The Ellijay courier. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1875-189?, August 26, 1886, Image 2

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fHEKLLIJAY COURIKR *. • 1. . COLEMAN A KIRBY, Editors A Proprietors ' ELLIJAT, tl A . AI ♦. I " I .'•* • OFF!.’!AI. OR'iAN 'F (ill.MMt < Official (Jkoas of Fanniji Cos. Official Organ of Pickknr Cos ■ 1 1 THE BIBLE SUSTAINED. Chaplain Morrell of the U, S. Ar my Disertates on the Troth of the Bible, Etc. dr. S. il Merrell of the U. F. Army preached at the Camp ground last Sunday at Scott’* Chapel in P.ckens county on the talidily of the testimony of the Evangelists substantiating tiie truthfulness of the Bible. A #ery large crowd had collected under the spacious arbor at the 11 o’clock service fion all over the county and fion adjacent counties. No 1038 wSfs sung as the open ing hymn, "On .lordan’s s'ormy banks I stand, And cast a wishful eye.” The text was John 3:11, ‘’Verily, verily, I say unto thee, we speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen ; and ve receive not Our witness ” The doctor said : In order to establish the troth? fulness of an allegation or to sub atantiate an assertion by testi mony the witness must have cer tain qualifications, must be plai ce in certain positions and actu ated by no undue coercion oi hope of rsward, before his tesli ibony would be regarded, by the test, as valid aud authentic. The Bible and Christianity exists in the world today and they were either a glorious reality or a stu pendoos farce and a myth. The four Evangelists and the follow ers of Christ testify that religion ft an undoubted tact, while the ftifidel world denounce the Bible as a product of fiction and reli gion a wild fanlasm of halluci nations. These classes, then aland in opposition testifying for the supremacy of their respective aides and you today are to judge of the validity ot their testimony. Asa standard of evidence then for any court or any people the Witness must first havo a good itioral character—must possess Virtue and sobriety. The second gnarautee to valid fetftimony is that the witness must have sufficient intelligence to mark- with accuracy the events about Whieh he deposes ; 3rd, lie must haVe been in circumstances certainly to know the truth ol What he relates ; and 4ih, that substantia! agreement with cir cumstantial variation is nn islal lished rule of law. The last guarantee to faithful and exact testimony, is that the witnesses must agree. The doctor reviewed the char acter of the Evangalisls, Mathew. Mark, Luke and John, and show ed that through all ages past their moral character had not for once ever been assailed. Their intelligence was sufficient to guarantee credulity, their life Was warped into that cf Christ so that they certainly knew the truth of what they related, and their testimony, though circum stantially at variation, with pos sible discrepancies, always sub stantiate the main fact at issue, and they unerringly agreed in their statements of the great fundamental facts related. He next answered objections oflfcred by infidelity to the au thenticity of the :blo Infidels claim disagreement of testimony *s regards tlw description ot the crucifixion at Christ, the time when he was crucified and the number ol women present at the Sepulchre on the morning of His resurrection. It is objected that Christians now disagree, and that the various denominations we sufficient refutation of the au thenticity of the Bible.- H took up these polished de ceptions,-these symmetrical falla -o(es, and handled them without mercy or stint. He exploded the ingenious theories of infidelity that are calculated to mislead uninformed persons about the Bible,aod exposed the wily snares •o skillfully prepared by the studied infidel world to entrap the unsuspecting and those favor ably inclined to skepticism, it eras a’successful rout of (he ene my, and a righteous rebuke i tap-headed arrogant* who pre sutne to impute inowisis'vnc.v and uolruthiulueM to the Bible. Hu doting point was bVISO TUTINoII, In answer to the objection that the Evangelists and Ctiritliins of today were not sworn, l.e ask ed if a man’s statement on hi* dali bed was not admisable testimony and so accepted a sworn evidence before any court, lie called up the disembodied spirits of departed lela to de fend a life which, on (heir death beds, they shamefully ab induced. They denounced Jesus Chr st as an impostor, the Bible a fiction aid humanity a myth, aid on llieir ileall--oucli lh*-y repudia’- ed the oij-ct which their lile wnrk labored to defeat. II it tli< dying testimony of Christians was what ? Happiness, peace, hop-, light, eternal life and h ceaseless eternity of bliss. llis closing tribute to the ifficscy ol a Christian's d.'iig testimony was simply grand. I: was one o' the most stirring and pathetic expositions of human testimony for the trillli of religion In which 9/o ever listened. The sermon intoto was the ablest defense ol the B.blo we ever heard. The testimony he ald need was abs >- lutely insurmountable, and we wish space would permit a more extended notice of this truly grand sermon. The doctor is full of preach, and is an eloquent and winning pulpit orator. Col. Jas. I. Coleman of the Conyers Weekly bus retired from that paper and assumed the pro fessorship of the Smyrna Acade my. ■ ■■ . i ■ CONOItESSIONA L. The democratic convention of tho ninth congressional district last week met aud nominated Hon. A. D, Candler to be his own successor. The convention was marked by harmony and good feeling. Col. Candler was nomi nated on the first ballot without opposition. Tiiis amounts to an election which makes three terms lor him in oongreNß. The executive committee of the dis trict as reappointed is about the same os last year. Maj. W. R. Welch of this county, Mr. J. 11. Chastain of Fannin, aud Mr. Wm. Tates of Pickens, are chairmen of the cotinty democratic executive committees in their respective counties lor the next year. TEACHERS MEE'IINQ. A good number of the teachers met in the court house Saturday Aug. 21st, and organized a teach er’s convention. The convention was called to order by Mr. W. F. Hill, 0. S. 0, and wns (lien elected chairman ol the convention. Speeches were made by Profs. Early and Ledb ?l ter, the former on school govern ment, the latter on the responsi bility of teachers. The speeches were experimental and instruc tive. Resolutions lo this effect were passed : Resolved Ist, That, we nquesi the teachers of Gilmer county to open school every morning by reading a scripture lesson, and also by prayer, if they will. Resolved 2d, That we request the Board of Education of Gilmer county to pass a resolution le questing parents lo send to only one school; that after their chil drew have entered one school they not be allowol to enter an other and receive Hie benefits ol the public school fund. SCHOOL REPORT. The school commissioner then submitted the following concern ing the condition of (he county schools: Daring the Ist and 31 weeks in August I visited the dublicsch’ls west of Ellijay aud found llm sta tistics lo be as follows: Miss Lou Pickett at Ml. Town G. H , en rolled 38 present 30. J F Hill Flat Branch. 5G presi n 33; J B Dover Gates’ Chapel, 53 present 33; A G Loveday Loyal Cove, 37 presem 32; A E Sharp Nine Miles, 64 pres ent 49; 1 W Poindexter Pleasant Hill, 30 present 26; W J Withrow Moreland S. H. 44 present 34; Miss Sarah Hill Walnut Grove, 31 ptesent 18; M T Dooly Pleasant Grove, 67 present 48; Lock Lang ley Cross Hoads, 57 present 36; lv D Q tarles Liberty, 43 pteo-m 34; V\ E M..ore Fan view, 27 i res ent 32; A N Cloms Ridgeway, 41 present 21; Miss Mary Tanket.dt-v Newhope, 80 present 53; Mug Hattie Harper Fiat Branch, 4S present 35; W A G.b.on Cliopt Oak, 56 present 47; At is Alice Greer. Zion Hill, enrolled 38 ores enl 32. The convention then adjourned sine die. W. F. HtLL, A, N. Clouts, Ctiairman. Secl’y. THE OLD STORY. A special from Jasper to (he Countiluiion of Saturday, says : Avery Mil bonilrtdc k report'd, occur ring about four wild above Ibw place. It aeon that llenry Mullinaz ami bum Itay were intoxicated an<i in the art of fighting Joseph M. Watkins rune aud stepped be tween them as a |a-accin*ker, amt waa at a* died in Ilia arm near Lis aiiouid>-r, by Muliiuax, and bled to death before a phy sician get there. This is tie old.nld story repeal ed too oft and the vildiel is Hie aarno sad strain that comes from Alnskey. Two men dunk, oi drinking, and mi innocent party Hie victim ol its rapacity. llob tong shall Ibis evil go mires Ira n -.- and no one responsible lor ii propagat'd! ? A wife lelt a wid ow, several small children, oi phaus, aud the world comioriles auJ gio tny. S ill whi-kev did i and s>iil nit ii cling to II as a life preserver and as a healer ol na iioiis, and as ‘‘a blessing in dis guise.” THEN. G. A. COLLEGE. T.iis institution will open its 14ih annual session Monday, September ftili, 18S6. Being lo cated as it is in oik- of Hie moist lie aIHiI it 1 and superb locations for a school, having* a splendid faculty and a pleasant little city at its backing, the coming year promises to be one of unusual success tor this Institution. It is a good college, at which any pa ri n' can feel sate in intiustiug •us son to the care of its faculty. It needs no recommendation, its students are its greatest adver iistfmenl. We clip the following from Hio Gainesville Eagle con cerning this college : The military department will be kept up to Hie high Mandat'd of excellence it has hitherto sus tained, and will continue under the command of a commissioned officer of the Un.t-d Stales army. A full supply of first-class arms is furnished by Hie government. The female deuarlinent, undei the direction of a lady principal, will receive the full course pre scribed in r g ll l ar female semi naries. Tiie apparatus is as complete as can be lonml in oilier schools of similar grade. Upon Hie whole the college is well equipped lo meet all the requirements of its ja'rons, and will, no doubt, under its present excellent management, continue to increase iu usefulness, be ill the future as it lias been in the past, the pride of North Georgia. A Voice from Pickens County. Messrs Editors:—As the time is drawing nigh when men lo fill the various offices of the stale and counties are to be cliosen, and as the stale convention has acted, which means practically the elec tion of the men nominated. It is now time lor the pioss and peo ple lo turn their attention to the election of stale senators and rep resenlativeß, also their county of ficers which is soon to follow, and as you are helping to tight the battle of prohibition in your county, I hope you will put in some solid licks for Ihe selection ot faithful, honest, sensible and sober men to fill tlie various offi ces of our district ami county. The offies belong to (lie people and are in their gift, and should be bestowed on tbe best and mosi worthy men we have; and mei who will resort lo tricks anil un fair means lo obtain an office tor himself or another is unworthy to fie trusted with the responsibility of an office and should be "set </oicn on.” It is said that some would-be politician used,at a late county meeting, a two-gallon jug of whiskey to carry the meeting in the interest of a certain can didale for governor. This, if true speaks for itself and needs no comment. What I want is tor the people to he lei alone and let them vote for the man who they know is best qualified to nil the particular office to which lie as pires, and let them conscieciouslx tee! that it is their duty to volt egainst a friend if he has weak points that render him unworthy of an office of honor and trust. Our county is holding off pret I v well, however some are feeling around, ami when whiskey ami cigars begin to circulate look out, somebody wants i ffi, ©. 1 have said Ibis much in I lie interest ol no md vidual tint for the general good <d ail, hoping what I have said will be properly construed. I Am A Voter. OPii^isSSßis BLOOD AND MONEY. Tb Mood ot man has much to do la *t.a. Inr hi* action* durii..- hi* pilzrlmafe throubh tbla troiiblaaom< world, resard. !e* of tin* amount ol present or expec tant money in packet or stored away In bank. It In * conceded fact Out we appear aa onr blood make i as aud the purer the blood, the hnpptcr, healthier, prettier and wiaer we are- lienee the oft repeated interrogatory, "how i* your bloodf** With pare *tream* of lile-jiv- Ing fluid coursing thro iffh our vein*, bounding lliroititli our and plough tug through our physical frames, our morals iwcumu better, our constitution stronger, our intellecMnl facilities more acute end grander, am. men. women ami ■•bildren liabpier, healthier and uore lovely. The unprecedented dcmind, tho un pnrallele 1 curative powers, and tiie un mistakable proof from those of uuiiu pe eli ible character aad integrity, |> >int •wth an unerring finger to B. I! B—Bo tanic Blood Balm—as lar the best, the cbvapest. the quickest and the grand est and most powerful blood remedy ev er b-fore known to mortal m in, iii the relief and positive cu e of Scrofula. Rheumatism. Skin diseases, ail tains of blood poison. Kidney complaints, out uleers and sores, cancers, catarrh, etc. B B. B. is only about three yerrs old —a baby in age. a giant in power—but no remedy in America can make or ever has made such a wonderful showing in its magical powers in oilring and entirely eradicating the above complaints, and gigantic sales in the face ol frenzied op position and would-be moneyed monopo lists. • Letters frcih all poifits where intro duced are pouting 111 Up 11 us, speaking in its loudest ornlse. Some say they re ceive more benefit from one bottle of B. B. B. than they have from twenty,thirty hud fifty an I even one hundred Unities of a boasted decoction of iner’ and noit metlieiiial roots and branches ol'cauimmi forest trees. We hold the proof in .lack and white, and we also hold the fort. Police man’s Views, Mrs. M. M. Prince, living at 3d West Fair St Atlanta, Ga., been troubled tor several months with an ugly form of catarrn, attended with a copious and offensive discharge from both non id Is. Her system became so affected and re duced that she was conffaud to bed it', my bouse for some time, aud received the attention of three physicians, and used a dozen bottles of an extensively advertised blood remedy, all Without the least benefft. She linnlly commenced tho use ot B. B. B. with a decided improvement at once, and when ten bottles bad been used, she wus entirely cured of ull symptoms of catarrh. It gave her an ap etite, and increased her strength rapidly, and X cheerfully recommend it as a quick and a cheap tonic and Blood Purifier. J. \V. Gi.oiik, Atlanta, Jan. XO, 1880. Policeman. A BOOK OF WONDERS, FREE. All who desire full information abofit the cause and cure of Blood Poisone. Scrofula and Scrofulous Swellings, Ul cers, Sores, Rheumatism, Kidney com plaints, Catarrh, etc., can secure by mail free, a copy of our 32-page illustrat ed Book of Wonders, tilled with the most wonderful and startling proof ever be fore known. Address, BLOUD BALM CO. _____ tlautn, Ga, Thousands of people suffer with back ache, not knowing Upit iu-mnst cases it is a symptom of diseased kidneys aud liver, which plasters and lotions cannot heal, the best and safest remedy is Dr. J. H. Me SB Lean’s Liver atfd Kidney Halm. SI.OO |>ci- bottle nt Watkins & Cos. Petition to Incorporate State of Geohoia, ( Pickens County. ) r|V> the Superior Comt of sai l county: A The petition ot t£. II M mors, ami John F. Philips, ot the city > I New York and State of New Vork; J. 15 11. Get tings, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Harry Dewar, of!, Ohio, and J. A. Dewar, of Tate,Georgia,respei tfully shows that they have ns'uu.ated them selves together, under the name of the “Blue Itidge Marble Company, ’ for the purpose of engaging In the i usiucss of manufacturing marble within the State ot Georgia; into such articles lor sale as they may see proper. Tin y propose to employ a capital of Sixty Thousand Dol lars, divided into shares of O ie Hundred Dollars each. Ten per cent, of said sum has already been paid in j and tne whole capital will be paid in before they begin to do business. The principal office of sai l Company aud the place where they desire to do bus iness, to be in Pickens chanty, Georgia; but your petitioners desire to establish blanch offices and agencies, in or out of the State, whenever their convenience or interest may require the same. They desire authority to iucrease their capital stock to any sum not exceeding three hundred thousand dollars. They pray for au order incorporating them, their associates and successors, un der the name aforesaid, for the full term of twenty years, with the privilege of re newal at the expiration of said term ; and of increasing their capital stock should they desire to Uo so. I hey further pray that authority be conferred ou them, in and by said cor porate name, to govern themselves by such rules amt by-laws as they' may deem proper to make fioin time lo time, not in conflict with the chartered powers sought nor the laws of the State; to elect and ap point such officers and agents as may be necessary, and to define their powers and duties. lo lit>l,l, possess and enjoy ail property, either in fee simple, or for a term of years, as may be requisite and needful iu con ducting their business; to contract and be contracted with; sue and be sued ; to have and use a common seal, the same to alter or destroy at pleasure; aud to do all and singular sucli other, acts, and exer cise such other powers as may be neeessa sary to the successful piosecutiou of the business contemplated in this petition; and such as are incident to corporations under the l >ws of Georgia, and your pe titioners wilt eyer pray, &c. F. C. Tats, Petitioners’ Attorney. GEORGIA— PICKENS > OUNTY. I, S K. MeCuk-heu, Clerk of the Su perior i ourt in and for raid county, here by certify that the above aud foregoing is a true imf correct copy of the petition to incorporate the “Blue liidge Marble Company, ' ilrs day filed aud recorded in this office. Giycn miner my hand and of ficial seal, this August the Bth, 1886. , „ 8. K. MuCutchkn. ft* *l7. clerk. THISPAPER tere-vi NEW YORK, i V 1 -1..-** Ki \•, T r ;- > T ft V j.i a-.*'-' C4. zJ If. if ■,! * -f *■ •> * * • * *F J * - • JF* * f" * . • ••‘Ki ■ ‘,l : ' • , -?* ’•7* -I < v *y . f, -. TSCmjt - I ‘a ,* • yt—. - —.-t -• - A . -v 1;3 n.* Ua*brid%t4 i* n-w * *f ( .: *• n*• o ; *. . PAT r ’X r.vr-c*.T !;cr -Ti.cjrr.--- !n; .f r ru- r t aM :*!;that hjkv >*v..'! *r-.a> ... : J.iiL'i'c'i Jt. TLwCu:£:...'Lui-Ai. f-i ’ - filsutilltv TV.pi!i •£*JL f .vyav.tigs. an- ■ >’<* I{ iri '.l .istr.ry. AkHakir.! ill Hi.v'i I : ':|i J •*. .ho ■ : ■ :•> •• 1 t c - • : SlL&i. :'•*> b' -'b Ir Ti!ACIIi:i:S ihl f i'll*SOfJi. Y.***-*f--ri-S'n’v!ar4 A :i*v *1 o V. ft. - .;>rcKi- H- ■ •>.!•, Iy f< .s :■*.-! <-•!-• . :iO MiilvfF, f::•! t y uvu> “gil. j.; i‘i't'S.G i.u. 1 ?-Tt * : M'ji’V 'i ?!■* rr.x-A }; ,r r.tip- t ; *. I• *:;c* Imji:'nt v in.* It 1.-* ;g 2 V.: r i*.i s:* r t?:aii ?*r*; i: :,*r!-f r Arn. i’i'T'j, i.<l ficurly 3 t; * l Ln^r.v,iii^A ;. H|- ~u'Kt *./: - ••is-. i : nirtioncry t itaiit.- ■ i ■■ i.'-nt t. ... .. i.. is jsii L , .pr-ir.r': , u; :xntl rcliawlc* u. ,\U r (o : wl'.’c fc.nuLy.—.S. j /. iAU’.IV. J* ** Mw. it' YC U W ANT TO FILL ¥rsm SME BAG, AND MAKg BSC SCOPES, U3E §** a f cs bs* s p ft ai IF L E K O SHOT GUNS. A-! tho Laiest Improvements. FOR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS, ADDRESS Lamberson, Furman & Cos., SOLS AGENTS FOR E. Remington ot Sons 1 STcriinj Arsns onJ Ar.irr.uniticn, 23! &. 233 Broadway, NEW YORK. wert::;:x cvftcb,- D. L/i33Sr!SOM & CO., 73 iitalo Srrcct, Chicago, 111. ARMORY, - - - ILION, N. Y. nu & m :i I (73 7 7 /_‘7v 7 f? t.) vjr J 85, f a*ss ** 33 O 0 . SPADES. t if r„ r v £:;:il:b v/jwbei ' AYS RELIABLE. - Steol. rt t:ie BLADE. ' r< n. ' r- 't a .-.-a u The Best Newspaper in America, and by far the Most Readable. Agents wanted everywhere to earn money in distributing the Sun’s Pre miums. The most interesting and advanta geous offers over made by any News paper. No Subscriber ignored or neglected. Something for all. Beautiful audßnbvtautial Premiums in Standard Gold and olherWatehos,Valuable Books, tho Best Family Sewing Machine known to tho trade, and an unequalod list of objects of mat utility and instruction. fTa tes, by Mail, Postpaid: DAILY, per Year( without Sunday) $6 00 DAILY, per Month (without Sunday ) 50 SUNDAY, per Year ... 100 FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR 700 WEEKLY, per Year . . . 100 Address, THE SllX, New York City. WpW.5 DABET? A book of 1(10 page 9. JlUXVOrftrfcri The best bookforan It contains lists oi newspapers and estimates of the cost of advertising. The ad vertiser who wants to Spend one dollar, finds in it the in formation he requires, while for hi in who will invest one hundred thousand dollars in ad vertising. a scheme is indicated which will meet his every requirement, or can be made to do so by slight changes easily arrival at by cor respondence. 14i) editions have been issued. Sent, post-paid, to any address for 10 cents. Write to GEO. P. HOWELL A CO., NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING BUREAU (10Spruce St. Printing House Sq.), New York Habit S £ I-&5 SS 5 I in 10 to3odays. Ten years es- Sc !* IKS fwl tabllsbed; 1000 cured. Write st*f a B Su 3 increase. D . Maksii, Quincy. Mid g Tiio PISH BRAND SLICKER!, warranted waterproof anil will hrop you dry In ■ nn 1 tiu th. hardest Itorm. Too now POMMEL SUrKES la a perfect ridin* coat, .ad ■ dun HKI\V coyer, the entire saddle. Beware or Imitatioaa. Non, reonlne without the "Fish f_lß36i Ii SWIFT'S SPECIFICS I _lsß6j ? REMEDY HOT TCS A DAY, EUr IDA ■ * - c I BBS: *• half a CENTURY “Sa t ftl ©Q i< 5 ; ! ; EEEIEVING SUFI'ESEM HUMANITY! j - | I © B B; BBS | i S S.'S.i jss s j |s.s,s] S£*XCa'SVs! • trjke* iufta *****o*" l *** lfcl>t * i, ■ t F ij AN INTERESTING TREATISE ON BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES SENT Iv 3| F * EC TO Al-C APPLICANTS. IT SHOULD BE READ BY EVERYBODY if £' ADDRESS THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. GA JOIIX F.fcTMATTOX. <!• UtIHS I.IK, Sl Y -lUi. 1111 porter*. Manufacturers ami WII LOUU DCAI.KI: 18 am. kim* or Musical Merchandise' Musical Hox *:, If 11, <1 I lislril fllelll .. Stratton's Cel r bnt?d Rus.iian Gut Violin Strine?. TIIE CEI.KBHATED M nufactured by John F. Stratton. John F. S tli a tton 5 s CELEBRATED BRASS BAND INSTRUMENTS. ALSO John F. Stratton 9 s Sold Trumpet Aceordeoss. The handsomest Accordeon in the Market. JOIIJN F. STRATTON’S Piccolo Accordeons. JUIIG F. STRATTON’S Harp Guitars, Etc. John F. Stratton, 49 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK. 3 25 ly. CENTRAL HOTEL! Ellijay, Georgia. Is the special popular resort for com mercial men aud tourists of all kind, and is the general house for prompt at tention, elegant rooms and fare second to none, in this place. Reasonable rates. Mrs. M. V. Teem will give her per sonal attention to guests in the dining hall. 4 11y JggP FUSE! - JPmiiiELE SELF-GORE. KSaab A favorite i ru", ription o? one of the mobt noted and saccesslul spi-eialisls In tho U. S. (now retired) for tiie cure of Xcrvoim Itr.hilify, JjOHt Manhood, II eaknoHH and tfecay. Sent in plain sealed envelope/ree. Dniggistocantillit. Address DR. WARD & CO., Louisiana, Ko. DUCKETT & DUNN STI R K YDY To do any kind of CAREEN IER work in liest of stylo and at onot, or LUMBER on shoit notice is furnished by us. We have two Saw Mills. Plaining Mill, etc., which enable us to do work as rapidly and on as short notice as any other carpenters in the country. The personal attention of ■!. W. Duckett given to such contracts. Call 011 or addri s', DUCKETT & DUNN, Ei.Lij.vy, G*. arrrxn twsto . -rmn** Might st Honor J J World 1 v Exposition . - ■* - J.l HUD COKMEBCIAL CDLLEf. kcriiuc-ky University, Lexingto.-,, K , :vv.<scnla can bepir. any wceK-d.-’y forint' th- ye.;. *0 vacation Tnr.j i-* .•••u.i-: -n- ti *• iud !>? -.-.a Rusiik., ■ar',e*ug! !)u,*ck>. AfOTffTO total ocst , t inc'.udinr Tui I -n. Jvi Uf R -.'ii :i-l 111 -.r.i to :> Imnitv, ?0. Telegraph*’ aiil Type Writing |/ccjiut--. J J ;tcr'’.rv (Jonr.f froc. I-i J ! job ri*-eiv.*t. Onr ©OHO Fuc-c .;: it i Or ’•iviAto.l. Ov-jr .Soo ptif.Ust l-;.-t y<-r iron. sto yi-iu --r , Ir-.ut "ii stales. !u>tru :tion i< pr u .‘callv ami individually impart-.- 2by 10 lea-l-ii-i. St a-'nl conr<e for I‘crtehiT.s aii.l R.t.-i --•• - • Men. TTnivoraily Diploma ; t. s.-nte.l tu .u ara'l-iatcs. l itis ltra'iLilfl i'.i i. noted f.’ its htuHl.rttlngss astl society, ami if on leadi.K* r-iiJr->a !*. The Text-Bco'-c -bi Ti received the bierheot award at *hi World’R 3.Xr'o3Stio?l for ffs Evt*-niv. Prae’.ie.-ti. a.d r '< proliettsive 8> item -f Hii*ins-s Kducaiion. ia u3ed only at tiiia College. Ii (herlu'i|Hß>t Colleys* with Sit** hlyhe I a.enS, and gn;irn:ites 'n".-r'* in ini'inos*. i-yts ftMervin-, gradu ate J. For circul n >m I foil pnrti-ul-irs a I.Tn-i*’ it* s’> idrnr. WILIiUB. K. L iJITIC, I* .riujrtcn. Ky • ■ . * <•>— I •!. •• • ' • . . - ...V ‘ ’ v • ‘-Vi - J • .. .. :. . : :. ;H lor pK * / * r. . - .•• '. ; ' }•!i • tec.* T>r\t - ’ > v - • . i*:* y jiUts in t:- • t :r 4 , -. .. j .. 'id !, IVa ■ p\ * m.v.i i uafi.“js: ood. by all •.c’-!: -ss 1L A•' .)., Ou-co l>w ll\ 111 aw A^TEBZCUCf. ; i.ivtdwi.y, Njw Vo* k. TO TH?. Milling Public B'ilL Itudersiguni takes |ilr*niit in li, • fursiing il win. ( iHiii-niplsle iHiikliiu •q- n-pairinx 'I Is, in tin- list ami m dura I . to sty'c, that it will be in tbrir I--. ii. t.-ic*t b> consult him la-fore 'ni|.loyiux ..r i-lotiiij enntnicts witb others. Beside* being tally prepared, after years of study :>td practice, to do all kinds of Mill Work iu the licit workman-like manner, lam Agent for all kill's of toll MacOiiier* ■ f the most improved patterns, aud cuai antcc to sell them at Manufacturers’ auo linfiirteis'' prices, including tiie celebrated BOOK VLTE ( ETUN3 AND TUB Leffel DonWo Mm Water Wheel Fsench Burr Stones, Eureka Smutting Machines, etc. Also, E. Van Winkle & Co’s SAW MILLS, MILL SPINDLES, SHAFTING, GEARING, ETC. In short, anything in the line of Mi Machinery. Now, if you want anything in my lint I promise satisfaction in woikinonship and price. Call on or address J- W. DUGKETT Mill Contractor. Dec. 29-ly. 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For I'm tiler particulars on board, etc., address, Mks. \V. F. Ronicursox, Ell j.iv, Ga. WM. BOLLiAIN, J EIVELRY, Silverware, Spectacles, Rings, Etc, No. 10 Whitehall St., Atlauta, Ga, aPROjn. 4^3%NERYGU3DEBiLITr W BIS’ KpggffOKoAMlC WKAKKBSt AAzIiLbAUO 4 o<cay,nmlmuufffoui 2, baf- I A Radical CURE fob! % NERVDTJS over brain work. Avoid Organic Weakness. .- I’ _______ _ 1 iftxi"KV. nhd kurn important! FHYSICAL feyS facta before taking treat nrr'AV Take* JJXivAZ SURE Remf.hy that has InYoun* at liddlctS?H R f D thousands, does Arcri rtf on* BTSn* >t tnterfeie with atten- to busiiiPßs, or cause Tested for ovEß3ixß^ l>ain or hoouvenicneo in If* KS RY scientific mc.-li'-al nrincl- I HOUSAbJDCASES. 3 -4B|)U‘B. By direct application t,K seat of difoaoc its frt BtSepecifi.- ivfluence i* felt Vex Itf leF VTaßwithou. du ny. 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