The Covington star. (Covington, Ga.) 1874-1902, April 28, 1886, Image 2

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- 3 *lu d'ouington £»tav. i eh. vis, ,Cu a Tear n Advance, fi.ho Wli- e Not Paid in Advance. i ■ S OVUT The cntuirtn' pf the Star me aiwaijs open all t. ihr fair find dignified discvtsin but communica ot questions c/ public i iilerett; individual chi of \U)up advocating political the position pis pe-vndar any jcrson f or any or thing, ii regarded at pergonal and must be piLid for The to tenure editor Us publication res/comible in *he*e columns. it not for tbe new* of correspondents, o. 'i < o roiu municitian wi)! Ije published uiuestthe name f the writer it knoicn to the editor. J. W. ANDERSON. COVINGTON, GA„ APRIL - 8 , 1886. PROHIBITION. The prohibition election is over, and Newton county has gone dry by a majority of 80 votes. This settle the question, under the law, for the next two years; and, in our judg¬ ment, it w settled for all lime. Wi¬ predict there will never be another election on this question in our county, and it may therefore be considered as settled forever, unless a great revulsion in public scr.ti moot should tabej Leo, which is not at .all likely. The question of prohibition is situs ply one of public policy. The people of Newton county have spoken on the question, and have adopted it as their future policy.— There is no appeal from this decis* ion. Eight or wrong it must stand, and we are now in favor of giving it a fair trial, If it is a good thing, we shall all enjoy its beneficial re¬ sults alike as citizens of Newton connty, and the Star stands ready to give it a fair and impartial trial, and to see to its enforcement as con¬ scientiously and strictly as that of any other law, or the same is done by tbe most ardent and zealous ad¬ vocate of the prohibition cause.— No man shall cxeell us in our desire jto give it a fair test in Newton County. The contest now being over, and the question settled, the Star is in favor of “shaking hands,” forgetting and forgiving our pa-t differences, and all parties coining together as good citizens and uniting in a com¬ mon effort for the public good, in building up our town and county.— Let us not do or say anything cal¬ culated to keep alive any bitterness of feeling which may possibly have been engendered by the lalo contest, but conte !c to each oilier honest convictions in the exercise of tltei* opinions on this question in the past. To tbe victorious party we can onl\ say be kind, be generous, be charita¬ ble, be forbearing ami brave ; am abovo all let us l ave no “unpleasant reconstruction measqres t ” And to the vanqu'shed we say, Sober off and let us have a quiet, dignified manly, patrio'ic and graceful obser¬ vance of tie law, and thus -bow L the world what good and true eiti zens we are. J.H. Williams, the iom on u- wri¬ ter ot the Norristown !! ruhl, \V J! ► once askei] to wntv a liingraphical eketch of himself, lie answered with the following: Was tu. I n ; learned the printing trade ; was mar¬ ried ; still live and am gi \ ii g ! ai the rate ot t wer i\ -Inur -Gi-.s a a;*> ■ (i IMIuJ .\j ;i.v V r \\ .. Po vv<U I - |v in r©;>! esriii **d ns m\ \ intr t: * a t tin * • o \uies ot tiie Ki iglus i j Lat'or do i i t require the dismissal of men s inp'v because they do not belong to the Oilier. Such a rule would he as op. pressive as the worst corporation monopoly, iind would speedilv ea i se the order to lose tiie confidence an s) mpatliy ol the disinterested pul lie. Such a regulation would violau the great fundamental principles o: American liberty, tiie eqtmliiy ot al men and their right to ijte pursuit pf happiness. licsult pf Ikiectioi?, Ordinary's Office, Newton Connty, Gtorgia, A pi il 23, IS86. I, E. F. Edwards, Ordinary in and for said county, hereby testify that upon consolidating the returns fr Oil! the various prec ncts in said L-ounti at an electiuu held on tbe 22 i da of Afiijt. J S 8 <», on the !‘(i ieni>,;,l Lo Cal Option L qnor Law ” I fi d tin result of said eke ion lo be as ini lows: ; Atraiimt the sale ” 838 votes; <* r u or the sale,” 758 votes, thus mak a majority ot 80 vo os east “ Against thy sale.” Given under my hand and offii ia signature, the day Niiil year above v riitcti. E. i'. FDW ARDS, Ordinary. A Fsw Sayings Politeness has no creed. Silence is the sanctuary of prus ! deuce. ! A n obedient wife commands her husband. Which is the most favorite word with women? The last one. of . A handfull common sense is worth a bushel of learning. Love can neither be bought nor sold . its only price is love. Why docs w< man require no eulo gv ? Because she speaks for her self. Youth and age both dr; am ; but one believes, the other doubts. Eight sledge dogs will buy a wife in Siberia. One puppy will often get one here. Mon like to see themselves in print Womtn like to sec themselves in silk or velvet. Choi i.-h patience as your favorite virtue: always keep it about you. You will find use for it oftener tla all the rest. Why is ( ear like common sense? Because no woman possesses it. Why is the auihor of the above like a certain worn -out instrument o music? Because he is an aban¬ doned lyre. Don't marry a man to oblige any tb’ r d person in existence. It is your right to suit yourself in the matter. But remember at the same time that love is blind, and a little friendly advic-o from one whose advice is worth having may insure a li'etirne of happiness or prevent one of misi cry. It is remarked that at the banquet of veterans of 1861 in Washington two years ago James G. Blaine was toasted as “our next president.”— This year that flattering toa-t was dedicated to John Sherman. This may be significant of a strong under current ot republican sentiment, or it may simply mean that the veter¬ ans intend to keep guessing until they hit it right. The Baltimore bootblacks have organized an independent order .1 Knighis of Labor and put up ihe price to 10 cents a shine. All nickel bootblacks are to be boycotted. It is probable that tbe public will kick, and patronize the boycotted “shin¬ ers.” The Philadelphia Star says some time ago it was practically demon¬ strated that cotton goods of partic¬ ular grades could he manufactured in the south cheaper than in the north. Great qualities of goods of that class have since been finding their way north, where they command read) sale because ot their low price. Do a yood thing for others when ever you cun, whether find people grateful or not. There is no greater pleasure than that which comes from the consciousne-s of having done a good act. m $ 3 r ' *r V dr -i c 5 5 A 1 B 8 * 5 ^ B ■ Km K H I# ^G><\ 1 III B B Vw W V Most of the diseases which afiQict mankind are origin¬ ally caused by a disordered condition of the LIVER. 7o* all complaints of this kind, such as Torpidity of the Liver, Biliousness, Nervous Dyspepsia, Indices* fcia«. Irregularity of the Bowels, Constipation, Flatu¬ lency. Ernctatloni and Burning of the Stomach (sttmetimes called Heartburn), Miasma, Malaria, Bloody Flux, Chills and Fever, Breakbone Fever, Exhaustion before or after Fevers, Chronic Diar aheea. Loss of Appetite, Headache, Foul Breath, Iwegmlaririee Incidental to Females. Bearing-down Pwina, Back¬ STftQIGERS flURANTII ache, Ac., Ac ___ __ ft! Invaluable. It is not a panacea for all diseases, Fnt pimp all diseases of the LIVER, Mi — HJ5 STOMACH and BOWELS. It changes the complexion from a waxy, yellow itoge, to a ruddy, healthy color. It entirely removes lew, gloomy spirits. It is one of the BEST AL« TIR ATI VES and PURIFIERS OF THE BLOOD, and is A VALUABLE TONIC. •TADICER’S AURANTII SW sal* by ill Drajgistn. Pries S1.00 per bottl*. C. F.STADICER, Proprietor, O SO. FRONT ST., Philadelphia, PnJ QLINCMAN’S TOBACCO J REEfVfEDSES ^ © r~ g £3 I fi S. 5 e u i. 7 a t ~ | ■3>-a _ i-=" m - 1 i a 3 o r m I ^ V* sr - | c i I 3 — a. £" C -3 J I ■ • THE CLINGMAN TOBACCO OIHTMEHT TH»? MOST EFFECTIVE PRKPVHA THE CLINSMAH TOBACCO CAKE oi 'ri otyx iiniinv, cures »ii Qubq ou Curs. Bruise*. S Drill as. Erysipelas. Boils, Bore c t;. Throat.Banions,C<>rns. *• J* one Ulcers, Aeuralgin bores. Hheam«tism, Sore Eym, OnhitiB, Brynchiti*, Goat, Rheumatic Gout Colds. Coughs, Milk Snake and Doe B.tes. Stm«* of inaecte, Ac Iu fact alleys aU local irritation aiid innammution fr»,m whatever cause. Price cts. THE CLINGMAN TOBACCO PLASTER Prepared Ri-eordinu to Ihe most wlenliHr F■' • ' If 1 st si HATIVK **■ 'N _comp°utided with the purest Grtmp Weed Flour, Cnk» *nd is specially recommended tor or of the Breast and lor that class rams where, or from inflammatory too delicate maladies-. Aches and J‘7 e t t ^beajr a state of the system v P* ^TtibaccoCake. r ie r “ For Headache t he str< -n^rer e pplrrauua Aches *nd Pams, it invaluable. Price or otner is 16 ci». Ask yoordrujrgist for these reruodiee. or write to the CIMIN TOBACCO CIJfiF CO. ©DURHAM, N.C..U.S. A. rd It seems tliut the strike on the Avenue street railway in New York is due to the fact that the com' paiiy would not discharge five dnv and two conductors who art not liked by the Knights of Labor em¬ ployed on the road. In this case ii seems that there is no ccmplaiio about wages nor about the hours ol labor. It is alleged in the complaint that some of the objectionable men have spoken in derogatory terms about th.) organization of tin Knights ol Labor, and others ot them have given awty the s, crets ot the organization. Under the circu m¬ stances it is not to be wondered at that the strikers are not sustained by public sentiment. It is said that Bbiine is having h > degant suirjmer cottage at Bar itat i l • Itor painted white. Whereupon (tie Independent Republican New Havei News rises to remark: “Tni-t is th* nearest James will ever get to th While House. • J the s Km ITS DISEASES AND CURE. This class of troublesome complaints embraces nearly a large list, family some in of which af¬ flict every the land.— Heretofore the treatment of nearly all these diseases have been very much un¬ satisfactory ami unsuccessful, and the people pretented have been remedies. very much A majority deceived caused by by impure, vitiated are an condition of the blood, and as most of the blood remedies of the day require 50 to 100 bottles before you discover that they will not effect a positive cure, we offer B. B. 14.", w hich makes cures by the use of only a few bottles. The most common of the skin diseases which are cured by the use of B. B. B., the only quick Blood l’urifier, are as fol¬ lows : Eczema, Impetigo, Erysipelas, Ring¬ worm, Sealdhead, Pruritus, Old Sores, Pimples, Itch, Old Ulcers, Abscesses, Dry Tetter, Carbuncles, Itching Humors, Blotches, Herpes, Boils, Splotches. BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION is sought by the use of cosmetics and all sorts of external applications, some oi them being poisonous. look All females love to pretty (which gentlemen do not object toj and a smooth, soft, clear complexion add greatly to the female charms. The use of B. B. B. will purify your blood, will remove blotches, sploicneo and bumps that appear upon the face and neck, and will tinge the pale cheek with the roseate hues of nature. One or two bottles w ill convince any one of its value. No family should fail to keep B. B. B. in the house, as there is no fain¬ tly medicine its equal. RHEUMATISM. One author says : “Rheumatism is dm to the presence m the blood of a vegeta¬ ble organism of definite characters.” Another says ; “It is due to the pres¬ ence of a poison in the blood which is oi the nature of a miasm.” The disease having its origin in thc bluod, it is reasonable to suppose that ii must he cured by remedies direc t'd t. the blood. A successful remedy must produce cer¬ tain changes in the composition of th blood, and when this has been accom¬ plished, the joints all pain, suitable. swelling and sttflnes. of This accounts for the reason why ex¬ ternal applications fail to produce per manentrelief. But we now have the remedy which acts like magic in giving relit I to all forms i f rheumatism, rheumatic gout, rheumatism of the joints, muscles and heart. It also cutes syphilitic and mer¬ curial pains and rheum uj.-in in an in¬ credibly short time. Tiie fact cannot be denied that B. B. B. fBotanic Blood Balm,) has proven itself to be the most speedy and wonderful remedy lor all forms of rheumatism ever before known. Those who were prostrated in bed and could not get ah air, h >ve been cured. Men with two crutches, and hobbling along with stiffened and pain- ’ ful joints, withered flesh, loss of sleep 1 and appetite, are cured by the use ot B. B. B. Cast aside all other remedies, use B. B. B. and you will soon have no use for crutches. Many who read this will refuse to he cured by the u e of B. b. B., h it we ad vi.-.e all such to drop us a postal card for " 111 - D ■ ot >* oil . tree, wh h : “dh starilnie oi cures made here at home. L also conL.ins full | inf iriiiHltcm about blood and skin dis¬ eases, which everybody-hould read. Address Blood Balm Company, Allan ta, Ga., andyou may he nt ale happy. Success and Recogni¬ tion in Europe. No special effort has been made to introduce the Regulator mto foreign countries; yet, in the course of trade, it seems to have found its way into even interior Europe with highly grat¬ ifying results. The following is the translation of a letter from Germany; Northern Province of Hanover, German Empire, Aug. 7, 1S84. Du. J. Bradfield, Atlanta, Ga., U. S. A. Dear Suf. :—From one of my friends I have learned your address, and from him have re¬ ceived a few bottles of your celebrated Female Regulator, and its excellent properties for cur¬ ing certain diseases of the fair sex have been communicated to me. I have had an oppor i tunitv ot trying your u.euicine in my own fam ■ i!y with the most satisfactory success, aud I ! hasten to express to you my sincere and warm est thanks for the happy effect produced by : vour medicine. Not only in my own family, | but also in other families this side the Atlantic, have the same happy results been effected, un til now the last bottle has been used up, and I can no longer supply those who have made de mands for the medicine. I wish very much to procure a new supply, anti there f 're address you to respectfully ask of you whether you have an a for your n di-mc on this con | tinent and if not, to send me a few dozen !x)t ties per North (ierman Llo\d ste.imer. For the amount, you may draw on ine through Messrs. G. Me ke & Co., Bankers in Bremen, or if you prefer it, I will send you the amount - f ,he 1 i f "> »■- 1UCC. Awaiting your reply, I am yours respectfully. G- V. FRAXKEXBURG. Ser i to the llradfield Regulator Co., At. I lanta, Ga., for a ixxik on Woman. They | milled are j to any address, free. IU h ___ | , , . . UJ If m UUl fiftt* iff ItUlIEldl iMitflt ftf*K i . SAM JONEFIstH —... 0 ^ lltben. riUWTOV cindn£t?,£ I * mat I i f > B. I Cures ConpM.C. Hsarssrsvs, Croup, Asthma, BroacliUis, hoc Cogs 3. Incipient Cousui"p « ■ ,an.d rc eves c.-nt-umptive pc; a in ftuvaneed Can- o» & k i ece-- J, ^A Fri* Bull E n. l. o Genuine hr. 8 ■% vrtij’pera, Sjrvp is tir. e^ld i boars only oar lng b t Trru’e-jjr.rkd r-gtB^re'l t3 A Piiil'a Head in a C ircle, a lied- B a ,'r ?> Ciuti cm-7 Aibcl t and the 3j • \o >nil a sign stares of J An W, 8 "dSE*** t A. C. tl-jer dt Co., Sole E 0 j- p\s, Baltimore, Md., U. B. A, N V -e-sw- ra-. ee xmsssiaszmsis zs&stii SALVATION! OIL, “ Th« Great*'-• i.- :e un Earth for Pain,” Will relieve more quickly than any other known remedy. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swellings, Bruises, Burns, Scalds,"Cuts, Backache, Lumbago,Sores, Wounds, Headache, Frost¬ bites, Toothache, Sprains, &c. Sold by all Druggists. Price 25 Cents a Bottle. Dr. J. B adfieSd a Female REGULATOR. This famous remedy most happily meets the demand of the age for wo¬ man’s peculiaraud multiform afflictions. It is a remedy for WOMAN ONLP, and for one SPECIAL CLASS of her dho - es. It is a specific for certain diseased conditions of the womb, and purposes to so control the Menstrual Function as to regulate all the derangmeuts and ir regularities of Woman’s MONTHLY SICKNESS. Its proprietors claim for it no other medical property; and no doubt tin facts that this medicine does regulating positively possess such controlir.g and pow er- is simply to discredit the volun¬ tary testimony ofthousands of living wit¬ nesses who are to-day exulting in theii restoration to sound health and hap¬ piness. Bradfield’s Female Eegulator is strictly a vegetable compound, and b the product of medical science and prac¬ tical ex|>crienee directed towards the benefit of SUFFERING WOMAN ! It is the studied prescription of r learned physician whose specialty became wa WOMAN, end whose fame en¬ viable ami boundless because of his won derful success in the treatment and cur. of female complaints. THE REGU LA I OK is the GRANDEST REMEDY known, and richly deserves its name: WOMAN'S BEST FRIEND! Because i! controls a class of functions the various derangements of which cause mure ill 1 ealth than all othereaus es combined, and thus rescues her from i long train of aftlic ion which sorely embitter her fife mid prematurely end her existence.' Oil ! what a multitude of living witi esses can testify to its charming ell. cts! 8 *>ld l.jr*tn il-nvcists. Health Send Happiness for our treatise on the and of Woman. I he Bradfied Regulator Co. Box 28, Atlanta, Ga. » c m ■> i * I i m * atal •A V ^ ’'NT i A ® 7 PimVrtoh’-i ( oc s Win THE WORLD’S GREAT EERVE TONIC, The conqueror of disease, promotes Health and longevity, cures and prevent-: Neuralgia, Nervousness, Wakefulness, Hysteric-, Hypochondria, loss of Appe tite, Dyspepsia, Blues, Constipation, Liver Complain', Kidney Diseases, Men¬ tal and Physical Depression, General Nervous Debility, Muscular Relaxation. It gives power to the brain, and strength to the entire nervous system, firmness and elasticity to tiie m.iscles aud rich ne— to the blood. Exhilarates the mind and body, j ro !o gs iife, hr n -s health and joy to the afflicted w ith me tal or physical exhaus¬ tion. COCA WINE is a il tome t.i d permanent in vigorator. Renews the vigor of youth to the old an t feeble ; indorsed and re eo min nded by the most eminent medi¬ cal men. Coca regulates tiie bowels, liver and kidney to perfic 1 >n and is a “boon to sufiernig humanity, One trial will convince tiie most skeptical,— Thousands have been restored to health and happiness. feeble. The greatest blessing to the old and s greeable to take as a glass of tine sherry wine, and cures rapidly. Read pamphlet the wonderful on ef¬ fects of tiie Cocoa and Dainiana and Cocoa Wine. J. S. PEMBERTON & CO., Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers, Atlanta, Ga. Din. BETTS & BETTS, Medical and Sin qteal Dispensary. W. H. HKTTS. tl eConPiiltimr I’hysici in, is the oldest, most successful, best known spe¬ cialist in the world, Agrad imte from Four medical colic sres. of years experience am! extensive practice in En¬ gland. and France, and Ame¬ rica, has secured a world wide reputation in the treat- i nient and cure of Private. -'.M 'JI Nervous and Chronic dis cases. SPERMATORRHEA AND IMPOTEN- | i CY. 1 As a result of self-abuse in youth, sexual ex¬ cess in raaturer years, or other causes, and pro¬ ducing some of these effects : Nervousness seminal emissions 'night emissions by dream-. dimness of sight, defective memory*, physical decay, of pimples on frfee, confusion of ideas, loss sexual power, etc., rendering marriage im¬ ently proper cured. or unhappy. SYPHILIS are thoroughly and perman entirely eradicated from the positively cured and Stricture. system ■ Go.vok rhea, di.EETr Orchitis, Kidney and J’ ril ->rv Trouble-. l ltd ulcers. Kl.-o 1 anirrb and -':in disc.. (uh k : ■. - t .ng- -ii < . --f 1 .v trea:. 1 d>' "l - da' Fissure ’ perinanentlv Ir you are sick Me divines sent to . i.'li ■, pamphlet, M. P., aa.ts mailed Whit.-hal free Wre< t Atlanta. Or. octlS-ly. PRECAUTION! CHOLERA DR, DIGGERS’ oun THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY ---FOR----- BOWEL TROUBLES, CHILDREN TEETHING, DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY AND CRAMP COLIC. TUGGERS’ HUCKLEBERRY CORDIAL should be kept in every household. D r; efficacious remedies there is for summer com¬ It is one of the most pleasant and and sudderi tack, plaints How necessary it is, at a season of the year when violent a bowels frequent, should have some speedy relief at hand. It w ill save of the are anxiety! so you doctor bills. The weaned mother, losing sleep much pain aud as well as large suffering such drainage upon its system from night after night in nursing the little one a sale by all drugg the effects of teething, should use this invaluable medicine. lor at 50 cents a bottle. ~I 6 a¥*send 2 c. stamp for Riddle Book, to Atlanta, Ga. WAITER A. TAYLORi FURNITURE. All those wanting to buy Furniture, should go to JOHN NEAL & CO., Nos. 7 and 9 South Broad street, Atlanta, Ga., As they keep a full line, which they are sellingat lower prices than can be had else here. Bed room suites from $17.50 up, etc. ®?"Do not forget their address. The Only House in Atlanta Y/HERH yOU CAN BUY FURNITURE AND CARPETS rr 1 o &■ jei r j? x-z in And Save Ten Per Cent. ANDREW J. MILI J ^ p. is. ^ rm■ % 44 i’KACHTREE STREET. ATLANTA, GA. Elegant Jewelry for Presents, I have jus! received and am daily adding to one of the handsomest stock* of Watches, Clocks and Fins Jewelry, Pings, 81iirt Muds, Buttons, Silverware, and everything in that lias ever brought Atlanta My stock cornpiisua ererything which is suited for HOLIDAY OR WEDDING PRESENTS Do not fail to give ma i call when you visit Atlanta. Orders by mail will receive ..fornpt attention. WJuL. BOX j J—i JAMES BANK BLOCK, ®et£8 No- 10, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. E.W. HEWITT DEALER IN DOORS, SASH AND BLIND o n Builders’ Hardware, Brushes, Glass, Paints Oils, &c., &c. ' M Docotar Btroet, ATLANTA, GA. FLAT TOIP $15.00 COOK STOVE FOR $10.00 • . ;r, IV acs g A y—. mk i ■.-i ~- : fz aJst* w-t*-* 00 * 1 *°‘ 7 < 0 * k St ° We th “* has heretofore sold tor nd ® 15.00 with ... “ redaeed In price to »IO.OO. This Store is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. The Stove Is just like this oat. The Is 15x15 inches weighs 200 oven end pounds with fixtures complete. Th« following Article* *° with tbe Stove—all for only |ic. One Tea Kettle, One Sauce Pan, Two Pots, One Coffee Pot, One Pepper Box, Two 8piders, Two Bread Griddles, One Spoon One Broiler, Two Chicken Pie Peru, Ouo Lifter, One Pish Pen, Two Pie Plates. One Scraper, One Fork. Vour Pieces Pipe. Two Pot Lids, One Dipper Three Sheet Iron Bakers, ; Ol Is osw rmpentMM.. 4. P. STEWART & CO., 69 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga. GEORGIA GEORGIA MOUSTAlXp, RAILRQa * Office I * ( Ollh 0 jkneral.m Augusta, N (1 , FAST LIHe . NO. 27 WEST DAIl.y Arrive ye Augusta......... Wasniiigfoii,'.""' Leave Washington.... Arrive Athens........ J.eave Athens........ Cl Leave Covington......... Arrive Atlanta..... . 1 ... NO. 23 EAST b.uu. Leay« Atlanta....... Arrive Covington... Arrive Alliens........ ■;;;s Leave Athens ...... I Arrive Washington Arrive August;...... c NO. 2 EAST DAILY. NO 1 T.v. Atlanta..800 a mjLv An WEST] “ Gainesville 5,55 “ jj. won - Ar Covng’n A thens....5 9Ida 20 in ni “ Mi'lwiv tj p “ \ v , “ Washg’u Miled’ve4 2 20 p ni Ar.t& “ Ath Ar. Macon ...6 26p,u 25 p nt “ ■®gJ5» (j -. - •• Augusta D3op a] m ATLANTA ACCOJIMOIuij LvCovingt-noIOain , . (Daily except SundatU l.vAtl'L Ar Atlanta | Covin? . i.ooaiu— Ar no. 4 east daily. NO. 3 west Lv. Atlant;i ..8 15 pmjLv. Au« giisia “ Gov’gt’n 10 21 —|Ar. Ar. Augusta p 1 Cov’rf, o oh a in “ Atlan Tran, No. 28 will stop at Lithi not at Lerzeha. No connection for Gainesville <luy . m Trains no.’s 2 . T I and 28 will 6 ( 01) cetve passengers to and from tl ' stations only, Grovelon, Bernik- it! Union 1 homson, P’t, Norwood, GreensboroMadis’ Barnett '1 .Social Circle Covington Mountain and Decatur. 1 I make close connections for all p, and Southeast, West South ThrocS Jl and Northwest aud carry ers between JOHN W. Atlanta ami CliarltS ia f K. HORSEY, GREEN, PaA»l Gan v Joe \\ Gen. . \\ lute, G. T. P. A. Vu«v dec20-tf Newton Legal Advertiser Letters of Dismiss!®! G BORGIA, Newton Cocstt, To All Whom tt may Convert " Whereas, all W. W. Mitcham, execmel ] petition ace, duly deceased, tiled and re pres, nts to the. uioj „ iuiN tuily entered on V.j.iiatl This is, administered Z i\ show therefore, to cite all persons why.-Mil tm U> cause, if any they can, should not be discharged from his excel aud receive letters of dismission ontLl day ir June. ISbti. ' Feb. 15. E. F. EDWARDS. <4 Letters of Dismissio 1 GEORGIA, fl I l r he re as. J. M. Pace, adminbtrsi: 1 f T Smith, represents to the court. i'UbB duiy tiled and elite red on record. estat&HI lv administered on L. M. Smith's therefore, hidI creditors, t > cite to all show persons eoncernei^H if cause, u hy said administrator should not from his administration, and receive mission on the first Monday in May, E. F. EDU AKPS, (ifl Envious Sc Predicted defeat to the Banner! I NO CURE! NO PAY Inscribed thereon. THE “KING BEE” OF A M05| ASPIRING COMPANY! Said that the people, after back,) be:,! I would demand their money firm adopting the rule would But, pinning our faito to the Ho testy of tnrnhood and mob I ( with an abiding confidence in I i proved remedy, we continuedtuiB pay'I banner with “No cu e! No un with unprecedented results. 1 We authorize merchants f “ Guinn’s Pioneer Blood KeneivH I fund the money if it does nut Blood and Skin Diseases, Wien Blood Poison, Glandular Swelling ufit, Malaria, and Female con I - A PERFECT SPRING JlfcW Ess; y on Blood and Skin Dt» ed free on application. MACON MEDICINE COW i Macon, Geo M I ( lialli;iiii ArtilUE 1 CENTENNl AT SAVANNAH, G-t From May 3 to M Round Trip Tic Via GEORGIA ItAlLRO Sale of Tickets until commences^ May!* 1 and continues Pays - i Return Passage for Ten of sale, from tiie following - and tiie following rates : TO SAVANNAH ANDKL From Covington.... “ Social Circle “ Rutledge........ , O 85,000 in P' i! Grandest military gath erl ' , U.l in tiie south. Magnifi*-' 611 J Seven . q drill and tournament. . drilled military companies and te> ' 11 Magnifiicut Infantry, Artillery cavalry tournsfi • military held ' : ^ since encampment Companies 1 ttie war. Grand of tiie Union. « ,r works. Unveiling of Kevolo Nathaniel Greet), of Drill grounds and encamp 1 tiie city limits, Easy aeiers'; roads, Review anti inspet by the governoreof states a" ' For furt Uar lNfbruiation " " ■ of tiie undersigned. E. R- 0°^; General I’a»'-’ , 1 V‘ JOE W. WHITE, , . Traveling Passcng£ r lf -TJH Advert isiiik r H“ t( "T First insertion (per inch sp< Each subsequent insertioi ^ A lilit-ral iliscount period »».'->• . _ c r:t lising for a longer contract r»> ■ a . Card of lowest I on application Notices to 10c. the per ro j. l'" e * Local as off' • Announcemeiits same ising.