Newspaper Page Text
- J 7 _ __T
riimu wsrm. *
.“* y tgggm
to bar* bean a little more titan WO yaldb 1
raw GtafiSSJSt^
arad mmk tohovst I,
• bright at M* fneae Ikaa fatty fcrt
tfa’ ff*V *% W*&S I*l
Mlbelrpoit. Ilk hritofUd felt the
r doereea, and MUoMMedi l&dsgy**.
It is possible that in o atone there tasy
,1 fle thoA portico* of a wave-surface e*-
eeptioaally >twp, u the result at super
iapoMd waves, sad tease tuj be veiy
tUnyeroo* to beats; but they do wot o*-
eur at all In simple swells, mm da they
fit termine the xjppe at 'the ltfge tinder
lying ware (ran which -a- ship teoaivas
Ita motion, hfnreover, pie Teasel’s own
depth Carrie* it below the surlace ware,
and the mean effective ware noting opan
surface ware. . .
From*these facts ate see that well
known waves which “run mOUntain-nigh”
hare their existenoe only in tha imagi
nation of the poet. i
Taerr *ea —' ■>- -i-- ■ j*. -*■
, • ,f„ 4 DBOTM. -
Koesmes, or ’“kuyro;” the, Baeaian
drink, is made of milk, sugar and yeast.
In Buaaia cure's *iilb ja,h*ed but here
they take that of tha now,. Iti* pat np
iffSottL with Z
highly effervescent is it, that tba-esly
way to open a bottle without losing the
greater quantity of ita oaririnte is to
**%& heed; Jymrsrd, Jgja pltchpr R
close tlfetop m fnn pitolinf alii e doth,
aai -than, Ahe JpAd, remove
the clasp from the cart aa grilllj as pos
. -eible. Itanntritive fUuajsffery great,
aia4Jt is not now widely known, on eo
"*WR abofitfcfl f
quart • fcilk-Afitxdtt aftcM, the fluid
aland I&£s?W im, on-
V hol4ae*ii- woitefaU),-until'
ihipti will
• btftbfffrift’ ftf ttgfltKbb- <*twcnty-ftur
hours under favorable conditions. The
bottles are then oorked and placed in e
. cool place (or a week or fwo, when the
* product ii ready. The fomentation fie
velapaa small quantity at hot the
peculiarity of the oww mlk ta thA the
'orttin, tested! of hdtag coag,ntd to
large.l illume, more or lees difficult to di
gest, is aapairated in a very finely di
vided condition, so that it can be readily
assimilated bv the weakest stomach. ,
; * ■< .■ 5 >• i L f
KxnoKiife jiesMoit a
tit&sm amracS:
glowing term*, an aoaount of hit wan
derings in tod >oht the great body of
wafer, which, fn his enthusiasm, he 1
tw f tbba.iwi-j(tdi|||j|eau.
Ha states that Hudson bay ia ip -effect
1,000 milae long, non than 600 afiles
' wule and cover* 1,006,u00 squires miles.
’ Instead of txnug, as is nsually supposed,
’f part of the 4rctjo regions, the ueaatot
■ shore is mora southerly than London,
■ -'amd ita farthest still remains Within the
Temperate zone. OH the northeast
coast there is little snow ip win to* and
little rain (n summer. Tim tributaries
nf jtlje \>oy ore the Nelson, whioh dis
chargee this WtteW ift 4jake Winnipeg;
tht Winnipeg, about the MSsoT the Ob- *
tawa; the Saskatchewan, 900 miles long,
pouring v tn from the wyst, and tha Bed
river, over 800 miles from the
south. n • • *\ 1
. All the central part of North? Ajneriea,
from Labrador to the
dutne Into, Hhdjioh ho/.f The largest
•tributary ia the Neltot, attorft'tour times
the-alaV of -the Ottawa at tha capital;
then cornea the Churchill, tha'Big rfrer
and the Albany. On the west , aids of
the h*y the rtutiM%'*ihdsn4hewM--
. agt tind Mow in' the wfnter, And there ie
left saowsthd lekk intense -old hrthe-vi
einitv of York Factory and Fort Ctjurobi
ill than in mare southerly rOgiank - Dnr
; fng winter the temperature improves m
one goes -temp northward
through Manitoba, and down tne vtkJJteja
to Hudson bay, and bathing is found
agreeable in July, August am} Septem
ber. •On thk southern' and western
shares unlimited supplies of red fmd
white pihe,' Spruce, white birch, balsam,
poplar, aspen and tamaiac are found, ; ;
Tn a-Tefit and fin&g of C. A. Cook
tor knocking down a man fqr payffig'.
“he hoped toQod OarflMd would die,*’’
recalls ah incident teat took place'in'
Cleveland sixteen years' ag*> On.the
momiag after Lincoln was shot a knot
of men were espieseing their sympathy
with the -viotim, whets an architect
named Husband bloke out witift “I tfa
glad Linooln is shot, and I hope he is
dead by this time." The words nearly
cost him his life. It was only by the
most strenuous exertions be Was saved
from the fury of e mob; Le whs severely
handled, doepife the-efiorte of Jrienda to
’ tie was i prominentwriii
tect, and had built the oounty Ot>rt
House. Oaths oorner atone of ■
building con be seen the following en
graved :
.1*.••••.•■•••••*. .
naaoTEs i. D. 18S8. &. ;
;F. BmO, O. P. Smith, 7 t
1 A. EruM, J. PaatneU, a i
; w. w. RinCaias, ■ l ..OcagaatMC 2
~ Ha —— ia^where teFord#.*,s.A.ifoa
band” had been* hot they wgpe tootio*
the day after Husband was mobbefi q
; ‘ griufr, W
Professor in the high daugh ter-aqpfid—
" I have to you, my young ladies, in the
last boor communicated, that the brain
gf s thq W larger i. than thatofthe
woman, -what ooneJude you thereout,
Frssiein Bertha?" 1
Bertha—“ That it with the brain not
upon tbo quantity, bat upon the quality,
depend* I -Deutaohe Zcitung.
v I T
stsssii isniwurs giciuit
Jonmsltsm, pbotngrajby] telegraphy
during the past Moan or twenty year*, <
many yron since wa left 1
cs-t who wtfa i Bad, led w* kte posi
tive |M'*tp IW W knew where the
fin mM|>}fin Manb end the Dnetper
river; but we can place' our hand upon
our heart today and eey-trutfcfaily that
we da not-know W bars-one of them are,
sod < we‘dcn*i behave Wetmve heard oue
qmntioned in fhe'lm't’ fifteen
yean. Still it must be remembered
' that Wr- nre^n’Du^nrtapgpefV’U^neas-
If we werp ( dealing in groceries it would
prybahly lie difigreaf, and ye should uaq
Aha Moon monnlams every day in pur
hnaindwL Ohatsmere would expect It,
and while they would appshr to be Ibok-,
iqg at the chgese to ace ft there were,
any skippers; before buying a wedge-of
>t, they wodld in. reality he making up
their minds whqteer. we knew whore the
Philippine iaianda.were, end tha -general
oourae af the Bdeiper. ' <j i
(tee of the innet'sbcoeeafnl grooera, a
man who haa'acoumnbded a lfandtome
fartauo-dram *‘.wary, assail beginning,
told ua oily too other day that he owed
all his suceess to the use of algebra and
C few-ihearenu i(J|eoUttry when pifik
ing a mackerel out of -lhdUtiwtth-4 hook
and slapping it against the aide of tee
MUihiat lie* Im to-dey if J* hud paly
learned to add and multiply
and had steppedtiiere, and had bought
his goods on time with 10 per. cent,
added. TeSohew have 4 grcai <¥nty to
perform, because, Jo a greater or less *i
tent, tiieyi aii ceepomdhly fdr the chilf”
drea under their charge. No toaclor
;%isis.fis>ftt9 olSha fatta^uitfi£kpe
tent to undetDtand the great trust that
has been committed thtfim or her,
with the world and malce its own way in
life, unless he Aetflu. upon the instasit,.
PAHtm TtYAMOHnn. '
When imitation diamoudfi were intro
duced it was fonnd that to out glass pre
cisely lflfc fi diamond WS not produce'
the epaikle characteristic of the tea
mond; therefore, to secure this,'.the flat
FHrfaoe on*the top' of tho diamond was
made pyramidal on (he imitation, and,
of oourse, ended in a point. By oertain
laws of light this pyramidal, surmount
ing pf tho glass providedfoy the requ|red
distribution </ ray.
the diamond sparkle, or aemotbigg akin
So-it. A reel diamond ia oscar cot with
.tWpointod apox, iswm jhjs
sibio always to distisguisk the real from
tho spurious. But after a tuneuie fay
ing publiq loarucd this littlo oirqnm-l
stanott alxmt the catting process, and;
other means Were resorted to. Tlio glass
waa out precisely like the diamond, and
siwflye Was given to pt provided tat
M. by a oaetmg of white (oil appliau to
1 teMoWfll of tho glass. The sett ing
o£ many diamonds if,arranged in such a
'ray that the buyer may see the under
side of thogi-Lu. This was oyerootneliy
arranging the setting do astw prevent
inqiratiou oi tlii* kii\d, wliicl) could not
'be dam ufilesa-tlie stone -tras-duun<mnt
ed, if we may use that term.
With these facte known to the buyer
of diiuuyiids he 'heM. hot bedeoeivafi,
exoept in tha latter oaoe, where the sot
ting hides the übdor surface, and if he
dnif any doubt about that ho .can let it
aloiio.' ' But the'Object Of imitation dia
mnnds is not lib deceive buyers ; if it was
they would not be oflbred for $2. No
one, liovfovor deficient in diamond oriti
cism, need be deceived in ' buying dia
monds. No dealer of..any repute ever
attempts to sell imitation tor-;real dim
uiwk iSb reputable man thought
of tk 'His refutation and oeoupaiipn
would, soop, he gono.' ThWo aro v.-ry
1 few ■persons who buy trinkets who do aid
I'feef lhaiiwi Off id'bte#r te|pth* buying
place, particularly if the gem ia a codtljK
one, and it ia bei-taili po one was ever
jireaentod with jewelry of presumable
Out .s* )oe to
learn its purity and valu% and very
' appointi|ig It his dbfibtless been to had
in soma oases that the gold or diamond
was only bates, -or glass.—Pro (uttofoe
Jbsmnot.. it •*'• -*f if
known to She world far the relief of
rheumatism, and that iaSt Jaoob# 03.
St. Hdtltir(Art>.) ZHeptUcS.
' f* '. ; i dtxj* KtJTdie* * j
A good editor, a competent newsp qttr
conductor, yke | t
born, not made. On tee London doily
papers ill the historians, novelists, po
ets, essayist* have been employed, and
nesf>yattfia* .froh'd-. We might say
qf brilhaney, Igief
resoimsee Ahitafedr!? “I ; cin,”
Sf toM^’
“find Ihy numror at men cl genius to
write for us, but bery seldom one of
mimouaenas."/TW < tiymderem” jn
J thi ykwto*, thetsjffAe, nsvffi so fr* Ks We
of waaa*aoua n3f-. Near
• iy sdl etweessftu 'afjfi a htoc be-n men
Campbell, Rip—
j and ffigtxfl editor
fctle<ulydKittatoe,'. alters and.oom
■lfirnw; matoJoah tfismll he hits’hut
little tme To write
lor a paper is one thing, to edit a paper
--fta E. Ppscitt. Jtei til Jinn s’rcet
New York, used St. Jacobs Oil for
rheumatism with entire relief—writes a
New York journal.— Richmond ( Fa.)
Christian Advocate.
l'*#* B*d*ca Ffipmra num
L #* r** •"* ****** kesidod ft
■uft Attteigttel haw hptt.rrapptia.
forlitptor, and began to uaa iasulbng
you advertiaa te bring together
those who are separated,” said be, at
ltb. v
*' “Yea, ware? aakl the madam#, divm
tog 0 m glance the aodt of person she ‘
had tt> deal with, and, reaching over,
ska touched the district alarm for a po
liotman. * ■ > t
“What's that for? " asked the bully,
OHm Acßtr+pum, eoi you please 1”
said tee madame. “By sis time se po-
h toan is at sa bottom of se stairs I ”
he dollar waa paid, and the bully wa*
{allowed to go, unmolested.— Boston,
looking ran coiroitßta.
off .Where’s Congress ? I’m looking for
Congress,” said a toll, one-eyed woman,
peoru% through one of the doors of tife
House b( fiepreßentativ**. V, 1
“Is Viat feller with the hold he*l
Congraprt/’ it [ ’
“fhatdoyoq want wite Owgresk,
anjnhbwf * demanded a w Atpoty
keeper, gruffly. “ Hold on 1 you caiyt
awneftwa Bunks county j 3fenii'
sylvanip, to see Cjongresa, audlfyou’te
on draught anywhere around here
I want somo. ’What’s the reaflon I can’t
go iu there ? ’’
**CAoae yon can’t Nobody allowed
dwlmt-tambar,” H t •<
“ That red-headed man with a squint
a member ? ”
’ “ No; he’s one of the members’, secre
taries. He has a perfect -right oih tee
floor.” ~ j _ ■< , i
““Is that lop-sided chap vith a wig
*qae obi/Lo ninmbenl Y* ** f >J t
“No ; he's a friend of a member ; had
a pas a.”
* “ What's that bare-legged bey falling
f Has he got any friends?”
r “He’s opo of the pages.”
[ “ Who is that red-nosed artist with a
j sore ear ? Did he have a pass ? ”
“That’s a messenger. He doesn’t
1 uee<l a pass.”
“Wlint’sthat fiilow with his legs on
1 a desk. Is he one of the bosses ? ”
“Ho ri ona of, the olerks. ”
“Do any of them fellows pay any
n I third* not; don’t know,” said the
.daqritaapa*, indiilWouUy. *
-A.tNovfr’* yotfjig fellow, you want to
hunt foSy-oomto Ktnnd in while I bust
in this door.’ Don’t fool wrth mb, ot>
vaur friends will think ymi’vo been-do
ing business vrth s steam grindstone I
pay taxes on three acres and right pigs
in Bucks county, and I’m going through
this ’ere Congress like a contribution
box through a congregation. You just'
crawl out of sight if you don’t want your
spine to oliange places with the next
“Bend (or your member, and he will
pass you in.”
‘ ‘ Whore’s the Congress from Bueks
wronty? Show me tee Buoks county
Congress 1 and if he don’t gfct a hill
through this town to send that hare
lipped old sky-rooket who wants to fore
close a mortgage on my place to the pen
itentiary he’ll wish he’d been born a
tree and cut down and burned when he
was young. Point out the Congress
from Bucks county before I have yon
iuside out, to see how you're put togeth
er. Toll me I can’t go in among a lot of
clerks, passes and pages 1 If there’s a
square foot of Congress left by the time
I reach it, it’ll wish it was covered with
jkbirthat cornea ont without hurting!”
• They induced her to leave by telling
%>r that the “Congress from Bnoka
pfanty” held ita sessions in the Patent
OUuv, and she departed, threatening’ to
"get, tha bill disposing at her mortgage
through before she left town y or make
fti* Bttuks; copnty member thinks bar
cat ff (* oi3er had busted tinder him just
, as a shot tower fell oh top of him,”
|*3 Worthless Stuff.
f Not so fast, my friend ; if you could
women and children iuj}v miv* boon
raised from beds of sickness, suffering
riM almost ileatH, hy the use of Hop
Betters, you would say “Glorious and
invaluable remedy.” See other column.
Press. • *
s- MAX iruo gAN. A* )Sav.t.
! .pkiongh is as good a* afiMati-fc*- some
men. *lt mah in’ HartfoW, lot.—prob
ably a relative of Mark Twain—yearned
to ran a daily. His yearning was satis
fled. He run it three days, the last run
being, iqju the ground. In its obituary
i|says: “Our Ambition to run a daily
paper lias been Satisfied for the present,
. htd the experience. * •
If anybody on the Hill hears to-night
toy- particularly sonorous snoring, they
may know that it is an ex-editor of a de
funct city daily putting in a square
night’s a’eep once more.”
'' Should take Wamar'a Safe Kidney and Liver
‘ ~ ?
Osu of the mast audacious and trans
parent of knaves was the-fellow whobv
trodnoed himsalf at Painesville, Ohio,
aa an enormously wealthy banker from
3an Francisco, showed a letter of credit
on the London Rothschilds for $400,000,
and boasted of friendship with Gould
and Vanderbilt One of the silliest oi
dupes was the girl who married him
after a week’s acquaintance, on his
promise to give her a magnificent home
* in Europe.
Ladies, you cannot make fair skis,
rosy chock* sod apart ling trim with all
the cvwmetic* of France, or beastlier*
of the world, white In poor heaftff, #*d
nothing will wife yea tech good health,
strength and 1. urant spirit* and beauty
u Hop fiittentnLlfla! ll wttiufl proof.
Bsf another dolfima —prNgralud
Vwatprt ocuSu hating jpfaiuufficM
the leading of Gennad text to Bs in'juri
oun to tha ayas. the Bwiaa (tovarammil
has reacteofi to dmcontinaa its use aa
much as poambie. and all their official
announcement* will henceforth bn
printed eooltenvuly ia Roman charac
ter*. U has kixg been a matter at sur
prise that the Oormaa* retainad thair
uncouth, hnFbarie Gothic alphabet, tod
did not adopt the beautiful symmetrical
Roman Jetton. But after the imtlaod
iah Gothic has mode them a weak-eyed
nation and neor y deoteoyed their right
they will probal ly discard it before they
bptxime totally V lind ’ *
Mb. Bcomajmw, brother of the late
ex-President, is a lively slid -handsome
old gentleman, ag*w 89 years old. He is
a good talker, and is muoh in teres tod in
Mr. Murray, the ex-preacher, writes
enthusiastically to the Boston Herald
in favor of the little Texas mustang:
Texas is just tbo piece for tee busi
ness, tod the, Hugh little mustangs ase,
tee right stock to take hold of. for ha- ,
He ay* that they tmee •
thair origin heck to . rape of equine
kings and queens,” and have ofihf ctete
riorated unde* Lard usage. I Eatej
seen'theM littlo 800-pound horijesf’ lie
says, r travel eighty miles with a 186-
pound man up, under a Southern sun,
in a ride across country, without road
ways, from sun to ■un, and th at,,
with little grain, perhaps nothing but
the gross they can get from the prairie
at night—many at them pace—pace like
the wind—-pace ao fast_ that they play
with you on the paairie, though yon
have a blooded fcount that can tun like
a greyhound. Others trot—trot natu
rally—with stifled well out and perfect
knee action, and will do nothhig but
Mol, tfcjwever hkrd ) I flare
raced through the prairie* grasses and
blood bay iu color, with a tail blarit as
night and that would sweep the ground
a foot, and been Unable to break, up his
trot or raifge up to his ride, although my
mount was a’thrhe-qilarter-bred mnie of
J,IOO pounds wright, that took to the
chase with her eyes blazing and ears laid
back in a way that plainly fold her rider
that she felt a good deal as ha did.”
NofifrWKlil <i i<
v, Ffom the 10th af Octpber. 1881, to
the Ist of J-*la 1882,< genuitie Rock
SfrlnO WATfiWVttl 8p WPpMed ta ou*-
turner* by Elite V?ki., of Bailey Spring*,
A ta., at the meeting rates: , _
> Hon gallon# tn antteroridrivAitfii.. BS.QO
Same ken refilled ut..L.'.V 4.00
,Ftve sa|lon in autl-Aontisive cup.. 3.6 K
Same can refilled at .......... 2.-60
Nine gallons in glass b0tt1e5...’..7.00
Beaaonabla freight, and express rates
are given by all railroads. This water
has been known for nearly fifty yeare
as a sure cure for Dyaoepsia, a sure cure
for diseases of the Kidney and Bladder,
a sure cure for all curable cases of
Dropsy, a sure (Jure for Scrofulous cases
of the Bones or SUcin, and a certain de
stroyer of the terrible'thirst for in tori
eating drink that overcomes so naahy
worthy resolutions. Ilepriye -a drujlk
- ard of his nfram for three days and
meanwhile give him plenty of Rock
Spring Water, and he. won’t svant the
wflislry. Don’t yofi think Itie '"worth
trying’ 1 If ywu do, drop a apostal to
Ellis & Cos. It will oost;onjy a cent..
RiOHßtmo tod Brewer, Louisiana
planters, agreed to settle their quarrel
with a duel. Rifles were to be the weap
ons, and the place a dismal part of tha
forest in Madison parish, with two seo
onds as the only witnesses. Everything
was conducted in ’ cartful bfioord with
the code upon the point wheft the prin
cipals topk their positions. Then Brew
er, without wafing for the word, hastily
fired- two shot* and ran away. Rich
burg suffered ogly tee loss of his coat-ori*
Iwf, bat vnu fossn instant tn dumbfound
ed that tha Uoßet whioh beaent after
thfi fugitive wsg too tOteto hit. ■ ‘ ~
• • n-jPirr-.-. -. •
The Cincinnati Enqnirrr tetel v published
the following horse story, which we gif*
just as it appeared: “A curious insttort
of sagacity in the horse oocnrred recently'
in the stables af Mb. A. Toghman.eituateU
on fSa-thdm-jSet.. fifr. ’£. has. for a long
time been hetfroalNt of using ;>x-Jacob*
Oil, the GreatYrermaa Remedy, ia his ex
tensive stablest ..Among Mr. T.'s many
horses Is a greal.poworful Canadimisfr-aught
horse. This ajimal iu course of fttne got
so that that he knew ‘the St. Jacobs Oil
bottlevery well; SO well, in jacf,that onedny
veoentiy on 6f, T.’s retqru from husioess,
npon entering the stables he caught him
licking the tore shonldrir of a beast which
stood beside him; the animal, gi\ ing a wise
sqrvey tq his licking work, turned his head
and caught up his teeth from the box
used as its rveeptable a bottle of St. Jacobs
Oil. He threw the bottle on the floor
with violence enough to break it, and then
deliberately linked r.p the St. Jacobs Oil
and applied itto the cut. Readers, we have
■seen the laws of wmesiarinrt belied by beings
with less sento than Tonghmsn's horse.
The vaoid has passed among ns. and when
we see a man who won’t try the Oil, w*
say,' He is worse than Tonghman’s horse.'”
To many this may appear asa very “tough”
story; and were there not proofs innumer
able of the efficacy of the Great German
Remedy they would be justified in so
designating it. Tho testimony, however, is
plentiful and pointed, and is from people
whose long experience in matters apper
taining to homsfiesh entitles their opinions
to profound consideration and respect.
j=cs ttZnVOL-”*'
Doo. • M CAm. m f ribr.
7 lb* fr** niMd M.sfe.lMfa'bS'f
Sr^SSAH 2£
lo—the noabef rf WI pftfchuwd
whether the mil of ■kuatta, Mrraaa n
gsthirijOTsrworfc. twin
* 18*. hot "Bmifc m IUU" toy > b—i fin i
to* fcM. j <
•raM r*MKt'UlHltu ,
UH ■; an* ant frill dAm frets 'Uu um—
UfougLi on h/ impute Wo<*l, tsq ftOiAl)i! > ift
•tore heafiH ioina
•• • po>"aot *♦**, W '•-** BE^t
BLOOD PUKIKIKU e*er diecoveied, eunuf Mcrofh.e,
S rnhMlUe dieordafe, Viku of fcho JUine*-, Jkj'ipe-
W*"***.**S —** J" -
lim<l rn> PiliCll ram -pais iw Km m* <
_: m ■ - t. rr-^i <
woM?*"®* Tout **ur t~wi
■'• 5 ,*l V Ba,£DV FOR '
.. .I*. . . . AB .
: * §1
Though Minken In Every Joint
And fiber with fever aim ague, or bilioAs
remittent, the uveteiu may vet be freed from
tho malignant virus with Hostetler’s Stom
ach Bitters. > Protect the system against it
with this beneficient anti-spasmodic, which
is furthermore a supreme remedy ior livelr
complaint, constipation,dyspepsia, debility,
rheumatism, kidney troubles and other ail
For sale by all Druggists and Dealers
cr ,£. c £P l “B.. t, ! l k l i" 0
tntts Ofegp. flWHi.^srvcM
it Voown to WMlh-j-oml
my other. 'Oho yuiy
inferior. machinal cut& bq
fold Is to <lrcwUiifißjti
aU ■ u .ypwdghsadhittMlruwKTT
If t Jse St .Tcuicmlf,
S*n seilwlchnotsHttiwu-scel.ifr,
s d a J itef
- .
gyl"a - ' Vn l* 8t? the purch ikferft
fceAqplck Prem, ■- mid all
tor 6r&&*ZP**mSs Ht&ZxT.
3W to portorfc MI tho Mw duties of lift, end howto
*fKV t° ,h tsst M|e>DDSfl ell ocoesloqa.
Wit fw. orcutsr* couteMlne •
ran dMiormtioi, of the Seth aittln term* la su'.
'*“'* C °., dtleute, o*.
fiii ’li **i r Tnijlilßai'/r
11 Mil!
Blood. aud will completely change tha blood in tha
entire system in three months. Any T*reom who
willtske one fflll eachnieht from 1 to ltweek* m bo
restored to sound heal: 1;. if such a thing bo possible.
Boid or sent bv mail for# letter stamp*.
I. S. JOHNSON A CO., Boston, Aaou,
formerly Hwwgor, ltt • •
■ AW2ssßßfiSft SSTMSSaS
oecu N.Lionel Puhlishiog Cos., Philadelphia, Pa. •
$n T Tl T*A* aad axpauaa to a(aen
111 Outfit fra*. Addraaa
Ilf P.Tle>ao.AsnKls.We
<5 to >2O >ajaraa
a ■, TTTVTQ *•• Cl ""l" On- Mtaaa
V>T %J iw >9 •"* *l •** SaUntMoai e*
wS *"* * M •|*e.'x;ox ••** 1 ,
•yt- —•• kola < ‘
“ ■asUac r> pe net rates skin,
I • > flash oadoisoeto to ti> very
t v U hm rewflqi
“ < ' giWgO^KJSm.
i >t rjTr? no •“'
t#.'! vf .itiwwtcs •v nf WhnoWs^ 1
•i *>l tT iM 4 : >•
■gsL. “Tanasrat
Lrff^nflH■ tn VTapconds. Kollowar
\ JSSEIt /
XMTfW* tt
1 A RrTr, HI # tti&n a wooden screw press.
lAf f baflgel to aE J Breae la a
,r\ t>w minutes. CircuTari fr.
k jLrnDfTir W B H. Afanu.
1 AjfaZl if 'l* A*i" Jr.’. : a,tTTk
$66 izrvs rE'mimt; :
■-'- '■' ■* ■ - -n... - ■' ■'■'
Cy?li^PSJfi , S[r : U
15{m than htri Johl,€sP 1
fto.oof ftEVWna awwfMßfVfljc
w^ r .itM.Tr
anent. senAfy iUostrnted circular. m
aoaea dlMV'qjpfTa^M^'Oi
any person, male or female, oan urn la an n/feesrakfe
and wllhont trareling or peddlimaasm B>>o atmofTt n
No capital required! No humbngT AdareM WE-STEJRN
SUPPLY 00.7 Lock bofl, Columbus Junction, lowß.
I (A baSelae, not® ii- ... j ,
■ A^nri,#j (
Q Wifi be Ad for a not*<-areb;
f I.
8 n i. <; ir.
, All IMM old bv
fl 11-v ngiHQiif- ‘wnwl.-T., 4 ?§■
Nw doth;onl bound, for only iO.U. Ts f\e.
B* wn'mlc r lui'll< io kW |k
i Practienltrenflw on 1 Cubic
SKffiwT i
St* Paltitnor^.^fi^
GOVERNORS, Ac. Send for Price-
lA3 Mete Street, LOUISVILLE, KY.
ia tha stock of tha Denver Lana and Improremeilt Conw
.A, H. Sms, Troasvrer; M. H. Smith, Secrets*,
i ’■ Ja,-dßlLirMKta^Dswr’ t ~ V * •
‘ **
: sfeass-is’sfisg
deniometo ma. A rexSfintf
X’3ti&ps££s£%B&&iiti &Sj£FLS
tooriete of Iron. Pen*. 1 #/ V M f Mm*"" V f j ■
,f^?r u f mmmmM MM Mm
I -*ffc ffc* i>.9<*fnMe IIV #/M Mr #y Mr Mr jor A
. wrw I w # # r M M m m Mmk
' r \kJL£mlh m§tm ml tx hMMLMu
'!' I WPP P- harteh medicine ni stkct. tf.~5S5
■Bookwaltb Engine.
Effective, Simple. IfurmAU end Cheep.
Compact, DhmMHI and Managa&
Who Inn* ?CotSt (k Itv OC7 £ Wthtald hare oml •
Steam power ia much b : t~rarfl r'— m than horaa pnw,
3 Horsepower ft ' -’•'> ’- SZiQ
Addree* Mannfacto
*W str poo Mrfj|T ym **
'/ Vunbrtwrcr mAl>wtw, 4 ,
Jaiiw , e .,f
n u
t ’4
■ • •
A iHHii t
r 'Kjl H-'j
"f if •
v 'iWKSmf^
' '■ ■,' ■*•“ r- <
* - ... h
f 2aeiAA
5 ILaif
/#U " * *• J+ ' \Vv sr tjl
*jMr TT* * T MP 1 * 1 1
jj ll ii
V*4 -w *v-ie. Ctr-Ww^
#f> .mfafl .Hhi> iCSw^*
1- - wiWfty.HaiW t, w, .
rrasfie, Hooks and all other nqtiwd
.ffttactefenti’ itWF
rsuxbasika’ Standard
,T “ Fdrr dilftCOT.AH:*a*
PAiaaswaar ju go.,
18 cam? SttoW/urjif obUahs,‘i*
-Ms Add*, fi. Me,Lie, Oiiberl**ill, puo Cos. K. T.
g* > oar~C>JteM.-S. Z’TTwr
PuhialWnr-PHlaK;athta,o. TMrlMlaa^-sl.