The Ellijay courier. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1875-189?, September 01, 1881, Image 2

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W. KLLUAT OOIKIKK. tz.97 m~ itimmm \ i ■■ W. K OOMBS. - - - Loirea. maujat. olTw nmwn u w- Mnati Omu or FaiiwO* Qumciai. Owau Ctm Cos •nhui Omm or PhxbmOo. A Ikt to thu Wire, It |f It folio wtag from th* taw OTtnTftM** who wrmlk: “Itlt • iWm erop of the Wh eaeatoy It to* forge extant an atari. tit paopfo th*e ta eMeThtomMßrtT*Bay, w toll fat My W worth MMW■ posed next sprit* In nwrrf tat tat it betawre* yeTbt brought hi to Mi Ml mM year’ll eappllw Fife foimtaed (Mt of rag weed —that Mkt pl tag far *H Mick •(Ctrl wUefc otw —r ta owed In Viofd meaty, if attended te promptly, and a good crop of wMM M yet ta ■•A Twenty time. tta iMoi twwut of (f% tally wd otto cm ta miw% ad ten nta ta| li • |tod mm wd aatriclaim Mock food. Don’t welt till yoe w ktr valien 'tiring yew in tbo foe*, tat com mu right m ta prepare for ywr com tag OMM at tail yw (. UMy, ebeerfnl, tart work, promptly nmirf My w yw way dnitan, ktk trouble, aad poeelhly mnwlmto euf fuiug , vb*' ■K'pi >g anwind, rm;ilnln <rr ot your ’ll >:i > uol.v nuiK--* yi**w A liii.'l mill rnittli-n" every >'li< r it jvu. Tho Prerideni'a Condition \tUnlf ' -.litutiou o! ' 1.. Ktl*y snj s ; ‘‘The president is, At wo writo, holding ilia own, Anti t harts wre aottiß grounds for be lei ring that the grdat crisis in liis ess* has bean favoral-l v passed. Bat bis condition is still a wary danger ou* otin. His lira hang* by m slander thread, the poison 7.10 bis blood U really passing - autoy, and lbs food that he takoa Is beginning to be turned into e life-giving fluid, there is hope. We have not a word to utter •gaiaat bis faithful and sxperien ted surgeons; they have don# all that skilled and scientific men eonli do; but if the distinguished suiferer to spared to hit family •ad bis country, it will be ia an swer to the prayers of fifty mill ioaef people. The wound inflict ud by the assassin aneak la atilt twelve mokes in depth, aa yee terday’s examination shoved. Tha aflort to ralM • fund for th benefit of Uto family ot the proei dent hat roeultod in the pureheae •f United States four per cent* to the amount of $186,000. These bonds have been aoeepted by the United States Trust company in aueh a form that neither the pres blent nor Mu. Garfield can de feet the trust. If Mrs. Garfield refuse* to draw the intereit, "it will,” taya the New York Mail. M acrnmulate for lu r clulitren, whoso rights in the fund cannot be taken away from them by any pewer on earth *' Pioktna County Department. Joan W. ITkmlzt, • * Editor. Jasper (ia. Aug. fifith 1881. During the last twenty four be re, a blustering gale from the has be<Mt incessantly blow ing,’ laying 'orn flat before it. B. it hi done one favor — br rht raiu The prospect is now that we shall h ave u fine season. This •will bo of great wo* *l. to us. not withstanding tile blasted state oi uorn and cuttou. Rotato-s, tur nips aad a large sowing of oala dec., are the crepe to supfdeaieat ike deficiency in the corn crops, and every man eheuld remember that now is the time and tbs "ac copied time’’ to save himself by sowing while there is a goad season. N. G. A College - Sines the bill appropriating $30,000 to the college at Dahlou eg* faired to peas the boose, we Lav* been anxiously awaiting he time whan the bill would be reconsidered and paaeed, but we boar nothing more from it. Sure ly that wise body, oomp(ed of moa who claim to love Georgia apd her interests, and who claim to be friends to education, sill notad;ouru without making ilmt . port of one of the beat iaililf doM ia the stain. Thors ia acargniy a ooenty ia tfeeegia, that is net to day respite sows of the beaefita of that college. Young men from the see-beard to tho monntaias. far and near, flock lo that insli taths yearly, a large somber ol whom are avw teaching in the public auhosis ef the etale, while devetleg tbesr whole time tv the profs caion of teaching and with The edeeetlea of the people to worth tow mere to the elate thee rati reeds end sleek lews. K4e cate the heart asd brain and yoe veto the peetteatiaries sad ehaie gangs of many of their raflaring trill ta*kd two summers parley tag ever the chain gang and the bad treat meat of the convicts and then refuse to remedy (he cause, that crowds tbs vails ol the eeaiteafiary, glut* the chain gang and sands poor souls dove lo everlasting darkness. leonomy to vsalth, but a pre lent ion of economy is folly. Money applied to the best sdvan tage is certainly economy, but it does seem that some of the leg is iature, like the slothful servant, would go and bury even the one taleut they have and then come home and talk buncombe econo my aad try to blind the people, -in order that these same econo mists may bs returned to the leg ialature; but any man that will oppose an appropriation for the benefit of education in North Georgia, when the amount is so in ill, iml wool, it will ti- nf *uH great '.iluo> I not til to rcptekviii decent com •nsintty 01 gTorni-Hiog*. RAH.IV> IK < nY’.CTS &<• Work on U.e M U’U R K movss up lively. The grafting will, soon bs oompV'i'-ii to Ball Uruumi. The bridge * i *je completed in about threa weeks, and than the engine will soon whistle at Ball Ureund. The survey still moves ou. A convict attempted to eecape lust Friday, but the dogs proved too much for him. After running fifteen or twenty miles, lie trust ed himself to t lie care ef a sapling about a mile below Jasper, and awaited the arrival of OapUin Phillips and othera. Homy Mosley lias cast hit lot with the chain gang for about eight month*. At first, Henry did act much like the gay uni farto, aa il did not buoomc a man of hit ago, but tho old man hat becom* better reconciled, aad now marches to the muaic. The ooovict* hold mock courts occasionally on Sunday*. Last Sunday, wo learn, they tried Hen ry Motley and through their war diet Recommended Gen. Philips to tfike Moeely out from there aud fiend him off where he would not corrupt tbeir morale, aa he ia a profane and a very wicked men. Avery intereating meeting lias been in progress at Long Swamp church during the past week. As a result of Ihe labors of Revs. Allred, Shutlield and others, twenty*seven wore baptised lasi Sunday. May the good work go on and other souls set* die error of their way, and conic flocking home to iheir Master. Of the SI,BOO stolen from Mr. Jackson in Cherokee county sl, 774,86 has been received ami 8. K. and John Keatp are languish ing in Jail. , A b*ll has been introduced in the legislature to prevent Ilia dia til Ist ion ef whiskey in Georgia during the next twelve months. tVo hope it will pass. We need more broad a - 'd less liquor jusi at dr* lime. Cherokee jail ia aow about full. Surely somebody Inis been uiis b-luvingiu the old boasied Cher okee. Col. Day, our representative, spent last Friday, Saturday and Sunday with his family, but Mon day rammed to the gate city with an olive branch in his mouth. Mrs. Chambers, a lady of some eighty-three years, died at the residence of Mr. M. D Berry, her son mdaw, last Friday evening nt 5 o’clock. Mrs. Chambers was a true Christian and we hope has gone to rest. Mr. Mayo Bellows, who was in jured in the accident on the M. A N. G. R. R died last Tharaday evening. Mr. Bellows was en gineer. The fireman was still living last acconat. What Are the Tree Secret* of Our State aad Nation's Progress? Look *l our grest enterprises aa<l an tatotikfi nMS* ar Me Bta*e art sm M aw 4 a Ma Sees at tta praseet time. SIMM sH tta *M*n whs ate isniifta flurpi Sstag * Why they Sees have tawriac awy (ml taken •rt eiaktaf a ap*k raren ; they taw Mae gives atl Wert mt bussing elite*, •feeleg eer rick, estewatre aria**, brtSg- Isg eer mighty rivers, taaaetllag our lofty mountain*. saS ballSlsg our slmsol ssSlvsk art laaumorabK railroads, which are the Sneat ta the world. It le la this country that wo have bad time to tsaaei eer moawtates art naale their rseky hilghli with ear foeametives art eaaqaefad aer iriwi heme ruohen from Ue ta the rar diets a i raetaa. aad Wa taka tta atsdera traveHr as eyas Me wing# af npM tta Tata as Kew Varh, ymt asm lash set epoa oea ot awr groat tahao | next tta hrond, rich prairies engags yaer eyea ; yee sweep ee hy tawae ead ettiee; leek out a pew the Miaataetppl, Iri "W late a Si a lag car ta a aemptoona neat, ret are yoer radiate: aaTa chair, tarn it teernrd* tho window, get a good viow ef tho haCaio aad a stales* aa thoy ty from tho setwaohlag oagtaa j you loan hook ta root aad you ara awakened from your aap to Sad yaaroeff borne to the giddy heights of the Meshy Mountain* ; your bend grows a liule unsteady aa yoe go round “The Horn yoe tern round, steady your serves aad begin to fhel loot ia amnaeaaeat when, ia I*4 hour* from th* time .f leaving New York City, the whis tle blows, the train to|>* aad you And yourself la Baa Franc-loco, more than three thousand ini e* away. You sever took tui-li a ride before, aud wbat I* mure oau’t taku it iu any other land. Again, It Is in this country that men have had time to chaiu the lightning and send It along a thousand wires to commuuicata their thoughts. It is hare that land steam was first applied to navigation and a three month's journey scree, the oeeaa short* sited ta m MSStae of tea day*. But it I* at my lataadan ta dwell upon want we hare does when. If the history of all cur people hare dose aad said woilhy of git* ia a Used red years were niittaa daws, m aedtaary Ufa time would he Me short ta yert fit. Again, may people are adverse ta say improvements, especially railroads, aa ice-met. they say. of burdensome taxa tion ; hut they know not what they talk ef. If they .Mnk that building a railroad through s couutry would i a urease tags. Hun, they have sot rend, probebly, “Byd. uy -mint's lively sketch of taxattaa In .England.” He says : “la Ragland taxes oa every arti- le which eaters the mouth I or sever* the back, or la plaeed under the feet- taxes au everything which It Is I pleasant to ere. hear, foal, aamil ar taste, taxes m warmth. Ugh* aad bwaalba, taxes m everything ea the aatta, or ih the watvrv under the earth, taxes ea av er y thing that cornea five abroad or ta mads at home, taxes oa tho raw material and on every fresh value that I* added to it by the Industry of man, taxes oa the sauce that pampers towards appetite and lhe drug that restores him to health, oa the ermine whieh dejaeretee tho J*dgo art the raps whiah haaga the criminal.ea thejpoor man'*.halt nd •• rieh jnayJ!*. •pioe, oa the brae* anils of th* coffln aad th* .lliboat of th* hride. Taxes they never escape ; bed or board, couchant or levant, they maul pay. Th* school boy whip* hi* taxed tap; the beardless youth manage* hi* taxed horse with a taxed bridle on a taxed wad ; aad tho dylag Rnglishmaa, pouring out his medicine which ha* paid aavan *r eant. into a spoon that has paid fifteen per eant. •Inga himself back upon his oblate bad which has paid twenty par cant,, make* foe will spaa aa eight ;>ound stamp and expires In the arme of an apothecary who ha* |-aid a I loon*# of a hundred pounds forth* privilege af putting him ta death. His whole property I* Immediate, ly taxed from two ta tan |er cent., be sides th* probate largw fuse are demand, ed for burying him In the chancel, his virtues are handed down to posterity on taxod mark)a, and then he is gathered to hi* Father*-To Bo Taxed Me Merc. U. I. P. Such people might have cause to com plain it they wore one ol these, but to say that railroads add to the burdens of taxation It erroneous, and it Is snly cher ishing the spirit or jealousy aud hatred and provoking the same feeling In others, and It is high time that such men were learning that attek as a man sows that shall he also reap, aud where enterpri sing meu ooiue forth with a view ot de veloping a country, these people cannot see what good jp going to be received, or In fact they arigtrighted to let the light of civilisation penetrate where the dark neaa prevails. When a traveler, after riding lor perhaps hundreds of miles through an almost unbroken wilderness; and through valleys and aver mountains, wonders how capital ever had the eeur. age to invest its millions in such an en tai prise ; but whan he contrasts the lux. uriowe Iceomot i.>a with the terrors aad inconveniences of n Journey through tie same wilderasas before the railway buil ders opened H to civilisation, ho ssa-t feel thsri he ow e* n deep debt of gratitude lo th.' men whose energy and capital have pushed nhiati of civilization and given vaiuc to what wan before a region unin habited and iaaccesaible. The immense import auce of these great internal improvements cannot be overlooked by an intelligent and pro gressive people. There ore mil liar a of hlddsa wealth ia all these Northern counties af this Stain that aaly require capital aad aatarprtsa to develop them sad to saaka Urn people rich, aad the news try preap erases, aad what with tail reads baitdtag aad nthar iataraai to provnaanata, oembleed with agricultural bureaus aad Stain Uaalagtett, aad Com misaioaora at Load aad Emigration, all receiving the festering oars of proper legislation, the result will he that ia a few years by these agencies capital aad labor will pour in aad the prosperity of this section of the Stats will be dou -led; fields wilt be tilled to their utmost capac ity, mines and factories wiU be running ts their utmost extent, cattle will be fed on a thousand hi Us, aow cities aad towns will arias, business will become certain, steady wealth wiU aeeumulate and hap piness will abound. But why should any. thing more be said an this. Your minds have already ranched aad accepted the •‘theretore” of my syllogism—that great internal improvements are the secrets of a nation’s growth and n nation’s pros perity, and should, therefore, be encour aged ever) where asd by every one. ••lx Statu Quo.” Dnhoo, I A MIAU BBRRr BBCM, i HJtADQCAKTBHfI FOB Waffoci Buggies, Waßon and Byggy Wheels, DOORS end BABB, UOEB, AXIS. PLOWS, And ia tout, crevpliiinp ;•. ally kept ia a first clan* Hardware Store. ■*!**• * A PtHfECT WeOWTHtWDt.A fiMUfi BEVIVPi; i myariklly Mfmfim, (nS •ifMf Fiawn, IKoai y AppttiU. Strath, the Mood, atrengtlicru tiie niuaclM, aad give* n*w life to tlie nerves. They art litcetowhena oa tire digestive organa, removing all dyvprptic aymptoma, mch rvjfcita,,/ the Food, Bt/ehmg, Heal < Ike Stomach, llmribum, etc. The Only mMMPrenanUion that will not blacken the tooth or five headache. Bold by all dreg-rut*. Writ* far th* ABC Bori, to IP od aaafai and amusing rewling—seal free. BROWS CHEMICAL. CO., Baltimore, Md. BITTCRS J.ESTEY A COMPANY m IT mmmw SnATTLEBOnOp wit (ftAnalM AflyMm JmmillllAfl f Jtoflfl ft|||aJtat| ftfltlflfl Ifl ihw sijfw pt urgan, owijnw ror dunuy iChtpels, etc., and Sold At Moderate PHee. UTMIt OVA OBfIAHS AU WAHAXTBB, ASH AU HAM El TO IAH , £ TiomGi iimi as fox m fact >s tub. artal ror IMratei C&talone be&re dscidißi flat ti Boj. ~T ; 1 Rome, 6a. Marble and Granite Works WC 1 dad in the beat Italian nnd American Marble, varigatrd and white. We handle " li akrcat dral of the well known nnd i>|mlar Hutland Mm bit-, which is the whltcat, and wdd to be tt-e best ui the world fur slab work, and) ns Hiiu! Stone*, Tomb Tataria tac., hut the It-linn ikiimlr It fnr munaments. We furnish .-til kinds of building hone, bat make Mnr tile and Umnitv Air grove ami cemetery pnrponcs s tpe claity, tk'e build all kinds of Monuments, Toom'-s, Hca-l .-tooea. Urns, Vases, far., fac. Qua wtuktitcn mv fiiat>clata. We t-uy ail our at nek h the rough and do tta work ourfalvea; tlu-r- forv, we send nut fint-class work, made ef the tret ef marble. Wa pay tpacMh for ail tli* stack we ns*. Wa gel very low sctea ef freights, art can and wilt compete with any Marble Works in tins country, in quality of Marble, workmanship and orifce*. Write and Rive os the description of the work yon wish, and we-wIH write you what we can furnish it for, or write aa atom# wbat pries you wish to pgy, slid we will let you know what kin-i of job nr John we cm give yon for price mentioned. We keep Mime of tbs second had third class marble, bat never en<j them oat, except when the prices are such ea first-clnsa marble cannot be furnished at, and then we always tell the purchaser the kind of mart tie we will furnish. Hoping yon will give ue m trial and let ns prove what we say, we are, very truly, Jones aSh. Kdmuiidnon, Mev.-lfi-tf. 1- # v / • * MITCHELL, LEWIS * CO., Racine, Wts.,' Mmuftotwroreof FARM UJW FREIGHT wrjtGOJTB* \ , KS •gffliessa^a?&a" tsss^sssfiestu. wash wOnes faahuts nn viipsssnii. Send for Catalog*. ssdlllenmUil Pries List. ■RCHBU, UWto * CO., Bsslai, Win. Summer Complaints. MU s season, various diseases of Ac tsnlt :.rc prevalent, and intmv lira arr font through Uck of knowledge of a safe ami wire remedy. rEKBY DAVIS* * AIN KILLER in $ sure cure for ltiarrhtrn, Dmiterr, Bvmmcr Comjdaifit, Morbus, etc., and u jh r/t *f/s m/ . Read the folio win?: B-xncREiME, K. X.. Harcl;. T\ IfiSL _ Oxrnu, ??. TANARUS., Feb. 19, MM. Jo*sn Hocanr. . umi without bottle iis t br hoc**. J i Lies V . id!„ ! _ LJi OOMHafiTE Tfcmacs*. ice,, .-ardi ts.wsi f- .-r.—P-fcjiff:lt.b£ , .V£Ji. ; .L t Yjv l*g-ra.lf R Csnsat '■uto >e.rtTßßßii.swail*a't fc- 1. a;, f 1 1 rings. sve.;:.sofcTvtth t -- *—p* nt * - .LsVlalhcb JTb It-.j t- -i jvsirPsi-: KnsAa. aaU I ins lathij! instant hscsvs.J.-B.SLr>i. r '~'' itiiwTiMn Is. tamitbs - UStßa' lTui ii I ’ Hr. ,r . *■ = SSStSI wvrf hsssip thwemsaliitsS^ .i: . ,-e, .vr. a—t * '. •* .-n*iSib&us>'r£wWspffsm. : i . ehnX.t. sou saver known totaltop,. *■ f-i-.tlj ' .• •' • resasdr. I-a price brings It i ... "0.-. r.nd Ds.oo s bottle. ■ ■ i Vi..: . . : . . 0.,, ,t -rj.iictors, Providence, It. li lEKDhLSSOHA PIARO €A Will iiaaka for ihr nv*i BO <i y- i !*. fre nt PI A A % l> OIUiA>N. 1860 Squar IranJ Piano for on!; 8246 CTY T P* 3 Magni*p*t K'fownod cw rfegaatly aaiabed, S atrvog* 7 1-0 “ 1 * "** • Octave* full patent cant ante agrafes. <mr near pa tern •terMrul scale, benalifW carved lea* and lyr* heavy aerpentina an* rarg* fitnev mouldiaf rooad can*. fuß Iran Frame Preach 11rami Act kn. ft an* Besacsvrs. in fact ever? Improvement akltkmaiam; way tend to me piHttUn of the iaatrnmaat kaa l/nrarice fovtkie Instrument boxed and delivered oo board nara at iOAR flO Haw Tort. wMh On* rtaao Cover. Stool and Book. only T*’®*''* TMa riatv mill be cent on teat trial, Please ead rrreenc* if yon do mat aaaf money with ecder. Cnab aeat with order will lie refund** and freight char*** paid by n* both wny* if Piano i* ant just a* repreaentod in lb** advertiaemont. Thaa aaada in nse. Send ter Catalogue. Every iaatiomeM fully Warranted Me It* Htnaa RdfOlMiallb ttwa. Cavrr and ftook.y AS atrtetly n rat-clave l and void at Wboleaale tar tnry price*. I bee I‘ianao mad* eae of (he llllld facet diaplavs at ibe rentenaiul Kxhibilion. and were unanimously anccnl,ended far the Highest Honors. Tbe Uquaren eealaia anr Wear Patent Senie, tbe great*** improvement ia tbe history of Piano making. The Bp. right* are tbe fneat ia America, foal lively wc make tbe dnaat Piaaoa, of tb* rickeot tone and greatest dnraMiity. They are recommended by tbe btefeot meat, cal aatbefttfcsia tbe ennatry. Over 14.U00 in uae. anti not on* dtooetisled purob*. ear. All limn and Organs sent ou t!daya' Prat trial— f retain tea* if uneatiafe*. tory. Don't Ml to write a* before baring, I’oeitively we oner tbe beet buraaias. Catalogue maUed Ire*. Haadeome lllaatrated and Daaeriptiv* Latalogaaeflf pa. ge* mailed ter S cent at amp. Every Piano rally warranted ter & year*. ■■■iff M mini Our “Parlor Grand Jubilee Organ*,'' aryl* M, ia tb* ■ rBB\ finest arid svrtelesl tuned Heed Orgsa r,v*r efared ■ illlhal BDuilßu Ibe II uai :l public. It rontaina Five Oetssca, rive eetaof Heeds, four f 3 1-* Octaves each, aad aaa af Three Octnvea. Tbirteen Stops wttb Grand Oi gan— Diupaaan, Melodia. Tiala, Plata. Ceteate. Dulcet, Echo, MekdiaKorte, olestion. Violin*. PI ate-Part a. Tremolo. Grand-Organ anti Grand-Swell. Knee Stops. Height, 74 in.; Learth, if in.: AVidtbt 34 in.; Weight, lioaed. Ho lb*. Tbe ease in wt solid walnut, veneered with choice woods, and is of an entirely new and beautiful resign, elaborately carved, wild raised panels, music, closet, lamp stands, fretwork, be., all elagaatly fniched. Possesses all tbe latest and best improvements, with great power, dep.k, brilliancy and svmpatbetiv quality of tone. Bennurot eolo effects and per fect atop action. Regular retail price flWft. Our wholesale net cash price I# been it introduced, with etool and book, only |V7—as one organ sells others. Positively no deviation in price. No payment required until you have tally tested tbe organ in your own borne. We send all organs on lb day* teat trial and pay treigbt both ways if instrument is not aa represented. Fully warranted ter 5 years. Other styles— stop organ only |65 • 9 stops, IMS ; 14 slops, 1115. Ovjt X.OQO aoid, aad • very Organ has given tbe fullest satisfaction, illustrated circular mailed fra*. Factory and Ware rooms, 57th St. and 10th Are. Cu rPT at one third price. Catalogue of MOD choice prases On r - A JttUs-At-i forge, stamp. This Catalogue includes most ef tbe populmv music ot the dny and every variety oi musical composition, by tbs bast AUtborß Address MEHBSLSSOHH PIAHQ CO-, P. 0. Box ;2058, Hew York Oitj. TMA r * 9 gnrGMM*'*TmiVMTm*XTf / OUR CUSTOMERS EVERYWHERE ATTEST ITS H ERITS WM M*va BMCVMMB TMM SMMTICES 8F P. H. MILTON Who will hart eharga of tbe counti*a of G MER ud >AIYNIN 1H tbwaala of our c* I# bra ted Mackinac. Ha ia tw wall known to r*<)aia n introduction Aron oa. THERE ia nothing more na*fol in * Family than a flrat *)**# Sawing Machine. In this at in everything else it ia economy to boy the beat. Wa claim that tb* “SINGER” ia tb* beat *f all W* are born* out in the truth of or *tat*m*a( by tb* Tact that iU.le axeaed buy other Machine. It i#,- '*.* tforivalnd in Hppdarfcnc* 1 Unparalleled in Simplicity 1 Unaurpaaaad ill Uoaatructioa ! Unprecedented in Popularity. Wait for the Agent for the SI>GKR ! iw. iFURin sinu. uti NEW goods: NEW goods thin* usually found in a mixed Block. * m DRY GOODS—AII the latest novelties in #(tl* .f Drees Goods. Calicoes, Homespuns. Ac. 7 ”** ** BOOTS. SHOES and HATS, of everr size uualitv .„a „ < Satisfaction guaranteed or no trail*. 7 * q * * nd old and young. every grad*. Coin# ales* and let us dress rou out. * PLANTATION SUPPLIES, Wood-ware Tin war. n. v Picket and Table Cutlery, Carpenter*’ Finding,, Jn faet we tlimk we can supply y*> with whatever yon' W aT want and at prices to suit trou ; for haring bought for CASH f?* J first hands we are enabled to sell at rerr low prices rfti ** "? inu-„cd b, h,lk.(]_t. bit elrcs. We.barler.for anything which we can tarn into moaer *_r J 0 COBB, ***’ *~ tf> ILL!AT, OA Onrriages, Phaeton*, Bu Sies, Wajjoua, I*mno a manufacturing a auperior quality ef Carriazoa R.. rtea and Wagons at my shops in Cartersrillo, and also in Rom, (£* I also keep for saio, at lowest rates, a fullslock of Eastern's J Western went, comprising the celebrated STUDEBAOR, SOOTH BEND AND KENTUCKY WAGONS) My Shops are snpplied with skilled and reliable workmen, I am prepared to do ail kinds of Utpejnsg s; short a*> tic#, and guarantee satisfaction. I bar# a largo Repository at No 98 and 100 Bread Street, Romo, Ga., whore my friends wiH always find my WMfeew. jfivß L. Willion*, and Mr. w. L Whiteley, ehtyiH v U pleased to weii on thorn. R. H. JfIUM, Jmre fi-tf. C A KTERSV ILLS, GA wwm mvsixMss rum, letrisriz&w, xr. PRACTICAL &Q9K KEEPING. NO TEXT B OOK 8. Over 26 years a Practical Accountant, endorsed by all the Prominent Merchants of Louisville. EXE' Send Stamps for Circulars and Specimens ef Penmanship BEN. C. WEAVER, Principal | 11. S. DrSOLLAR. Secretary