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About The Fort Valley mirror. (Fort Valley, Ga.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1880)
o ■y;': HP if : - H vapor "ienoed from :ing feeling, a > try the , • j.. t ■ £e r ' v §§F lip i Sglr Wr WFc Bar::': .. Be (I. Ar.sti::. HWemale BPlariiing Davis, ar.u writers. W isilOTil COLORED FASHION PLATES Rhcad of all others. These twice plates the are engraved on steel, usual size, and are unequalled snpeibly for beauty. They will be other colored. Also, Household and receipts; articles cu “Wax-Work Flowers,” ‘Management of Infants,’ in short everything interesting to ladies. Terras (always iu advance) $2 per vear. UNPARALLELED OFFERS to CLUBS 2 Copies for..... .....$3.50 O l( « 4.50 jjh a copy of the premium pic 4 ) a costly steel engrav “ton at Valley Forge,’ getting up the club. t.........9.50 ..........$6.50 ^kiremiuni, of the Maga ■ to the ^kUub. ...$aoo u...10.50 jkr of the up EtYlrLAFf & CO’S., rAHSTO. f Cotton, 480 pounds j paya- 18, 1880. No ,Y BEOS, Agents. i oa Ms? M loves. W GEO. W. BOHR, W 81 C IIE11 It Y STREET, W M^co.rty Oscrgia.l KaXIFACTUSLR OF TiN AXD SHEET IRON WARE, BJolksale and retail dealer in K, Cerates, Hollow Ware, itlery, r im ¥s?0, iSass Waf% CROCKERY, WOODEN WARE, WILLOW WARE, SILVER PLATED WARE, LAMPS, AGATE IRON WARE, BRUSHES, DUSTERS and HOUSE FUR¬ NISHING GOODS. Victor Ranges, Utility Cook Stoves* ■0 I respectfully aud cordially invite the public to call and examine my stock and priced. Having bought my goods from first bands, in persons, and,before the recent advance in prices, I can otter inducements to tbo.-e wishing to purchase. Respectfully GEO.W. BURR, SI Cherry Street, M aeon, Ga Sign of tiie Big Collie© Pot. t © m m Li 3 ^ -j -aU .. L-k a ; wr.jr aa- ; _» H 7 - e fUL ; - : a !i‘;i ' m m. : = -’ - , ■ r- te—P U| I 1 -Mi K^2-.L SSsifcvF Y—gr-rf -t r- — ■ A-TJGXJsao-j^- o»ufcu ferj^^/reliable and^iaifcim lo *“ lil'EhV «‘U v/uciiuuicis, stonier s, and auu the tuu putmu public generally, gcuctauj) wbo "ui Fertilizers the well known brands of Super phosphates, ^ ^ PATAPSCO GUANO and GRANGE MIXTURE. AND THEIR SUPERIOR HAKE OF JLCXJD JPJELCDSJPJHLJLJli L Ciompostiuj, analysing 13.60 per cent, of Available Phosphoaic Acid, and 2.58 per cent of Poiasb. Alsu, STTIjI? E-IXJE^ia AGI JO their Acid Chamber, at lower figures than it can be laid down lout of the State. Favorable terms and prices to dt aiers ami kfoi large orders of our goods. The Works of the Company, fcngusta, Btetljoiniug Ga., are open to the inspection of the Farmers of BYE, will States, and our Superintendent and Chemist, Mr. tube pleasure in exhibiting the Works aud its he April's of the Companv, to be found in tho principal ■es of Georgia and South Carolina, to * fcoVALL. or T. U. SHELL! E, '.W Business Manager, . Agent, Augusta, Ga. Fort Valley. MADE CLOTHING, -AND ^urnishinff o Goods. B. SCHILLING 1 y m 1 SRBY, GA. i Houston and surrounding; counties, that he prtmeut of Ready Made Clothing, Gents Fur |e is offering ver\ low. His stock of ready ■he latest styles and tho best made and war jh large assortment oflmported und Domostie ZJSm . CASSXMER^ [order. All kind of TAILORING work done !l examine. pAGENT pvass Fort ir the best in the ; at once So ■22 Nas-au At vtcr a ■«l Bn 0 ecSSi «et, l 1* *!?">• iiea 1 f. W-EEKS l ia. fa. :ddp hofctl"* - D- i >v.: - .u ’’ u '' 20 yt butiidiinp. M to tiy Uiot n. Ac fir.D throe Ihiti.u. ii hioaoo Ledger. Established 1873. Be Leading Literary Paper of tlie West. „ Only $1.50 a Year* si- . proaehim? year established The Tr® Ledger of Chicago its the existence, iu close the Lkdokr winter of having tho is of now seven ISIS, been ap- th A Year. ent conductors was with started by its pres¬ ings to the some of misgiv¬ as success the enter¬ prise. Many literary ventures pf & kindred character had been made in the Western metropolis, and miser¬ ably failed. The sea of journalism I was strewn with the wrecks of I Stranded newspaper enterprises. Others that were living, but strug¬ gling for a precarious existence, have since yielded to inevitable fate A Year. printed and to-day gone the in down, Chicago. only leaving weekly Th* story-paper Ledges The Ledger has ncQ attained the plane of success uvea which it now CO solidly rests without earnest, well directed effort. Its conductor. - hove i« l&hoiod earnestly and persistently not only to make it an excellent lit¬ reading erary journal, but also to make the A world acquainted with it. Year. its Thousands lars merits have been upon to expended the thoosauds attention in bringing of of uol- the reading public. In fact. The Ledge* h-ts been the most extensively-ad vertisad newspaper in the West CxO M The pride tended first class publishers at their the literary efforts success have paper to that a build in feeling the has up cap¬ at¬ of a A Year. ital city of the West. The circula¬ tion, already large, is rapidly grow¬ ing. and by the 1st day of January will 11 be be not not less less than than KS.OGG. X Thd puDi; blishers do net me S to relax their eir< Sorts io make :x Ledge* the best weekly newspaper J.i the OO n i C 9 work, will West, and usefulness. still and but further during intend the to increase persevere coming » its months iu value tho The weekly contents of This Ledg^ A Year. novels, es and embrace, Family several Doctor in short addition department, stories; to Its a Home serial em¬ bracing letters from women of ex¬ perienced heads and h'.nd8,oa housed SI’ hold and kitchen economy, homt} 9 adornment, the management of C children, and recipes for the euro of many of the ill3 to which flesh 1* heir; a Young devoted .Folks’ department; 4 A Year. department to Current Lit¬ erature, comdsting of choice excerpt* Scien¬ from the latest- magazines; a tific department, giving the latest tot ielligence in regal'd to now discov¬ eries. mechanical inventions, etc.; !■ U1 CD also biographical sketches, historic papers, travels, poetry, and a mass of short articles on miscellaneous topics. Address A Year. the: leoohh, Chicago, Ill. Subscriptions to the TIIE CHICAGO LEDGER will bo received at this office. UNPRECEDENTED BARGAINS IN, PUN0SM0R6ANS For the next 60 Days/ Before Our Advance in Brices. Pianos $140 io $400 the purchaser. Those Fianos ntado one of the finest displays at the Itemetinfe!-Kxhibltion, And was iuumi mou3iv rocomvncn lod for the llmHES? llOSORS^ The Bo * uar ‘-'‘ u*outaiu MATHUSHEK'S How Fatsat Duplex Overstrung Seal*. which is acknowledged by the highest musical authori¬ ties to bo tho greatest improvement ever put Into at square richness Piano, producing tho most astonishing pouter, and depth of tone, and a sustaining singing quality never be fore attained, > being a “Grand Piano l£t x Wqtuuu C’aea,” THE MENDELSSOHII UPRIGHTS AEE THE FINEST IN AMERICA. All They aro pronounced tho “ Pianos of the Future.” our Pianos are mado entirely by ourselves at our MANUFACTORY, Kos. 4-90,492,494,498 Ss 498 West 57th St., 858,860,862,864,866,888 & 870 lOthAve. [Now tha finest and one of the largest in the world.] being Originally established in 1842, over 36 years ago, among tho few makes of Pianos which have Stood the test of time. OYER 10,000 IN USE. Every Wo Piano fully -warranted for five y ears. arc now making all our Pianos entirely of VULCANIZED LUMBER; The Greatest Discovery of tho Ages. Wood rendered imperishable, shrinking, checking Borbing- or warping; impossible, and as incapable of ab moisture as vulcanized rubber. The in enu.- 1 hardness and toughness of the wood produces a resonance of tone truly wonderful. Tho process of vulcanizing is done by machinery established at our of tho factory, and wo have tho exclusive control patent for Piano making, which, together with our other patents nnd improvements, including Ma thughek’s Duplex Overstrung Scale, render our Pianos in every respect, tho BEST and FINEST In the WORLD I In tho grand, results of etrength, durability, reliability, volume, and ability for standing in tune# Sweetness, power, sympathetic resonance, and singing brilliancy, of tone, throughout the quality evenness entire scale, delicacy and elasticity of touch and beaniy ot finish, tho RS£NDEL 3 SOHN Piano stands without an Equal Pianos sent on trial. Pon’t fail to write for Illhs trated and Descriptive Catalogue cl 48 pages—mailed: free. THE MENDELSSOHN JUBILEE ORGANS Are the Beet in the World, at prices far below any other first-class make. Atf 8-stop organ for only ©65, including all the greatest, latest and best improvements, possessing of power, depth* brilliancy, and sympathetic quality tone. Beautiful solo effects and perfect 6top action. All cases of solid walnut, in beautiful designs and elegant finish. Ail Pianos and Organs warranted for five years, and sent on fifteen for days’ test trial —freight free if unsatisfactory, Bond circular—mailed free. SHEET MUSIC, half price. Dollar’s worth' at onyhird of price. Catalogue of. 1,500 select pieoaa sent on receipt of 3c. stamp. Address, JEEH 3 ELSS 0 HN PIANO 00 ., 21 East 15 th Street, N. X BUFFALO LITHIA WATERS FOR STONE IN THE BLADDER. A discharged Stone or Gravel placed in ttiese waters will dissolve to a powder in a few days. The water, in eases of six gallons,”5 pe case address. at the Springs. -TUOS. Phamplet GOODE, sent to any Litliia F }?rop. Buffalo Springs, Va. A GREAT OFFER ! Organs $30 Pi* 125 upwards ; anos upward*, not used year, Kood as new; varrunted. New Pianos aurt Organs at extraordinary low prices forcsKh. Catalogues Mailed, HORACE Apt, 10 East 14th St., New York. P O. Ho* ')5:i0, WANTED BIBLES AGENTS contain¬ far our ing Crufleu’s Coiicot iymce and over 2U00 IJinstiTHtimis, with all the nvw features, with also for Literature, Art. and Song, over 400 engravings. These arc the books to sell for the HOLIDAYS. Bibles foj Parents, and Lltcrararo, Circulars Art nnd Long, for tho Young application people to ■■OUrmasent on CHAMBERS .t CO, J. II AllonUCly J^msgem m BUKNHAM’S JSS&grM WRRRAHTEO BEST AND CHEATS*. Prices' rc$wJ. pamphlet fre W MTV ILUH&M? Works: Christiana, Ixiiicastcr Co., Pa. Office: 93 S. C^rvrr ft ' BAITS IJTSTEtTKEHT CATAIOOUE, Our rtetc caluLopxtcot m lustrumcnts,Music,Suits, Li ,, Caps, Drum Delts,Po Majors’ uchcB.l'om- Staffs KwS if,L0STr^y 1 I pons, pon: aud I , Epaulets, Cttp Lamp?. Stands, and Out Smk'KJ }£ \ fits contains 85 pages of IlISc \ informattoi ifor musician*. I L> itullet LYON ft*<- <c. &. IIEALY A ddrc.ts IG2 State St., Chicago, IiL A week in your own town, and no capital risked. Yon can give thebusinessatrial without expense. The best [opportunity those willing over to work. offered You for I should try nothing else nn.’ til you see for yourself . what you can do at the business vre offer. Nn room to explain here. You can devote all your time or make” onlv your spare time to the business, and grt at pay for every hour that, you work. Women make as much as men.— Sen 1 for special private terms anil parlict free. uinr ' which wo mail free. 5 Outfit Don’t complain of hard limes while you have such a chance. Address II. H&uvrT & Co., Portland, Me, $ 85 to$ 5000 'rolllB l>y |*sS|:S| H-tf Nuw t*/tit*U3alifin wwk, tufH j''*’* h«m> imo 1 Fii|UX|>i.mMlnn ii«p|'Hr» fvvalcm ot n|M»mi|iuc In H AL.*»*kcia,2dL‘,uu4 - kt*. i L. \ t.ou t'j Adam.-, lilKt",« Ft., R. H. MAY Sc CO., 87 Cherry Street, Macon, Ga, Manufacturers and Dealers in WAGONS, BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, Harness, Saddles, Whips, Blinds, COLLARS ANDIIAMES, TRUNKS, TRAVELLING BAGS, LEATHER, CHILDREN’S CARRIAGES, tS~ Call and examine our stock before purchasing. Repositories—98 Cherry Street, Macon, and 208 Broad Street, Auguta. gj},, J ,T. a-TJE3E/3STSE"2" COItEACTOE AID GUILDER SA 3 ^I, SLtSrJBS DOORSd ii \mmmm ALL KINDS OF BL'ILDIN? VIATERIAL. Brick, Liine, Poster, Cement, Hair, Laths, Paints, #iii Putty, Glass, Looks, Hinges. PRICES REDUCED TO THE VERY LOWEST POINT. £sl|i ATES And PJjANS burnished for Buildings, Agent for BUFFALO WA90& . P. FITZGERALD, DEALER JN Fulton Market lleef, WHISKEY, BOOTS, SHOES, JDJX1X GOODS, ETC. Third Stftet, MACON, GA /' r 77 I : 'Zi‘:v¢o . L‘s- 17,7772; ' - 5 «ON ‘- ‘ ; fidb‘x‘fly \ \ x zxmj‘r’ni-z' .v pvw v ; (“m v4; ‘ , \ ! T. T. HAY D 0 CK, Has the largest and most complete works for the manufacture of Carriages IN THE WORLD. Buggies for the trade a specialty. CORNER PLUM AND TWELFTH STREETS, GINO INNATI, O. GEORGE. W. BURR MAXUFATUREE OF Tin & Sheet Iron Warl, I) • . ,ER INJ STOVES, CARPETS, HOLLOW-WARE, 1 IK. Y, GLASSWARE, CROCKERY, Hoi se-F-urnisln'iig (Goods, &C. t. 1. L. COOPER announces to the citizens of Fort Valley anti surrounding coiratrV, that he has sTIpply jtfrf' scoured the services of a first-class Baker, and hereafter will be able tb the demand lor kinds of Fresh Bread, Cakes. Tarts, eto* GROCERIES, Parties in need of any kind of platn or fancy Groceries will always find a gootf supply at my establishment. It is my purpose to supply my customers'ou or liberal terms as any one, and I guarantee satisfaction in goods and prices. FINE LIQUORS. radios in need of any kind of Liquors will find a good assortment at tiiy store'.’ Tobacco, Cigars, etc A fine Btock always on hand. Call and examine my goods and prices Dccl2 m Ifi COOPER*