The Fort Valley mirror. (Fort Valley, Ga.) 1871-188?, May 14, 1880, Image 2

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The Fort Valley Mirror Terms, m $2.00. S. B. BURR, Editor and Proprietor. FRIDAY... MAY 14. 18S0. A new hat is called “Solace.”- - An exchange says it is evidenty no plug. - ------ — ■ » Beast Butler is first choice, and David Davis second choice of the Greenback Labor Party of the Fourth District of Massachusetts. The Florida Republicans have passed without opposition Grant and Settle resolutions, have not yet succeeded in a nomination for Congress. The miners in Wayne comity, Ohio, tlireated a riot if the negroes employed in the mines are not dis> charged. The Governor has au¬ thorized the use of troops to pre¬ serve the peace and to protect the unfortunate negro from the hands of his Republican friends. ■ The post office appropriation bill secures an amount which puts the fast mail schedules between impor¬ tant points beyond peradventure, securing a fast mail,routc between Savannah and Jacksonville, Fir., which will be of great advantage to the mercantile interests of this city. -"•B Mr., who was recently elected to a seat in the British Par liament, is not permitted to take liis seat because he is an infidel, and refuse to take any oath or to make any affirmation that implies a recognition of God. It is said that a bill will be introduced at once in the House to provide for such cases. The New Hampshire Democrats refused to instruct their delegates to Cincinnati expect as to the two thirds rqje. It is what is termed, in the language of the day, ago ass you-plese delegation. No prefer¬ ences were expressed in the con vention, and no indication is given as to the views of the delegates concerning candidates. Attention the People Elsewhere will be seen a call from the ch’m., of tlie Democratic exec¬ utive committee of Houston Coun¬ ty calling a meeting of the commit¬ tee at Perry on the 19th inst. It is hoped the entire community will attend as arrangments will be made f or primary elections in the various precincts for delegates to attend the state convention in Atlanta on the 2t’u of June to select delegates for the national convention which meets in Cincinnati, and also for delegates to attend a second con . vention which meets in Atlanta on the 4th of August to appoint elect¬ ors and nominate a Governor state-house offices. These primary elections are the place and means of settling all mooted points. Let all democrats turn out and express their choice 011 that occasion. If youhave a pref erence for any jmticular eandidates tise a’l laudable means for his re¬ jection then or else hereafter hold your peace. An pertaining to this subject wo reprint the action of the States Democratic executive committee, and counsel observance of its action. These resolutions were adopted and are the unami moots action of the committee. Reooived, That the committee is¬ sue a call for two conventions of the Democrats of the State to be hold ia Atlanta on the 9th of June and August 4th. The first, for the purpose of selecting delegates to the Cincinnati convention—-the second for the purpose of appoint¬ ing electors and nominating candi¬ dates for governor and for state house officers. * * Resolved, That the people Georgia, in selecting their delegat¬ es to said conventions, are hereby earnestly requested to adopt such methods, satisfactory to themselves as will insure a ful 1 , free and. fair expression of tho popular choice in Selecting delegates and candidates. The committee recommend that meetings to appoint delegates to the first Thursday in June next, and the meetings to appoint dele¬ gates to the second convention bo held on AVednesday, tho 21st day of July, and in each ease that the most extensive notice practicable be given. Whereas, Tho national democrat¬ ic convention at St. Louis in 1876 referred tho question of adopting the majority or two thirds rule by the national democratic nomina¬ ting conventions to the democracy of tho Rcveral states. Resolued, That tho people in their primary assemblies, held to appoint delegates ts the first con¬ vention herein called, be, and they are hereby, requested to express their views upon this question. * • * » * • Resolved, That this committee, having in its deliberations and ac-' tion, ignored all persqpal interest and all previous estrangements and divisions among democrats, earn¬ estly calls upon tho whole party throughout the state to do likewiso overlooking or casting behind them the bitterness of their late contests with one another and uniting once more against the common antago¬ nist of their principles and their policy. Resolved, ■ That for the promo¬ tion of this end all democrats iu principle are urged to participate on an equal footing the in the primary meetings-for selection of dele¬ gates thereto. GEORGIA NEWS. Mrs. J. W. Stubbs, of Bibb county, is dead. r Mr. Thomas II. Lyons, of Savan¬ nah is dead Ed Cox has been sent to the Dade coal mines. More discoveries of gold are be ing made in North oast Geargia. A horse near Americus was killed by a bee stinging him in the mouth. Mack Hall, a Dodge coarty ne¬ gro, proposes to ram for the legis¬ lature next fall. The woodhouse and stable of Mr. Phil. Lamar, in Vineville, were burued Friday. Loss $1,- 500. Over one thousand dollars were raised in the congregation of the. Trinity M. E. church Savannah Tuesday morning as a “thank of¬ fering’’ and devoted to foreign miso sions. A calico war is being waged be¬ tween the merchants of Hawkins* viile. In consequence, calico can be bought there at five cents a yard which would cost seven and eight cents in New York. When Mr. Wadley, the veteran railroad king of Georgia, heard of the appointment of Gen. Alexan¬ der as vicepresident of the L & N, he said: “Well, Mr. Newcomb has made the best selection that Amer¬ ica afforded.” Col. R. Jeffries, of Atlanta, will deilxer the annual literary address; Rev. David Wills, D. D., Wash¬ ington eity will preach the annual sermon; and II on Samuel W. Goode ofEfuaula, Ala., will address the literary societies of Andrew Female College at Cuthbert. Toccoa News: A gentleman com¬ ing by the colored academy last Tuesday evening, saw a number of little chaps playing in the bushes— as if they were hunting for some one, using sticks for guns, when he casually asked them wliat they were doing, and received the reply: “We is playin’ rev’nue men hunting for licker.” Macox Herald; —“Our fellow cit¬ izen, Mr. B. D. Lumsden, has just returned from the gold mines of his nephew in AYliite county, Geor¬ gia. His represents that the dis¬ coveries made in developing the precious metal are very encoura¬ ging. Mr. Lumsden exhibits a number of pices of gold which were picked up during his short visit, which togenter weigh fifteen penny¬ weights. The heaviest piece weighs five penny-weight’s. The specimens are pure and contain no alloy. , The Telegraph and Messenger gives the follrwing list of sopho¬ more speakers of Mercer university Samuel Chambliss, Phi Delta, Ma< con, Ga: F B Gregory, S A E, Lumpkin, Ga; J O Hamilton, S A E. Haw kina viile, Ga; AV S Howell Phi Delta, White Plains; Huge Kilpatrick, K A, AATiite Plains; R E^Uurrow, Phi Delta, Lawtonville; P D Pollock, P D T Goosaville; J P Ross, P D T, Fort Valley; C L Vigal, Ciceronean, Hawkinsville; J B Walker, S A E, Macon, Ga; Broadus AVillingham, P D T, Ma¬ con, Ga; G WWopd, Phi Delta, AVashington county Ga. Talbotton Standard: A negro on Mr. Will Hunt’s plantation, in Marion county, was plowing a con tray mule, which became unruly and would go his own way, and in so doing went into an old well in the field about 30 feet deep, killing him instantly. On the same day and near the same time of day, Mr. Dave Crye, on a neighboring plan tation, was plowing a valuable,horse and while plowing around an old well in the field the well caved in, carrying the horse, plowstock and gear, tho bank falling fn burried them all out of sight. Mr. Crye says it was with difficulty that he escaped the same fate. F. W. HART, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN White Pine Sash-Doors and Blinds, GLAZED SASH, Moulding, Stair Railing, Newel Posts, Balusters, Window Glass, Build ji* er’s Hardware. No, 30 South Broad Street, ATLANTA, GA. f \ 126 Second Street. 12G Second Street. Winship & Callaway, OLOTHINC?! HATS 3 A large assortment of Common, Medium and Fine Suits Headquarters at prices to suit everybody-. for Shirts, Underwear, Neckwear, Umbrellas", etc, PITT If BALDWIN you wish to save with money give us a call before you -piti'cliasc. is this house WINSHIP & CALLAWAY, 126 2nd Street, MACON, smmmr mm-mABM wm&* W. JFL Manufacturer of and Dealer in all kiucld of SADDLES, HABNESS, BRIDLES, Hollars , Whips, Hits, BLANKETS, ROBES, MATS, OILS, LEATHER & SHOE FINDINGS, BUGGIES, WAGONS, Buggy and Wagon Materials, &o, New work made to order, Repair¬ I ing done, good, neat an*! cheap. respectfully refer those who are in want of anything in my line, to the numerous parties in Houston, Crawford, Bibb and surrounding who have purchased my goods. ] guarantee satisfaction in every respect. AV It. KENT, Toplar SL, Blake’s Block, MACON, GA. GASTP-WINS! ’ When you visit ATLANTA, don't go home until you have seen CHEAPEST and BEST stock of FURNITURE, Which will be found at tlie’s’ore-rooms of 85 Whitohall and 92 Broad St,., Atlanfa. Between Hunter and Mit hull. Walnut Bud room Rails at §25 to $209, AVooi Parlor f uit , $49; Silk C'otuline and Riw Silk Pari>r Suits for §100 t<> §200. Lounges and B al-Lr-unges, Sale Boards, variety, JJook-Fa«e*, Wardrobes, Ta¬ bles, Chairs. Mattresses, &o., of Cash." every purchased before the late advance, at bottom prices, for Cull anyhow and po. t yourself on low pi ice. It wll save you money. The Largest Music Store Rooms in Georgia. PHILLIPS & GREW, AStASJTA, CA. ; PIANOS From §175 to §800. HI" ■9 Z t/ ORGANS Prom $59 to §100. AVAL KNABE & Co.’S World Renowned Pianos. C. D. PEASE & (JO., the Best Moderate Priced Piano. PARLOR QKGANSfCilUROU ORGANS. S II Firfct Class Pianos ami Organs only. Sheet Music, Music Books, Sundae School Libraries and reward cards. Sunday Singing Books $3 60 | or dozen. The New Life, Welcome Tid¬ ings, Heavenly Carols, Heavenward, Gospel Hymns, 1, 2, 3, Gospel Songs, Brightest aDd Best, Pure Gold, Pure Diamonds, The Gem, Tho Ama¬ ranth, Every Sabbath, Fresh Laurels, MGody of Praise, Wreath of Gems, or any of the Singing Bonks, used for Choir, DEPARTMENT. or Sunday School. SMALL INSTRUMENT Guitars, Banjos, Aecordoons, G nil or. Strings, Violins, Flutes, Concertinas, Flageolets, Brass Instillments, Custuii' t ! , Cornet's, Tamborincs, Drums, Fifes, Music paper, Violin B -ws, II armor, hits Metronomes, . Double Basses,. Mimic -Dusks, Trimmings, Violoncellos, Dram Trimmings, "Musk: Boxes, Violin Cases, Basu Drums, Music Pons, Piano A\ 7 ire, Guitar Cases, Pitch Pipes, Tuning Forks, Musical Albums, Triangles, Claronets, Bones, Silver Cornet.--', Snare Drums, Piccolos, Zithers, Rosin, Violin Strings, Music Folios, David’s Harps, • Piano Rests, Organ Stools, ■0 Pia o Covers Piano Stools, Goods sent by Express, anywhere in the Uoulh, C. O. 1). on receipt of ad¬ vance Express charges one way, with privilege PHILLIPS of examination given, if so requested. Georgia Meigtc & CREW, Jim House, Atlanta, G;,. H. SCHAE.L & BRO Manufacturers of and Dealers in BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER, FINDINGS, &C„ - All hinds of repair worh done and guaranteed, 11 Cherry Street, Maeon, Ga. on. a rd and surrounding coun'ics will find it always give satisfaction. m cal ^ Oar trade iu that section ia largo and vve ARE YOU GOING TO PAINT ? THEN USE NEW YORK ENAMEL PAINT! Ready for use in white and over one hundred different colors, made of strictly pure White Lead, Zine nml Linseed Oil chemically comliiied, warranted much handsomer and cheaper, and to last TWICE AS LONG as any other Paint. It has taken the iirst premium at twenty of the State Fairs of the Union, and is 0:1 many thousand ot the finest houses in the country. « St. Petersburg. Pa., Jan. lotli, 1877. New York Entitnol Paint Co — Gentlemen, we have sold large quantities of speak your Enamel Paint in this section of country, and all parties having aud used mixtures the same just highly of its durability and Itaish; and they find the colors as you represent. and coot, and using There can be no better paint for exposure to heat any one once will surely- do so again. You have privilege to use oilr names for reference. Respectfully, Ciulfant Si Gi:afF. Address, MEW YORK ENAMEL PAINT GO , 178 Prince Street Sample Card Sent Free, New FOR Hammocks ; Croquet, BASE BALLS, BATS, and all seasonable goods for sport, as well as headquarters fur Pianos, Organ ? SHEET MUSIC, VIRUS?, GUITAR STRING.-, ETC. Artists’ -Rftatsriais, Wax Flower Materials, & 1 j-fc ti I 'W „ •n . n ,i> ri. • L. W. SMITH & CO., GEORGIA’, HoVston County : siisiifFs Sate. M. be gob] before the Court within the legal hours of sale, on the 1st Tuesday in June, 1333, the following properly, and Hawkinsville to wit’L. Rail¬ the Fort Valley road to wit, the right of way of from said Railroad the same extending Perry to Fort Valley in said coun ¬ ty being a distance of about twelve miles the length of said Road and being 140 yards wide, also on the road bed and all iron rails, ties, stringers, bridges, water tanks, pumps and all ether fixtures be¬ longing to and appertaining to said Road, also tho depot in Pei - - right of way of said Railroad about 6 miles from Perry now occupied by R. E. Hurst, together said with all irnprovemsuts Railroad. on right of way of said All levied on and so’d as the property of the Fort Valley and Hawkinsville Railroad to satisfy * four Executions in favor of th 0 State or said Fort Valley ana and penalties due by said Railroads to the State for the years 1874, 1875, 1876 aud 1877, stud Execu¬ tions having been issued by W. L. Goldsmith, Comptroller-General of the State of Georgia, against sail Railroad, April 23, JJUTXER. 1889. T. M Sheriff. BEST in THE WORLD ! I jjj 3 y> a ni Impure Bi-Barb iSo-Ja is of a ulitfhtljr dii-tv while c .lui-. It t.eiy appear white, examined by it,- !(] bat in comparison with Clnireh A Cn-'s-“anil arul hammsi-’t brand will show ihc uiiii r; nee. See that your -hakiu-' Sod i in while and pure, us should he ail similar substances hseit'for toed. with Housekeepers who b.-iprore p,refer bread mado yeast, null its i;■. ,itv, make it rise h !ti-r an l prevent it from souring, by adding o:><:-h«lf traRpOOnlul of Church & t.’o’s So-hi or Saicniius.— Bo ani'c and not uso too much. Tho uso ot" this with sour milk in preference to Baking * Powder, saves twenty times Us cost. information Seeoncponnl package for valuable and read carefully, SH0W1JI1S TO H'UB mm, May 7 3m, GEORGIA, W Crawford County: C Harrison has applied for exs emption of personally under Constitution and laws of and I will pass upon tho same at my office in Knoxville the 25th day May next at ten o’clock a it ness the Honorable R D Smith, Judge This of Ordinary. April 28ib, S 1880. V HOLTON, C C Ot dinary. GEORGIA, Craw ford County : Mrs. Josephine 1L administration Lowe to me for letter's of on the Estate of John W. Lowe late of I 0 ",” 1 ? % -* ‘ m Ui therefore to cite all „ per* sons corrcevncfl to show cause if nny should nut be granted.’ Witness y. a molton, C. C. Ordinary. <, m , air . £t ^ 4h3 'PotOmaO.” Peace Mini I - -■ m xo BLOCKAt-E H A I SED. The 1 °f # r,kc l, l ck "" ut V’ v ^ York v Piano faetoncs ended 1 Al fac tonf8 °P Gn - 5 000 U-ked out workmen , again at work. A new Piauo turue.l out every urn happy. Purchasers who alsqhappy. *? not n \l \\e ® oul,l nve “ hud / et a ^’ry time for the past Uv„ moutlm that pianos had to be made before be ng delivered,, and it has wo-ried us*muchly, but the “winter of our discontent” is now over, aud vve are ALL RIOHTHOW. iqmjtMmamBnmmsrm mmmaB* Back orders ■ will be fillod in a short metre, and new ones by light ning express. Our stock now °u hand is very large, aud it is only certain styles that wo have been short of. These are “coming, coming/’ 300,009 more and don’t you forget it! Best of all, read this: _____________________________________________ Present Prices Guaranteed’ ■■ .. ......... Having made new contracts with leading in innfachirers, July which bold good until 1st next, we engage to fill all orders received by that date at our present prices. what will, we shall not raise again until fall trade opens and fall prices nre^estahlished. We have advanced retail prices but a small per cent, notwithstanding the large advance in wholesale cost, and our present prices arc 'still extremely 1 jW. Buyers Can Never Bay Cheaper «re^sgj*»SB«ssSBSs«aaai*s»SBasaaiSBKMSK3S5raa> and they will lose timo and nmiir-y by waiting. AA'e have special bar gaius to offer cash buyers. New inttrumem:-!, now Send styles, Catalogues new prices, new terms. fur and' Descriptive Illustrated Price ListSj giving full information. Address LUDDEN & BATES. Savannah, Ga, Piano & Organ Dealers, 'Toe (MACON, GEORGIA,) -FOR 1880-1831. The present year is pregnant with stirring and important events. Gen¬ eral elections are to be hull for Nat ional, Statg, and county oiliees, and the interest and excitement evolved by the contest will be intense* Measuresof the most vital character, also, to the future of the Country, such he inaugurated as tho modification sought to in our system of the finance, the projected revision of the tariff, out Indian policy, etc., are to bo discussed before the people, and every intelligent The person proprietors should tako a newspaper. of the TELEGRAPH and MESSENGER are resolved to fulfill all the require¬ ments of their position by keeping abreast of tlie news of the whole world as fast as it can bo transmit¬ ted by ocean cable, or the telegraph lines of the country. They will al-> so spars no Georgia pains to advance the in-’ terests of and. the section especially ia which it so largely cir dilates, and while advocating, with all the 2eal and ability they possess, the principles of the Democratic party, will yet pursue a eonserva tiVe and moderate course upoq all quest! ns. Anew dress, just pin-chased, will make all of the ed'Amns' handsomer than ever, tour mammoth weekly contain^ sixty»four columns, and is 9-e of the best and cheapest pubis cations south of Baltimore. It will bo made even mote interesting to farmers by the addition of an” AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT, edited by General Wan M. Browse, Piofessor of History and Agricult¬ ure in the University of Georgia The terms of the Telegrami axis Messenger remain •unchanged, anti are as lollows, payable in advancer Daily, one year........... §10 00. Daily, six months........ 5 Off Semi-Weekly, Daily, three months....... 2 50 one year..... 3 Off Weekly, Semi-Weekly, six months.. 1 5ff one year........... 2 Off Weekly, six month:)........ 1 Off We rf-.peol.fully ask for a continua¬ tion of the present generous patron* ago of tho public. CLISBT & JONES , r n.’ik.a MAY amt OLD Stanchiri Womm. lies. LE(JGAT lUtOS., 3 Beekman St. Opposite Post Ctrl jo, NewYoik, SO 4\v Oa 'SO Bays Trial. Wo will send our Electro-Voltaic Ee'fft and her. Eicv tric Appliances upon trial for 30 (lays to those suffering fr in Nervous Debility, liheumidisin, 1’araly¬ sis or .my diseases. A sUyc Qufe guar an teed or no ray. Address Voltaic Marshall, Hich. »» ps, 3 Set Reodd, 2 Knefl .: X Stool, Rook, only $US.— „T - lot-lie I; roe. TroJi OaBiei F. Beatty, Y/ashington,. TAPE WORSE 1 N 7 ATXIBLY CUliED with tw > spoons of raedi- Cjno in tw'i :r thveelt mrs For parfcicuWrs, nd dinss, wita stiuop, il. FiOK.lIOIiN, No. 4 Sx. Mark’d 610,000 ON LIFE & PSOPisRTY. 1 sira our R4FETV Al’tACHMKaiX. /n\» SfaRedfivef.rfffieta. F-imfor$j, .KU X roi , AgcatsWuattdj Maleo.rPemalo. V - S. S. NEWTON’S SAFETY LAMP CO., 55 Cts. IBnohamton, if. Y. ! S-VLESKOOM, 13 WEBT Bjiuaowjlt, N. Y: t - OLD AHO RELIABLE, S |Dn. g ia standard Sanpoed’s Family Limn Remody LvvmobatobS ^5 a for ftlissas-* of the Liver, Stomach -^82 Ivegetable.-It V, Boweis.-It in Purelv ®|S ^ never F | ebi u tates _ Itia Jr,,, M jj||i 1 I 'Ka '?’'' 0 gUg, Idfil jm '] A®* k °a\ti°r \’ 5a S \-cA\V) 0 ,A 3 0°ftoV e',,ef qV^***^^ Z-AT ![ ]! $a Iw0 a ''s 1 1 ‘ c s W* 1 ' m f !>:>i $ \ U'®«i8>\A B 8 S v 8® w® U SS® | I ft I f Me® fl0to6’'*'willl! i, 1 ® AS W s> 1111; % | t e c\0 6 . 6 s M | if ^?*^The; Fv**; B * $ i i/: I W III W % ’^‘‘'’Invigoratoii has been used/ 9‘ S» pa M n m T practice] M and by the public,] }|B,S* gF", vr;th ’ or unprecedented niore than 35 ^results.]] years,] j SEND FOB CIRCULAR-]] ^.J?g^r SS.T.W. SANFORD, M.D (| A T y $ «*»««*««munumcmnznnrAjps. j v FL CCt ID i'LAti, Csmb)rt!nernri} dimmtlnc many order*. ■ *i “no van Hum lorn every mlvHiiirtgo of cnpiwl, with Utn nklllltiliiuuiAgdineiit. LiugnproHU.IlvIdort " titreetm* iiie ot ? 5 ‘* to ftO.OOn, Circular, wllh Tull «■* I'luuittioiiB . UowuRcau uucceeti t» stock titutliuga.mailcilfi^ai LAWRENCE t CO.. AS iitoaU fcjirect. Now York. amFIN j