The Fort Valley mirror. (Fort Valley, Ga.) 1871-188?, September 17, 1880, Image 3

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Hie Fort Valley Miiror. FORT VALLEY: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1880 ' E. T. BYIN.G1CN- Local Editcr. Buy SMALTZ, MONROE it Co’s Philadelphia shoes Every pair bra» detl and warranted. I you want to feel good and enjoy good health, try a box of Hobbs Liver Pills made by Jones & Hobbs. To the Ladies—try some of orr flavoring be extracts we guarantee them to pure. Jones & Hobbs. Stationary’of every kind, to suit everybody. Jones and IIobbs. --»- T B»«-- Tobacco-tke best at living prices. Jones & Hobb3. Dr. Hobbs Cologne—The best in the market, don’t fail to get a bottle, you will like it. Joses and Hobbs. Cotton Ginning. We are prepared with the very best and late.-t improved machinery to gin cotton for the public on the most favorable terms, and without any delay. Call on us at the house next'door to W. M. Kersk, Fort Valley. hauling You save all unnecessary by having your cotton gin¬ ned al our place. We will move to any place where we can get aa much as 20 bales of cotton and a press. Our facilities are such that we can gin in an open fioid as well as any other place. J L Fincher & Bno. Fort Valley, Sept, 10, '80 Rust Proof Oats for Sale. 500 bushels of fine rust proof oats for sale. Apply to Fincher Bros. Notice.— Those indebted to me for sewing machines, or otherwise, are requested not fo forget to call at the Post office and settle the same at as early day as possible. I cannot carry over to another year any claim due me. J W Love. Cotton Ginning, Parties -wishing cotton ginned are advised to call on Mr. J. L. Fincher, who has set up his 60 saw centennial gin, with condenser, patent compress and steam engine, at the house next door to W. M. Iiersh. His arrangements are complete iu every particular and he can turn out a bale of cotton every hour. Parties who want cotton ginned will save the trouble of hauling a distance f.nd then haul ing the cotton to town by having it all done here. Call and sec his machinery at work. Turkey Dinner. —We had the pleasure of dining with our friend Bob Mathews a few days since, and while wo enjoyed a most ex¬ cellent dinner, we a'so looked at some good crops. He has some fine cotton, cane and potatoes and his crops generally are very good. Colquitt IIe adqu artf, r s. —W e are.requested to say tliat the flag hanging in front of the Drug Store of Ross, Greene & Co., was put up by tho Colquitt executive commit¬ tee,; who have their room in the building up- stairs, and has no sig¬ nificance as regards the drug store. While the proprietors of the drug., store are warm supporters of Colquitt they would not think of putting up a flag over their busi¬ ness house. Christian. —Our country friends, when they go to Macon and feel hungry, know where to get relief. Christian always has a hearty wel¬ come for them and can have their wants supplied at short notice. He is not dismayed by the counte nance of a hungry man. J. C. Walker with Geo. W. Burr, Macon, Ga. —This young gentle man, one of our count}’ men, after undergoing a thorough system of training by the best commercial schools, is now with the house of Geo. W. Burr, whtflesale and retail dealer in Stoves, House Furnish¬ ing Goods, Tin Ware etc., and will be glad to see his friends when they come to Macon. His having obtained a position with such a thorough and experienced business man as Mr. Burr, speaks well for his abilities and gives bright prom¬ ise for the future. Call on him when you go to Macon. Red and White onion setts for sale at Jones & Hobbs. The Southern Farmer’s Monthly will be sent FREE for tho BAL¬ ANCE OF THE YEAR to all sub¬ scribers for 188L Send in $2 arid get it. Tho farmers of Georgia Florida must all lwvo their names on our mail list next y. nr, and this is tho time <o hand thorn in. Don’t forget ii! Address J. H. Estill, Savannah, Cltr Miss Vie. McKenzie, of Montezu¬ ma, is visiting Mrs. J. II. McKen¬ zie of this place. Subscribers to the Public School fund are requested to come up and pay tho amount they subscribed, as the committ"e wish to publish a list of those who contributed toward building up our schools, next week. Those who have not subscribed are earnestly invited to do so at once, as wo need money to complete the improvements contemplated, Spool of Coats' cotton, for 5 cts, cash, at S. B. Brown’s. Life Insurance.— Mr. J. P Hough, of Macon Ga., special agent for (he State of Georgia, of the Peo¬ ples Mutual Relief Association of Mobile, Alabama, is in town wri tiDg up insurance in his company. The features of his Association is that it is mutual iu its benefits. No salaried officeis to squander the funds, the rate of assessments is simply to cover death losses,and the insured is out nothing but what goes to the beneficiaries, and if at any ime it is necoessary to discontinue the membership, no premiums are lost. Mr. Hough is stopping at Byinglons Hotel and will bo glad to issue cert'ficates of membeislup and afford ati.v imformation in rcgaid to the association. Some of the best business men of the Sate, and quite a number of the best men of Macon and Atlanta have become member's of this association. Read the ad vertisement and call on Mr. Hough. Male Academy.— We are glad to learn that the number of students at the Male Academy is increasing. This is as it should be. Prof. Monk is a vary successful teacher and is giving general satisfaction. We hope those who have been holding off will at onee send their boys and try him. He guarantees satisfaction or no pay. Winship & Callaway.— We call attention to the advertisement of this firm. It is one of the best in the state, with large experience and ample facilities, and hence their goods may be relied on to give sat¬ isfaction. We advise our friends who go to Macon to purchase goods to call on them. Mr. Pitt Baldwin, well known to our people, is this house and dc-lights in sell¬ his old friends good bargains. stock of clothing, hats, furn¬ goods, etc., is very exten¬ Rail Road Commission Failed to reduce rates, but the of Rail Roads, T. A Hall, has to soli goods for S. B. as cheap as any desire. Will not be undesold on anything. S. B. Brown. Fort Valley, Ga., Sep 16, ’80. Mr. Editor : Having been requested to write you a short notice of our Lodge of Knights of Jericho, I now comply and ask you to publish the same.— As there has been some misunder¬ standing as to the time and place of meeting, I will state for the benefit of members and all that feel an interest in our success that we meet at the Male Academy on Monday night of each week. Our cause is a good one and we ask the young Ladies and young men of the town to unite with us in our effort to extend the principles of Humanity, Tamptrence and Char¬ ity. Don’t let the order go down by a want of interest on your part. We are working bard to do good to those around us and if success¬ ful after generations will bless us and you for the principles it incul¬ cates. Come out; we receive mem bers at every meeting but there is not that imterest taken by the peo¬ ple that we would like te see. We now press you to interest yourself in behalf of the order. J. B. Anderson. —-- Asking Gods’ Blessing Charlie was going homo with his uncle. They were on the steamboat all night. A steamboat is furnished with little beds on each side of the cabin- Those little beds are called berths. When it was time to go to bed Charlie undressed himsel". “Make haste and jump into your berth, boy,” said bis uncle. “May’ut I first kneel down and ask God to take onre of us?" asked Charlie. “We shall be taken care of fast e oough,’’ “Yes, said his said uncle. sir,’’ Charlie, “but mother always tells us not to take anything without first asking.” Undo Tom had nothing to say to that, and Churlie kenlt down, just as ho did by his own little bed at home. God’s bounty and goodness und grace you live on day by day, iny children, but never lakoit w ith¬ out first ask big. HOUSTON EXECUTIVE COMMIT¬ TEE. Perry, Sept 11 1880. Tho Democratic Executive Com¬ mittee of Houston county assembled in tho Court House at 111 o’clock A. M. On motion of J. B. Atutman, J. J. Murpk was elected temporary chairman, and oil motion of W. F. McGhee F. M. Houser was elected temporary secretary. Tho tempo' l'ary chairman stated that the first business in order was to elect per¬ manent officers. The roll was call¬ ed and the following members an¬ swer ed. to their names: J. B. Aultman. M. F. Etheridge, Wiley Leverett, A. Bush, A. J Har¬ dison, C. B- Welbourn, E. V. Stead¬ man, L. Blcwster, J. N. Barker, J. S. Bryan, S. A. Riley, proxy for E. H. Wimberly, J. C. Ellis, N. Marsh burne, O. E. Houser, M. H. Means, J. A. Hickson, J. J. Murph W. F. McGelieo, F. M. Houser, G. A. Pot¬ ter, A. S. Giles, B. M. Davis, A. J. Todd, J. M. Heard, H. Stafford, proxy for J. W. Taylor. The chairman announced that nominations for a permanent chair¬ man vv ere in order. B. M. Davis was nominated by A. J. Hardison and A. S. Giles by J. B. Aultman. A ballot was taken and A. 8. Giles elected. W. F. McGehcc was elect cd permanent secretary by acclama tion. On motion of A. J. Hardison tho 2nd Saturday in November, at 11 A. M. was appointed as the day for the committee to meet to fix the time to nominate county officers.— O 11 motion of B. M. Davis the members of the committee in each district having a voting precinct were instructed to see that elec¬ tions were held at the several pro ■ cints in the county by proper man¬ agers on the Gth of October. The resignation of Joseph Pal¬ mer, a member from tho upper lltli district was read and accepted, and J. O. Watson was selected in his The secretary was instructed to members of meetings by card in addition to publiea in the county papers. The committee then adjourned, to the call of the chairman. S. Giles, Wm. F. McG-shee, Chairman, Secretary. VALUABLE LAUDS TO RENT. Will bo rented to the highest jay bid¬ der on Wednesday the 13th of October next, in front of Houser & Houser's warehouse in Fort Valley Ga., all the lands belonging 10 the estate of Dr. W. H. Iloilinshead known as the Tliwcat The lands w.ll be rimed in sections to suit parties. equired. Approved papers will be t H. C. Harris, Administrator. FORT VALLEY MaSe Academy. Foiit Valley, Houston County, Ga Fall Session begius first Monday in September 1880. Spring Session begins first Mon¬ day in January, 1881. Tuition in Primary Class per month................ 82.00 *• “ Intermediate 3.20 “ “ Higher........ .3.70 Tuition to be paid at end of each ebool month. Students charged from time entrance to end of Term. W. C„ Monk, B. S. Aug. 27 th, 1880. Principal. FOR Hammocks J Croquet, BASE BALLS, BATS, and all seasonable goods for sport, as well as headquarters for Pianos, Organs, SHEET MUSIC, VIOLINS, GUITAR STRINGS, ETC. Artists’ Materials, Wax Flower Materials, STATIONERY, BViAGAZIfyES, ►rrd s. Call on or address L. W. SMITH & CO., May 7,1m MACON, GEORGIA. THE FARMERS TICKET. YVe respectfully announce our¬ as CJ ididates, not for the L gislatu e no for Tax Collector, but for * • to a for the cusuing Sea¬ son and p'etl 0 ourselves to give rJisfn tiou to our constituents in weights, measures and prices. We hope tlier ore that we will bo your in this campaign ; try us and we think you will be willing to try again. Respectfully, MOORE & MARTIN, Valley, Ga., Aug- 2,1880. For Sheriff I hereby announce myself a office can* didate for rooclection to the of sheriff of Houston County. Having performed the duties of the office to the best of my abi ity, and being determined to so contin¬ ue, if elected, 1 ask the support of the people of Houston county at the approaching primary election. T. M. Bctner. I hereby announce myself as a candi¬ date for tlie office of Sheriff of Houston county subject to Democratic nomination and respectfally ask tlie support of my fellow citizens. J. It. DUNCAN. Sept. 2nd, 3.830. I hereby announce that I am a candidate for the- office of Sheriff of Houston, subject to the Demo¬ cratic nomination. If elected I will, to the best of my ability, dis¬ charge the duties of the office. I respectfully solicit the support of my friends. W. HO Pry. June 30th, 1880. For County Treasurer. MANN.—The undersigned announces the himself a candidate for re-elect ion to office of County Treasurer of Houston county, the ensuing election in Janua¬ ry next. Subject to the democ atic nom¬ ination. Respectfully. IV. Manh. J. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. Brunson. —I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Collec¬ tor of Houston county, subject to demo¬ cratic nomination. Respectfully, Wvt. Brunson. The friends of J. T. Walker, an¬ nounce his name as a candidate for Tax Collector of Hmr.ton county subject to the nomination, FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. 1 announce myself a Candidate for the Office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Houston County, subject to Democratic Nomination. Respectfully, T. M. KILLEX. —I hereby announce niyse’f the a candidate for the offico of Clerk of Superior Court ot Houston county; sub¬ ject to democratic nomination Respectfully, D. II. CULLER. For Clerk Superior Court. I announce myself as a Candidate for the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Houston County, subject to Democrat¬ ic nomination. E S Weiaons. FOR ORDINARY*. Gir.ES .—I respectfully announce mj- sclf aenndidat for re-election to the office of Ordinary of Houston county, subject to the democratic nomination. A. S- Giles. FOR ORDINARY. TO THE VOTERS OF HOUSTON COUNTY. 1 announce myself as a candidalc for the ollba of Ordinary, at tho ensuing election, subject to democratic nomina¬ tion. Respectfully, J. M. DAVIS. For Tax Receiver. WagnoN. —W. AV: AVagnon, Jr., announces himself a candidate for Tax Receiver of Houston county, subject to democratic nomination, and'-desires Alio support of bis friends. I respectfully candidate announce to my friends that 1 am a for the office of Tax.Receiver Houston county^iiub the Democratic nomination. W II Thompson. Well, ill try it ag ain: I hereby announce my name as it can¬ didate for Tax Receiver and' don’t you forgot it, on the day of the nomination. GEO. W. MADDOX. Unum Res Rare Sub Sole.' Being solicited by my wife (and no one else) to run for Tax Receiver of Houston Co, I take Ibis method of ask¬ ing the support of all good citizens. Be¬ ing disabled while dof - iding her honor and financially ruined while adapting myself to said charitable catastrophe, entities me at least to a consideration.— If it be urged “tie not meet to give (ho children's bread to the dogs,” cannot the “Kunafiois” eat of the crumbs of tlnjj'a ble. The office is just adove Batdff'. Will the ladios help. Geo. VV. Aixk&. GEORGIA, Houston CouNty: 1 v WILL be sold, before tho §ourt • * hous%door, in tho town of Perry, Houston county the 1st Tues¬ day in October next, the follgwYug described property to wit: AH that tract or parcel of land situated on Hogcraw) creek, in the lower 14th district of said county, pad known as the Everett Hngcrawl place, containing 1417} acres niSle or les3. Said lands sold as tho prop¬ erty of the Estate ot W. R- Brcffvn deceased, by virtue of'a decree made iu the Superior court of Bibb court ty in the case of W. It. Brown Ex., vs. Amanda C Brown et al., sold fur the purposo of carrying out the provisions bo of said . decree. Said lands will sold as a whole or in such parcels as may be deem d ad¬ visable. Terms one third cash, one third iu three months and one thud in twelve mo iths with 8 per interest. Purchasers receiving cftV tificato of purchase or bond for ‘i ties. Possession giveu the first day January 1881. W It Brown, Ex., of W It Brown, lJec'd., Commissioner in Equity. Mrs. Mary Persons Will opfti her SCHOOL! —AT THE— Female Seminary — ON— Ml] Seilsii 61880 . Charges for advanced scholars, $2-50 Intermediate department, 2.00 Primary department, 1 Ml Mrs. M. A. Mathews will continue in charge of the music department as before. Nothing for possible shall be left undone the advancement, in every particular, of all pupils intrust ed to my care. Mrs. MARY PERSONS, Principal. July 29, 1880. Airen’i W*nt«ti for 8with*» Bible Diet ionary and “%r. Pictorial Bibles Address, lor Circulars, A. J. lloiman A t>., l’biln, 4 T &S20, P1¥1E ? Opposite Court House, Macon, Ga. Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oil, Perfumery, Soaps, Toilet ariicles, Wines, Liquors, Dye Stuff, Win¬ dow glass, Turnip seeds and all oth¬ er seeds. The above for sale by GEO. PAYNE, who has had fifty years experience in the Drug busi¬ ness, and prescriptions is Lis spe¬ cialty. MACON GA. Aug. 1C 1880. C B Anderson, Jr. WITH A. 3 Small. Dealer in Groceries and plants tion supplies, Macon, Geo. Will be pleased to see the people of Hous¬ ton, Crawford and surrounding counties and supply them with any¬ thing they may need. GEORGIA, Crawford County: R V. Nichols, Executor, oi estate of Vincent Nichols late of said coun ty deco’d. applies for leave to sell all the r 1 estate lying in said county belong'.ig to said estate. all T his is therefore to cite per¬ sons concerned to show cause if any they have, wiiliin the time prescrib¬ ed by law, why said application should not be granted. Witness the Honorable R. D. Smith, Judge of Orlinaiy, Aug. HOLTON, 7th, 1880. V. 8. 0. C. Ordinary. FOR SALE. The largo building on Cook's Range in the town of Perry, occu¬ pied by Dr. C. R. Mann and P. C. Smith & Co. Also the small build¬ ing adjoining said Townsley—said Stores—now buil¬ oc¬ cupied by L good S repair and located dings are in in the most business part of the town. For furthur particulars bn quire of Jas M Davis, or i Com. W M Gordon, GEORGIA, Crawford County : Z. A. Fowler and Jno B. Fowler Executors of the estate of Nathan Fowler late of said county dece’d., applies to this court for leave to sell all the real estate of said estate lyingin said County which is lot of land No. 88 in the 3rd District of said county. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to show cause if auy they have, within the time prescribed by law, why said applica¬ tion should not be granted. Wit¬ ness the Honorable R. D. Smith, Judge of Ordinary. July 28, 1880. ~ V. 8. HOLTON, C. C. Ordinary. GEORGIA, Crawford County : Whereas it appearing that the estate of Mary Preston deed, late of said county is unrepresented where¬ said by lots is likely to oecru'e to estate, all persons concerned are hereby notified to show cause before the Judge of this court by why the first let¬ Monday in September next should ters of administration not issue to A J Danielly Clerk Superior Court of said county. Witness the HonorableR. D. Smith Judge of Coni t of Ordinary. This July 28th, 1880. V. S. HOLTON, C. C. Ordinary. 75. 1IBH8WSBS New Piano?, 10.7.00 lOOO.OO. Mid¬ to summer offer illustrated free. Address Darnel if’ Beatty, Wasliiuglon, J. -___;____ ... ................ AGENTS WANTED-to sell the LIFE OF By his life-long friend, Hob John W Forney, an editor and author of national reputation, mid ardent admirer of the “superb soldier.” This work is com¬ plete, authentic, low-priced. Fully illus¬ trated. Positively tho ablest and only official work. Bcs. terms. Outfit, 50o. Particulars free, ict quick. Address HUBBARD BROA, Atlanta, Ga, GEORGIA, Crawford County: William Dent and W E Murchi son, administrators of the estate of A II Murchi'.on, late of said county, deceased, have applied for letters of d mission from said estate. This is therefore to cite all per¬ concerned to -how cause be¬ the Court of Ordinary of said within said the time prescribed should by why application not bo granted. Witness the Honora¬ ble R. D. Smith, Judge of Ordinary. This July 5th, V. 1880. S. IIolton. C. C. Ordinary GEORGIA, Crawford County : William Long, guardian of Laura Long applies for letters of dismis¬ sion fiorn said trust. This is there foYe to cite all persons concerned to show cause before the Court ofOrdi nary of said Couuty within the time prescribed should by law bo why granted. said applica¬ Wit¬ tion not ness the Hontfrablc It. D. Smith Judge of Court dV Ordinary. This August 2nd. 1880. V. S. Holton, C. C. Ordinary. GEORGIA, Crawford County: J T Jackson, administrator of es¬ tate of Martha Radford, late of laid county, deceased, applies foi*letters of dismission from said trust. This is therefore to cite all per¬ sons concerned to show cause if any they have, within the time prescrib¬ ed by law why sai application sou id not be granted. Wituess the Hon. R. D. Smith, Ordinary of saiu county. July 7th, 1880. V 8 HOLTON, C C Ordinary. JAS. A. THORNTON & SON, OgNTiSTS, FORT VALLEY, - GEORGIA. Office at residence on Macon Street, next door to Maj. Walden’s. XE W All YERTlSEMEJfTS. WE HAVE SAID IT. VV e present our fail stock of Notions, Staple Shoes, and Fancy Caps, Dry Goods, Boots, Ilats, Clothing, and Gents Underwear/ Together with a full line of LADIES CLOAKS, ZDRESS SHIRTS SHAWLS, GHiODS, &c. ’ J Cashmeres, Alliaccss Meri nos, Do Lai*;os, Handkerchief?, Flannels, Cursctls. Linscys itc. I Call and see 113 e ,’cry time you come to town and wo will please you it you want goods low down. J. &, F. BEOwU. N. B.— We have Clothing and Trunks, Hals and Shirts enough to suit., every man boy within 50 miles of Fort Valley at bottom prices, and 'don’t you forget it.’ J. &F. B.,‘ !SC99 LME3I aa|p | 3838 a 3 2 SX 3 gS L, nmwanmJ LiJ The largest and best stock of BOOTS AND SHOES’ Ever brought to Fort Valley, at GHAT BEOS ■ • ___________ SOIT,” 0. D. AED1HS01T & WAR3SOBSB and' €'&MM1SS£0,W MBBCa&#T8f MACON,^ u We are prepared to fill orders for upright and horizontal El IDT Of-X JST E S Portable and Stationary, from one to twenty'five horse power Grain Separators & Horse Powers, On as favorable terms as to price and time as any in the mar' ket. Letters of inquiry addressed to C. D. Anderson, at Fort" Valley, for the next four months, or to our house in Macon, will 1 be promptly answered, , Agents for the celebrated Avery and Son’s Walking* Cttfc* tivator. J. D. MARSHALL, DEALER IN STAPLE DRY GOODS Crockery, Boots, Shoes and Hats, Wood and willow-ware Groceries and Cigars, a specialty! My Groceries -CONSIST OF— ... Meat, Meal, Flour, Oat-m6al, Salt, Onions, Syrup, Candy Tibaccos, Grits 1 Cheese, Crackers, Goods, Spice, Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Starch, '.Nuts, Canned, Pepper, Teas, Sardines. Snuff, THE 8-»aps, FIRE ANHIHilATOE. Is an improved PortaMo-<K-t, tho most perfect an 1 affective hand nppara- ' tus ever invented fei throwing water. Ail working oarria^s, parts liable to rust or corrosion ' are maile of brass. For washing windows, and showering gardens* or conservatories it is uneYCellcd. It should be lu pt in every house, store and facto* * ry in the country, for tire protection. It may save its cost a huoered times over, in 1 fire accidents. It will throw wafer at the rate of 8 to 10 gallons per minute to a height of SO feet or more. This fir i engine can be nad at my Store. All orders promptly attended to. Price $10. Parties having used one, wouldn’t do without it. * Call at my store and examine it. I also have in my store a lino Soda .Fountain, which produces the finest of this delicious drink. And other things, too numerous to mention ! 03 T My stock Is always fresh, ancl a arriving weekly. Call and see' me. No Trouble to show goods.* iX. ID. Iivdl^l^SI-Tj^IDIj. FO RT V GA. flDgA»c.p UHOAHdCoupler , st0 'v’ Vox suw^s '.elute * oct. Vox ItT ua p‘T7 lt ^?o-mf f‘ BEATY,'''Waging) Address CANIEL on, N. J. m 3a HI? tiH tm: rugjj T3EEH tw ax t* KEBPJEY AJfD DIUUETW, kidkegek is liiKiiiy #ot wti&nro r.Asi :, mi ekekgy, msKASKC AIM* tor V£LLow ISIdOOUaml BLS5>NKV POISONING, itifoctcid LKialnriiii Hccii^ns, JUNIPER Bi^By tho dir.tination and of BAR r. FOREST LEAF BERRIES LEV MALT wo ffi can ,*,! ftoeyotem. dilnculMos, Unllko has any othor pli'i.v’nt pruyiuatiun ru'd for Ki it r* vary and tlavor. it contain* potil i. v tU*.tre< ,-<• pruj,*!i and will uni nnui*' i»tc« J.miUv «--«**.*•«• nH like Kltlnuy it, and iont miien used *m ! Hud kidneuen tiio boat Tonic over Rfcnntnro RiCNUfi NOTICE.- Each battle boars tho of A MARTIN. .*»!«'• a I’mpri^taru f;nv4rnm**t c®nsc)bydn!KKi#tsj;»xicor9umiothuriHirB(,iiscvof)V'litinj. Stamp, which permits K IPNEOKN to be »<•!&< Wffljmil li. J'tU up in QiMrt'*h» llotllcM f or 6<M,-rU and H'auiUy Uo*. UWHENCE a M*HT1N, PrjpV-. Chl;aso, Ml. I f lTSulti by i)ruitg>4U, un.l i/utUers uvuiywbtre. YOUNG MEN! Th he8t lwrfWl w< v, ol fur the time » is Motiiut’a business univehs*- 1Y Atlft,,ta > G l; *** hundred dot iftfs covers total expenses for three'' months. Send for Illustrated Circus ‘ lar. Julyl«12w A LIFE BAIL! PAPER 1 Through the Campaign! FOR TWO DOLLARS !* be Tho Macon Daily Herald- will; sent to any address, post-paid from this date to December 1st, for §2.00. The Herald is one of the most widely quoted papers in the State. its readers are kept thoroughly posted as to the existing political movements of the day. Ifc is P« re, y Democratic, up 'with x the tunes, . , and of the spiciest one • P*P°™ * the State. Subscribe at once and J j tr-S- a Live • n lEviLx ,„ „ 4Vnv XOU1 Ill nu Oil ^ Mlu t lib aim ll all for' 1 ° AJJilUia. T) vllnrs A copy will bo sent free during ■' blie cani t> >W> to every person send- • l “F J» ;l Uub of » subscribers; All orders , IllllSt be accompanied WUlCll bo SCIlt . WlO Ill JIICV, •••»*' lfiaV •* !>v Jhxpross, liegistered . . , Letter, . ., or m 1 U. r \ M \r 0X1 (3 V . Order. . Audi » /i 08B, !,' u r r M pitITT sTTAXT 14 tV ° * l V -' 11 lVJ ° J A/Vi ** MlUJOU, Oft. -