The Ellijay courier. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1875-189?, September 21, 1877, Image 1

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njJJAY^OURIER. rouum mi msiii, TIMS : *l_so PEB ANUS H. thrash. .... PusTir, n paper i or ri> . m HT Th< following rato* mihl rnlo are lalftml and lta| i-rativc, and admit of M exception ; yl KATES OF ADVKUTISING. Oaa aquai* owr invert inn ... $ IN Rtok gtaMiiinl inaertion ... M If ■)** we year ..... 10 no Two year ..... NO ON Quarter column on* year .... UN Hall column one year .... 41 Ml One column one your ..... *0 00 Local notices lb cent. a line om-h inser tion. Ten line*, one inch, constitutes a sou arc. Tearly advertisers will he allowed bue change without extra charjre. H LKGAL ADVERTISING. Sheriff sales, mich levy, - - $4 00 Cltuthrti for letters of administration and guardianship, - - - 400 Application for dismission from ad- Vflnßttmtion, sruardlanshlp and executorship, - - - -ft 00 A |iMention for leave to sell land, one NtfUafe, - - - - - 400 Each additional square, - - SOO Land sales, one square, - * 4tt Mich mldltionnl sqnaro, 3 On Application for homestead, - - 200 Notice to debtors and creditors, - 400 For all lesal advertisements, the cash Rust l>e paid In advan c. Advertisements not marked for a certain number of Insertions will be published till forbM, and ebargedaccordingly. GENERAL DIRECTORY. titorge N. Lester, Judge Blue Klilge CHreuit. Thomas F. Greer, Solicitor. TOWN COUNCIL. J. It. Johnson, president: J. >l. Wal kins, H. Wilson, J. K. I*. Smith, , 11. Ran. dull, secret ary. BOARD OF EDUCATION. W. R. Itsekley, President; W. F. 11 11l- Scc^jjMarjr; Vf. O. Wootlard, Silas Whit, aker, >l. J. West. COUNTY OFFICERS. J. O. Allen, Ordinary. 1.. X. Greer, Clerk Superior Court. Dr. J. It, Johnson, SheriH. r. Jf. yiitton, Tax Receiver, Collectoi and tVeastirer. James A. Carnes, Surveyor. RELIGIOUS SERVICES. R A Wist Church—Every second Satur day and Sunday, l>y N. L. Osliorn. X NTiionisr Kitscopal C h urch—Every drat Sunday, by Rev. A. F. Ellington MmioniKT Ki'iscoiAt.cnrKcn, south Every third Saldmlh, l*y Rev. T. J. Ed *"JY I FRATERNAL RECORD Oak ItOWKRY r.OTWK, No. SI,F. Asn A. N.—Meets tint Friday tn each month. X. L. Oshorn, W. 11. David Garres. Secretary. MAIL—ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE. Leave Merganton, Saturday - - 0 a m Arrive at Klljjay, Sntui day • - 13 m Leave KMijny, Saturday ... 1 pm Arrive Carteravllle, Wednesday 0 pai Leave Carters ville, Thursday -Bum Arrive at Ell(jay, Friday - - 13 m Leave Ellijay, Friday - - - Ipm Arrive at Marganton, Friday - 6pm Leave Dahlgaega,Tuesday andTliursdav Arrirjr at EIHJuy, W ed’sdn y ft Friday 13 in Leavf KitUar. w Cd’sday Friday 1p m ArrirgatPiniiouega.Tlis’diw A Saturday rHdrt V - • ■ ■ 0 aID Arriv%%t liftyitoUTi, Friday - - 6 pm LenThTMiektown, Saturday - . 6 p m Arrive at Ellijay, Saturday - - 6pm David Gakrgx, Postmaster. XJ J. C. ALLEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ELLIJAY, GA., Wn.l. pra|Uceiu tlie Superior Courts ot the Blue Ridge Circuit. Prompt attention given to all business entrusted to his care. Collections a specialty. THI IAS F GRE ER ATTORNEY AT LAW, m JSLUJAY, GA. A* Selicitor General will attend rvjru larly all the Courts of the Blue Ridge Cir euit; Supreme Court of Georgia and U. 8. Whir let and Circuit Courts. Land litigation a specialty. X J. GARTRELL ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' ATLANTA, OEOltai A. PkACVKR* IX Tire UXITED STATES CIRCUIT and Duittiot Courts at Atlanta, and the Supreme and Superior Courts of the tat *. !V, 1-tf H. R. FOOT. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ELLIJAY, GA. PRACTICES IN THE BLUE RIDGE Circuit. Gives attention to claims against the United States Government. Aim. Land Agent. FmcUm to buy or sell land in any ofWre cnerokce Comities can address ar.Vall on Lim at. Ellijay. 1-tf E. W. WATKINS. M. D. Physician and Surgeon, ELLIJAY, GA. J. R. JOHNSON, M. d7~ Physician and Surgeon, ELLIJAY, GA. Tendixs Itis professional services to the citizens of Ellijay and vicinity. Will promptly answer all calls, when i:ot pn famonally j<ui2l-Ij-. THE ELLIJAY COURIER VOL. 11. EUJJAY lil. The except**. of this Institution will Often August. IS, I**7, for the scholastic year, under the professorship of Jsn H. HutseU, A. 8., and ./c \V, Davenport and Mhm Mattie K. Mifflin, associates. The schol astic roar will oouaist of TWO TERMS of TWENTY WEEKS EACH. TUITION: " Him ary Department,* per term. -f AON Intermediate ** - - >■ - _ 7^l Illßh School “ * *• - - lU.OQ Academic M “ . . Contingent Fee “ - . M - TEE MUSICAL DEPARTMEST wilt be in of Miss Gertrude llut sell. All pupils entitled will RECEIVE THE BENEFITS OF TltK ITBLIC SCHOOL FDNI) durini: the tirst session. Every effort will be made to reach the Peabody fund, whR-h, if secured, will be deducted flmm the tuition. The course of instruction will he thor ough and complete in every departmet. Ihe facilities of this institution and the ; advantages^offered by it arc not excelled by any similar institution In the country. A high standard or discipline in this school will be rigidly adhered to, and iuimirtially enforced. . Till.* section, on account of the salubri ous atmosphere it* tine water and beau tiful scenery', wltlilfs freedom from view, so eomnum to towns aud cities, may justly be regarded as ottering vary sui>o f™ moral and ediiciitional advantages, ■'o spirituous liquors being sold in the vicinity. Text-books will be uniform and se lected Irom the best anthoi's. Students wjl! bo charged from time ot entrance to close of session. Till IffJfflßl! WE inform the ciUaens of Gtimer and ndjoining-eounttox, that we are now located at Klli.iay, where we are prepared to manufaeture BUGGIES" II WAGONS, OH THE SHORTEST ROTICE. REPAIRING done with neatness and dispatch. Our Blacksmith Hhop Is now In good order, and we can make anything iu our Hue. HORSE-SHOEING 18 MADE A SPECIALTY. GOOD 2-HORSE WAGON $75. And BUGGIES from SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLARS and upwards. All kinds of Farming Implements made to order or repaired. Ready-Made Collins constantly on hand. NOBLE-* CO. mt-ly Special Notice —TO OFFICERS, LAWYERS, —aKi> other — BUSINESS MEN OF GILMER COUNTY All>in Omlterg, the Bookseller, Station er and Binder, of Rome, On., iu selling ail kinds of Legal Blanks at SEVENTY FIVE CENTS per quire. W. A. ALLEN, CAUTECAY, - - GEORGIA, •’ —DIALER t*— DRY HOOPS, mw, PROGS, SIIUKS, LKAIUEH, UAUDWIHK, Ami everything usually found in h Ire*, class country store, all of which wiR he sold at bottom prices for cash or country produce. jltt-tf WESTERN & ATLANTIC RAILROAD THAIS NUMBER OSS—:SOUTHWARD. Leave Aiafetfe . . -815 p m Arrive at Marietta - - -412 ptn “ Cartersville - 3ISp in “ Kiujoston - -3 44pm ** • Dalton - - -744 pin " Chattanooga - -t) Si p m TRAIX SOMBER TWO—SOUTHWARD. Leave Chattanooga - - 4 33pm Arrive at Dalton - - - 6 00pm Kingston - - -T4S p m “ CartcrsviUo - -13 p ut “ Marietta - - -his pm “ Atlanta - - - 1017 pm TRAIN NUMBER TURKU—SOUTH WARD. Leave Atlanta - - - 6 33am Arrive at Marietta - - - 7 43am “ UartenivUle - - H3am " Kingston - - - SiJaas “ Dalton - -lima nt “ Chattanooga - - 13 43 am TRAIN NUMBER *U*UR—SOUTHWARD. Leave Chattanooga - - 6 43 am Arrive at Datum ... S 43 a tn ** Kingston - - -in Gam “ Carters ville - - 1110 am ** Marietta - - -la 34 am “ Atlanta - - - I!Sp in TRAIN NUMBER TWELVE -SOI MWARD. Leave Itaiteu .... 1239 am Arrive at Kiugston - - 4l v aia “ Car! ersviJle - -3 07 am “ Marietta - - - 733a ai “ Atlanta - - - '’l3 am " omm to Bo Dungcrou* Wien Bomob It LaA Presto Corn bat It. "-Jefferson. ELLIJAY, GA., SEPTEMBER 21, 18^7. Loved and Loot. Mnar the city rierpeth. The Right b calm ami awed, The vlaylight ember* rualle— There'* ailenoo tat Em threat. Old bow my heart feeb lonely, Aj the chill alunbiwa fall; Ihtt the spirits softly wbbfirr, i baar thair rotor* call; Igjdjg l P’s* 11 **7 ■**. Atnl grief shall never dkv Thnatgli weary, weary time Khali rmrmA tl tiffl ebbae, Loved aud Lual. Most Mi)ni the falling bmp— * Ail through the lagging night; I hear the tender accents— I see a figure bright. - Restore the golden liouts— Sweet vision, linger! stay ) The spirit softly whispers, Anti R dissolve* away— Laveti anti Lost, they sigh, Anti jnk'f sliall never die. All Hi rough the weary time, Hark to the dinnai chime, Loved and Lost. So pnss tlie heavy hoirfs, I chide the long delay. Anti the night so chili and dark, I wait the lingering day. At last the blissful summons, What notes my poor heart entlmdl; iSn coiuiuc, I am ready— I bear their voices call— loved, not lost! tliey cry, Fur love shall ucver die. And so, through endless tune Bbsdi swell the joy fid chime. Lovyd, uot lost. THE CONSTITUTION.—r!B77. Every bill, beforo it shall pass, shall bo read three times, and on three sepeiate days, in each Rouse, unless in caterof actual invasion or insurrection. No law or ordinance shall pass which refers to more' than one subject matter, or contains mat ter different from what is express ed in the title thereof. The general appropriation bill shall embrace nothing except ap preprint ions fixed by previous laws, the ordinary expenses o£ the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Departments of the gov ernment, payment of the public debt and interest thereon, and for support of the public institu tions and educational interests of the State. AH other appropria tions shall be made by separate bills, embracing but one subject. All bills tor raising revenue, or appropriating money, shall orig inate in the House of Representa tives but the Senate may propose, or concur in amendments, as in other bills. ito money shall be drawn from the Treasury except by appropri ation made by law, and a regular statement and account of the re ceipt and expenditure of all pub lic money shall be published every three months, and, also, with the laws passed by each session of the General Assembly. No bill or resolution appropriat ing money shall become a law, unless upon its passage, the yeas and unys, in each llouse, nre re corded. AH act* shall be signed by the Presideut of the Senate and the Speaker ef the House of JGtopre sentatives, and no bill, ordinanet or Veselulien, intended to have the effect of a law, which shall have boon rejected by either House, shall be again proposed during the same session, under the some or any other title, with out the consent of two-thirds of the House by which the same was rejected. No bill shall become a law un less it shall receive a majority of the votes of all tlie members elected to each House of the General Assembly, and it shall, in every instance, so appear on tho journal. All speciai or local bills shall originate in the House of liepre sentalives. The Speaker of tlie House of Representatives shall, within live days from the organ ization of the General Assembly, appoint, a committee, consisting of one from each Congru-ssioual District, whose duty it shall be to consider, and consolidate al! special and local bills, on the same subject, and report the same to the House; and no special or loot! bill shall be read or consid er#! by the House until the same ha||been reported by said com raitlee, unless by a two-thirds votf. And no bill sIiaII be con sidured or reported to (he House, committee, unless the MM shall have been laid before ft tythin fifteen days after the orguiixaliou ol the General Ab semhly, except by a l*wotlrirdß local or special bill shall be pitPd, unless notice of the inten- U*t*>io apply therefor sliall have be<|h published fn the locality whire the matter, or thing to be may be situated, which notice shall be given at least thifly days prior to the introdne tioMof such bill into the General Assembly, and in the mnnuer te be prescribed by law. The evi deuce of such notice having been published, shall be exhibited in the'' General Assembly before sueff act shall be passed. Up law, or section of the Code, shall be amended or repealed by uiePß reference to its title, or to the'Dumber c,f Lho section of I lie Code, but lho aineuding, or re pealing act, shall distinctly dealribe the law to bo amend ed or repealed, as well as (he al teration to be made. The General Assembly shall have no power to grant corporate powers and privileges to private companies, except banking, in surance, railroad, canal, naviga tion, express and telegraph com panies; uor to make or change election precincts; nor to estab lish bridges or ferries; nor to change tlie names of legitimate children; but it shall prescribe by lav&ihe uianuor in which such, powers shall be exercised by the courts. Tlie General Assembly shall have nG power to relieve princi pals or securities upon forfeited recognisances, from lho payment thereof, either before or after judgment thereon, unless the principal in the recognis ance shall have been appre hended and placed in the custody of the proper officer. The General Assembly shall not authorise the construction of auy street passenger railway within the limits of any incorpor ated town or city, without the consent of the corporate authori ties. Whenever the Constitution re quires a vote of two thirds of either or both Houses for lhe passing of an act or resolution, the yeas and nays on the passage thereof shall be entered on the journal. The General Assembly shall have power to make all laws and ordinances consistent with Uus Constitution, and not repugnant to the Constitution of tho United states, which; they shall deem necessary for the welfare of the Btate. No provision in this Constitu tion, for a two-thirds vote of both Houses of the General Assembly, shall be construed to waive the necessity for the siguature of the Governor, as in any other case, except, in tlie case of the two thirds vote required to override the veto, and in case of prolonga tion of a session of the General Assembly. Neither House shall adjourn for more than three days, or to any other place without the con sent of the other, and in case of disagreement between the two Houses, on a question of adjourn ment. the Governor may adjourn either, or both of them. BKCTION VIII. The officers of the two Houses, other than the President and bpcaker, shall be a Secretary of the Senate and Clerk of the House of Representatives, and such assistants as they may ap point; but the clerical expenses of the Senate shall not exceed sixty doUars per day, for each session, nor the House of Representatives seventy dq}lar per day for each session. The Secretary Senate and Clerk of the llouVe of Representatives shall be required to givo bond and security for the faithful dia charge of their respective duties., cd to *wrv SNOT IRE IX, 1 1 The per diem of the members of the* General Assembly sindl not exoood four dollars; and mile ago shall net exceed ten cents for each mile traveled, by the nearest practicable route, in go ing to, and returning from the Capital; but tho President of the Senate and tho Speaker ot the House of Representative* shall each receive not exceeding seven dollars per day. BKOTION x. All elcclious by tho Goneral Assembly shall be viva eoee, and the vote shall appear nil (ho journal of the House of Repre sentatives. When theSeuato and (louse of Representatives unite for the purpose of elections, they shall meet hr Ihe Representative Hall, aud Ihe President of the Semite shall, in such cases, pre side and declare Ihe result. SUCTION XL All property of the wife at the lime of her marriage, amt all property given to,inherited or ac quired by her, shall remain her separate property, and not be li able for the debts of her husband. S NOTION XII. All life insurance companies now doing business in (he Bute, or which may desire to establish agencies and do business in the State of Georgia, chartered by other Stwtea-ef tl* Unions-oc for eign Stales, shall show (hat they have deposited with tlie Comp troller General of the State in which they are chartered, or of this State, the Insurance Com missioner, or such other officer as may be authorised to receive it, not less than one hundred thou sand dollars, in such securities as may be deemed by such officer equivalent, to cash, subject to his order, as a guarantee fund for the security of policy holders. When such showing is made to the Comptroller General of the State of Georgia by a proper cer tificate front the Slate official having charge of the fund so de posited, the Comptroller General of the Slate of Georgia is author ized to issue to the company making such showing, a license to do business in (he State, upon paying the fees required by law*. Ail life insurance companies chartered by tlie Slate of Ueor gia, or which may hereafter be chartered by the Slate, shall, be fore doing business, deposit with the Comptroller General of the State ot Georgia, er with tome strong corporation, which may be approved by said Comptroller General, one hundred thousand dollars, in such securities as may be deemed by lum equivalent to cash, to be subject to his order, as a guarantee fuud for the secu rity ol the policy holders of the company making such deposit, all interest and dividends arising from such securities to he paid, when due, le the company so de positing. Any such securities as may bo needed or desired by tlie company may be taken from said department at any time by re placing them with other securi ties equally acceptable to the Comptroller General, whose cer tificate for the same shall be fur nished to the company. The General Assembly shall, from time to time, enact law lo compel all fire iasurance'compa uies doing business in this Slate, whether chartered by this Slate or otherwise, to deposit reason- 1 able securities with the Treasurer of this SUto, lo secure the people against loss by the operations of said companies. The Geueial Assembly ahull compel all insurancu corapaatee iu this .Stale, or daiug business therein, under proper penal ties, Mo make semi anneal report* to the Governor, and print tho uui at ihcfr own expense, fv the in fbrniatiata and pfetection of tho ' ARTICLK IV. IMAKII-OF'VUK OKMOUL ASSEMBLY OVKK TAXATION. f SKCTtON I - Tho right of taxation is a sover eign right—inalienable, indes tructible—is the life of the State and rightfully belongs to the peo plo in all republican governments, and neither the General Assem bly, nor any, nor all other depart ments of the government estab lished by this Constitution, shall over hnve the authority to ftrltrtfo-’ cably give grunt, limit, or restrain tide right; and all laws, contract*, and ad ether acts, what soever, by said government, o# any department thereof, to effect any of Ut purposes, shall be, and are hereby, declared to be nail and void, for any purpose whatso ever; and said right of taxation shall always be under tno com plete control of, and revocable by, tho Sut£, notwithstanding any gift, grant, or contract, wlmt soever, by the General Assembly. section n. NO. 40. The powor and authority of reg ulating railroad freight and pau se tiger tariffs, preventing unjust discriminations, and requiring reasonable and just rates of freight and passenger tarilfs, are hereby conferred upon the Gener al Assembly, whose duty it shall bo to pax laws, from time to lime, to regulate freight and passenger tarilfs, to prohibit unjust discrim inations, on lho various railroads of litis Stale, and to prohibit stud roads from charging other than just and reasonable rates, and en force the same by adequate pen alties. The oxeroiso of the right of em inent domain shall never be abridged, nor so construed aa fee prevent the General Asaembly Irem taking the -preperty and franchises of incorporated compa nies, and subjecting them to pub lic use, the samo as tho property of individuals; and the exercise of the police power of tlie Stete shall never be abridged, nor so construed, as to permit corpora tions conduct their busineaa in such manner as to infringe the equal rights of individuals, or the general well being of the State. The General Assembly shall uot remit tho forfeiture of the charter of any corporation, now existing, nor alter or amend the same, nor pass any other general or special law, for tho benefit of said corporation, except upon the condition that such corporation shall thereafter hold its charier subject to the provisions of thia Constitution ; and every amend ment of and charier of any cor poration in this Stale, or any special law for its benefit, accept ed thereby, shall operate as a no vation of said charier and shall bring tho same under tlie provis ions of this Constitution: /VoerafrJ, that Uus section shall not exteud to any amendment lor the purpose of ex isting road to late slock hi Or Wd hi the beading of any branch road. v , ifo Tho General Assembly of Ihte State shall have no power to au thorise any corporation to buy shares, or slock, in any other cor potation in this Slate, or else where, or to make any contract, or agreement whatever, with any such coiporatiou, which may hare the effect, or be iutended to have the effect, to defeat or lessen competition in their respective business, or to encourage monop oly ; and all such contracts and agreements shall be illegal and void. No railroad company shall give, or pay any rebate, or bonus in the nature thereof directly er indirect ly,or do any act to mislead or deceive (lie public as to the real rates charged or received for freights or passage, and auy such payments shall be illegal and void, and these prohibitions shall be enforced by suitable penalties. No provision of this article shall be deemed, held or taken to im pair the obligation of any con tract heretofore made by the State of Georgia. The General Assembly shall enforce the provisions of this ar- Iticle by appropriate legislation. (CvMfinuiJ <* <tW jpay*.)