The Fort Valley mirror. (Fort Valley, Ga.) 1871-188?, May 14, 1880, Image 4

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’ '~ . 70 '1’ r . ' ‘7 ‘4 ,o_—,‘ “0‘“; » _ .77 ,1 @W“ m‘ffla {{ . 3!; f‘ E :1” 7?. Z 7.4 $.51: 1:5i;§.xg1jrm,5{3£ 7 22M“? $1,. 1’. A; ‘ “Wwfi, rgi-r-v-"*“W-’u* mad; 2. v BACK ACRE IS AT ONCE CURED BY Benson’s Capcine Porous Plasters. IT IS THE‘ ONLY KNOWN REMEDY THAT‘ NEVER FAILS. In Every way Superior to the Ordinary,_Slow-ncting Porous Planers. TKe World for 1880. Democrats everywhe c should in¬ form themselves carefully alike ol the action of their party throughout the country and of the movements ot their Republican opponents. A failure to do this in 1870 contribut¬ ed greatly to the loss by the Democ¬ racy of the fruits of the victory fairly won at the polls. The year 1880 promises to be one of tbe most interesting and im portant years of this country. It will witness a Preside!!tiau election which may result in le-estabiisbing the Government of this country on the principle- of its constitutional founders, or in permanently chang¬ ing tbe relations of the States to the Federal power- No intelligent man indifference. can regard such an election with Tits World, as the only daily English paper pub¬ lished in the city of New York which upholds the doctrines .of con¬ stitutional the Democracy, Conservative will steadily represent conten¬ tion in this great canvass. It will do this in no spirit of servile parti¬ sanship, but temperately ami firmly. It will be as swift to rebuke what it regards ns infidelity to Democratic principles political or to (he honorable laws of conflict on the part of its foes. It will uphold no candi¬ date for office whom it believes to be unworthy of the support of hon¬ est men, and accept no platform which it believes to misrepresent or to contradict the true conditions of onr national prosperity and greatness. As a icwspaper Tiie Would, being the organ of no man, no clique and no interest, will present the fullest and fairest pict¬ ure it can make of each day’s pass¬ ing history in the city-, the State, the country "and tbe world. Its am! correspondents in the chief of life action on both sides of the ocean have been selected for their character not less than there capauis ty. It will aim hereafter, as hereto¬ fore, at accuracy first of all things in a’l that it publishes. No man, however humble, shall ever be per¬ mitted truly to complain that he has been unjustly dealt with in tho col¬ umns of The Wortd. No interest, however powerful, shall ever Le permitted truly to boast that it can the fair criticisms of The World. During tbs past year The World has seen its daily circulation trebled and its weekly circulation pushed far beyond that of any other week¬ ly newspaper in the country. This great increase has been won, as Tiie World believe*, by ttutkfulness, enterprise, ceaseless activity' in col ■ lecting to itseif news and lo and its unfaltering readers in loyalty deal¬ ing with (ho questions of the day. It is our hope and it will be our deavor that these may keep what these have won, smd that The World’s record fir 1880 may be written in (ho approbation and the soppori of many thousands more of new readers in all parts of this Indissoluble Union tf Indestructi¬ ble States. RATES. Our rates of subscription remain unchanged, Daily aud Sundays, are as fullows: and one year, §10; six months, §5.50; three mouths, $2.75.. Daily, without Sundays,one year, $8; six months, §4.25; three months, $2.25; less than three months, $1 a month. The Sunday World, one year, §2. The Monday Would, containing the Book Reviews and “College Chronicle.” one year, $1.50. Tae Semi-Weekly World (Tnes days and Fridays)—Two dollars a year. To Club Agents —An extra copy for club of ten; the Daily for club of twenty-five. The Weekly World (Wednes¬ day)—One d liar a year. To Club. Agents—An' Semi-Weekly extra copy for club of ten, the for club of twenty, tbe Daily frr club of fifty. application. Specimen number sent free on Terms-Cash invnrlbly in advance. Send pod-office money ordei, bank draft or registered letter. Bills at risk of the sender. -Address THE WORLD, 35 Patk Row, N. Y. AGF,NTS Fastest nailing \y ANTED Pictnr':il For Books the Best and and li: liti'i!, Prfct‘4 tvslu- t'd ; ,'j pel* cent. Nation*!. l’rnl.mmnu Co., 1‘tdladi. l’a A- CH01CE NEW BOOK! £S,rw. ci.U Mint GURinoBH Manual, noth &ellhu; Want'd. Win. Shor.rd, *.«Fulton ■■ GEORGIA, Crawford County: Henry C. White and valuation has applied setting apart of stead and exemption of under the Constitution and laws Georgia, and I will pass upon same at my office in Knoxville the 10th day of May next at ton o’clock a. m. Witness the Honora ble R. D. Smith, Judge of Court Ordinary. This April 12th. 1880 V. S. Holton, • C. C. Ordinary. GEORGIA, Crawford County : C. R. Hatcher, II. administrator the estate of II. Collier deceased, applies for leave to sell the real tate belonging to said estate. Tliis is therefore to cite all sons concerned to cause fore the Court of Ordinary of county within the time prescribed by law why said application should bo granted. Witness the ble R. D. Smith, Judge of Ordinary. This April 2: d, 1880. V. S. Holton. C. C. Ordinary GEORGIA. Crawford County : J, N. Mathews, Guardiau.C. B. Sueur applies for letters of sion from said trust. This is there¬ fore to cite all persons concerned to show cause before the Court nary of Said County within the prescribed by law why said tion should not be granted. ness. the Honorable R. D. Smith J udge of Court of Ordinary. This April 2nd, 1880. V. S. Holton, C. C. Ordinary. 1880 SPRING. SPRING 1880. Croquet and games for iu-door and out-door, ARCHERY! aRCHERY 11 That fascinate? game 15, 15, 15, the greatest game on earth, sent pest paid to any address extensive on receipt stock of 25 Cents. Remember my ot Piet ores, Frames. Rooks, Window Shades, Window Cornicing, and call and see me when in the city IRVINE', E. P. 4C Second Street, Macon, Georgia. * FOE SUMS. A good No. 8 GRAIN THRESH and SEPERATOR, Geisers make, mounted on 4 wheels, as gojd as new and very cheap for cash or on time with good paper. Address, M. D. STROUD. 32 St Knoxvi le, Ga. 'l ‘ ' ] IRIIHT McNuir ATTRAITIVE, GHEEIFUL . , -, Mrs. Julia. Wright’s Now Bank E m ' AUBURN POULTRY YAR ”5' g l YHE E IMPLE .' E H He “d q mm era f or fill 1 blooded Light 1 morrmonmmronmmmm r!“ ‘1 .sud Dark Bml‘EM’ Bufl' mm mm" Thu Thinxngeflencfifinwtkupeinmm 0“ lion 1: W GUIDE, :‘11131. Cochina, Brown Leghorns, Red Pyle 3 flauhxéeplng. ' «1': ‘ ‘ “Rm“vm' Egg“ “'0‘“ ““"m‘m' Fungi? vfig’z’fl’c’.axffififiiac3a§§F3er-§§'m“a.-n°r‘.‘ffi“ Oolaklns. Dxfiufi Acoldfinn.‘ BIK‘kuesl, - $2.00 for 13. Send stump t‘nr illus- ganh‘jiggsuowwmme nonemiizm‘ui "v "at“ circular. Ntoundounldaoumpxuuonl-—Chriummluomta.' “A bookotfimrommwufimywmuldam “mt . Ht.Auhllm ' Poulteru-ag, ? ‘ r WWW cwmo- NEEDED mmzm Bv mam! .. .Ju'mwm-".ga-fisazfimeaafiwmd“12;.I, m ’1‘ . 1 1 - . . AGEHI§ WAfitEglgazuffllfi’EflWé $500 REWARD For every grain of impurity or adulteration finJhd in Dixie Baking Powder. It contains no alum, am¬ monia, acid, plaster of Paris or other such articles usual in cheap baking powders, the effects of which are dyspepsia and its long train of evils. Nothing that is injurious to the most delicate stomach, in young or old. It you would have good, light, nutritious and wholesome cooking, buy none hut DIXIE BAKING POWDER. Don't be satisfied with some inferior powder because your merchant says it is just as good. He wants to sell his and has never tried thD. Manufac Hired in Macon, Ga., by Roland If Hall, Druggist. TO §0000 A Y< ar, or $5 to §20 a day in your own lo No risk. Women do as well as men. Many make more than the amount stated above. No one can fail to make money fast. Any one can do the work. You can make from 50cfs. to §2 an hour by' devot ing your evenings and spare time to the business. It costs nothing to try the business. Nothing like it for money making ever offered before;— Business pleasant and strictly hon¬ orable. Reader, if you waut to know all about the best paying bus¬ iness before and the public, send us your full address we will send you particulars and private terms free ; samples worth §5 also free; you can thou make up your mind for yourself. GioomS tinson k Co., Portland, Maine. WANTED AGENTS fjr our JHBLE 8 contain¬ ing Cruden’s Concordance and over 2000 Illustrations, with all the now features, also for Literature, Art and Son^, with 400 engravings. These are the books to sell t'.»r tin* HOLIDAYS. Bibles t'oi Barents, arid Literature, Art and Son", for tire Young lYnple Circulars mult eminent 4. M on C11A.MBEU8 a|>i>li< atinu to & CO, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. GEO. S. OBEAR, 92 CHERRY STREET, —WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN¬ CROCKERY, CHINA, GLASSWARE, CHANDELIERS, HALL LIGHTS, LAMPS, ETC., TABLE CUTLERY, POCKET CUTLERY, KITCHEN KNIVES, TIN-WARE. AGATE IRON WARE. JAPANNED TIN-WARE WOODEN WARE, WILLOW WARE, BASKETS, ETC. STOVES OF ALL KINDS. Agent for Excelsior Hot Blast Cook Stoves. Send in your orders. Cull and see me. Special inducements offered to merchants. 33 tf. SCHOFIELD’S (RON WORKS MACON, GEORGIA. MANUFACTURERS OP PORTABLE AND STATIiffi STEAM ENGINES §team Boilers, Cotton Presses, Cane Mills, Saw Mills, And all kinds Agricultural macinery. Write for prices or call on S. B. BU-RR, at Fort Valley, who will communicate with us. 33 tf J. S. SCHOFIELD, Proper. FarirGrlMSlre CEO, W. BURR, 81 CHEllRY STREET, . Macon,, &©org!« 2 « MANUFACTURE OF TIN AND SHEET ISON WARE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Stoves, Grates, Hollow Ware, fill mj 9 Tin ware* Glass Wars, CROCKERY, WOODEN WARE, WILLOW WARE, SILVER PLATED WARE, LAMPS, AGATE IRON WARE, BRUSHES, DUSTERS and HOUSE FUR¬ NISHING GOODS. Victor Ranges, Utility Cook Stoves® - o- I respectfully aud cordially invite tLe public to call and examine my and stock and prices. Having advance bought prices, tny goods from first hands, iu persons, before tbe recent in I can oficr inducements to tho. e wishing to purchase. Respectlully GEO. W. BURR, 81 Cherry Street, M aeon, Ga Sign of the Big Coffee Pot. T. a-ITEROsrSIEi-X’, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER SASH* BMMBiB IIB BOORS. i B UMS W MW> ALL KINDS OF BUILDIN? MATERIAL. Brick, Lime, Plaster, Cement, lfair, Laths, Paints 5 Oils Putty, Glass, Locks, Hinges. PRICES REDUCED TO TIIE VERY LOWEST POTNT. ESTI AXES And PLANS FurnisFted for Buildings. Agent for BUFFALO WAGON. «aw, , s, . Amway _, <2.» , . T Ezmjfgmfl." 3%fixlghfimfl—ig‘: ”v ““323; .\ \ y raw 7 3 ‘4] .: ; ' .x ‘ "T ‘ ‘— ' mi: 1‘81.-\ - ' - ‘ . .1.- ‘ v - »-— -. . "rsr. HAYDGCK, Has thé largest and most compiete works for the manufacture of Carriages IN THE WORLD. Buggies for the trade y specialty. ~ CORNER PLUM AND TWELFTH STREETS, sat: GINO INNATI, O . Chicago Ledger. Established 1873. The Leading Literary Paper of tiie West. Only $1.50 a Year. $ 1 ' C21 proaching established The year The Ledger of Chicago its the existence, in cl' the so winter of having the in of now s»vonth 1873. been ap¬ A Year. was started by its prea ent conductors with some misgiv¬ ings as to the success of the enter¬ prise.* Many literary ventures of a kindred character had been made in the Western metropolis, and miser¬ ably failed. The sea of journalism CFl stranded was strewn newspaper with tho enterprises. wrecks tt Others that were living, but strug¬ gling have for a precarious existence, A Year. and since yielded to inevitable fate to-day gone down, leaving The Lkdgkb the only weekly story-paper printed in Chicago. The Ledger has not attained tha piano of success upon which it now 09 .50 solidly directed rests without earnest, well effort. Its conductors have labor id earnestly and persistently not to -nakc it an excellent lit y join \ bnt also to in..:; the A Year. ! wikv: awl guain.ted vhousands with it. "os ui -,u of dol - xti Dftvc been expended in bringing ES it* t* merits to tho attention of the reading has been public. In fact, The Ludgeb the most exteusiveiy-ad ver rtised newspaper in the West. c. Tht The publishers have a feeling of 'j pride at the success that has afc ■ Sif | tended first-class their literary efforts to build tho up a paper in cap. A tgihal fe§i city of tho West. The ciroula tion i already largo, is rapidly grow M I Cut i fbg will *Dd bo not by less the than 1 st day 23,000. of January The eh ■8 publishers do not mean to relax their efforts to make Tub Ledges ? tho best weekly newspape er in the 09 Cl 1 \ j ■ West, work, will and usefulness. still and but further during intend the to incroase perseve coming * its re month® in value the : The weekly contents of The Ledq A Year. •j rr novels, and embrace, Family several Doctor in short addition department, stories; to its a Home serial em¬ bracing letters from women of ex pern ieueed heads and hands,on house hold and kitchen economy, home IO a children, adornment, and the recipes managem for the ment euro of of many of tho ills to to which which flesh is heir; r; a a Young Folks’ department; a • Year departaient iartment devotod devotod to to Current Current Lifc- Lit n eon^isting°felioice ©xecrpte S liflc department, giving the latest H § intelligence Iu regard to newdiscov cries, mechanical inventions, etc.; SI r also biographical sketches, historio a papers, travels, poetry, and a mas® u of short articles on miscellaneous it topics. -1 ADDRESS A YearJ THE LEDGER, Chicago, III. Subscriptions to the THE CHICAGO LEDGEK will he received at this oilier-. UNPRECEDENTED BARGAINS IN PltNOSMOSGANS ^ Days/ For the next 60 Before Our Advance in Prices. Pianos $140 to $400 All new, nnd strictly first-class, and prices, sold direct at tho lowest net cash -wholesale factory to the purchaser. These Pianos made one of tho finest displays at the Centennial Exhibition, and was unani¬ mously recommended for tho HIGHEST HosOHSi The Square Gran da contain IWATHUSHSK’S Navr Patent Duplex Overstrung Scale, which, ia acknowledged by tho highest musical authori¬ ties to bo tha greatest improvement ever put into a square Piano, producing tho most astonishin g power , richness and depth of tone, and a su staining singing quality atitv never before attained, being a “Grand Piano IN A St quake Case.” THE MENDELSSOHN UPRIGHTS ARE THE FINEST IS AMERICA. All They Pianos ara pronounced tho “rianoa of the Future.” our arc mado entirely by ourselves at our MANUFACTORY, Nos, 490,492,494,496 & 498 West 57th St., 853,860,862,864,866,863 & 870 10th Ave. [Now Originally the finest and ono of tho largest ia the world.] establishc iblished in 1842, over '06 years ago, being among tho few makes kes of Pianos which hayo stood tho test of time. OVER 19,000 IN TJSE. Every Plano fully -warranted for five years. Wo aro now making all our Pianos entirely of VULCANIZED LUMBER. The Greatest Discovery of tho Ages. Wood rendered imperishable, shrinking, shrinking, checking eh sorbing; moisture as vulcanized rubber. The in¬ creased hardness and toughness of the wood produces a resonance of tone truly wonderful. The proces® ©f vulcanizing 1 is done by machinery establish ed a t crar facto try, and we have tho exclusive control of the patent for Piano making, which, together with our ot her patents and improvements, including Ma thushek’a Duplex Overstrung Scale, render oar Pianos in every respect, the BEST and FINEST in the WORLD I In the grand results of strength, durability, reliability, volume, nnd ability for standing in tune* sweetness, power, sympathetic resonance, and singing brilliancy, quality of tone, evenness throughout tho entire scale, finish, delicacy and elasticity of touch and beauty of tho MBNDEL88OHN “ Piano stands without an Equal Pianos sent on trial. Don’t fail to writo' for Ulus trated and Deacriptivo Catalogue ci 48 pages—mailed tree. THE MENDELSSOHN JUBILEE ORGANS Are the Best in the World, Sitop at prices f4b below any other first-class make. A« organ for only $65, including 'all the greatest, latest and best improvements, possessing power, depth, brilliancy, brilliancy, and and sympathetic sympathetic quality quality of of tone. tone. Beautiful Beautiful •olo effects and perfect stop action. All cases of solid walnut, in beautiful designs and elegant finish. All Pianos nos and and Organs Organs warranted warranted for for five five years, and sent on fiftee sen days’ test trial—freight free if unsatisfactory. Bend Bend for for circular—mailed circular free, SHEET MUSIC, hal| price, Dollar’s worth at ono-tliird of price. Catalogue of 1,600 select pieoei ®ent on receipt of 8c. stamp. Address, HENBELSSOHN PIANO CO., 21 East 15th Street, N. ?. JLmmmm m BURKHAKPS VJABKARTEQ BEST AkD CHEAPEST w'umssDFPffl Prices I'wnphl'l free ' Vfovtis: hemvanter Co.. f\x. Oljloe: V.i S. fit* V-- *~ A wi-ck in your Mvn town and no capital risked. Von uini give the business a trial .without expense. The best opportunity tliosa ever offered for I .should willing nothing to work. else You try up. til yon see for yonrself what you can do at th business we offer. No room to explain here. „You can devote all your time or only your spare time to (ho business, and ihnko great pay for every hour that you work, Women maki as much ns men 80 ml for special private terms iuiiI partici u’nrs which we mull free. S Outfit free. Don’t complain of hard times while you imve sit' li , clianee. Address XI. U.un’TT & Co., i’oitlau'l, Mo PHOTOGRAPHS. T- B. Blacksliear, No. 13 Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga Announces to the public that he has just returned from New York, where he has secured all the latest improvements in Photography, and is prepared to make all styles of Pictures at most reasonable rates. Particular attention given to COPYING OLD PICTURES, Enlarging and painting in Pastel, Oil or Crayon, An inspection of our work is all that is necessary and we invite the public to call and view onr Gallery, where can bo seen some of the finest pictures ever taken. Satisfaction guaranteed in every particular. be AY hen and you call come to Macon, sure on us. T. B. BLA.CKSHEAR. R. D. SMITH. M. D STROUD. Smith & Stroud: ATTORNEY AT LAW, KNOXVILLE GA. 5 . Courts Col ; a specialty. ,1, l{. miEMAN't A-ttorney at BYRON, HOUSTON COUNTY, GEORGl A. ABW/'ILL give prompt and speeia * * attention to all business trusted to my care. Uar-14-ly JUST OUT. HOOD'S GEE T OF THE WAS. Personal Experiences in United State and Confed¬ erate States Armies : By Genera! J. B, HOOD, Late Lieutenant-General Confeder Hiates Auny, published for THE HOOD Ophan Memorial Fund BY Genera! G, T. BEAUREGARD, New Orleans 1880. The entire proceeds arising front the sale of this wo'rk are devoted to The Hood Orphan Memorial Fund, which is invested in United States Registered Bonds for the nurture, care, support and education of the ten in fan rs deprived oi their paren s last summer at Now Orleans, (the melancholy incidents of which sml bereavement are still fresh in the public mind.) elegant The book is 3n octavo, Containing 3G0 pages, with a fine photograph likeness and a line steel engraving, made expressly for thin work, four large maps of battle fields, bo ud in bmdsome Gray English Cloth, atthveo dollars, or in a fine Sheep binding, wiSi fifty Marble edge, three dollars and cents— in Half Bond Morocco, Library style, lour dollars, or in bi-t Levant Turkey Morocco, full gilt sides and edges, five dollars. On the receipt from any person remitting by mail or express, ot the am amt in a registered le tor or by a postal order, bank draft, ot cluck, a copy will he immediately sent free of postage, register ed as second class matter. Tbe volume is published in the best style of typography, on elegant paper, with illustraiio-s, executed as highest specimens of art. The author, the subject, it the pur¬ pose all alike render worthy a place in every lsbrary.—on shelf every desk—or upon Ilia b tk every house in tho country. Agents, wan ted in every town and county in the United .States, and r, preference will b> given t honora liachargetl ■ " : s from ' the To the iadieu, who foci a to express their sympathy with Hood Orphan Memorial Fund, the sale of this book among their ot friends, will afford an way of contributing substaneial to so deserving a cause. For terms, rales to agents, address with full particulars, 1 Gen. G. T. Beauregard, , Publisher, On behalf of the Hood fund. New Orleans, La. M. L.' COOPER aunour.cea to ffie citizens of Fort Valley and sr.rroundinffconntrv, that lie has just secured the services of a first-class Baker, and hereafter will be able to supply the demand for kinds of Fresh. Bread/ Cakes. Tarts, etc :o: GROCERIES. Parties in need of any kind of platn or fancy Groceries will always find a go supply at my establishment. It is my purpose to supply my oustomers on liberal teiins as any one, and X guarantee satisfaction ill goods and prices. FINE LIQUORS. Parties in need of any kind of Liquor* will find a good assortment at'uiy store Tobficco, Cigars, etc A fine Stork always on hand. Call nnd examine m.v goods and price* Dccl2 m im cooper. Mrs. Mary Persons Will open her SCHOOL! —AT TUE— Female Seminary — ON— leMay January 12, 1880. Charges for advanced scholars, $2.50 Intermediate department, 2.00 1.50 Primary department, Mrs. M. A. JVIathews will continue in charge of the music department as before. Nothing possible shall be left undone for the advancement, in every particular, of all pupils entrust¬ ed to' my care. Mrs. MABY PERSONS, Principal. Jau. 1, 1880. FORT VALLEY Male Seminary. The undersigned would respect* fully go. notice that the spring session of this institution will begin on Monday Jan. 12th, and continue twenty-four weeks or six scholas. tic months. The course of study will be thor., ough, the discipline firm, and all the interests of pupils carefully guarded. The patronage of the public generally is urgently solicited. Tuition due when called tor, »fter the end of each scholastic month, at the following rates : month. Primary class, §2.20 per Intermediate, 3.20 “ “ Higher, 3.70 The above include all charges for incidentals. Parlies desiring board may be ac¬ commodated others resonable with the principal and at rates. R. V. Forrester, A. M. Jan. 2nd, 1880. Principal. A HOUSEHOLD NEED! A book on Malarial Diseases and Liver Complaints, sent New York fuek. City. Address Dr. Sanford, 162 Broadway, 3U4w W. €. WINSLOW, ^Attorney at I^aw, FORT VALLEY, - - GEORGIA A PARTICULAR business intrusted attention to his given care. to Wilt all practice in all the courts ot the State when desired. A, C. RILEY, Attorney at Law> FORT VALLEY, GA, Office at Planters Bank. Special attention given to the collection of claims and prompt returns made. Will practice in all JJie courts. PERRY HOTEL, PERKY, HOUSTON COUNTY, GEORGIA T. M. BUTNER, Proi-kietOB. The proprietor announces to tbe trav J 11 g public best that he is prepared' ,er aiu in the manner, at very: .asonabl rates, both man amt Coast. The patron of the public is solicited, and satisfaa on smarauieed OAFS, FOR Ladies and Gentlemen, Mulberry St„ Macon, Ga., The public is informed that at my Cafe on Mulberry- Street, they can at all times find Meals, of Fish, Oysters, Steak, Mutton, Pork, Yeal, Birds, Ham and Eggs, &c., at 25 cents. Sandwiches at ID cents. To par this ies will spending tho day in Macon, be a convenience. Special attention Ac, given to Wed¬ dings, Parties, a fine lot of Cakes, Fruits, Nuts, &e., always on hand. E, ISAACS. Headquarters FRUIT JARS COHANSEY METAL TOP, COHANSEY GLASS TOP, MASON IMPROVED, PORCELAIN LINED, CELEBRATED GEM, CELEBRATED GEM, St 1 ml for Circulars. Lowest pri¬ ces to the trade. Special Figures for 25 to 100 gross lots. O. F, HAYNES &, CO., Jobbers and Importers, E-tablisbed 1858. Baltimore, Md. week, mtotSMKWISSSS and pays!niiu«-u«e profit* l tlio New Cnpltallzatlo* y System ol op-rating Baowi; 1:> stock k C»., a. Full explanation euappilca* tiou to 1DAK8, Bankers, 28 Broad Sl.,N. V .