The Ellijay courier. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1875-189?, August 11, 1881, Image 2

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1!!. f ; ELLIJAY OOURIKIL V. f.odmbs. - - - E IHTOH. j Et uAY. OA-. At’Ot’HT 11. last. .he .'resident still continues to prove and L.s physicians pro jotinca him out of danger. '■ ■ - Legislative. /. letter to the Dahlonega Sig nal, .rom Hon. B. J. Davis, Kep reei’stive from Lumpkin, says : The bill for two weeks court at Dahloneea, has passed both bou os of the General Assembly and is ntrw $ law, being signed up by the proper authorities. To d*>- fthi?l) the bill creating a n<*„ j'tdic.-, circuit to be called M, .t Morth-Eastern Circuit, pass ed tlit ii'v .oe unanimously. The . w cii Miff is 10 be composed of ..llowing Counties to-wit: Lumpkin, Union and Towns, of r - "ne Hidga Circuit, and Hall Habersham, Rabun and White of Western circuit. The bill will doubtless become a law in a few •levs ami eev? Judge and Solici leiutrnl elected. Should they be commissioned in time, they will probably hold your Septem ber court. (he hill appropriating $30,000 t*> rebuild and returnish the N. / College received a favora ois report fr>>m the Finance Com *i.-tee. has boon read a second !<■ (be *• uo and in all prob will bo passed bil 1 ’evying a direct lax of alii of onupercentum upon *"r?' ' property ol this ~!) >ub!ic school purposes, ecoived a favorable cousid •uion ut the bands of each, the uiatii'ii and Finance Cominit *• j. There is no certainty, how ever, that it will pass the house. Ti c llow of bills into the house has ceased comparatively, and the house i getting fully and woui.ely down to work. The committees have worked inces wutly almost, and have returned n great many of the bills to the house with their recommenda tion. The greater part of the sessions in now occupied reading bills a second and third time. Upon tb- whole, I think the out look favorable for an adjourn ne it by about the first of Sep tsmber. Prum uitiou Receives a BJaok Eye. The Atlanta Constitution of the sth insl. says: The election held in North Carolina on prohibition, at which the advocates of the cause were defeated by about 50,000 majority, furnishes a stri ding instance of the impractica bility of the leaders of the tem perance movement and shows ho., Ui.aticlam and lack of judg •*ie may injure a good cauae. T’h'o temperance bili on which !hvote of yesterday was taken, os wc un'.v-rbtand it, prohibits the • ■’.nufttcturo of any aort of in ! uting liquor within the State, - j allows live drug stores in cli town to keep a slock of '. iior, which, however, they nits' ; uport, ns none can be mac '.tuied in the State. Any ~ilizc.: cau obtain this liquor in ny amount upon the certificate it n physician that he needs it or •non the written request, signed if his neighbors. It will ,q eon 'hat the effect of the bili .s :o destroy tlio industry of liq making in North Carolina h . aim* lime fiil to slop . ior. A fcoinlemuu .luveied through the ... 'lorth Carolina in the s iv that there ie :i * Ttididfbus bill •mperance, properly j.ild have carried the .- a large majority and no most of ibe opposition e present bill was based up ocjectiou to its weak features y and not to the bill itself. An End to All Things. .*e New York Sun of Monday ia*i propounds the following in ■ irrogatione which are very sug gestive Hudy, in view of the many happenings that 1 ave takan olace within the pres ut yes ': Is l£<y re. Uy to see the end of - woi df -vre we living upon roe almost burnt out shell of an :-;'and-s-eut sphere and is the r i uy giving away f These Ajuestioua oust occur to every •ae who read yesterday of the 'in tble pbenoiueuon near ong-brai.eb. When sulphuriou6 mes burst from the sand below gh water mark, and hiss and tell >i a manner said to be . jarscKri 'io of the place not mentioned in the revision of (he TeMsnit-nt, the alleilged propery of Mother tfhipton seem* not ao very improbable alter all. Pickena County Department. John W. llemlcV, • • Editor. Jaspsr, Gj. ( Aug 9lb, 1881. tracker's ASSOCIATION. The Association met in Jasper on the Oth inst. pursuant rr ad journment, Pres. Allen in the chair. After the leading of the minute, Ate., Mr. B 11 .Simmons addressed the body on the sub jecl of “teachers' compensation and the necessity of *harmv>ny among teaohers.” Tluf subject was then announced open 'for volunteer disi-ussion. Messrs,. E W Cijemau. A J Hpeuoe, lsaa<- (lran( r aml J tV Henley respond ed .in speech, each, m abdut thiriy >fntnu(s, Having con Stißied more lime on the first sub ject titan was* anticipated, the addresses on the remaining subjects for tfie d'ay we/e post poned. * The subjecFsele;ted for gener al discussion at tl.e next meeting is the office aifd functions of tin words in tjie fallowing sentence: My large black horse it wnrth flso- ,Mr. J W _Furgu* son was Assigned the subject or the berfl* method of teaching Arithmetic. Mr. govemment-ol schools No other,business hying before Iho Association it adjourned t< meet againljpn the firsi Satyriia in September. • . * J. R. Allk.v, Pres. J. W. HjCNIKV. Sec. PUBLIC SCHOOL tkXchkrs. The following* is a list of th teachers of Pickens efiunty unit the sub-district In which egch is teaching: , A J Spence, Indian Pino. 1 W L., B L- and flliss Eva Smith, Ludtille.- Mrs Annie E “Bryan, Talking Rock clnrrch. B B Groover, Holly Springs. E Q Dish-aroon, Padgett's. "• Isaac Grant, Salem. John P Worley, Refuge. J W Furguson, Sharptop. B 11 Simmons, Cool Springs. Miss Hernia Vingeni, Johnson's W T Inlow, Bull Greek. E W Coleman, Town Creek. D T Collins, Moss. Miss M L McCloud. Mnssadonia J N. Simmons, Price Creek. • O W Holmes, Cross Roads. VV S Coleman, Hull’s Gap. ./ M McCiure, Jerusalem. 0 M Wolford, Talona. W J West, Philadelphia. E R Allred, Refuge. J M Stephens, Stearns. Miss S J Cornetisoii, Cagle’s. Miss Susan Killian, County Line. Miss Julia Jones, Burnt Moun tain. 8 F McClain, AlcClain’s. C J Faulkner, Four Mile. J W Henley, Town. MISCiILaHKoIIs. We are still suffering for rain. Our anxious hopes have been ex cited several times during the last few days by the black clouds pouring over from the South, but (hey have failed to furnish us with a shower. Tha colored brethren are carry ing on a protracted meeting near Jasper. The whites seem to give them liberal patronage. More intellect is found among the col ored preaching brethren than would be expected considering ibe short time since their email' cipation and their total illiteracy at the close of the war. There was a host of people at Salem last Sunday. The stand was filled by Rev. A. W. Rich ards. He preached one of his best sermons on Sunday. The stand was ably filled at the M. E. church at Jasper last Sun day night. What about those trophies? Hut that is about ns good as could be expected of a man who had not seen his wile and baby lor several weeks and who had lal ids hum the high profession ol school leaching io that of carry ing the mail across the mountain on a Donkey. The red speck was in his own eye and he only be held ihe reflected image. Communicated. Talking Hock, Ua., Aug. 8, *Bl. By order of the Board of Edu cation 1 commenced visiting the Public Schools in this county August Ist. 1 first Visited Miss Florence Moirison’s school at Talking Rock church. I found her busily engaged m the dis harge of her school duties. She has a very prosperous school, with forty-nine pupils enrolled. Miss Florence lias some experi ence in leaching and knows just bow to leach and govern a school. 1 next visited Mr. Charley Wof ford’s school at Talona School District- I was favorably impress ed with the school at that place. It is the first school that Charley has taught, but lie seems to un derstand his business well. lie has fifty students enrolled in his school. 1 then went to Mr. E. W. Cole man’s school at Town Creek church. There I found a large school witli fifty seven students enrolled. Mr. Coleinau is a good scholar, very energetic in his •chool duties, and well deserves the patronage so liberally be •towed on him. I next visited Mr. MrCiure’s school at Jerusalem School Dis trict. lie has a very good alien dance, with fitly.two pupils en rolled. Tins is the first school that Mr. MeClurc has taught bui. judging from the good order he keeps and the way he governs the school, 1 am sure he will give sal isfaclion to that community I next visited Miss Hernia Vin cent's school at Jidinsou’s School District. She has a very good attendance, with fortv-five tlu dents enrolled. Miss Hernia has experience in teaching, and from hearing I lie fecit nt ion of some ol her classes I am satisfied they are making rapid progress in their studies. The people of Johnson’s District have done well in pro curing the services of Miss Her nia to tlie Public School at Ufa! piace. •The public schools are in oper -tiion throughout the county. I can say for all i have visited that they aro doing admirably well, (he oeople in this ccrofntfy are becoming more interested in the education of their children, it is a duty tlrat every parent owes to his child to see that it is educa ted • if all the children of our country • were educated as they iid be, there would be an era of light and knowledge before unknown to civilization spring up :n our land and country. Let all lie interested in this grand work, and avail themselves of the op lorluuilies that JYu afforded. J. R. Allen, C. S. Ot 1 ‘Georgia Crop News. Fruit i# a failure up about Ce dartbwn. Rains have been general in Harris‘county. Oglethorpe county will make half akcrop of corn. Jackson county farmers are satisfied with their crops. The cotton crop of Forsyth is unusually fruited this year, Decatur.county will make corn enough for next year. Dry weather will shorten the corn crop of Dade county. The idco crops in Mclntosh county look remarkably well. The wheat erop of Oglethorpe county this year averaged six bushels per acre. The sweet potato crop of Ogle thorpe county is being injured by bugs and disease, Mr. John Shank, of Wilkes county, will make thirty bushels of corn to the acre. Many farmers in Oglethorpe county are beginning to raise their own mules and horses. Fruit trees are so heavily load ed in some parts of Wilkes coun ty they are breaking dowu. Over $5,000 worth of stock have died in Oglethorpe county this year from eating western corn. PIANOS at $75.00 PIANOS at $1 200. ORGANS at $60.00 ORGANS at $500.00. Hints to Purchasers. Wllon selecting a Piano Porte or Organ it i* important to remember— 1. That there is more economy id buy ing a really fii-st-class instrument, at a rea sonable figure, than in purchasing another merely because it is much cheaper. A. Always give tho choice of youi pat rouage to Responsible Dealers that handle established Pianos And Organs. Always buy an Instrument with a Soul in it. SiT.Send for Catalogue and Prices. P-~ anos and Organs tuned and repaired. Pi anos and Organs Exchanged, or received in part pay for new. Foreign and American Sheet Music. Guitars. Violins, ltanjos. Strings, and all kinds ot Musical Merchandise. Sunday School Instruction Choir of all kinds, liound Note, “Shape' 1 Notes. Address, IP. M. BstlG <£> CO. HJ.tI.TQ.Y, Git. Aug. 11, 3m. Lvatker, Leather ! T am new turning out, from the Ellijay *- Tan-yard, as good Leather, of all de scriptions as can be found in any market, for Upper, Sole or Harness Leather of the best quality bring either the CAdH, WHEAT or HIDES, Highest cash price paid for green or ary Hid-s. CsTOall cither on J. P. Cobb or the un dersigned at the Tau-yard. Wm. Spencer. June 30-tf. Jno, S. Young, WITH SANFOED, CHAMBERLAIN & ALBERS, WtIOLKSAI.B AXD MWCTACf t'KIXtl dritggihtsi, Knoxville, Tenn. J 'll v ?! ini. Summer Complaints. . At tUa aasen. vsriwi- JinrSsr* of the an pr-rmlem, ami mass Urns art lost through lath of knowing* of a safr >wi Mire irod;. I’KRltr DAVIS' PAIN Kl l.i.Klt M a sure care for Lriarrhaes, Dysentery, Bummer Complaint, Cholera, Choirr* Morbus etc., and u jorfcrtly safe. ! ■ hi n.y fnX'llmSri “uAy ui.h* f.j- 1.1 lArds—m rrer,A|jr*nfffTtng ■ev.rdj- from ss&antfttaßsr j 6*co. Mr . Jn. 22, I'm 1 M MoKTAour St.,London. Eso. lUto oMd PXN>r INjn'Fu Kin. fen r-t-e!vo liurincarMi-l-iiusof tn.ty4lirco van lit India, h** si' is*Tk r- 1,0 *“Wer I Ibave irtven It In luamr caanof dl*irhV, A djn -•Soal.1 alknr hto M,# o# the lamly i Im. and cboiera, and mmr know It to fait torl'n H I Nim I nlfcf. R Cutuwc. Sa toUf rap naM/ toe without thin Invalnable n-medr. Iu prior brings if wltliia Uw reach ofiUl. For sale l.y all druggists at 33c. 50c. Had SI.OO a bottle, m , PEHRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence, IL L TONIC ' A PEgaCT CTREHSTHSMER.A SURE REVIVER. J|tO®|BITTHP,S are L :nhl_r recommended for all diseases re- I qniring dSjrtaiu r.nd eficici'.t tonic ; es'nx i.-.llv- fndufaUou, JjysptjuiW, In!er mtitetU Fn-is, WuiU of Enriches the blood, drengtlicvui the luusci-s, and givcaiiew liie to tlie r.orTcs. They act lilte a cha-m on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic sympjUlnS, snch HA 'lWn%he Food, biTcldng, Heat in i>* Stomach, Heartburn, etc. Tile only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by all druggists. Write for tiie AB C Book, 82 pp. of useful aadamusinj reading—sen i free. . DKOAVN CliliaUCAL CO., Baltimore, Md. BHTERS J.ESTEY&COMPANY Vo. SO.—Front View. No. S!Jo.—Back View, BRATTLEBORO, VT. A New Style of Organ, designed for Sunday Schools, Chapels, etc., and Sold at Moderate Price. % or ALL OUfc ORfiASS ABB WARRANTED, AND ARE MADE IN THE flAtftt THOROUGH MANNER AS FOR THE PAST 35 YEARS. tw~M for Illustrated Catalogue before decide what to Bny. Rome, Ga. Marble and Granite Works WIT deal In the best Italian and American Marble, tailgated and white. Vie handle Li a great deal of the well known and popular Rutland Marble, which is the whitest, and said to be the best in the world for slab work, Shell as Head Stones, Tomb Tablets, Arc., but the Italian equals it for monuments. We furnish alt kiuds of building stone, but make Marble and Granite for grave and cemetery purposes a spe cialty. We bfiil(sall kinds of Monuments, Toond-s, Head t-tones. Urns, Vases, Ac., &c. Otir workmen are first-cbi.-s. Wc luiy all our stock in the lough and do the work ourselves therefore, we send out first-class work, made of the lu-st of marble. We pay the cash for all the stock we use. We get very low rates of freights, and can and will compete with any Marble Works in this country, in quality of Marble, workmanship tu.-d prices. Write and give us the description of the work you wish, ami we will write you wbat we can furnish it for, or write us about what price you wish to pay, and wc will let you know what kind of job or jol-s we can give yob for price mentioned. We keep some of the second and third class marble, bat never send them out, except when the prices arc such as first-class marble cannot be furnished at, and then we always tell the purchaser the kind of marble we will furnish. Hoping you will give us a trial and let us prove what we say, we are, very truly, Jones V. XCdmundson, Nov. 12-tf. MITCHELL, LEWIS A CO., Racine, Wls., " Manufacturers of F Jjrii FREIGHT W’, Jr§\ jTbl 1 y #A v .\ I & THE MITCHELL STANDARD PLATFORM SPRING WAGON. Aj° Three-Spring and Four-Spring Wagons, and Side-Spring Buggies- The MITCHELL WAGON is Monarch of the Road; only the vert best stock used ifi its c<wx sthiction and made by the best wagon mechanics in the world. The Spring Wagon and Buggy De partment i$ entirely separate from the Farm Wagon shops. And for the* manufacture of tins class of work we have facilities unsurpassed. Send for Catalogue and Illustrated Price List. MITCHELL, LEWIS & CO., Racine, Wls. BOOKWALTER ENGINE! Effective, Simple, Durable anil Cheap. Compact, Substantial, Economieal and -SflEs&ffiKj I Easily Managed. ’■HHkml I Guaranteed to work well and grive hill power claimed. JUST THE THING FOE A PBINTING OFFICE : RwIASA Every Farmer who runs a Cotton Gin, Corn iTOBBII J raa Mill or*Wood Saw, should have one. f- SEE OI K LOW PRICES. 3 Hors.- Power Engine and Boiler s24b ei 4J 380 8J - 440 SEND FOR A DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLET. Xje£fel <Sc C0.,- SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. M I. > l> I. I. > > U II > I*l V.VI-a Will make for the next CO Jay* only, a (iraaid offer ofl PIA NO N A > I) OIHJA^ SBSO Sqoan Grand Piano for only 8245- V CTV I IT 'l Magnifcent ttwwood caae elegantly fininbril, 2 airing* J L 1 "*-• iiri iiK Ml patent cantante agraffe*. our new patent orerttrunH ••ale. beautiful rar*d leg* and lyra heat) serpentine and large fancy moulding round rate, full Iran Fr. me French (irar.d Action. (• and Hammer*, in fact every 1 improvement wiilcb ian in anv attend to tlie perfect ieagtaT'<4Bh inatrument baa added. * our price forth.* it •trnnient oxed on board cart at flf) Xew Vnrk. with line I'iano I oven Moo’ and Hook, only ipatuA \J Thi* i‘lar will be aeut on teat trial. I‘le.tne *ead refeteace if you do not tend money with order. ■ ash sot with order will he refunded and freight charges paid hy us both ways if I'iano is not just as represented in this advertisement. 1 hou aaads in use. ’ Bml for • ataloguv. livery iiistimneut ftttly Warranted for tire years. nTI kind IHK fOlWOliritli Sib i. C over and Book.) Ail strictly Pirst-claae rl A ill IIV and sold at Wholesale la toiy pricer. These I’iano* mad* one of the ill Uu finest diaplat at ihe t e 1 tennia! Exhibitions and were unanimously * *4**e**** reel nuneuda ; for the Highest Honors. The itquarns contain our Sew Patent lealf ithe jrjsile*' .) provenient in tne history of I'iano making. The Up right* are reilc.: Positively wr.-make the finest Pianos, of the riches; inn and tie and -t • They are recommended d>y the highest musi -41 aOtboritfes in Ih- ■■■•iiutry. in use, anil not nnc alissatisiied purclia mdk/e-All PiaChos and Organs tent on iMhycKU'-st trial—freight free if unsatisfad- Tom-. ilfmU fail to write usneiore buying, PoAttady we <yrer the best bargains. inidiod Itcc.* ilukilsome Illustrated ana Dfcacriptive Catalogue of 4b pa x s maileryfor 3 centsbhniu. V' v frv Piano fully warrauted for 5 years. mnTV Hi> nKfllllli. #or."F,wlrrntl Jubilee Organs,” st/ie 35. is the •llUm 111 |l XI R t>| V sweetest .toned Keeil Orgau ever offered JliOlllu' tliibil the „Vlt. public. Ueontains Five OetaVefc Fiv# • vuma u ‘ lu,,,u sets oi'Kecils, four of 2 1-2 Octaves each, and Tne of I'liiee Octaves. Tliirteen Stops with -Grand Oigan—Diapason, Melotlia, Viola, iTkte, Celeste, ITultret. Ccbb, lieleilia-Forte, C'elestina. Yioliua. Flute-Forte, rreinaK'Vnvnd-Orgiin and UTa lid-Swell, Knee Stops. Height, 74 in.; Length, 48 in.J niillh, ffl My Weight, boxed, 30> lbs. The case is ot solid walnut, veneered with choice woods, and is of an entirely new sad beautiful design, elaborately carved, with raised panels, music closet, lamp stands, fretwork, Ac., all elegantly finished. Possesses all the latest and hest improvements, with great poWeY dep.h, brilliancy aird sympathetic qualitv uf tone. Heantiful solo effects and perl led stop action. Regular retail price g**. Our wholesale net. cash price to bars it introduced, with stool and book, oftly $D7 —as one organ sells others. Positively no deviation in price. Xo payment required until you have inllv tested the organ in your own home. Wt send aliorgans on 15 days few trial and pav freight both ways if instrument is not as represented. Fully warranted for ft’vears'’ Other styles—B stop organ only $65 • 9 stops, SSS ; 14 stops, Hl6, Over 32,000 sold and very Organ has giveti the fullest satisfaction. IlUfetraled circular mailed fr Fvctory and Warerooms, 57th St. and Ave. SHEET MUSIC t ft! rd .r nVe- **'*** piece* i . . ... Wilt for 3c. stamp. This Caftffogue includes most of tne popular music or day and erery variety o' musical composition, by tbe beat authors. Address, * J MENDELSSOHN PIANO GO-, P. 0. Box 12058, New York CityV TBE "SIMEM” TMIBJUTBBJTT / / our: customers eyervwher* attest its merits 8EC&3BB TME SERVICES OF P.H. frJLTON Who will have charge of tlie counties- / GILMER and FANIV lIV IN the sale of our celebrated Machines. lie is two well 4www to require an introduction from us. THERE iR nothing more useful ii> Fmnil? Ili*n a first class Sewing Machine. In this as iir everything else it is economy to buy the best. We claim that the “SINGER” is the best of aH We afe borne out nr the truth of our statement by the fact that its sales exceed tny other Machine. It is Unrivaled in appearance I Unparalleled in Simplicity ! Unsurpassed in Construction ! Unprecedented in I’opulariiy, Wait for tho Agent fur the SI.YGLR f lino. stint in sun. h. IVEW GOOI>S : IVEW GOO?))® Our buyer has just returned from market „„ SiSS. £k" - *■ -* BOOTS. SHOES am] lIATS.of ovtrv ,j„ ... Satisfaction guaranteed or no trade. * ’ 3 * Y art( * P ric * CLOTHING, for old and vounr. *of evert- n, • . , and let ns dress vrm nut. ' * s l? *d . Cofti* siting PLANTATION SUPPLIES, Wood-ware Ti.. r> 1 P<cket and Table Cutlery, Carpenters’ Finding. Not ran* C [?c **'**’ In fact we think we can supply V on will. ’ want and at prices to suit you 'for bavin* bJugl ,/or CASH tVZ first hands we are enabled lo sell at veiv low ifrieJ* /Cl? H i ,h us. Don’t be influenced bv anybody but coma nwl’t l "®* =l., We bane, f or i.i „&,T. Zi.T eel 3 If J J? - C °BB, . oct - 3 - tf ’ elliay, ga Carriages, Phaetons, ® l| g , g’ie* W a^on 4 Western work, comprising the celebrated * 1 k f Es,s,ern an 4 STUDEBAKEB, SOUTH BEND AND KENTUCKY WAGONSL My Shops are supplied with'skilled and reliable workmen ’ I am piepared 10 do ali kinds of Repairing at short no tice, and guarantee satisfaction. - I have a lar*l Bepcilorf No 9S „mi 100 Broad s’™"* Kome, Ga., where my friends will always ' And my nephew Mr. R. L William*, and Mr. W. L Whiteley, who will be pleased to wait on them. T „ 1j .JH JoilCN June 9 tf * GAKTERSVILLE, GA SOUTKMMW W8IXB&8 &Q&mriLEcE 9 sr • PI?Vf rirw i. Book keeping, X O TEXT BOOKS. Over 25 years a Practical Accountant, endorsed by all ilia Prominent Merchants of Louisville. C**“'v-nd Slumps for Circulars and Specimens of Penfoanahlp HEN. C, WEAVER, Principal | 11. S. PkSOLLAK, Secretary