The Fort Valley mirror. (Fort Valley, Ga.) 1871-188?, September 17, 1880, Image 4

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The Dark Side of Things. Si me people will persist iu taking a gloomy view of everything. Thci e is a man of that kind living in ward No. 1. A neighbor Lappended to drop in to sec him the other day found everybody lively except head of the family. ‘How are you all coming on !’ ‘Wo are all tolerable, except Bob. He is laughing and joking because is going fishing. I just lc :o« he . is going to come home drowned, ami howling with a fish hook stick¬ ing in him somewhere.’ ‘Well, the rest seem to be cheer fui.' ■Yes. sorter. Jemimy is jnmi - ing about because site is going to a candy-pulling, but I know some thing will happen to her. I read of a girl in Philadelphia only last year who was coming home from a candy-pulling, when a drunken man threw his wife out of a three story window and killed her.’ j, “Killed who?’’ “Jemimy-’ “Why, no: there she is.” “Well, it might have been if she had been on the pavement below ■where the woman fell.” ‘Well, you are looking healthy.’ ‘•Yes: bnt I feel just like the man who dropped dead in New York last week from heart disease. He was iu high spirits and had a good appetite, and them’s just my syrup toms.’ Can You ? Can any one tell why it is always hot to go to church in summer, and men p'-’?T fi r t0 drink a pint ot - alcohol ? Can any one tell why men prefer to gad around the streets at night instead of spending their time wiih their families-? Can any one tell bow it is a mar¬ ried man can find money to spend for liquor, and can’t afford to buy shoes for his little one ? Can any one tell why men who cannot pay small bills can always find money to buy liquor and treat when among friends ? Can aoy one tell bow men live and support their families, who have no income and no work, when oth¬ ers who are industrious, are halt starved ? Can any one tell h w young men nvbo are always bebii d with their landlords, can play billiards night and day. and always he ready fir /game of cards when money is vetstke ? Can any one tell how a man has mioney enough to participate iu all IkiadB-df'enjoyment, and never any ‘-thing to help along a church, which is the mainstay of society ? Can any one tell why there are .numbers of men in this city who uowo the newspaper for subscription, and spend that amount every week, when they leave this bill unpaid ? „ Can any tell how a man who is .■always complaining that be cannot .afford to subscribe for the local newspaper, and every week borrows it from his neighbor, can afford to attend every traveling show that comes to town 1 Dresses are now made so short that the street crossings are seldom clean.' When it is announced that a pol¬ itician is iu the hands of his friends it is understood that they will take him homo all right. ‘If you was a man, Jimmy,’ said a little shaver to his chum, ‘*\ho would you vote for, Hancock or Garfield ?’ ‘I’d go with the biggest procession, you bet.’ Walk through some of the dirty alums of the Sixth ward aud you can realize the force of the vvt ids.— •The man who enters hero leaves so ap behind.’ A gentleman who married a widow complained to her that he liked his Leif well dune, ‘Ah! I thought that I was cooking for Mr. Brown,’ said she, ‘he liked his rare, I5ut darling, I will try to lorget the poor dear.’ ‘Is this my train ?’ asked a tiavel er at the Grand Central depot, of a lounger. ‘I don’t know,’ was the doubtful reply. ‘I see the name ot some railroad company on the side and expect it belongs to than.— Have you lost a train anywhere V The solo basis of the Republican hope of carrying Indiana is tho 3,- 800 negroes they havo imported there. About 2,500 of these are “exodusters” from the South, and will be legally entitled to vote this fill .The remaing thousand are from Kentucky and came recontly. It is not true that a in anted man can ever Lccone a bird, n' though when he comer l o ne at two in tbejnto.nn;' his wJ’o often makes him quni'. Where the Money Goer “Mr. Swipes, won't you gi and botrow ft brass kot'.la before you go to town?’ ‘•What in thunder d.) you want me to do that for:’ ‘Cause I want to preserve some . . to i 4 . , “That’s ; just like you Mrs. Swipes. ,, , I spluttering , . and -t luoi /, > iou rc aw ay s ing ar uml some nonsea:e like this, ‘- a Sivp how do he sensible. You know this preserve bulsnts's costs money for sugar, fruit cuts, wax, lire wood and the deuce knows what all. But some way or other you never think of expense, for you’re always buying ribbons, ruf¬ fles and flumadi J-ilcs; bat w hen I want anything, such as an easy chair to res- my weary boats—oh, no, I can’t have it because you have spent all the money for duds to put on your own back." “Now, you think you’ve said if,“ rjiorted Mrs. Swipes. “Oh, no, you don’t spend any money, but I spend it-all. If tint’s so where do you get money to play pe lro and come home to the bosom of your family stone blind drunk? Don't deny if, Swipes, for you know somebody blackc-m-ned your <ycglasses the other day, and you were so drunk you thought it woa midnight, and came homo with a lantern in your hand iu the middle of the day.— Von ta k about saiiandcrintr mo ucy !” “a 7 THE NEW FOOD ^ ftlTijtS Bo no! confound this Matchless Re¬ novator of Feeble aud Exhausted Con¬ stitutions wiili violent cathartics, cheap decoctions of vile drugs aed ruinous in¬ toxicants innocently labeled ‘’bitters.’ Malt Bitteis appeal to popular confi¬ dence because prepared from Unferment-. ed Malt, Hops and Quinine, and other precious ingredients, according to the process of Liebig, and arc richer iu the elements that restore to permanent health the Weak, Convalescent, Con suuiptive, Over-worked, Nervous, Sleep¬ less, Bysyeptic, Billions, and Fiek'e iu Appetite, Hum all other forms of Malt or Medicine. The genuine are plainly signed by the company. Sold where. Malt Bitters Company, Boston, Mass. w4 The bone and Muscle producing Malt, the Xerveqmetting Hop, the superb Ma¬ larial antidote Quinine, and other pre¬ cious ingredients composed, combined without fermentation, are the ingredi¬ ents of‘Malt Bitters,” prepared by the JIult Bitters Company. Atlanta & Charlotte AIR-LIKE RAIL ROAD. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. Atlanta, Ga. Aug. 10, 1380. Change oir Schedule. On and after Aug. 10, trains will run on this road as follows : Day Passenger Train. (Eastward.) Arrive at Charlotte 4:17 p. tr. Leave A’hint a 4:30 a. m. (Westward.) Arrive at Atlanta 11:58 p. m. Leave Charlotte 1:13 p. m. Night IUssenoeh Train. (Eastward.) Arrive at Charlotte 3:20 a. in. L*;.ve Atlanta 3:30 p. in. Arrive at Atlanta 11:30 a. m. Leave Charlotte 1:40 a. m. Connecting at Atlanta for all points "West and Southwest. Cun nectingat Charlotte for all Eastern points. Through Tickets on sale at Gainesville, Seneca C.‘.y, Green¬ ville and Spartanburg to ail points East and West. G J. FOREACRE. Gen. Manager. W. J HOUSTON, (i-n’l Puss, & Ticket Ag’t. R. R. BILLUPS, Passenger Agent. [FOEWoffi Cap. Mu. Pompom, r3331... m nflgwm' IWWnfiolSnl 0mm: E??- V 10h Omfihs. . Oonduc Inc ‘ finds“ Lumps, mdvumh Sands! [Won mm: on omnizlnx {ovum um! Wk”! " ‘ a ‘ g, a I I . ‘ ) I , v ‘ '(‘B s‘z; . « ; \ \ I} . ' ‘1‘ x 3 [AI . . ‘3. , 7. W A Wh‘l Guid- fur Am: nflhdforlomh. Mal, Ind Puma Drurflflm’ stookofw HEW m a saumfim chm man a ii I": , {p , mstm. 1. f,‘ The Chiggo t " -' ,5 1c ' Weekly ews - win tram he sent. postpald. Jan. " , f: - . due to Is: - - next, Iormcems. This : E ,‘1 ' 1V x V j ' ::*:».I.—, “a '1 macacqnunmd ma cheapest metro- with .. s- * 1 ‘ , rgzfi; kw: Es. nman Inderenden: weekxy m the m . r ‘ 35 geé $413: ylochs. a! thruewg = .z‘. ».» " I ‘, mrm‘maztkgrzwgs ' ~ ?:nxevm-gsue.Aiavor~ m ‘ = .' 7‘. , ’ 5' 31'; "" 3 >33. ii v. m- family paper.§end 2’ . ' 137?: .K . ‘ " 5 .‘g'iu 3&4 :' 10 cents (sih‘er) at ' "-‘fs‘? I once and m»: 1: mm! ’ r'v Jam]. 1881. hleven ' 3 7 2‘ " L! . : ’1‘ N. ' ‘ “ 3&5? trial subscriminus for “:15; ~ 23;," - 1g"; gmo. .5cm. Regumrpncels Address , f’w u} nyear. ;_ “w: ?ubllsher Weekly ,_ _ 5;; News, Chicago. In. How Watches are Made. It will be apparent to any one, who will examino a Sown Oom> Watch, that aside from the necessary thieknoas for engraving and polishings a large propov lion of the preei ms metal «aed, is need eel only to siiffeu an t held the engraved portions in place, and supply the neces savy solidity and The sur phis g'old is actually needless, so far as utility and beauty are concerned. In ” GOLD .f AMES BOSS' PATENT WaTOII CASES, this \VA .TK<»f precious mtt tal is overcome, and thesAMK solidz ty ani> strength half produced the usual at from one- of third to one of cost solid cases. This jn-ocess is of the most simply nature, as follows: a plate of nickle composition metal, specially adapt¬ ed to the purpose, has two plates of soi.m gold soldered one oil each side. The throe are then passed between polished steel rollers, and the result is a strip of heavy p 1 sited composition, from which the cases, backs, centres, bezels, Ac., are cut, shaped by suitable dies and formers. The gold in these case is suffi¬ ciently thick to admit of all kinds of chasing*, engraving and enamelling: the engraved cases have been carried until worn perfectly smooth by time and use without removing the gold. CASE MADE THIS IS THE ONLY WITH TWO PLATES OF SOLID GOLD, AND \VAltUANTED BY SPEC¬ IAL CERTIFICATE. For sa’o by all Jewelers. Ask for Illustrated Catalogue, and to see warrant. F DR. LASCELL’S ENGLISH ITS! unlike REKEY, the many so-called propara tinns for this disorder which only relieve while used by the patient, Cures perma¬ nently! and has been endorsed in this re speet for the past 20 iii years by the leading medical authorities Europe. No charge made to give it a lair test, as Dr. Lascel lcs undertakes to send each suffering ap¬ plicant a Free package on their forward name anil Post Office address to his Sole Aden's for the U. S. and Canada. Messes sloeum Si Co., No. 4 Cedar St., New York 4w li STOP ORGANS SSSgSTi5?S?fe. b ?SS'K i&nttMWWssrw® must--*- ■ ugtun, N. Y. £• B *. irst-clrtSs Subscription Book*, wants ono or more Ae ata in oYcry County- Steady work and best terms. ■*« There is no greater Blood-Puhu-ving and LifeGivisO I’kincih.K in the world of medicine than MALT 1111' i’F.US, pre¬ pared by the MALT BITTERS COM¬ PANY from Fnt'o-melited Malt and Hops. It is a Perfect Renovator of fee¬ ble and exhausted constitutions. It en¬ riches the blood, solidifies the bones, hardens the muscles, quiets tho nerves, perfects digestion, cheers the mind, and vitalizes with new life every fluid of the body. It is so, because it s'rikes at the root of all debility—ENFEEBLED I:\1P0VEBISHED Bl¬ GES1TON and BLOOD. Sold everywhere. 4w Our drug stores are now supplied with u Malt Bitters,” the new Food Medicine whicli has done so much good and comes to us so highly recommended. Try it.— It may save yo u heavy doctors’ bilfl?. 4w AGENTS WANTED For the Bot and Fastest selling Piotoriill Books and Bi¬ bles. Prices reduced 83 per cent. National Publishing Co., I’hrlada. A week iu your own town and no eapiinl risked. You trial can give the business a without expense. The best I opportunity willing ever to work, offered You for I tltose should try nothing else till, til yen see for yoursei what you can do at tli business we offer. No room to explain here. You can devote all your time or only vour spare time to llie business, aud make great pay for every hour that you work. Women make as much as men.— Send for special private terms and partici cars which we mail free. 5 Outfit, free. Don’t complain of hard times while you have such a chance. Address II. Hali.ett & Co., Portland, Mo OSiVEBSiTY OF VIBBIH1A. SUMMEK LAW LECiUltES (nine weekly), begin 8th July, 1880, and end 8th Septomder. Have proved this of signal other use,—1st, to students at or Law School; 2d, to those who propose to read private; and 3id, practitioners who have nofc hii'l the advantage of system a ie instruetior. For circular apply (?. (t, Uuiver.-ity of Va.) to JotlN U. Mixott, ld.of. Com. and Suit. Law. $1590 Y y §20 TO ur ar, a 80000 own or day 85 in to lo A calily, No risk. Women do as well men. Many make more than the amount stated above. No one can fail to make money fast. Any one can do the work, You can make from SOcts. to $2 an hour by devot ing your evenings and spare time to the business. It costs nothing to tr> the bttsincas. Nothing like it for money making ever offered before.— Rtifittess pleasant and strictly hou orablc. Keader, if you want to know all about Hie best paying bus¬ iness before the public, send us your full address and we will send yon particulars and private terms free ; samples worth 85 also free; you can then make up your mind for yourself. George Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine. A HOUSEHOLD NEED! A book on Malarial Add*6*» DBeosos and ford, Liver l Ooinplaints, liro-utwtiy. bent free. l>v. ban >2 Now York City. iid-lw * FOR SAXftSS. WAITED AGENTS for our BIBLF.S contain¬ ing Crudun’s Golieoi dance and over 20(10 Illustrations, with all the new foaturos, also for Literature, Art and Song, will) over 400 engnivli-gs. These are the books to sell fur the HOLIDAYS. Bibles fr-i Barents, and Liloraturo, Art and Song, for the Young Circulars midterm tent» u-ttpp icatioii to .1. 11 CHAM BEKS & CO. AtlnntnGy WATERS' PIANOS AM) MS!! Bent made; Wammfcd Six Years.— New Pianos. vStoo 1 , and (’over, $100, $75, \ p ward. New Organs, fjc-15, upward. llund 111 ustrated Catalo^uo Bnrgai frei. Secoiml IiikI nmients at Horace Wains & (Jo , Broadway, N* — IN THE i WOULD. \7Wrt NEW mid OLD Standard Works iu Kvmy Department of Literature A 1 most given :i\vav. C'atuI«»guo of Gencr al Literature and fiction free. Immense indticotndlita to Book Clubs aud Libra r op. TdtKJGA T BUGS., *> Beekmau St. Oppo^itD X’osL Ofdue. KuwYorkj 50 HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. GEO. S- 0BEAB, 92 CHERRY STREET, -WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN— CROCKERY, CHINA, GLASSWARE, CHANDELIERS, HALL LIGHTS, LAMPS, ETC, TABLE CUTLERY, POCKET CUTLERY, KITCHEN’ KNIVES, TIN-WARE, AGATE IRON WARE. JAPANNED TIN-WARE WOODEN WARE, WILLOW WARE, BASKETS, ETC. STOVES OF ALL KINDS. Agent for Excelsior Hot Blast Cook Stoves. S nd in your orders. Call and see me. Special inducements offered to meridian's. 33 tf. SCHOFIELD’S IRON WORKS MACON, GEORGI. MANUFAdTMERS OF POSTABLE ADD STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES ^leam Boilers, Cotton Presses • Cane Mills, Haw Mil? dT And all kinds Agricultural tnacinovy. Write for prices or call on S. B. 13U11R, at Fort Valley, who will communicate with us. 33 tf J S. S CHOFIE LD, Farmer Grl GooK Ires darter Oat GEO. W. BURR, 81 CHERRY STREET, Macon, Georgia, MANUFACTURER 0! TIN AND SHEET M WARD, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Stoves, Orates, Hollow Ware, Outlay, fin Ware, Glass Ware, CROCKERY, WOODEN WARE, WILLOW WARE, SILVER PLATED WARE, LAMBS, AGATE IRON WARE, BRUSHES, DUSTERS and HOUSE I-’FIl NISH ING GOODS. Utility Cook „ ..... fetoves* Ycitor Ranges, , ---U*----- I rtSpectfully and Having cordially bought invite the goods public from to call first hands, and examine in my stock and prices. toy inducements tho and before the recent advance in pi ices, 1 cun oiler to e wishing to purchase. Rcspcetiully GEO. W. BURR, 81 Cherry Street, Macon, Ga Sign of the Big Coffee Pot. CONTRACTOR AOT .BUILDER SASH, BBimBB Am D BOOHS. -rfy irrnm (¥0l[[Sl ? li S JPPU ES> a r li I tr- t ALL KINDS OF BUILDIN? MATERIAL. Brick, Lime, Plaster, Cement, Hair, Laths, Paint,s 5 Oils Putty, Glass, Locks, Hinges. PRICES REDUCED TO THE VERY LOWEST POINT. ESTI ATES And PLANS Furnished for Buildings. for BUFFALO WAfiOU. ' éflr’ ..<a;a-v*%ii~~ 1‘ ' 1 » 7" Shim“ -’-~‘4%’4~M"_rfl’ !' \"v v—Iiéxxkiiflt; k 'rii‘x-i‘“ 1!"! 1' amgmm—r " "- g ' ?*?ny v "fl v \ e \ ' ,(y J; ‘ v, \ _/. ..,\ \ =T. T. H vYDOC K, Has the 1arge‘st THE and VVORLD- most comp‘ete Buggies works for for the the trade manufacmre speciaity. of Cm-zi;ges IN a. CORNER 'PLUM AND TWELFTH STREETS, 23a _ GINO INNATI, o. _ , _ , JUST OUT HOOD'S ORE T BOOK OF THE WAR. ADVANCE aid RETREAT. Personal Experiences in United State and Confed crate States Armies : By Geneal J. B, HOOD » Late Lieutenant-General States Army, published for THE HOOD Ophan Memorial BY Geneal G. T. BEAUREGARD > New 0 leans 1880. The entire proceeds arising from sale of this work are devoted to Hood Orphan Memorial Fund, which is invested in United States Registered Bunds for the nurture, care, support and education of the ten iufimrsdeprived ol their paren s last summer at New Orleans, (the melancholy incidents of which sad bereavement arc slid fresh in the public mind.) The book an elegant octavo, w'-iidniug holograph 300 pages, with a fine likeness and a lino steel engraviDg, made expressly for this work, four large maps of battle fields, bo ud in lnndsome Cray English Cloth, at three dollars, or in a fine Sheep binding, with Marble SlU style, tour dollars, or in bast Turkey Morocco, full gilt sides and edges, five dollars. On the receipt from any person remitting by mail or express, ot the amount in a registered letter or by a postal order, hank draft, oi check, a copy will be immediately scut free of postage, registoied as second class matter. The volume is published in the best style of typography, on elegant paper, with illustrations, executed as highest specimens subject, of art. The author, the the pur¬ pose all alike render it worthy a place iu every lsbrary—on every desk—-or upon the book shelf of every house in the country. Agents wanted in every town and county in the United States, and a preference will he given to hom-ia bly discharged Titerans from the ■ : uiv. To the ladies, A to-t-x-ums ihe;v sympaiby ith T'v. Hood Orphan Memorial Fund, tin sate of this book among their circle of friend-’, will airUn! «n excellent way of contributing eubstancial aid to so deserving n cause. For forms, rates to agents, etc., addle,-s with full par!Rida;:-', (utix.G.T. Bxaukeuaud, Publisht r, Cn behalf cf the Ilood Memorial fund. .. New Orleans, La. H. SOHALL & 110,, Manufacturers of and Dealers in BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER, FINDINGS, &0„ hinds of repair work done and guaranteed. 1 1 Cherry Street, Macon, Ga* The people of Houston, Crawford and surrounding court 1 l’es will find it to their advantage to give m a call. Our trade in tliatsect.ion is latgtj aud wc always give satisfaction. ABE YOU GOING TO PAINT ? THEN USE NEW YORK ENAMEL PAINT! Ready for nee in while Lead, and over otto hundred different colors, made o strictly pure White Zine and Linseed Oil chemically comlineil warranted much handsomer and cheaper, amllo last TWICE AS LONG as any other Paint. It, has taken the first premium at twenty of the Slate Fairs of'the Union, aud is o:i many thousand ot the finest houses in tho country. St. Futorshurg, IV, Jan. 15th, 1877. New Y’ork Enamel Paint Co -Gc itloiiion, we hart) sold large quantities of yotn Enumel raint in this section of country, ami all panics h iving used the stmo speak highly of its durability ami finish ; and they find the col rs a:ul mixtures just as you represent. There, ho better paint for lisa* nnrl coni, can no exposure tn and any ono using onoc will surely do so again. You have privilege to use our names for reference, Rospectlully, & Graff. Address, MEW YORK ENAMEL PA8NT CO . ITS Prince (Street Sample Card Sen t Free. Mew York- I. L. COOPER announces to tho cit izens of Fort Valley and surrounding conntrv, that lie lias ju secured Ilia services of a first-class Baker, and hereafter will he able to supp the dr maud lor kinds of Fresk Bread, Cakes. Tarts, etc --:o: GROCERIES. Parties iu need of any kind of plain or fancy Groceries will alvva jfiudago 6°PPly at my establishment. It is in t v purposo to supply my cus tmor o liberal teims as any one, aud I gu&r&utati Satibtaction iu ^oods and prices. 1A J 1 5 i -VTIT IS I TJQ i Parties in need of any ii<; oi i . Ujliv.'i it- good aEi-ortixicut ai^uiy «tor Tobacco 9 Cigars, etc fk due --lv. i ;i La ud- Cull a Rnr :my ^uods and prices, m Ls COOPER, PHOTOGRAPHS. T- B. Blaekshear, 13 Cotton Avenue, Macon Ga, Announces to the public that ho ' just return eel from New York, ho has secured all the latest in Photography, and prepared to make all styles of Pictures a; most reasonable rates. attention given to COPYING OLD PICTURES, Enlarging and painting in Pastel, Oil or Crayon, An inspection of our work is all that is necessary and we invite tbo public to call and view our Gallery, where can be seen some of the finest pictures ever taken. • Satisfaction guaranteed in every particular. When you come to Macon, bo sure and call on us. T. 13. BLACKS it EAR. PERRY HOTEL, PEUKY, HOUSTON COUNTY, GEOItOlA T. II. BITTNER, PhoPbietoh. The proprietor (innfiniieos to thotrav 1 ug public that he is prepared ‘ ,cr am !a the best manner, a( very: msonabl 1‘ates, both man and beast. The patron age of the public is solicited, and satisfa© on guaranteed li. ». SMITH. M. D STSOUD. Smith. &z Stroud) ATTORNEY AT LAW, KNOXVILLE, GA. Will practice, in the State Courts Collection of Claims a speciality. CAFE, FOR Ladies and Gentlemen, Mulberry St„ MaCon, Ga., The public is informed that at my Cafe on Mulberry Street, they can at all times find Meals, of Fish, Oysters, Steak, Mutton, l’ork, Veal, Birds, Him aud Eggs, Ac., at 25 cents. Sandwiches at 10 cents. Tq pardos spending the day in Macon., this will bo a convenience. Special attention given to Wed¬ dings, Parties, &c, a fine lot of Cakes, Fruits, Nuts, &c., aiways-oa hand. E. ISAACS. Headquarters FRUIT JAMS ; ORANSKY MET A I, TOP, COM.* NSKY tlLA-S TOP, MASON IMPROVED. PORCELAIN LINED. CELEBRATED GEM. CELEBR.-.TKD GEM, Saul for OYculars. Lone-t pri— ecu to the lr,•vie. Special Figure* for 25 to 100 gross lots. O. F- HAY?4E & CO,, Jobbers nml Importers, Established 1858. Baltimore, Mil