The Covington star. (Covington, Ga.) 1874-1902, December 02, 1885, Image 2

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£hc Couingtou S'tuv. ANDERSON & WALLIS, PROPRIETORS. I'bkms, $1.50 a Year in Advance, $2.00 When Not Paid in Advance. ©■access is 0 "U.r The columns of the Star are always men •t .JaioL the fair and dignified discussion of all Z of public interest; but communion TrsZfor advocating the individual clams particular of any thing any political personal position or nuitUrand is regarded for to as secure its publication in •hJ must be pad The editor is not columns. correspondents, and no corn (nr the Views of published unless the name mun,cation will be 0 f the writer is known to the editor . COVINGTON, GA., DEC. 2, 1885. IT IS COMING. The 8UCCC68 of prohibition in At¬ lanta has been proclaimed to the world long boforo this writing, I ut the issue is yet indeterminate. At this writing it is not decided wheth er or not there will bo a contest. It is sincerely hoped there will not be, but that the defeated side will accept the result cheerfully and manfully. The citiz ns of Atlanta desired it, worked for it, and accom¬ plished it, then why not let it stand, let the effects resultant therefrom bo what they may ? In case of contest’or no contest, it is the opinion ol the writer that prohibition has taken hold of Allan ta to be there “when the sun goes down. It wasa well-fought battle. Every inch of ground was thorough¬ ly contested, Every available argu ment, pro and con, was adduced - We never read a moro thoroughly discussed issue, and now it is llie duty of every citizen to accept the result as just and inevitable. In our humble opinion, it was a grand triumph—more grand than novel and unprecedented—and so it will go down to succeeding genera¬ tions, who will rise up and call their forefathers “blessed’’ for instituting such an unspeakable and inconceiv¬ able beneficent reformatory measure. It is a movo in the right direction and ono in accordance with the spirit and demands of the times.— It is not cooped up within the con¬ fines of Atlanta. Other cities will go and do “likewise.” Georgia is already pretty well sprinkled with prohibition, and, ere long, she will be deluged. It is coming “by and by.” The sentiment has got a-going and you can’t stop it. It is the voice of conscience, of hu inanity, of right, The wails of thousands of broken-hearted women and children cull for it. Tlio inward pleadings of all besotted humanity clamor for it. The noble impulses of all creation are doteiminod for it, It is a universal consolidated outcry of the people, the vox populi, which becomes the vox Dei, and you can’t stop it. As well might you attempt to stay the flushes of lightning. Verily, vorily, it is coming “by and by. »» w. An exchange says that of 157 pro¬ fessors in the German Universities 122 are over 80 years of age. Few professors appear to die. and none seem disposed to resign in Germany. We are all “earth and of the earth earthy.” By creation no one person is above the other. The proper way to get on is for everybody to dotheirown bnsiness. Grease the wheels of society with the oil of “’” and they will run smoothly enough. A heart that is lar«re enough to run out and feel for all mankind, is un commonly magnanimetis, we confess. But such there are, and they are they who meet with the greatest success and rido upon the waves of popular favor. “It is more blessed to give than to receive. »» If you can get a thing to pierce a man plum through, then it is obliged to have effect, lie Can’t shake it off. All persons must have,some kind of recreation. It is indi-pensable and un-do'wi’ hout-atde. People do wrong and become corrupt through overindulgence. But the only way t<> manage people is to a],* peal lo their conseiencc. Convince people that yu ere friends and want to treat them right and they will u|ihold von. 1 here is a sort of pallid, chalky complexion which the novelists call a wash-out complexion, ll is ghastly enough, and no mistake. Washed out, faded discolored or parti-colored hair is al¬ most as repulsive and melancholy. Parker’s I lair Balsam will restore your hair its original color, whatever it was, brown, auburn, black. Why wear moss on yonr head, when y m ma easily have lively, shining hair. \V:rth Remembering. That evei’} path hath a puddle. | That the fruit of success ripens s’owly. | That lie is the richest who wants j ihe least. That a million dollars will not buy a ray of sunshine. That the greatest of faults is to be conscious of none. That the brightest thoughts some times come from the dullest looking man. That Methuselah, even, never complained of time hanging heavy on his hands. That all of ihe good things of this world are of no further good than as they arc of no use. That a newspaper may bo a sew¬ er, ora stream of pure water, accor¬ to its source. That w hat a man gets for nothing is very apt to value at just about it costa him. That we often unlock the door of with our own hands, and then throw the key away. That compliments and congratu¬ lations cost nothing but pens, ink and paper, or—words. That our homes are like instru¬ ments of music, of which a.single discordant string destroys the sweet¬ ness. The following are some of the sayings of ltov. Sam P. Jones : The devil is too much of a gentle¬ man to stay where he is not wel¬ come. Nothing is more lovely than gentle, patient woman. God pity the man that has a foiky-longued wife! There are two lliings I dancing-master and a little time¬ serving preacher. They are both the laughing stock ol the devil. You don’t believe what you don’t see? Did you ever see your back¬ bone? Some men believe they have a backbone, when it is nothing but a cotton string run up their backs. The Lord doesn’t shoot cannon balls at snow birds, and if lie were to lot loose such a bolt of lightning at you as he did at Saul of Tarsus, ho would not leave a greasy spot ol you. Official Notice. GEORGIA, Newton County. To all whom it may concern ; All persons interested aro hereby notified that, if no good causo bo shown to the contrary, an order will be granted by the undersigned on the 21st day of Dec mber, 1885, es¬ tablishing a new road as marked out by the reviewers appointed for that purpose, commencing at Hie ing on the Georgia Railroad, Colley’s old bridge, in said county, running in a westerly direction and by the residence of James Armstead, and through the lands of said Arm¬ stead, to the ford of Cornish creek, then up the public road about three hundred yards, then through the lands of A. B. Simms, about halt a mile, thenco through the lands Mrs. M, A. Perry, and on through the lands of A. M. Cox and S. D. flight, to the public road leading from Covington to Jlor.roe. Nov. lG.h, ’85, T. J. SIIEPHEKD, Chairman Board Commissif-tiei's. MOTHERS’ FRIEND. Applied according to directions 3 or 4 months before confinement, its effect is wonderfully beneficial and gratifying.— Tiie delicate organs and parts directly involved are relaxed and softened and lose their rigidity without imparing their power, while its lubricating qualities act like a charm, thus assuring a quick and almost painless delivery without physi¬ cal exhaustion, and deatli agonies of many hours duration are entirely avoid ed. to?' It not only shortens the time of labor and lessens the intensity of pain, but, better titan all, it greatly diminish¬ es the danger to life of both mother and child, and leaves tiie mother in a condit¬ ion highly favorable to speedy recovery, and for less liable to flooding, convul sions, and other alarming symptoms in¬ cident to lingering and painful labor.— Its truly wonderful efficacy in t It is res¬ pect entitles Mothers Friend to be rank¬ ed as one of tiie life-saving appliances given to tiie world by the disco\eries of modern science. THIS TRULY GREAT PREPARA¬ TION, while really such an inestimable boon to child-bearing women, is one in regard to which, in due deference to female modesty, certificates cannot be publish¬ er! ; for, as was remarked by a distin¬ guished member of the legal profession in Atlanta, when purchasing a bottle of it, “Its superior nierits can only be made known by word of mouth.” Indies interested in the above, by ail dreic-ing the Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga., can have a Book mailed them free of cost, containing full par ticulars. lin. As well might you attempt to, pull old Sol down from the heavens as to force people into measures aganist their conneU'»n>. The way, and the only way, toearr , a public measure, is to tuorougii'i convince ihe populace upon wlose suffrages lhe issue is dependent, of the right necessity, and utiii Ol that which you advocate. Thus ha- it evei ncn and thus will it ever h<\ All el isses have tin-ir wan - pod necessities, arid he who would p> as a leader of any class or -••<• 1 , must, administer to tlu-ir necessities and adapt himself, in toto, to their social status. Tact and aduptibility run right along together, and you may put them down as indispensables. Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, The Busy Bees Healing' the Nations. From the mountains to the sea Praises come wafted for B. B. B. MOTHER AND SISTER. 15. B. B. Co. : My mother and sister had ulcerated throat and scrofula, and B. B. 15. cured them. E. G. TINSLEY, June 20, 1885. Columbus, Ala. GOD SPEED IT. B. B. B. Co.: One bottle of B. 15. B. cured me of blood poison and rheuma¬ tism. May God speed it to everyone. W. R. Ellis, June 21, 1885. Brunswick, Ga. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS. 15. B. B. Co. : One of my customers. J. B. Rogers, was afflicted 25 years with a terrible ulcer on his leg, but B. B. B. has nearly cured him. It. F. MEDLOCK, June 22, 1885. Norcross, Ga, BAY HOUSE. B. B. B. cured me of an nice rwith which I had been troubled fifty years. I ain now as fat as a bay horse, and sleep better than anybody, and 15. 15. 15. did it all. It. R. SAULTER, June 24, 1885. Athens, Ga. RAILROAD TALK. Four bottles of B. B. B. cured me of a severe form of rheumatism, and the same number of bottles cured my wife of rheumatism. J. T. GOODMAN, Conductor O. R. R. MAGICAL, SIR. The use of B. B. B. has cured me of much suffering, as well as a case of piles 40 years standing. Although 80 years old, I feel like a new man. B. 15.15. is magical, sir. Geo. P. FRAZIEK. WONDERFUL GODSEND. My three poor, afflicted children, who inherited a terrible blood poison, have improved rapidly after the use of 15. 15. B. It is a Godsend healing balm. MRS. S. M. WILLIAMS, Sandy, Texas. Official Notice. GEORGIA, Newton County. To all whom it may concern : All persons interested are hereby notified that, if no good cause be shown to tho contrary, an order will bo granted by the undersigned on the 21st day of December, 1885, er -8 tablishing a new road as marked out by the reviewers appointed for that purpose, said road being in Gaithers District, in said county, and running through the lands of W. II. Gaither and J. L. Hargrove, connecting tiie Covington and Monticello road with the Newton Factory and Social Cir¬ cle road being about three-fourths oi a mile in length. Nov. 16; h, ’85. T. J. SHEPHERD, Chairman Board Commissioners. CLINCMAN’S T obacco REMEDIES It = t I! it a. a 5 | a ? ® 1=5 4> ii -s •* 10 «3 i* 2 © o I* I? ■S I* H 9 -» c O e O a THE CLISGMAN TOBACCO OIKTMEHT for Itrhinc Piles. Ilu never I'niled to sin Fistula, J?* Tetter, 1 ®*' Salt Rheum Anal Ulcere, Absces*. Pimples, Sores Barber’s Itch. Ring 1 - worms, and Boils. Price 60 cts. THE CLINGMAN TCBACCO CAKE J'Af. Wound* llF.’S Guta, Brmsea, OWN REMEDY, bnrams. Erysipelas, Cure# Boils, an aronemus, Milk Leg 8nske and local Dog Bites. 8tm« Infl Jnaecta, a mm ation Ac ri In * m fact whatever allays all Price Irritation ^6 and * cause. eta. j THE CLINGMAN TOBACCO PLASTER j Prepared nrrnrdin. tn the most scientific LiuREBIf Fv<“ocf.’VivV NTfts 1, '‘ compounded UUKKMT with HEII.4TIVR the purest Tobacco^ Group, Weed Flour, Cake snd of is the Breast tally recommended for or xnd for that cltss « lmtent or lntlammatory maladiee. Aches and Faina where, from too delicate a ftate of the ayetem, ^»«T<>bac«oCaka “ ™^>tobwttei For Headache iwaga application Achse and Pams, invaluable. or other it ia Price 15 eta. Ask yuor druggist for these remedies, orwritatotha CLINGMAN TOBACCO CURE CO. t DURHAM, N. C„ U. 8. A. J ROYALKWfl a JO m 1 * ft POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders, Sold only in cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. 106 Wall street, New York. Drs. BETTS & BETTS * Medical and Surgical Dispensary. W. II. BETTS, the Consul tins' Physician, is tiie oldest, most successful, best known spe¬ cialist in the work!, A prui¬ nate from Four metitcul colle¬ ges, extensive of 25 years practice experience En¬ ana in gland, and France, and Air.t rica, has secured a world- .... wide reputation in the treat- llBB ment and cure of Private, M Nervous and Chronic dis-.V iAi.; eases. SPERMATORRHE \ND IMPUTEN (Y. Asn result of self-abuse in youth, sexual ex¬ cess in maturer years, or other causes, and pro¬ ducing some of these effects : Nervousness, seminal emissions night emissions by dreams,) dimness of sight, detective memory, ideas, physical loss decay, sexual pimples on face, rendering confusion marriage of im¬ of power, etc., proper or unhappy, are thoroughly ami perman¬ ently cured. SYPHILIS positively cured and entirely eradicated Stricture. from Orchitis, the system; .Kidney Gonor¬ «nd rhea, Gleet, diseases Urinary Troubles, Blobdand Skin diseases quick ly cured. Old ulcers, catarrh, asthma, of the liver and lungs successfully treated.— Charges reasonable £1^PILES 1 Fistula! Fissure! permanently cured without knife or ligature. If you are sick don’t delay. Call or wr.te. Medicines sent to any part of the country, JMF’Send for 64-page pamphlet, mailed free. Address W. II. BETTS, M. D„ 83)* Whitehall Street. Atlanta, Ga., octl8-ly. U I IX) THIS VOLUNTARILY. Those are the word 3 Mr. David Carr, of DeKalb county, employed in render¬ ing his testimony. READ AY HAT HE SAYS. Eight years ago, while living in Cow¬ eta county, my wife, a strong, healthy woman, strained herself from overlift¬ ing. and hrobght on what physicians termed “falling of the womb.” Being complicated with other female troubles, she was reduced at the time I speak of, to almost a shadow. I had tried all the physiansand nearly all the patent med¬ icines I could hear of, hut she did no* improve at all: kept getting worse, and in a fit of desperation, and, luckily for her, it was BRADFIELD’S FEMALE REGULATOR. In one week’s time she was relieved and by continued use of it she cured sound and well. She has since become the mother of two strong, healthy chil¬ dren. Now, after a lapse of five years of'Uninterrupted health, by her impru¬ dence in lifting, she lias brought on the old again, but, strange as it may seem, she does not look upon it with that sense of loathing and horror as might be ex¬ pected, for she says it will not take your suggested remedy leng to cure her, and when I nantly replied getting a physician, she indig¬ that as long as she could gut BRADFIELD’3 FEMALE REGULATOR She needed no other doctor, for, having saved her life once, she knew it would cure lier now. Gratefully yours, DAVID CA’RR. Edwardsville, Ga., Jan. 20, 1885. Send fur our Treatise on t he “ Health and Happiness of Women,” mailed free to any address. the bradfield regulator co.. Box 28, Atlanta, Ga. TUTT'S PILLS 28 Y EARS IN USE. Ik, OrcatMt E«dic»lTrinmpli of tit. Ag4 SYK5PTOWS OF A Los* TORPID of _ LIVER. appetite, Bowels costive, to the head, with a dull sensation in tho rf c ? P;,ln “ u * ! *v tho shoulder blade, Fullness after eating, with adts inclinatiea to exertion of body or mind, Irritahiiitycf temper, Lowepirits, with a feelinc of havin* neglected some duty, \V earlness, Dizziness, Flutterinc at tho Heart, Dots before the eyes, Headache 2Te r L fce 'kt; W, Re.tlee.neB*, with utxal , dresmn, Highly colored Urine* and ___CONSTIPATION. TXTTT'S PILLS are especially adapted to such cases, one dose effects such a change They Increase offeelingasto astonish the sufferer. body tiie Appetite,and cause tho to Take on Fleshothu* the system Is Che noartshed. Digestive and by their Tonic Action on produced. Price Orcans, 35c. 44 Regular Stools are Murray St.sHf.Y. TUTTS (jrat Hair HAIR DYE. GLOSsr or Whiskers changed to a Black by a single application of this Dtk. It imparts a natural color, acts sent instantaneously. by Sold by Druggists, or Office, express Murray on receipt of •!. 44 St., New York. m ‘l.'ISSS i : ■■ ail w - ^ [i! Wrights ____ Indian Vegetable Pills FOR v,.» tuv THE LIVER And all Bilious Complaint9 i 8418 tn take .being purely vegetable; no grip¬ i ing. Price 25 cts. All Druggist#. t' ’ll Si-J r .k W « '• p t '4 J* •IP" 'i- T. J. HARPER, Dollar btor©j te 0it 7 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Ca, I have the largest stock of watches, jewelry, dolls, toys, fancy goods, and all kinds of fancy articles and latest novelties, to be found in Atlanta. I have the greatest variety of elegant goods suitable for presents for young ladies, and to please the children, find anywhere. Articles from 5 cents, upward, to the you can Plated finest and most costly. I have goods to suit all classes. goods of the latest styles and patterns, cheaper than ever before, in fact, I have something to suit everybody. I have toys and dolls for the children, thousands of fancy articles and jewelry for the young ladies, and solid standard goods for the old folks. Call and examine my stock. It is a pleasure to show the goods. My goods are all sold at regular “ low cotton” prices, and when you see them, I am sure you will buy from me. T. J. HARPER, No. 7, Peachtree street, (opposite National Hotel), Atlanta, Ga. GEO. W. PRICE, 24 Marietta Street, Atlanta, Ga., DEALER IN FINE BOOTS, SHOES, UPPER AND SOLE LEATHER, Boot and Shoe Uppers of all kinds, French and American Calf Skins, Shoe Findings, Terms cash. A share of the public patronage is solicited. The Only House in Atlanta WHERE YOU CAN BUY FURNITURE AND 1CARPETS T O C3- 33 T H E 3=t, And Save Ten Per Cent. ANDREW J. MILLER. 44 PEACHTREE STREET, ATLANTA, GA. HUNNIGUTT & BELLINSRATH, JOBBERS AND DEALERS IN Cooking and Heating Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, Mantels, Grates, Iron Pipes, 36 and 38, Comer Peachtree and Walton Sts., ATLANTA.. 13-A. AVe offer to the trade the largest and best selected stock of Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces Grates, Slate and Iren Mantel, AVood Mantels, Cherry, Mahogony and AValnut of the latest and most approved Designs in the market Bird Cages, AVater Coolers, Re¬ frigerators, Ice Cream Freezers. Tubs Buckets, Brooms, Brushes Steam Pipe and Fittings, Plumbers’ Brass Goods, Marble Slabs, Wash Basins, AA’aier Closets, Bath Tubs, Chandeliers, Pendants and Brackets, Plain and Stamped Tinware, in fact eve¬ rything kept by first class House Furnishing dealers. Agents for Knowls’ Steam Pump and Hancock’s Inspirator, manufactuiers of Concrete Sewer Pipe and Orna¬ mental Galvanized Iron cornice, door and window heads, in fact everything you wish. Come and see us. IIUNNICUTT & BELLINGRATH, aug 20 t f 36 and 38 Peachtree street, Atlanta, TR H -*< kI 5 ^ P3IGIhftL sib!e, THE INTERESTING a n 2. n, nut! tCLUSTHMiOHS. rAf??V! v '........ A( C'liltATK printed CORRESPONDENCE AND and monthly is a rural homelike. CARDEN paper, journal. wIlM mid vnlimlilti insinuation from every State In •rs Hu* LiiiG.M, mu ntolen ideas. It no ttonnrnse or OF PlIjEpS 1S hU on rKUSTS and VEGETABLES. Con tidH ttie Hi .'*>•'1 Poultry pages for those who niisefisiCKClIs_________ - v CCi iui ’ profit, and 33 sure to. / 98 ^G-rise hi i fcL-J t ereat. and / / D I e »i h e oi every ten trial subscribers become permanent render.*, and use their i •> mwk f more names. Kx •‘Pu¬ ence having taught us tF.-v, we l'ppi epria.n i nt it a: pay uatomake A li? l$i-D 1 UH-FKU mi i pevery To «K££7. 3 tmm T $k IGe,' v every reader of nu t Wu " , send us I f) rt*. s? cr.os \v, or silver, we will |pr.d “THE HARM AND U AIti>EN < n trial for three months. lLea^e accept this trial gF- r at' M only to satisfy rurioHiy. :nd voti will certain!i he acr- My ttiot FARM AND GARDEN, w P». * •v :*t , I’m, 6 ?.! s W*tr & n * a >?. f g rt i a • : ’ ‘u«t . Golurr "cr. .i-’i .'.-kot L a .t.uiaghup. r:<i v ■('in. Warrior u K«rili. i**ring s You Gray. < Mdntires. iocs Was Curt. tsweet Down and I'll Nobody Down. Boy There. Bold. Walt Mary's L Meet Little to Widow To-nightT VI You tht ’till A Only Knows We Where olets. Wlfb, Knot Gout H Will No- the Sat • a r . H. H u 1 m Gone. Old, and W ; <y. Oh, Bern Golden Slippers. Only to See Her F.tce A^aiu. 1 '\ » Nelly Gray. You Get More Like Yoar Dad J Kvtry When Day. M ; 1 r You Ijove, in My Prayers. You Rosy's Home bumlay (mi. Kathleen. You'v- O'd-Fa.•: F Mks at Home. I’ll Take Again. •.••i. . A t of Straw. Cradle's Empty, Baby’s Gone. Never Take :he Horsesr.< ; A isatian Mountains. Leaf of Ivy from my Angel Mother's Or; e. ' k soBoo. Joe Hardy, Home Again. We Never Speak Grandmo os we Pass i i -vs, Koep Away from the Girls. Baby Mine. r's ( r Cunts Over the Garden Wall. A Flower from my Anu oiher’s v- : i Mother Because we W'ere Poor. Give an Honest In? h Lad a ( k Spanish Cavalier. Mountain Song. In ihe Gloaming. Evelina. Love o; fn icCov. Butcher Boy. Poor, But a Gentleman Still. Sweet F.i tv it •c* Troubles You Hava Met. This book is pi luted on paper saui“ si * * >i O: r 9 •ny now. Address , AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., 17 im :> Prlik . hi-, bia, Pernt’a ^ MARVELLOUS PRICES. -«* BOO&SfORjrHE MILLION Complete Novels and Other Works, by Famous Authors, Almost Given A*ae ’ “** “ ln ^ ^ *** 1- The Widow Kcdott Paper*. This is the book over which y grandmothers laughed till they cried, aad it is just as funny to-day as it ever was. tirely ’J- Fancy Work for Home Adornuie»t* *n en¬ practical new instruotioos work ut*«u this subject coutaiuiug easy and f„r makin fancy basket*, wall pookcls, brackets, ne d’«; work, e.ubroiderjr, etc., etc-, pro¬ fusely andciegantly illustrated. S. Urlmm’4 Fairy Stories for the Young. Ihe Guest collection of fairy stories ever published. The child¬ ren will be delighted with them. 4. The Lady ot the Lake. By Sir Walter Scott. " T,le I-*dy of the Lake " is a romance iu verse, aud of all the works of Scott none is more beautiful than this. 5. Man uni of Pliijuftts for Ladies and Geatlemea, a guide to politeness an 1 goo 1 breeding, giving the rules of Diodem etiquette for ail occasions. 6. The Standard Lrtter Writer for Ladies and Gentlemen, a complete gtil? to correspondence, girinc jdaiu dirtvtions for the c .ipositiou of letters of •mt 'vtt i iunimerahlc tor an an«l examples. T : 'y , *ts r Rvesiiia Uern.-atl»>sslsi(t collectioQ of _f Acting Charades, T ibleaux. tiames, Purzles. etc for sootal gatherings, private theatricals, aud eveuincs at home; illustrated. 5 8 : U.H>!tflt!ens nii<l Keadlna*, a large atid eh-*; » .-olli- r-.r - -».*ol exhibitions aud public and prtva'e entertainments. 9 . I arlor Muglc and Chemical KxpeHment* aVuntV Q n **" ,C 1 ''•' w l® p*-rforru v*pcriaieBta hundreds of with amusiil^ tiaiple 10. The Home Cook Book and Famflv Phval. elan, containing im-iircds of exoeitrut cooking recipes ati 1 biu a to hofisuk—p r<. al-o teifiug how to cure all mon ailments hr sitnme home remedy com 11 Manner* and Cuatoma In Far Awav I anda a lug verv the mtere-fin* DC; ultwr life, hasuw. ,-trucMve book and of travel^ dSUrib* p-opie of foreign imoarri customs or ihe in * co imri ■* ; ulusirated Ii Sixteen Complete Wtorle* by Popular Authors i 7‘"' t * r '- M r 4 life, .VorSmof ele.. all rere In. * ,‘ 4 •‘j. , l)a * A* kt,ewlr«*rf f Area wrfttaa <hr sa w» T+wr *; .iius tM ' M! for the Million, a hsodr t . ,or 15. H«fh Cosvsv .«»* hooka kO eta.;w the whole lO OFFER t«i $|.oil. a s7«ro rM-l« l ofTrlA*iIJ 1 w p *,2! 77” ' h ‘”A *" ho ”" 8 ”” r ■*—e* eonuitiln. An> got*, aagtutcred Lettsr, Muu- Frankim r Mews Co., Philad’a, s / Order, and address Pa. ZJ 16. At the Wofld> Mercy. A Novel. Bv Klorenc# M rd M'..‘S U,0 I rhc °n the Marsh." «"• i 7 m etc ** ' Tb ' Ducv w'-cSKWJr-V t». Tkc Myrterr BjHush B> the .mh.r.r »r t!.. 11.11. Tree. A Novel. Hhadows “ |,„ r , T h.,i,<.. ■ 20 . on the bnuw. A Novel. By B L Far .utho"* A ‘ No,eL Drai. as?*»» wmi ' Wood, author of l Lynne," a Novel. By Mrs. Henry ^ ast etc. A ‘ Nmtc1 By the Author of^"Dora nlw author K * ok of to the Hidden Old PeriD. Tlomr. ate. A Navel. By Mary 7 Cecil I B^werhaak’s Wife. A Novel. By Miss ^ "John Halifax. Gentleman, etc. ' )7- Lady Gwendoline'* l>re«». A Novel. By tbs author of " Dora Tbori.e.* etc. A ./ 8,|>fr Bane’s Secret. A Novel. By Miss M. K. i, Brandon. author ot Aurora Floyd." ^9 Leollne. etc. A Novel. By Mary Cedi Hay. author ef Brenda $ ork* " etc. 30. Gnbrlcl'a Marriage. A Novel. By Wilkie Collins, author of " No Name, etc 31 Ilavfrf Hunt. A Novel, By Mrs. Abb S.Btepheaa, author of •• Fashion and Famine, -:c Vi the Whirlwind. A Novel. Bv Mary e> Cecil , Hav author of • Old Middleton Mooev lludley • etc. 3K t'arlron. A Novel. Bv Miss M K. Brad don. author of •• Lady Audley s Secret." etc 34 ff* 0 * 1 °* T "“ Mtstmt or tub Hbsdlands. A «- Novel. . By Ktta W. Pierce, author of "The Birth A Ooldm Down. Novel. Mark "etc. "Dora A By the author of Thorne etc 36 ▼ftlerlc’a F»te. A NovoL By Mrs. Alerander, author of "The Wooing Ot. * etc. SI RUtrr Roir, A Novel By Wilkie Collins, author 38 Anne. White etc Fast A Novel. By Mrs. Henry Wood, author of .vone.” 39 The laurel R u «h. A Novel. By Miss Mu lock, author of •■John Halifax Gentleman.' etc. <" Aaoa Marten A Novel Bv George Eliot, author of ■ Adam Bede. ’ The Mill oa the Floss, etc. GEORGIA RAILROAD" STONE MOUNTAIN Ron TE GEORGIA RAILROa I) coy p any, Office Genera,, , Augusta, Nov. ■>] i.! 88a 0 . c OMMENCING SUNDAY v the following Passenger spK 22d T-, will be operated: h fttt| rdu]» FAST LINE. NO. 27 WEST DAILY, Leaye Augusta...... 7 40 Leave Arrive Wasningfon Washington RH »» ■ m. Arrive Athens....... •®, Leave Athens....... , °P- ID. Leave Covington... " d 1139 45a » Arrive Atlanta....... ••• 1 »« NO. 28 EAST 00 t® DAILY. Leave Atlanta....... 2 Arrive Covington... ■..... 45 P® Arrive Athens....... 3 59 I a Leave Athens ■ 7 40 Ptt ...... ?"? 0 Arrive Arrive Washington Augusta..... - ^p. .P’ ®, ft-A, ;■ ° p® o NO. 2 EAST DAILY. NO. 1 ‘ Lv. Atlanta ..8 00 a m|Lv “| Main Au^ust-nn- 100 T ' Gainesville 5,55 “ ' f >0 am ll Covng’n 943am “ MiledV '10 an “ Ar Athens....5 Washg’n 20 ?m p m “ Wash AM 2 20 “ Covii./t$$ U Miled ve 4 2(1 Ar, Ar. Macon p m ...6 25 p m ^ Augusta 3 35 pm; “ Atlanta 535 ATLANTA ACCOM MOltAIfOtY (Daily except Sundays-) ■A* * Lv Covingt Atlanta ’11 5 40 am I Lv Ati-mi, Ar . 7.55 am—Ar Coving. NO. 4 EAST DAILY. NO. 3 ^ WEST n-i-' Lv. Atlanta ..8 15 p pn.| m|Lv. Auim-i- it “ Cov’gt’nl0 21 A r. L’oCgt Ar. Augusta 5 50 a mi “ Altai.;* Train No. 28 will stop at I itbonii >1 i not at Berzelia. , No connection for Gainesville'on s day. an . Trains no.’s 27 and 28 will stop ndl , _ cei ve passengers to and Ir.-m i! ■ stations only, Oroveion, iinzeli- i" n.-. 1 ™ Thomson, Norwood, Daicrt i£?$ r Union l"t, Greensboro MauR„ Social Circle Covington Cmni-i Mountain and Decatur. Tile* , fai make close connections foe ah a, i Ws and Southeast, West SoutffweM LA and ers between Northwest Atlanta aud carry Throw’llsiJ. 1 and C'i,,- r JOHN \\ . GREEN, Mon. lr net. E. R. DORSEY, Gen. T « Vt V Wllite ’ G> T< R A - dee 20 tf Home Treatment i For Cancer, Catarrh, Neuralgia, Ep ilepsy- and all Blood or Skin Disease's PILES AND FISTULA, Treated successfully without iki knife, Nervous Debility. I offer no swindling Recipes, im treat preparing successfully my medicines. and scientificiip) I own treat all the above diseases at $5.00 Per Month, With the exception ol Cancer aid Fistula. M. T. SALTER, M. D, Reform Dispensatory, Corner Broad and Waffon-SlA, 18mar A t /.I ie\i, .'if| Newton Legal AdvertlstMUunW, Application for Leave to Sell GEORGIA, Newton Countj. To all win un u may concert!: L. F. Livingston, administrator of WilliuU Livingston, deceased, has in due formniiplied■ bekmil the undersigned lor leave to sell the lands ing plication to the will estate be heard of said the deceased, firsUIomlayiiiM] and said ap] on nary, 1SS6. Nov. lit,, 1885. 1 E. F. EDWARDS, Ordinary. Letters of Administration. GEORGIA, Newton County. To All Whom it May Concern: ing T>. in A. proper Gibbs and form, J. applied C. Anderson, to me creditor, for IVrmaneil b«j lettejs of administration on the estate of Arnj Downs, late of said county deceased,.this is 1 cite all and singular, the creditors and nextoDV of Anna Downs, to be and appear at my oM within the time allowed by lsw. and show cr if any they can, why permanent ad minis! raiiil should not be granted to petitioners, psiated er fit and proper person, < n Anna Downs Witness my hand and official signature, ill 2nd day of November, laso 1 E. F EDWARD?, Ordinary. Legal Citation GEORGIA, Newton County. To All Whom it May Concebn: P. X. Hyatt, ailmini.str.i:. ; ■ I'L.i-i.r.: Hi* deceased, lias, indue i.-oei, app’.e-t to tiie t sig'—d for leave [■> -ell tlu- i.e.u.inging tola estate of said deceas' i: ei • .id will be heard Ol the 1st' iir.ley 'iJ.'Occeroiw 188.,. This November, 2. 1 ■ E F. KDV.'ARi’S'. 0nH«f Citatio * * HO R( il \. N E\V ,nNX.- ;• w' 1 T . TO ALL WHOM IT MAY < oX undersigned W. B. llaygood for h in due ; m. .icpiM ;j gtlniini!'® pc: ’ :m Dll ... r tion on the estate of Phil Bnovn, fie ' *i'l ty deceased, and I will pass h, ”> tion on the first Moudav'nr De ? * r ,t of Given under my haii’l ami - i tober, 1885. trJintff E. r. Ml.>.iV I Cit tA” . w .1 ORPIN !.4*!_ K. v' Newton, Guarutan It appearing of the to mptliat v-i'PpSaaN a ...............a)L, -1 Smitli, minor soiwU-Uillvarh„L ]>e)O’ .u/A' 11 -- m an - no one applies Tor lTOeS-W onl^. * J said and minor, it also and he-being appearing over,.ri*4tM'“,;«ar that < age, made Oivn li uj-t ' « O effort to prootire.a. rrdeft-.i , l-!' 1 - ,, lection, and failed: ItO t tbit'D tlnit this notice be pubif.-bed f«r which will appoint time, on the 1st elerk Monday of- the in ■SupeTi*" DVi'CiiM';; ,, said county, otiier fit and ^ 5 m or some as Guardian of the person ami prop . ; -;,fl rence Smith, minor, if no good cause is the contrary, Ft. F. EDWARDS, 0« MOLH And all chronic, venera 1 ! " 1 '' ^ , . diseases quickly and safely cureJ a ATLANTA MEDICAL T and i SUKfilC* DISPENSARY,. 58 Decatur street, Atlan fs * Everything confidential. MISS MARY KVA>. Millinery. Goof And Hair 45 Whitehall Street. Atlanta. ’ I am prepared to ehow tlK' J egant line of Imported Hat.-" and [0 J My trimmed and untriinined >1.1 ' cannot bt; excelled. Prices e* 1 low.