The Covington star. (Covington, Ga.) 1874-1902, December 17, 1901, Image 1

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W. Anderson, HOLIDAY QOODS AT COST. hiin^r % ,nau i> ura e CUT PRICES on HOLIDAY GOODS. While others are hammering at the door of your purse with M«nai per cent, profit Keep it closed till have line marked Visit ■ ° , uT ^ C ai .^ a a bout. Ask for their you 75 seen doll our and at dry goods per cent. their stores t if fin 1 « Tu - o cent our 59 cent doll. They are exactly the same, la e e- ourth off oil heir Price and you have ours—Add two to their stock and you have ours—This is the way it runs. Holi¬ day uooas are a side line with us, and we are making a very fast schedule on it. Those Dolls we will Give Away—Every pur¬ chaser or a Holiday article at our store, will be entitled to a HUM at two of the prettiest and best d ressed dolls that ever glad dened the heart of a child. The rich, the poor, the popular, a nd unpo pular, have an equal MMI at these dolls. Remember that baslAitoliday Article Purchased entitles the purchaser to a MMI at each of the Dolls. The more purchases the more THESE DOLLS ARE ON EXHIBITION AT OUR STORE. Clothing at Actual Cost. Ovr entire line of OVERCOATS, MEN’S BOY’S and CHILDREN’S SUITS, are to be closed out at ac tual cost. Not what they cost you, but what they cost us laid down in the house. Our line is large, New and Neat. Drummer s Samples—We have a big lot of Sample cotton, and woolen underwear, gloves, hosiery, &c., that will open your eyes on prices. Be sure to see this line before you buy ADAIR’S ONE-PRICE CASH STORE. Next Door to Post Office, Covington, Ga. ”v Mi O' T GET READY SHOES for y i) <rn y 1 lection Now is in the Covington. time to buy The your line Clothing. we handle There retain is their nothing stylish more shapeliness. fashionable We than carry ours—no all styles b'Tt' for r dress A \ and every-day wear. See our line and you’ll be convinced that there is no stock that’ll compare. LADIES’ AND DENTS. I n MISSES’ CHILDREN. ,s No line of Ladies’, Gents’ Children’s, and Misses’ Shoes have been shown in this city, that in any way (* ^ fp can compare with our line of Shoes in fit, style and durability. People who are wearing our Shoes are delighted with the extraordinary value. Nothing more fashionable in footwear exists, and the perfect A fit insures a degree of ease to the foot, (l; Hosiery, Underwear, Cotton and Woolen Flannels, Dress Goods, Notions, Etc. i ; GIVE ITS Al CAlLL, BEFORE YOTT BUY, l SB I l GEORGIA, 0 ff COVI1T GTOIT, Sin The Boston Transcript says that soon as proper location can be selected, a camp, the first of a number ot the kind, will be pitch fd near Boston for consumptives. It will consist of ten piano-box tents, set in a circle, with an open air fire in the centre, and sur¬ rounded by a canvas wall eight feet high. Each tent will be a con¬ sumptive’s home. He will sleep in it, even through the coldest weather, with no other protection than a plenty of felt blankets, felt sleeping boots, and a two gallon jug of hot water. He will wear one heavy suit, night and day, will take one quick soapless bath a week, and will eat three hearty meals a day, with coffee in the morning and hot chocolate any time of the day or night. His bill of fare will include milk, eggs, vegetables, bread, butter and meat —chiefly beef, mutton or pork, broiled on splits before the fire, or roasted in the embers, or boiled down into soup. The open life is expected to cure the campers of their disease. The plan is the result of experiments wade last winter by a Boston sci¬ entist. Rife in the camp,-he claims, .T/^irn TA 'i. ia ■ j Proprietor. Editor and quickly fortifies the bodily powers. 1 The skin, nails and hair lengthen and thicken ; and, what is more to the point, pulmonary catarrh stops, and hemorrhages cease. The pa¬ tient loses his sensitiveness ; his emotions change; all his energy goes to nutrition ; all his powers are con¬ centrated in building and repair ; he falls asleep at twilight and awakens at dawn, ready to eat. The camps will all be near the city, where phyicians are within call. The merits of the system consist, of course, solely in open air life, in warm clothing, with nourishing food. The experiment, under slightly different, but ly favorable conditions, is within the means of many sufferers in all parts of the country. ADKINS HOUSE, 35 Auburn Ave M ATLANTA, - - - GEORGIA. Ju*t Four Minute's Walk from Tar Sited O.ily Tbrtr Doors from V M C A Building RATES PER DAY; - « $1.00. Rates by the week mads on application A. J. ADKINS, Proprietor. Don’t forget that R. E. Everitt sells Furniture and Stoves cheaper than the other fellow. Covington, Ga., Tuesday, December 17, 1901. Our Millinery Stock. We continue to offer unequaled bargaine in this department. We have a few Pattern Hats on hand that we have cut to about half price. You have seen these goods, and know that at half price they are great values. Don’t delay purchasing Millin¬ ery. The season closes with the year. o - JOHN L. STEPHENSON % s h <i\ I iV , <1 Sells vi i - M t . was ju ... "Vitals' Brand Clothing- is the Best. 5 It Yiiolo” L H Da; Otato 1L ...... n 1 & PM Brand // / Shoes, J I X t n c SI and fV Clothing I . Overcoats , Pointer Brand Etc., O' WM 5 * t: i Hats. / 1 / '"y? \L • h They Satisfying Trade Winners are % % Also a full line of Ladies and Children’s Dress Goods, | Shoes, Etc. The customers who buys my goods are my t best advertisers. My stock is new and prices close. I L y - EVERY DAT WE Ark Proving What- We Bay THE BEST GOODS FOR THE LOWEST PIECE. People are buying the goods and bt is g well pleased with them, is i tlie best ’ ir.d of evidence that vve do what WC Ulut Cl ' T TT we’d do Real nice Watch and Come Suit of Clothes, Pair of Chain, either L-.dies or Shoes, or most anything Gents. Nice Umbrella or TO SEE you can think of both for Parasol. Nice Hat cheap, service or dress. Wee can for Ladies, Gentlemen, always supply your de¬ Boy or Girl US mand. • o C. E2, COOK, COYIYGTOY, GA ei t fl\ , A*"— Dress Goods. We have just added to this department some special values in skirtings such as Pebble Cheviots, Serges, Etc. These will be of special interest to '• dies in need of Mid-Winter Suitings. Our line of Waist Goods is still very complete and represents taJ$ne of the best values of the season. HOLIDAY RATES. | Via Central of Georgia Railway, One and One-third Fares for the Round Trip. Tickets n il] be sold between all points i east of tiie Mississippi and south of the Potomac rivers, to students of schools and colleges, upon presentation and surrender of certificates signed by su ■ perintendents, principals or presidents of the various institutions, on Dec. 16, 22, 1901, inclusive; final limit January 8, 1902 To individuals, on Dec. 23, 24, 25, 30 and 31, 1901, and January 1, 1902, final i limit January 3, 1902. EXCURSION RATES—CHARLESTON, S.C. Via Central of Georgia railway, Dec. | 1, 1901, to May 31, 1902 ; Account and of Wes' the j South Carolina Inter-State India Exposition, at Charleston, S. C., | Dec. 1, 1901—June 1, 1902. The Central of Georgia E. R. will sell low rate excursion tickets to Charles¬ ton, S. C. and return, from all coupon ticket stations on Us lines, December 1, 19M, tc May 31, 1902. Superior sched¬ ules, sleeping car service are offered via Savannah and Plant System. For full particulars call on any agent Central of Georgia railway. J. C. HAILE, G.P. A. Savannah, Georgia. i Kodol Dyspepsia Cure 1 Digests what you oat. YOL. XXVI No. 50. Capes and Jackets. Close Out Prices prevails in this department, i Last week we quoted some prices on Capes and Jackets that were less than New York Cost. Bar i gain takers grabbed most of these things as soon as offered, but a few of them remain and we have ad¬ ded others to the list till the line is tolerably com¬ plete. T" * Healthy Mothers few mothers are healthy, because their duties are so exacting. The anxiety of pregnancy, the shock of childbirth, and the care of young children, are severe trials on any woman. But with Wine of Cardui within her grasp, every mother—every woman in the land—can pay the debt of personal health she owes her loved ones. Do you want robust health with all its privileges and pleasures? Wine of Cardui will give it to you. strengthens the female organs and invig¬ orates weakened functions. For every female ill or weakness it is the best medicine made. Ask your druggist for $1.00 bottle Witje of Cardui, and take no substitute under any circumstances. Mr*. Edwin Crass. Gormer, Mich,* “Vhen 1 commenced using Vine cl Cardui I was hardly able to walk across the house. Two weeks after I walked half a mile and picked strawberries. When my other child was bom 1 suffered with labor pains 24 hour*, and h-d to raise him on a bottle because 1 had no milk. using the Wiae during pregnancy this time, I gave birth last month to a baby girl, and was in labor only two hour*, with but little pain, and I have plenty of milk. For this great improve^ meat in my health I thank God *nd Wine of Cardui." For advice in cases requiring specLd Ladies' direction*, [dress, giving symptoms, “The Advisory . Department, ’’ The Chat' Z/n Chattanooga, tanooga Medicine Tenn. Ga, y If Vf \ / r 0 VS>\ AVI J f. /t 7 * l I