The Fort Valley mirror. (Fort Valley, Ga.) 1871-188?, March 25, 1881, Image 3

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Fite Fort Valley Miiror. ____FORT VALLEY: FwDAYTTiARChIo, 1881. Boy 8MALTZ, MONROE* Co’s Philadelphia bUoos E very pait brat dotl and warranted. Opium and Morphine Habits Cured. It Walters I not how long- you have used the Drug or how much quickly and without pain. Write to me giving the particulars of give your case satisfaction or |$tll on me that and I I will you can care you. Charges low. All coin despondence Confidential. W. L. Jones, M. D.. Fort Va ley, G^o. 10 th, tf need a Buggy go to Math •ws k Cook’s and look at their ssyles. If they have not one to suit you they wilt order any kind you may select. . Go tp Mathews & Cook's if you want any kind of plantation hard ware. Being thoroughly posted, the 3 - keep the best goods at ss low prices as can be had. For good repair on farming itn plements. blacksmithing or wood work go tt> Mathehs & Cook. 300 bushels fresh meal for sale at Atlanta prices, A. J. at the mill of Houser & Co. Legal Advertising.—A ttention is called to the legal advertisements in this issue. We shall, in future, publish all legal advertisements ema- iating from the county officials sheriff, ordinary, clerk, &c Job Printing.—W e are prepar¬ ed to do all kinds of Job Printing in good style and at reasonable pi ices. Public Library All members of the public Libra ry are requested to meet Monday night, at Seminary Hall, for busi¬ ness of importance. T. O. Skellie, Sec. & Treas. Commencing. —Messrs. Mathews & Cook have commence 1 by tears ing away the old buildings, to make room for the new brick stores cf Col. Hardison on Railroad Street They will commence putting up the building as soon as the brick ar-> rive. rt E res On Friday nigiiitlie 25th inst., it is purposed having a concert and festival at Seminary llall. The or¬ der of exercises will be, first, music, instrumental and vocal, assisted by the Brass Band, after which those preseut are expected to enjoy them¬ selves in any manner they see fit, by music, conversation, promenades, etc. Refreshments will be for sale, and can be purchased if desired. The object of the affair is to raise funds for the improvement of the school, in which all our people are interested. Therefore contribute and come out and help make the af fair a success. Admission 25 each. W. I. GREENE, Pre's Board Trustees Go to Brad Browns’ and get some of those famous cotton seed. See advertisement. Humbugs.— Our readers will, of Course, have penetration enough to discern a humbug, when it is brought before them. W e occasion¬ ally advertise for humbugs, but nev. er endorse them, and for fear some of our readers may think that all is true which they see advertised, we make these remarks. Always dis¬ trust flattering offers made by strangers, and never invest money with parties who offer to give you immense returns for small outlays They are the humbugs we refor to. * »i i ......— Quarterly Conference. —The first quarterly meeting of the Fort Church will be held on the 2nd Saturday and Sunday in April, Rev. Dr. Mann, Presiding Elder, in charge. Let all attend. Real Estate. —Messrs. Sommer Bros., have purchased the brick store now occupied by Geo. L. Lib, ly, from the Mathews eslate, and will occupy it after Oct. 1st. tittdfcSn jf AGo^d R^ick Maker can get a at making brick, on applis catidn aft thik place, if terms are PERSONAL Miss IlattiqgjrVarner, of Atlanta, and Miss Jennie jjoward, of nolds, are visiting Mrs. Dr. W. B. Mathews, at this place. Miss Annie Johnson, of Griffin, is visiting her relatives at this pla.oe, Dr. Russ’ family. AVillio Kendrick of Griffin, is vis Broun. Mrs. A. D. Skeliie is visiting her parents at Eufaula, Ala. Mi. J. E. Christian, of the Macon Sunday Herald, made us a pop call on yesterday Dr. John Jones was in town last week, introducing a Medicine which his house ia Aoiarieus, Mes¬ srs. Davenport & Son arc making a speciality of. It is said to be a spe¬ cific fur all lung and blood disor¬ ders, and is highly endorsed. Dr Jones has the medicine on sale. Charley Gray started to Savan¬ nah Tuesday, but had to return, as the railroads were not running, o n account of high water. Bon Avera is improving and will, if he takes no back-set. be up again soon. Paisful Accident.—A few days ago while Mrs. Col. Anderson was handling some very strong liniment, the cork burst out and it flew in her face, filling her eyes and caus¬ ing very painful inflamation. Dr. Greene was called in and she is now doing very well. Home Journal.*— Read the ad¬ vertisement of the Hom 3 Journal elsewhere. Our people ought to sustain their county papers and they will fiud the small subscrip¬ tion amount a good investment.— Dr. Jones is the agent at this place and will be glad to receive your patronage. - h i ♦ mm - Come outto-aigat and hear the Concert and enjoy the festival The Ihree-blind-mice will be there. Free School Fund. —Mrs. Per¬ sons notifies the patrons of Female Seminary that she will give them the benefit of :he free Softool fund for the months of April, May and Juie. 2 t. Concert. —Don’t forget to save a quarter to come out and hear Prof. Bairdsleo's Concert nest weak — The day will be announced in a few days. Send your contribution of edibles around to Seminary Hall at 3 o’clock. LOOK AFTER THE MAN Of 003. ‘Why did you not reiu.tiu in A-?’ asked one preaulier of an -t!i.:r. 4 \V -ii, for the best roa son in the world: I couldn’t live on s >ft soap and s t .v ktH. an l find my¬ self, at that,’ was i.lie somewhat in elegant, but very significant rop y. It is too olten the ease that after promising the preacher the smallest c im. ens itiou that cousoieuoa or decency will permit, his stewards leave him to ‘find himself as best he can for perhaps three fourths of the year. They seem to have an idea that he can live on air, or what is far less uourisliing, a mere prom¬ ise, and will not unfreqnently per¬ mit mouth alter month to pass by without mak.ut the slightest serious effort to supply his urgent needs.— Suppose they were to treat their hirelings on their farm in the same way, how long would they be able to command their services? No, th y must be paid, and all other current obligations must be met; but lie who wa clieafor their souls must wan, wait, wait. He must run up ac¬ counts at the grocer's; his children must he shoeless, and actually suf¬ fer from cold; h-s wife, perhaps al¬ ready broken down in health, must be a drudge; he must out down ex¬ penditure, even to the point of stop ping his Oh*roll paper—all because nobody will take the trouble or fore¬ thought to collect and pay over his little stipend. The preacher has now been at work three month of the Conference year, and hi.s bare, footed child says, ‘Papa hasn't re¬ ceived but five dollars yet,' This is too bad, brethren. You mean to pay his salary—why not do it as he earns and needs it? If you fiid it hard to collect it just now, why, putyourown hands into yxmr own pockets and advance it to him.— Surely you can trust your Church to make it up ; or, if not, you can surely trust H im who remembers and rewards even the gife of a cup of cold water to his disciples. What you give to Christ and His cause is all that you really save. All that you are laying up on earth shall ut¬ terly perish. A’l that you give to Christ is so much treasure laid up in heaven. Lay down ibis paper, and go ai once and look after the man of God and supply his wants. You will sleep better to-night,. and be a happier man to-morrow.— Richmond Advocate. Concert SEMINARY BALL, FORT VALLEY GA. The Grefit American Vocalist, PROF. J. W. BEARD-LEE, will give a SONG CONCERT, In the Seminary Hall, one night the coming week, probably next Friday night. The date will be definitely ascertained and small bills sent around in time. Prof. Beardslee comes among us to give one of his famous concerts which have been so highly com¬ mended elsewuere. He gives the entire receipts to the school fund. Admission 25 cents. Children 15 cents. The following endorsements of Prof. Beardslee will convince our readers of the treat in store: Not since the visit of the sweet singer in Zion— the lamented Bliss—has there been in Montgomery any vocal music comparable to that with which Prof. Beardslee (harms his audience.—[Mont¬ gomery Advertiser, Ala. Prof. Beardslee’s Concert i« pronounc¬ ed by all who attended it, one of the rich¬ est musical entertainment ever given in Atlanta, and the announcement that he will sing will always draw an and eace where he is known.—(Atlanta Ga. Constitu¬ The Concert given by Prof. J. \V. Beardslee, on Friday night, wasoneof.tha most enjoyable enteriaintiients of the kind, it has been our fortune to attend, The audience was swayed by the power of the charming music, moved and melt¬ ed to tenderness by the pathos of tile sweet, plaintive songs, at one moment, and the next convulsed with laughter by the merriest, jolliest strains. The pro fessor has made himself a name as a vo oulist whose voice, skill and culture place h m in the lirst rank of America’s great. —(Morning Journal, Sandersville, Ga. The writer was privileged t<> he ir him render some of the most popular sougs ill the language, and does not hesitate to placo him among the brightest stars ill the musical galaxy of tbo country.— (H. II. Jones, Editor Macon Tele t raph Macon. Ga. Prof. Beardslee. of New York, gave a ‘•Service of Song” at the M. E. Church, last Sunday, and a Concert on Monday n‘ght. Both serviocs were hrgely atte - de 'and gave entire siitlslaclion to our people. Brother Beardslee is nm-tir of his profesion. E- D. Wilkin, Pastor M. E. Church. Brsak in Ruliioads. —The high w .ter has done much damage throughout the country, especially to railroads. The Brunswick was stopped for several days, but re¬ sumed Thtirsdav. On Tuesday and Wednesday the Central was not running between Macon and Savannah, on account of high water at the Ogeechee river. Crav.tobd Court. —Crawford Superior Court convenes Monday Morning. Parties at interest, ju¬ rors, &c., will take notice and gov orn themselves accordingly. Green peas u re in the Savannah market. Finance and commerce ar&fit’l ab¬ sorbing topics, bm not less, iuiport ant is the presiirvaiion of Hie bea th, ‘or tlie onjoyruent PortaHiic, of )(hich man are imiehied to or Tab ler’s troubled Liver. Powder. If you are wiya an inactive liver, try a sample battle ut 25c, or a package nt. 50c. For sale by Ross Gekene & Co. f We have a speedy and positive Care for Catarrh, Dipthei ia. anker inouih and Head Ache, in SHlLOUfi CATARRH REMEDY. A nasal (Injector fico with each bottle. Use it il’Woti desire health and sweet breath. Diver 60 ets. Sold by Ross, Greene & Co. \ the Oh What A Cough !VWiU yoil heed warning. The signal perhaps of the 8 iii '0 approach oj that ASltVou'.selves more terrible’dis¬ ease Consumption. if you can afford for the sake of saving 50 ets, to run tlie risk and do mailing for it, We know frjin experience rliat Shi lolis Cure will Cure your Cou; it never fails. This explains why ue than a Million Bot tles were sold the past year. Cough, It relieves Croup, Mothers and Whooping at once. do not he without it. For Lame Hack, Side, or Chest, use Shilohs Porous Plaster. Sold by Ross, Greene & Co. Dyspepsi a a Liver Complaint. - Is it not worth the small price of 75 cents to free yourself of every sympiomcf the-e distressing complaints, if you think so call at our store aud get a bottle of Shi lohs Vitalizer, eveoy bottle has a printed guarantee oil it, use accordingly and if it does you no good it will cost you noth¬ ing. Sold by Ross, Gb eene & Co. '1! FOR IN THE HOME JOURNAL, the Official Medium for tbe county printing for Houston county. Pub¬ lished every Thursday mornitg at Perry, Houston County, Georgia, by John H. Hodges, Editor and Proprietor. Subscription price $2.00 per annum. Advertising rates lib¬ eral. Call on Du? \V. L. JONES, Agent, . Fort Valley, Ga. March 25. 2t Simpson’s Early Prolific Cotton Seed. The earliest and all most productive, improved and easiest Simpson’s picked, ot Early the Prolific varie¬ ties, Is cotton. Mr.Russ P. Johnson, of Spalding coun¬ ty has sent a limited supply of these seed to me to sell. Parties wanting them would do well bushel. to make early application. Piicc $1 per S- B. Brown. Mc’ll 10, 1881. GilAY-TUiOS, have just received a lull liu^of samples ol fcSprin^ atid Streamer SUITS to order from, Devlin & Go., New York. k w fi The jroodsnre verw select etio!c«, and prices i«ss than ever before. Qli\Y BROS. Houston Sheriff Sales ’ : «-F0R APRIL - Wq,L be sold before the Court llou door iu Peuy, Houston conuty, on the fist Tuesday in April, 1881. between tbe legal hours uL&alc, thulollonjug proper¬ ty tq-wit. . <r .. iJOO acres of land more cr less, in the 10th District of said county, being lot and part of lots *os, ISO, l»l, 1st i'l and .173, and constituting the place conveyed by Joseph Tooke io Laura Anderson and oirwhicli O. C, Anderson,ijalded July U A thrcc-dtiHrth Interest fit-let of land No. 4tl in tlie sixth district of Houston and Crawford counties Levied on as tile property of J. A. Walton, to satisfy a ti. fa. from Hoasiofc Superior Court in favor of \V. 11. Peavy. Returnable- to April term i880, sB&sSHafEsa pari e. H, ill teen a« rtsoff ut WMt Bide of No. 15, htty titty acros acres oil’of !*tmthAVcs: l>art of No. 15 and acres oft of t-ouih-wasl sido of loi No. 27, uiak in« nil aggregate of 612 ncros, more or less in the orie n il isth, now the 12th (list, of Houston county’, aud istitntin& the homestead of said Joseph TooKe as assigned to him in bankruptcy. All lovied on as the property of said Joseph 1 ooko under an execution from Pulaski Superior Gourt in fnv.»r of J*s L, Tooke Lumpkin, trustee, vs. Simon Merritt, and Joseph Iso security. and A at the same ime place that truct of land containing forty-seven [47] acres more or less, b ins within or near the corporate limits of Fort Valley, in the Ninth District of Houston County and bounded Fast by lands of VV. A. Mathews, South by the Cemetary road. North l»y the South Western rail road tnd West by lands of Alary Corbitt. Levied on ns the property of Win. li. Brown, deceased, to sat¬ isfy an execution from Bibb Superior Court in favor of Afiller A Harris vs. W. It. Brown. Executor, Jkc., returnable to the April Term 1881, said property be intf described in said execution. Feb. 24 lttSl. J. It. DUNCAN. Sheriff. Houston Sheriffs Sale. w ILL be sold before tbe court house door, in the town of Perry, Houston County, Georgia within the legal 1 tours of sale, on the first Tuesday fin April next, the fol¬ lowing pro- ho n v to wit: One ba\ se mule, named Pent, One bay ma s mule, one Roan Hors« about 9 years old, one uew end Spring buggy. Levied up n as the property of John F. Troutman, to satisfy an execution in favor of S. P. Smith, Son & Bro¬ ther, versus J. H. Troutman and JohnF. Troutmn fi fa issued from Fioyd Superior Court, and return able to September term, 1889. • Levy .made by T. M. Butuer form¬ er Sheriff aud turned over to tue. J. Ii DUNCAN, Sheriff. Tax Collector’s Sales, Will be sold before the court house do.or in tin town of Perry. Houston Uouuty, between ilie legal hours <>t sale on the 1st Tuesday in April next, the following .property to-wit: One lot of tand No. 50 in (lie Upper Eleventh J)iii.rict ot said county, levied on aHd^bf^as'YttTT prop u ty ot Carneti IloJJteVfian under a tax n. fi. im- 1880.* synte and udnnty tax"s for the ywn* ' Levy nmde by W. Brunson and turned over to me. Alsu at the same time an-l place 27 a-.T s of In ml moiv or loss, liein-f parts ol'lots Nos. JO ami 81 in Ihe New lfitb. District, VViliuby levied on and sold ns tfiu .prop¬ erty of Mnnnini under a t xfi fa lol- Shite mid omint y faxes for the a onr 1880, Levy by W. Brunson, Tux Collector, and turne-l over to me. •T. It. DUNCAN, Shoriil’. M nrcldl -l'S St ___ GEOBOIA of order CRAWroini isliilil’from Couxty.—By thecoiirtof vir¬ tue an Ordinary i-old bcford-tlie of Grawiford courf-lionsedoor county,, fn-fcnox will bi* ville. in Said county, on the firstTuess day ed la in April liexf, the following describ¬ pd: Eighteen acres of the western half of lot of land nuiiibnr 235 in Ihdf-econd district of Claw ford Imfot <: ty. aa.d Sold as the devoid property of estate of J. W. eu»^. rem.cjd. Adm's. GEORGIA, CKAWFORD ,H)TTNTY.-M. L. Ellis administratrix of'tho oRfatB of J. W. Ellis, late of said cfiunty deceased, applies for leav* to sell real property This is belonging cite all to said ostute: to persons concerned to show cause if any, by the first .Monday in April next why said up ottLc'ully Feb* 1 ^ n0,t Vj 0 ^| ra,1 ^ et ^ ^ ituos ^ an( l VIRGIL 8. HOLTON,‘©binary. --■v~------ Crawford Sheriff Sales. WILL ™ BE SOLD ON TUB^FIliST 4*galhours .Tuesday ..sulij,.-hffbre in April next"'within the of Keoiiri house door,fiSITElie town of t ville, •aid couuty, the following pro r 1 6 ->ix husdred<\ ahd cighty-ilvo’ acros of load, mrlsfiif loth' Nos. fotiy+eVa&Wj, (4!X> mid b-eveidy-nine fifty ffiy], ‘(50), In foi-tysninc- the sev¬ enth district of safitTObiinty. • Sold nadt-r and by ifirtue of'a tux execution issued by W M Raw tax collector fur said coun¬ ty, and levy inside and returned to me by G W J Hobbs, constable, execution being for State And county taxes, vs. Billings Wheeler This March Tenants 1881. in possession notified. 7, W. P. RIVIERE, Sheriff. i POMONA GUANO, great bone fertilizer of the South manufactured from Bone Animal matter and Potash POMONA ACID PHOSPHATE ! • j ; South Sea Acid Phosphate. . Auiinoniaied Ail of the above Guanos are of a high grade, and will give I respectfully solidite a share of patronage- , ’ Wa. J. Anderson. Next ty O. Ii. Millers’, Mrs. Mary Persons Will open her SCHOOL! —AT THE— Female Seminary —ON— Ilia? January 101881 , Charges for advanced scholars, $3.00 Intermediate department, 2.50 Charges Primary department, 2.00 made from the time of entering the pupil until close of term. Mrs. M. A. Mathews will continue in charge of the music department as before. Nothing possible shall be ‘.eft undone Lr the advancement, in every particular, of all pupils enirast -d to my care. Mrs. MARY PERSONS, Principal. Dec. 15, 18S0. FORT VALLEY Male Academy, Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga. Spring Session begins 2nd Mon¬ day in January and ends June 24th 1881. Tuition in Primary Class per month $2.50 ‘‘ “ Intermediate 3.20 “ “ Higher........ 3.70 Tuition to be paid at end of, each school month. Students charged* from] time of entrauce to end of Term. W. C.. Monk, B. S. Doc. 15th, 1880. Principal. AIOS ff. IBRML Dealer in General Merchandise Has moved into his new store in Harris Block, and has received a fine lot of new aud fresh goods in his such as Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware. Farmers sup¬ plies, Crockery, Glassware and Cutlery, And almost anything that can be called for. A nice lot of confcc tionery, fruits, etc., just received.— Call and examine goods and prices. Thankful to the public lor their patronage in the past. I hope to merit and receive a continuation in the future, in my new quarters, where I can keep a much larger and nicer stock. SmiFlorilM Western Railway. General Manager's Office. > Savannah, Mnv 23d, 1880. f and after SUM)AY. Mav '-3d. 1880 V / Passenger train-, on this* Road will run ns follows: FIGHT EXPRESS, S|iSsSs‘iiS:==il«:| £S'SsS&“:=lM Arrive nt TuilttMftRee daily at..............*2*v?. ;jj 4- A. M- M. Arrive a J -eU^ui ville (liiflyat..............< : Leave Tnllnhasseh daily at................... o , V Leave Leave Bflinhrid<ta \Jhauy daily-jit......................]:0 dijly at ..................4:«o 1. » • M M Leave Thninasyille daily dally at-......................6:30 ut..................• 30 I A-M. . M. Leave Jesup atSavannah ditily nt............,...0:0l» A. M. Arrive btl'woeii Savannah and Jack¬ No chan ire of cars sonville and snyaunOh SleorfJn« asnd Albany. d aily betweon Sa i'nllmun Palacd Cars viinnah and JacksonvU14. thvu*i h and froi ^nvnnnah Sleeping cur vnn E to n A IbanY, and JacksOtiville and Aibi any Withou C rissontfew from Pavadnah for Fernandia. Gaines ville and Cellar Keys take t his train. Piissoiifrors for DaHoif take this train. Passengers from Savannah for. Brun fiwick tuko Mils train, arrivitiR at Brunswick 6. XA„ I’assengors leave Brunswick arrive at Pitssoncera savannah 9.00 eavinjr P-M, Macon at J 7: a. m. (daily in- , oludtnjc Sunday) connect at Jeaup with this train for Passonsrers from Florida by th»s train connect- at Jesup with tnitv arriving in Macon at 6-2.5 p. m. (daily Connect including at Albany funday.] passonRer 4 trains . both Southwestern Railroad to and Orleans, from Mneon, ku fuula, Montpomory, Mobile, New etc. Mail steamer a«d leaves Thursday Raiubridge evening; for for Apalachicola Columbus every Sunday Kfesday ind Saturday afternoon. every (Bosgoonneotion i ot Jacksonville daily (Sunday ox cePtfitfl Enterprise, for GreenGovo and Springs. all landings St. Augustine. St. Johns Pm lntJfa. on r *Trains B. and A. R. It. leave junction, going on 4;40 west, at 11:37 a. M.. and for Brunswick at r. M., '''VhrmfJh^cket"^^ Ticket office. and Sleeping No. 22 Bull C«rBer‘hsse¬ street,and cured at Bren’s Western Railway Passen¬ nt Savannah, Florida and ger Dopot. accommodation train-eastern divi f.RflVe Snyftiinfth, Sundays oxcepted, “ at 7 00 a m. Leave McIntosh. “ Jesnp, “ 4 lJvw A. M. Leave Blackshs’ar, “ 3a. M. Leave " 7:«J M. \rrive Dnpont at Dupont, p. M. Leave A - Black:.hear .. M Loayp Jesup Bla Leave licave Mtslntosh Arrivo at Savannah WeSTFRN division. Loate ^Dupont^ ,' bunduys ^excepted, nt 6 ;(|n a. Leave Quitman " {1:4Sa. m. Arrivo at Thomasville “ *' V : I2;0op, 2:30 Iioavc Arrive Camilla, at Albany, “ s «:lfip. p, Leave Albany, ** a 6’3o a. Ijeavo Arrivo Camilla, Thcmasville, “ '* ::: 11:4 8:4« a. at oa. Leave Quitman. “ 8*.S0 P. Ijeavo Valdosta, '* s 5:17 Arrivo at Dupont. “ - 7 ;2o J. S. Tyson, Master of Transportation^^ ^ Gone >ral r — - _________________ PURITY orTOHES Baud FlNISHerlkci ggi K l [fv^Nsra The y ytRE j ifpwrriBORoV* * Imported Musical Merchandise, We import direct from the best manufacturers m Europe, Violins, Guitars, Accordeons, Har¬ monicas, Strings, And all kinds of Musical Merchandise. NOBODY CAN UNDERBUY US-.NOBODY CAN UN¬ DERSELL US CHEAP SHEET MUSIC. We make a specialay of Live, Standard and Popular Sheet Music. All Grades—Best Authors—Lowest Prices. Send a tnree cent stamp for our Catalogue containing over 3,000 different subjects : the best Catloguti in the country to select from. PIANOS. New York Pianos lead the world. We are Southern Agents for all the celebrated New York makes, viz: STEINWAt & SONS. A. WEBER, DECKER BROTHERS HAINES BROTHERS, THE GATE CITY PIANOS. New and Second hand Pianoe from $50 to 1,209. Send for our price- be¬ fore you buy. ESTEY ORGANS. All the wholesale Estey Organ business in eiuht Southern States i3 transacted by the ESTEY ORGAN CDMPANY at Atlanta. At our warerooms may always be fouud a complete assorament of these Incomp arable In strum en ts< Including all the newest stvles and latest improvements. ORGANS new and second hand from $20 to $500. ESTEY ORGAN COMPANY, Corner of Broad and Alabama Streets, ATLANTA; G A* BBOTHEBS, Arc our Agents for Fort Valley and “Vicinity. SPLEMD ISMTIOH GOLD UiLTCHES', slPOR TRADINC! ADD SPECCLATISe. CuL7 ial tatlonef SC. Iho V.’utch Trhlch xro nr-r f. r f rvlo i.i a go o-'. . p Gokllluatia^ Cancil '.'.atcli ia color aud a; j-tarance _ : wmmmmmm . L :J. f.Edtai'* a’i/rfioiUyoacaa : r.i r, market for nt ■ cxchtu^n. TJ.i wlilcaaMo j mate aproCtof t.:!x f U A ,\ to pc cd tho a, a’;or. j.-rartoa ue g'.ods. ia th:.: hr jUM g) ;.* ■ * A rr^sarxra-arsf.s ttud readthovratc’-. 1ii?i!y rcmcttmt’voC 1.7 well rr^u'.r-. w A'-xtscan •::lof«a.*Tlabor.- div.r.d Free ofr.d wo c.icr^:3 acw v.i.l i it Cblldreu loom arrar LD into words and word BcntuaocE ■ S?'® i»«a rwi.r-. BUU* without* t«achcr 3u.R _ _ FAMILY FONT for mru’c lag Linen, Cards, Book*, 6c. Cor.i blue* the eonvtT.i A aispi SAHJ T IW1Ej. gancc oi the robber ss TtQ fimciicaa Popnlar Dictionary, ThlimscfuUml $1.00 clctmnt is Complcu , i^ja-dbrdry r.nd Lucyclo. M Ti SSSuasi!?*«ff 1 |Kl i .ittiilSmBy' ■ COSM only s I '■ fi#n times tho rr. he.', Tribunoana U XV o have novor aeen equal either in prloo, finish cr Contents. —Tr.o AAvoctuo. News, **A perfact N> Y» Dictionary One and of tho library Amerhan ofrt-‘lcrence--Lt^lo Popular Dictionary a copy THE MYSTERY OF iL i» _ k. JBSSSSm W(®mi m> 1 : ; ^ ipmsi m §ii . ■ .‘■S.j-.L-i 47 .? ieces of Poplar fide far f 1 gls„ 1 taeKHSiBn^ te2*« V„ S c-ums. TMs p-d£ Siiuwuitai anrient.nndtnotIomcing!C,ndJsthefuxt-br.t.k lor nil euoTr me a. It thows low 10 knock ft tumbler through a table; t) d.ivo o:.o tumbler thror. !i another; howto ninke proteaa liquid; to irako ft watch c.un or go r.t the word of discover commend; how to walk barefooted o.i ft hot t.m bar; to any card in the pack by i:s dip weiubt baud CrraeU; to turn without wntev wot- lntj wino; hc \7 to crA, to the i.-to water ^} )C ji s t. | 0 tcnf r , Latidkercblef into plecsu, t id made it wholo ' ~ Tho end cnrtorr.s Hand^Boofe^S^Si of good sccici7 in vnoBo rml privut j li»'j. This i9 : cantoris tbs best work on Eiiqucr.o ever btro published, iatroducad, No but everythin?* ctitiquatca cr obsolete us.-.ctoj K5 , &‘ L t ^ : isk?r; w Atkinas, WOLLD MANUPAOTCRTNO CO, r-^FUN a-. ■ BOTS^. \ FOR THE l*n»-1 Here you nre beys I Just tbo thing for a little lcnmitrqir-ra-lhi-t. Tho m- 'i-hc'-i are naltOi-' tiuli.a fculr.can l>o Lut.-n^d 11 < r iltu'/vl'I from tio fwowitn wui.P.n.! when Won wnui-t l o l .M ft-unthoWl'PM^ daetlr>n.*15cya r.:ul yivriju rt ra finv.j l’.o'U irt great./ flag ibem c-k in a fowl • r Mini' 3 , v.-ho will 1>3 wtottlrkcd at ttia transform ith>n. Thro-i colorij