The Covington star. (Covington, Ga.) 1874-1902, December 24, 1901, Image 1

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J C W.;^N0ERSON,-'} Proprietor. holiday hints With the greatest and grandest display of Holiday Goods everbrought under roof, in Covington, this establishment extends one thc ^ ca * on s Greetings and invites each and every one to examine \ its See their Variety. Note their Quality, and Com wares. pare their Cheapness. HINTS TO PARENTS. WHAT TO BUY FOR CHILDREN. Other Practical Holiday Gifts. Rugs, Art Squares, Dress Patterne, Jackets, Cap es, Petti Coats, Fine Millinery, Table Linens, Suits, Over coats, Macintoshes, Fine Hose, Facinators, Cloaks, Suits of Underwear, Neckwear, Handkerchiefs, Umbrellas, and numerous other things that we have especially provided for those who make practical gifts. REMEMBER—That Every Purchaser o' a ARilCLE at our store stands a showir to i nave |>ven to him two of the FINEST DRESSED DOLLS ever seen in Covington. See the DOLLS and get our plans. Be sure to see this line before you buy. ADAIR’S ONE-PRICE\CASH STORE. Next Door to Post Office, Covington, Ga. s % l GET READY V X 1 SHOES FOR CLOTHING i. WINTER c r Now is the time to buy your Clothing. There is nothing more fashionable than ours—no better se- (T lection in Covington. The line we handle retain their stylish shapeliness. We carry all styles for dress ^ and every-day wear. See our line and you’ll be convinced that there is no stock that’ll compare. V • LADIES’ AND CENTS. MISSES’ CHILDREN. No line of Ladies’, Gents’ Children’s, and Misses’ Shoes have been shown in this city, that in any way (* 1 can compare with our line of Shoes in fit, style and durability. People who are wearing our Shoes are delighted with the extraordinary' value. Nothing more fashionable in footwear exists, and the perfect fit insures a degree of ease to the foot, 1 Hosiery, Underwear, Cotton and Woolen Flannels, Dress Goods, Notions, Etc. GIVE ITS A. CALL, BEFORE YOU BUY, l 3 V l ooviisrcs-rronsr, GKEO:R,C3-IaA. T :V Reflections of e, Bachelor, You can mend a broken heart, \'. never a bxoker, promise. The man does the fishing, but it. isn’t the woman who gets caught on his hook. Tne „ best way to make a girl sure you love her is to make her believe you cant , think . OI , , her Without, ... . shivering all up and down your' back. 1 ! If women could be got to show the same enthusiasm over munici pal problems, that thev do over "i"w2Sr m5 ' r ' form politics About ths hardest thing to make a woman believe is that she can be intellectual without joining a lot of societies for the improvement of j something or other The second stage of love would j I not be half so stupid to most peo pie as it is if they hadn’t fooled themselves so much about how ex citing the first stage was. One thing that takes away a good deal of the pleasure for women in comping out where you sleep on the ground is that there is no chance to look for a man under the bed. CoviioTON Star Pianos, 25c, 50c, 75c. Tea Sets, 18c, 25c, 50c. Bureaus, 19c. 5 arlor Sets, 25c. Tables, "Jc. Chairs, 10c. Dining Room Sets, 7 pieces, 50c. Doll Bedsteads, 15c to 30c. Work Bees, 25c, 50c. Comb and Brush Sets, 50c and 75c. Dogs, 25c. Donkeys, 25c. Tops, 5c, JOc, !5c. Balls, 5c to 25 Picture Books, 5c to 25c. Building Blocks 10c to 25c. Tool Chests, 25c, 50c, 98c. Games, 10c to 50c. Drums, 9c to 48c. Trumpets, 5c to 25c. Banks, 12c to 98c. Magic Lanterns, 1.25. Iron Toys etc., for boys, including Engines Hook and Lader, Pony carts, Trains, Horse and Wag> ons, Ox Carts, Chariots, Sleighs, Fire Patrol Wagons, Victorias, E;>ress Wagons, Pocking Horses, Guns, Banjos, Harmon teas. ggftn:;cr. f: 13, )00 yards Best A. A. A. Shectinl 7 - 4 l‘2c ’ U 3,000 yards Best Cotton Checks; 4 !-2c 20 yards of above to Customer. GO YEARS’ Yt 1 ::? EXPERIENCE w .a - itl PR? ; J A : ; ity. TBAOr f«ARXS Designs Copyrights &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description rosy Patents taken through Munn 4 Co. receive ^rfalnottc*. without charge, in the Scientific Jltncrican. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest eir dilation of any •cionttfle Journal. Terms, ** a year; four months, $L Sold by all newsdealers. jyjyj||ty £ gg sei •roadway, RgW York Branch office. <35 f st_ Washington, n. c. ADKINS HOUSE, 35 Auburn Ave., ATLAH7A, - - - GEORGIA. Four Minute’s Walk from Car Slml Only Three Doors from Y M C A Building BAT3S PER DAY, - - $1.00. Rates by the week mads on application. ^ ^ ADKINS, Proprietor, I JOB PRINTING, ! If you need any printing in the way of Handbills, Circu¬ lars, Bill Heads, Note Heads, or Statements, call at the Star office and get our prices. W« can save yeu money. Covington, Ga., Tupday, December 24, 1901. —5 3' t -RR JOHN L. STEPHENSON Sells "Vitals" Brand Clothing- is the . : Best. :; Sells f ;■ Li f ii Vitals jj ea Bay State” L . r\ Brand i - ll \ Shoes, i | Clothing, b\ t C- . and <a i J Overcoats, I Pointer Brand 5 I Etc •? y V EuJiWIl fl Hats. / A IS£4 C % i> are Satisfying They Trade Winners T Also a full line of Ladies and Children’s Dress Goods, | l It Shoes, Etc. The customers who buys my goods are my I best advertisers. My stock is new and prices close. i m r> /C\ A v\. ! T? A,WP ST PRICES . i® 1 | 5 i IN COVINGTON CAN BE HAD AT I GREAT BAfiSAItt umm \ 1 C. E. COOK’S - - - ■■ -S-' Better Clothing, Shoes, Neckwear, Underwear, Shirts, and Millinery, at Lower Prices than any one. See our great line of HOLIDAY QOOD5 Toys, Dolls Etc. and get the latest of everything cheaper than anybody. Come and see our line X*mas Goods. 99 €# E* COOK, OOTIN6TON, GA 99 % 4 xS. YOL. XXVI Xo. 51. What to buy for Larger Folks. Terra Cotta Busts, 69. 119. 198; Vases, 15, 25, 48. 98; Work Boxes, 1.69 to 3.50; Neck Tie and Hand¬ kerchief Boxes, 25 to 1.48; Collar and Cuff Boxes, 50 to 1.89; Smokers Sets, 89 to 1.98; Military Brushes, 1.98 to 3.50; Mirror, Comb and Brush Set, 75 to 3.50; Sterling Silver Match Case, 1.00 to 1.25; Sterling Silver Shaving Brush, 1.25; Silver Back Coat Brushes, 1.25 ; Ink Stands, Ebony, Silver and Gold, 25 to 75; Wedge wood Puff Boxes, Vases and Placques, 25 to 1.00; Pic¬ ture Frames, 35 to 48 ; Ebony Candle Sticks, 35; Eb¬ ony Match Stands, 25; Writing Desks, 1.25; Photograph Albums, 50 to 1.98; Calenders, 39 cents, and hundreds of other things that we cannot describe, and need not mention. ! Reflections of a bachelor continued. ! All has to do to make his a man wife believe he is a genius is to pretend he is so absent-minded that if she didn’t look out for him would put on his suspenders for a necktie. The average mother would like to have her first baby look most like its father, except its mother, grandmother and grandfather, and all the aunts and uncles that are good looking. When a man has the fool idea about being lord of his own castle, he gets it mighty well knocked out of his head when the castle gets | populated by two babies, a nurse, a bull pup and a litter of kittens. What a woman can’t | is how a man will stay up every night for six weeks running 1 over town trying to make votes for a candidate he doesn’t know, but get hopping mad if he has to run across the street to get some para i goric for his own baby. It’s a mighty mean man who sits down and figures out many billiard games, drinks and cigars he could pay for with all the money he spent on flowers, thea¬ tres and suppers when he was en gaged.—New York Press. (f^ K t J. 111 } ,S « ^uestiORF\ for Women\| ^ \ Are you nervous? W r Are you completely exhausted? 0 Do you suffer every month? If you answer “yes” to any of 1 these questions, you have ills which a appreciate Wine of what Cardui perfect cures. health Do would you § jjj i [ be to you? After taking Wine of I Cardui, thousands like you have real ized it. Nervous strain, loss of sleep, | cold or indigestion starts menstrual g disorders that are not noticeable at I first, but day by day steadily into troublesome complications, of Cardui, used just before the men¬ strual period, will keep the female system in perfect condition. This medicine is taken quietly at home. There is nothing like it to help only women $ enjoy this good health. It cocts endorsed I to by test 1,000,000 remedy, which is cured women. Mrs. Lena T. Frieburg, East St. Louis, til., says: “I am physically a new woman, Cardui by Thtdford’s reason of my use of Wine of and Black Draught. ., la cases requiring special directions, mA dress, gi ring symptoms,* Tfc* ’The Ladies’ AdTts cry -liepartment,” tTisttanoofa Medi¬ cine Co., Chettanoctfa. Tern. I i I I