The Covington star. (Covington, Ga.) 1874-1902, April 26, 1892, Image 2

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gltc Couittfitcn Jftav. v Published every Tuesday. . TERMS, 91.00 a Year in Advanch *1 .50 W hen Not raid in Advance. Success is Cnr J. VT. ANDERSON. «**■ COVINGTON, GA., APRIL 20, 1892. LET US r; .STAND TOGETHER, Jfext Tuesday tho democratic party of New ton county wi ! l meet for the purpose of selecting dele¬ gates to the state convention. It will be the first time the de¬ mocracy of our county have met togotber in nearly two j'ears. During that time many important changes and events have occurred to disturb the harmony and solidity of the party ranks, which w ro¬ quire the most conservative wisdom of oar leaders lo combat and over¬ come The democratic solid south is se¬ riously threatened by internal divis¬ ion, which danger can best he avert ed by the exercise of a conservative and conciliatory spirit towards those who may have possibly been led astray by evil and designing politi¬ cians into a dangerous and foolishly blind movement for independent po¬ litical action. Tho wisdom of such action, on the part of our people, is ble to the patriotism of southern democrats, and must he discounte¬ nanced by all thinking, conservative citizens. We hope every democrat in the county, who has tho welfare of out section at heart, will be piesent at the meeting on Tuns lay, and will pledge anew his fi ielity to the dem¬ ocratic party, afiirm his purpose t o abide the action of tho Chicago con¬ vention of 1892, to support its nominees, and to invite and induce all those who may have been led astray into tho delusive third party movement to come back to their legiance to the undying principles of the democracy. If a proper, wiseaod conserve) iw course is pursued by the democratic leaders at this mooting, there will bp no division of consequence in ranks ; hut, if a bitter, illiberal and uncompromising spirit is manifested, it will bo exceedingly hurtful and dangerous to our party harmony and success. Such need not bo the case. Personal preferences and dices should'he entirely ignored, democratic harmony and only should bo tho governing ciples of our action. Lot us select good men for out delogatos to tho state and trust the choice of Chicago egates to them. Now is the time for tho of true and genuine democratic triotism, in standing by your and inducing (not driving) all to unite with you in their defense This is the tirao for stand shoulder to shoulder, for the common good, and for party success. Courtesies of the Campaign, Augusta Chronicle. The political campaigns now in Georgia and Carolina are rise to some unique specimens of de rogatory epithets. In Atlanta the U Leather and Feather-Heads' seem to the right-of-way, and for weeks has been impossible to read an At lanta paper wifhout these expressions. In Macon the ((T : igbi Story” editors seem to bo the iavor ite characterization and this is ab¬ breviated to simply “the light-up¬ pers.” Across the river tho favorite shir among the Carolina papers is to call an opposing editor a coat-tail swinger of the candidate he is sup* porting Thus the editor of the _ Tillman, Register is the coat-tail-swinger and the editor of The State is the coat-tail-swinger of Sheppard or of Haskell. One of the Tillman organs varied the custom the o.ber day by sarcastically referring to the editor of The State as a ‘ galvanized conservative.’’ This is all child’s play, and on worthy of moulder* of public sen tin:ei(t*. Let u* have an end to ex ploiives and devote all our time a,id eloquence doctrine bq preaching good demo crane of each other, let us get shoulder to shoulder ai d present & solid front to tho enemies of democracy. Letter from Senator Gordon. The following letter from Senator Gordon is addressed to Chairman At¬ kinson, of the state democratic execu¬ tive. committee, and is published in the interest of the state demoor, ey : Atlanta, Ga., April 12, 1892. Hon. W. Y. Atkinson, ( heirman, &o. : My Dear Sir—T he condition of my health lias imposed upon me the neces sity for rest and recuperation. My re¬ cent improvement, however, encourages the hope that I shall soon he able lo re¬ spond to the calls made upon me to speak in the interest of organized de tnocracy. I write now to say that so soon as my strength and public duties will permit, 1 shall place myself at the disposal of the committee for labor in any portion of the state where my services may be deemed of value to the democratic party. It is not necessary, I trust, for me to say that I cannot have any personal or political interest to subserve by such canvass, but the present menace to the unity of (air people has .tilled me with more serious apprehensions than I have felt since Georgia was rescued from the horrors of reconstruction. Whatever the defeat of organized democracy may mean to other sections, it means to the south the loss of stable and honest gov eminent, and invites all the conse quences involved in such lots. Let me add that no man is more loyal to the cause of financial reform than myself. But to attempt such a reform tl.rough a third party can lead only to fatal divisions among the friends of re form, and divisions must end at last in evident failure. Dissension is hut another hame for disaster of the most direful character— of financial, social and political woes from which we may not t(Hover for a quarter of a century. I am sincerely and faithfully yours, J. B. GORDON. BROWN’S IRON RITTERS ALMANAC For 189» Contains One Hundred Hril|H « for mak¬ ing delicious Candy cheaply and quickly at home. This book is given away at drug und general stores. NOTICE Of Registration Under THE Local Option Liquor Law. Office Board Commissioners, Newton Count} , Ga., April G, 1892 Notice is hereby given that the books for the .Registration of votors in Newton county, under an elec¬ tion to he held in accordance with the present General Local Opli on Law’, to determine whether “An Act to authorize the Commissioners of Roads aiicl Revenues in the coun ty of Newton to establish a dispen¬ sary, where pure liquor- cai; h. oh tained for Medicti!, Scientific, Me¬ chanical and Sacramental purposes, whenever the citizens of said county shall, by a majority vote, prohibit the sale of spirituous and mail liquors in accordance with the pres¬ ent General Local Option Law, shall go into effect in said county or not, are now open, and will remain open for a period of Sixty days from April 6, 1892. Tho Registrars will attond with their hooks, at the Court Ground in each militia district in said county, from 10 o’clock a. m. until 3 o’clock p. m , every other Saturday during said Sixty- days, in order that the qualified voters in said county may Register in their respective districts, Tho names of tlie Registrars are as follows; Town District—Marion Moss. Brewers—Andrew J. Lewis. Downs—T. W. Hicks, Gum Creek—Monroe Guinn. Stansell’s—Thomas M. Hicks Hays—J. Luther Flaj-s. Brick Sloro—John W. Ribinson. Rocky Plains—Hugh H. Mabry. Wyatt—Reuben C. Cook. Gaither’s—Hugh Hargrove. Cedar Shoals—J, D. Roscbcrry. J. W. ANDERSON, Chairman Board Cotninissiontrs LETTERS OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA, Newtos County: fo All \l bom it may Concern Whereas. R. C Cook, administrator oi Mi-s his Permelia petition A. duly Guinn, filed represents and to the court in I j entered on record, that he has fully administered said Permelia A, Guinn s estate. Thi* Is. therefore, to cite all j persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause. If any they can. why said admini* I trator should not be discharged from bis ad ministration, and receive Lett rt of Dismission on the first Monday in July. 1S92. This, April 26. 1B92. JAMKo M. BELCHER. Ordinary. I.a«lira are lutortiinate. because the higher they rise in society the weaker they find themselves bodily. Risley’s Philotoken controls the nerves, aids nature in i her various functions, and thus combats with .u T* l , wom 7 kmd , , wccessf .... “¥ If i has not got it he will order it fo, - Chas. F. or a ->°tt e, irom Risley, ! * lw ‘ esale dra ®“ t * 62 Cortlandt St., New r Send for a descriptive pamphlet, with j e rections and Certificates from marty ladies j who have used it and can’t say enough in fa- j vor of Risley’s I’hilotoken. NEW DRUG STORE, Between Court House and Post Office, (Wells Building,) IN COVINGTON. New Goods. Everything Fresh. I have just opened a nice stock ot Pure Drugs, Medicines, Fancy Toilet Articles, Cigars, and everything usually kept in a first class drug store. Everybody is respectfully invited to call and examine my goods and prices, before buying. Prescriptions Carefully Filled, Remember the place—Second door from the court house. Dr. W. G. TURNER. MANUFACTORY BALTIMORE, M. 1). WASHINGTON, D. C. 213 West German St. Cor. 7th & E. Streets. glSEMAN gROTHERS CLOTHIERS, TAILORS, HATTERS, FURNISHERS. One Price. Plain Figures, 17 and 19 Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GA. THE FARMERS' ALLIANCE WAREHOUSE. s The Farmers Alliance Warehouse enters upon its second season better equipped to do a Warehouse business than ever before, with a year’s experience, and everything in first class shape. I assure the public that the policy of the house will, in the ■ future, as in the past, be prompt, honest and fair, dealing with all. Thanking the public in general for their liberal Patronage in the past, the Manager asks for a Continuation of the same. S. M. SULLIVAN, Manager. A protection organ says: Island is a manufacturing state, ar it is therefore expected that it stand hy tho tariff” Precisel}-. tariff law is made to favor turing states and they are to “stand by it,” which means contribute liberally to the of tho party which legislates their benefit. What about the cultural status that have been bear ing the burden of this care lor those o'hers all theso If they know when they are to their own interests, as the pres ent government is to the interest manufacturing classes, they ‘stand by” the men and pledged discrimination. to tear down this wall of just ( O\N1 311*110 V ( lit 1;I>. An old physician, retired from practice, ing had placed in his hands by an East missionary the the speedy formula of a simple remedy for and permanent cure Consumption, and all 1 hroat and Bronchitis. Lulig Affections, Catarrh, also Asthma, a tive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all wonderful Nervous curative Complaints, powers aftei in having thousands tested of cases, ha> felt it his duty to make it known his suffering fellows. Actuated suffering. by this motive and a desire to relieve human I will send free of charge, to all who desire with it. this recipe, in German. French or English, full directions for preparing and using. Sent mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. Noyes, 830 Powers’ Block, Roeh ester, New York. Get the Best. An elderly physician, whose experience with debility and blood diseases, has been very suc (es'ful. Informed the writer that there was only one patent medicine that he ever ed his patients to take, and that was Dr. John Bull’s Sarsaparilla He advised Its use as a tonic and alterative. In eases of blood poison it always acts like a charm. Under its influ¬ ence sores and eruptions quickly heated and disappeared, aches and pains vanished, and the user of Da JOIIN* BULL'S SARSAPARILLA, toon found himself better every way. No bet ter blood remedy can poaalbfy he compounded, and it invariably give* perfect satisfaction the user. You wrong y.urseif if you fail to give it a tr.a It is th» very beat spring medi •« * : ! i • e.a« v*n t>e made, yfl-w. -a far yr . F. Franklin. Little Rock, Ark. writca : ’’I was reduced tn almost a skeleton, and so weak I could hardly walk. My appetite and digestion both were poor. I wa« extremely nervous, sleepless all night and restless all day. Seven bottles of Bull’s Sarsa¬ parilla made me as healthy and sound as wh»i a boy,” MOORE’S ,\co z§7 Business University, c Atlanta, (la., for s Thorough Pmcti. r 1 Kducation. Schools o t Business . Sboitlland, and Pennmnshlp. Tui* tion refcsoniible. Time short. Sncceaf £uarni!t6<’<i. Business men supplied rith competent assistants at short notice. tor Ctrcu’an, -MOORE’S r tcmjwfijy COLLEGE ATLANTA, GA. Established over twenty years. Bookkeeping and shorthand taught by experienced teach r. Thousands of students in good paying positions. Terms, moderate. Students received daily. Send for circulars. NEW Machine She OS J In Covington. We are now prepared to do all kinds of ma chine work, such as repairing Engines, saw mills, lintcrs, and all makes of gins and cotton presses. In fact, all kinds of machine work. We also have a flue planing mill, and are pre¬ pared to do alt ktids of fine pannel, dressing, matching, scrolling, and turned work. We are thorough mechanics, and can do first class work We were with the Winship and Van Winkle Gin Factories for a number of years, and can give them as reference as to our qualifications. We also have with us Mr. IV. K. Powell, of Covington, who is one of the best mechanics In the state. We are also manufacturers’ agents for saw mills, grist mills, cotton gins, and cotton presses. Give us a trial, and we will guarantee satis¬ faction. - i QUINN & SOCKWELL, ■ Near the Depot, Covington, Ga. j wew wood i REPAIR SHOPS. ' I am prepared to do any kind of Repair Work, such as Repairing Bup-ffieS. Wacrons & ’ , ' n LartS, rariTl y Implements , and Furniture, as well as the Set ting and Whetting of Saws. All work strictly CASH, and fully guaranteed. Shops on the corner of Brown and ^ asllingtOn Streets, in CoV • Give me a trial. S. L. DENNARD. Atlanta Advertisements. *3 ? —'TV A M. riAVEf^TY D- lwi ■ IKS -r CANNOT O 9 *. mm if 3 » m mm —BE— A ii m V ClhMi ifif H 1 r- EQUALLED —IN— H 1 I I * STYLES AND PRICES 7 .V-' m j —-ON— gga sw j 8 y; BABY CARRIAGES wm ■Jr. Uipi; FURNITURE wr.ji s Rattan Goods! mM IlltMTi & IN THE SOUTH. A- V * Hat Racks! y- Zt 1 mmM m ll you Goods will EXAMINE we will 0ui* Si 1 V •’ Convince ROLL TOP DESKS! *? , ' mi am ■ r You, i r R - ■ * ■ 1 Parlor SUITS that % ig| 4 ? - §?p m will Charm - pit'’' you. A.— *£-- ; Our line of SPRING GOODS in all the W latest novelties perfect dream, We have the m are a m A goods and can suit you. Come to us. Mr 77 W11 i t ol i * i TI -C >-T ^ Broad. Covington and Oxford Street Railroad. Covington, Ga, Oct. 5,1890. The following Schedule on the Cov¬ ington and Oxford Street Railroad will he run until farther notice : Leave Pitts house at ..5.15, a. m. Leave depot at.......... ,.5.45, a. m. Leave Pitts house .. 7.45, a. m. Leave depot at........... . 8.00 a m. Leave Pitts hou.-e at, . 9.10, a. m. Leave depot at.............9.45, a. m. Leave Pitts house at.. 11.10, a. m. Leave depot at..... ..... 11.40, a. in. Leave Pitts house at.. .......12, m. Leuve depot at........... 1, p. in. I ...... Leave Pitts house at. . 2.30, p. m. Leave depot at , 2.45 p. m. Leave Pitts house ut.........3.30 p. m. Leave depot at......... ,4.00, p. m. Leave Pitts house at. 530, p. an. Leave depot at...............5.50, p. m. SUNDAY SCHEDULE. Leave Pitts house at......10.15, a. tn. Leave depot at...............10.45, a. m. in addition to the above the car will carrying meet all regular the people passenger of Midway trains, besides home j : after church, morning and night. I. VV. BROWN, President. J. G. Lb-ter, Secretary. SEED IB j. h. McMillan, 35 Marietta St., Atlanta, Ga. Importer of Bermuda grass seed. He also has a large stock of Orchard, Johnson, Herds, fall meadow Oat, Blue, and other grasses. Clover, and Southern Grown Millet a spe¬ cialty. Send for price list. GEO. R. LOMBARD & CO. Fonnilry, Machine, Boiler - AND GIN WORK8, TV A Bailroad, Cotton Factory, Mill. Engine and Gin ... Bnppliea. 1 AUGUSTA, 6A. 'fV'Waji £1 ii A h- f VT] - t-^nae BUCKLEN’S AKNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for cul% bruises, Rores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and ail skin eruptions, and posi¬ tively cutes piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac¬ tion, or money refunded. Brice 25 cent* per box. For sale by Brook's & Ivy. lyr. B. VIGNAUX, French Restaurateur, RESTAURANT And Ladies Oafe. No. 16 Whiteeall Street, ATLANTA, GA. Open Day and Night. LADIES Electrie, Emenagogue Pill* for all irregulari¬ ties and Obstruction* Latest discovery. They never fail to give relief. Not to be taken if enciente. I’rice, 12 per box. Address, Dr. W. C. SMITH, * 1-2 North Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga Wm BOLLMANN, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SPECTACLES, No. io, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. r u n 1 'hi’-i* &Hl2. s II hJj VJ ATLANTA, GA. Manufacturers and Dealers in SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MANTELS, MOULDING, * , and Exterior . Finish for Veranda and Stair . Work, Or interior laments, Lumber, Flooring, Ceiling, Shingles, Laths, Builders Hardwart; Q ass Putty J &c . Office, Warehouse and Factory, corner Mitchell and Man gum streets. CHAMBERLIN, JOHNSON & CO • > Dry Goods, Carpets, Furniture, 66 and 68 Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. We think the Cheapest Store in the United States. Give ns a Chance to Prove it. DRY GOODS, Full stock Staple and Fancy, Domestic and Foreign Dress Goods, Silks, Linens, Ginghams, Gloves, Hosiery, tYhite Goods, Laces, Embroideries, etc. CARPETS, Stock complete In every del ail. Onr largest trade proves that our prices are lowest. Largest and best stock Draperies in the South. FURNITURE, Largest stock to select from. Cheapest goods as well as the best. We can says you money on Furniture. SHOES, Made to order to fit and to wear. All In best and latest styles. Give us a trial order, or write for information. Agents o Butterick’s Patterns. CHAMBERLIN, JOHNSON & CO. Clark B anking C° •1 COVINGTON, GA., w. C. Clark, President. John F. Henderson, Vice President J. G. Lester, Cashier. Board of Directors : O. S. Porter, W. C. Clark, John F. Henderson, William Adams, J W. Anderson, R. J. Lowry, D. A. Thompson, Jr., I. W. Brown, and T. A. Starr. Opsn from 9 A, M. fo 5 P. M. Does a General Banking Business. Receives Deposits from Firms, Corporations, and Individuals, subject to check at sight, Collections made on all accessible points, Buys and sells The public patronage solicited. U Baker’s A AAA Rye Whisky,’ 9 lL W. Bagby Keeps It. Everybody likes it- Try it, and be convinced. It cannot be ex^ ?lled. iliotb# rest of my COW8ER SPH1NG CORN WHIbKY and PEACH RRANDY. alM "obacco and Cigars, and a full line ol Liquors, of all kinds, at R. W. BAGBY’8, North tide of th« Park, and next door to Court Housa,