The Ellijay courier. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1875-189?, October 06, 1881, Image 2
jHK kU-IJAY COCKIER. W. P. COMBS. - - - ICwtofc. PA., OCTOBCT t, IMI Or hcil Oro* of Finn C*. Omciat Ouoaw or Qium Cos OatiAJf of I'KKHk Cos. THE FIHMHED WORK O. Ji: LA lE SESSION OF TH* bLNKUAL ASSEMBLY. .be Atlanta Oenrttlnttan we copy a.*f summery of tin Mil Importent mmeurr* enacted by the Oeoenl Aete j.j, wL A adjourned m Toeedey night of tart week; a GHUUL BAtUOAS tew. Probably the meet ImparUat Wll peee ed ouring the eeeeioa wee a ftaerel rail road taw by which charter* eaa be gnat* ed by the Cling af arttelce ef loeorpor* tlon. Tlie will prevent eey och daleyi btfrt toe legislature ae wee wHaeaeed in the tioru .ii and Cede charter*, and ae the theory of the present eenrtitution ie to hewn only biennial seaetoae grant and tel delay might jbe canned to important enterprise* if the projector* bad to welt for a meeting of the Otmerel Amenably. TL' ’., while It came tnm the railroad tvuiiuiilee, Is mid to have been mainly the work of the Honorable Louie Garrard, ef Y ro|er. It lte pravtetoo* tbeie le prae> t. catty no limit ta the charten that may ba granted in the State. It, to to speak, tabes the bridle off and tome every maa leone. This ie e provietoo that le wlm end ptegrsertve. If a general lasuranca and bank law could ba pamed the same In ita general featurea to the abeve It would ft* line* the tagfclatureol a targe amount of week and shorten the eeeelons to naif Utah prevent length, a* fbe application* for charters, banks and various cc> orations take up ow a great deal e( time 1 rue csimv quaenoH. .■■ netor Hawes perfected and passed a tail, vu the usury question wklch maam soma Important changes. The mailmam hsrged Is still fixed by taw at eight par coni, bui under the new bill the lender hat the right to charge whatever rate the bor rower agrees upon, and can collect the same if the borrower dona not appeal to tte* law against paying. If this la dope the ) nder ta mulct only for the eurplas of i .1- Interest above eight per cent end n->. for the entire intoreel ss under the present law. It also becomes incumbent upo 1 tbe borrower to show that the lender bee Ttotated the taw, Ad it dme apt to* *-•!■ upon the Shoulder the bur* u ol proof aaumdee'Cbo prartist taw.. • xnj convict gonsTion. Senator Hawes, Wha, by the way, ta* trod need only two Mile aad ported both ef ♦’ m, Introduced a Wll on the convict on, which pesecd. It pro rule# for .. utmrnl of nn assistant keeper of tbe penitentiary at a salary ef $1,200 a ■ol,! traveling expenses. Either the tni or tie {u.itcipul keeper shall vtalt icJ.twinn oner. oTery mow'h and rep.u'.to ■ r governor. If they find that the lease !> * > heen Eclated In My respeot tbo gov i .s directed to at eoce Institute pro* .cuing* to have tbe leaae ef tbb offend lr<* lease,• forfeited, and the attorney gee. erai ta directed to represent the State In thee prosecution a Alt persons am for bidden Whipping any coorlet, except the regular whipping boss, who ta to be ap rurtot'i by the 'lertee of each camp, his appointment to b< confirmed by the Gov ernor. Upon ike discharge ef each per son, be is t* be furnished with a suit ef cittose'ij dollies, end provided with transs portatrou <ud expenses back to the county fiom whuU be was sentenesd. Tin at iotio. or jddom and souiiitobs. Mr. riarlaiJ, of the bon**, introduced sad r >uMd a bill (bat will be of Tael kelp in expediting the beaioeee of the legisla tor- It : -nvideo that oa the Monday af ( (lie !**itnblmg of the legislature, <he two boueet shall meet to joint teeeiea aad then nod there elect the judges ead solid tore :neml. That the urns of each di* cult shall be written upeu a piece of pe per, anti these ballets put late a hat aad ■oaken. The preeldeut of ths eaoale shall take one ballot from ths bat when the huts tn> ready aad the odtoaie of the circuit named on this asM daß ha eieeted first. This Is done to pteueaA eoathtoatfaaa beiag made againt the toler eJreuHs Tale hill wOl peasant utuuh lehbyiag ead uttova the of a vast amount of worry and annoyance. . - • TUB TUtrattAUOU OOSSTtOU. W oUb no general temperance bill of tan - penance vraa paced, the tale ot Iqusr U prohibited in a greet many coast ioa, by resioii of the lanteusa of toe ttasuae tax, to euch a figure us cannot he paid. L.-cretary Harris infotUM us that the eetotlre in which the eels at liquor la bow erohlblted amount to fortyelght to the 4ate. Including hie own oeunty of Worth. P.rhibitton •mtk asked for e peat many other ooUDtlto but was killed or poatpoaui by amendments which allow the people af the various tewnshipe at district* to wot* whuther or not the sale of liquor wttfcto a certain number at rote of oeiteto cl jrcbea, colleges aad eoadSmias, end el-, tegetlter the aeaatou has resulted to vary materially adtoegtog the dtda ef ptofidM* Horn . < roe roccATtouAi. uroaeseu. While the general educational bn an w.iteh commissioner ttrr depended so c . t defeated, the cense ef educa tion was very much benefitted by special g|\r The exoaea of taxes cu lusn and the snrplns t rt. - >s> ‘. U"e of convict* ea turned sir for'lineal |>ur|<n*e* |„. creasing toe fond about eighty m ninety I ihenssnd dollars, which wilt be e very me I teris) benefit. Aa approp’tatioa oft*,- M wee Mh to toe Mate Uwtrerrtty which lane ran, we hm, It being mad* e free iaaUtuttoo ef tatoniag, open to every young mao ie tbe Mate without price, if be cm meet the quelMeetleee eel forth la Me carried cm Yarrow puU epproprta sateen were mode to special educational otrrprtam including SIO,OOO to toe agri cultural col logs at Deh lomega, which will inwre ita being built. Pickens County Department. Joxx W. II Kit let, • - Editor Jasper, Ga., Oct. 8,1881. camp—Manure AC. Tbo chtnp meeting seaaon it generally looked forward to witb bright anticipation*. Tbo good people on aucb occasions hope to mow their epiritnal strength and draw nearer lo their Ood. Seme young ministers hope to preach a famous sernon, that will make tbe multilode shed tears, and the eid fathers say what a man! There are ethers that like camp mwatings for-the amusement and excitement the occasion affords, such as taking buggy rides and evening strolls with the bright eyed damsels. There is still an other class of eamp-maeting lov er* who rejoice because of the loaves and fishes. Tbe latter class is useful m the absence of one of our well knwwn fowl*—lo remove that which would otherwise be cast away. Such men .should have free access lo water and they will soon fight their fight and retire tw private life. But as ev orv sweet has ita bitter, we most accept all these iu order to awcure the healing .influence of the meo ting. I like camp meetings my self; but please don’t ask the why, leat some of the above might ap ply to my case, in a way that would destroy the moral effect ol my discourse. But I shall say this much, 1 like to see pretty women, have plenty to eat and hoar good preaching, and during the last few weeks have seen the refulgent rays of beauty pour forth from cheeks I hat pucker the pioutb of iujn to look upoq. Bwt lswrvavwd o*<Laro doing ft**- ly at present* 1 have eden /pies, cakes,- freah-meats 'dfcfi. In abun dance aad am proui) to ay that 1 am gaining fieah rapidly. y 1 have listened tw good preach ing, but, alas 1 lik* many other*, have not taken so much of this to myself, ga 1 did of the rations, and this is arfeoc* many of ua are wrong, ww feed the body and •tarve the aonl. - We visited Bethel camp mee ting last' Saturday and Sunday and can say that all seemed to enjey the meeting. . Wn listened to several good sermons while there, and saw the eighth wonder of the world— Miller Willis of Augusta, who is the great sanctifier of the age. Ho i* a men of email stature and eccentric indeed. He has e sailor's walk, and his thumbs bend beck. His head is sprink led with gray hairs, snd slapping his hands seems to afford him much satisfaction, lie has small black e/eq, which ho keeps closed moat of the time while talking. Ho aeema. to be more of a mono mahiae than a god* jot he hat bis Worshipers. Bat god or bran, good or bed,, sane or insane, he is a peculiar man, ead with bis strange soiee, can piece some of the most un common inflections on emen, that Lee ever been heard north of the He olalase to have joined the metbediet. Church in 1864 and to have been Converted afterward. Sought and received perfect love in.lffTC, and is. now sanctified sooi and body, and death has lost its sting. I am abt prepared to say what ho m aad what will he the result ef his work in this country, but will say that plan of treatment does net suit my case,-so if 1 ever be sanctified must await the coming oi a different power. There waa a red headed moon eyed, sharp laced man in our town last week claiming to be Gould; Ode -and Vender built combined, and that he was God's bright son god carried the world mr Ms shoulder, but he did net Wok like tho-man in the geogra phy usd therofoc* 1 don't believe hiss. 4 • •: w Fear not Httlo ones, the legis lature hae adjourned. The only mystery now is, how they got away and left any of that half mil lon in the treasury. He hoisted the black flag, hnng death n the horn f hi saddle and entered the walla of ihe city caryiug terror whereevci he went, bat as he found noao prepared for death he (pared the lives of ihe eitiaeua a few days longer. Bat gentlemen you must keep within y.'ur limits, or a mot* will b* plucked from your eyes. (This eclipse is visible only in Jasper.) The way that horse ran with John Mann and Misa Lula Hall while on their way to Bethel camp meeting last Saturday, la enough to convince any man that there ii danger even in horses. He mad* doll scraps of the boggy bat neither of the parties were serioaaly injured. seed time asd Harvest. Winter with its cold frests asd blowing winds passes away, and then comes on spring with her sweet flowers and humming birds, swd everything is fall of life and joy. After a while anmmer eomea on, and then autumn, at thia sea son there ia a great harvest and ingathering of the spring sowing. The wagons are rattling away to thwAotn field in great haste, ev ecy farmer is busy and thinks hi* crop mutt be gathered first and when this is done, and all ib stor ed away in the crib and* barn, happy is be.' But what is corn, or cotton, or wheat, or pork, or potatoes without a baby in the family! .Mr. Bichard Cox now thanks his good wife fora present of this kind and now he sit* on a high limb aad sings: “Rock me to sleep mother, rock me to sleep t’’ . Ludville Letter, Ludville, Ga., Oct. 4,1881. ibo camp meeting at Bethel campground will close to-Say. There have been but few conver ted—yet Ihe ebureb has been wonderfully revived ; and I think much good accomplished. The last term of the school at Ludville closed the 23rd ol Sep tember. Owing to the number of stu dents thul had lo stop from school to pick cotton, there have been but few in school for the last three weeks- The few present,- how •fss, by a hasty examination, proved that the benchers had done their duty. After ithe ex - amination w* had the pleasure of listening to an interesting and instructive address, eti “Ths prog ress of the age*, n by Prof. H. F. Smith of Galesville, Ala. OUR COTTON TA'CTpRT. • This i# no factory on paper; bat is one in reality. And jnJg ing from the dispatch with which Mr. Atherton Is tearing down and building up at his mill, it will be but a short time until he will have hia factory in operation. CaDt. Eves, the contractor to bnild his rosk dam, will have completed bis job in a few days. And from the width ot the dam, and the size of the most of the rocks used in its construction 1 think it will stand until “Gabriel’s horn shall toot.” Mr. J. W. Duckett is repairing or rather building a uew mill for him. And m the course of tour er five weeks will have ene of the best flouring mills in North Georgia. This will be two cotlen facto rias in Pickens county, built by the tact and energy ef Hr. Ather ion. With a few more such enterpri sing meq in our up country to utilise our fine water power we would have one of the best sec tions of country in the Empire State of the South. What we need next U mills, factories snd railroads is a per manent school in every locality. And I think it time the citizens ot our community were looking after the iaterest of our school for next year. ' .Rev. J. W. L. Smith • and Mrs. Smith, are attending the presby tery of their church which ceu venes in Murray county. Straw hats and calico coata are beginning to disappear, and your correspondent had thß misfort une to lose his only winter coat and cold weather I fear will find him unprepared for it. Toil Noodle. H. R. FOOT ATTORNEY AT LAY/, ~v • ' P HALTICkS IN THE BLUE JUDGE I Ircult. Give, attention to claims acainat ths U sited Bis let Government. Also, Lamd /.gent. Parties 'vlahlnr t ,uy or sell land is say of the Cberok'e Counties can address or call or. hint at Eilij&y. i-tf The Cheapest Store IN Adairsville, Georgia, •WAJTTB IA 000 Bushels Dried Peaches, ALL THE Chickens and EGGS IN 100 OF THIS PLACE. WHICH ws will pey tbe highest WUr prim to either esih or cheap gOOdle We alio want to employ t competent yonug man who baa an ettenth* acquain tance ia Glmer aad Pkken* ctontica aa clerk. Don’t forget to bring Ike Peaches, Chickens aad Egg*. G. C. Gholston dt Son. adaTrsvilze ; ga. , Bept. M*tas. , . ; V- sßoWl|jj .. IRON BpiS imowirs mow BITTERS are •; oeetakk. oare to *Ol dlaoaaea requiring a cotrplctc tonic ; eap cially letoratten. Dy ipepeia, Inter. tanrfllbeMtotatk 01 Appecite, eta, lfml ina th, ttaArtreaftta ene tire mnoclee, and gives new UA> to Ae nerve*. Acte Uko a charm On the digeetfrra organa, rmiwliia aU Ayepepilo ermptonuq. each as toetbar the (bed, Belching, Heat h Che V oeaacfr, Heartburn, cto. Th, only Iron Prcpalratlan that wll' not blacken the teeth or give hcSbache. Hold by ali brug gtote at Ct.OO a bottle. BItOWN CHEMic Ali CO. . Baltimore, MO. #raa?v' - "r v f wmTAxiom. •- * f ■ - . ■'•■•■ fw: ■---:■ •„ n ; 1 ‘ •>- . ( . V, 1 M 1 * - :. .%|v • % 7 ‘ • l ••*4. 'ii 3 " ■ • '* * .'L* r s' , N . *;* IMPROVED m STATE MIL v 1 W M ll * TNOUMRDS SOLD EVERY YEA?I This Bake Mmr<* *4. the Hlgbert Award at the (JeateimlrtJCzpoaltlon udlWld TriaL The only Stae Medal awarded at tbe^Paria RakahM takoa mera-flnt premiums II khsKinibS bva flirt or Boy strong $DM|h IfllpfiMpKint. SIIMItMDdtiMWMMI BEST Ml ’EVER MADE; Bsad twrfh l '■neile of-ftactoul Shrmere, Addraea THE WELCHCR & TAYLOR AOWOULTIIRAL TOOL OMtoapee FaUa. Riaeawir.S.Jta .... X PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER IS A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY - FOR INTERNAL AW) EXTERNAL USE. A Sort mid Smady Cura for Sora Throat. Coadu,Cos v piplrtharivChilis.Djanhea. DysenSan, Cramps, Cholera. Summer CompSkrt, Sick Haadache, Nemraigia, Cota, to .x com toy, and certain to afford reliei. No tarnily •an iMti, he wtthoot tt sold hr an draifiis at see. and Hat a hotae, PERRY DAVIS A ON, Proprietors, Provldecoe, & L “ a csi M^ 9 QC Si& jr r MANUFACTURER OP SIIUKI lAMIH All BII9UI •. * * ? • .* *•* r. i AND DEALER IN SADDLERY HARDWARE, 44. BROAD STREET. ROME GEORGIA, #e,.t. 11-vU. 1ILLIII1Y. ; ” ■ • Mr*. M. A. Cat*, Ad airs rifle, G.a., having just receired, diraft fro* Baltimora, anew wad fall line of Mi l linary Ooodt, respect fully solicit* the patronage ef the ladies of tha Mountains; aad feels confidant, after years of ex perience in the business, shf can satisfy the most fastidious. My stock is complete in Ladies’ and Misses Hats and. Bonnets, Ribbons, Satins, Silks and Veil inf of etery description. Also, a fall assortment of Bamberg, Ed gings, Torcbow Limes, Lace Mitts, Fancy Hosiery, pretty designs in Strmped Work, and a specialty of Ties and Neck Wear, come and see my new styles of Ribbons. Cm petition in prices defied. Will .take Wool and Produce in fekehanga. : . t -.'.. ’ All ordera by mail promptly; :, .!•*" "" DRESS MARIKS A SPECttLTT. at prices which will astonish ery one who will call. 4 s . MRS. MA. CATE, ' v Adairaville, Od. RounsaviUe & Bra, Wholesale Grocers " Cotton Factors,- Some, -•- Bmemgi*. Wehtregrately enlarged eur Waro- Uouee, which now baas epaclty of 30,- I 000 bale pei season. Our cotton business was more than doubts last season, reach ing 20,000 bales. Consignments solicited --libera) advances on jotton cr produce. Sept. 15.—S me, , * s, -- • •■ . •' v - ' i . '• ' Q JSORGi tOUNTT;' -V, Oidhiary’a Mi. • < Whereas. j.)y. MWllwy, adminfidraler of C. JU Corh*n. deceased, baa applied far lea re. to sell the real estate of Sam deceas ed. This is to ndttfy aHperoon* coaeen*' *4 W flle t&cir obJecHon* wfihia tbo *imr gwcdcribedhy laV, else leave will.le granted the apt>ltatnt •p* ? W. H. Ai.lkx, , ... Sep* -T-*w.(o w.) ■ Ordinary. I WHOLESALE DRUG STORE in DALTOIT. Dll J F. WOOTEH & CO-, Will duplicate price* In Atlanta, Knox* nlle, or Chattanooga. . . IMaiß, Driiisti ft FknkbM. (ept. .1, 3m. STANTON & BRYANT, {jonoral Merchants ADAIRS VILLE, GA. , 9. '*•A <.- ; ■Wk Mill ifiette J the Mountain vtrjo,n<\ p*y the highest mar ket prica fo* everything brought o* hi the way of produce. Gome and-see us and we .'will do you good. ' * <aept. 15— tf.) W * ,*t t . . , . -ifc ft T l ' HEW • ■ ■ * F U RSI TUR R S TORS! : 5 • ” • • ••• o . /■ -a \ • 4 . g; McDonald sk Co 4 Btoxt Boor to Comp, GhororA Cos. Entire Stock New, Embracing atl the Latest - Style, and,Purchased Love, ♦ • *-■’*. with the Cash* l a .; J, fMUIIEHiHIT fir CiSH it lit m, Pvnilli Fitorii. L. B. LAMdI /O R B .. . ? “f.' , ,’r V’ WIL.L.I A M ■ "'■yy',' A TANARUS, • - &*cc***rr to J. R. Butt A Go* , * , Z M iKUr* UTORMI Aim WHttecdAEK DdCPEKW IS Stoves, Tin oiid Sheet tanjp;: Ware, CROCKERY AtfD GLASSWARE, &VMPB* &TMEM EJTO \G*9 FiTTMJfEMm S t BroadS^ 'V* ; MQME> G&. LIST OF WARfZFirRXfSUJfp WlTtt Jt CB STO TK. : ,1 Pbtd. ■%} Hsifs :t *l u lFleab Fbrk. .it;* j. !>• a < H' 2 Spoon. ’ ' ' ** ' *. ‘-SGriddJ-ps;, ' l'pippejr. 1 1v 1 Long Pap. i Z -1 Baieuit rSittpr.'! i V 1 Tea keM*. ! ' ' ?’ * *-•' *Pdpptr.Bo*. ; 4 1 (Hole Muffin Pap. • - hGrater, j? ~., . a l"‘ 1 Spiled Pun. 1* >. ■) . ..v -* t Ept Coepgg. . ' 1 ’ . 1 -Coffee Pdt -f • v ,- . 4.Joipts Stdys Pipp. *■ - 8 Bake Ppm... .|, .... I‘Bcrapefc ■** ’ S Pie Paha. T Lid Liftcp j c - ,13 Quert .Pen; * *■ : - -iv- t -, . J * I* ‘ w A * *-•* -* >t n*foHß *r mmt&r ™^^AB9tF utib ’ tXKfas and SASB.'HGES, AXMv FLOWB, ; o And in feet, orrery thing ■ nsnplly • pfirst-dMtßardwar# Store. • v i ..,. sept. 1,3 m. ■ _ __•"■■■ .v. i ~ iuwjtuto,.-i . - "' .. >. i, ■ Rome-. Ga. Marhle and : Granite 'Works : Alv-V" -, .i . f ... r ’•= —-• •>' W 1? 4e*l ia tha beat Italian and American Marbk, Tirigated aad white. Wo handlo " fr 1 a great deal of Ibe well kti'ovra abd popular Rctlaad; Marble, which ia tko wMtesVtod*ai|dto brthoteatif slab claity.** VT,'Bniikf *ll hin jaof Monomenta, Toooml Head Via^^fiJJ/VJea, Ac. ©nr wortma* am Wo hqr our aMck Ip-tpo fongh add do Ida work ourselves i, ibem£uie, r wa sand opt drat-elass work, aaada af tha. LsSijaf marble. wartmancliip an# pripas. api wa will write yoa w.hat wa can finish it ■for. **'writa W -aboet whs*.-Iprice yap .wish to pay, and be Will let yde know 'What kM of job or JaNsW* cm. gle* yaa far pHcamentioned. ■ We> keep M>pi pf tlyf -second and--third cclaM -IparMe, but never send them out, except when the prices dm- sdeb as firat-ciass tnarbia- cannot ha furnished at, and then w* si*ay* tell the purchaser the kind M• mscbU ut will furnish. Hapiag yau Mil give da-a trial dad let as Pdra Whu ws say, w* truly, ; u Jones A £diuuM4won. ; 'NoT.'ld-rt.-' ; '.’-v SOVTMMM# eUSIXMSS COLLECT, PRACTIOAL!OMj| KEEPING. ■w* * iV* • -.r-.'iv .. E 0 TEXT B OOK *.-■ >.l u • • v". ."..y*;i ;• v . •►r . * Qrer 35 yearaa Practical AoeeontanLtndoraed hj *ll th V ? " *** *' • • S'/ .' , *r Prominent Merchants of Louisvillle. IV* Send Stamps for Circulars and Specimens Of Penmanship BEN. : O. WEAVER, Princial | H. 8. DiSOLLAK, Secretary V • /*•'•< ■’ '■ ' Siv: ■ ■■■l ji....... I Il_ 11. I 111— non. cmsui.rinn.iTC ‘1 ~ *. . 1 ili 'T! Q -ii |I . li-* ■. BR:UGK,*RatIS”a. < CP.. ROME, - OCSQBGIA. }‘ r - 1- '?*•• > * ; ■,*:.-*£***"* .^y; We reapectnitly inrite an examination Of ear M©eh,e*n,filing ef r •’ 1 1 hleSiciee*, PJqU, QIU, Vsmiahei, Wind-hSUer " : • ’ ••!. ;•*.*•. i • * - ' •' - -•< i-iA. •. ■ ...') ‘ ftaky Arteries, **,.> SPECIALTIES.—StrictIy pare White. Lwd, cH) Var . .• siafcea, Paiato, dry and in oil,. John Loeas’. pjur* Tinted Gfcw Pnint*. ready-;; % 1 ; ' Bftua HARRIS 4 CO. 117,BROAD ST.. Succeisorn to A- A. Jonea. .. ; (WBA* J* •). . j .. • ■ ' - — ■■ ■ • -We Ask the Attention' of ■ERCHARTS, FARMERS, BLACKSiITHS, r CARPENTERS AHfi WHEEL*-WRIGHTS ° : ' To onr'Steek of Iron, Steel, Nmils, Shelf Hardware, Bfack.&ritbs and Carpentet* Tool*. Rubber and Leather , Belting, ' Boggy and Wagon Material, Manilla and Ootton Repe, 4m., all at wbtch we are prepared to*aaU at bottom prise* to good Ben. WE ARKALSOAOtIfTSTOR THE CELEBRATED BUFFALO SCALES & MISHAW AKA CHILL’D PLOW, • • - Hordle, Bowie &c Oo^ Sept, rt to aa’ch lit, ROME. GEORGIA.