-h bvud n igii I hors. The childmi of the la te' li anted to leva luxury and spend m atev, ind all inherited great wealth; The eh Mitii of the former learned lo I ur God, and inheiitoil nothing hut goo I char. c< r nil I sneh living blessings as Israel h It to liis sons. A son of tlte poof family, who lif eline a Supreme Court Judge in his native St.t-, mid atierunids l’osl mastei-Gener 1 ot tli • United States, vis ted Bmlingtou to preside lit a court se-sion, many years ultei it and his licit phiynmtes laid I'org 11< n each other, lie found that tne son •md h ir oi ato ol those woal'hy ['dailies laid wasted his property, mid Its furnituto was about in lie sold for debt lie went into tiie court room, and while it| on the bench the case c one lief, re him ol a man ar raigned f.r assault in a dru .ken q iinr, 1. It was the sou if the other wetiltlty f ,mi ! y. The judge thanked God that he wits belli poor. Said h•, "I beli.-ve ' h ,se parents provide best forth ir chi dr u who lc-nvo them the liiglie.-t education m and morals, and the least money Scripture Cabinet. SEVERAL MEN KILI.I-'D IX THE CO 1.1.1 E It Y ACV IDE NT. Cleveland, 0.. February 11.—a special from the scene of t.lie exp'o sion a tew miles south oft Sal-m, sav a mail named Smith was caution,d about going to a Certain room, as it i contained lire damp, but as that was dry while arcatid the track amis filled wit It water, Smith disobeyed the or ders and nttiinpted to pass through the forbidden room with a lighted amp in hU hat. Immediately a ter i ifie ' xplosion occurred, in which a hole was blown 11 trough 15 feet of earth composing roof, carrying death and destruction all aruuini About twenty m-’ti were at. work at the time, six oi vilioin "etc killed out right and a number and mgerouslv nounded. A mule arid train of eight cars wore shot oat of the mam en trance, a< if from a cannon. Anoth er mule drawing a car in nl ieli a man was seated. A dog was blown out of the mine. One man, Jack-on L< ck, ju-t entering, "’as blown back and over the high rail oad embank ment into the creek below, ilo was badly him. The men not disabled or killed escaped through a shaft to the open air. T E HEW PARTY. The Washington c respondent, ot the Atlanta Constitution sys: ‘'The new patty in 'he South is much : talked of. Hints of it are dropped !on the floor of Congress. Newspaper j eossip plays about it continually. | Republican leaders eagerly c.tcb at ! the suggestion and woo themselves Jto credility. Why tbo Democracy of the South should be deemed less solid now than it was in 1870, it is hard to see, but it is so consiibned. Several prominent men in the South —some from Georgia—have att mot ed to insinuate themselves into tlm favor of the coming administration by hinting that they are not so com pletoiy wrapped up in 1) inocraey as might be supposed, but are ready for anew departure whenever tne tune is ripe fir it. it is freely predicted that there uil'l never bo another na tional contest on the old party lines, although no good reason lot' the opinion is given. It is necessarily a matter of speculation on the th ory that all th tigs are possible in a Re public, and four years may work wonders.” * -*-*>-*) Oglethorpe Echo: We see that Senator Brown claims to represent the New South -the Progressive South; while Air. Stephens, from hts utterances, we should sav, tcpresi-n'Cs (he Impoverished South —the Declin ing South. Now, we do not like this word “New South.” It convoys the idea to tile North that our people have adopted anew role and have laid aside the principles tfe y have so steadfastly maintained since ths American Union was in its infancy. It may lead our enemies to think [ that we are a divided people, and thus nerve their arms to renewed stiife. There is no new South.! What we were fifteen yeats ago we are today. The South lias not wavered one iota for what site look np arms for in 1801 —States' rights. We were conquered, but continue tiie Avar at the ballot'box. These principles are instilled into every Southern breast, and no power can root them out. The men who placed Senator Blown in office did so on a States’ Rights. Free Trade platform-. He was placed in power by the Old South'; and when lie attempts to worship new gods, or change one jot or tilth, the principles or aims of the S ml hern Democracy, lie befrayk his people and liis section. We want this cry of the New South stopped, it is a libel uu this section. Tuft ComYno N kobo .—There is a serious conundrum now hovering over this land of sunshine and liber tv: What Southern farmers do alter the old anti-freedom stock of hands has- passed away? The young bucks reared since the war are no manner of account; They arc trilling and thriftless. So long ns wc hive a few old darkies to keep them straight, the young ones can be spliced in; but. when these old hands are no more tin South must look to another source ilnn the lt'-gro lor Übo". —Oglelhoq O' iiciio. SOLID SENSE, At a recent meeting in New Yuk city whine diplomas were In ii.g dis tributed to a graduating class, tin Lev. Robert l.’ollyer was called on lo make a few rem tiks, and, among other thins- - ; he gave tlio young men ju.-t starting eat in life, this advice: Any kind uf an lamest job is bitter t inti no jolt at all. Take a dollar n dy lor y< ur woilt if you get no mere. A man's best friends are ids ten lingers. When evil days come, as evil days will, an m in deserves the title of g,m. Helmut if he dues not lake honest work to do, regardless of social in ti uence. A good fuMicr is litter than a poor doctor, and a good liorse-slioi-r is better than a bishop Avito preaches sermons nobody wants to hear. A goo ! day’s av(irk ol Avlitit you all innst come to. Society says one thing, and natttro says another. Have a reserve force that will conic out wm n you need it. THE MILE—A BOY’S COMPOSITION". The mewl is au ancrmul which ivus born alter Nocv built tiie ark. 'l’he rinoscrus was in the ark, but t here ain’t no account of tae mewl being there, an’ I guess lie wasn't 'cos lie would’w bruised around in it nn’uiido troub e. Noer landed on Mount Ararat, but if th' mewl had Ivcti in ti.e ark tin re ain’t no telling where Noer would've landed. The chances rro lie would’ve been kill by tl>! mewl, cos a mewl don't like to be cooped up; it ain’t in Lis uator. .Mount Ararat, is a big lull in ihe Holy Land, tind there Noer turned io iso the unerkorn an’ the imnD, an’ th - linns roared. If 1 ain’t wrong, Mount Ararat was the place when; the profit Kligw fl \v up in a b aze of lire. Sum boys who go cra.v fishing on Sunday Call the profit Lige. I've got. a dog named Lige. lie is a briudlo linil dog and won't back down f r a cirku larsaw. Dad bought him f,out Jim Join s’s unkle. Jim Jones s grandma is hip shot, an’ treats a pdum-eoioi td gla-s cyt, an’ Shout’s at camp meetin’s. Dad bought a dug to keep the niggers Olsten the AVatermeion patch, an’ its wrong to cafi the profit Lige. Bad boys ain’t got no respect for the profits no bow. I’m | tne head in my Sunday-school class Deukun Smith owmd a big man ud avl, an’ he had a wart, on his leg ati’ a Roman nose. A man named Wilkins who loams around l>yin’ to get mi km r hit’s juries mle Di akan Smith to pull a h i r oaten the mewl’s tail and tie it round the wart, an’ it would come off in iwo days. Deukun Smith pu led a hair oaten the mend’s tail. Ix.ctor Jinmm ses that Deukun Smith won’t be tibia to pass the con tribushun box fa- two weeks lie Avas kicked through a bon I fence in tho s;ummick and fill in a was’ nst Ingger’u a door iant. Dad t f, Widd> r Spi'igg that hc avoiil i rather work m a pow lei lack tery than tool with a mewl s tail. Dad lias fiimlled mewls, lie se.> ifa it a mewl arid a savings bank won’t do to trust no way you- can lix iS; that a mewl will lit yon ride him thirty years to g. t a chance to lull off a bridge With you. Never let a mewl with lots oi white in his eye point h.s 1 1 il to your head. Dad si-s it ain’t safe and won’t miss its atm once in a thousand. The best wav lo hill'll a meivl in a waggin is to hire a nigger. A rael lias logit np an’ dust to git away will) a nigger They are kin, somehow. The Mis sury mewl is an Anietikin ins-titusltutl, but the Spanish mewl kin telescope liis hine legs an’ is a perferk tornader when he gits mad. You kin tame the in Id Bengotl tiger, but keep away fiom the Spanish mewl. the goto is next to the tnewl lor meanness, and’ the meivl can't be beat. The Turkish government continues to prepare for war with Greece, and il i.s very probable that the two ancient enemies wil! grapple, in spite of the protesting' powers.- Greece is faVore’ by an imminent Cretan insurrection and the (ire ks in Thessaly and Epirus are arming and drilling for the fray. The Turks have every where fallen hack in their fortified positions ami tlie army of King (Jeorge is ready at any time to advance over the not ihei n front'et. A collision is possible at an early da'e. The Constitution says: *Tf ten years ago, when Boss Tweed was at the height of his lawless power, anybody lied told linn dial he would die poor and fiicnriless and iu prison, and that his elegant Filth--avenue resident would become the property of i Hall county, Georgia boy, he would scarcely have received the intelligence as strict ly true. Yet such is the case. The Boss die 1 deserted by all'his old lol lowers and favorites, and Mr. Richard T. Wilson has purchased his famous le-idence at the corner of Fifih avenue aud Forty-third street. Mr. Wilson paid $185,000 for tha pioperty. It cost the ‘Boss' perhaps twice that turn,” Smiin no tiikSoil, -It in morn than wo hundred yen l ft ago <iiu:o tbero lived letliro Till', the lanl OM Hgl’call el'ist, .allo was ,-aeh an <*nlLuein-1 for stiriin.• he soil that lie (mine I ilia opin on that crops con'd im pioduced wilbniit die aid of nianure, It is a um i t“t o' oonsidersbio import dice, remarks tin Gniileii i’s ( h onii'lc, licit the etmos pluire shou'd etnieh and siveeten the soil, and unless iis sntbiee is in a til coadition i<> i] aw the air to penned'' il, its v in i 1, properties are lost. T'riiveleis in'oiin n- the, tin Greeks in their v in-yards iliimv tip the earth l>e , tween tlio vines in ling's, die o' je-i i being to eni'ti it and sweeien the soil b\ jtx.ioiire, adding Mil in xing inanu e 1 'Viill die i idgu ot eat ill before return, ir g it to ti.e roots, which it would up* p-ardl -v are in dll! habit ol pri lling annua ly.—Hut a I New Yorker, • *- *• ■ ■—— Columbus Ei.qniroi: W’lien tlio s'tanei G. Cunby Jordan was at l’uit Jackson, a man n a til ad Cl.irk wort ashore, and in a slant while attempted to return to die boat, lie s'epped on a pile of guano racks and the top one turned overthrowing him into tiie liver. Every ili’art was male by tiie boat hands to rescue I iin, but lie and sappear.-d in a levy iniinitos. When the steamer Lit parties were I’rngg'ng for the body. There are live mm to one woman in Leadville, seven to on3 tit Silver Creek, and se'v uteen to one at Pitkin. It i.s any ivomb-r the moral standing is a i6w one thereabouts. A voting lady resembles nmniinii don been use t in; powder is needed be lo.’o the ball. A fool aiwavs finds one still more to admire i.iat. Tons of Bom; and Peruvian Guano, the best fertilizer iu the work], for sale on tune. Founds of Dry Hides wanted for tiie hungry army, for which I will pay Cash Sowing M.-ivinnes for sale on time. Ma cliWf Needles of all kinds. •John H. Definis, Geneva. teb 20 it CiffatU, StiufF, Finn; and Smoking Tobac *o. Fresh, just in. At post office. I. W. Singleton. TEE’S HOTEL, tot West Side Broad Ktree , Columbus, Ga. MBS. \V. C. GRAY, Proprictresf. Pleasant Koonis i Comfortable Beds, and polite attention. Table .supplied with the best the market affords. ACSO’ITS WANTED. ; Si| ■ ? MODELS THE JOHNSON P.EVOLVINS SO'o2 CAGE. With Indebendem Shelves Adjustable to UoOitH of an y Height. ax jpiieseto# 1-i‘VALI'aRLB to iAivyerMy Clergy moisi 9 Xiditory, kAitiikci'N) 'i'.NuihurK, MlcrcUauUfa* Student's: And all who read Hooks. CHEAPEST, STRONGEST, DEST- Send for descriptive circular and Price MbtK CORBESFONDENCE SOLICITED Address, vi.Uil'li, TKATT &. CO., S -hool Furnishers, and dealers in everything in tlio Book uud btut:unery line. If) Bond St., New York. Rend 23 cents for our Now Illustrated Cata- J'D'Uo. with over 300 Illustrations ot oducatioual' iEid uaeiui urticlea, - • ' Bupe.*tus Celebrated Breecli-loadin" Shot Gn.Msaj Sl*> up. Double-barrel Breecli loaders at s'4o up Muzzle and Brooch-loading Guns, iijfles and bistolsot noht approved English and American makes. aij kinds of sporting implement? required by spcitsmcn and Onii-makers. Colt’s New Brcofh.Loa:! Double Guns at SSO up— the best gnu yet not dr* for the price. Prices, on an plication. JOS. C- GIUJJ3I? & CO, 715 MARKS r ST. PniL’A., 1-A C 79 \ v ivKK .f l> day ath mu* easily m 010 Costly ’ 1 - Outfit free Addre. - 'J . \v: k Cos, Augusta, Maine [ 1 TONIC A PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER. WWMOO—I iWliii ’ iII—W— IRON TITTTKItS nro liigldy rceornmcndwl for all diseases re qiiiriug n eerlain anil efficient tonic ; especially lndii/ealion, Jlysptrptia, Eta mittent Fevers, Want of Appetite, Ems <jf Strength, Link of Energy, etc. Enriches the blood, strengthens the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves. Tliey ant tikis a charm on Ihe digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such ns ’Putting the Food, Hi tching, Hint in the Stomach, Jlcai'totti'n, e'c. Till) only Iron Preparation tbiit will not blacken the tt < <li or give headache. Sold by all druggists. Write for tlio ABC Book, 32 pp. of useful and amusing reading —scut free. C BROWN CIIRMICAXi CO., Baltimore, Md. ~ MUTT rill iwn n„m\ in—iw —nur i ■■■ iw MiMßiiiiflß7lllinßrrifcaT-~iTifTrwrTiTTri—•• —*— <wii*)eva, 'Else Selaklc Pncifie tii!l su file Lead! I have and will keep on Imnil a targe supply of this most popular and standard fertilizer. No old stock, but all Ifesh from the works, -lull weights; I have no suh-ngeiits. but deal with the faiiniT myself. I handle only the best brands. I do strictly n fertilizing hmrintan andt can always be found at my office ready to serve Jofl both in selling and settling t wifi also Keep a s.ock on iiaml at Fox Springs, .Tones’ i fussing and Wiiribefly, and can give you orders to cither place. coStE and sec me or send in vour orders before ttie rush commences. W W JENKiNS, Agent, Geneva. Ga. , _ "." ■*-. ■ h ..... ,-, •' ' ~ —i .... ■ 'j —— Maimfactuerer of and Dealer in MSB srssS SSrasS 'S’rgassgi&i, U BioaS Street, COLUMBUS, OA, 2f<sijss£s I deal in hand-made work, good work that I ett i guarantee, and invite you to call and see me before buying.- Best quality of Ualaundem! Shirts just lec-ivic 1 . Nwkwnar and Undei wcnil of all kinds, S'akcr flannel, led flannel, lanibs’-wool and Merino 11ndersbiits and Drawers. We guarantee more va tic lor your Half-doi'ais and dimes ilian 'on can find at any other p'see. Dur stock of Fall snd Winter C'otliing, lints. Caps, Taints Valises, Canes, UnvhielLrs and Piece Goods is now complete. Our Merchant Tailoring Department is now well sup - plied, and we are prepaid! to cut and make suits to measure in the best style. l\ o offer better batg than ever before ctccnr rn'to'rjprs srd trsde geniha . We invite a edi ho in every one and onfiiierit trial no one will go H ( J|| 3 !^||p nnconvinci’d of the supeiior excellence of oar good and the great bargains weedier r S^ss&e;e>:E‘*!Ea/€l<asaa_ ©.€3 83 iSS f HOADTIffiF.T floS sasA5 as A Stope * DEALER EM MARBLE AND GRANEFE WORK. Vises, Ibos hm, Copixcs, limiiii Work, Ac., AGENTS FOR TIIE CELEBRATED STONE BORDERING AND VASES FOIt GRAVES, econj> Street, near Campbell & Jones Warehousc, TVEA-OOXsT. ----- GA. FUTtHISHED. 'loin C'9A P Rr ‘lay at home Samples worth $5 free* i h Address, titmson k (Poitland, Maine J. I. WADDLE, Bar & Best infant, (Opposite the Market House) West Side 'of Ogletorpe Street, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. This house is inert ."-otiveniriilly sit. uaieil for the palronng of Marion, Chat lahoocheß and Scldoy county men. The best Wines, Whiskies, Beer,Cigars and Tobacco always on hand. Customers waited on by our clever and genteel young bar lender who is now with me anti will he pleas ed to have a call fiom his friends in Marion and adjoining counties-, iTHE RESTAURANT ALWAYS SUPPLY#!) ! with the freshest Fish and 0i stern and other emlibles to uit lie human app tite. F.v°ryilii tig well cooked and polite attention always received, i’ricu so low vou can’t help bo pleased. J. M. WADDLE. (fcdd a week iu your own town Terma and f5 out tit lr( . e jj ijallutt & Cos., Portland, Maim LANDRETHS* M SEEDS™ BIST lQffl If not hold in vour town, you I ffl fl 1 can get then, by mail. Drop I S IB B 1 us a Postal Card for Cat,a- iWJfc logue and Prices. The Oldest and must extensive Ucck.' (Irotrer -■* in the Vid fed State.*. DAVID LAXDUJLS'JKI At f>OX.S,PjJiLAPA .i A. A REMEDY THAT IS A SURE AND EE* ri fectual cure for all diseases of the til rod. .Skin, Scrofula, Cancer in the worst form, White Swelling, Catarrh, Cancer of Mho 1 womb and all Chronic Sores, no matter of how ong standing; we guarantee a cure if our remedies are usedaccorifiug. to directions. Smith 5 s torofula Syrup AND With these two medicines combined,- wo have cored hundreds if oasis of tho differen dise ises mentioned above. Smith’s Scrofula Syrup is an internal remedy, one of the best blood purifier now known to the American people;* Star Curinc if, an external remedy: by applying it on the out side and taking Smith’s Scrofula syrup, your ease will bo easy cure. If you will end on or address ns we will take pleasure in showing you hundreds of certificates from parties living in this State that you are well acq minted with, that have been cured sound and well by using Situ* Corine and Smith’s- Scrofula Syrup. If yon are afflicted with any of the above mentioned diseases do not think yonr ease wilt get well Without treatment; do ito: delay; the sooner yon get to using our two the sooner you will be restored' to heal tit and happiness. Call on J \V Ans ley at once, before it is too late, and get a bottle Smiths Scrofula syrup and Shu 1 Cnn'ihe. ltoad the following certificates: •Tan 1!) 1579. VP-sere. P'.niel k Mandi, 13 Tti-nlrtl House, At.aula: (it I- 1 fiit it i This is to certify that wo have tried -mitli’s -icrofula syrup in h(\oral old cronic run■ a if Catarrh Cam-er Sort /.okk. etc., sml we chierfully eeorooiend it'to the public as the l„ st, safest Slid lost ref. hie blood piuifter that can t e used for all lisessea fo. which it is recommended. IlespeetfitUy. It. Hartman A-Co: All Coinsni.iiierttions slk’,n]<l lie Ad. -tressed to UASIEI. *<t M VltsH. Sole Pro {irtsloMami Mil nufnetHrei-s, lit K' m lmU House, Alliiniu. For Side by J \V AKSIEY, Dlirm t 31r7 -I.v. j