The Covington star. (Covington, Ga.) 1874-1902, October 15, 1901, Image 1

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• \V. Anderson, " YOU CAN NOT GET AWAY 0 FROM THE 0 ) FACT THAT WE DESIRE YOUR PATRONAGE . * ih y We show everything new in Belts and Neckwear. Our bargains are Peaches the fruit of careful selection. We have all the French Waist Flannels on the market. We invite the Ladies to ex¬ amine our perfect fitting Re¬ gina shoes. Our goods are good enough lor anybody and cheap enough for everybody. We double your dollars and make trading pleasant by our open methods. —3 ~'“T'T V I. CET READY 6 SHOES FOR CLOTHING 1 5 ! WINTER t 1 . 1 Now is the time to buy Clothing. There is nothing fashionable than L 1 your more ours—no better se lection in Covington. The li ne we handle retain their stylish shapeliness. We carry all styles for dress J;] and every-day wear. See our line and you’ll be convinced that there is no stock that’ll compare. : V I LADIES’ AND CENTS. Tl MISSES’ CHILDREN. No line of Ladies’, Gents’ Children’s, and Misses’ Shoes have been shown in this city, that in any way f * can compare with our line of Shoes in fit, style and durability. People who are wearing our Shoes are A delighted with the extraordinary value. Nothing more fashionable in footwear exists, and the. perfect yj ft insures a degree of ease to the foot, a i Hosiery, Underwear, Cotton and Woolen Flannels, Dress Goods, Notions, Etc. (1 f GIVE TTB zY CALL, BEFORE YOU BUY, 1 1 I * J GOVI1TGTC1T, GKEOIR-GKi:^. 1 «■ !kati>» Lowered to Buffalo Account IF PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION. Daily, on and after September n un til October 2otli, inclusive, 1 °und * "enty ( 1 ■ Mphia, a rths For relatively Savannah New ill detailed aboard trip, also days York, thence sell from including and steamer. information low Baltimore by excursion date Steamship rail rates of Final meals to and sale. for Buffalo, tickets sched- Lines Phil- limit and the ks, etc., apply to any agent or ^presentative °rgia of the Central ,e railway. s Jeu '’ass. J. C. HAILE, ‘ Agent, Savannah, Ga. I Money to Lend. am prepared to make loans at a very * ra,e ol interest for either three, r five two, 'ears, on city or farming proper i can pave yon if will call I: money you . W- T. MILNER, Covington, Ga. The Covington Star ?! ! > I roprielor. ...... dress goods?. This department presents Quality and Pri ice at their extremest relationship. Here Quantity and Quality conspire to please and it is simply an effort not to get satisfaction 1 *ere. SHOES. We go direct to the factory for everything in this line and our store presents the appearance of a city Shoe Store. Oe have all kinds of Shoes and from 10 to socts per pair is the smallest amount we save you on every pair of Shoes you buy of us. We insist that you see ou • line of Children’s Shoes which is the completest line ever shown here. All departments are full, and our army of clerks stand ready with polite attention to wait upon you. No Begging to Buy. No Two Prices. PERFECT SATISFACTION GUARANTEED AT- Adair’s One Price Cash Store WILLIAM M’KINLEY HIS LIFE AND WORK, BY Gen. Charles H. Grosvenor. President’s life long friend, com¬ rade in war, and colleague in con¬ gress. Was near his side with other great men when his eyes were clos¬ ed in death. Followed the bier to the national eapitol and to Canton. The general requires a share of the proceeds of his book to be devoted to a McKinley Monument Fund. Thus every subscriber becomes a contributor to this fund. Millions of copies will be sold. Everybody will buy it. Orders for the asking. Nobody will refuse. Elegant pho¬ togravure portrait of President Mc¬ Kinley’s last picture taken at the White House. You can easily and quickly clear $1,000 taking orders. Order outfit quick, Chance to prove success, secure yearly con¬ tract and become manager. Outfit free. Send 12 ets. in stamps to pay expense of wrapping, packing and mailing elegant prospectus. Taking io to 50 orders daily. 50, 000 copies will be sold in this vicinity. Address, THE CONTINENTAL ASSEMBLY, Corcoran Bldg , Opp. U. S. Treasury, Washington, D. C, Covington, Ga., Tuesday, October 15, 1901. w E put have you met under all the obligations conditions to that be¬ come our customers. QUANTITY, QUALITY, PRICE coupled with respectful and just treatment are the ingredients that should inspire con¬ fidence and these requirements are fully met in the Departments of this store. Onr ambition is to meet every demand made upon us by the buying public, We propose to collect under ONE ROOF all that the people of this section NEED TO WEAR, and we believe that we have al¬ most realized this ambition. /ST-!' l I l JOHN L. STEPHENSON i t AH Sells Sells | "Vitals" brand Clothing- is the Best. V -I T U Vitals r> A Bay State” | 1 K|) > ! w V .1 •1 Brand : I \ . ! Shoes, I i Li I Clothing /t and 1 /£ Overcoats /] Pointer Brand ✓ Etc., is 'is A t Hats. T / \ 5 \ ! I \ 1 I I a are They Trade Satisfying T 6n W Also full line of Ladies and Children’s I a Dress Goods, f. (f T- Shoes, Etc. The customers who buys my goods are my l ■ best advertisers. My stock is new and prices close J •v (r biX L EVERT DAT WEE Abb: Proving What Web f THE BEST GOODS FOR THE LOWEST PRICE, People are buying the goods and being well pleased with them, is the best kind of evidence that wee do w hat wee say wee’d do Real nice Watch and Gome Suit of Clothes, Pair of Chain, either L .dies or Shoes, or most anything Gents. Nice Umbrella or TO SEE you can think of both for Parasol. Nice Hat cheap, service or dress. Wee can for Ladies, Gentlemen, always supply your de¬ Boy or Girl. US mand. Cs EL COO li, COVINGTON, GA f * , r Ap? VOL. XXVI No. 41. C-AJRJSS, J ACKETS When in New York, we were fortunate in se¬ curing a line of Drummers Samples, Capes and Jackets, in all styles and colors, and if we have your number you can get one third off on these. MILLINERY. Our Millinery Department fits the word, Per¬ fection. No other word will describe it. The work of Miss Young is now a household formali ty in this section and lovers of good dress cannot afford to go elsewhere for their headgear. CLOTHING. The results of our New York trip are in large evidence there—You know we only handle ex¬ traordinary values at medium prices—and to say that we tave you 20 per cent, on every suit you buy understates the the truth. Our line of Chil¬ dren’s clothing is very excellent and you neglect the dress of your boy if you fail to see these suits The Monument Fund. , The Star will take great pleas ■ tire in receiving subscriptions lor the monument to President Mc¬ Kinley, which will be erected in Atlanta. Subscriptions will be received for any amount you may wish to con¬ tribute, and the same will be an¬ nounced in the columns of the Star, and the money turned over to the Atlanta committee. The movement is certainly a no¬ ble and patriotic one, and its suc¬ cess will be an honor to Georgia. Hand in your subscription to the Star, and let us help in the patri¬ otic movement. WORLD’S GREATEST FEYER MEDICINE. Johnson's Tonic does in a day what slow Quinine cannot do in ten days. Its [ ! splendid cures are in striking contrast with the feeble cures made by Quinine. If yon are utterly wretched, take a thor ough course of Johnson’s Tonic and drive out every trace of Malarial poisoning. The wise insure their lives and the wiser insure their health by using Johnson s Chill and V onI 0 cc!r.if I St^JYot ents if “ cures: not Dr. A. S. HOPKINS DENTIST LTp-to-date dentistry practiced in all its branches. ; Offitt in Star Building. Covington, - - Georgia- Baby Klite Shoe Polish only <;t 8 cents. 0 0 We have a great line of all 0 kinds of silks. 0 Our store is a kind of sav¬ 0 w ings institution. We show special values in Rugs and Matting. 0 0 Blood Hot underwear at 0 prices below Zero. 0 Imitators advertise us. We 0 advertise our goods. 0 0 See our new R. & G. straight front corset. 0 0 We can’t tell your fortune but can help make it. 0 TO ALL PERSONS HAVING FARMING, TIMBERED OR MINERAL LANDS, OR WATER POWER, FOR SALE. The Nashville, Chattanooga ,tSt Louis Rail¬ way proposes to use its best efforts to induce a good class of Immigrants to settle in territory conti ngous to its lines, ami to engage the atten¬ tion of capitalist! seeking manufacturing sites or mining property. It therefore solicits the support, me c-o opertion and the assistance of the people of every county through which its lines pass. The management earnestly requests that all persons who have farms lor sale or lease, those who have timbered lands, water powers or mineral lauds for sale, will send a brief description of the same to the railroad agent nearest them, giving the prices and the terms of sale. The prices must correspond with the prices asked of local buyers. The manage¬ ment does not propose to aid in selling lands to immigrants at exorbitantor speculative prices Large tracts suitable for colonization, at low prices, are especially wanted. J. i). KILLEBREW, Industtial and Immigration Agent. II. F. SMITH. Traffic Manager. Nashville, Tenn. ADKINS HOUSE, 25 Allulim » , A » V 2 ’* .. A1UAU1A, 1 TT, I H T I « _ m m UaUXlUiA- T?HHtT H bist Four Mittutt’s Walk from far Siml. Only Thrre Doors from V II C A Building RATES P2R DA*, ~ « $1.00. Hates by the week mads on application. A. J. ADKINS, Proprietor. ! Morphine and Whiskey hab¬ its treated without paiu or confinement. Cure guaran¬ teed or no par. B. H. VEAL, itarium, Man’gr Lithta d Springs San¬ Box Austell, Ga.