The Buena Vista Argus. (Buena Vista, Ga.) 1875-1881, March 12, 1881, Image 2

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gncmt f ista gufflwsi. u .1.1, w IMUIHTUN, IMIIW. W. A. SINOI.NTOV, EOiTortt.i i. t\>iti:i:sro\i>E y t RUES'A VIBTA,G.V„ MARCH 121 li. 1881 A Public reception was tendered t > Ex President Hayes on bi.B nrri va at ids hotna at Fremont,o. The largest liegia'ature in this country is qiat ot New Hampshire), Which contuna 31# members, or one fur about every 100 voters. A’l the other Sew England States also boast of largo Legislatures, as follows: Massachusetts 280. Connecticut 267, ami Vermont 272. Georgia has the largest Leg islature of the Southern Stales, 208, and Delaware the smallest. 30. A stonu a’l over the North and on the Atlanlic coast on tho night ol the 3rd inst. w>s fea: fully destructive. Trade aal travel was suspended. Over 200 tons of mail mi tt'r accu ffsu'nted in Ch cago. Many evi dences of wrecked vessels arc set n 11 along the coast. On the 3rd inst. tfto Italian bark Aiiace, from Antwerp, bccam wnter-loggod off Rockaway Beach. The crew bccafnc demoralized when it became evident that the vessel wa going nahoro, and four of them Cut their throats. The bark first struck oa Pock a way shoals and went to pieces by four o’clock. The crew numbered 15 men all told, and all but oue were drowned. Small farms well feitilizad and properly ou'tivated will yield much more handsomely /ban larger ones which never receive any assistance from the husbandman. We repair and beautify our houses, renew our feaces, and why not keep our fields in good c indilion by improving and eurchir.g them ? Atlanta Constitution: Ihe railroads j sooth ffom ibe Ohio river are blocked ■ with corn, pork, wheat, hay and other j articles, destined for Southern consump tion, all of which should have been produced in the South itsel-'. The vary fact of the blockade is a sad com nrerrary upon the agiicultural enter prise of the South. The railroads cannot supply tis with articles that our otvn soil would gladly produce if it was tickled with the plough and the hoe. At Red Bank, N. J„ there is con si durable excitement bordering on to ‘ desperation, between the whit 9 and j colored people. Some time since an attempt was made to force colored children in white schools. The pub lic school authorities were appealed to for instruct bn-’. Tho reply was not to admit colored chddren in white schools under any circutn ;tanccs. It should be prevented by persuasion if possible, but by force if necessary. The colored people have made some bold threats. President Gm field sent to the Senate the following nominations: J. G. Bhine, of Maine, to secretary of state; William Windom, ot Min nesota, secretary of the treasury; Wayne McNeigh, of Pennsylvania, attorney general; Thomas L James, of Mew York, postmaster general; Samuel J. Kirkwood, of lowa, secre tary of the Interior; Robert T. Lin coln, of Illinois,- secretary of war; William 117 Hunt, of Louisianna, sec retary of the navy. A prominent gentleman who is in timate with Senator Davis, of Illi nois, told a Washington Star reporter on Friday that the latter would voto to maintain the present organization of the senate; that Senator Davis said that a movement by the republi cans to reorganize would be entiidy and essentially a panizan effort for the benfit solely of the republican party; that to support such a move ment by his vote would be for him to sustain ‘rank partisanship,’’ while m voting to contiue the present sta tus ho maintains his independence. Therefore, if any change is made in the senate, it must he by Genera) Mabone voting with the republicans. A SON KILLS HIS FATHER. Mr. George Willard, of Shelbyville Ind., a farmer of mm h respectability and many friends living in township, a few miles west of Freeport, had occasion to do a little work in front of his house. Tie became chilled and started toward the house to warm himself. McdiDg his son a youth eighicen years old. he tokl him to finish i lie woik already commenced. The boy refused and agry words en sued. The father threatened to pun ish the boy in case iie’dtsobeyed. As Mr. Willard started for the house the boy stole up behind him,and with on axe picked up in the‘ T pathway he dealt his father a frigLtlul blow on the head, crushing Ilia skull. The boy continued his assault after his father had fallen sensible. Mr. Wil lard has since died. PLEASE STOP M T— WIIA TANARUS) Wo clip the following hit row an exchange: Times nr* hard, money is scarce, 1 business is tin 1, r. Vcnchnn'nt is a, duty —plouse stop tnv —whisky ? Oh, no, times are not hard enough for th it yet; but there is som thing else which costs me a large amount ol money every year which I used to save. Please stop my tobacco,cigais and snuff? No, no, not ' heae; but 1 must retrench sotnewlnrc; plon-e stop my—ribbons, jewels ornaments ami trinkets? Noi at all; pride must lie fostered, if times wee ever so haul, but I believe lean sec a way t> ef feet quite a saving in an> thr direc tion—Please stop my—tea, coffee and needless and'Unborn thy luxuries ? No, no, not these, 1 cannot think ol such a sacrifice; but I must think ol something else. Ah ! 1 have it now My paper costs a few Cents a week; I must save that. Please stop mt paper. That will carry mo through the panic easily ! 1 b iteve in re trenchment and economy, especial;i in brains. A writer in Columbus Times on the subj ct of lime as a fertilizer, concludes as fol ows: Lime is a conoituent ol all plants. It aids in the decoinpos tion of all organic and inorganic mutter in the I soi ; . j It opens and makes friable stiff clay soil. It solidifies and makes sandy and | porus soils retentive. It at r icks and retains moisture with power of absorbing valuable gases. It corrects acidity, or sourness in all soils. It tends greatly to the destruction of pestiferous insects, etc. The winter just passed is lull of in struct on lo our peop o and if the\ will only pause in their plannings and profit by the lessons they will do wel. The short crop of grains last year, and the almost eompi -ta destruction of the oat crop during the winter and the increasing scarcity of pro vis ions should impress upon the minds of our farmers the great need of va ried agriculture at the South. How long our people wiT be learning, and how many pressing emergencis they mast encounter before profiting by the lesions given them, is unknown to any one. Bui it would be the h -ighih of wis dom, and the most timely provision of their agricultural management if every farmer would certainly plant grain, vegetables and grasses enough for home purposes, and then grow as much cotton as they could besides Merchant*, bankers, capitalist, pro fessionals, all say it is better,and far mers all confess their past folly and short sightedness, but they will still onward and wrongward urge then way. It is sail there are twelve hundred railroad companies who threaten tc combine and operate against Legisla tures which attempt to legislate agiinsi them. We do not know how much truth there is in the statemen 1 , hut there is evidently a tendency through out the country to lay hands on rnoiiop olies when there is not a reliable com petition to prevent extortion. The railroad question is an imporfant one now, though not until late yeais did it attract much attention in the South. Now railroad combine'ions and opposi tions are suhj -cts of much comment, and in the conflict for supremacy a few companies wi 1 control the lie ght, and all others will serve only as feeders to ihe many arteries of trade. Tne ministers seem to b? waking up all over the country and have com menced to belabor the so-called scien tific infidels. About the best way, however, to fight infidelity is to coni' mence on those infidels who belong 'o the church. A selfish, hide bound, so-called Christian, who can see no good in anything outside of lus own narrow minded conceits, and whose ideas of free salvation lead him to with hold his money from church purposes or the needy neighbor, is an infidel at heart, because if a man really believes in God’s promises he cannot fail to open wide his hand for these purposes, —Griffin Sun. At'anta Post-Appeal: Some people think it the greatest sin to be a young man. and others that it is a still greater one to be old, anil thßt all wisdom be longs to middle life. We don’t believe a word of it. There are as many old heads on young bodies as young hea-’s on old bodies, and quite as many mutton heads on middle-aged bodies as on any other. The Bainbridge Democrat announces that Mr. G. W Floyd, a farmer of Gadsden county, Fla., over 60 years of age, proposes to bo at the next spring fair in that city, and wifi, for a fifty doTar wager, outrun any man in South west Georgia a three mile heat. lie is also willing to put up a ten dollar wager that he can walk seven miles in an hour or run one rail# in three minuto?. GEORGIA. Ex Clulf Justice Mirnnt Warner is not dead,but is better,and may r. cov er. Burglars entered the smoke house of George Ivey,in McDuffie county, a lows days ago, and carried oil oOi) pounds of meat. Savannah NcwS'. The number of sudden deaths in tft s ei y within the past eighteen months Inis been un tidily huge. There nas been several within a week. A collision with two freight trains occurred on tho Central railroad on die sth inst. A severe wreck but no one hurt, Minnie Jackson was chrushed a 1 Crawford in attempting to jump from the ears while in tn tion a few days and died on Tuesday alter, W. H. S inf >rd, of Thomas county, s making silk fishing linen from home made silk. Colqti tfc county’s coun house, with all the const v records, was destroyed bv fire last Fridas. The Council of Fort Gaines tins supplier! the city with anew 500 pound fire bell. The next Georgia Agricol urnl Convention will br* in Rome and will begin on the 2d Tuesday in A-ngus* tiex'. Mr. W. R, Webb, of Terrell conn <y, lost hi? dwelling house a few nights since by fire. Everything was lost in the Louse and kitchen. Jake Davis, colored, 13 years old. and Simon Cooper, colorod, nine years old, in lion-ton county, had a quarrel a few days ag<>. Joke struck Simon on the head with a rock and ended ids itV, He is in jail for in voluntary manslaughter. There seems to be a gang of rail road wreckers about Griffin. Re cently several attempts have been made to throw the train from ilie track some throe miles north of that place. If the parties are ever caught in the act, Judge Lynch ought t,> open court at, once and promptly dis pose of their eases and carcasses. The Donglasvil'e Star says that the Chattahoochee river has been so high that, some farm rs woo Crosse f it going to market before the rain w. re forced i . remain ten days beiore their return. There are diff-rences of opinion among editors concerning President Garfield’s message, but a m ajority of them favor it. Time will tel! and w<- will wait patiently. He will show us what lie means. Last Sunday a passenger in the cars at Smithvide dropped a pistol from his pocket on iha floor of the car. The load was discharged an 1 the ball passed through the back ot a seaton which a lady was siting, nar rowly missing her, Complaints are made of fishermen at Augusta for stretching nets across the river and so iniercejiling the run of shad as to prevent them from reaching proper spawning water, 'here by diminishing the future sup ply- Franklin C uinty Ni ws is to the Iront with a fut hog cise. Dr. J. G. Cook near by reports having a fat hog accidei.tally enclosed under a house, whsro ho remained 73 days without food or drink, and when ac cidentally found could stand up and eat. The papers in the Slato arc justly calling attention of planters to the import nice of upland rice. It will not cost much, and a trial of a small lot of it this year, might lead to future profit. A man will certainly b - bet ter informed and can instruct bis neighbor after experiment. The Atlionsß inner tells of a heart less butte named Jesse Cook, a lar mer in Jackson county, who a few days ago told his daughter that if she did not split as many rails that tile as he did he would beat her to death that night. Being unable to do as much us work as her brutal father, she secret td herself and would not go totho house. The wretch instituted search and found her, when he actu ally executed his threat, or so nearly that she died in a shoit time. Some whole-souled ladres in At lanta are endeavoring to establish a hospital in th it city, to be a refuge to the sick and poor—both- white and colored. \ noble undertaking and noble hearts are engaged in it. A sick strang--r, poverty stricken and pining for some friendly hand to aid and relieve him or her, will find in that hospital a home of rolief and blessed sympathy. Success to their ] labors. Col. Francis WessrL, liiimry business manager of the Columbus Euqun r Hun, died rec ntlv in I’uil delplda, It is noticed that a largo number of fnrin>*rs throughout sire State mv buying Western ha\n This is not a* it should bo. A? I bug as such is the case, so long fauuiers remain in debt, On Sunday morning last tho jailor of Lee couny opened tho fours if the prison and found a negro adman prisoner dead on the floor. The cor oner's jury rendrtretl a verdict ol ‘‘death from a fit,’’ Miicon is not behind other South ern cities in progress. We See a music printing house —the on'y one in the South, publishing its own orig in and music, has quite recently been establsLed there under the worth management of Bridges Smith. The Slate Fair wi.l be held in Mo con lignin this year Macon is wide awake on the lair question ns she is on all others. Atlanta, Augusta and Btvannah cannot enpo with Ala-'on hi sonto particulars, an l this contest' for tin- State Fair proves it. Pink Piatt, colored, who so cruelly outraged a school girl in September Inst,was hung at Marietta Oti the 4t ins', in the presence of about 8.000 people. A brutal deed was not atoned for even on the gallows, but how strange that so mmy p-rsons will appear so ready to witness tb moßi degrading death known to law The Atlanta Post Appeal t-*lls of Miss Il ittie Smith, 13 y-ars old, of that city, goine to the well after night lo draw water and in milt ing to replace the rope in over the pulley, It'll lect f>r most in tho well So ty feet deep. Fortunately sh* was rescued with no other injury than a broken ankle. Yesterday ('aro'ine harper, a col ms and W 'tnan who I ved on Dr Camer on's lot near Si. Paul church, died v-uy su ulenly She had not b--‘ n com p ain ng of anv sickness and about 11 oV.lcck waited out into the yard ar.d fell when she exnired in a few moments. —Columbus Enquirer ‘‘The camps of the penitentiary convicts, which are now located on the Macon and Brunswick Railmad, are lo be moved to the camps of ihe Marietta andNorth Georgia Railroad, ['here are about 1,150 convicts in the various prison camp* of th'State. The largest number in any one place is at the Dade Road mine, where there are about 350 at work in the ini ncs, Meriwether YindicatoriForty thou sand doflars will secure us a railroad to Greenville in ) ss than twelve months. The county can raise that, sum w thout damage to any one, and ttie .sooner it is raised the better. Our people will Lily dally over the matter and Wake up to the mor tifying fact that they have waited to long. The world moves, and unless Meriwether moves quickly she will find herself behinl and remanded forever to bad roads and distant market. Warrenton Clipper: Wo have a fiend who is i t possession of papers cont oning a surv y and several items of important inform ition in regard to a large sum of m ney not less than a tniliio i of dolors in sp< cie which was deposited n hit fa ecu nry jor more ago bv pirates -n nn inland off the coast of Florida. The friemi m company witb others has been to th - is and and located t .espot where the money is. It lies fitly tbnty feet under water and must b-- taken ut) by machinery. The lushing and the waves cut away the shore and thus gained possession of the hidden treasure. Home day this handsome sum will come to suilace and make somebody rich'. Rome Courier: “We learn that Mr. M. B. MeGinti lias taken a $58,000 contract to put up anew fac tory building at High shoals. It is to be anew building but is for the purpose ol enlarging the capacity of the present factor.. Work lias been going on at Barnett’s Shoals lor sev eral weeks. It is proposed to bund a large factory there ns soon as pos sible. This has been pronounced, by competent judges, to be the finest water power in the Statu. The fac tory cau be run without a dam. Lagrange Reporter: The center ol population, according to ihe last census will fall near Ciucinatti. Ten years ago it was forty eight miles northeast of that city, mid lias mov. and southwest at the ratd of near y five miles a year. It wlb u timutely rest at some point of the Mi-niusippi val ley—perhaps in a* Cairo,lh. Atlanta should apply for it. Quitman Free Press: “Well’Dig ger’’ Jon-8 brougnt to town on Wednesday last and sold 'o Judge Creech, a i-ggi-rh ad turtle wtricli weighed 75 pounds. It was the largest animal of its kind we have ever seen, its head being as large as a man's and its shell 7 feet in circum ference. It was caught in th© Spence lake, about tour miles from town. This fell 'W was an old residenter, and doubtless heard the wolves luwl and Indians yell fifty years before a white mart had set loot in tb'S fair land, Columbia i'in'i's: Lt-t night \\o leiiniH.itm p i lioolut'f* ol‘ a l>oM r f. bei ry which Was cnDimit'i'il at I 0* S rings on Thu: si lay nip lit The biiigluis ourml out a hole iiboiit, six niche- squure in a sUuit-r of tue store Ol Mu. Culv'in May. They, b thi.-' m nna, ittfcctctl an entranc ■ to the front room. They then went to the mi Idle door, bored a sinnl ,r hi lu and nnfuHt mod it. The b ck was oeou o ipled by Mr Allen Pop ,and lie was s rep ng w thiu two or three feet of, the ooor. 'ihe tlieivis (as it is! there was more than one) Ftol-i his ou-t suit of clothing', abo. t $lO in money auii his watch. They then went back int i the front room, opened a jar ol brandy peaches, ate ns much a* th' y wanted, took two or three other articl-s ami left ,he house. Al this was (lotto wit iout ever disturbing; the slumbers of Mr. Pope. Tnet ois with which tiny did the work were stolen from a shop near by. Hawkinsv.llo Dispatch: Podge County has seven or eight “ding stor sand it is sai l timt-smne of the p opdetors don’t know the difference iii tw on paregoric and stump water, but if you want a p at of g aid corn w .t-ky y u can g< t t. Tae licen-e is on y ti eea liumir and do lars a year and As luUoh cneaper io r in a Mi ug store.'’ One ol Uu< le Sum N cliiil sou's n ignbms went to Ea-tmm the o,her day and reported that the whole woods was full ol snakes. An other tmur We nt to one oi ihe “drag stores'’ and asked for a pound ol alts Lo give his male. The proprie tor said he didn’t k.cpany dry med icines, but that ho hid a “barrel ol poweifu good eperrits that would know the chi Is higher na k te.” t lie man took tequait tor nis btumuChe’s ache. The Texas Legi lature has passed i bid pit.h.biting insanity produced by drunkenness from being pleaded m extenuation or excuse fur murder, tjood. The cotton seed od works at Hick man Xy. were burned, one man end one lady were burned in one of the minings. A lull supply of grain low fur cash bee cl Potatoes. Fancy Simpson Cotton Seed, AT JEFFERSON’S Tii trade East and South East of Colum bus are requested to call and examine and leave a few doll. rs. 1 will give you polite attention, select goods and true weights. ItoLLiN Jefferson 33 West Side Broad Sul, Columbus, Ga. FOUND * remedy that is a SURE AND El'- 2 k feotual cure (or all diseases of the liliod, Akin, Scrofula, Cancer in the worst form, White Swelling, Catarrh, Cancer of the womb and a 1 Chronic Sores, no matter of how ong standing; we guarantee a cure if out remedies are used according to directions. Smith’s Scrofula Syrup and gsa ■- b*S nie With these two medicines combine i, we have curt and hundreds f cases of the d.fferen dise tscs mentioned above. Smith’s Scrofula Syrup is m internal remedy, one >1 the best b‘ood purifier now known to the American people. Star ie an external remedy ;Ly appiyiiig it on the out side and tak ug Smith's Sciolula svrup. your case wili be easy cure If you will ca ! "on or address ns we wib take pleasure in showing you hundreds ot certificates from parties living in tMs-tate 'hat you are well acqnanted with that have lieen cured sound and well by uUug Scar Citrine and Smith's scrofu a Syrup. II you are afflicted with any of the above mentioned diseases do not think your case wil get we l without treatment; do not delay; the sooner you get to using our two remedies the sooner you will be restored to health and happiness. Gallon J VV Ansley at once, before it is too late, and get a bottle Smiths Scrofulir sy.rup and Star Cuirine. Road the following certificates: •fail 19 1879. MeefTP. P'.niH A: Marsh, ISKi'nlvU House, Atlanta: liLPtlemcn: This is to certify that wo have tried .Smith's .erofula avrup in atveral old croilic cases of Catarrh Cancer Sore Lege, etc., snd we cluerfully recommend if to die puhdc as the b< at, safest and most rel'.hle blood purifier that can l e nsed for all diseases fo. which it ‘.s recommended. Respectfully, it. llautmah & Oo: All Communications should be Ait dressed to OAMB I, <SJ 1U A IIH. Sole Pro. prlcto* i a lilt tlaiiufiiituirrs, 11 Rtinbull House, At lama. For sale by J W ANSIEY, Buena V sta, Ga apr? -3v. vj ‘YiTinu Ms jsmivrc tin o *sor •uoflßoiptav uo so. uj ’dDud aqt .ioj upmu jd.£ nn3 laaq aifl —tin o‘-$ Msun;) |qnoa l>oq a qjM}i A\.*jy s*.uo K > pne K->msq.i;xl £q stum cqdnit 3iUVU'dsjo sputq fl v -ticojviu un.ti.tdinv p>t q*> : ;Sua paa>.uit* jsuiu losi.nstd pntJßrjy’i: ‘nai'ti pm?aizzuf\ da (>£s \v. tßß }oqs 3uipro;-tpaa.iy[ siu.’aduH Add a week in your own town Terms and fS outfit v"" tree kdd'-ess H Hallett k Cos., Portland. Maine t A <l.O/1 per day at home baniplee woi tt *5 free, fd Tjv Address, Stmson k <’o., Portland Maiue '7? ' WEKK #l2 a day at home oasm made < •-r ly “ Outfit free Addroas True & Cos, Augu*tu, Maine LAIiDRETHS’ 17Q i SEEDS foe BEST IQ 01 fl c f l/l It not Hold in your town, you Bis fill 11 U 4 logua and Prices Mdet and mwe extensive IrTtvrrr? fn 'hr United St<ztx*. DAVI.I> l A-Nmitn A Gua n © Depot 9 fli: m be w a. I • -n . I ■ .tim.f . j The Soluble Pacific still in the Lend! f •—?■■■—- v gc'jj'je. I h ive and will keep on Imnd n largo supply of this most popular and standard fortifizer. No old stock, but all Iri sh Irotn the works, lull weights; 1 have no sub-agents, but deal with the fanner myself. 1 handle only the host brands. I do strictly a fertilizing hnsineM and can a ways tie found at my office ready to serve you both in soiling and settling 1 will also weep a stock on unnd at box Springs, Jones' l.rossim and WimlWly, and can give you orders to either place, come uud see mo or send in tour orders before tiro rush commence*. VV W JENKINS. Agent. Geneva, On. Eeck A* li’iirfl'orctj, Manufacturer of and Dealer in'——— Wnflldles, B3ssrv‘.**, Hit’iHlit’t’,KtitrlielN,ltlinil llrlfll t*s, BS*kEaas3<l.i, llanieNK, Tninki, &c U Bsioaa Street, COLUMBUS, GA. I deal in hand-made work, good work that I can guarantee, and invite you to call and see me before i no p 9 A TRUE TONIC A PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER., IRON BITTERS arc highly recommended for all diseases re- I quiring S certain and efficient tonic; especially Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Inter mittenk levers, Want of Appetite, Doss of Strength, Lack of Hnergy, etc. Enriches the blood, strengthens the muscles,> and gives new life to the nerves. They act like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tasting tit* Ibod, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. The Ollly i Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by all druggists. Write fort Jar ill C Book, 32 pp. of useful and amusing reading —tent free. f BROWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. IBITTERSI FIVE HUNDRED Best quahi vof Unlaundered Shirts just received. Neckwear and Underweard of dl kinds, S'aker flannel, ted’flannel, lambs’-wool and Merine Undershiits aud Drawers. We guarantee more vane for your DOLLARS II .If-dol'ais and dimes than "on can find flt any other p'ace. Otir stock of Fall an l Winter C otliing, Hats, Caps, Trunks Valines, Canes, Umbrellara and Pier* Goods is now complete. Our Merchant Tailoring Department is now well sup plied, and we are prepared lo cut and make suits to measure in the best style. V\ ® offer bettni' burg than ever before GIVEN ctconr customers and trade genera . We invito a edi from every one and o;.fidcnt that no one will go AWAf unconvinced of the su| enor excellence of our good and the great bargains we offer 83 &SS HOAD STREET ____ _ COLUMBUS GA AGENTS WANTED. •aaHSiMHrui s'rraoitf Southern Business College. LOUISYILLE. KY. PRACTICAL BOOK KEEPING. NO TEXT BOOKS' Over 25 years a Practical Accountant, endorsed by all tho PJIOMENT MEP.CHAH73 0" LOUISViIIE. Send Stumps for Circulars uiui Specimens of Penmanship. BEN <l. WEAVER, Principal. | 11. S. DeSOLL \R, Secietary. A Preparation of IKUN and GALI3AVA BahK, in conimnation with the Phosphates, Endorsed by the Medical Profession, and recommended by them for HI Dyspepsia, General Debility, Female Diseases, Want of Vitality, &c. \ a W. P. Htlla, Crockett SMlm, Tmn., writes: “Dll. II a'li-H §| i B S J9Kf Teh’s Iron Tonic has done wonders here. A ladyf Eg*?! eg H B u H BmggSjr. who had been doctored nearly to death for Q b * Ba W cra.l years, has been cured of Debility ant l a I 9 H I ® (treat Prostration by tll6 use Of Dll. □! " M 3 0 k fgSßSyv /farter: JI.VKTlhrs Iron Tonic. H " k Mr. James Brown of' raised her from her bed. rn CT. a aTi , our county, has requested where she had been p Mi S to tender you his grateful lying for *3 PO &*fe"i,jKS3^* - acknowle<lgnients for the great bene ttionlhs. A w Kll gMI g. fits his wife received irom the Uee of yonr m 9Jm mR Iron Tonic. lie-toils us tliat, after having paid Bam i 111 or four hundrtttdbllam doctors’ bills, two bottles B Qrtf m 1 u I y° ur Tonic did- her more good than all other nied*- Cli 3 P ra| fij f Is she ever used. She was troubled with Derangement of ih* tKM a e-otn/iE a y Tfarttb, Whites, etc from which she is much relieved. Ejjtt j DR. HARTER MEDICINE CO.. No. 213 NORTH MAIN STREF.T. ST. LOUIS. TITOS- B ARTOPeT DEALER IN- MARBLE AND GRANITE WORK, Vises, Iron Hiiisq, Comes, Bum Work, 4c.. AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED STONE BORDERING AND VASES FOR GRAVES, ecoxd Street, kea.r Campbell &, J one’s Warehouso, - a r (3 A, THE JOHNSON REVOLVING! BOOS CASE. With Ikdbpikdznt Shelves .a tmustjuu-s to Booaa OF ANY HKIOriIT. AN ELEGANT PRESENT* INVALUABLE TO Lawyers, Clergy men, Editors, Bankers, MercUaiita* Stujdnts: And aJA who read Books., CHEAPEST, STRONGEST, BEST. Send for descriptive circular and Price list. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED Addroas, BAKEII, PEATT Jk CO., School Furnishers, and dealers la everything in the Book and Stationery line. 19 Band St., New York. Bend 39 cents for our Kew Illustrated Cats <ogue, with over 300 Illustrations ol eduoaUonal uwitU KUtlee. — •— <