The Ellijay courier. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1875-189?, May 03, 1878, Image 3

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THE ELLIJAY COURIER. LKGAL ADVERTISING, sheriff each levy. - - |4 0i Citotisa ter letter* of sJmisist ration and guardianship, - - . 400 Applies! ion for dismission from ad miiistration, guardianship and szseutorship, - . . .so Appileattea ter leave to call land, one square, - - - 400 *seh additional square, - - 2uo Land nates, one square. - 4 00 Each addilioaal square, - 300 A pplicatloa for homestead, - -2 00 Katie* to debtors and creditors, -4 00 Ear ail iefal advertisementa, the cash ■ost b* paid la adra te. Advartisemeuu not marked for a cer aia number of iaserUona will be publish, ad till forbid, and charged accordingly. C. F. COCHRAN - - Local Editor, KLLIJAY, GA., MAY S, 1878. L*t Wednesday, the first day of May, waa rather warm. Eilijay has two flourishing Sunday schools. Let the good work go on. Service on the new mull route from here to Spring Place commenced yesterday “Doc” Holt showed as a stalk of reid s aaae a few days ago that was headed ou t like oats. Won't some agricultural youth stphda to as why Ibis tbusness ? A motion for anew trial in the Kate Souther* murder case will be made at the Gihner Superior Court, and the case will no doubt go to the Supreme Court. The fanners of Pickens are in high life, and the crops are looking well. Every where indications of prosperity met us. Those people have our kindest regards. Read the law cards of Styles A Vincent, of Canton, Ga., and 8. A. Darnell, of At lanta. They are prompt aud reliable, and all liusiness entrusted to them will he care fully attended to. See the advertisement of J. A. Blautou, Dalton, Ua. ije always lias on hand a large stock of goods, and will sell them as cheSp ae any firm in Dalton. Call on hmi when visiting that city. Solicitor-General Greer has been “taking a real” this week so far as “may it please your Honor and gentlemen of the jury” is concerned, but be liob beep plowing in his garden. Tom is a bad-haiml cat. - A terrible cyclone passed through Mur ray county last week, doing a great deal of damage to property. The *iud was heavy in this county also. Aliout two miles North-west of town large trees were blown do on, but uo gr eat jjaiqage was done that we have head of. A Gihner copniy My being asked if she wwutd have it)lik in her tea, replied thus: “The superfluity of tlic heat, added to the flavnrosity of the milk, renders tlic con glomeration insupportable and obnoxious to ruy diabolical appetite. ” She wouldn’t take milk in hcr'n; she wouldu’t. Tin well! Co|. J. P. Gobh, of this place, lias just received a large stock of goods, consisting of dry goods, ready-made clothing, boots, shoes, bats, and everything that a person needs. It is probably the largest stock ever brought to Ellljy, and one of the best selected. His ready-made clothing is remarkably cheap, and, in fact, everything is. Give him a call. Hog- Gustavus J. Orr, State School Commissioner, will address the citizens of Gilmer county at the Court house on Wed nesday of Court week, the 15th of May. Every person is earnestly requested to be present, and bear the great educator dis cuss the question of public education and our camnion school system. We guaran tee a rich feast on that subject to all who attend. Come one, come all. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Marietta A North Ga., railroad will be held in Canton, Ga, on Wednesday, Mag Bth, for the purpose of electing a President and Directors, and for the pur pose of either transferring stock or agree ing to pro rata fragment with Maddox & Cos. Three-fourth* of the stock has al ready been transferred, and the ' prompt attendance of all stockholders, either in person or by proxy, will doubtless insure the early completion of the road to Mur -I*7. NOTICE. I will attend the Tax Collector’s several appointments in each District in the coun ty, commencing at Cherry Leg, on the 6th inst. I will also be at Eilijay Court week f tr the purpose of taking the enumeration of school population. Please come up promptly and give in, because we will get no school fund for those not returned for the next four years. The names and ages of your children between six and eighteen years are required, W. F. Hill, County School Commissioner. In addition to the local bar at Pickens Court we bad the pleasure of meeting Cols. Paal Lester, C. D. Phillips, Moseley, I) " P. Lester, Newman, Darnell," Styles, Baker and Payne. The bar was sufficiently heavy and the business exceedingly light— rather hard oh the profession. The boys who carry pistols and those who keep a little benzine “for the stomach’s sake,” general ly plead guilty, huf as Sat Lovingood says, “the Judge it rising on the price ot his pup.” He it beginning to apply hit RJu David plaster.” Ha is going to quit throwing gras* at the boys and means to ipake them thoyel dirt if they don’t quit Hit IlcDor’a cfaargp hi tlie Grand Jury was impressive and forcible, and will do good pot poly to jurprt but to all who beard it PICKENS SUPERIOR COURT. THE TRIAL AND CONVICTION OF KATE SOUTHERN FOR THE MURDER OF MARCISSA COWART. Our readers will remember the terrible tragedy that occurred at tlic house of John Hambrick, in Pickens county, Ga, on the aight of the 9th of February, 1878, win n Narcissa Cowart WAS STABBED AND KILLED by Kate Southern, formerly Kate Ham brick. The murderess fled from the coun try with her husband, Robert Southern. Her apprehension and arrest in Cherokee county, N. t\, and the conflicting state ments of parties at interest are fresh in the minds of our readers. On Tuesday, the 28d hist, ahe was tak en from the jail to the bar of the Court, and then commenced one of the MOST INTERESTING AND EXCITING TRIALS ever witnessed in this portion ot the coun try. Sympathy tor her sex, and the influ ence of some ofter friends, aid much to remove the heuious nature of her crime fiom the always-reaily public opiuion. Thirty-six citirens were summoned besides the regular panels before a jury was ob tained. The State was represented by Messrs. S A. Darnell, J. Or Alien and T. F. Greer, the Solicitor-General; the defense by Cols. D. P. Lester, W. T. Day. Garey W. Styles and W. H. Simmons. The taking of tes timony pro and con lasted one day and a half; the arguments and the charge of the Court the same length of time. Too much cannot be said for the vigor ous, earnest and effective prosecution, while the defense contested every incli of ground in a truly meritorious manner. The State realized that she had met focmen worthy of their sieeL Seven arguments were nuwie to the case besides the opening argument. We will not attempt to note tlie testimony or the arguments during this long, exhaustive trial. Suffice it to say that the jury who were composed of the very best material, gave close, scrutinising attention, seldom seen in our Courthouses, lor which they merit the confidence of all good men. TIIE CHARGE OF TOE COURT was full,fair and exhaustive upou the law, applicable, so much so, that neither side asked anything additional to be charged as law. The jury, after twenty-four hours’ un tiring labor, name to the following ver dict : “We the jury’, find the defendant, Catharine Southern, guilty, and recom mend her to the mercy of the Court, if possible.” Rut alas! for her, the recom mendation to mercy was fruitless, iu view of such cases. A SAD SILENCE • pervaded the Court room—the saddest wo have ever witnessed. A few minutes of profound silence, and the order pronounc ing the doom of the unfortunate woman was written and signed by His Honor, Judge Geo. N. Lester. He expressed his duty as THE SADDEST AND MOST AFFrOriSG of Its life. Tlic carnage of the battlefield, the loss of that good, right arm, the man gled. dead that had fallen around him, all had failed to unnerve and affect him like this scene. He announced to the prisoner her fate, and hade her go to the fountain of God’s love, assuriug her thnt He was willing and able to save. Here the prison er, for the first time, broke down and gave vent to her feelings in a flood of tears. While His Honor read THE SENTENCE OF DEATH, reciting the duties of the Sher ff and fixing Friday, the Ist day of June next for her execution, his manly frame shook with the solemnities of that black day, and be it said in honor to his name and to hiß Christian character that almost involunta rily burst from his lips the words: “May the Lord God of Israel have mercy on your soul.” The effect was like magic. The Court and jury, the counsel for the State and for the defense, the old, young aud middle-aged, composing a large au<lieuce, found relief by uttering in their hearts that prayer, and mingling together their tears. The prisoner has one child, and the de ceased left one. The crime was murder, and the stern law demands life for life. Let us temper as far as we cn justice with mercy, and rejoice not in the death of any. GRAND JURY PRESENTMENTS OF PICKENS COUNTY, GA.—APRIL TERM, 1878. We, the Grand Jury, selected, chosen aud sworn for the county of Pickens, at the April term of the Superior Court of said county, beg leave to submit the fol lowing general presentments: We have carefully examined into the condition of the county offices, and find them neatly and correctly kept, aud take pleasure in cheerfully commending the of ficers to the public for having discharged their duties with fidelity to tne people. The public buildings seem to be in good repair, and properly and neatly kept, and the sanitary regulations at the jail meet our approval. We find the public roads of tlic county generally to be in good condition. Some are deficient as to mile pouts and finger boards, and we urge the road commission ers to give this matter their prompt atten tion. We recommend the Ordinary to have some rocks iu the public the residence of S. C. Tate blasted out aud re-, moved from the road; we recommend the Ordinary to lay a sufficient tax to defray the expenses of the county ana keep it nut of debt; we recomineDd that a public tund be raised and applied to the paupers here after named, and he placed in the hands of the parties hereafter named, to lie ap plied Lo said paup.-i tos a trust fund; To ! Lucinda Bochanon, $5 E. W. Allred, I trustee; Catherine Fortin, $5, Steplicn Griffith, trustee; Milly Pendiey, $5, E. j \V. Allred, trustee; Margaret Stamms and two sisters, sls, Jos. Eaton, trustee; Ella Thompson, $5; Alfred Moore, $lO, C. J. Cornelison, trustee; Madison Gaines, $5, John Darnell,trustee; Wm. Clark,ss, Johu Clark, trustee; Wiu. Fleming, $5, John Evans, trustee; John Junes, $5, J. L\ Haily, trustee; Bethany \Vigiutoo, $5, Holcombe Cox, trustee. We recommend that the Ordinary issue and order to J. F. Lindsey $4 82 for work on jail; we recommend that the juries at the present teira of the Court receive for their services one dollar per day; wo re commetid that His Honor appoint Josiah Re B Notary Public for the 10ft9th district O. M, to fill the vacanoy of T. C God frey, removed beyond the limits of said district. It is the voice of this body that the Ordinary favorably entertain a peti tion to make null and void a public road beginning at the Frohalk place on the Federal road, near the residence of S. C. Tate, thence by the residence of Cicero Taylor and Wm. Chambers, thence to Je rusalem court ground to its intersection with the Canton read; we recommend the Ordinary to take 6uch steps in relation to Benj. Heath, Jas. Dobson, Frankey Ev ans, Wm. Fleming, Martha J. Moss, Benj. Williams, John Jones aud a daughter of Laiah Woods—name not known—who ap pear to be idiots, lunatics, or otherwise insane persons as may seem best far the interest of the county. We believe the Ordinary should be satisfied that the)’ can and will be properly cared for by relatives or frieuds, and if lie is not so satisfied we think they should be sent to the lunatic asylum at the least possible expense to the county ; we recommend the Ordinary not to issue any license for the selling or re tailing of spirituous liquors in this county. At the conclusion of our labors we feel it to be a duty we owe to tlie people of Pickens county to extend our commenda tion to Ilis Honor, Judge Geo. N. Lester, aud to 001. Tlios. F. Gjreer, the Solicitor- General, fully believing that the people concur with us in the opinion that the in terest of society and good government are being fostered and protected by their la liors. To His Honor we return our thanks for the able, impartial and high-toned manner in which lie bus addressed himself to the juries, and for tlie earnest, fervent manner in which he lias urged reform among law-break< rs, and for his determics ed efforts to suppress crime and for his wholesome advice to tlie young men of our couLty. We are due to tlie Solicitor-Gen eral our highest regards for the vigorous maimer iu which he Ims prosecuted crime and the success attending bis labors, and tor his kind attention to this body during the present term, and to members of the bar and tlie county officers for their uni form kindness to us during this session. We congratulate the county that under tlie prescut administration of law in our midst the evidence of reform and obedi ence to the laws is manifestly apparent, and we believe that the present vigorous prosecution of the law, with its penalties enforced, will soon bring us to the enjoy ment of much greater security, both of pel-son and properly. With these remarks we kindly ask to bo discharged lor the term. Resolved that these presentments be published iu I he Ei.mjay Goumkk. Respectfully submitted, Jordon l'resley, Foreman. J as. F. Falkner, Jus. M. Richaids, B. T. Gravelly, David Chastain, John 11. Silvers, Jus. A. Killian, 11. J. Partin, F; M. Blackwell, John G. Falkner, Tlios. F. B rrett, Burrel J. Tolbert, Mcrrimou Moss, Newton S. Tripp, S. A. Bozeman, Barney Pendiey, L. Childers, John Tally, C. L. Archer. Wm. M. Davis, Jeremiah Sosebee, Glenn Cowart. Ordered that the foregoing general pre sentments be published as requested by the grand jury. Geo. N. Lester, J. S. C. A true, extract from the minutes. W. 11. Allen, C. S. C. DR. R. F. WRIGHT & CO., WHOLESALE AND KKTAIL DR UGt(i ISTS, DALTON, GA. DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, chemicals, perfumery, soaps, pom ades, COSMETICS, HAIR DYES AND TOILET ARTICLES GENERALLY. ALSO V WHITE LEAD MIXED PAINTS READY FOR USE, COLORS IN OIL,AND DRV, LINSEED, TANNERS, MACHINE AND KEROSENE OILS, VARNISHES, PUTTY, WIN DOW GLASS, LAMPS AH!) LAMP FIITUEES. & UltC ICAL A PI’.LItA 1 UU SUCH AS ABDOMINAL gUl'f< HCTERS, TKI’SSKtf, LAN CETS, POCKET CASES, ETC. This firm also deals in Smoking and C new mg Tobacco, Fine Cigars and Snuff, and have the exclusive firing trade in Fine Win**, U’hitkies ami Brandies in iMiiton. Call and see them at the corner of Kinjr and ffamilton st*eetH, bultou.tia, iu'>2 !y J. C. ALLEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ELUJAY, GA., Wiu. practice In the Superior Court* of the Blue UMxeCireiilt, Prompt attention Kircn to alt business entrusted to hi- care. Collections a iqiccialtye THOMAS F* GREER,~ ATTORNEY AT LAW, ellijaY, ga. As Solicitor General will atteud regu larly all the Court* sfjhefflue Ridge Cir cuit; also. Supreme Court of Georgia anil U. 8. District and Circuit Courts. Lund litigation a specialty, - H. R. FOOT ATTORNEY AT LAW, ELLIJAY, OA. PRACTICES IN THE BLUE RIDGE Circuit. Gives attention to claims against the United States Government. Also, Land Agent. Parties wishing to hfly or sell land in *nv of the Cherokee equities can address or call oil him at Elli|*v. 1-tf ~f — L. J. law, ATLANTA, PRACTICES IN TOE TOWED STATES CIRCUIT and District Courts at Atlanta, and the Supreme and Superior Courts of the State. - l-tf E. W. WATKJNS M. D. Physician arid Surgeon, ELLIJAYa GA. J. R. JOHNSPN, M.D~ Physician arid Surgeon, ellijaY, ga. Tenders his professional services to the citizens of Eilijay ami vicinity. Will promptly answer all calls, when not pro fessionally ;jun2l-Iy. DR. R. F. WRIGHT WILL ATTEND AB‘OONSUI.TINU Physician or Surgeon in important cases in 'lie countios of Whitfield, Gilmer, Gordon, Catoosa,Mur ray and Walker. Ctiarges moderate. Office t the Parlor Drug Store of Dr. It. F. Wright & Oo„ Dalton, On. in 22 WEAVER & FA NIT -■DENTAL SIMEONS, DALTON, GA. THOS- F- AFInTm D. Physician and Surgeon MORGAN lt>N, GA.. Respectfully tenderVt iiclr services to the people of Fannin and adjacent (futili ties. All calls promptl&jflendcd to-and prescriptions furnisheg on application. Goorgo N. l-ester, Jull,-> Blue Rtdgu Circuit. ’ TtJ j, Thomas F. Greer, Solicitor, TOWN COUNCIL. J. It. Johnson. President: J. S[. Wat* kins, I!. Wilson, J. E. P Smith, G, H, Ran dall, Secretary, o BOARD OF EDUCATION. W. It. Uackley, President; W. F. Hill- Secretary; W. C. Woodard, Silas Whit, aker, M. J. West. COUNTY OFFICERS. J. C. Allen, Ordinary. J.. M. Greer, Clerk Superior Court, Dr. J. R. Johnson, Sheri (1. P. 11. Milton, Tux Receiver, CoUectui and Treasurer. James A. Curnes, Surveyor. RELIGIOUS SERVICES, Baptist Church—Every second Satur day and Sunday, by Elder N. L. Osborn. Methodist Episcopal Church—Every first Sunday, by Rev. A. F. Ellington Methodist Episcopal Church, South Every fourth Sabbath, by Rev. J, W. Ouil lian. FRATERNAL RECORD Oak Bowery Lodge. No. 81,F. and A. M.—Meets first Friday in each month. J. 11. Johnson, W. 41. J. C. A i.LtN, Secretary. ta 11■ , - __ _ MAIL—ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE. Leave Morpnnton, Saturday - -f. am Arrive at Eilijay, Satuidav - - J3 m Leave Eilijay, Saturday ... 1 pni .Arrive Cartersville, Wednesday o pin Leave Cartersville, Thursday '- 6 am Arrive at Eilijay, Friday -’ - 12 in Leave Eilijay, Friday - - - 1 p m Arrive at Morgan ton, Friday - 8 p m Leave Dulilonega, TueXutv and I'hursdav Arrive at Eilijay, Wed’sday * Friday 12 m Leave Eilijay, Wed’sday & Friday 1 p m Arrive at Dablonega, Ths’dav A Saturday Leave Eilijay, Friday - - . . s n m Arrive at Ducktown, Friday - - 6 p m Leave Ducktown, Saturday’ - - 0 p in Arrive at Eilijay, Saturday - - o pm David Garden,’ Postmaster. Special IXotioe —TO QfeWEMS L&WTEBh —and other BUSINESS HEN OF 6ILMEB COUNT! Albin Omherg, tlie Bookseller, Station er and Binder, of Rome, Ga., is soiling all kinds of Legal. Blanks at SEVENTY FIVE CENTS per Quire. Eilijay Semiuary. The exercises ol this institution open for the Spring Term on .Monday, the 14th of January, 1878. under the eharge of Prof. J. 11. Hutsell. All parties desiring to avail themselves of tlie benefits of this ex cellent institution of learning should call on or address tlic Professor for particulars, jaull M. S, SWANN 7 C ARTEC! AY,GA„ Mill find Bridge BiyLDEJt. All Kinds of carpenter workdone in first, class style and at bottom flgufeg. R. L. SMITH, CARTKCAY, - . GEORGIA. DIALER |3— nr eh. tuns. __ HARDWARE. DRUGS. BOOT*, SHOES, HATS, LEATHER, TIVWAREJ CROCK CRT, GLABBWARE, NOTIONS; BTC., Hm just received anew, large ami well selected stock of goods suitable to a coun try trade, and will be sold at panic prices. He will sell for Cash or Barter as cbeap os the clieapcst; his extensive' experience in business enables him to buy and wll to suit customers. The people far and wide are invited to call and exam ine this splendid stock, and buy their fall and winter supply. I his si and is located tea miles Boat of KUijay. oct!2 MARTIN V. TEEM * SON, 1 DEALERS I* nr ekciuius. HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, CROCKERY, DRUGS AND NOTIONS. Iu fact, everything kept in a first clrsb country store. I will sell good coffee 3} to 4 pouudt per dollar; Sugar Bto 10 pounds per dollar; Prints 8 to 10 cents; Domestics 8 to 10 c its; Osnaburgs 12} to J&cents; (.’ot to ides 12} to 25 cents; Jeans, country ma 1, good, 83 to 40 cents; Kentucky jaai 20 to -10. LAR p S AND .KEROSENE OIL always on hand. aT ly yV. BISHOP, ELLIJAY, GA., Now offers for cash or baiter a stock or goods at prices that cannot lie excelled in this country, consisting of iirniLciipi. HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, IRON, STEEL, CASTINGS, CUTLERY QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, Patent Medicines I also keep the CELEBRATED IN DIAN BLOOD SYRUP, KEROSENE OIL and LAMPS, amt everything usually found in h fli st-class country store. In returning thauka for past favors, I cspectfully ask a continuance of the same. uu gIIsT B 11. JONES, THE O&DEST CARRIAGE FACTOR xw OEO&azA. Having long years of experience and the best and most skillful median, ies, he is turning out work which,for neat ness and elegance of finish and extra du rability, CANNOT BE EXCELLED IN AMERICA. His work has beeit thoroughly tented in this country for twenty-four years. If you want good, reliable work, every job made upon honor and the worth ot your money secured to you, call on him. Many have thoroughly tested his work, and do not hesitate to recommend it to the public. Asa test of the superiority and papu larity of the work, he is now under full headway, making wagons, buggies, pis tons and everything in his line, in the midst of these hard times, IIIS WORK IS WELL KNOWN FAR AND NEAR, AND WILL SELL. EjTLct every one of us pationrae'our home enterprises when wswVlay of it, us we believe bis is. wtijtl Baker & IJLhIII, WEST MAIN-STREET, CA RTERSVILLE - - DA., Calls the attention of the iample of Uil mcr, Pickens and adjoining counties, to taeir large stock oi General Hardware, IRON, STEEL, CAST STEEL, AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS of the latest improved styles; BLACK. SMITHS’ AND CARPENTERS’ TOOLS. Also ;t large stock of BELTING both gum anil Icntlicr. Give us a call before goiug elsewhere. Taking the same goods we will sell at cheap ns you c* buy any where vise. Call on us RAKER & HAH.. WESTERN i ATLANTIC RAILROAD TRAIK NLMEKK OSS-MOUTH WARD. Leave Atlanta ... SMpiu Arrive at Marten u . . 4 13pm “ Carter.vUle - - 618 pin “ Kingston - -644 p m “ Dalton - . . 7 44pm “ Chattanooga . . 921 p m TRAIN NUMBER TWO—SOUTH WARD. i.eave Chattanooga . . 445 pni vrrive at Daium . . .- 600 p m “ Kingston . - .744 p m “ CarteraviUe - . 8 1511 oi “ Marietta - --928 pm “ Atlanta - . -10 17pm TRAIN NUMBER THRU—NORTH WARD. Leave Atlanta . . . g V> a m Arrive at Marietta - . . 745a 1a “ Carters vHle . 8 04am “ Kingston - - 9 22 a m “ Dalton . . . 1104 a m “ C hnttauooga . - 12 45 ain TRAIN NUMBER FOUR—SOUTH WARD. Leave Chattanooga - - 6 tf> u in Arrive si Daitou - - . 846a in “ Kingston . . -10 41am “ Carteravilla - - 1110 am “ Marietta - - -1224 a m “ Atlanta . . . 116 p m TRAIN NUMBKR TWKLVK—SOUTHWARD. Leave Dalton - - - (2 59 ain Arrive at Kingstou - - 4 is mu “ CartersvUle - - 507 a m “ Marietta - . - 735 a 111 “ Atlanta - - - 915 a m DAVID W. CURRY, WHOLESALE JkNp RETAIL 1 DRUGGIST, CAKTERSVILLE, OA. DKALBK IN DRUGS, CHEMICALS PATINT MEDICINES, PAINTS, 018, VAR NISIIIE, WINDOW GLASS, PUTTY, LAMPS AMD LAMP GOOIiS. TRUSSES G. ? THE BEST MAKE. FANCY AND TOILMt ARTICLES,HAIR,TOOTH AND NAIL BRUSHES, PERFVMBRT AND TOILET SOAPS. Cigars and Tobaccos OP THE BEST BEAHM, SPICES, ETC. • v Merchants supplied at the lowed rates. Orders solicited. Price lists furnished on application. novDly David Barren, ELLIJAY, GA., DKALKK IN DRY GOOD,*!, KDOTB, SHOES, LKATIfEU, lIAKDWARK, IIATS, CAI*B, trivrioNS, KTC. :A o _ A GOOD BUI*PI*Y OP GROCERIES always rat hand- Also DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERIES, And an excellent line of MEDICINES, Including Agencies for .1 sync’s, Scovill’s McLeans,, Railway’s Hall's and Ayer’s PATENT MEDICINES. Also courtantly oil band a good supply of IRON, AND COTTON YARNS. And, in fart, everything that U generally found in a Dry Good., and Grnccty store ; and wifi be sold exceedingly cheap for cash or barter. Call on him at that old and favorable stand formerly kept by W. P. Milton. ,1. M. LOVELACE, —DEALER IN— BO ora, BBOBS, Leather, Etc., BROAD STREET, . . . ROME, OA. Having purchased the largest and most complete assortment anti selection of Boots and Shoos. Hemlock, Oak, Sole. Coper and Uarncsa Leather, Oalf and Kji Skins,Tappings, etc. The fullest tine of shoe-hndiags ever of fered in this market. Having twenty years experience in the busiwess I aui satisfied I can offer very rare and special inducements is uv line of goods. 1 warrant everything and obligate my. self to have repaired, free of charge, all rips. etc. When 1 say 1 can make It t* your ad vantage toeall anil examine my’ stock I latsi *l.t l sar. Call first door above Kosnusavitie ft Brother. My Home-made Brogans can't be beaten in material or wear ; ptiea $1 Give me a triad. M. LOVELACE. I*. S.-—I will pay market fever tor dry nixies. oct2G For Halo. I now o*sr at private sale tot of land No. Of,in the ))th flirtriet and 2d sec tion of Gilmer county, known as the ; ‘Spencer place,’’ where J. M. Walker ■ow 1 ves. The lot contains IGO acres; and lies southeaat and within one mile of Ellijay, and in plain view of town, and is beautifully situated. The land is second quality, has a good orchard and two cottages on it, I will take SIOO cash, S2OO due first of Januarv next, and $290 first of May, 1879, with interest date, and give bond for titles. Good stock will be taken ip part payment. TitUs good. Ors half of the mineral interest reserved with raining | rivilegca. For further partio talars apply to J. 31. Walker, agent, or the undersigned. wtf23 p4vjp Squrklu. J. P. 0,0 88, ELLIJAY, OA. DKALKK IN BBT COOPS, GKBI£!,DBOGJ, BATS, BOOTS, SHOES, LEAIHER, 11A KD WAUL, OKOCKERT, GLASS AND CHINA WARES, Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars SADDLERY AND HARNESS, PER FUMERY, FANCY GOODB, NOTIONS, SCHOOL BOOKS, ETC. Also a moat excellent lint of Ready-made Clothing, —AGENTS FOR — COTTOK YARKS, TALKING BOCK MANUFACTURE. In fact; everything usually found in a first-class town or country store. A vari ety to snit all desses. Our stock is well selected and uew, and will be sold at the lowest figures for cash or barter. We re spectfully ask our old customer* and friend# to give ns a call before pur chasing elsewhere. Our motto Is quick sales and short profits. Our business is permanently established and we ut able to give our customers the very best advan tages. Onr flouring mill* are in fin# con dition, and ws can guarantee satisfaction, both in quality and quantity. , Wj make a specialty in the pnrehasa of wHB; also of green and dry hides; and, in f*ct, aft kinds of barter. I also have a large •* sortment of sewing machine attachment# Herd grass seed, etc. A Big Offer to Our Subscribers. PIANO AND ORGAN PLAYINf LEARNED IN A DAY. (J Mason’s Charts, which recently created such a sensation in Boston and elsewhere will enable any person of any age to Master the Piano or Organ in a day,even thongh they have no knew! edge of notes, etc . , You can learn to play on the piano otr organ In a day, even if you never played tefore, and have not the slightest knowl edge of notes, by the use of Mason’s Charts.— Boston Globe. All you cluim for tnem. —Puli.Chrlstlsn Union. To music what the multiplica tion table is to arithmetic —Dexter Smith, Never sold one which didn’t give satis faction.—Pub. Folio, A wonderful in vention,— Memphis Appeal. Anyone may in a day or two leurn to play In u maimer which would require a year’s tuition in the old fashioned way.—Atlanta Inde pendent. Really appear to l>a all that is ulaimed for them.—Sunny South. Cu rious inveution. Hard times don’t afiset Its sale. —Atlanta Constitution. A child ten years old can learn to play oorroctly In n single day.—Memphis Ledger. Vast ly superior to unvlhing heretofore sttemp ted.—Our Church Paper. Hundreds of dollars saved by its usee—So. l’luiitafioii. The Charts *IU do all that is claimed for them.—Rev. A. K. Dennison. Wonderful. —Masonic Jewel. Simple and complete. —Memphis Avalanche. ~ r raa, set of these charts by mall post paid mV only 12.00. Circular* (re*. Au dress A. G. MORTON k CO- General agents, Atlanta, Ga. ME IMAGEOTHER MOTHER. A, WOVBX. BV RUTII RUSTIC. In the Savannah Weakly Nows of Sat-, unlay. 20th April, will be commenced it now aerial story with the above title,writ, ten by a lady of Savannah, Tbe Weekly News Is the LARGEST AND BEST WEEKLY IN TUE SOUTH. It is a complete newspaper, and con tains the latest telegraphic aud .state news, markets, et, nn agricultural and military department. I It is adapted for general circulation throughout the South. Subscription,one year $2.00i lF months H.OO. Specimen copies sent rreo. Address J. K. ESTILL, Savannah, Ga. Weekly Constitution. Within Vlic course of a month we shall begin the publication of a story 4 South ern life aud character, entitled The ROMANCE. GF SOCBILB," !from the pen of Mb. J‘. C. Habbis, anther -of Uncle Remus's Rev;vai. Htmn, amj | the most populnr writer in, perhaps, ail the South. His abundant humor and graphic descriptions are weli known in Georgia'? The new story will be Ills most ambitious effort, and Tub * ’esnriTTlo.'V confidently promises its patrons a rare literary treat, The story will appear in 'iar wkuci.y Constitution only, aad will run through several months. Clufes should he Blade u or single subscription* rent iu wUhot de* lay by all who desire to read this story of Georgia’s favorite humorist. Tbe price of the WEEKLY is $2 a year postage free. Address THE CONSTITUTION, Atlanta, Ga. Flouring MUlfii! The attention of the public is called to our new and elegant .Flouring Mills, re ceutly erected on Cartecay river, ten miles East of Ellijay. The mills are pntipsJy new, and the machinery w of the latest and most improved style. We challenge competition in this country as to the qual ity of our flour and tbe quantity produced from our mountain wheat. HatitfgCtMh guaranteed, aud all orders for goqj yjJI hp filled on short notice. Opr Lumber Milla are also iu an excel!*** condition, and we invite the p*bEe to give us a trial. SMITH & SWANN. Pictures! Pictures I The photographers will fittend Mi* towin# courts at tbe spring terms, 1878: Dddouega, Dawsonville, .1 paper, Ellijay. Morganton, Hairsyille and IRwassee, at Which time you can huve made pny stylp Ot siye pf photographs pa cards J6i2o In dies down to tbe smallest gem. We will copy and enlarge to 4 $ *iye from any pic ture, Work warranted first-class. All sorts aad sizes of picture fra pies on hand. FOWLER & OWENS, Wfi-tf Proprietors, t a