The Ellijay courier. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1875-189?, June 02, 1877, Image 3

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ELLIJAY COURIER. 0. F. COCHRAN * ■ Local Editor. ILL! J AT, OA., JUN* , 1877. ELUJAY-BIPH ITERS. KlderAtlp* preached at the Southern Methodist church last Sunday nigh! The “gain” have nearly quit fighting in town. The bnyja propone to hare a jubi lee- Somebody give a iraeon why we ought to bare a Convention. Don't all apeak at ouee. The crops in this section are looking fine, and the farmers are working like bear ers- A little rain is needed. Mr. Bishop has receired a lot of new goods, and will aell them at bottom fig ures. Call early and get your choice. He will take wool in exchange for goods. There will lie a big wrestling match this afternoon at Joe ljong’s blacksmith simp between J. 'll. Nobl/ and J. P. Perry. We’ll let on the yalier dog. Onions are disposed to take the premium this season. Potatoes are in full blast, cabbage are blossoming, beets already beaded and aasnmed the mushroom appear ance. We will give the closing exercises of Ludvilie High School, of Pickens next •week. We I efieve a favorable report will come up from that quarter of educational progress. -Next week we will notice the closing exercises of the Gilmer Higli School at this place under the charge of Prof. Har ris. Our columns arc always open to the interests of education and intellectual, so cial and moral progress. Don't forget the picnic that comes off next-Tuesday at White Path. Fun will be the older of the day, and there will also lie a big dinner. Everybody invited to go and carry, their baskets full as we will probably be on band. David Garren, Esq., has announced him self as a candidate for the Convention. He is already in the field. We have no doubt hut that success will attend his can vass. We 'cdrnme.nd him to the public ns a gentleman worthy of their support. The “sen'or cub” of this office lias, for the last three weeks, been seeking an invi tation to a beesrohlihig. Recently he got one. A six-footer fold him uot to fail to come. He promised to be on hand—lie’s agwine. A dollar and a half would make a success of the trip. Our cub seems dis posed-to look upon life. The Russian Court nivited Dr. Ayer and liis family to the- Archduke’s wedding la the Koyftl Palace. This distinction was awarded him uot. only because he .was in American, but also because his name as a physician had become favorably known in Russia on its passage round the world- Pueblo tOql ) People. There appeared a man in town last week muck in favor of a Convention—lie said he was tired of the iron yoke and wanted a change." Yet strange to tell he was here tiling a schedule for homestead on his piop erty. Bo ‘i e wants the “iron yoke ’ bolted so tight -in his case that a Convention can’t .break the bars. Consistency, what a jewel! Messrs. Osborn .and Ellington have re turned from the railroad meeting at Can ton on the 29t1 ult. They report a live interest manifested by the people for the early cempletion of-' the road to Canton and the continuing of the grade this way. Gov. Colquitt and Prof. Litt e were up and delivered animated railroad speeches. The Company obtained a subscription of $2,600 on the ground, with fine {Srcspects of greatly enlarging it. Its completion to Canton is regarded as a fixed fact, and when done there can be nothing surer than its completion to the end of the line. We hope our people will be prepared to help when the time cofttes. The school in the Eilijay Seminary closed ton the 18th ult, ami the debating society had a public debate. We are in formed that the different classes did credit to themselves and their teachers and pa rents. It being C'-ourt week the exercises were necessarily curtailed, but we have no doubt but that entire satisfaction has been given. We attended the debate on the evening of the 19th, and were well pleased at the progress made in so short a time. The declamations and compositions were excellent, and every one who participated did credit to themselves. Judge Lester. Col. Simmons, Cot Payne and others were present to mingle with a neat, and we unght say as to the female part, a hand some audiences The exercises *tere inter spersed with excellent singing, and the preparations for the occasion showed both taste and culture. Judge Lester and 01. Payne made.appropriaie speeches by way of encouragement to the young people, and all left feeling glad that they had al tended. Profs. Craigo and Brekaw no doubt have discharged their whole duty in the government and discipline of the school. PRICES CURRENT. ronatvTßp wsasir at t> usurp*. ] Oohd haying at $1 Ofi; prlting t to I Vt boat per bosltrl | q,, Fun*!- per hundred ... 4 Coni per lambol 50 1 w* meal per Immlh I gq Irish potato** per i-usht-1 t*we* pot at ova per* bushel gg Good yellow butter jg Common butter. j O . Baton Hama to* thickens lOal* j Eggs per dozen ] 0 Ut*** 12U15 Bacon shoulders jq Feathers aq HP U Colored pess 75 -hot per pound.... ~... 15 Powder 40 Jiew ttrleana syrup 1 qq Sorghum 50 Candles per pound 25 Nails per pound g Rice per pound iq Virginia salt, sack 3 qq Cotton socks per pair 25 Wool socks per pair. 25 Coffee per pound 30 Sugar per pound 15 White beaus 1 00 W bite peas j oq Tallow peas go Wool 30 Green hides q Dry hides 13 Country Jeans 50 Beeswax 25 Tallow q Ihe above are the retail prices. Cheaper rates can be had at wholesale or in job lots. MISCELLANEOUS. WEAVER £ FANN, BENTAItjgfg^SURGEONS, DALTON, GA.* L. J. GARTRELL. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. PRACTICES IN TIIK UNITED STATES CIRCUIT and District Courts at Atlanta, and the Supreme and Superior Courts of the State. 1-tf M. S. SWANN, CARTEOAY.GA., lYlill mini Bridge BUILDER. All kinds of carpenter work done in first class style and at bottom figures. TrTT*B irvvn THE f ‘ ILLB TUTT'B nXIXIU AXX Xi PIULB Ss! Words cf Advice, fits TUTT’S PILLS TL’TT’S "R EBFECT FULLY offered liv n.I.LS TUTT’B "W. H. TITT. M. 1)., for nnuiy p||.|,< TTi’PT’a Ter* D*montrtor of Anatomy In jP.II,® the Modtchl College of Georgia. J,,. ,‘ s IHII 2 Thirty year#’ expertfiioo In TCTT S practice of medicine. together with FILLS TUTT’S fifteen years’ test of Tutt’s IMIU, PILLS TUTT’S and the thousands of testimonials FILLS TUTT’B given of their efficacy, warrant me pi LI.S TTTTT’S In saying that they will positively p|j,i,s TitTT’a core all diseases that result from a pit > c diseased liver. They are not roe- ,'S ommcmled for all the Ills thntnlll let :,[[,■] IDTT S hnnnijiltv, hut for Dyspepsia. J nmi- * TUTT’S dice, Constipation. Piles, Skill Ills- TILLS TUTT’B eases. Bilious Colic, Rheumatism, PII.LS TUTT’S Palpitation of the Heart, Kidney PILLS TUTT’S Affections. Female Complaints, Ac., pnxs TitTT’a all of which result from a iterance- j s ■rtreeto went of the Liver, uo medicine Gas L... tUTT B£> ernroven so successful as l)H. J. Ji TUTT’S TITTT’S VEGETABLE LIVEIt J* JJ'j’S TUTT’B PILLS. PILLS TUTT’S : PILLS TI TT’S : TUTT’S PILLS • PILLS TUTT’S .’ CUItK SICK HEADACHE. • PILLS TUTT’S S .’. : ! PILLS TUTT’S : ■ PILLS TUTT’S l TUTTTS PILLN j PILLS TUTT’S : BEQUIKE NO CHANGE OF : PILLS TUTT’S : DIET. S • PILLS TUTT’S ... • PILLS TUTT’S • : PILLS TUTT’S : TUTT’S PILLS : PILLS TUTT’S -ARE PURELY VEGETABLE.; PILLS TUTT'B : = PILLS TUTTS • • PILLS TUTT’S : TUTTS PILLS : PILLS TUTT’S ! NEVER GRIPE OR NAUSE-: PILLS TUTT’S ; • ATE. : PILLS TUTT’S I PILLS .TUTT’S • - : I’ILLS TUTT’S • TIIR DEMAND TOR TUTT’S: PILLS TUTT’S :PILLS is not confined to thl: PILLS TtTTT’B -country, lmt extends to all parts ■ PILLS TUTT’S. iofthe world. : PILLS. TUTT’S 5 PILLS TUTTS ; • PILLS TUTT’B : ACLEARHKAD.cIastIc limits,: I’ILLS TUTT’S ieoiid digestion, sound sleep,- PILLS TUTT’B Ihnoyant spirits, flno appetite,: PILLS TUT’I ”8 -are some of the results of the- PILLS TUTT’S -nseof TUTT’S TILLS. : PILLS TUTT’S • PILLS TUTT’B : • PILLS TUTT’S : AS A FAMILY MEDICINE : PILLS TUTT’S • TUTT’S PILLS ARE TIIE: PII.LB TUTT’B : BEST—PERFECTLY HARM- S PILLS TUTT’S : LESS. ; PILLS TUTT’S ! PILLS TUTT’S : : PILLS TUTT’S ■ SOLD EVERYWHERE. • PILLS TUTT S : PRICE, TWENTY-FIVE C’TS. : PILLS TUTT’S • : PILLS TUTT’S : • PILLS TUTT’S : PRINCIPAL OFFICE : PILLS TUTT’S ! IS HURRAY STREET, j PILLS TUTT’S : HEW YORK. = PILLS TUTT’S : - PILLS DR. TUTT’S EXPECTORANT. This unrivaled preparation has per formed some of the most astonishing cures that arc recorded in the annals of history. Patients suffering for years from the various diseases of the Lungs, after trying different remedies, spending thou sands of dollars in traveling and doctor ing, have, by the use of a few bottles, entirely recovered their health. t “ WON’T GO TO FLORIDA,” Now York, August 30,1872. OR. TUTT: Dear Sir :-When in Aiken, last winter, I need your Expectorant for my cough, and realised more benefit from K than anything I ever took. lam so well that I will not go to Florida next winter as I intended. Send me one dosen bottles, by express, for some friends. ALFRED CUBHIKO, 123 West Thirty-first Btrcet. Boston, January 11,1874. This oertiflos that Z hare recommended the uso of Dr. Tutt’fi Expectorant for diseases of the lungs for the past two years, and to my knowledge many bottles hare been used by my patients with the hap* pleat results. In two oases where it woe thought con* firmed consumption had taken place the Expectorant effected a R. H. SPRAGUE, M.D. “ We can not speak too highly of Dr. Tutt* Ex pectorant, and for the sake of suffering humanity hope it may beoome more generally known.*--Curie- TMSf Ahrnrjjtr A Sola toy Druggists. Price DI.OO * ’ Adminirtnrtor’fi Sfiit. Itr tirtn* of a* nrdor ttnm tb* Ordlaa- I r* of Whitfield county, I will noil Iwfurt j th Court bona* doer in naifi wanly on j the first Tanadar In July next between I •he legal hours ol sale, at puMlr viiL-ry, on undir ided fourth of Ini of land No. one hundrted and thirty-two ( Ifit' In the Ninth ffith 1 District of the Second iid ' So-ilna of nilrtn.lly Cherokee, now Fan nin county, hold a* the property of Ed ward M. Galt, dcoe.ced. for diatHbtition. J. A. N. IIANK**. AdwilnUlralor. NpH‘ial Police —TO OFFICERS, LAWYERS . —AND OTHER— . BUSINESS MEN OF GILMER COUNTY Alhin Omlterg, the Bookseller, Station, el and Kinder, of Koine, <sa., is selling all kinds of l.egnl Kl.-uiks at SKYKNTY- FrVE CENTS per Quire HoiiNe. I CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE 1 puh'ie to the tact that my house is now fitted up for the aveoinfiiodutloii of alt who may favor me with their patron age. Transient customers accommodated upon liberal terms. The house is com fortable, the beds nice and clean, and the table is furnished with good and substan tial food. Persons from a distance wish ing to visit this section would do well to correspond with mo. .J. 1. JARRKTT KUijay Hotel. (oPBNKD IN 1850.) Mas. E. S. PERRY, * PROPRIETRESS. . The old patrons and friends of this House, and the public generally, sie re spectfully invited to call, with the assur ance that they will secure a conunodations equal to any in the place. Terms moder ate. Only oho block from the public squill e. May 10, INTO 80-tf GEO RGI A, Gi Ime r County. Court of Ordinary, May Term 1877 H being reported to the Court that Win. It. Dorn, late of Kdgetield county, South- Carolina, deceased, left at the time of his death r. considerable estate in the said county of (Silmer, which said est ate is un represented and not likely to be repre sented. Therefore all persons interested in said est ite are hereby notified that the administration thereof -iU he vested in .the Clerk of the Superior Court of said 'county or some other proper persou if no cause' be shown to the contrary at the •June term next of the Court of Ordinary of said county. Witness my hand and official signature this May 7th,'1877. J. C. ALLEN, ‘ Ordinary. DANIEL F. BHATTY’S PIANOS and ORGANS' Caution. —The reputation 1 have gained and the celebrity of my Organs, liav'e in duced some unprincipled parties ami agent s to copy my circulars, and misrepresent my instrument; against, this the public an* hereby cautioned. Alt my Organs hear my trade-mark Golden Tongue, and all my Pianos have the word PI YNO, underlined and also have my name and residence Daniel F. Bkatt y, ash in gton, N. J. without which none is genuine. Address D ANIEL F. BEATTYB. Washington, New Jersey. U. 8. A. and; d* 4) Ip ip Ip p ip READ THIS I Only One Dollar! For one dollnr the SAVANNAH WEEK LY NEWS will be sent, postage -paid to any address tor six months. It iR out* of the Cheapest papers published, and is a welcome visitor to the counting room, fire-ide or’ farm. It is. a ueatly printed four page sheet, compactly made up, and contains the politic I and current news of the week;a comprehensive summary of the telegraphic dispatches and local news, and interesting sketches and stories’ It also contains full reports of the markets. Tlius, those who have not the advantage of a daily mail -can get the news for six months by sending One Dollar.- It is just the I’APKIt FOR EVERYBODY INTEHEBTKD IN Georgia and Florida It will be well invests, and will educate your children and make home happy. Money for either paper can be sent by Post Offlceorder regs istered letter or Express, at publisher’s risk. Address J. H. ESTILL, Savannah, Gft. WESTERS sTATUNTiC RAILROAD train Number one—northward. I.eave Atlanta - -3 25pm Arrive at Marietta - - - 4 12pm “ Cartersville - - 5 18 p m “ Kingston '- - - 544 pm “ Dalton - - 744 p m “ .Chattanooga - - 921 pm TRAIN NUMBER TWO—SOUTH WARD. Leave Chattanooga - - 4 25 pm Arrive at Dalton - 800 pin Kingston - - -748 p m “ Cartersvilie - - 815 p m “ M ari. tta - - - 928 p m “ ' Atlanta - - - 1017 p m TRAIN NUMBER THREE —NtfItTIIWARD. Leave Atlanta - - - C 55 a m Arrive at Marietta * 7 45 a in “ Carte raville - - 854 am Kingston - •- -922 am “ Dalton - ll()4am “ Chattanooga - - 12 45 am TRAIN NUMBER FOUR —SOUTHWARD. Leave Chattanooga - - 6 45 a m Arrive at Dalton - - - 8 45am “ Kingston - - -ip4lam Cartersville - - 1110 am “ Marietta - 1/24 a m “ Atlanta - - - 116 p m TRAIN NUMBER TWELVE —SOUTHWARD. Leave Dalton - - - 12 59 am Arrive at Kingston - - 4 18 a in “ Cartersville - - 507 a m “ Marietta ... 7 35am “ Atlanta - - - 915 a m I MISCELLANEOUS. I II ASK & IVAI.I.ACK, CAUTKVAY MILL'S MAxtmcrrftEßft or DUMB, MUMS. BEDSTEADS, SAFES, WASIISTAN ds. tables AND ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE! usually needed by housekeepers. Any articles that wc may uot have ou band will be ' MADE TO ORDER to suit purchasers. r We sell at the lowest terms and guaran tee satisfaction. Give us a rail. CHASE & WALLACE, I'2B Cartecay Mills, Ga. DAVID GARitLN, t ELLIJAY, GA., DKALKU IN DKY GOODS, HOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER, HARDWARE, HATS, CAPS, NOTIONS, ETC. A GOOD SUPPLY OF GROCERIES always on hand. Also DYE-STUFFS, PEKFUMEIUES, And an excellent line of M EDICIIVES, Including Agencies for Jayne's, Scovill’s McLeans, Radway’e Hall’s and Ayer’s PATENT MEDICINES. Also constantly on hand a good supply of IRON, AND COTTON YARNS. And, in fact, everything Unit is generally found iu a Dry Good* and Grocciy store; and will be sold exceedingly cheap for cash or barter. fall on him at that old and favorable Stand formerly kept by W. P, Milton. m nv Miußui WE Inform the citixens of dinner and adjoining counties, that we are now located at Kllijay, where we are prepared to manufacture WAGONS, ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. lIEI’AIIUNG done with neatness and dispatch. Our Blfiiolcmiuitli Nhoj) Is now in good order, and \ve can make anything in our line. HORSE-SHOEING IS MADE A SPECIALTY. GOOD 2-HORSE WAGON $75. And BUGGIES from SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLaUS and upwards. All kinds of Farming Implements made to order or repaired. Keadv-.Hade Coffins constant)v on hand. NOBLE A CO. m7-ly MARTIN V TEEM & SON, CLEAR CREEK,GiImer l'o.,Ga. A# % —DEALERS IN — in muMEEim. HATS, BOOTS. SHOES, CROCKERY, DRUGS AND NOTIONS, In fact, everything kept in a first-class country store. I will sell good coffee 31 to 4 pounds per dollar;- Sugar 8 to IP ppuuda per dollar; Prints 8 to 10 cents; Domestic# 8 to 10 cent-*; Osuaburgs 12J to 15 cents; C'ot tonades 12A to 25 cents; Jeans, cuiitry made,' good, 33 to 40 cents; Kentucky jeans 20 to 40. LAMPS AND KEROSENE OIL always on hand. Also, near the same place, I can furnish WHISKY, BRANDY AND WINE at bottom figures. a7:ly •THIS ICLIaIJAY OOUlt 1141*.*’ A Immihml Every Niiliarday 111 or in j£ At $3 Per Annum, in Advance. AT ELLIJAY, GLLMELI COUNTY , dMO BY .1. C. AEI.EX. IN calling the attention of the public to the importance of aiib*crit;ißg lf THE COUlilEll, I do so with the firm eonviciion that its interests are the Interests of Every Man, Woman and Child in North Georgia. ITS LINE OF POLITICAL POLICY is not, intended to be section.l, h ts purp ses are < 0 VINDICATE TRUTH, UPHOLD RIGHT, AND EX POSE CORRUPTION AND CRIME in all the departments of Government. The-organ of no partieular creed, sector degtnt, it will encourage good morals, a higher education, and the useful arts. Our Agricultural, Mineral and Mann facturing advantages will be a text for I b<r and thought. North Georgia, with erf rtile Valleys, her Mountains of Iron, Marble ad Slate, her Water Pewer Fine Timber, and her Railroad Interests will oorae within the scope of our edite l labors, and he exhibited to the practical minds of the country. To DE VELOP NORTH GEORGIA, and add to the material propority and wealth b e whole State, will be the incentive to our greaUst exertions. Our Rates cf Advertising will ba Liberal, And Special Arrangemens Made on the best of Terms. Only Paper in the 41st Senatorial District, And in tho counties of Giimer, Towns, Union, Fannin, Pickens, Daw*on and Murray, which lie in our mm ediale vicinity. Merchants, Factors and business Men generally will find it to their interests to advertise iu our columns Make up Clubs. Sample Numbers Free, Subscribe at once, and this use ul, instructive and live spirited paper will prove a welcome visitor to every reuder iu North Georgia, and throughout tlis State. Every family should have ac> py. Only Two l>olln.rt<si Per Auiiiim Send in your Subscription and Advertisements Address all c unuiu lioalioas to J.C.A-LBEN, Kllijny, Gn. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. GEORGIA. Gilmer Cminly. Court of Ordinary, May Term, 1877. Wheieas, John Leach, late of said coun ty, dec eased, died intestate, and whereas ho application has been made, or is likely to he made, to be appointed administra tor of said estate. ’ These are therefore to cite all person's concerned—the next of kin and creditors—to be and appear at the ih xt term of the Court of Ordinary in. said county to show cause, If any they can, why Levi M. Greer, Clerk of tug Su perior Court of and in said county should noh he invested with the administration of said estate in conformity to law. Witness my hand and official signature this May 7, 1877. J. 0. ALLEN, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Uilmkh County. Court of Ordinary, May Term, 1877. Whereas, James J. Billiard makes ap plication to me to he appointed guardian •of tlie property of Loko Harley Siniard and Louisiana Siniard, two minors, non residents of tliis State, and shows that said minors have valuable property in said countv, which is liable to deteriorate in value, 'and forth sr shows that K. K. Bo uden, recently guardian of said inf nors, has removed beyond the limits of this State, and has not renewed his said guardianship. These are therefore to. cite all persons concerned to be and at pear at my office at the next regular term of this Court to show cause, if any they can. wliv tlie said James J. Siniard should not lie appointed guardian ot the property in said county of said non-resident mi nors in conformity to law. Witness my hand and official signature this, tlie 7tli day of May, 1877. J. C. ALLFN, Ordinary. John M. Sharp ) Bill to set aside lease in vs. > Gilmer Superior Court Jas. S. Williams. ) May Term, 1877. It appearing to-the Court by the return of the 8 lie riff that the defendant, James 8. Williams, lias not been served, and it furtner appearing thatsaid James 8. Wil liams is not a resident of said county and State s'o that the process of the law can not be served on him. It is on motion of counsel for the plaintiff - ordered that said defendant appear and af tlie next term of this Court, elss the ease .lie con sidered in default and tlie plaintiff allow ed to proceed, and it is further ordered that this rule be published in the Kllijay Courier once a month for four months. GEO. N.LESTER, J. 8. C. Daniel Miller ) Bfll to set aside lease iu vs. [- Gilmer Superior Court Jas. 8, Williams. ) May Term, 1877. It appearing to the Court by tlie return of the sheriff that the defendant, James 8. Williams, has not been served, and it further appearing that said James 8. Wil liams is not a resident < f said county and State so that the process of ’he law can not lie served on him. It is on motion of counsel for the plaintiff oidered that said defendant appear and answer at tlie nett term of this Court, else the case he con sidered in default and the plaintiff allow ed to proceed, and it is farther ordered that this lule be published in the ’Kllijay Courics once a month for lour months. GEO. Ji. LESTEK, J. S. O . “NEWSY, SFICY, RELIABLE.” THE DAILY CONSTITUTION. Under its new management, The At lanta Constitution lias won for itself the title of the leading journal of tlie South. l|s enterprise, (luring the recent election excitement, 111 sending correspondents to different portions of tlie country, and its series of special telegrams from Washing ton while tiie electoral commission was engagud in consimmtiug the fraud that placed radicalism once more in power in our ilatlonai councils, are evidences con spicuous enough'To pl’ovo ttiat noexpense will he spared to make The Constitution not only a leader in the discussion of pub lic matters of jiuf'lic concern, lmt a leader in the dissemination of tlie Infant and most reliable news. There is no better time than now to subscribe for A FKKHH AND VIGOROUS XF.WSI'APER. Albeit, there has been a qtmri settle ment of one ot the most difficult and dan gerous problems of modi r-n federal poli tics, the discussions springing therefrom and the results likely to ensue have lost nothing of their absorbing interest. In addition to this, the people oi,Georgia are now called upon to settle THE CONVENTION -QUESTION, and in the discussion of this important subject, (in which the Constitution will take a leading part) every Georgian is in terested. If a convention is called jts proceedings will tied their earliest and fullest embodiment in the columns of the Constitution, and this fact alone will make the paper indispensable to every eitizei. of the Btate. To tie brief, THE ATLANTA DAILY CONSTITUTION will endeavor, by all tlie means that the progress ot modern journalism has made possible and necessary to hold its place as a leader of southern opinion and as a purveyor of the latest news.' Its edito rials will lie thoughtful, timely and vigor ous— ealm and argumentative in their methods and thoroughly southern and democratic iu their rffeutiments. Its news will be Ireslr. reliable and carefully di gested. It will he alien and entermis ing, and no txpense will be spared to make ,it the medium-of tlie latest and most important intelligence. THE WhKKLY CONSTITUTION. Besides embodying everything of inter est in the daily, the. Weekly Constitution will contain a Department of Agricul ture, whicsb will be in charge of Mr. Mal colm Johnson, the -well-known .secretary of the Georgia State Agricultural .socie ty. This department will lie made a spe cialty, and will lie thorough anclcmuplete. The larmer will'find in it not only all the current information on the subject of ag ricuhure, lmt timely.suggest ion# and well digested advice. Subscriptions should he sent inatonce TERMS FDR THE DAILY : 1 month SIOO 3 mouths 3 00 6 months . 5 30 12 months. 10.00 TERMS FOB THE WEEKLY. 6 months '.*l 10 12 months. 2 20 Money may he sent by-post-office money orde” at our expense. Address^ THE CONSTITUTION. Atlanta, Ga.