The Covington star. (Covington, Ga.) 1874-1902, March 18, 1890, Image 2

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ghc CCouingtcm ®T;iv. PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY. TE VMS, $1.00 a Year in Advance $1.50 When Not Paid In Advance. Success is O'Ur Aim. j7w.andkhson. COVINGTON, GA., MARCH 1 18911, ‘ ' GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATT Never perhaps in the history < f the state has thevo been to many names sugge -Led pi suitable men foi governor, as there,;,re al the present time. In fact, to use a hackneyed term, ‘ the woods are literally full of them.” Georgia is blessed with having a fine growth of gubernatorial and all the gentlemen who have Spoken of for governor, are men, and would do 'honor to. groat state if placed in the ex ecu tive chair. But they cannot all be -—this time. They wifi have to until their turn. There is ono thing certain the governorship. The farming —the bone and sinew of the try—are going to have much to •with the selection of the next ernor. There is now reully but one avov - ed candidate before tbe people. That is Hon. W. J. Northen, of Hancock county. He has been an announced candidate before tbe people lor the past eight or nine months. Mr. Northen is a good man, and would make a good governor ; but, so far, he has not developed any very great strength among the farming class of people for that position. Even in tbe Constitution’s canvass! of the etalo—which was not a good rion to judge of the choice of the people—he did not show up as much strength as was expected, as ho on¬ ly received 302 out ot a total of 1,300. President Livingston, of tiie State Farmers Alliance, has never boon announced as a candidate for Livingston in commotion with the gubernatorial race. But wo have always stated that, by virtue of the prominence given him by b s posi¬ tion as president of the State Al. liance, be was Certainly drifting in the direction oi the gubernatorial nom¬ ination ; and as ho was elected to the presidency of an organization as Btrong as the farmers alliance m GaV and that, too, without opposition, it certainly showed him to be very popular with ihu farmers, whom wo believed would control the next ciee tion, provided they savv proper to ex crcise their power in this matter. This has been the position of tho Star upon the gubernatorial question ever since Mr. Livingston Was elec¬ ted to the presidency of the Alliance, and we have no reason now to change our views' upon tho subject. We behove Mr. Livingston to be one oi tho ablest and strongest men belonging to the farmers alliance or¬ ganization in Georgia; and while wo do not believe tbe alliance poo plfi are going ’ to Uke.any official ac - ■ tion .. upon the , question to , who , aa (hey will support for governor, yet at the isnrne time, po man possesses their confidence and esteem to a higher degree tbap President Liv -.ingston. His elevation to the head of tbe order, without opposition wc , bold to be positive evidence of this No man has dons more for the mers of Georgia than Col. ton, and no man enjoys their dence to a greator degree than does to-day. For more than years he has devoted the best gios of his useful life to the develop¬ ment and up-building of the farm-, in S interests of tho slate. Take the people of his own neighborhood in Newton county—his home folks as it were—as a criteri. o of his in fluence for good among the farming class, and no man in - Georgia can show a better record for his good in* fluence among his people than Col. Livingston ; for thero is m. more intelligent, industrious, honest and ■* ' 3 -’ l -* m . T , pc^pfeiCoJie _ , Fount! * prosperous ’ id any. ’ r , section oi tho state, than ilje far. mers in the neighborhood of Mr, Livingston’s home, in Newton cour tv. And he is to day their unani* mous choice for governor. But the politicians of the state are generally opposed to Col. Liv« ingston tor governor. Yet, when the returns of the maries are consolidated, next mer, we helkvc that Col. will 0 e found to be the choice of people of Georgia f foi then chief ra.ig tr to, A Poor Negro. To point an argument the iet'-Journal revives u speech by Abraham Jasper to t lie picnic at Shantytown, in the Virginia,campaign : Fellow Freemen , said he. you know me; I ;,R> Abraham Jasper, republican from waj" back. there have teen any work to do, has done it; when there has any voting to do 1 has voted aud often ; when there has been fighting to do, I has been in thick of it; 1 are above proof, line and tax paid. And I ba3 many changes, too. I has seen ft ipubiicans up ; I has seen the ocrats up; hut 1 has yit to see negro up. T'other night I had dream ; L drernpt that I died went to Heaven, and when I at the pearly gates Sui nt Peter said, said he : ? he. ■ Who’s dar says Abram Jasper, says I. Is you mounted, or afoot ? says he. Pro afoot, says I. Well, you can’t get in boro, says ■ 10 . Nobody’s ’lowed in here, ’cept them as come mounted, says he. Dal’s hard on me says 1, artor coming all this distance. But he never said nullin’ more, and den 1 starts badk, and when. I gits ’bout haT way down dc hill who does 1 meet but General William Mahone. Whar is you gwine, General? suys I. I’m gwine to Heaven, says ho.,. Why, General, says I, tain’t no' u-c ; l’se just been up dur, and no¬ body’ ’lowed in dur ’cept dcyTmiioV mounted, and you’s on foot. Is dat so ? says ho, - . _ Yes, hit is. v. Well, (do general den sorter scratched hi#head,) and after awhile YS--•i PWW ri ff • ■RMT: fmppdxo yliu git down on al! lours, and I’H mount and ride in, and in dat, way, wo kin both git in dar. • General, says I, do you think you can work it ? I knows I kin, says he. % So down I gits on all fours, and do genbpai gits straddle, and wo warn bios up do hill again an<j prances up to c}o gate, and Saint Peter says : Wh>’s dar? General William Mahone, of Vi . ginia, ,4ys ho. Is you mounted, or is you on foot ? says Saint Peter. I’so mounted. All right, says -Saint Peter, alj right, says ho, just hitch your horse outside de gate, general, and come right in. The Rainbow of Promise from the store house of nature came by intuition a {r'celess boon to the human, through ivhioli physical suffer ns in untold thousands are made to rejoice in the restoration of health, and all tho blessings, joys and phwiswves thereunto perta'ning Swift’s Specific (8. S. S.) inis beo'n a blessing to me. Afflicted with rheuni;ui * ul and weakness for a Dumber oi years, during which time I took a great deal of medicine, nothing giving me relief but Swift’s Specific (S. S. S.) What I suflYro I and endured before commencing on Swift’s Specific (S. S. S.). is painful to oven think about ; but after tak¬ ing that medicine I got well, and havo continued to enjoy the best health since. I cannot say more than I believe inihe of Specific (S. S. S.) MRS. M. A. PEELER, Morgantown, N. For sale by all druggists. Treatise on blood and skin mailed free.— ado. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. Drawer 3, Atlanta G The negro between the handles behind a fast walking is tio'mg more for his race than whole batch of politicians who at Washington iast week to imaginary wrongs and demand i possible ‘ rights.’’—Pine Forest. MOORE’S __ 3 ullSIRBSS UfifV6TSit)f „ . rr y— * 1 / -' , '*"l:i. Sic, for»Tlioronjh Fraot; , 11.,!*,s, ’u r iuh>u 0 i iiD,mu, Kliart Ilaim, and IVfimrnship. Tui stort. aocre», nta Bu«ine?s men supplied competent assistants At fihort notice* miTSend for CircuUu** FOR THE Bl.onn, and W. -kn Malaria, Indigestion ““"fnvvvs mow bittkus. all dealers in It cures quickly. For Bale by medicine. Get the genuine. Lt Uers of Adiniuistration GEORGIA, Newton County. . To All Whom it may Concern : James M. St. John, having in proper form, ap ! plied to me for pe-roanent Letters of Adminis¬ | tration on the estate of .1. ti st. John, singular, late the of j said county, this is to eite all and I ! creditors and next of kin of .1. G. St: John, to | ; he and'apiKfar ! at my office within the time al- J j l0 . VU! , k} 1:iw> aud bUow causc> lf uuy u» y can , why permanent Letter’s of Administration j uot he granted to James M. St. John on J. (i. Hi. John s estate. Witness my hand and effirfa! signature, this 2Uh day of Fob. itKH). JAM! M. BELCHER, Ordirary. Letters of Dismission. i , GEORGIA, Newton County. To All Whom it May Concern : Whereas, A. F. Gunter admintsiraSrix of i. a II. U inter, deceased, represents in her petition duly filed mid entered on record, that she has fnliy administered j. II. Gunter’s estate: This is. therefore, to cite they all persons why concerned, said adjninis to I show cause, if any can, trat-ix should not be discharged from her ad¬ ministration aud receive Letters of Dismission on. the first-Monday in May, SI. JAMES M. BELCHER, Ordinary. Twelve Months Support GEORGIA, Newton County. To all Whom it May Concern : Jane Br joks, wife of I’.aalnm Brooks, (Tcceas cl. lias in due form, applied to me for TWELVE MONTHS’ SUPPORT out of the estate of said deceased, for herself, and the return of the ap¬ a praisers having been filed in my office: This d is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned to show cause, if any they can, why said Applica¬ tion for Twelve Months’ support should not be granted, else the same will be made the judg¬ ment of the Court, on the First Monday In April. 1K90 This, Feb.. 21, 1820. JAMES M. BELCHER, Ordinary. Letters of Dismission GEORGIA, Newton County. To all Whom it may Concern : Whereas, Capers Dickson, administrator Mrs. Mary II. Henderson, represents to Court, in his petition duly filed and entered record, that he has fully administered; Mary }I. Henderson’s estate. This is. to cite all persons concerned, kiudre&and itors, to show cause, if any Ihcy can, why administrator should not be discharged his administration, and receive LETTERS DISMISSION on the First Monday in June, Feb. 21,1800. JAMES M. BELCHER, Ordinary. RUCKLKN’S ARNICA SALVE. The best, salve’in the world for. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, sores, tetter, chapped hands, corns, and all 'skin eruptions, and tively guaranteed cures piles, or give no perfect pay It is to tion, or money refunded. Price 25 per box. For sale by Brook’s A Ivy. lyr. Covington and Oxford Kailroad Covington, G.a., July 23, 1888. 1 he following Schedule 0 u the .ingtoij and Oxford’ Street Railroad be run until further notice ; Leave Pitts hpuse at -5.15. a. m. Leave depot ut -1 A 45. a. 111 Leave'Pitts . Leav^ept house At ...if.. 9.10 a . m. aF 45 a. m. LeavefFitts.fiousb fit .... 11.10 a.m. Leave depibt at........ ... U.40a.m. . Leave Pitts house at ... 12 m. Leave depot at........ Ip. m.' Leave : PiUs house ut " 30 p. m. Leave depot at......... .... 4.00 p. m. Leave Pitts house at. .... 5.00 p, in. Leave depot at......... —'«■ 5.30 p 111 . Leave Pitft house at •*. ■ 8.10 p. 111 Leave . depot at......... .... 8.35 p. ui. SUNDAY SCHEDULE. Leave Pitts house at - 10.15 a. m. Leave depot at......... . 10.45 a. m. Leave Pitt house at.. • 7.15 p. m. Leave depot at......... . 7.45 p.m. In addition to the above the car carrying meet allregular passenger trains, tile people of Midway after church, morning and night. W.C, CLARK, President, J. (j. Lester, Secretary. H. A. Jones & Oo. COVINGTON, GA., Dealers in Raul Jones’ Monenpihela IVhisky, Kentucky for ‘ Straight* R, Rye Whisky,’ \V. Bagby’s famous Spring Corn Whiskv, and W. Sword's Corn Whisky; also Peach oi and a full line of lobs ^ and ail other goods usually kept i in first class saloon. V\ hen you want anything in our line, and see us. , II. A. TONES A CO. SHERIFF SALES \\7TLL > V door in Be the sold city before of Covington, the court house ! county, Ga., within the legal Sewton the lust Tuesday hours of sale, on lowing described in April, the foi property to-wit: One-third undivided interest in fourteen acres of land, more or less, bounded on the north oy the estate of Sylvesta A. Hough on the south by widow Peek, and on the the west by lands of \\ alter R. Branham and ! estate of Sylvesta A. Hough, the place whereon tfllis Livingston resided at the timeof his death Said land levied on as the property of Polly Livingston to satisfy '1 execution issued from the Justice court 01 the i249th district, G. M of said coun ty, favor of k. , in A. Ihomas against Polly Livingston. This, Feb. 25th, !890.-fee6. H. B ANDERSON, Sheriff. FINE SHOW CASES. **-Ask for catalogue. TE-RRY M’F’G CO.. Nashville, Tehn, LIFE OF THE Jefferson Davis — —by JEFFERSON DAVIS. Q n }y by Supcription. The prospectus and complete outfit for will he ready immediately. WISHING DESIRABLE TERRI iOllY this great work , will please , address, ,, soon os possible, to the publishers. 1BELF0RD COMPANY, 1 S -22 K •4,18‘.h St. N \v York W. SCOTT: REAL ESTATE AGENT COVINGTON, GA. A beautiful home in the town of ford,' 28 acres of ground, with water oil it. House new, modern, commodious. Situated in a grove fine onks. Terms easy. Fifty acres of land, within half a of the court house in Covington, running water and fine spring on Six room cottage house, fine fruit, eral acres of meadow lands nicely in Bermuda grass. Price low. easyv $4*100 will buy a nice house in U acres of ground, nice five room cot tagiv- good water, barn, stables, Si if. Hid oil main thoroughfare of t wil. Call early, if you want a f'erhr- easy. Two creeks, two branches) J. three 1 ftnd*20 acres in mtfadow. Six r oo 'hbnW, good orchard, barn and All In good repair. Oil main iroia Covington to Oxford. Only qilJljp r of a mile from Oxford one a quarter from Covington, half a froulr the Georgia railroad depot, railroad. immediately on the line of the Price reasonable, and easy?' .r Some good houses and lots, and nice building lots 111 Covington. so me good’farms for sale 1 near ton. *-' -t - ■ Good two horte farm, one mile from Lovmgton, ar.dfUO acres, one mile and a had from Covington, to rent. Good tenants will get liberal terms. 96 acres land. 2J miles from Coving¬ ton. 40acres cleared. A bargain. H ill negotiate leans on farm lands on more favorable terms than ever before Interest, Parties 8 per cent. wanting to buy houses, lots, Gnus, or granite beds, will please call on me for prices and terms. W, SCOTT, Real Estate 4 ^nt, Covington, Ga. •_ f f n FItAWK r ■ Fancy Grocer, INEXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUSE, COVINGTON, GA. Having been in tbe Fancy Grocery business in Covington for the ~ ■t *22 jraa I flatter myself that I understand what the people want in my line * I now occupy store room No. 1 in Shepherd’s building, (formerly Anderson , A Hunter’s,! on Clark street, first door west of the court house, where I will b ' aHed to hav * m v frien<ls and customers call and see me. - 1 R r 0 P° se u> * ee P a first cla s* stock of Fancy Family Groceries, Cigar*, Tobacco Fancy and Stick Candy, Nats, Raisins, Bananas, Oranges ’gro^erTsto™ Ann’es I ' nuts, and all other goods usually kept in a first class fancy marked ’ I have just received fresh lot ’ a of Pickles, the finest in the A of Filr » c i' and Plain Stationery and Perfumery, * to which I wish to call th» t , * attention of the ladies. La ‘ ,e s a pe Cal! and examine my stock and prices, and I will trv to P nleaRc Sept. 2, 1889, you. P. - F. HUTCHINS. Baker’s AAAA Rye Whisky, 99 K. W. Bagby Keeps It. Everybody likes if. Try it,and be convinced. It cannot be excelled. Also the of my COWSER SPRING CORN WHISKY and PEACH RRANDY, also and Cigars, ar.d a full line o 1 Liquors, of all kinds, at R. W. BAGBY’S, North side of the Park, and next door to Cbui*. House. I GEORGIA RAILROAD Mountain Route RAILROAD COMPANY i i ommencing Tuesday 22d,inst. the following Passenger Schedule operated : FAST LINE. NO. 27 WEST DAILY. Augusta........ 7 45 a in Washington 10 40 a m Washington. 7 20 a m Athens........ 11 40 a in Athens......... 8 30 a m Leave Covingtbn... 11 39 a m Atlanta...... 1 00 p in NO. 28 EAST DAILY. Leave Atlanta-........... ...... 2 45 p in Arrive Covington........ ...... 3 59 p m Arrive Athens......,..... ...... 7 00 p m Leave Athens.............. ..... 3 50 p m Arrive Washington..... ...... 7 20 p m Leave Washington...... ...... 4 20 p in Arrive Augusta........... ...... 8 15 p m NO. 2 EAST DAILY. Leave Atlanta....... ..... 8 00 a m Leave Gainesville ..... 5 55 a m Covington ..... 9 43 a m Arrive Athens.. ..... 5 15 p m Arrive Washginnton ..... 2 30 p in Arrive Milledgeville. ...... 4 11 p H) Arrive Macon.......... ...... 6 00 p m Arrive Augusta. ...... 3 15 p in NO. 1 WEST DAILY. Leave Augusta......... ... 11 05 a in Leave Macon............ .... 7 10 a in Leave Milledgeville... ... 9 19 a m Leave Washington... .... 11 10 a m Leave Athens........... .... 8 40 a hr Arrive Covington...... ... 3 53 p m Arrive Gainesville.... ,... 8 25 pm Arrive Atlanta......... ... 5 45 p m ATLANTA ACCOMMODATION. (Daily except Sundays.) Leave Covington. 5 40 a ro Arrive Atlanta— 7 50 a in ) Leave Atlanta.... 0 20 p m Arrive Covington 8 35 p no NO 4 EAST DAILY. Leave Atlanta.......... 11 15 p m Leave Covington...... 1 08 a in Arrive Augusta........ 6 45 a m NO. 3 WEST DAILY. Leave Augusta......... ......11 00 p m Arrive Covington.... ..... 4 39 a in Arrive Atlanta.....t. ..... G 30 a m UNION POINT & WHITE PLAINS R It Daily except Sunday. Leave Union Point.-lO 10 a m & 5 40 p m Arrive Siloam......... 10 35 a m 6 05 [> m Arrive White Plains 11 10 a ni G 40 p m Lea ve While Plains 8 00 a m 3 30 p m Leave Si loam......... 10 35 a in 4 u5 p m Arrive Union Point... 9 00 a in 4 30 p m No. 28 stops at Harlem for supper, No connection for Gainesville on Sunday. No. 27 and 28 t will ^ stop and Trains follow- re ceive passengers toand from the ing stations only, Groveton, Harlem, Thomson. Norwood, Barnett, Crawford, Union Point, Greensboro) Madison, Rutledge, Sociiff Circle,Covington, Con yers Lithonia, Stone Mountain and Decatur. J. W. GREEN, Gen. Managei E. 11. DORSEY,Gen . Passenger Ag’t. Joe \V. White, G. T. P. A. Augusta Ga. 7a T ROLL i PC 313 theTERRY MTG. CO NASHVILLE-.- * TENN Covington Lodg’e Directory. THE MASONS. Golden Fleece Lodge, No. G, F. A. M., meets on Friday night, on or before each full moon. ODD FELLOWS. Star Lodge, No. 23, meets every Wed¬ nesday night. KNIGHTS OF HONOR. Jefferson Lamar Lodge No. 188, meets on tbe Second and Fourth Monday nights in each month. AMERICAN LEGION OF HONOR. Covington Council, No. 241, meets on the First and Third Monday nights in each month. ROYAL ARCANUM. Hendrick Council, No. 721, meets on the First and Third Tuesday nights i in each month. THE FARMERS ALLIANCE. Covington Sub-Alliance, No. 2,041, meets in the court house on the Second and Fourtli Saturday nights in each month. ^^1 _ _ ^3 11 h_wwii ■ I- o _ Id ■ ■ Si A, ct s JC Ww Always on hand, at Allianc witli the “bottom out ' guano,Walton count, Walton, acid, ‘ manufa e by the Walton county g ( . company. GEO. D. BUTLER Agent in Covington JOHN M. GREEN 5 General Agent, Atlanta, G Wm bollmann, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SPECTACLES, No. to, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. « ta id&k fi f osing Out My entire stock of TOYS and FANCY GOODS must closed out within the next 30 days, Everything must be sol regardless of price, to make room for another Vine, of busint Now is the time to buy your Christmas presents and Holii Goods and Toys while they are cheap. ' Remember, they m be closed out within the next 30 days. The bargains are yoi if you will but come and get them. m. - j . ±iarpe No. 5, Peachtree street, Atlanta, Ga THE EV uilurns. *a4 tcroi 8rnd to ac< If ADD SAI 1 One Door above Post Office, Covington Joe W. Wright, Proprietor. #©“I will keep in stock the finest and purest imported and domestic wines, dies whiskies, rum, gin, beer, champagne, to be found in the markets of tkt world. Also, fine cigars, cigarettes, tobacco, etc. The Everglade Sa¬ loon is elaborately and handsomely furnished, second to none in Georgia. I have separate counters, glasses and bar ten¬ ders lor white and colored. The best of order main¬ tained and all laws and regulations strictly ob¬ served at all times and on all occasions. *® r ' 0nlers promptly filled and goods immediately shipped to all points «f east, west, north or south. Light wines for sacramental purposes, snd for medical purposes, which are guaranteed strictly A No, 1. Call on 1 JOE W. WRIGHT THOMPSON & CO, Sash, Blinds 1 Lumber, Laths aud Shingles. AUGUSTA, GA. \ Theo, Markwalter, i Marble and Granite Works, Manufacturer of all kinds of HOME -AJSTE EASTERN Grnite and Marble Monuments. Broad treat, near Lo wer Market, Aug usta, Georgia-