The Covington star. (Covington, Ga.) 1874-1902, September 02, 1885, Image 2

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^hc (S’outucitcm ;§>tj*v. J. W. ANDEUSOX, INI it or, Terms, $1.50 a Year in Advance, $2.00 When Not Paid in Advance. Success is Oxar The column* of I he Star arc always open |l ihf f a ir and dignified di*cus*ion of all questions of public interest; but communiea lions advocating the individual claims of any jerton f or any political position nr particular thing, if regarded <is personal matter, and must be paid for to secure its publication responsible in 4 h'$*? columns. The editor is not for the rimes of correspondents, and no com¬ munication will be published unless the name «f the writer is known to the editor , COVINGTON. GA., SEPT. 2, 18S5. EDITORIAL PA RAG RAPIIS. Gov. Iloadly, of Ohio, upon ac¬ cepting his re-nomination for gov. ernor of Ohio, declared himself 0 | ) posed to prohibition. Although the cotton crop in Texas is said to bo greatly injured by the bad weather, they still expect to market about 1,300,000 the present season. You see Texas is a big place. A watermelon weighing 178 pom.ds, was recently shipped from Califor¬ nia to England. It was just such thingR as that which made the lions est but unsophisticated Duchman ex¬ claim, with bewildering astonish* ment : “Vat a country ! Vat a pecp'es!” A bill has been introduced in the legislature to pension all confeder¬ ate soldiers who lost a limb during the war. The amount to be allow¬ ed each man is about $60 per annum, and the same is lo be paid oat of the unappropriated Halt of the state road rental. This is a good bill, and O ight lo become a law. Certainly no citizen of Georgia could object to its passage. Tho state should assert her right of eminent domain over the lands at Tallulah falls, and make it a pub¬ lic park. The state has a right to do this, we think, and the lands can be assessed and paid for out of the funds in the state treasury. It. should be made a free, ptildie park, Open lo the world. Mr. Goodloe Yancey, of Athens, Ga., has a largo heard of Jersey cal 6 (It, lie has one cow, Alico Jonc r , tout has made under lest thirty two pounds of butter in seven d;ys Jersey will bccomo in time the dairy strain of America. Tho Holsteins. with thoir largo yield of milk, are now their only competitors. It is estimated that Gen. Grant . 1 u . n *i t 1 cm capitalists to pul about $100,000, 000 in Mexican railway schemes.— Ruin stares many’ of these investors in the lace. The north had better have spent those millions in helping develop (liesouth. Tho money would have * been kept at home, in any oventi The discussion of the matter as lo whether tho state capitol should be built with native Georgia mates r al or of oolitic stone, is still going on through tho state papers and among tho people. Several tests have ht'Cil made in Atlanta, by chemists and others, of the various materials offered, and the Georgia granite and marble sechl to have proven the most durable. It is a little singular the question of which is the most suitable material for the new capitol cannot be definitely set¬ tled by exports to tho satisfac¬ tion of all. XVe still think the now capitol should bo built out of Geor¬ gia material, and believe it will stand the test with any yet offered. The Star favors native material on gen¬ eral principles. A New Postal Kink. ■ Atlanta Evening Capitol. Mr. Vilas, the new l’osiniaster Generiil, has arranged for tho new thing in postal delivery, which goes into effect the 1st of October. All towns with 4,000 people or over, numbering 460 in the United States, will have this privilege. A system of special delivery of packages is fixed. Special messengers at $30 a month are to bo employs ed. In addition to the regular pos t l :»n a a IU 10 eent Ce,a mnmn 8lam P « w WfUed, ImidH which , be ch n used for no other pur Purlieu an immejiate delivery of a ptlvkage by mail can use these stamps. As soob as the pneknge is received at the or destination it is immediately sent nt by special . , and . , <> a messenger hvvted to the parties for whom il intel ded wit In ut delay. Registered letters are either liven-d itiiiue cour-e of rounds tty can.ers or held a t Hie post office all. - t),, surcs prompt delivery. Mr. Vilas, in his circular, says the matter is ;,n experiment wh')so sue CFsS V ill depend upon the efficient of the post master-, who mas, see to ii liial Lu* is are promptly ... handled ,, , R«»<l I lie ny Hteiii made to pay. ONE XMONO MANY. A yon gentle man of superb cd- I j ig ucation, a graduate ul three <>1 tae i the i leading il uivefsit ies of country, whose thoughts burn with the fires of ambitious youth, whose heart is filled with a leudablo ini pulse to carve hi-< way lo eminence at all buzzards, and‘ who siglu lo turn loose to the world the brilliant thoughts he has,” has written the following appealing iot'er to Hie mailer off o <ditorof the Greenes boro Herald, asking his good of¬ fices and advice as lo what lie shall do in his awful dilemma. The letter is quite a remarkable one, and we reproduce it for the benefit of the host of ambitious young readers of the Star, who will no doubt find a ‘ follow feeding in their bosom” for the young man in his dire situation. He is chafing under the depressing influence of' measuring calico in a dry goods ‘\mporium,' and sighs for the high, noble and favored priv¬ ilege of writing his “views” for the press. There are probably 09,909 men in Georgia to-day who overlook the sunshine about them, and sigh for the green fields that lie some¬ where j ist ahead, the same as this young man is doing \Yo have no doubt our young friend will some day stir the country with the burn* ing “thoughts he has,” but he must learn to he patient, and wait until “his beard is fully grown,” before lie can expect to win the fame for which lie so laudably, yet vainly sighs.— The ladder of life is a long one to climb, but there is plenty of' room on it—at the top—for every profess sion. But, here is our young friend’s letter. Read it carefully: “I have long had an inteso yearn¬ ing to become a member of that noble profession, the press. I feel within me sindi a rising tip of a great spirit that I cannot resist it. My education is superb. I graduated with honors at one of the leading uni vorsitics. Then I graduated at an¬ other. Not satisfied 1 graduated the third time. I am at present clerking in a dry goods emporium, and am a general favorite, But I sigh rnongnm to,turn 1 have; loose, t to long Hie, to world show tho to men wh it bcautilul dreams I have ; what visions 1 see, what beautiet 1 can picture in tho moving of tho planets and the sighing of the trees, Life I must live, and I feel J can use my talents to no better purpose and find no greater medium for tho ex¬ pression of myself than through the columns of a large and influential paper. I feel that nature intended me for a newspaper man. I have looked in my eyes’ reflection in the glass and havelracod there a nvriute resemblance lo the eyes of tho great Groeley, I do not wish to hamper myself in clerking, nor do I want to hide my talents in a paper of small cir dilation. In my dilemma 1 apply to 5 'ou to know where I can secure a position of tho kind I desire.” An Iowa woman was engaged in the pleasing duty of giving her litiss band a severe curtain lecture, tho o'her night, when she was seized wit It lockjaw and di d within fifteen minutes. A word to llto wise is suf¬ ficient. MOTHERS’ FRIEND. Applied according to directions 3 or 4 months before confinement, its effect is wonderfully beneficial and gratifying.— The delicate organs anu parts directly involved are relaxed and softened and lose their rigidity without imparing their power, while its lubricating qualities act like a charm, thus assuring a quick and almost painless delivery without pliysi ed exhaustion, and death agonies of many hours duration areeiitiielv avoid j labor and It not lessens only the B l lorteiw intensity t!l0 of time pain, of . but, better than all, it sreatly diminish es child, the danger to life of both mother and and leaves the mother in a coiulit sions, and other alarming symptoms in G'' 1 ’ 11 ! 10 lingering and painful labor.— Its truly wonderful efficacy in this res pect entitles Mothers Friend to be rank I :!s ono °f <he life-saving appliances i given to the world by the discoveries of modern science. THIS TRULY GREAT PREPARA TION, while really such an inestimable boon t° child bearing women, i.- one in regard * n 'RAience to female modesty, certificates cannot be publish j j in Atlanta, when pureltasiuga bottle of “Its superior merits ran only be nia,,e known by won! of mouth.” L T - ,,hea ,. interested . in the above, by ad- 1 *^ Atlanta, w,n 8 Ga., * h « can B«dfield have Regulator Book a ; , h em free of eo t. containing f«l, fietihirs. Im. Sometime ago a movement was Started in New Orleans to at rest the loss of col ton business to l li.i' cit' • I ,\s large a proportion of I'-e em o • t is sliippc I from there. now as there ever was, but it- doesn’t leave the amount of money that it mice (lid. It is coinpr ssed in the inlc rior and shipped nbroudon through bills o lading- Every year New Orleans has the handling of a le- s number of hales of cotton, ami the city is beginning to feel the loss. A Now Orleans alteruoon paper | 111" lished a few.days ago a communica¬ tion wimh stirred up the cotton fat tors and compress owners. Tho charge was made in a communication that the reason New Orleans was losing Ler cotton business was tiie unfair business methods of the two classes named, The writer of the communication -ays that two pounds of cotton arc taken out ul every bale, ostensibly for sampling purpos¬ es, put really lor profit, and ill it the planter is charged a higher rate of iositiance than the factor ptiys. Tlieso are only a few ol the chur ges. 1 Don’t Fee! Like \» ork. It makes no difTereuee what business you are engaged in : whether you are a preacher, a merchant, it mechanic, a lawyer or a eomhiou l.tuorer, you can t do your work well while vuu are half j-ick. Thousands try to, but all in vain. How much better to keep your organs in good order by taking Parker’s Tonic when von feel “a little out, of sorts,” It. would be money in your pocket, One hour of good, rejoicing health is worth a dozen hours of full i f languor and pain. lm. Mercury anil Potash Vanquished. Mr. Wiley F, Hood, known lo al iiifisL pvery m;in woiinin aud child in Athens, boars t? 10 following lest in nwy as lo the virtu OB of Swift’s Specific [S. S. 8.] For twelve years 1 suffered from mercurial poison, with all of its tor¬ turing pains. I was treated by sev¬ eral physicians, and was dosed on iodide of potassium abundantly.— This treatment increased in_. (rouble My blood was thoroughly infected; my skin was thick and yeilo i ; ni sLouuich was weak so Hi it I c. tl ■. not retain my loud ; my pers • li wa broken out with su es wlii. It bo*-airo offensive ulcers, and my strenglli gono. Mercury hrotight on rlteu matism, potash had ruined nr. st(.much, and I lh> ug'ul there Wtl nothing left for me to do hut to di> , I . A . w n i» hobbling along the. street, I tided all the remedies withfii reach, I ft 1 to no avail. At last a frion.l suggested the use of Swift’s Specific, L k man}’ other drowning men, I wa ready lo catch at any slraw that came, in siglrt. I procured six bo ties frwm Dr, Long. The first bot¬ tle gave mo Lope. Tho nausea ol :he stomach disappeared, .and by the time 1 bad taken the third the hard lumps on my neck went away the ulcers were healed ; my complexion cleared up, mr skin smoothed off. and my strength began to return.- 1 have taken in al! about thirty bot¬ tles. It has made a new man of me l am ti man ol 63 years, but am strong aud vigorous, eat anything and do any kind of work, I am sound and ’.veil, It is my honest opinion that Swift’s Specific has taken me from tho grave’s mouth and added many years to my life — I would recommend it to suffering humanity everywhere, not as a uni¬ versal panacea for ail diseases, l ut as a specific for ail blood and skin diseases, such as Mood poison, tlieu matism, scrofula, eczema, tetter and catarrh, for I have seen it tried on most all of these. I am ready and more than willing to answer ail in quiries tending the above points. I am well known in Athens, and refer to any ono or all of tho old citizens of this city. XX’tr.BY F. IIood, Athens, Ga. Jan. 5, 1885. The Best in the Market. I have been afflicted with a blood humor and indigestion for fifteen years. I have used various medi¬ cines, but with little purpose. 1 have received more benefit from Swift’s Specific (S. S. S.) than anything else I have over taken. It is tho best blood purifier on the market. A.J. Bbooks, l ob. 13, ISSo Round Rock, Tex T realise on Blood and Skin Lhs orsom itiniktl frc<*. 1 tu: Swift Ppfcific Co., At lanta (« I .! . I Tho keeper of a Bultimoie bee 1 ' t’l'Z TZZZT 1 r'co * meeting ll1 ’ Kr '" , the " i ’ other day, but kindly refrained Ircm sel.tug beer for the lime, and only disposed of lemonade and an ' 1 sod h0,i ’ 1 i w a ter. Talk about an era of good feel j tug! This case is certainly a not a hie one. i •yrart PRECAUTION! pfeS' CHOLERA DR.BI 6 GERS’ i THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY __-FOR—- BOWEL TROUBLES, CHILDREN TEETHING, DIARRHCEA, DYSENTERY AND GRAMP COLIC. y.oAo.a c" —.—. BIGGERS- HUCKLEBERRY CORDIAL should be(kept in TXR 1J pleasant and effic ?T '“when It is one of the most of tl ) violent and sudden attacks nlaints. IIow necessary it is, at a season e v i. i it will save r . anf of much the bowels pain aud are anxiety, so frequent, as well you as ^T’e'aoctoHhlls.^ Is g • ^rSie wearied mother, its system losing sleep from i n a?e upon at 50 cents a bottle. B@“Send 2 c. stamp ”^ ER A< TAVLOR, Atlanta, Ga. I tUNHIbUi ° a BEUiWJTH 1 JOBBERS AND. DEALERS IN CooMng and Heating Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, Mantels, Grates, Iron Pipes, 30 and 38, Co Tier Penelitrec and Walton Sts., ik.. Oja.. We offer to the trade the largest and best selected stork of Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces Slate and Iron Mantel, Wood Mantels, Cherry, Mahogany and Walnut of the (irates, ie-l market. Bird Cages, Water Coolers, Re and most approved Designs in the Ice Crerin Freezers. Tubs Buckets, Brooms, Brushes, Steam Ripe and kYC tor’ 6 won a**, •>» v.,„> a,rnm. sw* w»h rul chandeUers, Pendants and Brackets, Plain and Stamped i m ware, m fact eve „. for Knowls’ Steam rv ,hhw kept bv first class House l-umishing dealers. Agents Pump and Hancock’s Inspirator, manufaehuers of Concrete Sewer Pipe and Orna lnenta l Galvanized Iron eon,ice, door and window heads, in fact everything you iV : s | K Come and see us. BELLINGRATH, IIUNNICUTT & ung26tf 36 and 38 Peachtree slrcet, Atlanta. “SHAKY.” THE Zrn ZAfi.ME’CH' I ' KMlMliVKP I:'i MERfEN.UtV MEN It is a notable fact flint (he people of Atlanta ; be thorougn-v , and elsewhere nri beginning in become convinced that worth! - eotniiound* I “shaky” at all m*w inn .tioivs, white an linn. est preparation never fear- opposition. We d< not propose to "wipe out” others, as the ii* <1 for operation is large, «n»l we aeeoro to one an<l all the same privileges we enjoy. V* ■ are nut i SO far lost to business pr'noiples as to denounce fraud, or imitation, <»i a containing a vegetxible poison, The which are horrible to eoiitemplate. alarm need not be sound,.'.!, for there is ■' room {or all declining inliiwtash.iiine-to.i water compounds. If one hottl; of It. It. I). It more vabia'-b- in effects than half a do, 11 sif .my otner prepara¬ tion. we won't get m.i ! aaaat if. If ten of B. It B. cures aen- nf blood pii-aii is ai-ai others could not cure nt att. it only prove- fast It. It. B. is far tile beat medicine. 20,000 BOTTI.MS of B. B B. have Lean -L 1 t) I> irtt - lb iaa la . side tile corporation of Atlanta since h "a started two yearsn:;«» ■ Why this woudorfa’. of a »-»v veni'* ly in so short a time wi;h.£ » little a lv. rv -in;r. It must be co:>; -NC’-l licit it is ho nr.s • has proven jise’.f t > j> i in *rii i.i the cure of blooil. skin amt ; y ifnndrAT^ of iumre certi limes test I ')■ 1 I,U‘t of ,tir that in Atlanta nu 1-5.) viy -r points 3. are “on and v. ill t iv t.i v ■ il.iey per desire t-. Li , By entering tho c-lrn ) 1 r ! ■’) n : ted Mo.) 1 rfl )!>'i!-“. i 11 -' *' ‘ '■ '■ antnaoniz s all ;. i;suii vttlv. - ..a . - - ..- a e tlie il.iggiiut foreea, fiirnishe.i t i ■ i’ lltahim fa rich, nowblo->.l. eliitiiu nes ail iou ri through the secretions, and in ■ t -. : i ■ 1 ■ by its wan.t .‘rfat net!)a o ;>) 1 ( : 1 a t ic skin, the ys, ll. -, 1 an i J “ ' ll:ir ' :1 - all effete an i ■ :aa*.Wr is • !"y ■" • ted from t'l • body, lv.;viiii tb“ '■<• id;. ■, tresn By its alt b- ' v •: ,B B.n.m. loads hehtoat of;,!; il:i! ' ) ” , lu^TeonimDa K ”w«and Va ' .'Tin "n-ivA hn..... mt-Fx! cheers the •lesp ..1 a fa -;e ch 1 ms the disturbud i\ • rxwnil i ,*i qn: * sin<1 peaceful sl imb-i'D It h .s ! tweiity-ii yo yo ifn a -t jD-iv li ¬ the south. It is no far-fetuli * 1, f )?ci;, r ii-f > in ! o.-;Iru un fliscoverodsubijrm 10 in w > dUt. b it is .1 s wen tilie and happy com »!u ition of roc >; 4 ai/e<i veg¬ etable blood poison agent:?, eilbuted alter many years of conitant n ■ • and exii-irimeut in the treatment of tho;isa:id ’ of some of the inost appalling cases of sc:- ifuIoiH, sy .>hii:ti" ;t!id uu tanuoiis bio »1 >5«'»:»- <■ w:• kn t vn i tito slate. resulting in ecwnpl; i.» rh 1 n:ij> irallu 1 curotoi pronounce ! ineinubio cases. .Scml to Bio ) 1 »il hi. AtUinti. Ca.. for a eopy of tlieir Book of Wonlers, free. ii!'.vl wltl*. in - for natiou about Hloo.l and Ski.i l>i., Kid¬ ney, Coniplaivtts, t Vc. An Onen y Let Su.9 35 IN xvincir ALL LADIES A BN Oecp y urKcrbSiC-d. READ If. m., Xm-. n, tssi. Gentlemen : 1 have boon iisiu.-r y.uir xYoiDtcrful rciiKMly, Dr. U rail lit. M’s Female liator, in iny faiaiiy fir a litng time, au«t f want' 1 1 . iv to th .• .. i.Tjri::^ ones of my sex that thorn never was anythin..; to equal it. Won!.! to Ga I that every afiliet ;.l wo¬ man in onrland knew of its woii-rlerf.fl virtues an<l curative u wers ,is I do. j h : > v *j used a groat deal of it since the birth m iny l.t-n c’liid. i.bont aycarmtd ;i half i\ : >. and I da tiiink. had it not been for this val i.tble me lieine. I would have been Be.l-iliil Ion E>;- Life. But, thanks to a kin i Providence, ! w :s lUreeio 1 to its use, and my life an t health li.ivo been spared me. If my means ivautit admit of it, 1 would never)' • with mi it in my ha is.-. I have recommended it to a numbaroi my frionds. and, without exception, th^y have ail been wonderfully relieved and cured. I give this indorsement without solicitation and freely for the benefit of tin suffering ones of my sex. Very Respectfully, ifns. AXXA KAMP. Send for our Treatise on Female Diseases mail¬ ed free. Address, THE BR YDFIELD REGCMTOR < Box 28, Atlanta, Ga. g Mmpe O l A m Cf r IRON THE 0HLY TRUE it H5HH i r roNic mil lie m nd LIVER parity Hkrtorb VIGOR flie anil of BlOOn, the YOUTH. KIDNEYS, health retm- i 4 Dys pepsta, digestion, Want Lack of Appetite. In ami of Strength, Tire,I Feelli.gahsoluietv cured. Bones, muscles anil LAD ■ I ES Eta Suffer]iigfrom peculiar a co„a° >lai Off Wer nts * find In DR. HARTER’S to tlieir t< IRON TONIC a safe and Frequent ®peeay cure. Gixes a clear, healthy complexion. to the popularltj attem)ts of at the counterfeiting only add periment—get th/O riginal original. Best. Do not ex¬ and HARTFR S LIVER PILLS Gripe, never Sicken or Leave f Bowels Constipated. orlnactivity reraone suffering fr-ra TORPIDITY of the LIVER tv CURE by the of Ue c'these Bowels, Pills. will find a permanent uae No medicine should Bowels n itt >U 1 ^^HARTERTS^LIV tomaob &Q d Bample irh d by^mital. LL8. doae Sen Free oa application £ ^Fallot lt n Lok°” t ou?*DREA uiful iaiura-Lationrtree.y ter M ”' 1 C 2 A strung, and WRIGHT Sl'l^lAH VEGETABLE P|l LS FOR THE LIVER And all Bi iou3 Complainls Bafe to take, h« \a |nii-»ly vese'rihle; no 'rul¬ ing. rritr els. AllPrusiUsu NOTICE T® X F* AR ll III ” i RS IF YOU WANT TO PURCHASE A uu "TTON SEED OIL MIL , J A Cotton Gin, / Cotton A Colton Press, A Cotton n OR A A tit \f if T\/r bO) Jn caJsB T T.I, ■JLnJI rmirirM Pulleys, Shafting. Hangers, anhMILL WORK. XVrite to us for PRICES and DISCOUNTS, We can make it TO INTEREST to buy direct fr- Ul ns v i. YAS WINKLE & CO •« Manufacturers, AS" a rat a, Ga. ce- NOTICE TO TIIE TRADE—Wo give Discounts to the Trade, may lotilnov 1 All in Hie Line of \a<nr ( >. There is nothingln the line of y {l ; (1 ker’s stent Tonic. about that It popuh,r ci.npl* rne.ticj,,,. tin-'i p '{ in most 8 <ientific _ . combination poi^il, t ' i( essential principles of ( the those ve^. . hie curatives which act powerful l\ , rectly o,n the stomach, liver, kidneys and blood. But there neither is, n r 'nil | successful imitation of it. lj J(li any is all. time curing those who had despaired of ever getting well. For yourself, wif e and hn. GGERGXA RAILROAD STONE MOUNTAIN ROUTE GEORGIA Office RAILROAD GenRhal COMPANY Maxawi. ’! ! Augusta, ApnI .luh COMMENCING the following SUNDAY,April Passenger Ml.uh..! ].,,, will bw operated: FAST LINE. no. 27 west daily. Leaye Augusta...... a n> Leave Athens........ u ID Leave Covington.. rtf. a uf Arrive Atlanta...... ........ NO. 28 EAST DAILY. Leave Atlanta..... ••• a 50 j> in Arrive Athens..... - 8 45' p nf Arrive Covington - ' 5 V4 {> ift Arrive Augusta. • •••» «... ... 0 20'[mu no. Atlanta..# 2 east daily. 00 injLv NO. Auguslajy;»u 1 WKsip'W.vj].*. Lv. a Hll» *■ Gainesville !»43am| 5,55 “ Macon ...7 4 ii a lu “ Covng’n Athens....') 20 jj ml “ “ Milt-d’v’eIISSaiu Wai-ng’n Ar H ; 2lt*iu “ V. ashg'n 2 20 ]> lit j “ AtLt “ Jiileu’ve 4 26 p n.'Ar. j.',;; ' Ar. Macon...0 25 j> iii|“ Gainesville 0 •• “ Augusta 6 35 p iii| “ Atkiit;i.'...> 4 ii| jaj . ATLANTA ACCOM MODATIuy. (Daily except Sundays.) Lv Covingt’n 5 40 am | Lv Atlanta 5, Ar Atlanta . 7.55 am—Ar Coving, s n )JlU! K0 . 4 hast n.ui.v. no. 3 west daily. j A> Atlanta ..8 20 ]> mjl.v. Au'gnsta “ Cov’gt’n K) 25 p n. Ar. (bv’gi’n 4 49 aw n^No^S *£;£**%%. w,H step at Lithoiua a b ttt l» , TrailiS „ 0 .’s 27 and 28 will stop and l* ceive passengers to and In n, thelolloivi,,, fktrons only, Groveton, Caniak, Be.*eha Harlem l"t, Greensboro Madison Crawlonlvilis Union ltntlidge Social Circle Covington Conyers stow Mountain and Decatur, 'f iicsc trains make Southeast, close connections for all points lid and West Southwest, North and Northwest aud carry Through ship ers between Atlanta and Charleston. JOHN \\ . GREEN, (ion. Manager. E. R. DORSEY, Gen. Passenger Ag’t, Joe W. White, G. T. 1‘. A. Augusta Ga ! dec 2 (Kf I THE GREAT Furniture and Carpe I Xf 1 OF ANBEEW J. MILLER. ATLANTA, GA. Bed room f irniitire. | Nottingham lace curtains, Parlor furniture. Tambone lace curtains. Dining loom furniture. Antique lace curtains. Mat trasses, bed springs. Imported Madras curtains. Rattan chairs and fancy goods. Clung edged curtains. Ingrain carpets, tapestry carpets. Turcoman curtains and cornices. Brussels carpets. Cornice poles and stair rods. Window shades, Hollands. Large stock and fresh goods. Send for price list. ANDRKXV J. MILLER, j apriI 22 tf. Big 44, Peachtree Street, Atlanta Ga. TO USERS OF BOILERS. Look to Your Interest—I Have what you need. THE UNION INJECTOR The simplest and best Boiler Feeder i made have your orders. New work done in the best d bU I,lea8ed t0 very manner. CHARLES F. LOMBARD PendletonFou PROPRIETOR, ndry and Machine Works 615 flQ d 527 Kollock Street, Augusta, Ga. OWNERS OF ENGINES The Korting Injector, IS tiie best BoilerJFecder maae. It works warm or cold W'ater, and will take Over 4,000 now in from a well or tank. use, The Vanduzen Jet Pumps. Are the best Tank Pumps made: Will work clear or muddy Satisfaction paeity from 100 to 20,00T gallons water. ^ auarante, m r, ^ per hour. Price, t? to *75. Send for circulars Ceo. R. Lombard & Co.. ’ FOUNDRY, MACHINE AND BOILER WORKS AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, We keep on hand a large stock of prepared aSKSSSS to o all kinds of Iron Work SHAfUipULLE —- QFRbl , in the best :nan- HhUmS ner. Repairing prompt lv done. glfeMjr Advertising i i Ies. First insertion (per ineli space'.........}| oO Each subsequent insertion....... I A liberal discount allowed those a-ivtc rising for ;i longer period than one mouth Card of lowest coni met rates can helm • m application Notices to the Proprietor. Local 10c. per line. Announcements same as other tuber ’ising. Henry Gaither, M. D., A. ('. Perry, Jf. ItJ XV. XV. Evans, M. D. Ors. Perry & Evans Have formed ."a eo-partner.-hip forik ■ ractiee of medieine and its c<.Literal v. ta bes, in Covington, Oxford ami v' f einify. Messages for one or Imth Jeff" nt Dr. J. \. XV right’s di ug store, in Coviiivtmi, m >r. Evans’s residonee, in (:x(bn ; , wilin' five prompt and faithful at mo tier. ( illIs ran In¬ passed uur the wirind he Oxford end Covington ieh*gr;.pli eom pany at an\ hour, day or uigiit. Dr Henry Gaither, of Oxford, consult' iiigsuigeon and physieiar. slie24 Home Treatmen f Iji For Cancer, Catarrh, Neuralgia Ep ilepsy. and all Blood or Skin Disease*; PILES AM) FISTULA, Treated successfully without tin k nil’e. Nervous Debility. I offer no swindling Jire.pes, bit treat successfully and sricntifieiillj] 1 lroll preparing iny own medicines. all tho above diseases at $5.00 Per SVionth, With the exception ol Career aa Fistula. M. T. SALTER, XL D, Refoim Dispensatory, Corner Broad and \Valt<»n SiL | 18inar A l larila, Gi| Anderson & Hunter HAVE The Cheapest Store in Coving! ton. ■ -■ - ; Special Bargains in Latliu dress goods, boots, shoes, mestics, notions, hardware M groceries. All at Rock Bottom Prices. Large stock of everythin? ^ you need. All new and 1 goods. Everybody invited t0 j call and examine our goods affl prices. Reliable Remember the Old Cheap Store. HU>TEK ANDERSON & In diseases ofthc Blootl^m wd llone-'.—Ycrvon«^^ SjP*""" 1 ^ j ■crcorlal Itrpotency, Affi-cHons. Ortranlc Weakncsa. Gonorrbflra. treatuwot; w 1 ■ ^ remetlies. Deformities Scientific Cad wnfe lur ^ Treated. ot ment p j questions to be answered by those desiring treat *}****??.£») g/Persons Aaad learn Kafferfas aomethinar frow Rnptnre their advantage. shonld »*end It is no tu /jg. AddrawH Hr. 0. L. LaKAIJGE. Pres’t and Phy>*W*« Central 8ucc Bed. to Dr. h Sara. Butts' Institute. Dispensary. 920 Locust -^UbHshed 8 L»j *0 vtaor Steuhenson Bouse FRONTING; THE PAllK. Covington, Ga. MRS. J. J. STEPHENSON, Propriety Telegraph office in the building. , °® ce an< * barber shop in san.e >■ Large sample rooms. Bed rooms ujy nished. Good tables. Free h ; ■- 1 * trains. LOVIUK srrri'y' 4 * Ang8tf