The Ellijay courier. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1875-189?, October 28, 1886, Image 2

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TtlK Kl 1.1. m COURIER w. ..counts*. t. ■• . COLEMAN A KIRBY, Editors A. Proprietors ~in.ll.VK li.vT. IK TiilIKH 2*. IVK. OrnciAt Omar or OhrmOh. Official Okoaji or Farrir Cos. Official Oku vx or Pickkxs Cos A PLEA FOR ELUJA T. A town wil! not, within itself prosper or build up. Ttie secret of every town's prosp.r.iy lies in the progressiveness ami public spirit of its citizens. Wlial make* Atlanta what she is, the most thorjughlj enterprising town, the town of push and business of Georgia? It is because her citi zens are public-spirited, ami art willing to spend their money fm the upbuilding of their city. Jus’ so it must be with K'lijay or any other town, ilere the railroad lias been with us for oyer two years, and no lucre ise or impiove ment worthy ol mention, com pared with what should have be>-i. the result. We can't expect a towu to spontaneously spring U]; they are not built that way. i we ever expect to have a town o any sifd we must offer people at a distance some imlu ements, 01 those seeking homes will pass on iu search of other places where terms more reasonablo can be ob tained. What is wanted is, that our real estate men sltould put on the market their land, and do all they can lo induce people to set tle among as. We want Ellijay to build up, to Increase her population and ex tend her borders. We want lo see her now worthless and vacant lots filled up with handsome res idences and cottages, and business establishments. We want a town worthy of old Gilmer's resources, and one of which North (Jeorgia would he proud to boast, one whose power and inflnem e would be felt amt whose prestige would be recognised. Let us all work for Ellijay and endeavor to build apthetown. What is your inter est is our interest, and the same Is true of every citizen, —what benefits him does also his neigh bor. Let us look to our Interests as a town, lor if Ellijay enlarges her foundation, augments her wealth and increases her indus tries, it necessarily enhances the value of every man’s property within her bounds. None ol us will ever get rich with no town to back our enterprise, but if the town increases our respective businesses will of necessity thrive and prosper correspondingly. Lei us all make a move toward build ing up.EDijay and adding to her wealth and variety of enterprises. The depot will soon build up as aoon as lots are offered lor sale, lor the road authorities don't wait to let the demands of business stir them lo action, but they will absorbe all the 'industries and trades possible. Blue Ridge and other towns a long the road are making a start, and by the tplemlid inducements the property holders offer, we predict that Hvey will rapidly ad vance in business ami increase t-heir number of houses. Lol us not permit oilier towns around us to cut off all our avenues ut wealth, and by their efforts alone outstrip us in point ol business inducements, town pride and progressiveness. Jasper has erected several nice residences and business houses, ami her enterprising citizens speak ol building a 110000 hotel, besides other improvements. Are we going to submit to this advance ment in our sister towns and uot make *n effort to outstrip their strides? We believe not. A TLANTATHE PL A CE. The recent action of the Com missioners of the location of ihe Technological school in placing it in Atlanta is one of the most sensible tilings wo have had I lie pleasure of chronicling for some time Atlanta is the best place in Georgia for such an institution. Wan y other places bid lor it but the Commissioners thought the capitol city the most appropri ate place for it, amt wo think 6<> too. Many of the other places were 100 proud and aristocratic to do any thing with such a school if they had one, other places were not suited on ac count of location or lack of push, but Atlanta has just enough modern progressivetiess, and city pride and energy to make this scheme of the Georgia Legislat ure a success if any town iit Georgia could or woulJ. We say hurrah for Atlanta, for she downed her rival cities with that determination and enterprise so shatacleiislic of her citizens. WASHINGTON LETTER. fra mi rrfo'sr ronwfnstist It is probable that the Govern ment has taken final action in Gemnimo's cate. Ilia fate is close con flu enip nt in Fort Pickens F.a.J with Natch* z and thirteen of his male adult companions. The wc* men ami children and two scouts go to Fort Marion. The Presi dent, Secretaries E-idicnll and Lamar, Attorney General Garland ar.d Genera! Siieiidan gave the matter careful c* nudcratioii, amt decided ilia! as the Ritscieants iii‘l tin rendered as prisoners o! our they could not be turned over to llie civil authorities and dial >h*-re was no warrant for then trial t.-y a iniliiaiy coinmision. Bui their punishment is severe alter ali. Cio.e confinement in hi isolated fmt, iar Ironi their ■i iv. sand children, ami in a conn ry wiit-re they will have ti take itie.l chUncuA with yeliow fever, ts regarded by military official* a trcaimem tiial (lie bucks will leef terribly. Their family affec tions are very strong. Once more all ol Mr.Cleveland ••fficial lainiiv may be seen at their desks Secretary Manning goes lo I lie Treasury Department every day. Uo is really looking better now ihin when lie firs' enmo to Washington, for tlie 11 lie had not recovered from the ex iiaustion of the campaign. Il is Ids hope to be able to remain in ihe Cabinet throughout President Cleveland's term. He is anxious, of course, lo carry out his finan cial policy. Mr. Manning lia* many of the traits of Secretary Whitney. Upsides being a steady, method cnl worker, lie lias great capacity lor work and lie always is pleasant to those about him. He sits at his desk now with a black skull cap on the back ot his head. H in. Samuel Randall called on Mr Manning at the depart tnenl yesterday and as they sat talking Mr. Randall would liaye been called ilin sicker looking man ol Urn two. lie looks as if lie had suffered a great dial physically, and Ins usually pale lace is pnltr than ever. 11 * now uses a pair ol crutches. Ue would not laik pol itics when approached on the subject. 11 j came to Washington this time only on domestic busi ness; that was to place his daugh ter hi the Academy of Visitation in Georgetown. A number of corpulont states men amt stout men in public life who live in fear of apoplexy, pa ralysis ami oilier troubles, are thinking of adopting some means of reducing tlteir flesh. It is said the President is a con veil to mas snge through Secretary Manning's improved condition, and that he has decided lo lake a full course of the treatment when he can find lime to begin. He will not be likely to find lime, however, du ring his presidential term. Secretary Lamar recently gave evidence oi a very strict construe lion of the President’s orders. An officer of his department who is going home to vote in Noveiubu asked him if il would be improp er for bint to make a political ad dress to Ihe people of lira hom' 1 on tlio eve of the election. “It would,” he replied,‘‘You should keep entirely aloof from politics with ihe exception of casting your vote.” Wnile the President was the guest ol the Old Dominion for a few hours on Thursday, there was considerable comment i.i political and social circles as lo the cause of a change of progeant which ex cluded Mrs. Cleveland and the ladies of (lie Cabinet who had in tended to go lo Richmond. To some extent the impression pre vailed tiiat the daughter of Jeffei son Davis, who wa* to have as sifted in receiving tt>e Presiden tial party, was the trouble in tlie way; that the President and Iris wife put politics and society to gether and concluded il was po- litical ami social recognition the Administration could not permit. At the While House all such ideas were scouted as preposterous. The 1 rip to R'chmond was to be a Very hurried, fatiguing one, and as 1 lie party bad to return ’a c that night it was decided at I lie Cabinet meeting that the ladies should remain at home. S >me of Mrs. Cleveland’s friends were much annoyed that the matt-er should have given rise to so much gossip. Thousands of people suffer with tiack ache, uot knowing that iu most cases U is a symptom of diseased kidneys and liver, which plasters and lotions ranuot beat, the best and safest remedy is Dr. J. H. Mc- Lean's Liver and Kiduey Balm. fit.oo per bottle at Watkins & Cos. A BASE FALSEHOOD. W* im in Ilia latl issue of the Dsblonega Signal ■ ridiculous tale based on informal ion receiv ed from a tramp, we sjppose, in which Judge Brown ia said to have been duped by a wily rev enue reporter. It stales that n dealer in crooked spirits It>l.l Judge Brown be had tnms good corn whiskey out of low-i neat Klltjay a i-1 that lie would sell li:m a jug lull if he w anted it The Judge, as the story goes, se cretly went alo ie with the ven der of spirits and procured hit jug of crooked whiskey, lor which he offered pay tint the sa gaeious dec*-i*er politely refused to accept any coiupeiisa I >n, and in a f-w minutes swore out a wart mil lor Judge Brown for re moving amt concealing illicit whiskey. Tins Munchaspn fete is, of ci u sc, abu e laiseliood. Judge Brown is too shrew-.! a man lo be entrapped in so patent a pillalJ, besides Jus prohibition procliv ities would not allow such on I.i, part. A few moments attention lo his lectures in Ihe court room to violators of this law, would convince the most. incredulous of Ins stoic belief against such practices. The Decora Literary Society of llie N. G. A. College has pur chased the private library of COO books of the la'e David VV. Lewis, the lamented president and learned gentleman who presided over this Institution. An effort is being made lo liqui date the amount pledged for them, and all friends of this In stitution are everywhere called upon to lend aid to ibis gallant Society’s efforts to procure a library. TO THK PUBLIC WR have op ned a DETECTIVE OF FIGE at 100 J Cherry street, aim we ask the patronage of all. After sev eral years of experience it gives us full knowledge of the business. Business ami private work strictly attended to. Call and see us or address Geo p Central Detective Agency, 100 J Cherry Street, Macon, Ga. K. T. PICKETS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Ellijay, Georgia. Will practice in alt the courts of Gil mer nnd adjoining counties. Estates and interests in land a specialty. Prompt attention given to all collec tions. 10-21-85 The Best Newspaper in America, and by far the Most Readable. Agents wanted everywhere to earn money in distributing the Surfs Pre miums. The most interesting and advanta geous offers cvermado by any News paper. No Subscriber ignored or neglected. . Something for all. Boanttfbl audSubstantial Premium* in Standard Gold aud otherWatcho*,Valuable Hook*, tlio Ties! Family Sowing Maohine known to the trade, and anuneqnalod list of objoots of real utility and instruction. Ratos, by Mail. Postpaid: DAILY, por Year! without Sunday) $6 00 DAILY, per Month(wltbout Sunday I 50 SUNDAY, per Year ... 100 FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR 7 00 WEEKLY, per Year ... 100 Ad-!rc,-. TIIF. Kaw lark City. • ? T'-d ut v 'm’rr \7osklyn3vr*jvrft k-o 1 t' t tin \ r.ichra.icv.*- i*t;n, *• ? v..‘. -ntxrv-.r puVH/thcd. RY?ry %• : t. m.v x v. t t \'iu! tl rr.fravtnea. This ‘ x. f .'s a; •. ; \ -.G-.r-bJ i uucycioptdtr. of •.n ' t • tch'tuitl M without-. The O - o .• .AiiKWr.t’f n f“*-h that x * v.v . tuaU-i V*-cf 9U otlk>'r;-.por* cf > ■ i.i.\>. f .vj * ri*.oui*io i 1 v : 1J V' . ~x t-f*. .-IL..Jt A CO., iSIV \ > : i '..tvr?'*. *>. V. \ *v- a: t - Vv.nn \- Cos. 1 ivt. > i . v . ' * * 1 Uirty-Soyoa • * :as a . \ , j.rActuo be , , - -*** u * j i rvtu>i*p out Ofike, , I >1 l.xit ] re: .r It~ e*luu C.nq Hun • *r r .| 1 -i fcr p;.t - 5 ,.0 l v. 4'* i foreirn . .* < ; U,'C-t.-st*. Copy, is i, >. : vt:tvK. fM vthof rs • :. •- •. :\'-4 1... tftf.'ivM *hetrtickle in iho ;x •. vl vs r.i*xatS. l.'vr.inrt, I nutc^. ti r x'.atriex, L > . on.dut Y "iM*;Ab c tCrrus. ! -.-. v.. ,v .sl>< it r > ( vuve p.-t*-nt* rSrn.'taJlr : t r- . rf t-xtor::ia ■t .MVXI tr.*'. i X\ * *.trvl Enan • . r m diet'ii-i :• > fssttYttifloAmencm . .--tic x * . • '“*'ll t by a’.l v .'a>i : '*o ** f tVr>T ?>•*. ■ a f *, C -t.V L V IK.S lU:> A 1.1 17 1" O for working people. 1.1 1J L Beud lOot-ms pnsLtgv and we will mail you tree, a royal, valu able simple bo* of goods that will put you in the way oi making mere money in a few days dmn you ever thought p, u. aible at: nv busines*. Capital 'not re quired. lou can live at home aud woik iu spare time only,-or all the time. Ail of bo'h sexes, of ali agio, giandly sue* oeesefiti. 5o ec.i a to *5 e siiy earn a ■ very eve ring That ail wha want work m-y te-t the busiiiO a, we make this uu p.imile!ed offer To all wh.) are not well satisfied we will aeud $1 to piy for the trouble of writing u*. Full parti ulara, directions, etc. b, nt fiee. Immense pay ,;lixi!ut-iy sure for ad who start at once. IX.n’i delay. Address Stixbos A Go,, I'ot-Uaud. Maine. THIS PAPER E.vr’J. Kewspaper AdverlWoc Bumu (M Spruce taffi HEW YORK. The Secret of the universal success ol Brown s Iron Bitters is sinv p’/'hiw: It is the best Iron preparation e-. i 'r*'!c: is i on thor scientific, chemicai and rK-dicirtal and d0... ; r* ’- ci-iimed for ;t —no more sec uo T-y thorough ar.d rapid Assimilation v/itli the bl-aod, ic reaixnca part of the system, hcr.'in£, purifying s.i! strcnjjfckenie*?. Corn takr.cing at the foundation it ball Js up aaJ restores lost health —in no ether -.vay can lav ting benefit be obtained. 79 I>:arV.rr Nov. 7. I h.v-*. b*ar. i.freat sutT.rcrfrt.m t wj* • :.ilt .h, heartlu; a, r:io a i iw "jrnJ. T-eurly I a* utc di.trcM, txiA 'l Cwtil4 :il % ii'li -. 1 h&v UiMtpvcrythinfre. have tAren the piatriptioiti -if ~ vl-*ca f-* fi'c'sut*, fcutr •* un teiicf u*i;U I UKlfrvttM )ton I mm tr.s *.*tl t ovV.czi ans ?n % ri :*t nan. I ii:ch fitsami ffA I in a raiiroaU cnyir.cev, aif* now usake rny irsjw I not sty too w. M i,i p.-j’sc p: year iol Pletitctiic, I>. Ci MftC*. iixow lt’s BiTTF-nr. t!:-.- not-contain whiskey or aicol ot, rn-i v. t.i not fjtc tecrh, or cause - nf ; constipation. It will card clysjtcpaia, indi jvstion, heartburn, sleep, dizzin'-rs, r.' P'ou3 de&iilty, V'eakncsa, tc. U* ouly I?rv*wu* !r->n t'/ztan nv i f fcrj *ti Chcfi icJU ?*., Citwcfi vlu lintcfi iuul Ua-W tr * STRONG FACTS! A great many people are asking wbat particular troubles PftowN’s Ikon Bitters is good for. It will cure Heart Disease, Paral ysis, Dropsy, Kidney Disease, Con sumption, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and all similar diseases. Its wonderful curative power is simply because it purifies and en riches the blood, thus beginning at the foundation, and by building up the system, drives out all disease. .t , A Lady Cured of Rheumatism, Baltimore, Md., May 7, 1880. My health was much shattered by Rheumatism when I commenced taking Brown’s Iran Bitters, and I scarcely had strength enough to at tend to my daily household duties. I am now using tne third bottle and I am regaining strength daily, aud I cheerfully recommend it to all. I cannot say too much in praise of it. Mrs. Maky £4 Brashbak, 173 Prestmantt. Kidney Disease Cured. Va., 1881. Suffering from kidney diseases from which 1 could get no relief, I tried Brown’s Iron Bitters, which cured me completely. A child of mine, recovering from scarlet fever, had no appetite and did not seem to be able to eat at aIL I gave him Iron Bitters with the happiest results. J. Kylb Montagus. Heart Disease. Vine St., Harrisburg, Pa. Dec. , 1881. After trying different physicians and many remedies for palpitation ef the heart without receiving any benefit, I was advised to try Brown's Iron Bitters. 1 have used two bot tles and never found anything that cave me so much relief! Mrs. Jinmt Hiss. For the peculiar troubles to which ladies are subject, Brown’s Iron Bitters U invaluable. Try iL Be sure and get the Genuine. V •<* tV* >: v 1 * : >j* • . x ' •J a fc.s Z *-**s£ £<i> tiix. t v&Asu&ummt. InShec/. riustia uut •^ovdwijiir.js. I : - Tin Uo4' ii^ dJilDintmst,iTtll, DKNIMIK. PATT\T RETERJOCE XXT'ZX. *he jtrv.itcst improvement in book-making tbui haeheen made in *. hundrcii )\m" twCttgivesbutM inoOtpfeto idea of it.'utility. THE STJITvDAUD. it has 113,000 Word*. MajulJL SOOO and a New HinKntphii'al Diet Senary. Standard in Gi'f’i Printing Otfiee. •StXjLXId oi.OlX* copies in Public Scboo!. Sate iO to 1 of any other stories Family intelMjr'-nt. J&JU&JL He*t heln for Sfl!OUll TKACHICiii* and SCHOOLS. Webster ia Standard Authority with the U. K. Supreme Court, llco'inmcnued by the Kl.tU Srltool* it 36 States, and'by over 60 College President*. *’A LIBRARY IN ITSELF.” Tlio latest edition, in the quantity of matter if remains, ia believed to le tae large-:* volume published. It ha 3000 more Words in it* vo cabulary than are found in any other Am. IdeTy # •*** isariy 3 limes tha auttder *f It Is tba heat pm, tical Ld.*iUh hiftiopary eAtiint.—y.*uk|.;.i Q*hh tj |t la t'.N ever-present aril r l.aM * school. MtaMiv to ti c Cvn.;:y.- •>. e. j: , -ti. %tkC. HEMR M! A C 0 Pw .ngi rid# >i-*e The Great Family Paper. THE NEW YORK LEDGER FOE THE JEAE 1886. Wk cannot too often reiterate that the yotiii n people, eapeciaMy of our day, bmh! | a pure, inlirvatinx and instructive family | paper—aueb a |>apet ax every father and mother would triali tl*cir children to p ad. It hat alaaya been our aim to make the j Lodger Mieli a paper. Tti’S bar been it*' great, chxraet eristic, predominating teat- j urc. It is our iriglieat amhitiou to make a j goml paper— not merely for the young, iut ;dso tor all people, the old and the j middle-aged as Well as the young. As we have raid before, we leave noth ing in our potter undone for the gratifica tion and instruction of our subscrilvers. The Ledger is always a live paper, keep ing pace with the genius aud spirit of American progress. In addition to the stories, misceliene ous articles by eminent scholars and di vines will be continued; so will our ac curate scientific department. We shall reply, as heretofore, to the innumerable qu.-stions sent to us on love and domestic affairs, and every variety of subject. The Ledger for the year 1886 will con tinue to be !he Great Family Paper, full of good aud interesting reading. It offe.s at once ote of the cheapest, greatest, aud most lasting of pleasures. It contains the purest, sweetest, and most deligntful stories, striking narratives and instructive biographical and historic pi sketches. No amount of money stands in the way of our employment of the very best aud most popular writers. Now if you want a paper that has something in it—something to amuse, to enteitain, to instruct—the beet and truest love stories, sound, wholesome doctrines about right aud wrong, and an infinite variety of interesting, agreeable and di verting articles, suliscri' e for the Ledger. The cost is nntning compared to the val ue of what yon g t. Onr subscribers will have no postage to pay. We prepay the postage ou every paper that we mail. OUR TERMS TO SUBSCRIBERS FOR 1886 —POSTAGE FREE. Single copies $8 per annum; four cop ies $lO, which is $2 50 a copy ; eight cop ies, S2O, postage free. The party who sends us S2O for a club of eight copies,(all sent at one time,) will be entitled to a copy free. Those who get up clubs, in their respective towns, can afterward add single copies at $2.50. No subscriptions taken for a less period than one year. When a draft oe money order,or Express money ordi f, can conveniently he sent it will be preferred, ns it will prevent the possibility of the loss of money by mail. Remember that the postage on the Ledger to all parts of the country will he paid by us, so that our sebscribers will liaye no postage to pay. ■HTYVe employ no traveling agents. Ad dress all communications to ROBERT BONNER, Cor. of William and Spruce St-., New Yotk. Sa 1 !'©W JKEM GOIN G .WEST, NORTHWEST —ou— SOUTHWEST, Sffil &WMM Your Tickets Bead via the N. C. & ST. L. R’Y The McKenzie Route. The First-class au l Emigrant Passengers’ FAVORITE ! J. H. LatiMsr, W. T. Rogers, Pass. Agent, Pass. Agent. Atlanta, Gn. Chattanooga, Tenn. W. 1-. Danley, Geu. Pus. & Tkf Agent, Nashville, Tcun. J World's Exposition UUUliflllUiT cOMKERCiAI. COLLEGE Kentucky University, Lexington, Kv Students can begin he/ wterf-day during the yeiv. . 'he lull ini’oma Bu-inr-. •Mirac -0..: I) wccXt. Average total, ittcludine "ut -i. Set of R oilcs. am! Roknl In a ‘amity, {9O. Telegraphy. Phonography and Tyre Writing Literary .'cum.: free. LaP.:es T<‘-i *.i. >er 6-JOO t uecet:u. tlradu-itea. Ov.-r icO ju l*ot yu from 15 u* ... ytars . from Itt impanel by 10 teacher*. Special ocurc for tear her ■ nod Hui notsMeu. University Diploma -.resented to its graduates. Thi beautiful city is noted fufiU liCtJthfala?s end society, aud U c r. leading railroad*. The Text-Book which received the Mchest award at the World** Reposition o.f Its Kvteaaiv*. Practical, and CVim ttiohen-i' e sv-t-m ..f :■: Kdi.—atlnu. is only at this College. it la the ebatv.l <iiie;re rltfc the htjrba.l evadors*- neatv and eua/anto*-* succM in htrmtcst to its do**rving gradu ates. PoT cirvul-rs and fttlf parlicnUrt s its Preid**it. WILBUR li. SMITH. Li'xinsrtors, Ey tl.lis! P-rfialiirmß £ Hr]!, Used Exclusively at the “Grand Conservatory of music,” OF NEW YORK. endorsed by ail Eminent Artlata. ZOW rniCES ! EASY TEEMS I AUGUSTUS BRU3 & CO., urn Warerooms. 58 W. 23d St. NewYorl §T*. —Mr *rlk. i Si* nrnit. . Barhom’a Infallible PILE CURE. .y lh* / Strtis^iCuiCi.rli^ui.y.S. >■ lUtfrhihu win llr—rrisUt Prr* i Ut 4 (wt a4* EX. GOV. A. S. Stephen's Cousin. I*m a,St rf n*ln of the Ills Kk-Gov. ,run Ali'imdrr It. M.pbens. and have I been *> .tat clerk on different railroad. im e I*6-. for ten venra I have ;, een a xiiFeter frrm a cancer on my fare, which crew m oi.o until Ike diacharre of matter became profliae and offensive. I beranu thoroughly nisyuxled with Mood purifiers rod pronounced them humbugs, at 1 had tried many without relief. Finally i was induced to use B. B J., which wan about the first of February, and continued its use until the latter pal tof April, The oficusivc eisebarge decreased at once and the hardness arc.lind the cancer disappear* and. It im proved my general health und I rapidly ga lied flesh and strength. The die charge gradually decreased and the cancer became less and less in size until ■lotting teir.ains except a scar to tell ll e tale ol a once tlangerc us cancer. All who have seen me since I have com menced the use of U. B. B. bear testimo ny of my great improvement, h!hl the scar on my face shews that it cure t the cancer. 1 Cod that Is. B. B. comes squarely tip to what it is recommended, and I cannot -.ay too much in praise of this vvcudtrlul mttlicine. 1 have tried (hem all, but B . B. B. stands at the top us a blood purifier. The abov e is copied from the Athens a) Banner-Watchman, being the vol untary language of Mr. James A. Greer, w hich editor Gantt indorses: “Mr. Greer is an honest, upright cit zer. of Athens, who had a bad cancer, nd his numerous friends thought that ae could not live very long, as the can cer was gradually gapping the founda tion ef his constitution, 'but now looks well and hearty.” 2 AGAINST 18. Several physicians have pronounced my disease "blood poison, caused by paint or lead in the paint, out they could not cure me. Last summer 1 used eigh teen bottles of a largely advertised blood medicine, which did me no more good than so much water. 1 have used only two bottles sf B. B. B. and am proud to say that 1 have, re ceived greater benefit from them than from the eigeteen, and ant now rapidly recovering. There is no question about the superiority ot B. B. Is. ever all blood remedies. W.H. Woody. 215 Reynolds street. Augusta, Ga., April 21st, 18-6, FLESH SLOUGHING OFF IN PIECES, For two years I have been confined to bed with a loatsome form of Blood l’ois on, which had about eaten mo up, and I and otuurs had no hope of a recovery. For awhile I could neither walk, sit down, nor lie down, only in misery as my llesli seemed to be falling off my bones in > ieces us big as a ben egg. My ap petite was lost, my bones acltotl and pained me, and friends even shunned me. I used various blood purifiers.with out benefit, and several physicians treated me until large sums of money had been exptnded, but. not one particle of good did any one give me. On the 19th of February, 1886. Mr. F. It. Jacks in called to see if I was not dead, as it was thought 1 could not en dure my suffering much longer. He concluded tv try 11. B. B. on me and got a bottle from Mr. Brockington, at M att fort, S. G., and before one bottle had been used 1 commenced gaining strength, my appetite improved, sores commenced Ittalin < and when two bot tles liau been used 1 Was on my feet and walking around to the astonishment of every body. ivuutss: Mrs. Laura Hart. Fred 11. Jackson. Beaufort, 8. ‘J., May 19, 1886. A BOOK OF WONDERS, FREE, All who desire Mill information about the cause and cure of Blood l’oioons. Scrofula and Scrofulous Swellings, Ul cers, Sores. Itheumatisin, Kidney com plaints, Catarrh, etc., can secure by mail free, a copy of our 32-pngc illustrat ed Book ol Wonders, tilled with the most wonderful and startling proof ever be iorc known. Address, BLOJD BALM C >. Atlanta, Ga, Know That Brown’s Iron Bitters will cure the worst case of dyspepsia. Will insure a hearty appetite and increased digestion. Cures general debility, and gives anew lease of life. Dispels nervous depression and low spirits. Restores an exhausted nurs ing mother to full strength and gives abundant sus tenance for her child. Strengthens the muscles and nerves,enriches the blood. Overcomes weakness, wake fulness, and lack of energy Keeps off all chills, fever?, aid other malarial poi son* Will infuse with new life the weakest iuvalid 37 Walkr St., F iltimore, Dec. xß3t. For six yearl hare been & great sufferer from Blood Disease, Dys pepsia, andO n~tipation,a2dbecame so debilitate*’ that I could not retain anything on my stomach, in fact, life had almost become a burden. wht a hope had almo6t left ae, * hurband seeing Brown's Iron ' advertised in the rper, induced me to give it a trial. am now taking the third bottle and have not felt so well in sis years as I do at the present time. Mrs. X. F. G iufjat. Brown’s Iron Bitters will have a better tonic effect upon any one who needs “bracing up,” than any medicine made, ffiST FREE! JgFREIIiBLE SELF-CURE. KBsSai A favorite prefcrlption ef *n of the moM noted and succewful ri**eiaHsts hi th* F. a. < bow retired > for luf ctin- of l*+hil<tu. Jf/<••<?, If n#rn<*H* .u,.1 #>r i*oy. S**nt iu piivatof**/>**•. oi ug^ieucan All iu A4dre> Of!. WARD & CO., Louitiaiu, Me. HACK LINE I . i |'.4 n —OF— P. C. BRYANT, MGRGAN7ON, GEORGIA, Will run from Morgan ton to Mineral Bluff, daily, to meet the trains. All persons traveling can be accommodated on ltis line. A full Livery Stable outfit will be kept for order. JOHN F. STRATTQN, 49 Maiden Laxf, New Yoek* Importers, Manufacturers and WHOLESALE DEALKi: IX ALL KINDS OF Musi cal Merck an disc , Musical Boxes, Burn! Instruments. Stratton’s Celebrated Enssian Gut Violin Strings. THE CELEBRATED FRANK B.COJ4VE'R£I Manufactured by John F. Stratton* John F. Stratton’s CELEBRATED BRASS BAND INSTRUMENTS, ALSO John F. Stratton’s Gold Trumpet Accordeons. The handsomest Aceordcon in the Market. JOHN F. STRATTON'S T iTn ~ Piccolo Acoordeons. JoHO F. STRATTON’S Harp Guitars, Etc. John F, Stratton, 49 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK. 3 25 ly. CENTRAL HOTEL I Ellijay, - Georgia. Is the special popular resort for com mercial men and tourists of all kind, and is the general house for prompt at tention, elegant rooms and fare second to none, in this place. Reasonable fates. Mrs. M. V. Teem will give her per sonal attention to guests in the dininir hall. 4 11y DUCKETT /V IvS 7,: 1 2 20 ,V 8 To do any kind of O.’RPEN EU work iu best of style and u’ onci, or i.U'l E!t on sboit notice is furnished by ns. We have two Aw M. I is. Plaining- Mid, etc, which enable us *nd.> work ns rapidly and on as short notice as any other cai'|vcnteis in tlie country. Tin: personal attention of ■I. W. Duckett, given to such contracts. Call ou or address, DUCKETT & DUSN, _ Ellijay, Ga. GEORGIA—GIL MR ft CO UN i'Y- The petition of L F. Bryan shows that the estate of Abner Champion, lute of said county deceased, is unrepresented and dc tcriornting in value, and that, it is necessa ry to pay de ts and for distribution, that administration be had, which he prays aud that lie, petitioner, or sonic other person, he appointed administrator of said estate, 'll persons cone, rued will show cause, i r any they can, at the November term 188& of tiiis court, why at rai l term the praver of petitioner should not lie granted. Wit ness my hand and official signature, this >ept, 6, 1886. J ( c. Ai.lxn, 1”. fee $3.70 Ordinary* TO THE Milling Public I T!HE undersigned takes pleasure in n.l *■ forming all who contemplate building or repairing Mills, in the brst and urns durable style, that H will be to their b< iuterest to consult him before employing or closing contracts with others. Beside* being tully prepared, alter years of study and practice, to do all kinds of Mill work in the best workman-like manner, I art Apiit for all kill's of Mill Machinery of the most improved patterns, and guar antee to sell them at Manufacturers’ and Importer’ prices, including the celebrate*! BooKv.r.rac B'otxa aid tub Leffel EoaSlo TarlJlse Wafer Wheel French Burr Clones, Eureka Smutting Machines, etc. Also, E. Van Winkle & Co’s SAW MILLS, MILL SWINDLES, SHAFTING, GEARING, ETC. In short, anything in the line of Mi Machinery. Now, if you want anything in my lint I promise satisfaction in woiKtuanship and price. Call on or address J- W.rDUGKEtT. Mill Contractor. Dec. 29-1 y. ELLIAY. GA Th^,t°b^k p fSfS WBVSRTIBIM6 ffIJK.'WS r s*, J encert or otherwise, ltaohtains lists oi newspapers and estimate* oftbe cost of advertising. The advertiser who wants to spend ono dollar. Hurts in it the In formation he require*, while forfciiu who will Invest one hundred ihousnmt dollars In ad vert Ulna, a scheme is indicated which will meet hit even- requirement, or ran bt *mM lorfdseky < entilf nrrirutut bum* rufamaraec. lit edit ions have been Issued. P fl f t -I**‘L lo any address for )fl cents, ri '. to UEO. F. KOWKLL A CO.. XEWSI*AI*EK a I>VKI!TISIN(j BUUKAO. OOtyruOti St I'ihitoq; House tkp), New York,