The Covington star. (Covington, Ga.) 1874-1902, March 18, 1885, Image 2

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The <£o\nuaitcm Ihtnv. J.W. tADEiPsON, Editor, it-Rus, *1.0(1 a A’kau in Advance, e-Z.OO Wiieu Not Paid in Advance. Success Is Oui Aim. W column# of the Star ore always open il t , f'lir sti'l dignified ditemsion oj alt gurstifiu *f public interest; but eommunica jio.i* 'id"•■■<!ling the individual claims of any , t . fur any political position or particular and fhi <g. is regarded as personal publication matter, in mi ix( be pi*id for to secure its Shoe columns, The editor is not responsible for 'be W si’s of correspondents, and no com¬ munication will hr published unless the name jqC the writer is known to the editor. COVINGTON. GA., MARCH 18,1885. THE EDITOR ABSENT. Tho editor of the Stab left on Uundity for llsunLri'Jge. for the pur¬ pose of attending-a special meeting of the Georjjiff Press Association, which couvenoe in that place to.(lay. fcTcgn Batnbridge, it is expected Lhe Press Association will visit the Now Orleans exposition in a body, and vvjh perhaps remain there until af¬ ter Tuesday, March 24th, which is .■Georgia’s day at the great oxposi* 4ion. Tl e editor expects to “take in j.ho sights” about the Crescent City and the exposition, with tho other boys and will he absent until next ■week. He will then try and toll you all about it. £.~r THE NEW ORLEANS EXPOSITION. This great industrial exposition is Still growing in interest, and the push of visitors has increased as tho mild spring weather is opening. Tin exhibits arc all that its friends could cxp.ict, and the railroads have acted with commendable public spirit in reducing the rates of faro so that everybody can afford to gd and see the greatest industrial exhibit of tho Age. It ia desirable, in tha interest of the growth, progress and prosperity of the country, that the people should ptterid this great world’s exposition gti masse. li will sniioubtoilly bo the only opportunity of the kind of this century. To promote special interest ami encourage special attend unco the management bus, in confer enco with the Stale Commissioners, (designated certain “State Daj’s,’’— Covering which dales the railway lines have agreed to make the lowest p^eq sion rales over mado in this country. The date fixed for Georgia’s day, at this great exhibition, is next 'Tuesday, the 24th of March, The governor and his staff, the Georgia Press Association, and a largo num¬ ber ol the military companies of the state, will be there on that da}*, and everything will bo done that can be to make it a success. It will be g grand time, and those who expect to visit it ibis spring, should try and be there on Georgia's day, the g-fthof March. Beginning Well Tho president has dismissed three of the clerks who were employed in the executive office at the While House, and the impression is left •hat their places will not be filled, li Booms that their services were not need, and tfle president, acting in cordance with his promises ot eeon ciny, discharged them. Tiie question which presents it s,4f is, ot course, will the same gard for economy ho observed the cabinet officers? If it is, a many employes will be soon, mid the vacancies thus will not be filled. There ate between 13,000 and 000 government employes in ington, and il is entirely safe to h a' the services of at least a of them could bedisponsed with out damage o tl e public service. The complicated methods of acting the public business that ar found iu all tho departments edopiud by the republicans for other purpose, apparently, than increase the public patronage. It will tako the heads of ha partments considerable time, of couise, to introduce simpler in disposing of routine, matters. It ia not probable that they a ill slick to the present methods after the ex¬ ample which the president ha* set in. It seems also that the pre&idont intend* to conduct the affairs of tile executive office on strictly busincs* jjrinm'p! ■S. Mr. Arthur very often did not an- pear in bis office until noon, and | sometimes after lliut hour. President Cleveland expects the members of his household to be ready for breakfast at 8 o clock, and be proposes to he at his desk at 0 o'clock. Jle certainly stalls out well, and if he follows throughout Lis regulations for the executive office which he has adopted, lie will earn the reputation of being a working president Col. Vilas had a very pretty com* pliment from the Wisconsin legisla* lure, of which ho had a member. A republican introduced a resolution acknowledging that Mr. Cleveland had “committed that branch of the government service which is near¬ est to the people to the hands of u cem, consciei tiom an 1 progress* ive statesman,” which was ur.anh mousiy adopted. The New York Herald pays a high but just compliment to the south in saying that “Lamar, Garland and Bayard are the names in the eabi net that do most honor to President Cleveland’s choice. What a contrast with the proscriptive policy of all tho republican administrations ! Of the thirty-eight governors of the thirty-eight states of the union, twenty-two are democra's, fifteen r p ihbcans, and one, Governor Cameron, of Virginia, is a Mabone man. Relief from Malarial Poison. For six months past I have boon affected with a very Serious case oi typhoid malaria, which I contracted on my nrango grove in northwestern Florida. I tried several remedies, but everything failed me. Two weeks ago I purchased a bottlo of Swift’s Specific, which has proven a sure cure for this dreadful malady I had almost given up hope of ever being well again, for I had tried so many remedies, all of which had failed to do any good. Would to God that all the afflicted people ro* siding in the malarious counties of Georgia, Florida and Alabama would read this and try tho S. S S. instead of dosing themselves with quinine and mineral remedies, I feel it my duty to ruff, ring humanity to write this certificate, for it may be the means of my old friends trying this great remedy as I have done. So strong is my fuitli in it that every case wucre tho directions are follow, c 1 I will guarantee a sure cure or forfeit one hundred dollars. (’it as. D, Barkeh, Publisher, Editorial Room, Temperance Ad¬ vocate, Atlanta, Gu. •’It is a Wonderful Remedy. ’ For many years my blood was in a bad condition, manifesting; its char¬ acter by a scrofulous breaking out on both my ankles, which caused mo considerable suffering as well as great annoyance. Seeing the name ol Rev. Jesse II. Campbell, ot Col¬ umbus, Ga., attached to a certificate concerning a cure by Swift’s Specfi* ie, l wrote to him about this remedy. His reply was that “ il is a wonder¬ ful remedy.” 1 tried it and found the action very much as described in the directions. 1 used abuiit one dozen bottles, observing a steady and almost daily improvement, from the start I was entirely cured of ibis disagreeable and distressing disease. That lias been nearly a yeap ago, and 1 find no signs of the disease returning, and am ready to testify with Rev. Mr. Campbell that •Swill’s Specific “ is a wonderful rem¬ edy.” Chr.rlcstiMi, s'. Feb. 5, 1SS5. R. M. R. Treatise on Blood and Skip Jtos* eases mailed free. Tun Swift Specific Comi’Any, Atlanta, Ga, A Wonderful Discovery, Consumptives, and alt who suffer from any affection of the Throat and Lungs, can find a certain cure in Dr, King'* New JJiseoyerj for Consumption. Thousands of permanent cures verify the truth of this statement. No medi¬ cine can show such a record of wonderful cures j 'Fli rasantls of once hopeless] sufferers now gratefully proclaim they owe their lives to tb : s New Discovery, Jt will cost you nothing to give It a trial Free Trial Bottles at Brooks and Ivy’s Drug Store. Laqje s ze, $t.oo. One Dollar For 15 WEEKS. T ie Police Gazette will be mailed, ! securely wrapped, to any address in ■ the United States for three months : on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed t<» jioet m»etere, ewrnte and clnbs. Sample copies mailed tree Address all orders to RICH ARD K. FOX 4niarl3w Frauklin Square, N, Y. fry "u JROYAL Rtttn A A ^Atf Absolutely Pure, This powder never varies. A marvel *f strength and wholesomeness.— More economical than the ordinary kinds cannot lie sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or ROYAL phosphate BAKING powders. l'OWDER Sold only in cans. CO. 106 Wall street, New York. Henry Gaither, M. D., A. C. Perry, M. D, W. W. Evans, M.D. Ors. Ferry & Evans Have formed a co-partnership for the practice of medicine and its collateral branches, iu Covington, Oxford and vi¬ cinity. Messages for one or both left at Dr. J. A. Wright's drug store, in Covington, or Dr. Evans’s residence, in Oxford, will re¬ ceive prompt and faithful attention. Calls can he passed over the wires of the Oxford and Covington telegraph com¬ pany at any hour, day or night. Dr. Henry Gaither, of Oxford, eonsult ing surgeon and physician. dee24 GEORGIA TD-A-AST, ft Tuesday, March 24. * i: ! WOOTQ r|l - Ad r A At f/Wm ‘ |{ ATOfiull The above (lay lias horn ucHi^Lafert by ofK ciul ho lion for the reception of the represen tiit vos of the Government, anil oi tlto inhabi¬ tants en mawc. of tho .State of Georgia. A*o-t iuteioslin-i coreiuonit s will take place and h most- on jo;, able occasion is ngMiiefi. To en-kble Go l^ians to atterd on their Split \ l Sr ait Day, the i aii road s hr* ve agreed to n.iiko tl:e lowest late ever heriTo’ote given. Form vour pm ties, make up 301:1 cAciusioiiH ar *1 apply to the local railroad agenta. and tho i \\o«t possible limited exclusion rule ean bo leudily secured. Hfutimo I lie opportunity u f a is giv n all 10 see tin* (iUI \ JKrii astuial ExlT F-moN the woi Id l as 1 vt i ’m on. Oood a id ample accommodation at reasona¬ ble rates arc assured. E. A. BU1IKE, Uirei tor (Jeneral, New Oilcans. Houses and Lots for Sale. A comfortable, 6--room house, with cook room and kitchen, large lot, good garden and young orchard, only one block from th.:public square, is offered for sale. A So, a sma’l business house and lot, fronting the park. For prices and terms, inquire at the Star office, in Covington. bA vhA Ik i: - - $ ' • • I a a - y. DBS, I JETTS & UlrTfSJ Medical and Surgical Dispensary, 33 u WHITEHALL STREET ATLANTA. DA, W.ij. Betts, M. D.. the I ting physician, is the oldest, mo*t successful, and best sp< enlist in the uuihl. A yrnduato from four medical colleges, practice iweiity-fivo years eKperience and extensive iu Fughimh France and Avneuea, niui has secured a world-wide ropnta iiou in the tneajnucut and cure of Private. Nerv¬ ous aud Chronic diseases, embracing Bemiual \N eakiu ts. *io^iiltiu^ iiom i disriTtiouis, I.ust Manhood ami alm.-cs of the system. Our Remedies act quickly and cure pcrjna- ! neutly j ]W *' ?{ T a? \ k J Seminal Debility, losses, Spermatorrhoea, nig lit is- j ) sions, cm los ot vital pow ers, Sleeplessness. Des poiidcm y. Loss of Memory. Confusion of Ideas- I mess, Blue before Depression the eyes. of Lassitude. spirits, aversion Languor, to society, (doom- J less, easily discouraged for Jack of confidence, dull, list¬ * unlit study, permanently ajid privately cured. | 111.001) & SKINftta,: horrible in its results, completely eradicated j without the use of mercury. Scroffula, Krvsipr elas, Fever Sores. BloU*hes, pimples, ulcers, j ! pains in the head and bones, syphilitic s *re throat, mouth and ton true, glandular enlarge- j ments of the neck, rheumatism, catarrh, etc,, permanently cured when others have failed, IT1{1\ € 4 T{ V 1 bhs, Kidney weak and back, bladder, burning trou- ! ored urine, frequency milky of urinating, urine highly col¬ j or sediment on standing, gonorrhea, gleet, eystieiz. etc., promptly and safely cured. Charges reasonable, IV * B. & B. impaired Address those themselves who have bv j ' improper ruin noth indulgence mind and and body, solitary unfitting habits, which j business, them for effected in study nil or marriage. which Remarkable cures ca* -s have been neglected or unskillfuily treated, No experiments or fail¬ ures. Our practice U fuunileit on th® principles of Truth, - ieni, amt Hujnauitv Our sy-tem of ! trcatiuent is entireii .air own nn.I mc use no ; remeiii.s hut ill. -.'propare.1 Ly our-elve-. auit whicli ! I arc of exwrience. perfected t»> time, study, research rears Patients aro Treated In all parts of the world. Medicine wrapped in plain paper, and secure from observation, can be sent to any part of the countrv. fX 5 ^* -end tor » l-page pampnlct and list of Questions, Address and Guide t«* Health. Enclose stamp , W. H. BETTS. M.D. 335 Whitehall -Street. Atlanta. Ga. Now is a good time to subscribe or the Stab, It shines fur all. WHISKY 8 YEARS OLD. OLD VELVET C Guaranteed the finest in town. Pure and wholesome for med or other uses. For sale only by TAYLOR & COCHRAN, Successors to HORTON JONES, Star Building, Covington Ca. GEO. W. SCOTT & CO. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Manufacturers of G 0 SSYP 1 UM PHOSPHO, r llie Great Cotton and Com Fertilizer. A Special manure for Southern Lands and Crops. It contains all the elements of Plant Food in the best lorm. It lias stood Uie test of years, and is now regarded as one of the Safest and Best Fertilizers in Use. Thousands of farmer- in Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee and Florida, and many of the most prominent agricultural clubs use it, to all of whom we refer. It is One of tlio Highest Grade Fertilizers Sold in Georgia. (See the Agricultural Department Reports.) We invite tests alongside the best fertilisers in use. We offer il low for Cash, or on time fur currency or cotton, Merchants, granges, agricultural clubs, and neighbor¬ hood asset i at ion.-, desiring to PURCHASE IN LARGE QUANTITIES, Would do well to correspond with us before purchasing their fertilizers. \) e are the ORIGINAL and ONLY manufacturers of GOSSYP1UM PHOSPHO. Its great success and popularity has brougtit into the market several imitations. None is gen¬ uine unless branded on each sack. Dr. 11. V. Hardwick represents us on the Georgia railroad. CEO. W. SCOTT & CO. 2mllfeb ATLANTA, GEORGIA. GEORGIA CHEMICAL WORKS, MANUFACTURERS OF STAND A SIB F E ETILIZERS AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. : ■' ' v p ' ' ' tei, . fe *: -• . tStssn-, - , A 1 - MASTODON AMMONIATED SOLUBLE PHOSPHATE, Manufactured and sold by us for th# past eight years, has gained a rep Italian up.e. quailed by that of merits. any other Fertilizer, this company 1,laying flip big ic.-st )e?(i:;iqiii.ilr as to its superior Our ACID PHOSPATE h is been the standard fur many years, having no superior, Aliticipud.n^ a iquavy fsere de maud, we h; ve manufactured a large quantity, which >ve vy.4rraiR equq) to j.iiiy tofure made bv us, - LOWE'S GEORGIA FORMULA, To i hose who have used it. heretofore, requires fw commendation from jix, Wo *isv< only to say that the analysis of tlqs season #s Fully up to guy co.ncijided made in the past, Aftci repealed r>quests from those \vlj,o huye jjscj) if, ye huv.e to mak» $ Ijmhec. stipplv of our (11 1-r.iml of DISSOLVED iiUNL PtJO.SpHATB AS© POTASH, This article is iiiudv of Bone Ekosphut*! and Pwtasii, vjth from wondmfuj ona-balf to one per cent, of Ammonia, a yepy supcyR;r ayjjcje, js ljich ljas gjytWf results when used alone, Q E x u i X E i , KOROLDS}I A hh K AINIT Imported direct from Germany by iRo .car l.q. d, The country is flo.odg.d with cheap fertilizers, which are made anil sold by irrespon¬ sible parties. Ask your merchants For good goods, Many dealers aro representing to the farmers of Georgia that the goods they sell are made by us, When such is the case, they always Raya standard written evidence of the fact, which they should be required to show. Besides our brands gboye we are prepared to put up any formula desired, provided it does not conflict w jth the laws of the s ate in which it is to be sold. We Jmve superior facilities for manufacturing, and from our central position we are enabled to iiil orders wit); great promptness, and feel that »« can giye in the fu¬ ture, as we have done in the past, entire satisfaction to all who buy of qs. Before pur¬ chasing elsewhere, please send to us for prices, M. A. STOVALL, 4fob?fu Treasurer and Business Manager, Augusta, Ga. FRANKLIN WRIGHT, Agent, at Coyingtpn, Ga, OWNERS OF ENGINES. The Korting Injcotor, is the best BoileiJEefider maile. I? works \vnru} or cuM syctcr, iui .1 will take from a well or tank Oyer 4,000 now ig use. The Vandugen Jet Pun»ps, Are (he best Tank Bumps made: Will wore clear or muddy water. Sati.-Lietioi) guaruntted. Ca pneity from 100 to 20 , 0 Cf gallons per hour, Trice. .17 to * 75 . Send for circulars. Geo. R. Lombard St Co„ F0 UN PRY, MACHINE AND BOILER WORKS, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, \S > keen on l and a sve-k ni Fuihti""11^1.^^^, and An.'i Mill -ill werk. ki 11 fl =* With n f rv, elrst :yi\ *.f!ass tools i *ji and i i .■ t>- : f)U< prepared we ar* to o all kinds of Iron \Vork iti the best iuan -~ . v: ner. Repairing prompfly done.. J.'u- My TltAYNIIAM & RAY, Proprietors Central Planing Mill ATLANTA, GA. Manufacturers of and dealers in Doors,® Sash, Blinds, Frames, Banisters, Moulding Newels, Lumber, Laths, Builders’ Send Hardware, etc Otiee, for prices before yards,'OS buying: elsewhere. factory and Decatur street, Atlanta, Ga, loctSin TilEO. MAIIli WAL.TE Il’S VlnoTYl” a — 1 /I _ _ , I and Granite isl.l-fi -f *^ —JW.AA IN g XzikAiX * Iwlr-t « f 1 L. 1 I H U Works “g ;UKOU) ST., NEAR LOWER MARKET, AUGUSTAUGEORGIA. ^ /:.j -% MARBLE WORK, Domestic & Imported, mM . AT LOW PRICES. GEORGIA & SOUTH CAROLINA SRANITEHMOHURHEfiTS MADE A SPECIALTY. ^ ffp A large selection of MARBLE and GRANITE WORK always on hand, ready fof LETTERING and DELIVERY. GOEEGIA RAJLSOAU STONE MOUNTAIN ROUTE GEORGIA RAILROaI* CUM PA NY, ] i OFFICE GENEKAI. M ANAOER, I Augusta, February 28, 1885 ) COMMENCING SUNDAY, March 1, iy the operated: following Passenger (schedule will he FAST LINE. NO. 27 WE ST DAILY. Leave Augusta.......... 7 40 a in Arrive in Washington 10.40 a. m Leave Washington at.. 7.55 a. m Leave Athens............. , 7 45 a in Leave Covington....... ,11 38 a m Arrive Atlanta........... , 1 00 p 111 NO. 28 EAST DAILY. Leave Atlanta..........................3 50pm Arrive Covington..................... Washington..................8 5 d7 04 P m j Arrive p- m Leave Washington 5.40 p. in Arrive Augusta..... 9 20 p in NO. 2 EAST DAILY. NO. 1 WEST DAILY, Lv. Athnta..800am Lv Augusta!0 50am “ Gainesville 5,55 “| “ Miled’v’e Macon ...7 9 40 38 a m “ Covng’n 943a mj “ am • Ar Athens....5 20 p m “ Washg'n 1120a m i : Waslig’n 220pm “ Athens...9 00 a m ! ' Miled’ve 426 pmAr. Covng’n 3.55 jud , Ar. Macon...625pm “ Gainesville 9 2o “ j “ Augusta 3 35 p m| “ Atlanta...540 p m ATLANTA ACCOMMODATION. (Daily except Sundays.) Lv Covingt’n 5 40 am | Lv Atlanta 5 50 pm Ar Atlanta . 7.55 am—Ar Coving. 8 10 pm NO. 4 EAST DAILY. NO. 3 WEST DAILY. Lv. Atlanta..S 20 p mILv. AugustalO 00 p m “ Cov’gt’n 10 25 p in| Ar. Gov’gl’n 4 49 a m Ar. Augusta 0 10a m| “ Atlanta....6 40 a m Train No. 28 will stop at Lithonia but not at Berzelia. » Trains no.’s 27 and 28 will stop and re ceive passengers to and from the following stations only, Groveton, Berzelia Harlem Thomson, Camak, Barnett. Crawfordviile , Union P’t, Greensboro Madison Rutledge ggS j and Northwest aud carry Through Sleep ers between Atlanta and Charleston. JOHN W. GREEN, Gan, Manager. E. R. DORSEY, Gen. Passenger Ag’t. : dec-20 -tf Advertising Mates, First insertion (per inch space) 00 Each subsequent insertion..... ... . 75 A liberal discount allowed those adyar tiring for lowest a longer period than one month Card of contract rates cay be had on application to the Proprietor.» litn-.J Local Notices 10c. par Announcement?same a§ other adver¬ tising. Sf 3 .€: ’A t few AM) SBPARAT V n .nW Ti xi «. 5 fillSsfe F qy Sale. Eight 4 to 6 h p Engines, on witeejs, .Six R to 8 h p Engines, on wheels. Two J to * h p Engines, .on wheals. One 12 to 13 }» p Engine, on winds, One 8 i.o in h p Engine, on silf, Out* 15 to ]8 L p Engine, on siljs, < to# 2,0 h j( Ft gine, Npafators, detaciied. 8 LMrineii En pire 4 wheel:'. 4 En pire (Separators, 2 wheels. Two g5--fn'jt £. w Mills, Six njQwers, Six Reapers, Sgf/rn Twine Binders, Twelve Hay Rakes. Thirty miffs, saw guards, plows, harrows, wind pumps, etc. Cali and see me before you buy. Send for price lists and terms. J H. ANDERSON, Geneiai Agent, 63, West Broad street, lylSapr. Atlanta, Ga Steuhenson House. FRONTING ITIIE PARK, Covington, Ga. MRS. J. J. STEPHENSON, Proprietress. office Telegraph office in the building. Post and barber shop in same block. : Large sample Good rooms. Bed rooms well fur¬ nished. tables. Free hack at. all trains. lovick stepsensox, AngSif Manager. P* H Priircl receive 3 end six free, cents costly for postage, hex of ami " ,el'll w ill help nil. of cither a goods sex. to make more money light away than anything else, Fortune ! await the workers absolutely sure. Address True Co., Augusta, Maine. l'Jm ^lOOHEl s m HE mm [•ya Have You Tali on THE ATLANTA CONST: i l T N For 1885 ? : It not, lay this paper down and send for it rijtlit now. If you w;int it every day, send for lb# for Daily, which costs §19,000 a veer, or *100 six months or *2.50 fur three mom i, s . If you want it every week, send for the Great Weekly, which costs $1.‘V> a year or §5,00 for Clubs of Five. THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION. Is the Cheapest! Biggest and Best Paper Printed in America! It has 12 pages chock full of new s, cos* i sip and sketches every week. It prints more romance than the storv papers noire farm-news than the agricultural p > pers, more fun than the humorous papers ! —besides all tiie news, and P.II-L ARP'S AND BETSY HAMIL j TON’S LETTERS, SKETCHES! UNCLE RE Ml s’S and TALM AGE’S SERMONS. Cost.* 2 Cents a Week ' : It comes ouee a week -takes a wliole ; week to read it ! i You can’t well farm - r cep house with- j out it! I Write your name nn postal card, ad ! | dress iuien Copv it to ns. and we w !i send you Spec I : Fklk ! Addre.-s THE CONSTITUTION I & Him 1 HAVE Cheapest ton. Store in Covi 1 j Special goods, Bargains boots, shoes i n Lad'] notions, hardware’ 4 All ai at Rock B otto Large stock of everythin All 17 eW anil an U f fre Everybody , s invited, ii and _ i examine ; our goods an K-.member tne Olu * Relial n „ Store. ANDERSON & HUNTE B Ly^-lil f' A, M ft 01 -I 1 I I ;■ . ta- i u___ , GOlutin LMhiv Tin., low Only ji P Best thing out. Order quiet - . Seed wheat, rye, oats andb, Guano, Orchard, blue at grass, red clover, whit and lucerne. Plows, harrows, gins, f e A and hay knives,. Garda I m HARK \V, JOHNSON a Marietta street, Atlanta, (A.MB best r .\in t5? sava.sN uj . r > 2 'i Yin Adv tipi', Nut <1 1 ruml !' H' i'iif ( liO Sllilfj r-’.-u! qiiifl ,1.-; ■ This mj. : A !' (■**!•$ tiijs «ut dtcbctl ji; irigi ' (£?. 1 . ti-tiuc r>f si-j; . f .’if iici ••AV.nM. AH -• r UA hi . .....:• '>(■ itt’i rvitfcd of evJ • ' i Wio id. wi.eti er ini - 1 Ai*) ■ t ('it, til;, t Jv’if’is oi ■hi' 1 ; • f N, ’MJ: s. Ci.Qr is emit!-d D l J -'N ' C '-- 1 JipiARY »C'rin..s ;> a him TDt; SAVANN'Alt JlOhNINO NKWS. ■ Enlarged ? a unary ] uni }i paper. thi: .Ata i:-r ,•*• »■ trk s.irntj ery I'-.y In the Y-f-r, i i i;tg it»i reat SuipIut H ii SM<e of tho M Tile D; to’, 'fo. ;;i\ * RrOTTiiUCllCO to fill IE tcrE Muiiufaciurii rc*ia ivu (4. ttu* Aurieuittira!. Mechanics! i ii-ioivst of tne <**m i try. as noviB wu* the Ccnerul/ l’olitii'Rl end (. oitiiHercial Its *, si Ur-. <K*ii Local newiifl ‘Kijirket Huto r •gc at’f ■» ■ l;*.< v, (edged to l*■ in® 1, >«» •Mid most ni i»: - iu'Ksiveof any paper SoGh. I Sulnscribo tlir- :s 2h ir News Dealer or Master, or send direct to TUTT'S : PILL 25 V EARS IN USE.1 The Greatest Medical_Triumjh of the *IH SYMPTOMS OF A ■ Loan TORPID of n ppetite* Bowels LIVElp co»tive t back tho head, part, with Pain a dull under sensation»J the Snclination blade. Fullness to exertion after eating* of body wititjj Irritability of temper, Low spirits a Weariness, feeling of bavins Dizziness, neglected Flutterinf somet'J Heart* the Dots right before the Restlessse* tyesi HimJJ 1 over eye, fltful dreams, Highly colored l’rine» CONSTIPATION. especially m TTJTT’S PILLS are effects w® to such casea, one dose change They Increase of feel in g the as to A astonish ppetite ,sndw“j] tne WJ* body to Take on Flestiethus the nourished, DigestiveOrerans,neeularSto and bytheirTonic Acu J the gnxiuce(LPrice22S^^j£SSSH^ TUTT Gray Hair 8 or Whiskers HAIR.l ckangea 1 ' Glossy tLis 1 Black It imparts by a single natural applies.j colors )tf,. a DruSfT**' instantaneously. SoM by ■ent by express on recftotirj,!. < Office, 44 Murray lAREIS’^n -*■ hertcusoeE KH OrgsmcWeako* nd duo* Decay, anc diseases* obs - u t ki o I led W®* ba Mlo 6 jo««™ r result from discretions, tr-o » A Radical Cura 'wJi for A ^hilesaclieneroiw* A»oia 1 mmu I your system of pr«®» % 3imposition for toes* I remedies free c» AND I bles. Get our important IftlPQTEHCY. and learn taking T before TaM * elsewhere. tnat A Remedy thousands, d°c*L 7j£- Tears 3TED bv for over in 6| j L ■terfero business, with cno ott 1 * ^^ c L) uso ! or ma yThousand R inconvenience. C2Z23 Of on scientific direct »P KEUVOUS I ciples. By sent o» u S t‘on to the tcfl 0W debility T it3 spociflo functions AND j I natural of 0 In 13been I'Sand wastedaref> VounK & Middle ‘b®. gu Aged Man. REMEDY CO.,M'fgO 1 8004 North 10 th St., SL Loaih **• Cue Months Trutmeut, $ 312 months ,$5 ; 3 •w*’ £ FREE-Sr-® Will be 1 t > all appUcsms i.uq u> r: _re of last ’ ear m lthotit ordg-rilET lt It contains ulustrations, D.M.FERRY&Ca°^