The Covington star. (Covington, Ga.) 1874-1902, August 20, 1901, Image 1

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DON’T FORGET THAT I am Agent for the National Newspaper Agency, and if you will let me, I can save you a little money on your pa pers and magazines, Respectfully E. L. OSBORN. j. W. Anderson, : FINAL AHb 1, r QRMTCJT (jjj IF jjj I ¥ V After an unprecedented of ! season success, we come to the buying public with the re m nant of our stock marked regardless of profit ? or cost. In ten days we take stock and go 0 l j East for the largest stock we have ever under- | taken to handle and we must close out the last $ [». vestage of stock on hand. Cold type cannot do justice to the great bargains in store for | you but here are a few taken at random from I the many if All 7I cent draperies reduced to.... 6 cents All 12^ cent draperies yard wide re¬ duced to...................... 9 cents . All 15 cent draperies, yard wide re¬ duced to..................... 10 cents All 1.98 cent petti coats reduced to.. 1 59 cents All 1.48 cent petti coats reduced to.. 1.25 cents GET OUR PRICES ON LACES, EMBROIDERIES. [ All Fruit of Lomu and Lonsdale 41I4 7A * bleaching reduced to cents ) All best sheeting and Sea Island, yard wide, reduced to.............. 5 cents All best cotton checks reduced to.. . 5 cents j All 15 cent bed tick A.C.A. braud.. 11A cents All Pepperels 10II4 sheeting, brown., • 19 cents j) All Pepperels 1084 sheeting, bleeclied 21 cents All Whitemore’s Baby Elite shoe polish reduced to 8 cents BIC SHIPMENT CLASSWARE.....HALF PRICE. 0 3 spools King’smachine cotton 5 cents 0 25 cents (i 6 spools Coats’ spool cotton... ' 0 BIG CUT IN CLOTHING. All 4.00 men’s fine shoes reduced to 3.00 $ All 3.50 men’s fine shoes reduced to 2.75 ‘S All 3.00 men’s fine shoes reduced to 2.25 ALL NAPKINS AN0 DOILIES AT COST. ■f? All 1.00 straw hats reduced to 69 cents $ All hats reduced to... 48 cents ijj 75 cent straw All 50 cent straw hats reduced to. -. 35 c e“ts GREA T REDUCTION IN LADIE’S AND CHILDREN’S SUP PERS tfcs^Rxmember these prices hold for only a few days, and the Soods JJ ;* quoted bald lirqited quantities. i arc «0 ADAIR'S ONE PRICE CASH STORE. <3 Q ;N~ext Door to Dost Oilice, Covington, Cm. Starlight Items. O. O. Buck, Beirne, Ark , says : 1 "as troubled wilh consiipation E.oly un¬ til l bought Dc.WHl'a Lillie Usuis, Since tin'll have been entire- 1 lv cured of my old eompla nt, re¬ commend them. he A justly dollar unjustly gained cannot ktpf. If ilie action of \ our bowels is not easy and regular serious compli¬ cations must ho the final result. i>e Bit ’s Little Early Risers will re more tins danger. Sale, pleasant and effective. Neihing Halters a fool so much as asking his udviee. James White, Btyat t-ville, Ind,, : DeW ill's Witch Hazel Balve healed running Rotes .op hot It Iosts. 11« ivudt-u I Ten d 'si & yen rs Doctors failed in help him, Gel De Witt’s. AecJpt no imitations. The Covington Star. } Editor and Proprietor. All 19 cent lawns, dimities, etc., re¬ duced to..................... J2& cents All 15 cent lawns, dimities, etc., re¬ duced to.................... 10 cents ¥ All 10 cent lawns, dimities, etc., re¬ duced to...................... 7A cents A All 7^ cent lawns, dimities, etc., re¬ (j duced to................. 5 cents All 5 cent lawns, dimities, etc. re dueed to................ 3 cents All iH cent 4IU Sea Island ©ercales reduced to ....... - rn rents All 10 cent f Sea Island percales re¬ 6A cents duced to..................... All 5 and 6 cent calicos reduced to.. 4 cents | All 15 cent skirt goods reduced to.. . 9 cents All 8 cent bonnet ginghams reduced to 6^ cents i All 1.00 R. & G. corsets reduced to 79 cents 1$ All 75 cent R. & G. corsets reduced ft to.......................... 59 cents All 50 cent G. CWSETS mutism 9 ^ tO......... ............... • • * 39 cents All 25 cent white damask, 60 in wide 21 cents 9 All 39 cent white damask, all linen reduced to................... 29 cents ¥ All 60 cent white damask, all linen, 70 in. reduced to.............. 42^ cents [, All 75 cent white damask, all linen, 70 in. reduced to............ 60 cents All 1.00 white damask, all linen, 72 81 inches wide, reduced to........ 69 cents All 29 cent Turkey red damask, re¬ (> duced to...................... 22$ cents $ All 39 cent Turkey red damask, re¬ 27^ duced to..................... cents All 50 cent Turkek red damask, re¬ duced to..................... 39 cents Eruptions, outs, burns, scalds, and rores of all kinds quickly ht.i.c 1 > Dc Will’s Witch Ilazol Salve. Cor- ^ tain euro for piles. Bo wave ol couu- | terfeits Bo sure you get ifee ong ul—DeW ill’s. ] Every man knows worse of him self than he knows of others. Mrs, S. 11. Allport, Johnstown, Pa,says: Our little girl almost st gfed to death with croup, The ran couldn live hut doctors said she l 1 she was instantly relieved by Due J Minute Cough Cure. Do good for good’s sake, and seek I neither praise nor re ward. In easts of cough or croup give the little one One Minute Cough and ‘ ‘ have no Cure, Then rest easy lear The child will be all right in a little while. It never fails, Pleasant to take, always safe, sure and al¬ most instantaneous ia effee t The local telephone will soon bo in operation. Covington, Ga., Tuesday, August 20, 1001. P T Thomas, Sumtervilb, Ala. ^ w8S „ uffor j ng from dyspopsi a when c J la uj n g b Kodol Dyspop- and scv eral bottles s * Kodol Dyspop can digest puytbing. aujth containing all the natural digesii ve fluids. It gives weak stomachs en¬ tire rest, restoring their natural con¬ dition. A m «n soon forgets his faults ?hen they arc known only to him¬ w self. Don’t he satisfied with temporal j relict from indigestion. Kodol Dys pep.-iu Cure permanently an 1 eom plou-lv removes this complaint It 1 relieves permanently because it | ow8 th 0 tired siomaeh perfecl [)j el jng won’t rest. the Mature relieves supplies from foo j vve eat. The scnsiblo w.jv help the stomach is to use Dyspepsia Cure, which digosts do you eat and can't help bul 1 k ood ' I A Good Definition. David B. Hill gives this defini Don of the democratic, party of to day, which, under the eirctim stances, seems true aud pertinent : i < Our party is the great conserv ative force in the country to day, and absolutely necessary to its wel¬ fare. It stands against radicalism of every description. It is opposed to plutocracy on the one hand and to communism on the other. It is opposed to imperialism in the Phil¬ ippine islands, and ajso **''* anarchy in Cuba. “It respects the vested rights of capital, aud at the satire time sym¬ pathizes ujlii labuj- oppressed. It has no alliance with powerful cor porate interests ; neither is it in league with demagogues who dis¬ turb societyandagitatefor the mere sake of agitation. It does not re¬ gard the possession of wealth as a crime, nor even a badge ot honor; nor does it consider ‘ poverty as a disgrace or a virtue. It makes no war upon classes, but opposes cor¬ rupt and vicious systems aud meth¬ ods wherever they are to be found. t ( It has no use for the passing ‘isms’ of the hour. “It proposes as its general policy to adhere to the fundamental prin¬ ciples upon which the party was founded by the great Jefferson himself. t l In that path there is sarety, honor and success. > ) Editorial Paragraphs. Policemen, like the hairs of a man’s head, are numbered. Some so-called singers should be arrested for uttering bad notes. There are braying men in the world as well as braying donkeys. It is said that the sultan of tur¬ key has 30 pockets in his clothes. Hkjifc iV\cs\ Vac Vi tv‘A s,OQ Wives. CHS I GKIM For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Bears the Signature of i •S -2 PENNSYLVANIA PULE EYE eight yeaes ole. OLE SHAEPE WILLIAMS. .our Pull Quarts of this Fine Old Pure Eye. dv.3U 00 CH Express Prepaid. We ship on approval in plain, sealed boxes, with no marks to indicate contents, When you receive it and test it, if it is not satisfac¬ tory, return it at our expense and we will re turn y • ur 5 ° Wc guarantee this brand to be eight years otd. Eight bottles for $6 50, express prepaid ; 12 bottles for $9 50, express prepaid ; l gallon jug, express prepaid, $3.00. 2 gallon jug. express prepaid, $5.50. No charge for boxing. We handle all the leading brands of Rye and Bourbon Whiskies in the market, and will save you 50 per cent, on >our purchases. Gallon. Quart. Kentucky Star Bourbon....... 1 25 35 Elkvidge Bourbon........ 1 50 40 Coon Hollow Bourbon... .... 160 45 Mellwood Bure Rye..... .... • 90 5° Monogram Rye........... .... 2 00 55 McBrayer Rye............ .... 2 25 60 Bakers A A ........ ... 2 40 65 OOP fOld Oscar Pepper),. 2 40 65 Old Crow....................... .. 2 20 75 Fincher’s Golden Wedding 2*75 75 Hoffman House Rye......... 3 °° 90 Mount Vernon f 8 yrs. old) 3 5° 1 00 Old Dillinger fioyrs. old;.... 4 00 25 The above are only a few brands ol the many we carry in stock. Send for a catalogue. All other goods by the gallon, such as corn whisky, peach and apple brandies, etc., sold equally as low, from $1 25 per gallon and up wards. tradeandalj IVe make a specialtyof thejug orders by mail or telegraph will have our | prompts.tention. Specialinducementsoffered The Uiinaver k Flatau Liquor Company. Mail orders shipped same day of receipt of order. 506—508—Sioand 512 Fourth street, near Union Passenger Depot, Macon, Georgia. PHONE 205- THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION'S SCHOOL OFFER. Scholarships and Expenses for Clubs to the Great Daily, The Atlanta Constitution has offered to every boy or girl in Georgia, who will secure 100 new subscribers to the Daily and Sun¬ day Constitution a year’s tuition at any educational institution in Geor¬ gia and $ ioo.oo towards the stu¬ dent’s for the This opens every school class-room door in the state every ambitious boy or girl will take advantage of the propo¬ sition. The terms are not beyond the reach of one determined to se¬ cure an education. This work will be well paid for. One hundred or more scholarships are up. The cash value represented in ioo such scholarships and expenses for one year is approximately $25,000. No need lack when such ample provis¬ ion is made. The enterprise and liberality of THE CONSTITU¬ TION will be commended and vast good will result from the offer. The Constitution will furnish full particulars on application. About Thumb Marks. . 1 A tremendous amount of non¬ sense has been written about thumb marks,” said a New Orleans phy ■SICTaiT; -mre paths of science. “It is claimed, you know, that the curious skin configuration on the ball of the thumb is never the same in any two people, and that it never changes from birth to death. The first statement is, of course, cor¬ rect, as no human being in the world is exactly like any of his fellows, and the same thing can be said of the lines on the palm, th< bottom ot the feet, and the skin configuration^^ {}/£ thumb marks never change during life and would serve as a means of identification from the cradle to the grave is, to say the least, a decid¬ ed exaggeartion. I have given the subject a careful investigation, and have shown by a number of expe¬ riments that the configuration is liable to such changes as render it entirely unrecognizable when com¬ pared with a print of the original o «r1* • **«•’• - * kW A ** »»«y from a variety causes— in fact, that will destroy the outer layer of skin. t t I took an India ink impression of my own thumbs several years ago, and not long afterward I blis tered both of them pretty severely while rowing on the lake. As usual the skin peeled off, and it oc¬ curred to me one day to take a new impression and see whether the fresh surface was an exact fac¬ simile of the old. I was astonish¬ ed at the variations, and all my preconceived ideas of the immuta¬ bility of the mark were higher than a kite. It is true changes were more in the nature WEEK-END EMIL SION TICKETS TO Week-end excursion tickets at low rates, are on sale via Gentral of Georgia Railway. afternoon and evening Saturdays, good to return leaving Tybee and Savannah not later than Monday night following of sale. Tybee is the most delightful sea¬ shore resort of the South-Atlantic Coast. Splendid hotel accommo¬ dations. New and magnificent dan cing pavilion, with splendid restau¬ rant and buffet attached, good mu sic and delightful surf bathing, boating and fishing. Low rate excursion tickets are on sale during the summer months. Any agent of the Central of Georgia _ Railway will se > oil a ticket, and furnish >’OU full partic ulars, schedules, etc., upon appli cation. J. C. HAILK, Gen’l. Pass. Agent, Savannah, VOL. XXVI No. :r.l. the former patterns than a rearrangement of the lines, but they were so pronounced that any value the mark might have had for identification purposes was entire!; lost. That excited my interest, and I persuaded a few of my friends to loan me their thumbs for expe¬ riments, I first took India ink im¬ pressions and then removed the top skin with a solution of arnica. The skin layer that came off was a mere film—not nearly as thick as in my ease—yet in every instance there were distinct and unmistaka¬ ble alterations in the linee. One man’s second print was so changed you would never in the world have identified it with the first. Anoth¬ er modifying cause is the tendency of the thumb to develop little hor¬ izontal creases, as one grows old. This is especially true of mechan¬ ics and other working people who use tools, and eventually the creas¬ es will break up the skin configur¬ ation to such an extent that it is equivalent almost to a rearrange¬ ment of the i l Yes, I know popular belief is dead against me on the subject, added the doctor, in response to a question, “but there are a lot of things we take for granted in the world that won’t bear scrutiny.’’— Selected. CASTOHIA.. Bears the Bought Signature ~' ,IL A Great improvement. The people of Havana are now enjoying the extraordinary sensa¬ tion of catching fish at the wharves —something never before heard oi in the modern history of Cuba’s capital. Up to the time of the American occupation, Havana h» r a CC sspooi lor all of the filth ot the city, and no terms in scribing slimy 4 Fish its waters, could not exist in the water, and the effuvia arising from the decay¬ ing city offal was a menace to health and life. Now, however, it is sta ted that Havana harbor is filled with clean and wholesome water, as clear and free from obnoxious matter as the waters of New York or Norfolk harbors. This has been brought about by iron-elad rules adopted bv All the refuse _A«~- that - is . wot years ago. cremated, is dumped at sea, five miles away from the harbor en trance. Not even the scraps from a dinner table on board ship are permitted to be thrown into the harbor. CASTOniA. Bought Bears the Ihe Kind You Hate Always Signature of Love Your Business. A man can no more be success¬ ful in a business he does not like than can a man be happy with a wife he does not love. Enthusiasm is the power which impels men onward in any and every vocation, Without it men are lethargic. They will drift. But to pull against the tide they .are as unable as they are unwill ing. Drifting, however, does not win the race, either in business or aquatic events, There must be the long pull, the strong pull, and the pull with vigor. Men in business today have no easy task. There is a great deal to discourage-ntid very little to en courage. There are foes within and toes without to contend with. Under such conditions it is no wonder so many either fail alto¬ gether or eke out a mere existence. The antidote for despair is en¬ thusiasm, and the germ of enthu¬ siasm is love for or pleasure in that business or vocation in which are embarked. Therefore, if you would get in love with your Selected. Just don’t forget that there whole lots of things in the world worse than we know, and whole lots better than the best we kn«w. C ASTOnlA. Toil Haw Always Bought Bears the Tii» Kind Signature of WHEN YOUR TIME EXPIRES on your Papers and Maga '/■i nk,S| 1 will appreciate' it if you will let me RENEW them for you. Very Respectfully, E. L. OSBORN. j LOW RATE ROUND TRIP TICKETS VIA — CENTRAL , or GA. RAILWAY Low rates to Buffalo, N. Y., via Central ol Georgia Railway, ac¬ count of Pan-American Exposition. Choice of routes via rail or water. Call on any agent of the company for full information, rates, etc. TYBEE, the queen of Seashore resorts on the South A l lan tic coast. As the summer approaches, and the heating rays of a summer sum de¬ scends upon the earth, withering the flowers, searing the leaves, bringing into view the laid by { ( Palmettoes and sun shades,” and “the shirt waist maiden” and 1 < shirt-sleeve youth,” it is then that those seeking rest, recreation and pleasure, begin to look around for the resort offering the most ad¬ vantages. The northern coast may have its charms for some, the mountains for others, but for the joys of summer, where gayety and gladness reigns supreme, there’s no place like “Tybee by the Sea eighteen mjles from Savannah. Its gently shelving beach of snow white sand, swept by ocean breezes, its restless billowy ocean, its moonlight, its gwiana f, magnificent dancing pavilions, splendid hotel accommo- 4W > -C x a E cottag es, what could lie sweeter or gianuef Uia.11 iuauu* the happy hours away by the The Central of Georgia Railway, as it does, magnificent perfectly equipped with coiv* coaches, parlor and sleep¬ cars, the journey vicoigia from any can » U- * * . ...... u.iu be made in comfort and ease, to this delightful resort within a few h ours. Gen’l. Pass. Agent, Savannah, Ga. Reflections of a Bachelor. The youngest thing in the world is an old man chasing around after a young girl. The bitterest kiss can be gilded so that most any woman will take it without making a face. T Tr- * n' ■ with men ; from that on to 40, with boys ; after that, with anything, if it’s only kittens. Whenever a girl gets engaged, she’considers the most neces¬ thing to do is to make all the other girls think she walks on him like he was mud. If there were no looking-glasses, I wonder if women would wear some of the things nobody else ever has. The only thing worse than los¬ ing a woman’s love when you want to keep it is keeping it when you want to lose it. ^ if* \ ill OOC - ^ ih- v/g B ^Questions^ Women for j V Are you nervous? r Are you completely exhausted? Do you suffer every month? If you answer “ yes ” to any of these questions, you have ills which Wine of Cardui cures. Do* you appreciate what perfect health would be to you? After taking Wine of Cardui, thousands like you have real¬ ized it. Nervous strain, loss of sleep, cold or indigestion starts menstrual disorders th .t are not noticeable at first, but day by day steadily grow into troublesome complications. Wine of Cardui, used just before the men¬ strual period, will keep the female system in perfect condition. This medicine is taken quietly at home. help There is nothing like it to women enjoy good health. It costs only $1 to test this remedy, which is endorsed by 1,000,000 cured women. Mrs. Lena T. Frit burg, East St Louis, 111., savst ‘‘I am physically of Wine a new of woman, by reason of my use Cardui and Thedford’s Black Draught." In cases requiring special directions, ad* dress, giving pymptoras, “The Ladies’ Advis¬ ory I department.” The Chattanooga Medi¬ cine Co., Chattanooga. Term. I i I 1