The Fort Valley mirror. (Fort Valley, Ga.) 1871-188?, June 25, 1880, Image 4

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A Perplexing Problem, Wantkd.— Throe competent men to fill vacancies on the editorial staff of the Oil City-Daily 'Derrick. The sad circumstances which called out the above advertisement are as follows: In yesterday's edi¬ torial column appeared a notice that a man named Shores had mar¬ ried his step-daughter, who was al¬ so his cousin, being an uncle's daughter, by bis (Shores’) deceased wife's former marriage. The city editor thoughtlessly asked: ‘What relation would the children by this marriage, and their children sus¬ tain to the parents?' The whole force attempted to solve the prob¬ lem, with terrible results. ‘In the first place,’ said the city editor, ‘the children would be their father’s and mother’s second cous¬ ins; and their grandfather would be their grand uncle by their father’s side, while then- grand mother would bo their grand aunt and also step-mother, as well as their fath¬ er’s wife, hence they’d be their own children—Gracious ! twice nothing or nothing and two to carry !'■ And then he tried to stab himself with a copy hook. The night editor said: ‘As he married his wife’s daughter, the mother is sister to her own chil¬ dren, and her husband must be their brother-in-law, and if he’s their brother in law, being also a cousin to his wife, her children are his second couins, and he must be a cousin, and being liis own cous¬ in he must have been also his cous ins, and his uncles and his aunts— and so do his cousins, and his un¬ cles and his aunts—and so do liis cousins and his —■ And right here it became necessary to fasten the night editor into his chair, where he sits wildly repeating, ‘and so do his uncles, and his cousins and his aunts,’ a hopeless idiot. Then the editor attacked it, and in two minutes he made the chil¬ dren their own mothers in-law, and one of them he declared was her own grandmother, after which he was delivered up to the police for safe-keeping. The problem was taken up by the “comps,” and in half an hour every man was sitting with staring eyes, figuring with his finger on the back of his hand, and Shores had married his great grand¬ mother without a license, while devil jumped out the window, der the impression he was his own ancestor A market gardener had a very fine cow that was milked week after week by hired men. He observed that the butter weighed about a pound more on each alternate week. He watched the men and tried the cow after they had finished milking but always found there was no milk left in the teats; He finally asked the Scotch girl who took care of the milk if she could account for the difference. ‘Why, yes,’ she says When Jim milks lie says to the old cow, ‘So! my pretty miiley, sot’ But when Sam. milks he hits her on the hip with the edge of pail and says, ‘Hist, yon old •There’s a passage of scriptur, bruddern, that’s impressed me much, very much ; I’ve thought on't, and I'm alluz thinking on’t. I disremember just whar it is, and, ez fur that matter, just what it is ; but you can’t tell how much of sol lis'it is to me on my journey through this vale o’ tears. Before Fannie Fern married James Part on, she wrote in a de¬ scription of Broadway: ‘Here comes James Parton who doesn’t believe in the deviL’ George D. Prentice, of the Louisville Journal, copied it, and added : ‘Ah Fanny, that was before he married, are you sure he don’t believe in the devil now f The latent yarn about fast time is to the effect that on a certain road a youngster put his head out of the car window to kiss his girl good-bye, when the train pulled out so rapidly that he kissed an old African female at the next station. The career of the unsuccessful dramatist—‘AH work, aud no play.’ The politician's doom follows hard upon his boom. The battles of the union—fight between husband and wife, Man cannot add one cubit to his own statute, but ho can make a horse stall. Toldyouao is dhc of the most khowing men in the country, though ti be suro he is a lit 1c late. Tho jockey leans on a 2:40 gait. And tlie candidate leans on a dele¬ gate. Freckles are not so bad, It is Slid that one girl does not object to suing them on another girl’s fa e. How Watches are Made. ft will l>e apparent to any one, who examine a Solid Gold Watch, that from the necessary thickness for tion of the and precious polishing, metal a large used, is propor¬ need¬ ed only to stiffen and hold the engraved in place, and supply the neces¬ sary solidity and strength. The sur¬ plus gold is actually needless, so far as utility and beautv aro^coneerned. In ‘ James boss’ patent gold WATCH CASES, this WASTE of precious metal is overcome, and the same solidi¬ ty AND stheXotii produced at from one third to one half of the usual cost of solid cases. This process is of the most simply nature, as follows: a plate of niekle composition metal, has specially plates adapt¬ of ed to the purpose, two soLn> gold soldered one on each side. The three are then passed between polished steel rollers, aud the result is a strip of heavy plated backs, composition, bezels, from which the cases, centres, &c., are cut, shaped by suitable dies aud formers. The gold in these case is suffi¬ ciently' thick to admit of all kinds chasing, engraving and enamelling: the engraved cases have been carried until worn perfectly smooth by time and use without removing the gold. MADE THIS Id THE ONLY-CASE Wmr TWO ELATES OF SOLID GOLD. AND WARRANTED BY SPEC¬ IAL CEItTI FICATE. For sale by all Jewelers. Ask Illustrated Catalogue, and to see warrant. F DR. LASCELL’S ENGLISH ITS! unlike REMEDY, the many so-called prepam tions for thi- disorder which only relieve while used by the patient. Cures perma¬ nently 1 and has been endorsed in this re speet for llie past 20 years by the leading medical authorities in Europe. No charge made to give it a fair test, as Dr, Lasccl les undertakes to send each suffering ap¬ plicant a Free Post package Office address on their forward- his Sole name and to Agents for the U. S- and Canada. Messes slocum & Co-, No. 4 Cedar St., New York 4w 17-STOP ORGANS ■nos, $193 to $1,600. Midsummer: offer Illustrated Free. Address Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, N. Y. E B TREAT First-class in Subscription County. Books, Stoady wants work one or more best Agents every and terms. 4vr There is no greater Blood-TV-rifiing aud LipkGiving I’bincipI.E in the world of medicine than MALT BITTERS, pro ESr’Cr’OSLSS^a Hops. It is a Perfect Renovator of g5s*raarsass» s»~ hardens the muscles, quiets the nerves, perfects digestion, cheers the mind, and vitalizes with new life every fluid of the body, It is so, because it strikes at the root of all debility—ENFEEBLED 4)1 GESTION aud IMP0VE3ISHED BLOOD. Sold everywhere. 4w Our drug stores are now supplied with * ; Malt Bitters,” the new Food Medicine which has done so much good and comes to us so highly recommended. doctors’ Try it.— It may save y oa heavy bills. 4vr AGENTS WANTED For the Best and Fastest selling Pictorial Books and Bi¬ bles. Prices reduced 33 per cent. National Publishing Co., Philada. Pa A week in your own town and no capital risked. Yon can give the business a trial without expense. The best opportunity ever offered for those willing nothing to work. Yon should try else nn. til yon see for yoursel what you can do at Ihf business wc offer. No room to explain here. You can devote all your time or only your spare time to the business, and make great pay lor every hour that you work. Women make as much as men.— Send'for special private terms and partici ulars which we mail free. 5 Outfit free. Don’t complain of hard times while you have such a chance. Address II. Hallett & Co., Portland, Me Notice to Debtors and Creditors GEORGIA, Houston County: All persous having demands against the estate of Dr. W. H. Hollinshead dec’d, late of said county, ave hereby noiilied and required to pieseuttbem properly attested, to the undersign¬ ed, within the lime prescribed by¬ law, and all persons indebted to said deceased are hereby required to under¬ make immediate payment to the signed. H. C. HARRIS', Adm’r. May 8th, ’80. 6w. GUARDIAN’S SALE. GEORGIA, Ciuwfobd County : ■ Agreeably to an order of court to Mrs. S dlie L. Colyer Guardian of E Andrews, minor, I will sell as the prope rty of said minor, on the first Tuesday in July next, within thelo ga! hours of sale, before tho court house door in the town of Knoxville, Crawford county, the undivided half-interest in one house and lot in the town of Knoxville said county, to wit: said house and lot bounded on North by Stembrige, East by Spil lers, on South by Street running out of tlie town and by tlie jail,, and on the West by the court house, con tains IT acres, more or less. SALLIE L. COLYER, Guardian. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. SUMMER LAW LECTURES (nine weekly), begin 8th July, 1880, and end 8tli Septenuler. Have proved of signal use,—1st, to students at this or other Law School; 2d, to those who propose to read private; and 3rd, practitioners who have not had the advantage of system¬ (P. atic instruction. For circular apply O. University of Va.) to John B. Mnrolt, l’tof. Com. and Stat. Law. GEORGIA, Crawford County ; S. R. Harrison has applied for setting apart and valuation of home stead aud exemption of personalty laws under the Constitution and o' Georgia, and I will pass upon the same at iny office in Knoxville, ou the 21st day ot June next, at ten o’clock a. m. Witness the Honorable R. D. Smith Judge of Court of Or¬ dinary. This Mav 24th, 1880. V. S. HOLTON, C. C. Ordinary. Physician $ Surgeon, HOT SPRINGS, ■> ARKANSAS. [President Board of lioultli.] Forintrly of Ucua>de>, Mokboe Ooukty, Gko- GEORGIA, Ck.uvt.okp County: O.-B. Hatcher, administrator of the estate of H. II. Collier deceased, applies for leave to soil the real es¬ tate belonging to said estate. * This is therefore to cite all pier sons concerned to' -bow cause be¬ fore the Court of Ordinary of said county within the time prescribed by¬ law why said application should not bo granted. Witness the Honora¬ ble R. D. Smith, Judge of Ordinary. This April 2:.d, 1880. V. S. Holton. C. C. Ordinary GEORGIA, Crawford County : J. N. Mathews, Guardian C. B. Le Sueur applies for letters of dismis¬ sion from said trust. This is’there¬ fore to cite all persons concerned to show cause before the Court of'Ordi nary of said County within the prescribed by law why said tion should not be granted. ness the Honorable It. D. Judge of Court of Ordinary. This April 2nd, 1880. V. S. Holton, C. C. Ordinary. in the WORLD. 175673 NEW and OLD Standard Works in Every Department of Litevuture A1 most given away. Catalogue of Gener¬ al Literature and fiction free. Immense inducements to Book Clubs and Libra¬ ries. LEGO AT BROS.. 3 Beckman St. Post Office, NcwYork, 30 4w On 30 Pays Trial. We will send our Electro-Voltaic Bolts and oilier Electric Appliances upon trial for 30 days to those suffering from Nervous Debility, Rheumatism, Paraly¬ sis or any diseases. A sure Cure guar anteed or no nay. Address Voltaic Belt Co.. Marshall, Mich. H jljfV.S \piANO.Vstool Set^Reeds, Coaiilf 2 Knee lAihk is if to $1600. Illustrated Cutu g e ree. Address Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, N j AGENTS WAXTKD For the Best and Faslest ** Selling Pictorial Books.and Bibles. Prices re¬ duced 33 per cent. National Publishing Co., Phila¬ i ’a. -v-jxV ’ TYT-rv-v-. wr - _ jLialr£l _ W U1C ill infallibly cured with two spoons of mein ' „■*?AbVz!?w imlwui "iSEG2gJS?9£5SSP' pn „ A re .m» -.v«„t-a.::» s. s. kewtox s sArarmLirr co., ,. * vts. I ..V,y ijwkbi ..-.i ‘ H ‘ "YHEE'EfiHiTE Mrs. ‘ Julia BRIGHT lhch’air ATTRACTIVE, “'riaht’u GHEERFUL. Now fifi’afigé Book. ‘ 3 ,2 m m ' Aug mi FOUL N Y Y. m ns‘ ‘ 4 FullofPRACTXOAL " ETOML‘LTION. a 2 ' h; Hen d quarters for fullbloodud Lxght Tho younp; gouwkwvc” army, ("‘1 3nd Dark Brahmas, Buff and Black 53?!!98-KMN'A8- I ThoExperiencod fioune-Kcemr’u FREE“. :3: - 2;. $9? Cochins, Brown Leghorns, Red P'yxg i ;‘ §-£}n?f§‘2}o‘&3‘r7,‘§$lfi;vz, ‘x Otfil’t‘inrgvfi mu:n.3‘...1m?..afo$‘..< ,.1-,I Prrafi ficahfiwzi .rL-VL‘....I'\', :r1MI an‘njrwt, g;"’,.jtj"‘f_ ‘~,I~';‘. Gamesmtc. Eggs from all vanahea, .. ~ .- x ’3‘» _. 52.00 for 13, Send stamp for mug. ‘1 SEEM???" b‘lf.hmakor‘zimr-apmctlcnlutglfyiwli: how 1:. make mu 110m: geh'avn. iii...r.L:.:E tiara”, Ls. 3 tmted circular. ’ " ’ MLAubuI-nl’oulteranis, " c nun ow. stciquzuuo .L- 'm,,: ncd‘ . : t, » ggEEBEg £2.2‘L'3‘i5éiififfigET»! . .1. , 5' 1: '11" ' ; y,‘ t 33 -.~..-. MCMXLLAN 51., annmmx. 0. el-w.‘-:ux' ‘inwzwfllxlm ILI:\A",~; , " trunn‘iaonun‘vcfimrelfie‘vso ' 111;“. - . ‘ _‘ . , - AGEHTS WAHTFD’Jborwcmvm - mnvrwm .m .' p WI .~ 4» .‘1 Mean J.GML’M‘I db ca.l’;2uac£;he;zr H ' , l $500 REWARD For every grain of imparity or adulteration found in Dixie Baking Powder. It contains no alum, am monia, acid, plaster of Paris or other snob articles usual in cheap baking powders, the effects of which * i dyspepsia and its long train of evils. Nothing that is injurious to the most delicate stomach, in young or old. It you would have good, light, nutritious and wholesome cooking, buy none but DIXIE BAKING POWDER. Don’t be satisfied with some inferior powder because your merchant says it is just as good. He wants to sell his and has never tried tbi’. Manufac¬ tured in Macon, Ga., by Roland B Hall, Druggist. TO 80000 A Y< ar, or 85 lo §20 a day in your own lo No risk. Women do as well as men. Many make more than the amount stated above. No one can fail to make money fast. Any one can do the work. You can make from SOcts. to $2 an hour by devot ing your evenings and spare time to the business. It costs nothing to try the business. Nothing like it for money making ever offered before.-— Business pleasant and strictly hon¬ orable. Reader, if you want to know all about the best paying bus¬ iness before tho public, send send us your full address aud wo will you particulars and private terms free ; samples worth 85 also free; you can then make np.yom- mint! for yourself. GeiBigb Stinson <fc Co., Pur;! n !. Maine. FOR AGF.N I S f jy .-.iir lllllUOS eontaiu Crudou’s Coucoidance and over 2<I(K> with all the new features, also for Literature, Arl and Song, with over 400 engravings. These are tho books to sell for the HOLIDAYS. Bibles fei Parents, and Literature, Art and Song, for the Young People Circulars and ,er julent ■J. li on (JHAMtlEliS upp’lcntlon to & CO. AllantkGy Hous^nmNisma goods. »• GEO. S' OBEAR, 92 CHERRY STREET, -WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN¬ CROCKERY, CHINA, GLASSWARE, CHANDELIERS, HALL LIGHTS, LAMPS, ETC., TABLE CUTLERY, POCKET CUTLERY, KITCHEN' KNIVES, TIN-WARE, AGATE IRON WARE, JAP\NNED TIN-WARE WOODEN WARE, WILLOW WARE, BASKETS, ETC. STOVES OF ALL KINDS. Agent for Excelsior Hot Blast Cook Stoves. Send in your orders. Call, and see me. Special inducements offered to merchants. 33 if. SCHOFIELD’S IRON WORKS MACON, GEORGI. MiOffUPAGTUEEKS OF PORTABLE AND STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Steam Boilers, Cotton Presses, Cane Mills, Saw Mills, And nil kinds Agricultural macinerv. Write for prices or call on 33 S. tf B. BURR, at Fort Valley, who will communicate with us. J S. SGHOFIISIaXJ, Prop ? 3?. Farmer Grl (M Stoves fc CEO, W. BURR, 81 CHERRY STREET, Macon, Georgia. MANUFACTURER OF TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Stoves, Grates, Hollow Ware, Gallery, Tin Ware, Class Ware, CROCKERY, WOODEN W '.RE " LO W V -.hi! SILVER PLATED agate iron ware, bi;iliie-- , DUSTERS ami*HOUSE FUR¬ NISHING GOODS. Vcitor Ranges, Utility Gaok Stoves* I respectfully and cordially invite the public to call and examine mi¬ stook aud prices. Having bought my goods from first hands, in persons, and before‘the recent advance in piiccs, I can offer inducements to tho e wishing to purchase. Respeetlully GEO.W. BURR* 81.Cherry Street, Macon, Ga Sign o£ tlie Big Coffee Pot- rr. G-uiEiRziisr sey, fH OITRACTOR AUD BUILDER SASH? BlalMBS AID DOORS. fir it sal mm nu—TT-F* ALL KINDS OF. BUILDING MATERIAL. Brick, Lime, Plaster, Cement, Hair, Laths, Paints 3 Oils Putty, Glass, Locks, Hinges. PRICES REDUCED TO THE VERY LOWEST POINT. ESTI ATES And PLANS Furnished for Buildings. Agent for BUFFALO WAGON. V ?“W'rsi : _ ' ‘ fir? "1,i17)5}‘.,/1:¢;;i; , 77 7V ‘ - :m. ‘22:. fis‘fi“ i , {$27 - 7. .A . - ’., * ' "V I ‘ $1"?th ,:.: 1:1 1:; ’ a. M&‘Vifi'fl-‘V s’g‘g’lmdég’fiv‘ Fa“ 25 X-w- “~‘ ““Vég" ‘ ’4’ - 4%“ ‘ {x 5:1; \. ,3- , [7" :. ;. "‘ .2: ‘- 2-5;. 7‘ 72.,i—M‘s $.19?" 'T.T.‘HAYD‘OCK, . ‘ Has the largest and most complete works fer the :mszacture of Carriages IN THE WQRLD- ZBuggies for fihe traug a specialty. CORNER PLUM AND, ' "‘ "TWELFTHW§TREETS, " ‘ ‘ ' 2m GINO , INJQZAJI‘I, ..,, O. v . PHOTOGRAPHS. T- B- Blaekslieaib No. 13 Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga Announces to the public that he just returned from New York, ha has secured all the latest in Photography, and prepared to make all styles of al most reasonable rates. Particular attention given to COPYING OLD PICTURES, Enlarging and painting in Pastel, Oil or Crayon, An inspection of our work is all that is. necessary and we invite tbe public to call and view our Gallery, where can bo seen some of finest pictures ever taken. Satisfaction guaranteed in particular. When you come Macon, be sure and call on us. T. B. BLACKSHEAR. E. D. SMITH. • M. P STROUP. Smith $£ Siroxidb ATTORNEY AT LAW, KNOXVILLE, GA., Will practice in the State Courts Collection of Claims a specialty. J, K B. AT EM AN ( .Attorney ajb Law BYKON', HOUSTON COUNTV, GEORGIA. ‘ttS/’JLL give prompt and speeia attention to all business en¬ trusted lo my care. Mar-14-ly JUST OUT. ROOD’S GRE T BOOK OF THE WAR ADVANCE art RETREAT. Personal Experiences in the United State and Confed¬ erate States Armies : By .General J. B. HOOD, Late Lieutenant-General Confeder* States Army, published for THE HOOD Memorial Fund AUdEGARD 1880. The entire proceeds arising from flie side of this work are devoted lo The Hoed Orphan Memorial Fund, which is invested in United States Registered Bonds for the nurture, care, support and education of the ten infants deprived New of Orleans, their paren s last summer at (the melancholy incidents of fresh which s.-id the bereavement are still in public mind.) book elegant The is an octavo, containing 3C0 pages, with line a steel fine photograph engraving, made IBoness expressly and a for this work, four large maps of battle fields, bo ml in hindsoinc Gray English Cloth, binding, at. three dollars, wiih Marble or in a fine Sheep edge, three dollars and fifty cents— in Half- Bond Morocco, Library style, ionr dollars, or in best Levant Turkey Morocco, full gill sides and edges, five dollars. On tlie receipt mail from any person remitting by or express, of the amount in'a registered le’ter or by postal order, bank draft, ot check, a copy will he immediately sent free of postage, registered as second class matter. .The volume is published in the best stylo of typography, on elegant paper, with iiiustnuio-s, executed as highest specimens of art. Tho author, the subject, the pur¬ pose all alike render it worthy a place in every labrary — rn every desk—or upon the bjok shelf of every house in the country. Agents wanted in every, town and county in tho United States, and a preference will be giyeu to lionora idy discharged veterans from tho army. ladies, who feel desire To tho a to express their,sympathy with The Hood Orphan Memorial Fund, the sale of this hook among their circle of friends, will afford an way of contributing substantial aid to so deserving a cause. agents,* For terms, rates lo etc., address with full particulars, Ok n. G. T. Beaukegakd, Publisher, Oil behalf of the Ilood Memorial fund. New Orleans, La. . M. L. COOPER announces to the. citizens ol Fort Valley and surrounding countrv, that he has jnsfc secured the services of a first-class Baker, and hereafter will be able to supply tho demand lor kinds of Fresh Bread, Cakes. Tarts, etc --:o;. anocsxuBs. ! n need t f nty kind of platn or fancy Groceries -will always Hud a j i « ; • hitient. It is m ( v purpose to supply my customer o .ne, aud i guarantee satisfaction iu goods and prices. FINE LIQUORS. Parties iu need of any kind of Liquors will find a good assortment at’uiy store Tobacco, Cigars, etc A fine stock always on hand. Call and examine my goods and prices M la COOPER. Mr?. Mary Persons * Will her opmi SCHOOL! —AT THE— A. Female Seminary' —ON— Monday Jaimary 12,1880. Charges for advanced scholars, $2.50 Inteimediatc department, 2.00 Primary department, 1.50 Mrs. M. A. Mathews will continue in charge of the music department shall bo as before. Nothing possible left undone for the advancement, in every particular, of all pupil's entrust- > ed to my care. Mrs, MARY PERSONS, Principal; Jau. 1, 1880. FORT VALLEY Male Seminary, The undersigned would respect¬ fully give notice that the spring session of this institution will begin on Monday Jan. 12th, and continue twenty-four weeks or six seholaso tic months. The course of study will be thor- ough, the discipline firm, and all I ho interests of pupils carefully guarded. public generally The is patronage urgently solicited. of the Tuition due when called lor, after the end of each scholastic month, at the following rates $2.20.per : Primary class, month. Intermediate, 3.20 “ “ Higher, 3.70 << The above include all charges for incidentals. Parties desiring board may bo ac¬ commodated with tbe principal and others at resonable rates. R. V. Forrester, A. M. Jan. 2nd, 1880. Principal. A HOUSEHOLD NEED! A book on jV lalarial Diseases and Liver Complaints, BENT FREE, Address A Dr. Sanford, 162 Broadway, New York City. 30 4w W. C. WINSLOW, .Attorney at Law, FORT VALLEY, - - GEORGIA T} ARTICULAR attention given to all JL business intrusted to his care. "WiJ[ practice desired. in ;-.ll the courts of the State, when A, C. RILEY, Attorney at Law. FORT VALLEY, GA. Office at Planters Bank. Special attention given to the collection, of claims and prompt returns made. Will practice in all the courts. PERRY HOTEL, TERRY, HOUSTON COUNTY, GEORGIA T. M. BUTNER, PIjoTeietoe. Tho proprietor announces to the trav I ng public that he is prepared - ,er ain In the host manner, at very; , asonabt rates, both man and beast. The patron age of the public is solicited, and sati.d'ao-. on guarantee.I &AFE f FOR LacSies and Gentlemen, Mulberry St„ Macon, Ga., The public is informed that ftfc my C.tfo on Mulberry Street, they can afsll times find Meals, of Fish, Oysters, Steak, Mutton, Pork, Veal, Birds, Ham Sandwiches and Eggs, &c., at 25 cents. at 10 cents. To parlies spending the day in Macon, this will be a convenience. Special attention given to Wed¬ dings, Parties, &e, a fine lot of Cakes, Fruits, Nuts, &e., always on hand. E. ISAACS. Headquarters FRUIT JARS COBANSEY METAL TOP, CO 11 AN SEY GLASS TOP, MASON IMPROVED, PORCELAIN LINED, CELEBRATED GEM, CELEBRATED GEM, Send for Circulars. Lowest pri¬ ces to the trade. Special Figures for 25 to 100 gross lots. D. F HAYNES & CO., Jobbers and Importers, Established 1858. Baltimore, Md. week, *28to86WmiSSS£sS nt»ij J»iin<-n»-e ••u.'il* l>y tun K«w fWplixJi/aHou }<nys j P.YBtem of op-rut lug lit Et<» k*. Full oxjfiumtlott on applica¬ tion to Adams, Buu'v.: A tv. , Hi.niters, in Broad Ft.. V. \