The Ellijay courier. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1875-189?, October 13, 1881, Image 2

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11IK KLUJ A V OUUHIKK. MMMpM nr jamsskrn 7 -- - * vm-vaii W. r. COM fis. - - - Konro* kTt.i.iJ vr. ua.. t, trot w ._J- -L- ■' ■ ' Oirc i*i Or*sr Fakki* Ca OrriouL ooa or Orrnut Oman sr I'rmas Cos OAOLE'S REPLY. (UK IK ACT) Mineral Springe Get. 22, 1881. Mr. Henley in hi* commtmira lion of tlio 10ih int., in reply o miiio, states, first: ‘‘l •laud lo what I Aral slated ” Let u* see If he does or not. In liia first ar ticle be said, "Mr. Turner closed. Mr, Cagle rose and speke for a while and produced some argu ment to prove that it is no harm lor a member of the church lo be engaged in stilling.” He, Mr llenley, now says truly that the -controversy arose from what Mr. 'lumersaid in* reference to'the aetion of the church in its not ac ep'ing the acknowledgment of John McMahan. He has retracted that far. Hal he hays, “out of this sprung the controversy, of which we gave an account, and for which Mr. Cagle proposes to brand us with false—unless we retract.” He, Mr. Uenly, further savs: "Let us examine some of Mr. Cagle's argument, and see what he did mean if he did not intend to convty the idea that it is do harm for a minister to eti gage in stilling. He, Mr. Cagle, s;ud, “©rttOt at-illing was not his did say when brother Turner made the charge againt the church that stilling or not stilling wainot my rsligion. How can a man infer from this that 1 said it is no harm to still ? Mr. Henley further slates that I as* sorted that a man could make sin of anything; that a man could make stiVof farming; that a man could make sin of money, and that men ever making sin of the Gospsl, by using M for sinful pur "JJj&eiKS *. acknowledge 1 said.the above. Mr Uei 'ey acknowledged t-y:•- triiflis/of argumont^ou those points. I would now ask, does any one infer Irom the above that I said it was no harm for a church member to still If If they can Mr. ll.nly argues the tame to be true. Mr Henley as.rts lhal I said I did not believe that the wickednees of the people hud any thing to do with the drouth. I said it; because I believed and argued that God rules the weath er. Does that argue lhal it is no harm tor a church member to still? Is Mr. Henley so dull ol comprehension as all that ? Mr. llenley further states: “Now we wish it distinctly understood that wo did not charge Mr. Cagle with saying it was no harm for a church member to engige iu stilling.” I accept the above as a retrao ‘"on, which makes it unnecessary i-.-r me to bring up evidence to yr-ve the fallacy of his first state ment, lor he acknowledges him self that I never said it was no harm for a church member to still, but infered from assertions of mine I did The said assertions he, himself acknowledges are true, Mr. Henley refers to our ckM in Jasper during court week, on Monday ; to which I will refer and give a proposition he made me: He said if 1 would say it was wrong for a member of the church to engage in stilling, that he would then say he was uiistnk *n in the charge he made against me at Bethany. What difference would any acknowledgement 1 aught make now have to do with what I said at the church ? Could that change it t Mr. Henley says: “We did not say he produced a great deal of mrguiueut to prove that point,ar.d we will not say it, for it is seldom be produces argument on any •ifbjfect." The readers of the Cou rier will agree with him that 1 produced no grounds to prove the first as true —and to the last clause I will is seldom I produce it on any subject, and would not at all if I had to guess at it as Mr. Henley has done in this case. If I bad no better foun dation for an argument than he has in this case 1 would close my mouth in silence. Yours &c, William Casus. Fkfceos Cnuotf Department. -lonw W. Ilrai rr, • • ketm HHI - 1 raf*—‘ Jut per, G et., Get. 17. Court patavd <ff lest week ainl left a few ouls languishing in l>rion aw ailing the lime when iliey shall be called bonce away. A host of esses were tried end in many, a verdict of guilty sat found. There were about seven teen convictions, a few of winch were felouir*. Mr. William C. Young who was charged writ It being accomplice in the murder ol Thomas Haley, in 1878, was found guilty and rec ommended to the penitentiary for life. Mr. Young is quite a youth yet and will, no doubt, meet With many hardships tin known lo him at present, lie certainly was unconscious of I lie nature urn) gravity of his case or .he would have shipped before trial.* Judge Brown ordered sufficient guard to be placed at the jail,bui we do not think lhal any ui tempi wifi be made lo liberate any one incarcerated within (lie walls. A considerable alarm was made lasi spring about the escape of the Pattersons, and it was said that they were liberated by an untied mob—but this was false. There are now lour in jail and we feel satisfied that our diligent Sheriff will keep them *ll until taken out by the proper authori ties. Judge Brown transacted busi ness with a rapidity that has saved the county many dollars, and we must mid that he is cer tainly a remarkable man or lie never could have gone through witli so much business for lie had three unruly 6lceds that were continually Hying the track and which none but u man of Hector’s skill couhl drive lint not with standing their champing of bits Iliey nil assembled at the com mon lick. Solicit Oober shared the sue cess with his brethren this time finely*, and one of the Colonel* lias remarked that this term ol (lie court was a perfect slaughter pen. There was one thing rc markable about. this term, the lawyers “bellotised” themselves pleading, but the court and offi cers look in the money, and tire lawyer* had lo cmitept them selves will) wuver limes. We had a fine lime out of legal odvises. We Were delighted to see in our midst, our friend and old chum, Col. Starr, Editor ol the North Georgia Times, pub lislied at Spring-Place, Gti. We also had the pleasure of meeting with Mr. Willingham, tho prinei pal element of the Dalton Argu*. lbs gentleman seemed to have something of divinity about him. A witness has but to think once and lot his thoughts are on pa per. He is a gentleman ol con sitleruble stenographic skill. Among the many other pleas ant face wo met was that of Mr. James Wheeler, lat her of John Wheeler who was called on to answer some charges at this term of court, but did not appear. We were glad to meet with tin old gentleman, and venture to siv, that tho admonitions of this kind father now whig on the con science of a disobedient son, who is now in distress. But tiie love of a father follows a son whenso ever he goes. Mr. A. Mcllan has sold his store and entire stock of goods to Mess. M. C. &8. F McClain. All parties are busily engaged billing off the goods. When Mr. Mdlan sells his dwelling he will then be ready to move to his new farm. During court, the Pm.ce ol light was called on to answer for some of his mysterious acts and by order of the judgiHlve dollars balanced accounts. V Jasper, Ga , Oat. 24. all's well. * Another storm, originating in the region of Low & Locket, has passed away, and still the Senli uals along the M & N. Ga. li. 11. cry out “all's well.’” It does seem that (he enemies of this road would get tired but ting their heads against stumps and quit their nonsense some time, but to the disgust of the people of North Georgia, they continue in motion, and will probably dio begging for a lew convicts that )ustlv belong to the Marietta and North Georgia Kail Road. However, we are consoled at the thought that the gentle men have been licked so far and their success will probably be poorer in the future than it has , been in the past. Everything is moving up lively now along the line snd we hof*e in hear the #n . fine whistle in Jasper within j twelve month* front to day if not sootier. [ Sheriff llciidi-r-nn carried down 1 1 wo more hand* (Walker and F rresler) last Friday, hut II Ut cm* that Forrester* did not fill I Hie bill, nmi lie wa* immediately I returned bearing* a .subscription I nearly large enough to pay lit* j line, so Forrester is now at home waiting .to hear what J udge Brown it as In eav about it. TA UK IT * YOU Kibe IT. Mr. Dave Jarrell passed liough town last week arid as lie was sn| plied with bedding Ate we suppose it is about denning time in the vicinity ol (be Ball Ground. Our people are beginning to have a hankering for ihe Got ion Exposition. This is r glit, for oc casions of so vast importance do not occur every year, and every man who wishes to inform itim self and who would like to see the grand improvements and cu riosities of the age, ought to rake up a few dollars and go down and view the lands cape o’er. Those wiio have visited the grand show report it as being perfectly won derlul. We did think that we would say something about Messrs M 0 A S. F. McClain’s fine stock of goods, but our mumps will not permit, so we lay us dovd a pen sive hour to spend. S REli ymty ntoif ntITEIS are a certain enro tor all iliscasc.l requiring n complete tonic; espe cially Tin! tgest ton, Dyspepsia, Inter, mlttcnt Fevers, Want of Appetite, tiosa of Strength, Lack of Energy, cto. Kiiricltyj the blood, strength ons tho muiiclcs, and gives new lifts to tho nerves. Acta ltko a charm on tho dlgeiilro organs, removing nil dyspeptics symptom.-, such au touting Clio food. Belching, Heat in tho Stomach, Heartburn, oto. Tho 01117 Iron Preparation that will not blacken tho teeth or give hondnolie. So!il by all Drug gists at SI.OO a bottle. DROWN CHEMICAL CO. Baltimore, ltd. Peu lhal sit lr<w Bitters are rsad* by Isowv Cncmr*! Ou. stii Lavs crossed rsU Uses sn4 Undo mart on wrspi>e, BEWARE OP IMITATIONS. The BEST Wind Mill on Eaitli. PRO FT’S IMPROVED IRON rjssa WSND rasa Engine Simpto, Strong, and Durable. Will not Shrink, Swell, Warp, or Mattio In tho Wind. MANCFACTUSED BY E. C. LEFFEL & 00. T? HcnoFT’ B 1 If! m Anti-Freezing I hU FORCE PUMPS. X135A.X.33'R,3 IST WINDMILL MACHINERY Batora Purchawlnir *ny other Windmill, saad for Prica AildruM, E.G. LEFFEL & CO., Springftold, Ohio. State where you s&W this advertisement* ahCNtiiKfL eiTpSK . rV '"Wqjt y , . A fce&S* * f..' ■ ' -1- - ■ PATENTS Mid bow to obtjua thorn. Pamphlet hoc, upon receipt of Stamp Tor post Address— GILMORE, SMITH & CO. Soliatert t>f I'atg+u, A’mt r.bmi (MW, J> 4 IMPROVED BAY STATE MAE. 1 11 THOUSANDS SOLO EVERY YEA*! This Rake IW-M tb IW" Award at tba Oct-nnl-vl Kip ait ~,H and I trld Trial. Tba only Silr-r Hrdat tsiftW-J at tba Faria t’nlf.rul I -pi'.i' ti la IST*. This Raio baa tain ln flrtt proanlumi thaa aar other Hake. It la Laaily Handled bra (Brl or Boy strong enough todrlvea KzparUaad tbooaaada of farmer! say it it tba BEST RAKE EVER MADE. Send for Tretlmoniali of Frartlesl Fanners, Id nitrated Catalogue, asd Pnce leak address tin lluufacturwi THE BELCHER & TAYLOR agricultural tool CO-, V, ChleafrifFula, Haas., YJ. 8. A. VICTOR >W STANDARD It SCALES MOLINE SCALE GO. MOLINE, ILLINOIS. SKND FOR ILLUSTRATED CIRCULARS AND PRICE LIST. CENTENNIAL Fjgfi It asparataa Oas„ Oookla, and all fbui stuff from wheat, le W> * yerfoot oleanor of Fla*. Timothy, Clover, IM all Muds of seeds. The grant other mills la that It Mpectaxtjr for wtvrf*hou*d fit No. * ®#U<l tor Descriptive Circular ned Price Uat. £fbor*l diac. to dealers, addrese s. Freeman & sons, RACINE, * Wisconsin. The Cheapest Store IX Adairsvilie, Georgia, WANTS 10,000 Bushels Dried Peaches, AI,L THE Chickens and EGGS IN 100 MILKb OF THIS PLACE. F*ol* WHICtI we w ‘h pay the highest * Jl prices iu either cash or cheap goods. We also eant to employ a competent young man who has an extensive acquain tance iu Gilmer nnd Pickens c- unties as clerk. Don’t forget to bring the Peaches, Chickens and Eggs. G. C. Gholston & Son. A DA lUS VILLF, GA. Sept. 29-3 m. RWmMsw UeuxdVava Sprains, Pain in the Back and Side. There is nettling morepainfhl than those diseases: bnt the pain can be removed and the disease cured bv uso of PEHEY DAVIS* PAIN KILLER. This remetSr is not a cheap Benzine or Petroleum’ product that must be kept away from Are or heat to avoid danger of explosion, nor is H an untried experiment that may do more harm than good. PAIN KILLER has been in constant use for foYty years, and the universal testimony from all parts t£ the world is, IT NEVER PAULS, it not only effects a permanent cure, but it relieves pain almost instantaneously. Being a purely vegetable remedy, it is safe in the hands of the most inexperienced. Tho record of cures by the use of PAIN KILLfeR would fill volumes. The following extracts from letters received show what those who have tried it think: Edgar Cady Owatonna, Minn., says: I O. B. Walworth, Saco, Me., writes: About a year since my wife became subject ■ 1 experienced immediate relief from pain M to severe raftering from rheumatism. Our tp e by the use of your Pain Kills*. resort was to the Pain Killlb, which speedily x'ora lays: relieved her. IhaveuwdrourPAiN Kilim for rheumatism, Charles Powell writes from the Sailors’ Barton SeanuuTsays: Home, London : , Have wed Pain Kills* for thirty yearn. I had Uen. afflicted three years with neural>ria and have found it a new/tfiliw remedy for and violent spasms of the stomach. The doctors rheumatism and lameness, at Westminster Hospital gave up my case in Mr. Bnrditt writes : despair. 1 1 ried your Painkiller, and it gave it nerrrfaii* togive relief in cases of ifetamattefti. me immediate relief. I have regained ray PIUI. Gilbert, Somerset. Pa. writes* strength, and am now aide to follow my usual Fmm actual we. I your Pain ‘ktt.t.vtw occupation. I Is the best medicine I can ge\ All druggists keep Tain Killer. Its price is so low that it is within the reach of all, and it will save manv times its cost in doctors’ bills. 95c*, 50c., and SI.OO a bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providenoe, R. I. MAXUFACTtRER OP SABBLES. fiOIEn 11 BRIBLEZ axd DEALER IX g±OB L Eli Y HA ED WARE, 44, BROAD STREET. ROUE GEORGIA, iitiiiur. Mr*. M. A. Cal**. AOairtviile. (ii.. liarinf juit rrcrird, direct from Baltimore, anew anti full line ol Jfi7/tkrry b'W*, r|ifcl ■ fully solicit* (lie patronage of llie J ladies of the Mountain*; ami | feel* confident, after year* of ex j |>erience in the business, rlie can i satisfy the tnost lastitliou*. Mv stock i* complete in Ladies' and Misses Hats and Bonnets, Ribbon*, Satins, Silks and Veil ing of every description. Also, a full assortment of Hamburg, Ed gings, Torchow Laces, Lace Mitts, Fancy Hosiery, pretty designs in Strmped Work, ami a specially of Ties and Neck Wear, come and 6ee nty heft Styles of Ribbons. O.n.jet ition in prices defied. Will lake Wool and Produce in exchange. All orders by mail promptly attended to. DUES MAKING i SPECIALTY. at prices which will astonish ev ery one who will call. MRS. M. A. CATJt, Adairsville. Ga. Rounsaville & Bro., Wholesale Grocers :and : Cotton Factors, ffe have gratcly enlarged our Ware house, which now has a capacity of 30,- 000 bale per season. Our cotton business was more than double last season, reach ing 20,000 bales. Consignments solicited —libera* fdvniYcc* uiJ cotton g>r produce. Sept. 15.—3 mo. GEORGIA—PICKENS t OUN'TY. Ordiniiry’&.Offlce September, 6th. 1881* M licrcas, F. N. Mulliunx, administrator of O. L. Cnrlian deceased, tins applied f..r lenve to sell the real estate of said deceas ed. Yhis is to notify all persons roncern ed to tile their objections if anv Key have, within tlie time prescribed liy law, else leave will tie granted tlir applicant as np plictl for. W. It, Ai.t.ks, Sept -7-4w.(G5 w.) Ordinary. WHOLESALE I>l*UG ttTORE IN DALTON. DR-J F. WOOTEN & CO-, Will duplicate prices iu Atlanta, Knox ville, or Chattanooga. Merchants, Dr ggists. & Physicians; 6ept. 1, flin. STANTON & BRYANT, General Merchants ADAIRS VILLE, 6 iA. Wk! still invite the Mountain trade and pay the highest mar ket price for everything brought us in the way of produce. Come and see us and we will do yon good. (sept. 15—1f.) NEW FURNITURE STO RE f * BY MARK G. McDonald Ac Cos., Next Door to Camp, Glover A Cos. hntirc Stock Netr, Embracing all the Latest Style, anil Purchased Lotc icith the Cash , W ill Seil Entirely for CASH at Lowest, Possible F. iif is. L. B. LAX GFO It D —WITH— WIEE IA M W. NEA Y, Successor to J. 11. Butt <k Cs., U AXt'FACTURfciI and WHOLESALE DEALER IX Stoves, Tin ana Sheet Iron Ware, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. Foimr, Sr&itM a.y® \g*s Fittimm. No. 33, Broad St., MOJUF, &f. LIST OF WARE FURBISHED WITH EC It STOVX. 2 P, 0 !?,- 1 Flesh Fork. 2 Skillets. 1 Spoon. 2 Griddles, i Dj,,j, e r. 1 Long Pan. i Buscuil (’tiller. 1 le * 1 Pepper Box. 1 6 Hole Muffin Pap. l (i )a ier ? £ a, i ce K?"- 2 l*ol Covers. 1n i ' e if o, ‘ 4 Joints Stove Pip*. 3 Bake Pans. 1 Scraper. 2 Pie Pans. 1 Lid Lifter. 1 3 Quart Pan. Dalton, HARDWARE. Georfia. BERRf URON , —H HEADQUARTERS FOR } Wagons, Buggies, Wagon and Buggy Wheels, DOORS and SASH, HOES, AXES, PLOWS, And in fact, everything usually kept in a first-claes Hardware Slo, °- sept. 1, Sna. Borne, Ga. Marble and Granite Works \\ I? tli* best Italian and American Marble, vrfrigafed ind White. We handle • i a great deai of th well known and popular Rutland Hafbie, which is the and said to t>e tb best m the world for slab work, such as Head Stones, lomb tablets, &c., but the Itahafr equals it for momnneuts. We furnißh all kinds of building stone, but make Marble and Granite for grave afid Cemetery purpose* a IM .r cially. We build all kinds of Monuments, Toofft s, Head .-denes, Urns Vases Ac *e. Our workmen are first-oia.-s. We buy all our stock ill tb rough and do tW w<irk ourselves ; therefore, we send out first-class work, made ef the best *f marble " e pay the cash for all fhe sloct we use'. tVe get very low rates of freight*, aid can anil will compete with any Marble Wofkft ih tins country, in nuhliiv of workmanship and prices. Write and give us tilt description of the work you wish HMI we will write ywu wlmt we can furaisti it for, or write us about wlml ’price you wish to pay, and ve will let you know wlmt kind ot job or jo*s we can give you for k '?‘ r 1 '. he and third class mmble, buC furnished l \ rc n-fiiM-claas marble cannot btf Hoping you wi.M give a .1, H Nor. 12-tf. .loiies A i^tlliHlikdsßOll. SOVTEEEjr C@Ll.ttie, LQVISriLLF, KY, N 0 TEXT BOOKS. Over 25 years a PfaCtltfal Accountant, endorsed by all the Prominent Merchants of Louisville, i/tb' Send Stamps for Circtilkrs and Specimen* of Pentnaaihi} BEN. C. WEAVER, Princial | 11. S. DkSOLLAR, Secretary ~ 11 " """ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ii -i ■ I* rff iT ' T H, CHEMICALS, PAISTS, ETC ■ o BRUCE HARRIS & CO., ROME, - a* GEORGIA, We respectfully iuYlte ait examination of onf stock, consisting of Medicines, Faints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass Fancy Artseles, etc. SPECIALTIES.—StrictIy pure White Lead, Linseed Oil, Var nishes, Paints, dry and in oil, John Lucas’ pnre Tinted Glass Paints, ready mixed. ALABASTINE, all colors, for inside finish. Window and Show-CW Glass, French and American, all s : aes. BRUCE HARRIS L CO, ii7-BROAD ST. Successors lo A- A. Joae* (sept, 15 3m.) We Ask the Attention of MERCHANTS, FARMERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARPENTERS AND WHEEL*WRIGHTS To our Stock of Iron, Steel, Nailsi, Shelf Hardware, Blacksmiths and Carpenters Tools, Rubber and Leather Belting Buggy and Wag. n Material, Manilla and Cotton Rope, Ac., all of which we are prepared to sell at bottom prices to good men. WE ARE ALSO A GENTS fOR THE CELEB HA TEH BUFFALO SCALES & MISHAWAKA CHILL’D PLOW, Hardie, Bowie Ac Cos., Sept. 15 to nrch Ist, ROME, GEORGIA