The Ellijay courier. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1875-189?, September 15, 1881, Image 2

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TIIKRLLIJAY COURIER. Itei rm • .* • ■.r r * *• - A W.K.COMBK. - - biMt mm* . ttft. - -- - ■ Cl *,UAT, DA., -MII.MItKtt *• )Ml —i" L ■ ■ 111 ~~ Omnti Omh "f <’. Omrui Omm> ®f <tL*** C Official Oman >f I’k-mm Cos. It *4i xt ccted that tli* l*gi*> Unite would adjourn tin* di* on Tuesday night last. The dead I'ratident wan buried ! o’clock in the cemetery al C'evts.and, Ohio, on Monday last. President Arthur haa issued a proclamation calling the Semite together in extra session on the lOtli of October. The Dawson county Jail was hunted down on the night of the IMih met., and a negro prisonor confined therein burned l death. Grain is flowing into Baltimore so faat from the West that noth ing 'an bo done with it. The wheat is held there largely for speculative purposes, and cannot l-e rc red*. Al! places of storage are filled, and thousands of cars .ir Handing on the track which ;;iuot be unloaded, the elevators being already crowded. About fifty editors in Nebraska f'o .e announced simultaneously their intention of suspending Hit* issue of their paper for two weeks “owing to the intense heat.” And thereupon a knowing exchange suggests that that intense heat was the fire which burned t!ia of flee in Omaha, where their pat ent ouuides were printed. On Monday last District Attor ney Oarkhill called on Guiteau and informed him that hi* case would La presented to tho grand jury next Monday, and that his indictment would probably low speedily.- The district at t<- iey also, at the request ol (iuiieau, sent a dispatch for the prisoner to his brother-in luw, (J. •I. bcovillo, of Chicago, in which Guiteau requested that gentle man to come on and defend bis case The Albany Nows and Adver tiser rays : “It is stated, on appa rent iy. the beat authority, that General John B. Gordon is in the fluid as a Gubernatorial aspirant. It is stated on equally as good authority that he will meet with rfrung opposition. Tho changes cp the Brown Colquitt and Gor don Senatorial embrogiio, will ♦hen be rung over again with re newed vim and cneigy. Outside of ail this, however, iu our opm ion there is a man in Georgia by the name of Gartrell, who will give him some trouble. Suppose Toombs, too, should take a notion to want it. He’s a vigorous old sinner yat, But the deviltry he lid in getting up that Constitu tional Convention of 1877, nnght to satisfy him.” The Rev. Dr. Thom a*, of Chi cago, on trial by the Methodists for heresy, differs from lua breth ren on the following points: He Joes not believe in a material hall, nor in a permanent hell, lie says that it ia contrary to common to grade punishments by a scene of equity in this world and not grade them iu the next. We oonfiue some men to jail for thir ty days, others for six month*;, other* we send to the peoclcutia ry for year, some for two, five and ten years, while others wo send for life, and some criminals we hang. This we do according to a universally recognized standard of justice and right. Dr. Thomas contends that we got this instinct from the Almighty, and that the Almighty did not endow man kind with- an instinct of justice that he himself ignores in hi* dealings with his creatures. “We learn from a gentleman wno came np yesterday from La- Gran ge. Ky.,” says the Chicago . ipune of Thursday, “that the drought in that part of the State is unprecedented. The older in habitants remember a severe sea sou, 1845, bnt in that caso the ces sation of rainfalls began a month lauer than now. Our information declares that there has not been a good rain for nearly two months, the consequence is that most of the corn ceased growing and top ped at two or three feet high, producing nothing, or at the best but worthless nubbins. AH sorts of f ' den truck have failed. For the .. st time in the history el man, blackberries have been a failure. But the water famine ia oneratuigiii other wavs. Sittuiei, ; creek* ani artificial ponds are j dry. It ka become a. l • •bum how to procure stock Water. It I is vale to say that the • n and tobacco production* ll' '• cut I down two'hit J* as compared! 1 with last year." j Middle Oeorci-t Corro’> UAblsoa, o*.. ‘imvntt;, ISBLj As in the ante helium times, t cotton is still king m Middle! . Georgia, despite ttie* experience i Untie larni-M that it cheaper ! to make tho (aim sollsuppurtn.g i I Neighbor Wat km* ha not b ,tight a bushel of corn since the war; and yet he makes more clear money and has more of the luxuries ot life llran any man 1 know; and his farm is a proverb- i ially poor one, but it is selfmip ] porting. A few other men are j farming on the same principle. 1 lie present crop is a short one. Colton about a third of a full crop and corn but little hotter. The pea crop will be a good one. and there is more bay housed than ever before. Th-sre will al so be more oats sown than here toiore. With a prospect that corn will he two dollars per hush el tome tanners contemplate sowing all their iund in oats this fall, er letting it rest if they c.<n not rent to persons who will fur nish their own slock and feed it. The motto of the farmers of mid die Georgia should be to plant more cereals and less “staple,” yet there are some drawbacks to ' ihis rule. For instance: The colored element is contented if, al the end of the year he has j made enough to pay for Hie hog i and hominy he lias consumed, i and has money enough lelt to buy j a bottle of whiskey, he knows t the land owner is laigely depen dent on him lor labor and will supply him lire year following. Yours, Stylos. Pickens County Department. * John YV., - - Editor Jasper, Oa., Sept. IP, 1881. OLKA NIK GO. Well, do you wish to go t Bethany to preaching to morrow? If you wisli to go I shall furnish oonveyaiico, said Mr. Lending— one oi the best men of our conn ly—last evening. Ot course onr answer was in the nlfirntaiive. Bright and early Sunday mor I ning wi were on our way to the church, which was distant about six miles, By jogging u'ong tol erably lively we airived in time to see Mr. Conmlison and lady receive the baptismal riles in the midst of many aliptsiiaua and friends. This being over we re tired to the church for services. Elder* Henry Turner and Wm. Ongle occupied tho stand. Mr. Turner selected for ins text, Ito mans sth chap, ami 21st verse. During his discourse, Mr. Turner spoke of the evil of making and drinking whisky. Ho said Ihe state eonnot stop distilling, nei ther can the United States, hut there is a power that can. God can vend his drouth and so destroy the crops that no man can distill. He dealt a few blows on some of tke brethren who were running registered distilleries. This did not take worth a cent and cross firing was opeaed up. When Mr. Turner closed, Mr- Cagle arose and spoke for a while, snd produced some argument to prove that it is no harm for a member el the church (o engage in din tilling but not camigh to convince all that his position is correct. It is the church’s duty to do all in its power to put down crime in every form, ana to work for the cause of our Master and the good of society. In doing this, no man can claim that distilling will afford any assistance. Can any member of the church* who ia distilling have the con science tu rebuke drunkenness i Can ha have the brnzonness to approach a neighbor and admon ish him to quit drinking ¥ If so his admonitions and benedictions will have no efiect. The salt has lost its savor. First take the dia tillery from thine own furnace and then thou canst more ably take the bottle from thy netgli bor's mouth, if you don't wish your feilew man to gel drunk, why tempt him with liquor? Why hold the bottle To h:s mouth and punch him in the short ribs to prevent his driaking ? Shun the very anpetrauce of evil. The United States may license you to distill but your Master, in whose image you were created, does uot. He licenses no man to cast a venomous serpent into the bo Bom of his feilew creature. Oh, that poisonous worm—the distil- lery worm. The means of the widow aud the cries of the or phan daily bear witness o( the ating of this worm. R uot only poisons the blood, but damns the sool in eternity. It not only robs the wife of a husband, and the children of a father, but of peace and pleasure and coralort and even takes the bread froaa the innocent babe's mouth. That mother caunet sing as once she sang; she is depressed and her heart is heavy. Once she had a husband, kind and trne. but now he sleeps in a drunkard's grave. She looks around, and alaal a man who claims to be a man of God made the stuff that sent her husband's soul to hell. He who claim* to be her friend and broth tff, V * I*vi of iii iii t i ttt #i# *i i E*quof In i t i s*r,v knd of evil, iu* e tr l\ debaacm-ry. noli, me let. .id red* the liuu** of its nf *, crowds the nut aril, *ar , . ii fills <l*ll with it* victims. ** t *'i 1.1. \*f* il'Jl Hie general ;.. ,:.>w u, whether or not r -urf at tin* p' ve is postpone'! td! October. Hut we sro no rvtr'.it *hy justice should be- lon lelayed. lot to day the CierilT ha l ! laid in tuii supply of and the town : eneratly .*applied. No longer do otir )awr sc.'eek. Mi. .1 F Siainibiii ot Eudvilli i- tpenditt? a while in Jasper. Peace amt plenty to him. Hump & rots who have for some time been roe lined in Cherokee county jsif, charged with steal ing Jackson'* money, were last work convicted. The eider was sentenced to the penitentiary for six years, and his son for five. A protracted meyting is being carried on at the M. E. church by ili v. W. O Duller. Col. himmons is yet in Atlanta. Schools in the country are now running low Some teacher* are minding the base alone. H~lnD & POWED Cora Shelters H For Mia, FARM, OR PLANTATION. For FARM, MILL, JOB&JXiG, OR WAREHOUSE. HORSE POWERS, JACKS, Etc. WHITE FOR illustrated cata- LORUE AND PRICES. Sandwich M’pd Cos. SANDWICH, lUlHOtn DOTY ft iflsfyoA vwnHI.IIV 110,000 SOLO IK THE U. S., AHi. OVtLt. TANARUS CY SELL. Wr s2s| /* 4- J * If >, s> •**■s I ArSILV SIZB, - - • v 14.00 hot:.l cizn, - ----- is.oo £ ni for Circular and pried List. DOTY ift CO. JAMESVILLE, WIS. Tbs BEST Wind Itlil on Earth. ft RO FT’S IMPROVED IRON ■weii VVUeD jffSßa Engine Simple, Strong, ctvl Durable. Will not Shrlrfc, Swell, Warp,'or It attic in tho W-tul. KiNT-FACHSJ.D "f E. C. LEPFF.L & CO. erv aZjCC, g§w -vm • s > ; fok-fraeiteg i WIN DM !?X MACHINERY Dribri Purchtd-'j c?V TVTtt'traCU, eetifl R;r Y%w-* Aaifpasa, L&LEFFELfttQ,, Ohio, whore you efcw ti’ls juivertiseroeiita Greenlstle RAIN UP,ILL Has a continuous FORCE TEED of rubber, cannot bunch the gra n, sows grain evenly, has rubber prings, art! will’ o.*er all ordinary obstaoteg* H :B-buit| wttb Detachable. Grass tioosef. front or rear, FERTILIZES! ATTACHMENT; Which'"sows' all kinds of phos phates, or fertilizers in general uae, In - same furrow with the wheat A Patent Cut-ofr pre vents waste of Fertilizers squat to 20 per cent, of cost of Drill each year. Circulars sent froo upon appl'- cation. - J. B, GBGWELL r &'GQ. GREENCASTLE. PENN’A.)' . Tlie Cneai*est Store I “ „ Adairsville, Georgia, t # WANTS Bushels Dried Peaches f j AIX THE | Cltickcas and EGGS‘ . j Ilf luo MILKS Of THIS PLAfK. j 1 W Mil'll we wilt P*J tli* bijhcal j 01 jj Irt iu ci'.uer inti gi | I q -oilK. We want to empi' V a competem | a:*.) li-j iiiw an esteaeirc aCf|Ofthi i i.tmc In and Picken* cwuuli** rivrfc. Don’t foi?el to biin* tbe Pencbev, CKiick'-us aii'i £gp. G. C. Gholston & Son. ADAIIISVILLK, GA. Sept. |9-3ui. ST ASTON & BRYASTi General tHercliants AiyklMS VILLE, GA. Wx epll invite the Mountain trade and pay the highest mar ket price for everything brought us in the way of produce. Gome and see ns and we will do you good. (sept. 15—(f.) WHOLESALE I>ltU WTORH IN n a l rox. DR- V F. WOOTEN & CO-, Will duphcHlc prices in Atlanta, Kuox t ville, or Chattanooga. Msrchats. Dradsti & PMcians, sept a nd, 3ui. GE'llffipA— PICKENS • OUNTY. Ordinal; Y Offirc September, slti. 1881- ''lurch's. P. N. Multlimx, administrator of Cv U-C< r> !i;i rteccHsed, bag applied for leave mjlpcll tin; real estate of said deceas ed. > h.B is to notify all persona concern ed to fi|f their objections if any they have, within the time prescribed by law, !-t: leave will t,<_- granted the epplfeant as iuj plied for. W It. A u.iix, S'pt Y-4w.(65 Uidinary We Ask 1 lie Attention of merchants, farmers, blacksmiths, CARPENTERS AND WHEEL-WRIGHTS To our Stock of . w Iron, Nteel, IVuilw, Hhelf IlardYrat’e B'seksmitfcs and Carpenters Tools, Kuhber a-d Leather. Belting, ’ Buggy and Wagon Material, Manilia and Cotton Rope, tSio., all of which 7n are. prepared to sell at bottom prices to.g sod men. IYEA HE ALSO A GENTS TOR THE CELEBRA TED BUFFALO SCALES & MISHAWAKA CHILL’D PLOW, Havdic, Bowie Ac Cos., MANUFACTURER OP sinus, inns: ah hihu AND DEALER IN SADDLERY HARDWARE , 44, BROAD STREET. ROME GEORGIA, Beyl. 15-Bm. IBU£S7CH3SioSs, PAISTS, ETC o i•• • ‘ r BRUCE HARRIS & CO., ROME, - - GEORGIA. We respectfully Ibvlte an examination of our stock, consisting of Medicines, Paints, 0113, Varnishes, Window Glass Fanny Artscles, etc. SPECIALTIES. —Strictly pure White Lead, Linseed Oil, Var nishes, Paints, dry and in oil, John Lucas’ pure Tinted Glass Paints, ready mixed. ALA BABTIN E, all colors; for inside finish. Window and Show-Case Gkss, French and American, all B*Zfes. BRUCE HARRIS & CO, i!7,BROAD ST. Successors to A- A. Jones. {sept. 15 3m.) . PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER IS A PUKELT VEGETABLE REMEDY FOR INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL USE. A Sura and Speedy Cure for Sore Throat, Courts, Colds, Diphtheria. Chills. Diarrhea, Dyseir&ry, Cramps, Cholera, Summer Complaint, Sick Haadacho, Neuralgia, Cuts, can affsw vc be without it Sold by ail dremnsts at S5~ so*, and St.oo a bottle. perbv ©AVIS A SDN. Froyiiettire, Frovhkuu'. li i, MIIUIIiY. j rjr. *l I ,Mr*. M. A. Late, Ail*i. 1 Ga haring juel reeeivcd, direct | from Baltimore. a net * and full lltltf ClI J/'.. ilUt ;/ GooJa, tilJl ’Ot | fully solicits me patronage f the , Itulies of the Mountains; and! feels coofliletit, after years of ex- j perience in the business, st.e can satisfy the most fastidious. My stock is complete in Ladies and Misses Hats and Bonnets, Ribbons, Satin*, Silks and Veil ing of every description. Also, a full assortment of Hamburg, Ed gings, Torcliow Laces, Lace Mitts. Fancy Hosiery, pretty designs in Strinped Work, and a specialty of Ties and Neck Wear, come and see nay new styles of Ribbons. O m petition in prices defied. Will take Wool and Produce in exchange. All orders by mail promptly attended to. DRESS MAKING A SPECIALTY. at prices which will astonish ev ery one who will call. MBS. Jf. A. CATE, Adaimville , Get. Rounsaville & Bro., Wholesale Grocers -• : AND : Cotton Factors, SqMM 9 * - We have grately enlarged our Ware house, wliieh now has a capacity of 30,- 000 bale per season. Our cot ton business was more than double last season. reach ing ‘JO,OOO bales. Consignments solicited —liberal advances on :otton or produce. Sept. 15.—3 mo. NKW FURNITURE STORE! UY - MARIK O. MoDO.NALD Ac Cos„ Next Boor to Cump, Glover & Cos. But Ire Stock New, Embracing all the Latest Style, and Ear chased Low with the Cash . f illsell£fitirel? for CASH at Lew est, Possilrie Flares' L, 1 _JJ_" —m L. B. LAN GBO K D —WITH— WILL IA M w. SEAY # Sudcessor to J. It. Butt <fe Cos., MAXVFACTUUEIt and WHOLESALE DEALER IX Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, &FS3SAS G*S JPITTIJfGS* No. 35, Broad St,, SOM'M. £zf. i -of Ware furnished with each stove. 2 Pot*. 1 Flesh Fork/ * - -r: . 2 Skillets. 1 Spoon. 2 Griddles. 1 Dipper. 1 Long Pan. 1 Buscuit Cutter. . 1 Tea Kettle. 1 Pepper Box. 1 G Hole Muffin Pan. 1 Grater. 1 Sauce Pan. . 2 Pot Covers. 1 Coffee Pot. 4 Joints Stove Pipe.- 3 Bake Pans. 1 Semper. 2 Pie Pans. } Liu Lifter. 1 3 Quart Pat*. Dalton, HARDWARE, Georgia. BRR R Y RRON , —i HEADQUARTERS FOR )■ Wagons, Buggies, Wagon and Buggy Wheels, DOORS and SASH, HOES, AXES, PLOWS, And in fact, everything usually kept in a first-class Hardware Store. sept. 1,3 m. Rome, Ga. Marble and Granite Works \V P ' , ‘ eal ,n tl:e ,>eßt Lilian and American Marble, Tailgated and White. We handle' IT O a great deal of the. well known and popular Rutland Siurble, which is tie whitest, and said to bo the best in the world for slab work, euoii as Head Stones,- Tomb Tablets, &c , but the Italian equals it fof moutimenfs. Ws /urnlsh’all kinds •( building atone, but make Hsirbte and Gfsnite for grave and cemetery purposes a fpe-f cialty. We build all kinds of Monuments, Toombs, Head r: tones. Urns, Vasea, jke. f &e. Our workmen are first-claas. We buy all our stock tri' the rough and do the work ourselves ; therefore, we send out firspclass work, made of the best of marble. We pay (fie cash for all tlte.tqdt„we use. We get very low rates .of freights, and can and will compete with any Marble Works in this country, in quality 1 of Marble,- Workmanship and prices. Write and give us the description of the- work* you wish’ and we will write you vvliat we can furnish it for, or write us about what price you wish to pay, and wo will let you know what kina of job or jo<s we give yon tvf price mentioned. Wo keep some of the second and third class thaftile, but never send them out, except wben the prices are stick as first-class marble cannot be furnished at, and then we always tell the purchaser the kind of marble we will furnish.- Hoping you will give us a trial and let us prove what wo say f wo are, very truly, Jones A lidmundMon, Noy. 12-tf. in. ruffiin jiiEi. me. NEW OOOr> : NEW GOODS Our buyer has just returned from market and we are new re ceivtnga LARGE STOCK Ot GOODS, eonsi.7ing of er.ry thing usually found in a mixed stock. - 3 DRY GOODS—AH the latest novelties ifi styles ef Weelee Dress Goods, Calicoes, Homespuns, &c. BOOTS, SHOES and HATS, of every size, quality and *fiee Satisfaction guaranteed or no trade, r OLQSBINa, for old and yofine ‘ ~f • t * r J grade, Come aleur and let us dress vou out. ■ * PLANTATION SUPPLIES, Wood- trafe, Tinware Cracker. Pocket and Table Cutlery, Carpenters’ Finding., Notions, te In fa*t we thmk we can supply you with whatever ’you' *y' want ami at prices to suit you ; for having bought for CASH fr.w first hands we are •"•bled to sell at very low prices. Call “.J J 5 u. Don’t be influenced by anybody, bat coin, and l.ok elves. We barter for anything which we can turn into me/ev J.P. COBB, oct - g ~ tf - ILLIAY, ga Carriages, Phaetons, Buggies, Wagon., 1 a Tr o * maKD^ac turing a superior quality of Carriage. Bur, gies a n d W agons at m y shops in Oarter BT ille, and also in Rom. O. I a’-so keep for sale, at lowest rates, a full stock of Eastern’ am/ Western work, comprising the celebrated STUDEBAKER, SOUTH BEND AND KENTUCKY WAGONS* My Shop# are supplied with skilled and reliable workmen lam prepared to do all kinds of Repairing a t short ■ lice, and gua r aae* satisfaclion. I hare a large Repository at No 9S and 100 Broad Street,* Rome, G#., where my friends will alway* find my nephew, Mr. R L. Williams, and Mr. W. L Whiteley, who will be pleased to wait on them. B, H. .T one*, June 9-tf. CARTERS VILLI, <5 A - *—■ ■■ SO&TMMMJV smiJTJPSS COILSGS, &emsYiLhB 9 x r. BB AC TTCAIJ SSQQK KEEPING* NO TEXT BOOKS. Over 25 years a Practical Accountant, endorsed by all the Prominent Merchants of Louisville, Send Stamps for Circulars and Specimens of Penmanship BEN. C. WEAVER, Tiincial | H. S. DxSOLLAR, Secretary