The Covington star. (Covington, Ga.) 1874-1902, September 17, 1901, Image 1

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The Covington Star. L \V. Anderson, © ©=©■ <OM© -@=@ €£• W e are too busy marking up and arran ® 0 0 c our 9 PALL AND WINTER STOCK * f a 0 0 to say more to the people this week a 0 9 9 9 9 Adair’s One Price Cash Store □ 9 &€t €rd €^€» =©==© € 1 = 4 ^ €&€!=€£ ■d-d- dd dddd ddddddd ddddd >©==@==@=^@'^©^=@.^=@=:©=@=@=@=‘©-@ C?h^O€»£? «3=C?^-Xt €l--€^^g= *>*> € & - S XN EARLY HINTS FOR THE 1 COniMQ TALL WINTER. & Early Showing of New Fall and Winter Dress Goods • c & K k Our line of Spot Poplin, Whip Cords, Homespun, Silk Warp Henriettas, Satin Finish Venician Cloth, \ Armuretti, Prunella, French Flannels, Silks and Velvet Applique, All-over Laces, and the latest styles ; of Dress Goods, and Trimmings, Also a large and well selected line of Double and Single Face <u Fhnnelettes, other things mention, ' Outings, and many too numerous to U» In Fact, We Have Eclipsed all Former Efforts in Selection. W e would be justified in expatiating on the grandest collection of new fall and winter dress stuffs (f . ;■ gathered by any house in Covington. We have made preparations for the fall and winter trade such : as have never been surpassed in all new and popular fabrics. We make the assertion that our line ot •r a Gi V) Is one of perfection. Thompson’s Glove Fitting Corsetts and the Straight Front Corsetts attain the j: extraordinary degree of excellence in this modest garment. t p • W a 5 ao"vii>TC3-T03Nr, a-EORO-IA. T 4. /yC' BEDINGFIELD BROS 1 ■> DEALERS IN RONE BUT PURE LIQUORS 51G POPULAR STREET MACON GA. W e respectfully solicit the trade of Covington and vicinity, and if intruf led "ith ynnr orders, promise to strive to give satisfaction, by sending you « hat • v,,u °rder. We are doing a legitimate business and will treat vou fairly. Be Uw find our prices of pure liquors : " ' 1 '’ on * >llre Rye, gallon . 3.50 per Southern IT ixuet, per gallon ... 3.00 f- i*. Ripy, per gallon...... 2.50 Prison County Rye............... 2.00 LHd North Carolina Corn 2.00 YXX Corn and Rye...... 1.50 XX X Gin and Ruin...... 1.50 PRINTING Govington Star. of kinds done the all by Quality good. Prices very Editor and Proprietor. Covington, Ga., Tuesday, September 17, 1901. Apples lor Georgia. According to an estimate made by the New York Independent the ! apple crop of the United States last year amounted to 215,000,000 barrels, worth an average of $2 per barrel. That would bring the total value of the crop up to $430, 000,000. The cotton crop of 1898 was worth about $306,000,000, and the wheat crop of 1899 about $320, 000,000, making apples a leader of both by a long distance, It is probable that the Independent’s I j figures are approximately correct, I although an estimate. Oddly enou e h notwithstanding the 0 ’ ofTliApple nnrtions and great value isLid output, so little at tcntion to it that no official t data is ever gathered respecting it, hile other and less important crops are wa tcbed as closely as a sick baby by government officials exchange and other iunetionaries. comes" =" to UC Ge 0 org!a ? "^Thousands money g< ■“sx x ye „, b-tta- 1 comes here or stays sum is exceedingly small. We are not an apple-raising state. Why ? The one and only reason is simply Y I I DON’T CARE TO BLOW OR BRAG! 6 SO, I SIMPLY I CIVE YOU A FEW PLAIN FAGTS : Last I did good business; this I have ft year a year 'S done a much larger business than ever before. For this, I thank my friends. I expect to have a d *Jj larger trade this fall. I have the goods and the salasmen, and the PRICES ARE CLOSE AND RIGHT. You know the line I carry. The house is about full, and new goods are arriving daily. £ I have a full line of LADIES DRESS GOODS AND TRIMNGS. SHOES. You My stock have includes heard that Shoes I am for the old leader and young in— SHOES. 1 CLOTHING! CLOTHING ! f 30 I Tlie largest line of Clothing, for Men, Youths and I Children ever offered in Covington. ■f i I A Is Polite Salesmen will show you through, and l will i I appreciate your patronage. a i JOHN L. STEPHENSON. 4 tr that we don’t raise them, that’s all. We have the climate and the soil to produce apples as fine as any in the world. Savannah News. , Fourth Class Postmasters, j Few people know just exactly where a fourth class postmaster gets his pay. His patrons, more often than otherwise, know the least about the matter, and not many others know that, humble as the fourth class office is, it serves the greatest number of people in I the United States. There are over 70,000 of these offices, while there are just 4,500 of the third, second and first class or salaried offices. The West sal ary paid these is and the highest salary is $8,000 a vear. The fourth class officers must rustle for their own pay. Some times that is as low as $1 a month, and sometimes as high . as $60 a ouTjust That 'amount of canceled sr^r;-r rst keep the $60 a month. Not at all. H e teeps'ius. S ,6. 33 >i as his own clear cash, and every dollar over that he divides up with Uncle Sam, giving him 40 out ot every cents until liis office gets to the irn-j portanee of canceling over $33 a month ; then he must hand over 60 cents out of the dollar instead. of 40. Out of what is left he pays j his office rent, his light and fuel bills and his clerk hire when sick | or absent. The department fur¬ nishes nothing—not even the box —except what stamps, postal cards and other stamped paper he needs. Indianapolis News. Savannah Has Estill Club Savannah has organized a strong Estill campaign club, with Hon. Pope Barrow as president. -1 The club will act as a local advi j sory campaign committee, a,id wtl enter upon the campaign tvork atj once. The elnb ts composed of many of the best men and campaign work- j j ers in Savannah, and their influ ! ence will soon be felt throughout The friends of Col. Estill should sivrjsis 1 nomination as soon as possible. Let .he organisation of campaign clubs proceed. good is always worth hundred ; A name one cents in the dollar. I VOL. XXYI No. 37. I900100K TO YOUR INTEREST-1900 ___THIS CS AN ERA OF PROCRESC— I have three of the finest and best equipped Dental Apartments South: The Montgomery Dental Parlors, in Alabama, The Atlanta Dental Parlors, 17 1-2 Peachtree St., and the American Dental Parlors, Corner 2 d and Cherry Streets, Macon. Ga. The volume of business en¬ ables us to reduce prices lower than any competent dent¬ ist’s prices South. GROWN AND BRIDGE WORK BY SPECIALIST \U EACH OFFICE. White or Gold Crowns 84 00 Set teeth Rose Rearl dates, 4r GO Set teeth Rubber Plate, 5 00 Silver and Gold hillings 75c to 2 00 Teeth extracted without Pain, ...........Call and see for yourself. — JD The American Dental , 2d and Cherry Streets, -jyj- ^OOINT GEORGIA. - * Your Fall and Winter Goods. It will pay you to do "so,