The Covington star. (Covington, Ga.) 1874-1902, November 04, 1885, Image 3

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T1-V1E jy COVINGTON IN train arrives at 11.27 a. m art mail “ “ 3.59 p. m 11 trai n arri ves at 9 43 a. m day „ as8 “3.55 u „ I* p. m. " “ “ 10:21 »nress p.m , .. .. 4:37. m. tion train leaves at 5.40 a m , nn»° returns at 8.10 p tr. _ m -- j.. ;;:TON _GA., NO V - 4 , 1885, vi 1 1,11 d Slm-HS* 14 I,enw ciil the new advertisements in this lad all .of the Stab. cotton buyers continue to & prices for cotton. [eriff Anderson continues the boss hunter in this section. £ Choice! ? Our Choice! ioice What Z Atlanta doctors asy pure alcohol notdo with which to fill prescriptions ick people language of the classic editor of the Capitol, the rain Atlanta Evening Wed L.jown in great swashes on last lay | h sides claim they will be success t election local option |u tulton the coining county, The on election takes ton the 25th inst. nnissieners will >'°t allow the ie con hut cash collector to receive anything jury scrip in the payment of taxes, is not exactly right, hut still it can’t ■hope.” r Choice! Our Choice I oice W hat 7 A. Pledger, the colored editor of lulanta . jiuhlisli Defiance, a newspaper By colored men, was fined $200, or 8 Iths in the chain gang, last week, for ■ishing a libel on the character of Col. Adair. lie LdPoullain, Madisonian says it will pit Mr. of Morgan county, against ■amateur bird hunter in the state, not kjiting Col. Emmett Womack, of Cov¬ in. lliallenge. All right, Col. Womack will accept Trot out your bird*. Krthorpe county voted on the local bn question last Monday, and adopted | the following option............. vote: 831 br lucid lainst local option.. ...... 478 Ljnrily for local option... ... 353 ■,r Jasper County News says Judge ■sou, 1,1 while charging a jtity in a divorce st week, said: “If you believe, B'.cmen of the jury, the evidence in this ■,von can then grant a total divorce to ■ wife ; for the Gw will allow a total di ■ e in a case where the husband lias ■i sentenced to the—legislature.” urChoice! Our Choice! Iiuiec Wlnit? Home to think about the matter, it ap ■r? the demoi-rats are not so anxious to ■pi the offices of the federal govern ■ t as they thought they were. At least B is the v v it seems, judging from the ■file the pu ident lias to get the for ■ m:-sinus and the Civil Service Com ■- lie:. ■i> intention of tax payers of Newton iiity is dire ted to the notice of Mr. ■ton. the t-x collector, to be found in ■ columns to-day. He gives notice tii it I l)ook> «ii| positively be closed r Die tir>t Tuesd ;\ in December, . nd ••xe."itionH will then b s-uicd aga >t I . i:o ve no: i i. , ■ir. W price ?! “ : reliable” . • ,r i. c:r:i — :a : V H., J ■ r ■ e r bo< id stn. aft |ii> r*-. Si , iV- rely o ft. i; 1 * til*. i f‘.*i **«en 1 Blur Choice ! Qur Choice! [hoice What? B r - - • J. Coogler will sell his household P kitchen furniture, and many other f> ■'inlay, p to numerous tiie 7th inst. to mention, The on next ■‘eat sale will take the residence of his brother, Mr. P-Coogler, near Newton Factory, and P'firt-J. F. A ining w ill lie the auctlon .T ’- ver yh°dy is invited to attend the ft' lf tile y want bargains. |e»- Pt his George ho B. in McClellan died sudden >ne Orange, New Jersev, r v m»miug. „f neuralgia of the - r’ Gen. McClellan commanded the r r lw , armv ‘hiring the seven (lavs’ fight Richmond, and was one of the ' die various federal commanders L °I the Potomac. He was a , r,lt in politics, and exceedingly *ral was and conservative in his views.— S| ieatii is a heavy loss to New Jersey. ft ftl"-ice ,lr ' hoice! Our Choice! What ? I ’ election tor lenceor stock the J, law Hvn district took place in il,.^,"! hd 88 in ' a Saiwnlay, victor v for O-t. the stock 31si. p- ■There by a majority of 129 votes, Hit- was but little interest taken " U ' ,< r h.V the fence and it- 'consequent*, cr men. 7 “'"all. was the vote was I The follow jpg is the re I Pu r stock la F w. 220 f ....... '»r e , it-e...... 91 1Y ......... .........10 ity for slock law 129 Capt. James Purcell, of the Ga. R- R., the Nestor of Ameri¬ can Railway Conductors. Some men are born great, some attain ^ iLzn„r:»rz:r;£“Lr" but Capt. James Purcell, passenger ductor the con¬ on Georgia railroad, has made for himself a iecord as a railroad conduc¬ tor and long traveler, which is not equal, ed by any living man. He lias been continuously run¬ ning as a passenger conduc¬ tor on the Georgia railroad for about 39 years and , months. He has never been suspended or discharged, and has never been off except when lie went on atrip to Europe, and then the management of the road paid his expenses, and kept up his salary, lie lias averaged one trip a day over the Georgia road during the entire time he has been running, and the dis¬ tance is 171 miles. This makes 62,415 miles he has traveled each year. In the 39 years and 7 months he has traveled the immense distance of 2,475,695 miles! When he was absent in Europe he travel¬ ed between 8,000 and 9,000 miles, which makes a grand total of about 2,4*2,545 miles! This would reach around the world about 99 times I Capt. Purcell is still quite a vigorous man, though his once cold black heard is now whitening with the frosts of 65 win ters. He is a grand looking and handsome man, and his record is without an equal perhaps in the world. He is one of the old¬ est conductors in the United States, and we trust, he may yet live to add many years of successful runningto his already match¬ less life as a railroad passenger conductor. Douglas county has gone for prohibi¬ tion by 150 majority. Our Choice! Our Choice! Choice What ? Last Saturday circles was a lively day in the business of Covington. After the rain last week the Indian Summer was perfectly lovely. The election on the fence question pass ed off’ very quietly last Saturday. Our Choice 1 Our Choice ! Choice What? The Conyers Weekly Farmer is improv¬ ing under the new management. Snow fell to the depth of one foot in Northern Michigan, Oct. 21, blocking rail¬ road travel. Cole’s circus passed through Covington hi Monday morning, on its way to Greens¬ boro. Mr. Charlie Haynie sells the Scotch Cap cigarettes and Rabbit’s Fiot cigars. Try hem, iust for luck. When Judge Stewart throws off the ermine, it appears that more than one is desirous of putting it on. The heavy rains of last Wednesday were accompanied by heavy lhund«r and vivid flashes of lightning. Our Choice! Our Choice! Choice What ? The Town district added itself to the roll of honor on the fence question, last Saturday. We return thanks to our excellent townsman, Dr. T. N. Pitts, for an elegant dinner at the Pitts Hotel, last Wednesday. Mrs. J. L. Coogler died last week, at her home near Newton Factory, after a short hut painful illness. The E i.i, Virginia and Geor* ir r icd n-i-ole tothest-ite (air f, r o.i dollar for the round , tv? - A rinit was very heap, eno’iffh B. W. Fro lies chief engine, rot the . Covington u -i M con railroad, thinks w i k w i,i he commenced at the Macon end of the road at an early day. An iron bridge will be built across the Ocmul gee river at Macon. Our Choice! Our Choice! Choice What? Those in want of fish, oysters, game of and celery, are referred to the card Mr. Ik F. Donehoo, of No. 9. Alabama street, Atlanta. He keeps a large stock uf these desirable goods, and can supply orders at the very shortest notice. Our Choice! Choice! Choice What ? The Jasper County News says the first man in Macon to subscribe for stock to the Covington and Macon railroad, was a colored man named P- Holt, whofonuer ly lived in Jasper county. Yesterday was one of the biggest sale days ever seen in Covington. AI-out $50, 00u worth of property was advertised for sale. We go to press too early to report how it sold in this issue. ......... Mrs. S. R. Ef ington, wife of Mr. Sidney R. Ellington, of New Berlin, died las. week altera short but severe illness. She a kind and affectionate wife and w-.s husband and five mother, and leaves a of which little children, the-youngest The Stab extends is only two weeks old. bereaved hus¬ heartfelt sympathy to the band and little childien. It. now an a cknowledged fact that is have been more and better beef cattle S(lI d in the stock law districts of Newton county, this year, than in any previous since the war. This speaks well for year the stock law. Personal Mention. Listen for the marriage bells ! President Cleveland has a horror of kissing. babies, but now and then they push the thing on him. Secretary Bayard’s inherited deafness is said to be increasing. President Eliot, of Harvard, receives a salary of $4,000 per year. Robert Toombs’ estate ia said to Ire worth $350,000. Master Jimmie Stephenson went down to the Macon fair last week. Miss Mattie Callaway, of Lexington, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Hawkins, in West Cov ¬ ington, during the week. Roscoe Conkling is a little mugwump party who flocks alone by himself. Ole Bull’s Caspar di Salo violin sold the othar day for sixty dollars only. Prof. R. J. Guinn, of Conyers, gave us a pleas¬ ant call, last week. Covington and Oxford will probably be united in marriage at an early day. Mr. T. W. Jones returned from Florida on Monday morning. Col. T. P. Callaway, of Islington, came up to attend the sales on yesterday. Mr. Jack Lindsay left on Monday for Hynes ville, La., on a visit to relatives. Dr. I. S. Hopkins preached a good sermon the Methodist church last Sunday. Mrs. Garfield has an income of $13,400 year from the Garfield fund. Everybody is requested to send us and society items for this column. Capt. A. J. Webb, of Snapping Shoals, down at Monticello, last week. Miss Lixrie Mygatt, of Athens, is visiting friends and relatives at Monticello. Mr. W. C. Bailey, of Newborn, was among the visitors to the state fair last week. Bob Ingersoll says he is doing all he can to civilize the people and humanize the preachers. Miss Lucy Stephenson, of Covington, is one of the operators in the telegraph office at Macon. Miss Sallie Pendergrass, of Jersey, has been visiting friends in Sheffield, during the week. Mr. Harmon Harvey, of Indian Fishery, and Mr. Heard Allen, of Henry county, were among the big crowd in Covington last Saturday. Miss Charlie Porter, of Cedar Shoals, was ov¬ er at Monroe, visiting Miss Mattie Hester, dur¬ ing the past week. Mr. J. R. Henderson, of Starrsrille, was up at Conyers during the week, visiting his broth tu Mr. T. M. Coggini left last Saturday for Au¬ gusta, where he goes to complete his medical education. George W. Cable, the novelist, has begun to write for the New Orleanr Picayune. He is an amateur banjoist. The Augusta Chronicle facetiously warns the unwary to beware how they “monkey" with the man who keeps a scrap l>ook. The Milledgcville Union ami Recorder says Mrs. C. B. Anderson, of that city, has put up 930 quarts of cauned peaches the present year. Col. A. B. Simms visited his Walker county plantation, near Chattanooga, last week, He reports Chattanooga as enjoying tlie biggest sort of « boom. Ferdinand Ward was convicted, last week, in New York, and sentenced to prison for ten years. Now what will they do with his partner, Freddie Grant ? Mr. S. J. Coogler, who has l>een engaged in business at Newton Factory, during the past rear, will more to Lovejoy’j, on the Central R. R , in a few days. Mr. Ulla Hardeman, who has been living near Athens for several years past, is moving his fam¬ ily to Oxford, where they will make their future home. They will occupy the Murrell mansion. Mr. George Lake and Mr. Robert Terrell, who have been engaged on the new buildings in Monroe, since our court house was finished, came over on Saturday evening and spent Sun¬ day with their friends here. Master Eli McConnell is engaged in merchan¬ dising at the Brick Store Fair Ground. Master Eli is an intelligent and energetic young man, and will some day be one of th? merchant prin¬ ces of our county. The Star wishes him much success. Mr. Oscar Cunnard, of Jasper county, was married to Miss Lola Downs, of Conyers, by Rev. W. D. Heath, on the 29th -alt. The bri¬ dal party passed through Covington on Friday morning, on their way to the home of the groom near Newton Factory. The Star wishes they Miay ever be happy. Dr. John S. Carrol and family returned from Greeley, Colorado, on Friday morning, where they have been residing for the past eighteen months. They are all looking well, and seem to have enjoyed life in their far western home. They are satisfied, however, to make their home hereafter in Covington. Mrs. Jane M. Brown and Mr. Lindsay Mosely, who have been spending the summer in our county, left for their home in Haynesville, La., on Monday. Mr. Mosely has been sick for several months, but is now better. He and hi? mother, Mrs. Brown, have been the guests of Mr. W. S. Carroll. Letter List. The following is a list o* letters remain¬ ing in the post office at Covington, Ga.,on Monday, Nov. 2, 1885 : Mrs Allen, Dr. Davis, J. G. Johnson. W. T. King, 2, B. NV. Robinson, Aron Pornton, B. T. Potter, Mrs. Margaret Wright, Robert Monroe. JAMES M. LEVY, P- M. Tax Notice. All persons are hereby notified that all State and County Taxes for 188-5 inns' be paid by the first Tuesday in December, the Tax Books will certainly have to as The Comptrol be closed after that day ler General requires a full settlement with the state by the 20th of December, and in order to be able to do so, I must close the books after the first Tuesday. — Executions will be issued against all per¬ who have not paid their taxes by that sons for time, Therefore let everyone come ward and pay at once and save the cost and trouble. A.C. MIXON, ForS. F. Mixon Tax Collector. <novlm- Several rooms in the Star building for rent, cheajx The adjourned term of Ilockdale stipe rior eourt is in session this week. Sever al of our attoneysnre in attendance. Elder F. S. Haskell, a Babtiet preacher who haB been blind from infancy, will preach at the Babtist Church Thursday evening at 7 o’clock, All are invited. Mrs. A. L. Melziin, a returned mission¬ ary from China, will speak at the Metho¬ dist church, in Covington, on the subject of Missions, next Wednesday, night She is an eloquent an impressive speaker.— Let all the people hear her. Thousands Say So. Mr. T. W. Atkins, Girard, Kan., writes : “I never hesitate to recommend • your Electric Bit¬ ters to my customers, they give entire satisfaction and are rapid sellers.” Electric Bitters are the purest and best medicine known and will posi¬ tively cure Kidney and Liver complaints. Puri¬ fy the blood and regulate the bowels. No fam¬ ily can afford to be without them. They will save hundreds of dollars in doctor’s bills every year. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by Brooks & Ivy. FISH AND OYSTERS. I am now at my New Stand No. 9 East Alabama st., ATLANTA, GA. ' E. F. Doneh.oo, Leading Fish and Oyster Dealer. Money to Loan. W. Scott will negotiate loans on farming lands in sums of $200 or less for one, two or three years, and on $300 and above from three to five years. Cough Medicine. Call at Brooks & Ivy’s drug store and get a sample bottle of Dr. Bo-anko’s cough medicine, free of charge. It speaks for itself. ELECTION NOTICE. Newton County of Ordinary, At Chambers, Nov. 2,1885. I hereby give notice that a petition signed by fifteen freeholders of the 463d Ga., Militia District, in Neiyton county, has been filed in my office, asking that an elecion be ordered in said District, submitting to the legal voters thereof the question of “For Fence or Stock Law,” 1 shall, therefore, after-the, 23th day of Nov. 1885, order said election in said District, as prayed for. E. F. EDWARDS, Ordinary. I MISS MARY RYAN, And Wair Goods, 45 Whitehall Street. Atlanta, Ga. I am prepared to show the lad es an el¬ egant line of Imported Huts and Bo-met*. My trimmed and untrimmgd department cannot be excelled. Ibices exceedingly low. 1 * W L ■fr.-Jf i / ■p. ft £ f 42 m □ liealtliy Digestion. A Clear and beautiful Complexion Bright eyes. A happy and joyous mind that dispels all gloom, a bright star in the firmament of hope, a flower in our pathway, is the dearest wish of the Dyspeptic, and debilitated generally. N < remedy, no tonic is so well calculated to bring these happy results as Pemberton's French Wine Coca, the most successful and wonderful Tonic of the age. It promptly invigorates the brain and nervous system, excites the assimilating and secretory glands, purifying and enriching the blood. Brings a blessing to those afflicted with Neuralgia, Sick Headache, Melancholy, Blues, tired and despondent feeling, etc. Wine Coca, drives away the blues, melancholy, etc., and gives new hope, cheerfulness and a new lease on life. This delicious Tonic is as pleasant to the taste as pure wine, and never offends the most delicate stomach, like many of the nauseous tonics. Try it, and prove the truth and wonders of the Coca Wine. Sold by all first-class druggists. Trice $1.00 per bottle, or six bottles for $5.09. Sent by ex¬ press on receipt of price. Sold by both drug stores in Covington. im. Look at This. Do not bnv S’. S. P. or B. B. B. before getting our prices. We are almost giving them away. BROOKS & IVY. "SWBF PHILADELPHIA Tucker, SINGER Including Ruffler* Bind- I boxof41Iemmpr’* and er. and usual outfit of twelve I ^15 pieces- DAYS’ Warranted 3 year*, f house before yon pur one machine cent. manufacturer A? other <eiring in the J!s!5sh£sV£f* M-np J gg&SrSKfet r 1 f ■mile TbS®S2| wBSHr^k saarKsati TI M vue of * OBU I,ib jJ j H h r bre centre mtaSt . . tin Biitr. cartri-lgt*. .jXayfHgjag twn mhl Ip»» J ^SP ca ~til nen • hi* \ larntr ,kMl< km* • a r mi Bent tree, by mail, for 2] rents In Hump*. Order bow, .nd c?l our catalogue Addreaa of _ Srnlllti <te. pSFladelVhijc e.i, fknn’a: <c -J ssHii ■X crairi v\ Xn'^iQd tljtzav) A - v <%<*>, L ________‘__ — A Walking Skeleton. ! Mr. E. Springer, ! of Mechanicsburg, P., writes : “I was afflicted with lung fever and ab ' sccss on lungs, and reduced to a walking skele ton. Got a free trial bottle of Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, which did me so much good that I bought a dollar bottle.— After using three bottles, found myself once more hearty a man, completely restored to health, with a appetite, and a gain in flesh of 48 lbs.” Free trial bottle at Brooks & Ivy’s drug store. Large bottles ft.00. GRAND CONCERT. Mr. Alfredo Barili, assisted by several of his talented pupils, will give a concert • in “Music Hall” on the evening of the 13th. $1000 Can be made, In six months, selling Tunison’s Atlas of the World, Wall maps, charts, and framed Portraits. For terms free, address II. C. TUN ISON, octlltf Atlanta, Ga, Newton Legal Advertisements. Letters of Administration. GEORGIA, Newton County. To Alt, Whom it May Conuhiin : I). A. Gibbs and J. C. Anderson, eredito-s, hav¬ ing in proper form, applied to me for Permanent letters of administration on the estate of Anna Downs, lute of said county deceased, this is to cite nil and singular, the creditors and nextof kin of Anna Downs, to be nird appear at rny office, within the time allowed by lsw, and show cause if any they can, why permanent administration should and not be granted to petitioners, or some oth¬ er tit proper person, c n Anna Downs estate. Witness my hand and official signature, this 2nd day of November, E. F. 188-5. KDWAItDS, Ordinary. Legal Citation GEORGIA, Newton County. To All Whom it May Concern ; P. N. Ilyatt, administrator of Pleasant W. Hyatt, deceased, has. in due from, applied to the under¬ signed for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of said deceased: and said application will be heard on the 1st Monday in December, 1885. This November, 2, 1885. E. F. EDWARDS. Ordinary. Citation. GEORGIA, Newton County. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : W. 11. Hoy-good has, in due from, applied to the undersigned tion for permanent of l’bil letters or administra¬ on the estate Brown, into, of said coun¬ ty deceased, and I will pass upon said applica¬ tion outheti st Monday in December. 188.), Given under ray hand and seal, this 2:!d of Oc¬ tober, 1885. E. F. EDWARDS, Ordinary. Citation. ORDINARY’S OFFICE. Newton, County, Ga., Oct. 22,1885. Guardian It appearing of the to person me that ami a property necessity of exists Lawrence for a Smith, minor sou of llillyardJ. Smith, deceased, and said minor, no one applies and he being for letters of Guardianship of also over fourteen years of age, and effort it appearing Guardian that said minor has made to procure a of his own se¬ lection. and failed: It is Ordered by the Court that which this time, notice be published Monday for thirty days, after on 1st in December, ISST, I will appoint the clerk of the Superior Court of said county, or some other fit and proper person, as Guardian of the person and property of Law¬ rence J-'mllh. minor, if no good cause is shown to the contrary, E F. EDW ARDS. Ordinary Sheriff Salei. ¥17ill be sold before the court hou*e floor, in the ** city of Covington, Newton county, w ithin the legal hours of the sale, following on the first Tuesday iu De¬ cember next, property to-wit: thought Thirty acres make of 7 cotton bales weighing in the field, unpicked, lbs. each, to 500 and iO.iO Six pounds picked, <>f more ithered or less, in and the in field, the li nise. acres corn, ung thought to yield of about the 50 defendants. lmslm's. All levied Ewings on as the property L. T. and Mary Superior Ewings, Court to satisfy in Vavoi a li. of fa. issued Hearing from Newton J. J. vs. T i. T. Ewings and Mary Ewings Oct 201 —ALSO— -N. ANDERSON, Sheriff. Will be sold before the Court House door in the city of Covington, New ton county, within the le¬ gal’ hours the of sale, following on the First Tuesday to-wii. in Deccra . ber next property ■ Two hogs and three shouts, two yearlings and one cow. three bee gurns, one side spring hundred buggy, one one-horse wagon, seven or eight pounds of seed cotton, more or less, 80or 70 bush¬ els of cotton seed, two scythe cradle*, one iron gray mule, 8 or 10 years old. Levied on as the oroperty of defendant, Clrus House, to satisfy a li hi issued from Newton superior court in favorof JI. T. by Stanton the Plaintiff. vs. ciru.s House. Property pointed out Oct. 20.| N. ANDERSON, Sheriff. —ALSO,— Wi 1 be sold before the Court House door in the city of Covington, Newton county, within the le¬ gal hours of sale, on the First Tuesday in Decem¬ ber next the followi g property to-wit: One-Sixth undivided interest of J. S. Hridges, the defendant, in 100 acres of land more or less, in Newton county, Ga.. and bounded as follows : On the south by Thomas Jobnsou, west by Homer Hardwick, north by Mollie Fuller, and cast by Heard. Levied on as the property of J. S. Bridges 10 satisfy a ti fa issued from Newton Superior Court in favoi of James T. Corley vs. Joseph S. Bridges. 28) N. ANDERSON, Sheriff. Out. —ALSO— Will bo sold before the eourt house door, in the city of Covington, of sale, Newton the first county, Tuesday within in Decem¬ the le¬ gal hours following on to-wit ber next, the property A certain town lot of win. II. M inter, lying with¬ in the corporate limits of the city of Covington, Newton county. Ga.. and desorbed and bounded ns follows : On the east by street running north and south, that is colored immediately west of the M. E. church lot of the people, south by John Coleman’s lot, and on north and south b\ lands of S. ]> Might, and lot fronting s iid xuect bound¬ ing it on the east—100 feet being its width and running back westward 200 feet—being part of the tract of land bought the by 8 D. llight from J. M. Levy. Levied on as property i f Wm. II. Mill* ter to satisf' a Mortgage ti fa issued from Newton Superior Court in favor of \V. C Clarx <k Co. vs. Wm. H. Minter. Oct. 27) N. ANDERSON, Sheriff. —ALSO— Will be sold bofore the Court House door in the city of Covington, Newton comity, within the le¬ gal hours of sale, on the Fir-d Tuesday in Decem¬ ber next the following prop trty to-wit: Fifty acres of land, in Newton county Ga.. and bounded as follows: On the north by lands of C. S. Jarboe, east by land of NV. \Y. Cla k. west bv lauds of Major Lee, south by land of W. W. Clark in Brewer's district. Levied on as the property of Wash Conyers, the defendant to satisfy a mort¬ gage li of f a M. issued W. Davis, from Newton‘Superior surviving Court of Davis in favor partner & Langley, vs. Wash Conyers. Oct. 27j N. AXDEItSOX. Sheriff. —ALSO— Will be sold before the Court House door in the cit ;y of Covington. Newton county, withii ’1 the le* gal hours of sale, on the First Tuesday in Decern ber next the following property to-wit : A certain town lot, of Ellen Coleman, the de¬ fendant, in tjic city of Covington, Mold to her. (Ellen Coleman.) by S. I), liight. one hundred feet deep (the deed to said lot marie by S. D, llight to said Ellen Coleman, left by her in the hands of W. C. dark & Co., Plaintiffs.) Levied on as the property of Ellen Coleman to satisfy n mortgage li fa issued from Newton Superior Court in favor o? W.c. Clark & Co., vs. Ellen Coleman. Oct. 27) N. ANDERSON, Sheriff. Home Treatment. Cancer, Catarrh, Neuralgia. Ep ilepsy, and all Blood or Skin Disease’', PILES AHi) fistula, Treated ■usci-s-ftilly without ibe knife. Nervous Debility. I offer no swindling Recipes, hut treat successfully unit scientifically preparing my own medicines. 1 treat all the above discuses at $5.00 Per Month, Wnh the exception of Cancer and Fis Ula. M. T SALTER, M i>, Refill m Dispensatory, Corner Broad and Walton St*., lSrn-ir A t 'ant i, G t GEO. W. PRICE. 24 Marietta Street, Atlanta, (in., DEALER IN FINE BOOTS, SHOES, UPPER AND SOLE LEATHER, Boot and Shoe Uppers of all kinds, French and American Calf Skins, Shoe Findings, &:. lerms cash. A share of the public patronage is solicited. Elegant Jewelry for Presents, I have just received and am daily adding to one of the handsomest stocks of Watches, Clocks and Fine Jewelry, Rings, Shirt Studs, Buttons, Silverware, and everything in that line ever brought to Atlanta My stock comprises everything which is suited fur HOLIDAY Oil WEDDING PRESENTS, Do not fail to give me a call when you visit Atlanta. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. "WIvC. VI JAMK8 BANK BLOCK, Of -1 28 No- 10, Whitehall 8 reel, Albania, On. NEW STORE. NEW GOODS. hayntie, DEALER IN Fancy and Family GROCERIES Diy Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, and General Merchandise, COVINGTON, GEORGIA. I take pleasure in informing the people of Newton an 1 s-.trroun ling counties that I have opened a first class stock of goods in the new brick store, next to the post office, in Covington, where I will be pleased to have my friends and the public generally call to see me. My entire stock is new and fresh, and I am going to sell the goods as cheap as they can be bought in anv market If you want the very best potted meats, canned goo is, pickles, sardines, oysters, jellies, dried beef, and all kinds of fancy- goods, l>e sure you give nr; a call, and f c in supply you. Tobacco, cigars, snuff, crockery, tinware, and notions, I keep the very best. Call and seethe*. Lamps, oils, and patent medicines, in good supply. C nmtry produce bought and sold. Call and sec me. CHARLIE HAYNIE. FURNITURE. All those wanting to buy Furniture, should go to JOHN NEAL & CO., Nos. ; and 9 South Broad street, Atlanta. Ga. As they keep a full line, which thev are sellingat lower prices th in cm he had elM. where. Bed room suites from $17.5(1 up, eb\ Do not forget tln ir address. S3 S3 ■ a -i iewitt DEALER IN DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS Builders’ Hardware, Brushes, Glass, Paints Oils, &c„ &c„ S-4 Decatur S reel, ATLANTA, GA. HMISliTT & BRUIttTH, JOBBERS AND DEALERS IN Cooking and Heating Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, Mantels, Grates, Iron Pip 3 s, 36 and 38, Corner Peachtree and Walton hts •1 ATLANTA.. GA. We offer to the trade the largest and best selected stock of Stoves, Ranges, Furnace* Grates, Slate and In 11,Mantel, Wood Mantels, Cherry, Mahogony ami Walnut of tilt latest and most approved Design? in the market. Bird Cages, Water Coolers, lie. frigcralors lee Cream Freezers. Tubs, Buckets, Brooms, Brushes, Steam Pipe an4 Fittings. Plumber*’ Brass Goods, Marble Slabs, Wash Ba.-ius, Water Closets, Bath Tubs, Chandelier?. Peiidantsand Brackets, Plain and Stamped Tinware, in fact eve¬ rything Pump ami kept'> by first el,ss I ispirator, House Furnishing fact de.der. of Concrete Agents for Know is’ Steam mm n liters seser pipe and Orna inental Ci.dvaiiiitod Iron cornice, door anil window lie.ds in ftet everything y«»u wish. Come ..nd see us. IIUNNKTTr a BELLINGRATH. aug20t f 36 ami 88 Peachtree s’rset, Atlanta. Mmwwmws? Voice from the Lone Star State. Dallas, Texas, 1*85. Guinn’s Pioneer Blood Re .ewer liar cured one of rnv children of one , f tin worst cases of Scrofula I ever .»aw. Ilei skin is as clear as mine, and the do-tor say it is a permanent cure, in tin ir opin¬ ion. Iain thankful for having irieii Hi* Remedy. WM. L. PARKS. Read the follow ing, ye Rheumatic and Catarrh Sufferer.': Flat Shoals. Ga. Gnin-’s Pioneer Blood Rene-ver l••.lr'■•'< j me of Kheuinnti'in, and also the worst, kind of a case of Catarrh. JAMES PHILLIPS. For full inf )rmation. oik free pamphlet j on Blood and >ki i diseases will tie furu-j islied on appli -ation to the i MACON MEDICINE COMPANY, ! Macon, Georgia. Sold in powdered f..riu, easy to prepare at home, with or without spirits. Small size, 25 i-cits; I rg«-size. fl.'iO, mailed to any address *>n ro eipt ,.f price, Liquid fotm : small iz . 1.1 *0 1 rge sjz,._ S] i ->. For ,s.le 1* ' al. Mr si j> A | Dr. Geo. G. Griffin, Physician and Surgeon, COVINGTON, G Offer? his professional services to tbs people of ( iivhigton and vicinity. Office over Amler on Hunter’s store. 3fi;l liobro >k & Edward**, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Coving! on.......... .....Ga. Office ill the Ordinary’* room, in th* •onrf house. Will practice in all the. conn*. State and Federal. Territory un¬ limited. oct7y Wanted to Borrow $1,500. For One, Two or Three rears, at gaod interest, first class collaterals given i-urity. For further particulars cull O I W. SCOTT, Covington, Ga. FOR ea&ES T¥H?R| / Ll ELSA MILS. Brut •ucu.wjrruif. Tnmm _ Uwl utwt s«»:.] by (irtujrfew*.