The Covington star. (Covington, Ga.) 1874-1902, November 12, 1901, Image 1

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. \V. Anderson, } Proprietor. E«lilor and THIS WEEK WE ™ ^ •Cr'd* ■©• C£ N ™ E MRKE ,l^ t S THAT BOY’S AND CHILDREN’S CLOTHING > A * E SUBSTANTIAL TO .„ THE PEOPLE WHO (IS UNDERSTAND WHAT GOOD VALUES ARE. $ & 12 Men’s Suits, All wool O i O if you have to buy a Suit or Overcoat for t;s filling, • - - - yourself or son, we invite you to examine the 1 We have marked great line of Children’s ’U 1 a goods that a Suits, we price below, and we will save v Blouse and Vestee Suits at the following prices 8 Men’s Suits, Black L) 18 Men’s Black 2.98 you from 50c to $3.00 what >*p 1.89-2.00-2.48-2.75-3.25 Grained, small stripe A QA Cheviot, good weight you buy on A good 9' of us. wearer, - » £ - ■ I 10 Men’s Suits, Fancy 9 nr You will buy our Overcoats if Men’s u stripe, pretty, them you see r -> % L II Suits, AknoLby Cl very at the price we have marked them to 8 Men’s Overcoats. The best thing 9.50 thing in pin stripe, £ /(A Cj follows: as \ Just the wiUy 7 Men’s Suits, pretty Vv r v on Earth, style, - - ft staple check. A good A on Ot J _ $ thing, 4*Oy 12 Men’s Overcoats, Black Cheviot, !'■ •U 10 Boy’s Suits, 14 to 19 2.25 9 - - . . Full length, 2.25 1 M U VT fc-. 1 8 Men’s Overcoats. Blue Black 6.98 years. Small check, 9 Cl 8 Men’s Suits, Grey Cas- 5.00 IV ■m - Kersey, n simer. You can buy at 12 Men’s Overcoats, Heavy «/ 6 Boy’s Suits, 14 to 19 Beaver, weight s 3.98 FW ‘ ‘ years. Good staple O C/l 15 Men’s Suits, All Wool & patterns, **»*J\J Black Clay Worsted 6.00 r ft 10 this Men’s alright Ovorcoab. at you will think 6.48 Q> 8 Boy’s Suits, 14 to 19 7 Boy’s Suits, 14 to 19 9 Men’s Suits, stylish O * 7 a *• <*, years, pinstripe. very stylish 3.48 $ years. Black Clay qq stripe in Cheviot finish / 9 Men’s Suits, Black 2.59 Worsted. 7 i Clay Worsted, - - . § 5 Men’sSuits, Navy blue iC CA 9 Children’s Suits, 5 to 1.39 6 Men’s Suits, hard fin- All wool—staple, v»JU 7 Men’s Suits, Grey Cas* 15 years. Small check. $ - ish, small check, :• 10.00 7 Men’s simere. Just the thing 748 6 this at see Suits, Extra These boys have broken a w indow. Do you see the angry old lady ? for general wear. 18 Children’s Suits, 5 - - heavy wool serge blue /( 0 /(A 0 V to 15 A rush* 69c {9 black, .... , 15 Boy’s Suits, 14 to 19 1.98 years. ® 10 Men’s Suits, Any ADAIR’S One Price Cash Very neat, er for Young 9 Men’s Suits, the Store. years. (iS man will take 12.50 thing for very II Children’s Suits, 5 13 Children’s Cfllj uv good dres- Next 15 Very to Suits, 5 to Door to Post Office, Covington, Ga. years. neat f 44*wm. *'• «i Din drino H) C^ xQr^ji^ -wages’"’ ns ^17 <> =f3> -£r & =£? 45— 3 ’C’ t t 3 ■©= Cp & O & ^ 5 ? " 3 ; 42 f 3 f^jj : : r—v 3 r — p 1 . e GET READY rji .1 fi “ SHOES CLOTHING 1 T WINTER I i Now is the time to buy your Clothing-. I here is nothing more fashionable than ours—no better se- (I lection in Covington. J he line we handle retain their stylish shapeliness. We carry all styles for dress and every-day wear. See our line and you’ll be convinced that there is no stock that’ll compare. vJb LADIES’ AND GENTS. I 1 I Miooco uniLUKtN. w No line of Ladies’, Gents’ Children’s, and Misses’ Shoes have been shown in this city, that in any way 1 j) can compare with our line of Shoes in fit, style nd durability. People who are wearing our Shoes are cl delighted with the extraordinary value. Nothing more fashionable in footwear exists, and the perfect 1 \ 1 ! fit insures a degree of ease to the foot, I 1 Hosiery, Underwear, Cotton and Woolen Flannels, Dress Goods, Notions, Etc. V a GIVE US A CALL, BEFORE YOU EJUY, G 1 ■v ' D 1 ! aovinsro-TOisr, G-EORG-IA. (T Woman’s Life -El * is hard enough as it . is. It is to her that w e owe our world, and everything should he made as easy her as possible for at the time of childbirth. This is just what v Mother’s y V Xs will do. It will mak baby's <i coming easy '~®*' ? !1 painless, and that without tak J tem. n g dangerous It drugs into the sys is simply to be applied to the muscles of the abdomen. It penetrates through the skin carrv thg strength and elasticity with it. t strengthens the whole system and Prevents all of the discomforts of Pregnancy. i he mother of a plumb babe in Mothers anama, Mo., says: “I have used Friend and can praise it Get Mother’s Friend at the brug Store, $1 per bottle. The Bradfield Regulator Co., ATLANTA, GA. ,, .^’dte Bef° for Baby our is free Born.” illustrated book, re Star #' STL' A German firm has perfected and obtained control of a beer tabloid— j a small tablet that, dropped into a glass of water, will turn it into; beer as fresh as if just drawn Military authorities hail it with ac claim, and it will very likely soon be made a part of the regular army ration. The officers expect it to reduce the number of desertions materially. At some of the hotels and res taurants in Sweden women are charged less than men on the theo¬ ry that they do r.ot eat so much. The Swedish hash merchants and caterers have evidently never seen an American girl eat after a game ot golf. An old woman, in Atlanta, was fined $25 and cost, on Wednesday, \ for being drunk and disorderly on the streets, and being unable to pay j the fine, was sent to the stockade for 30 days. It seems like the people of the island ot Samar are not the good Samar-itans we read about, but they must be the thieves. Keep your eye on Covington, and watch us grow-. The persimmon crop seems to be jvery fine. ! Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Covington, ■a., Tuesday, November 12, 1901. "TX-T t 'A .1 T JOHN L. STEPHENSON Ll) I V Sells \ Sells ! I ill I L_ 1.J.O fll ■a vitals" brand Clothing- is the Best. 1 T : “Vitals »n El S n r* /TTA A 5-r i r ■! Bay Slate ^0 r NT Jj T Brand 'r\ \ ! / T b 1 ‘I • a / o ■ A / \ / Shoes, l J* J Clothing !! ! ■V and rv> / CT^ Mi 1 u I n. .v I 1 | ■ f 1 Overcoatc M Pointer Brand Etc., x ik i 1 1$ ■ j..... 111 Hats. / \ 1 v. \ h v v m i • \h fit i They are Satisfying Trade Winners (f Vj (H ft Uso u full line of Ladies and Children’s Dress Goods, % ! J Shoes, Etc. The customers who buys my goods are my ? CM I 15 ! be^t advertisers M v stock is new and prices close. ? 2 ti - 4 * CVC.KT D4T WE Are Proving What 7 - 7 TIP- IPS' CHOPS FOR THE LOWEST PRICE, I Vo | Mi l /1 iire > buving tln^ goods and being woo |>[cast tl with them, is * Ik* best kind of 1‘Vidt‘IHU I * < ! l we do we sav we’d 2 5 * d * > Watch and Ootna Suit ot lothes. Fair of Keal nice anything Chain, either L dies or Shoes, or m st Nice Umbrella SEE you can think of both for Gents. or TO Wee Parasol. Nice Hat cheap, service or dress. can Gentlemen, always supply your de for Ladies, US mand Boy or Girl. 99 4J. E. COOK, COVINGTON, CA 99 ' ^ VOL. XXVI No. I It is published that Secretary; Hay may soon resign from Presi- j dent Roosevelt's cabinet, and that 1 he may be succeeded by the secre tary of war. In that case, a new ; secretary of war would have to be appointed. What is the matter with Gen. John B. Gordon, of Georgia, or Gen. Joe Wheeler, of Alabama, that either of them can- | not fill the vacancy ? They are all right. Especially General Gordon. Alabama furnished the secretary of j war in Cleveland’s cabinet, and | Georgia has not had it since the j war. The appointment of General Gordon, as secretary of war, should | a vacancy occur, would be a grace¬ ful act on the part of President Roosevelt toward his mother’s tta I tive state, as well as a compliment and just recognition of the whole 1 ; south. The whole country, we believe, would be delighted to have General John B. Gordon, of Geor¬ gia, at the head of the war depart¬ ment. The forest leaves now present a mighty pretty display of varigated j colors. Congress meets the first Monday in December. The awful dust is now laid. Kodol Dysp«|nla Cur* 1 Dtgasts what you oat. J Healthy Mothers Few mothers are healthy, because their duties are so exacting. The anxiety of pregnancy, the shock of childbirth, and the cart of young children, are severe trialj on any woman. But with K'ine of Ctrdul within her grasp, every mother—every woman personal in the land—can pay the debt of health she owes her loved ones. Do you want H robust health with all its privileges and pleasures? Wine of Cardui will give it to you. mum strengthen! the female organs and invig¬ orate! weakened functions. For every female ill or weakness It is the best medicine made. Ask Cardui, your druggist and for $1.00 bottle Wine of take no substitute under any circumstances. Mr*. Eiwin Cr«s. Gomaer, Mich.) ”Wh«n ! cooittnoccd mine of Cardui I wit hardly able to walk across th« house. Two weeks after I walked half « tiule aai picked strawberries. Whoi my other child was kora I suffered with labor pains 24 hour* «d had to raise him oa a bode because I had 00 mil. Alter using die Wine during pregnancy this date, I gave birth last mouth to a baby gi rl, an J was in labor only two hours, with but Me pain. md 1 have plenty of milk. Foe tlua improve* meet in my health I thank God and Wine J Cardui. ” For advice ia cases requiring special direction*, address, giving symptoms. ‘ The Ladies’ Advisory Department.” The Ghat* r/L I tanoega Otaitaoooga. Medicine Teno. Co.. v 7 v'.Vf92 ^ 1 f