The Ellijay courier. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1875-189?, June 09, 1881, Image 2

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lilts ELLIJAY COUIIIKK. W.f.OOMBS. - - - Emma. ELI.MAY, G.V., JUNE , lIW# What of the Times? That which is being printed in Ilia public gazettes concerning us and the scenes through which we nro passing at this time bring re flections lo which we feel com |ielled to give publicity. The Editor of our Pickens depart ment comes to the rescue ol our people who, as he intimates, are recognized, without exception, as being either law breakers, or sympathisers with those who do violate law. A stranger, with no other means of forming an opin ion save from the information gleaned Irom official accounts in newspapers, would at once con lude that all lie read in refer ence lo wholesale violence against law in North Georgia was true. One report in regard to the breaking of the jail at Jasper and the report of Collector Clark to the Department at Washing f ■'p :n regard lo the “learing ijown iiitf wail ol llie jail at Mor ganton by thirty aimed men'’ itf enough lo cause llie public who do not know any better, to con derun us. Suffice it, investiga tion has shown that both reports were false. In our own town we have a dm- ' Iy court before which appear i those charged with violations of 1 one kind and another. That some j are guilty and should be punish- ! ed none will deny. Olliers are believed to be innocent and are dragged before llie Commissioner without apparent cause, hy par ties who, it is alleged, are entirely irresponsible, who wuuld tell their birthright for a mess of pottage. This, slate of affairs is much lo be regretted, because when a men’s liberty can be •worn away and his good name brought into disrepute by men or women for the sake of securing a witness fee, his lilo and prop erly are also in danger. That such troubles are partly the results that follow war none will deny who will give the sub ject proper Our own terrible civil war a shock to ‘society from which it yet recovered- Speculation, money making, theft, intrigueing and general immorality have had their votaries in neatly every community since llie close of those terrible days, and so tar as, we are concerned we are and have uot been surprised at any thing that lias happened. Histo ry repeats itself and it is only the passage through a fiery ordeal ol • fallen foe. Are there no signs of hope that better times will dawn upon us f We think so. What is the prin cipal cause that brings the strong arm of the government upon the people and furnishes a pretext for some to violate law and make others willing to spec elate on the good- name of their neighbor? The -UMiiel thing, at present, that disturbs the oven movement of governmental tun Glittery, is W u iskt: y. That equalized and the advocates of religion and morals could shout their hallelujahs of praise lo God, while those who take advantage •f the situation to oppress ami victimize tiieir neighbors would hide themselves beyond the pale of society and spend their days in remorseless communion with their own guilty consciences. Have we no reason to hope that j •ueh a time will soon dawn upon tbo country? We have. The Christian women of the country, God bless them, from Maine to Texts, have taken the matter in hand. They are crying aloud for local option laws which will give communities an opportunity to exclude whiskey from their midst. Our legislatures will be compelled to pass such laws. Once upon the statutes and the man who would vote against them would be subjected to the frowns of society, and it would not be long before the liquor traffic would cease. The govern ment would then be compelled to retire its army of officers now employed to look after this traffic. lU revenue would, as it should, have to be assessed and collected n luxuries other Ilian whiskey, which service could be performed by the civil officers. Then, instead of raising up generations of reputed law breakers, morali ty would reign supreme—Christi tjr would spread its hallowed in fluences over the entire people= innocent men would not be made suffer at the hands of designing creatures, for God’s people would govern in liis earthly kingdom Pickens County Department. John W. Henley, - - Editor. Ja*i*e. Ga . June 3d, 1881. WEATHER ASI CROPS. O, the rain, the beautiful rain that tell last night and to-day! Old men are glad and mothers are rejoicing. Corn is growing, and farmer's hearts are swelling with joy. O, happy day that gave us the shower! Just at tiie lime, when our lamiers bad become discouraged and low in spirit, the refreshing and invigorating rain caine leaping liom llie heavens, giving life to the crops and crowding the hearts of men with gladness. To-night we are all sitting :n cool places cleaning the grit from under our finger nails, accumulated lrom having poked our fingers in the ground so often to-day while planting out potato slips and cabbage plants. Tins lias been a dav ol labor and re juicing. True, some completed their tasks sooner titan others and “went fishing, but as it was last day with the minnows, tlie fisher men returned with nothing but the fisherman's luck,” Ate. 1 know of til ret* nice young gentlemen that set on tiie creek bank iiaif the day, using every possible means to induce some little mm now to lake a bile, but at lust the gentlemen plodded their weary way homeward, and calling forth a sigh from beneath toe very sole of Hie weather-beaten bools, they said: “It might have been.’’ tiii: HAIL ROAD. Quite a number ol our citizens wilt attend the railroad meeting, to lie held at Marietta nextSatur day. Wo do not exact iy under stand Iho object of the meeting, but hope if is to forward lip llie work ol the road. Nothing would produce more smiles in I’lckens and Uilnier counties at this tune than to see “Joseph” ami "Little Mary” chasing each other hack wards and forth through our fer tile coves and valleys and filling the very air wi.ih ilieir shrill shrieks and noisey "ding dongs.” We long to see the day when the Marietta and North Georgia Kail road shall be cnmplclcu to Mur phy, N C. Ol course it will cause some disturbance among the mdk maids, hut what do we care for a few pints of inilk and u cow wav mg her banner over tho brave, il it takes this to lon* a railroad! NORTH (IKOItOIA. Is it true that North Georgia is made up of lawless citizens anil midnight mobs that go about through th country seeking whom they may devour, as some would have it? Gan it he possible that I’ickens. Gilmer and Fannin counties have become one com won pandemonium? Indeed, one would think so, should lie but listen to tiie charges of gome ol Georgia’s sons, vyho call them selves wise and noble executors of the iaw. Two men escaped from Fannin jail, and now the citizens of Unit county must be accused of I'ortiuug mobs lo screen the wicked Horn the penalty ol tiie law. Two men escaped Pickens jail, and to day tho story is magnified and played on harps of a thou sand strings, and every harp as harsh and grating as if it had been strung from whangs cut Irom the devil’s hide and played by designing men whoso tongues are forked like unto that of the rattle snake, and whoso lips are frothing with all the tilth of the cesspools of degradation. If nu n would learn to tell the truth, and nothing: hut the truth, angels would clap their hands lor joy and heaven would be glad. We admit that there are some bad men in our mountain country, but we dn not admit that all aie outlaws and filibusters, m>r even a majority of them are such. There is a certain class of men that go about through our conn try, loaded down with guns and pistols, pretending to he execut ing tho laws, and if one of these angels (fallen angels 1 mean) stumps his toe, lie makes up a great story and sends it off to Washington, marked in Jiaste, and publishes to headquarters that he has been shot at Irom llie bushes, and that lie heard the flying ball, but ends his wonder ful news item by saying, "1 whipped the fight.” Wonderful brave warrior! Surely thou wast born to light—the gnats from thy filthy mouth. Yes, light on, for when this life you will find a home where Vkfi£nats can not come, for their wings will bo scotched before they reach vour sin besmeared lips. ACCIDENT. Whilo on their way home from Talking Rock, Thursday last, Dr. Stearns and lady fell from their buggy, but were not seriously in jured. The oolt that couples the buggy broke, and thus left the Doctor to work away in tnid air gold wising. Dr. Meminler passed through yesterday, (Thursday) on his way to his rich gold mine five miles from this place, lie has in ope talion only one mill at present, but will soon be prepared to put several other live stamp mills to work. Wc like to see men com ing into our county who have eu ergy and means to develop our country. Dr. Memmler has tho money and he is investing it wisely, as any Miner will know when ho examines the rich ore obtained from Long Swamp Mima. Now if some man who has capital ami wishes a hand some income on it would come in and tall to work on onr fine mar ble quarries and rich iron ore and make that tell its worth, our mountains would shake their sides with jo.. Within one mile of Jasper there is enough iron to sapplv the wants of Georgia. Some future day, nol far distant, this dormant wealth will astonish the world. IMPROVEMENT. T. G. Simmons is about ready lo begin work on his new house. The large pile of lumber lie has at the spot indicates that the house will be one of considerable size. Our town is on the rise. Within the next six months there will be built six or eight new houses. Our people are waking up and we believe they like nice tilings just the same as other people do. CHURCH CHIMES. A few more dull Sabbath mornings must pass and after that our spirits will be revived by lis tening to the ringing of the new bell at the Baptist church. Mrs. I)r. Picket is showing tier usual energy in raising tiie amount lo purchase a good hell. She now lacks only nine. dollars having the amount agreed upon lo pur chase tiie hell. We hope that no gentleman will deny her one dol lar when called on to aid in a good cause like this. Marietta and North Ga. Railroad- The Atlanta Constitution ol •Sunday says: There was a meet ing of the stockholders of the Marietta ami North Georgia rail road in Marietta yesterday. Mr. William Phillips, the Pres idem, presided. Alter ascertain ing that all the stock of the com pany was represented in the meeting he announced that the object was the election of a board of Directors. The election re sulted in tiie selection of the fol lowing board of Directors: Jo seph Kinsey, of Cincinnati ; Wil limn Phillips, of Marietta; Jo sepli E. Brown, of Atlanta: Mr. Sessions, of Marietta; B. Btack well, ot Cobb county, Georgia; N L Osborn, ot Gilmer county, Georgia, and Kobert Bruce, of Cherokee, North Carolina, alter which the stockholders adjourn ed. to the adjournment of the RtnckUoUws, the board ol Directors met and organized by electing the following officers; President, Jo*. Kinaev, Cincinna ti; Vice President, William Phil lips, Marietta; Treasurer, Hftiau Glover, Marietta ; secretary, - IT. 11. Haminet, Marietta. This narrow gauge road is now progressing finely, and the corps o! officers chosen yesterday will give the company n new impetus, and push the road lo a rapid com pletion. Mr. Phillips, (lie former Presi dent, and present Vice-President lias worked with an untiring en ergv to complete this road, and although he is not now the first officer of the company, yet his able counsel and sound jmlg merit are still at its disposal. Mainly through his exertions were Carringeu, PluietoiiH, . Busies, Wagons', lam now manufacturing n superior quality of Carriages, Bug gies and Wagons at tny shops in Oartersville, and also in Rome, Ga. 1 also keep lor sale, at lowest rates, a lull stock of Eastern and Western work, comprising the celebrated STUDEBAKER, SOUTH BEND AND KENTUCKY WAGONS, M v Shops are supplied with skilled and reliable workmen. 1 am prepared to do all kinds of Repairing at short no tice, and guarantee satisfaction. I have a large Repository at No 9S and 100 Broad Street. Rome. Ga., where mv friends will always find my nephew, Mr f R. L Williams, and Mr. W. L Wlriteley, who will be pleased to wait on them. R, H. .Tones, June 9-tf. OARTERSVILLE, GA. sevrsE&Ar mvsiJTESS college. LQVISriLLB. KY. PRACTICAL EOOK KEEPING. N O TEXT BOOKS. Over 25 years a Practical Accountant, endorsed by all the Prominent Merchants of Louisville. ffflP*Seud Stamps for Circulars and Specimens of Penmanship BEN. C. WEAVER, Principal | 11. S. DkSOLLAR, Secretary Rome, Ga. Warble and Granite Works \\T V deal in tlie bust Italian and American Marble, varigated and white. We handle " L a great deal of the well known and popular Rutland Marble, which it the whitest, amt said to be tie best in the world for such as llcad Stones, Tomb Tablets, ftc., but the Italian equals it for monuments. We furnish all kinds of building stoDe, but make Marble and Onuihe for grave aad cemetery purposes a spe cialty. VV e build all kinds of Monuments, Toomhs, Head Stones, Urna, Vases, Ac., Ac.' Our workmen are Srst-chus. We buy all our spick in the rough and do the work ourselves ; therefore, wc send out flrst-cJass work, made of the best of marble. \\> pay the cash for all the stock we use. We get very low rates of freight., and can and wilt compete with au.v Marble Works in this country, in quality of Marble, workmanship aud prices. Write and give us the description of the woik you wish, and we will write you what wc can furnish it for, or write us about what price you wish to pay, and wc will let you know what kiud of job or jot-s we can give you for price mentioned. We keep some of the second and third ctass marble, but never send them out, except when the [trices are such as first-class marble cannot be furnished at, and then we always tell the purchaser the kind of marble we will furnish. Hoping you will give us a trial and let us prove what we say, wc are, very truly, .1 ones A Edinuudou. 1 Noy. 12 tf. Mr. George R. Eiger, ol Boston, and Mr. Joseph Kinsey induced m lake aloch in the company, ’these gentlemen are both large capitalist*, and with their aid the mad will soon be finished lo Mur phy, North Carolina, lha pro posed terminus. Every county ia Georgia, with one exception, aad all in North Carolina have complied with the terms necessary to the building of llie road. Mr Osborn returned from Ma rietla yesterday, and will furnish particulars in reference to the railroad for our next week’s issue. . .11 - —I To the Voters of the 41st Sena torial District. At the lost session of the Legislature we, the undersigned, gave notice, through the columns of the Ku.ijaY Cockikk, that we would Introduce a Dili In reference to tiie Public School system, so far as the counties of Fan Din, Gilmer nnd Pickens is concerned, of which the following is the caption: "A Bill to be entitled an Act to abolish the office ol County School Commissioner for the counties of Fannin, Gilmer ami Pickens, and to require the Ordinaries of the several counties named to perform, without additional cotnpensalion, the du ties now (teiformed by the Commissioners aforesaid, and to provide for the election by the people of three 'trustees for eacli of the school suh-dis'rictH Ml the counties afore-i dd, and to prescribe the duties of s.ld Trustees, and for other purposes.” The Grand Juries of the counties men tioned have seen proper to condemn this action in their General Presentments, and we unhesitatingly say, that in our judg ment, their actions have bcenjiasty, and not characterized by tliat mature thought which tiie gravity of the subject demands. We seek lo benefit tiie pmr children of llie District—it is not palatable to a few, some of whom do uot understand what they are doing—and others who will fail to get money that we think of right should go only to the children. Before giving an outline of what the Bill will he, we will merely remark that we shall use every effort to secure iu passage, and if successful we will return to a constitu ency whose lips, we liope, will be filled with praise in consequence of the act, and whose children will arise to bless the memory of thorn Who bestowed tbe boon we seek to confer. Then, as to tbe pro visions of the Bill: The Bill will pfoVfde for the election, in each Militia District, or in case of a fail ure lo elect, to mak t it encumbent upon the Notaries Puldie or Justices of the Peace, to ap|M>int three Commissioners whose duty it shall lie to Becnre worthy and competent teachers, it shall he the duty of said Commissioners to take the census ot nil the children of school age as the law directs in their respective Districts, and furnish the Ordinary with the same. It will then be the duty of the Ordinary to report *Jie number of children to the State School Commissioner, which office it is proposed to maintain, who shall be the custodian of the school fund. Said officer will semi-the fund to the Ordinary, the Ordinary will divide tho fund, pro rats, with tbe Dklricts, the t otmuLMinti ers thereof will pfir tbe teacher*. Ail this we wish to be without oompeasatioo, that the childrea may have tbe entire tk-iHfit of the f. abdMMMA duty of said Gowmisslouers to petent teachers, well as will be acceptable to all the pvt mull of the school. The Bill will furl her provide that * here a District slia'.l fail to niuMf up n school the fund fur that District align remain in tiie hands of tiie Ordinary far one year, and after tiie first year a failure to make a school will entitle the other Districts to the fuml. U. C. Dt'OOKK. Jonathan Wmiaow. Ni.w, fellow citizens, read carefully the above, ponder Well iu your minds, ami possibly before the sitting of the Legisla ture you Snay be called on to sign a peti tion to tile Georgia Legislature to pass a Bill iu which shall i e emlxidU-d the above provisions, lour obedient servant, Jonathan " ithkow. I A PERFECT STKEKGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER. mov r.ITTnnS nr. highly for all diwases ro .uiriov acert.-.'i nnl efficient tonic ; especially lndention, Ly-pew; <, iWc/ vlppetf*. l^j. cfi. Um blood, itrengtiu.-na tlic niorcfo*, and gives new Uw to tuo nerves. T.itj act lUu. a diarm on the digestive onrans. rcmOTinpalldTOicpUcyinp|oKi, *ujU u iklin'j the Food, ItaAmy, //.af t Ihs .S'OT’i.., //carUOvrn, C.C. 1 rlO C.. . / Iron Preparation that will not blacken tli tee-li cr Ifl't; hoadaotie. Fold by all druggist*. V. nte for tlie Al 5 C Look, pp. of ■Kful ar.d amusing read in? — tail free. BROWN CHEMICAL. CO., Baltimore, Md. MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO. Will make for the next 00 days only, a Grand offer of p i tv <> 8 ATV I) ORGAN’S. SBSO Square Grand Piano for only $245- o t<x/ T XT Q Magniffcent Rosewood case elegantly finished. 3 strings 7 1-3 Oil O octaves full pnteut cantante agraffes, our new patent overstrung seale. beautiful carved legs and lyre heavy serpentine and large fancy moulding round ease, full Iron Frame. French Grand Action. G: and Hammers, in fact ever) improvement which can in any wayteiul to the perfection of the instrument has a< Uur price for this Instrument boxed and delivered on board cars at 4245.00" New York, with tine Piano Cover, Stool and Book, only *r Tbis Piano will be sent on test trial. Please send reference if you do not send money with order. Cash sent with order will be refunded and freight charges paid by ns both ways if Piano is not just as represented in this advertisement, thou sands in use. Send for Catalogue. Every instillment fully Warranted ior live Itir'lllflfl $163 TO S4OO (with Stool. Cover and Book.) All strictly First-class 0T fl IHI V and sold nt Wholesnlfe factory prices. These Pianos made one of the rlflltlHil finest displays nt ihe Centennial Exhibition, and were unanimously & AUKUU re( ., :mm ended for the Highest Honors. The Squares contain our New Patent Scale, the greatest improvement in the history of Piano making. The l p rights are the finest in America. Positively we make the finest Pianos, ut the richest tone and greatest durability. They are recommended by the highest musi cal authorities in the country. Over 14,000 in use, and not olio dissatisfied purcha ser. AH Pianos mid Organs' sent on 15 days’ test trial—freight free it unsatisfac tory. Don’t fail to write ns Indore buying. Positively we otter the bust bargains. Catalogue mailed tree. Handsome Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue ol 43 pa ges mailed for 3 cent stamp. Every Piano fully warranted for 5 years. VItDTT TIXI nnn A tin our “Parlor Grand Jubilee Organs, style 35, is the [Hill Uit ISjirHiiv finest and sweetest toned Heed Organ ever ottered ■lllIHIlli!) llHlift lU\ the nuishal public. Itcontains Five Octaves, hive UvillUlld UUUiAKU SBts nf |{ ee ,| B> four of 2 1-2 Octaves each, and one of Three Octaves. Thirteen Slops witii Grand Oignu—Diapason, .Melodia, Viola, Flute, Celeste, Dulcet, Echo, Meh dia-Forte, Celestina. V lolinn, Tluto-rorte, Treinolo, Grand-Organ and Grand-Swell, Knee-Stops. Height, 74 in.; Length, 43 ill.: Width, 21 in.; Weight, boxed, 8(M lbs. The ease is ot solid walnut, veneered with choice woods, and is of an entirely new and beautitu! design, elaborately cli ved, with raised panels, music eioset, lamp stands, fretwork, Arc., all elegantly finished. Possesses all the latest and best, improvements, with great power,, brilliancy and sympathetic quality of tone. Beautiful solo clients and per. (eel stop action'. Regular retail price $235. Our wholesale net- cash price to have it introduced, with stool and book, only $!I7 —as one organ sells others.* Positively no deviation in price. No payment required until you have tullv tested the organ in your own home, We Benil all organa on 15 days test trial and pay treight both wavs if instrument is not as rep esented. Fully warranted for a yeais. Otliei styles—B stop organ.only SOS • V stops, ; 14 stops, slls. Over 32.0(H) sold, and -very Organ has given the fullest satisfaction. Illustrated circular mailed Iree. Factorv and Warei'ooms, 57th St. and 10th Ave. QHITirT at one third price. Tatalogue of 3000 choice pieces iyiUvlV< ;fi( , l .,.|’ ) ntump. This Catalogue includes most of tbe popular music ot-the rridy variety o', musical composition, by tlie best author*. Address.- ... • . MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO, P. 0. Box :2058, New Yolk City. mss '•swaMt” tbivmvmsikti t OUR CUSTOKERS EVERVWHERE ATTEST ITS MERITS WE mm® SEQVEE9 TDJS SEE VICES GF*\ P. H, MILTON Wiio will Lave charge of the counties of G I >1 lii AX u-iid IP yv iv rv i rs' IN the mile of our celebrated Machines. He is two well known to require an introduction from us. THERE is nothing more useful in a Family than a first class Sawing Machine. In this as in everything else it is economy to buy the best. We claim that the “SINGER” is the best ot all We are borne out in the truth of our statement by the (act that ts sale.B exceed any other Machine. It is Unrivaled in appearance ! Unparalleled in Simplicity ! Unsurpassed in Construction ! Unprecedented in Popularity. Wait for the Agent for the SINGER i iiT" SFliTfSlHirTlt NEWGOODSIMtIW GOOO^ Our buyer has just returned from market and we are now re ceiving a LA It Gl f SI'OCK Ot GOODS, consisting of every thing usually found in a mixed stock. DRY GOODS.—AII the latest novelties in styles of Winder Dress Goods. Calicoes, Homespuns. &<•. BOOTS, SHOES and HATS, of every size, quality and price Satisfaction guaranteed or no trade. CLOTHING, for old and young, of every grads. Come along and let ns dress you out. PLANTATION SUPPLIES, Wood-ware. .Tin ware. Crockery, Pocket and Tab'e Cmiery, Carpenters' Findings, Notions, eic In tact we. think we can supply you with whatever vou may want and at prices to suit you; for having bought for CASH from first hands we are enabled lo sell at very low prices. Call and see us. Don tbe influenced by anybody, but come and look for your selves. We barter for anything which we can turn into money. .1. P. COBP, oct. JMfi JSLUAY, GA *' P . ‘ . "T f' NEW <JOOD ! People visiting Elliiny will do well to cal! and see me at the West corner of the Court House. lam selling only lor PAT D O IP/V, Therefore 1 am tilde to irive jjnoil Hanjains Briutfvom imney aitl hariei* almit; and try me, mid I will prove it Yours, ve., A. J. BISHOP. FOil GOOD BARGAINS —GO TO A. .T. BTSfIOP, ELLIJAY, GA. Pcaler in Pry Goods. Groceries Nr,, lions. Boots, Shoes, iials. Tinware, Glassware. Crockery, ami in fact every* tiling kept in a first class Country 'tore. ! Call amt >eo me at the West corn rof the Court House. nmySu-tf uui! mb mu J. M. WATKIM, M. D I J. *. JOBSSO., M. A, WATKINS 4 JOHNSON, Druggists & Physicians AND DE ALIKS IN DituGSy Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Garden Seeds, Cigar®, Tobacco, Stationery, Inks, Pens, Pencils, Notions IN fact, everything usually to be found in n first-class Drug Store will be kept la stock, and sold at a moderate advauce on first cost. VVe shall discard everything in tlie way of merchantable goods and deal in notniiig but tlie purest Drugs and Med icines, thereby giving our customers SB much in quantity, and the best in quality tor the same amount of money charged for goods where drugs are not made a spe cialty. Trv us. ‘ w atkins & Johnson. march 18->t f. STO FARMERS and THRESHERMEN. If yon want to boy Three here, Clover Hullera , Horae Powers ot' EHginta (either Portabl* or Trac tion, to um lor threahinf, Mwiag or for general purpose*), buy tho “Starved Rooeter ” good*. 'TW Best is the Cheapest .” For Priee List and Illustrated Pamphlets (ssnt free) write to The AultmMl & Taylor Compact, Mansfield* W TO THE Milling lr*il>lio. ffHIE undersigned takes pleasure in in a forming all who contemplate building anew, or reconstructing old Mills and who do not wish to incur tlie risk of failure to obtain the Lest results, tlint it will he to their interest to consult him before closing * contract for your Mil', improvement. Be sides being fully prepared, after years of study and practice, to do ail kinds of Mill work in the best style, lam • - Agent for ail l\n of Mill Machinery of the most improved patterns, and guar;, . antee to soli them at Manufacturers’ and Importeis’ prices, including the celebrated . UM Doable Tnrhine Water Wheel, French Burr Jtrones, Eureka Smutting Machines, Brush Finishing Machines, Gen uine Dufour and Dutch Ancnor Bolting Cloths, Castings, Gearings, &<•. Also • Sergeant’s Mill Burr Driver ami Bail. Portable Mills, Bell ng. Middling Puri*- ers, Eley .tor Belting and Cups, Mill Drew- * ing .Machinery of all kinds, including Patent Dress, &e., &C. No;v, if you want anything in my !ii>‘.' v l promise satisfnctiou in woikmunsbip air* •’ Call on or address J- W.’DUGKcTT, Dec. OH 1 y. ELMJAV, A _ . Ealahllohed 1844. NATI, S AUL T TV-nCeteheclr-' "H-.tcn el iheSostk Cora Milt. Makers oi o i-- :ri L'.no of Flour Mtt Alac.ilnerycn Earth, , r v '! v;.;i„f As i4- i nevas. Build oomptet* C" . * old put. ing in Any process ddtirod. Write io; • a*.i!o(ru© aud P/iC'-'B Vxfcre purchasinc. *•' •" r : ■ f-.- r ”. £ eicon's 3/ ' -pii -•v v -| '/< *'■ ;> k ; - •.>* .. ...\ 811 i. * ti\, . iiU>t ly -i t iui ioho apply by g O’- r .::?r-r!Tt ~ 1 Groixnd.v In §8 r v aud M *•**% t'f V 'Un '•ClP.tilfdliirloi^ F.r.’S <> firPittUl* i jfoorsrhip 3 rrn In are fl jl'iiuo -*ei icu, B | p ETEiI I.Ljj ——& CO, M 3 S; Oor'-ar New York. Tj c-L- r --.c- re- j Ci ,7k \e-ic. ' r.. y .w, Jy ; <.' LT-. v/u v e!Si !. •, • if/-; C DAVID LASDBSTH & SONS, Philadelphia, Pa, FRUIT TREES, THE UAILKOAD I8 COMING, there will he a home market for Iruit and Ot course every one who owns land wijt wan’ an orchard. The undersigned is Agent for the celebrated ESTELI CFEHSS NURSERY. of Franklin county. Tennessee, and would be pleased to receive orders frm nU who want first-class fruit of a! kinds. lUustratwl Catalogue can lie seen at the •‘Couiiei’” office. W. K. COM Its, may 27th. tim. Kllijav. Ga. Jtnillll tort TfOllPniNE Habit Si LI iI 8 Kai cursC in 14 a-Tci, ytirto- K , i9 S gUltnhdshed; aw, cured. Wrile ont b# I I W lll.nsewe Dt. ILuuis. Quincy. Hick