The Covington star. (Covington, Ga.) 1874-1902, September 10, 1901, Image 1

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. W. Andersojv, w> Elaborate Preparations / are made for our '$? Vi KL-. PALL AND WINTER STOCK IT WILL PAY YOU r~ Ah. m TO KEEP A CLOSE • N WATGH m M t ........ON THIS SPACE )i $ ft ADAIR'S One Price Cash Store. & IP / 0 Next Door to Post Office, Covington, Ga. --"i Vv 7 \ 7 l VO' f.^r ; C^ ^ 3 * h * ~^^rrL^r 3 r^S^r 5 fevS 2>v vl-Vi EARLY HINTS FOR THE f\ jj COniNQ FALL AIL'D WINTER. P a <T Early Showing* of New Fall and Winter Dress Goods. & p ci'j Our line of Spot Poplin, Whip Cords, Homespun, Silk Warp Henriettas, Satin Finish Venician Cloth, a Armuretti, Prunella, French Flannels, Silks and Velvet Applique, All-over Laces, and the latest styles ^ : of Dress Goods, and Trimmings. Also a large and well selected line of Double and Single Face > Fhnnelettes, Outings, and many other things too numerous to mention, VI i In Fact, We Have Eclipsed all Former Efforts in Selection. We would be justified in expatiating on the grandest collection of new fall and winter dress stuffs I gathered by any house in Covington. We have made preparations for the fall and winter trade such as have never been surpassed in all new and popular fabrics. We make the assertion that our line of V SD a <c Is one of perfection. Thompson’s Glove Fitting Corsetts and the Straight Front Corsetts attain the 7J l extraordinary degree of excellence in this modest garment. V V 0 1 aoxfnsroTOisr GrIEOIEL<3-I-A-. T , k B4>£ m. - ■he Greatest Mathematician. I The remarkably precocious de of the mind of Master Joyner, the hoy preacher, has been in Covington the week, is not more wonderful the extraordinary faculty for and astronomy which uly developed in the mind of Truman Henry Safford. Williams college, at Williams Massachusetts, who died last of paralysis. Frof. Safford was horn at Royal Vermont, in 1S36, and at a e ry early age he attracted the at of the learned world by liis wonderful powers of mental Before he was nine years old he mentally extract the square IU * cu ’oe root of numbers of nine : te n places of figures, and could four figures by four fig as rapidly as it could he done paper. In 1845, when he nine years old, and nine years ore he was graduated from Har aid college, he prepared an alma and at the age of fourteen he the elliptic elements of first comet of 1849. a method of his own he t 0 J Krtilor an<| Proprietor. abridged by one-fourth the labor of calculating the rising and setting of the moon. After long and dif¬ ficult problems had been read to him, he could give their results without effort. Prof. Benjamin Pierce said of him, in 1845, that his knowledge "is accompanied with powers of ab¬ straction and concentration rarely possessed at any age, except by minds of the highest order. > » He spent several years at the Harvard observatory and between 1850 and 1862 he computed the or¬ bits of many planets and comets. In 1865 lie was appointed profes sor of astronomy in the University of Chicago, and director of the Dearborn observatory. From 1869 to 1871 lie was engaged upon the great catalogue of stars then in course of preparation by the opera¬ tion of Kuropean and American as tronomers. interrupted in this work by the Chicago fire in 1871, he was employed in lattitude and longitude work in the territories by the United States corps of engi neers He was called to the chair of astronomy at Williams college in 1878^_______ The ’possum is now coming in on the home stretch. Covington, Ga., Tuesday, September 10, 1901. Local Option in Mississippi A local option figlit is now being waged in Monroe county, Missis¬ sippi, with considerable bitterness, and both sides are fighting with the usual determination to win. The wet men have reproduced the famous letter of PZx-President Jefferson Davis, written by the great statesman in 1887, during a heated contest on the prohibition question, from which letter the fol¬ lowing extract is taken. I11 that letter Mr. Davis said : i t Local prohibition is a wood¬ en horse, in which a disguised enemy to state sovereignty as the guardian of individual lib¬ erty is introduced. The abuse, and not the use of stimulants is the evil to be remedied, and if drunkenness he the cause ot crime, why not pronounce druukenness itself to be a crime, ai.d attach to it proper adequate penalties. J > and Mr Davis took an active part factor c . * and ana was was a prominent r m some of the memorable local op tion contests in Mississippi, which occurred sometime before his death. Col. Estill has had the last word, in the gubernatorial race. vrf/ r 2^? n j. It « 31 I /I / § f vl* 4 l i THIS SPACE week phenson. Fall Will announcement. by be Jno. fdled Watch L. next Ste¬ his T I & 15 l V 3 % •> i W a A I 1 T V ft '•r N Fishermen have their troubles as well as their sports. It has al¬ ways been their practice to carry along "a snake bite remedy, » » when they went fishing, but now to meet the demands of the new discovery in science, they must hereafter take along a remedy for mosquito bites as well. Now, what do you suppose the mosquito bite remedy will be ? Probably it will be more snake bite remedy. For tunately here in Newton county we have but few mosquitos, and so, we presume, the fishermen will not bother about carrying an addi¬ tional remedy for them. The Memphis Commercial-Ap¬ peal is raising a dime subscription for a medal for Admiral Schley. The dimes are pouring in at the rate of nearly’ 1,000 a day, and over $^00 has already been raised. That shows how the public pulse beats for the hero of Santiago. The medal will be worthy of the great American naval hero, and the Com mercial—Appeal raeroa ‘ ... deserves much effort Ins . patriotic . in credit crecm for Ior its P honor. ----- g am bling or games of any kind permitted in or around Teets Bros.’ show’, a moral refined show’. A Man Turning to Stone. Dispatches from LaPorte, Indi¬ ana, last week, gave a remarkable account of the ossification of a man at North Judson, by the name of Eli Green, which is baffling the medical experts of that section, who say his case is incurable. They say Green’s body is grad ua n y going through the process of ossification, and it cannot be stop ped. His body is rapidly turning to stone, lhe upper part of his stom ach is as hard as rock, as are also the upper parts of his arms and limbs. A knife can be run into his body at places without his feeling it. He has been baked in heated to 120 degrees, hut with lit tie improvement. His heart is being gradually en¬ crusted with a stony formation, which will sooner or later stop its action. He no longer perspires and his weight is steadily increasing. The extraordinary conditions in Green's case began to develop about a year ago. The process of ossification was then slow’. Pbysi cians say that, when life has been crushed out of the human frame, VOL.XXYI No. 30. Green’s body will be literally a stone corpse. The medical experts who have examined Green say there is only one parallel cased in medical au¬ nals, and that was recently report ed from Australia. The conditions which contribute to the phenom enon of Green’s case are an enigma to the medical fraternity, The Atlanta Journal says Chi¬ cago is going to furnish chaplains for the firemen of that city, and suggests that a citizens’ committee s i lou u provide missionaries for the Chicago city council. Well, that j s a p right for Chicago, hut what is to become of Atlanta’s ( t city fathers ? ■ * '^ ee Buckskin Bill break glass balls as fast as they can he thrown in the air, with a common Smith & Wesson revolver. Free exhibition at 1.30 with Teets Bros,’ show and trained animal exhibition, in Cov ington, Ga., September 5. See Norman Orton, the man who r j^ es an orc ij nar y safety bicycle on a pjg], strand of wire, and carries tw children on his shoulders. Don’t fail to see Teets Bros.’ show September 5. 5 Starlight Items. The Augusta Herald says the .Sunday excursions to the seashore have cost that city $100,000 the present season. If that be true, 1 the boys must have had good a deal of fun. If you want to see fine acrobats, gymnasts, leapers, tumblers, aeri alists, fancy rifle shooting, riding, trained ponies, horses, mules, and dogs, don’t fail to see Teets Bros . show, It is pathetic to hear Oom Paul Kruger appealing to the Irish "as brothers in oppression.’’ And thej r are both oppressed by the same people. Tillman, with his pitchfork, and McLaurin with his rapier, seem to be about six of one, and a half dozen of the other, in South Caro¬ lina. The Chronicle says Fiance witl have to import 100,000,000 bushels of wheat to supply the people with bread. Well, "we have them. » > The census returns show that we living longer now than we used live. That is very clever and to most of ys.