The Ellijay courier. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1875-189?, December 09, 1886, Image 2

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THKKIXI.m COI’UIKK • CatlNAl fi *<•• COLEMAN A KiRBY, Editor!) & Proprietors KLLHW. OA lK KMlil.H i-- OrricuL Oho an or Gilmrr C*- f)rririAi. (hiMX or Faxnix C >. OFFICIAL OttOAN *I I'li K VS I'd THE LA TESNuW Hie Into snow, some of w lm.e Fingering remains can now lie (raced in favorable localities, was one of the largest that lias fallen in this region wilbm the memo ry of the average man. Ii began nil Friday night at about 8 o'clock and continued well nigh t trough File entire “still watches ot the night,” and on Saturday morn ing 8 incliea of snow lav at tin glace. B'.ue Kidge reporto 1 12 and 14 inches, ami at Canton from 2 to 3 inrliea. tLiurihn night another layer of *i o.v fcl about 4 inches deep, and on Sm day night sleet and snow fell to tlie additional depth of about C inches, making a total depth of 18 inches in level ground at tills place, wlwle S'ale Line reported 42 inches on level ground, nml dribs 10 feet at some places. Many places the cuts of the rail road were filled eulirely up, al Young Slone gap in particular, it being some 10 or 12 feet deep At places around bluffs ami mountain sides great slider had filled up the track making the mountain siJe apparently smooth and rendering travel al - most impossible. A train arriv ed al this place Monday evening at 4 o’clock with two engines and a mail car without either passengers or mail. The train made the journey with difficulty, contending with many obstacles in the way of snow slides. At Marble Cliff the engines were al most entirely submerged by the snow bank, and it was with great difficulty they passed around the point. No deaths sj far have been re ported, nor loss of life among animals. The temperature of the atmosphere had been very mod erate considering the state ol the weather. Tiie cold lias been moderately pinching, just en ougli to make one linger about Cite hearth when not engaged m the chase of the hare or the quail Such a display of nature’* com plex works is the delight of the small boy, in fact it is a picnic to Him, amt the little fellows seem-* ed to enjoy it accordingly. Such recurrences of nature come ol course unherald an and oltimos find us unprepared to receive them, and the best way to enter tain them is to have plenty ol wood always on hand. 'JIIKA . cfc V. The route of the Augusta and Chattanooga line has been local ed to Kiokee Creek by Kngincei Stone and his corps, and the force are using all possible dispatch in pushing on to Lincolntou. After reaching that point, the line will be quickly located to Gainesville. The fact of Iho work being now tinder contract is a source o' gratification to the fr ends ot the road, and this commencement ot operation marks the era of Au gusta's prosperous fuluie. The most sanguine predictions of Ihose who have been prominent in pushing the enterprise will be realized a hundred fold by this great highway to the West. Yeslerdav the contractors be gan grading in earnest. OurNcii liens were given strong evidence of the commencement of work by the sight of a large caravan of mules, hands and contractor's supplies passing up Broad street, on route for Columbia county, where the camp is at lo cated. All recognizs in it the success ful completion ol one of. if not the greatest factors of our prog ress, that has been inaugurated in 25 years—Augusta Chronicle. 200 convicts at work. The Augusta New’s in speaking of the progress of the work, says :! * 4 The novel sight was presented yesterday of nearly two bundled convicts,chained together, march ing through the streets on then way to camp on the Augusta and Chattanooga railroad. The grad- j ing ia already advanced some fif teen miles, and thither the chain ed caravan, with cart* and imple ments, walked il.r mgli lli w< r> day. The tramp was long ami tiresome, but it had to be made, and the new force is now haid a> work on the road. This cheerful news is reaktor jug to lb* frituds of the road ail • In*' if t|. tin*. Ktmi*rr liii located I lit* line it far a* K - kee rrerk. an I Ilia |ii<lii<| fnrc ' will follow iiti Mm lin •• rapi lit a* possible. Tita rnnirari tor the stadtng a* lar a* Gainesville ha* 111 PH gitell In >| •*r L I** & 0 • Tin* actual wmk of breaking 'Hr' *low* liial buiiiiM i* mean', ami Hie progrea* mill* will pro at •!•* ibe road will be pushed rapidli forward lo it* completion." It AI l.liO AI) MILS. A'laiita f '.i.i*iiln!fnn. ] Tin* present li*i!ilaiiira ia be- S‘*iged willi opplicr t otia for rn’l road charters, and il Im'l of Ihe contemplated roads lifcnmi* a reality Georgia will lipcoiup a net work of railroad 4. Charters ir* being ikpil for from every sec tion ol the slate, and I In* railroad comtiii ten no v lias its hands full. Mr Chappell, of Mu* . the rliaiiman of the committee., -ai l yesterday: ‘•The general awakening in i railroad mailers is unprecedented iin Hip. stale Our committee is now hard at work Irving to catch up with the business before it, anil as soon as we begin to see our way clear we will receive a anew installment of bjjls for charter, etc , which keeps us epj - slantlv at wmk. During rgi long experience as clerk in the house and as a member for two sessions, there has never been so much railroad legislation.” . The railroad comrfflliee whith has liitlierto had eompara iv ly lit lie fo do, has become one ol i lie most important committees of Ihe house. Its chairman, Mr Chappt 11, is one of the youngest members of I tie house, as well a* one of Hie most thoroughly post ed and most active. Of Hie applications lor charter. Atlanta comes in lor six ol ihe, proposed railroads. Three ol llieso have become lanrliar to Hie people of Atlanta through the columns of The Const iI tiff ion. They are, the Atlanta, Mississip pi and Atlantic, the Atlanta ami Ilawkinsvillo, and Hie Georgia Carol'm and Northern. These hart era have passed hot h branches of the general assembly. The three others, the hills for which have been introduced, are the Ashville and A lania, Irotn Asiiville, N. 0.. lo Atlanta, ih“ Macon and Covington, granting privilege logo both to Atlanta and Athens, and the Allan':! and Alabama from Atlanta lo Selma It ia rumored that the charter for the Ashvllle and Ailmia road, the bill for which was in troduced by Mr. Tate, of Pick ens, means the soul hern ex'eli sion of the Baltimore and Ohio system. This lainons system ha found that il is absolutely nec essary lo have a southern con nection as pari of ils avstem, and it is well-known in railroad cir cles dial if has been looking for one for some lime. If the Penn, sylvania Central gels a southern connect ion by Hie construct ion of the Georgia, Carolina and Northern, its competitor and ri val, the Baltimore and Ohio will be forced lo do the same thing. As llie Georgia, Carolina and Northern has become a certainly the next thing to be looked foi is the building of the southern arm of the Baltimore and Ohio. Il is not definitely known ll a ; this road is interested in the charier from Asiiville to Atlan'a. and (here is a plausible rumor to t hat eff >el. Tiie M icon and Covington road, which is already built am! iu operation for a considerable di.-tmee northward from Macon, will find ns nor;hern terminus in A diet.a. crossing the Georgia road at Covington or Madison. Front Motilicellu it is proposed to also build to Atlanta, thus bavin both the advantage of a direct route to the east by way of At Il eus, and also, by building to At lanta, a large share in Atlanta's reCie. and the advantages of the numerous ennneeions which wt’ be made lure. Tins read is a reasonable certainty tor Atlantv * i The Allan a ntl Alabama road, of whicli but htlle has been said, has assumed promising pr<- portions, and has behind it mmh i nl til** slirewtlesi business men o j this ami other eti es along tin i proposed inn*. I is proposed to! build 'llls line finm A 1-tula (, j Salma, crossing il,e Alabama tin. ■ in 11-ard county. ll.' taking any railroal map uod diawiug a tint ! j Hotn A' iarita, passing tt through! 1 C impbellitm, in l ue north. ru i art | I Campbell corn land through] Heard o iniy In Roanoke, j ist 1 across Uie Alabama line, to te|- ma, any on. can see al u glance i the spb-udnl possibility ol aucb n roan. La incorporators say that , it will cvitaiuly bt HE /.V 7ltft It tick b / r II w W r. < Whl BeW a rod woe,l last week a bill to m corporal a the K ii|v of Ihie eouulv. We mppn.e th* ptopnate committer and i'a p*>- -age granted when its lnr< Come*. We are col fidenl Ilia no Willi a keen sen-, of hi* duties a a law-maker would oppo-e slicli a lull where church nr an educational inaliiu* • inn ask* for protect o i from tin -Vila of Hit* lllperence. In i Christian land like our', it g • * without q i**-lioii that no rnn who reaped* Clirisiinuii v nr lap', in intereresl in the rising g* ner •lion, Ihe voting men of nut cuiinlrv, would np|o<e a legisla tive nie-|ure l<< king 111 Ihe pro teciimi of a hiui--e of worship or tin institution of learning where vnuMis are taught to make sober and usetul ii z *ns. We take i< : 'or granted that no representa- I'ive who has at heart the pro ud ion of society nr the proper -dijcal'on of oor coming cit'Z-ns ! will oppose this lull thill is asked • rand aiile*l by almost the eniiie (Oiuiuiio t. anddibliict in which this iiisiuu iin is located. jSEL F- & UFFICI KNCY. Tine independence consists in the possession and improvement of icsoUice* wiilim one's sell There is a-sense iu wli c:i selt *uJHi:iei>cy is m laudable trail of chtiacler. It is fur diffcrtnl from self assertion, which may In lshmaelitish, turning the hand against every man., And it i jiisl as far removed from thin, weak dependence u( o.i others which bad* "no to look lor aid al all times, and for constant so ciety ami companionship . and in amusement. Social in ercourse and conversation are a pail, and a very large part, of all our lives Both impiovem-nt and pleasure depend upoll our well selected riemlship". Still he is a poor companion lor others who can do nothing for himself. He who has nothing in In in has nothing to impart to his friends. He has nr. capital to go upon in Ihe social exchange which promotes the intelligent life of man.— Ex. The Home Governs the World. AH social and moral laws ol our common civilization revolve around ihe Lome. Ii is the school ol social progress. Public opin ion is the collective opinions ol our homes. In a certain Sense we are all reformers, we aIT try to make the world bet lei;-some are trying in one wav, and some an other, but we should begin at home—let the home be a cheerful sunshiny place—l here let us find neatness and comfort. Above all let us have good natures and the means for improvement. Homt is the place for all the best things cheerfulness and sunshine do not cost nnv thing, but withhold them and you are a heavy loser. It is not alone Ihe housekeeper’s duty to keep the house neat and tidy, each member ot the family should assist iu it. Any one of refined feelings regards all labor to se cure neatness a labor of love duty. One of Ihe pleasantest and no blest duties of Mie family should be to lurnish its members with good reading. In lime that is past, ii was considered enough toclo 1 lie feed and shelter a family; bti! now it is recognized as a fact that wi 1! have hungry minds lo be sat isfied. They must be fed a healthy diet, they want to be sheltered from Ihe pitiless storms of error and vice. An ignorant family a dark spot <u our modern intel ligence. L-t good reading inii> a horns and the very atmosphere haoges, the boys begin to talk o' men s principles, the pas' and 1 he future. Tne girls find opening before them a mere life ol dutv. knowledge and Jovi; from tha amity go intelligent men and women to fit! useful and honors hlepiacts iu society. L-t tin oreh ( f inij rovenit-nt be 1.1 ii v-rv household, such a born implants memories in the hearts hat can never <’i ■. Tie rough rub* ot the world can never t-b iiterate them. Lives so fount < are the timbers that uphold Mo worn!, 1 think there great toon or improvement even in Uii enuntry - ”/f F. J/," in Clarks ville Advertiser. Thousand* of in-ople suffer with Iwu k acltt, not knowing that in most cases it is a symptom of diseased kidneys and liver, which piasters and lotions cannot heal. Die lies: and safest remedy is l)r. J. H. illc Lean's Liver and Kidney Haim. SI.OO per buttle at Watkins it Go. Now 1* iho time to fubser.te for the OOUUKK. A NAMELESS CASE Mr £ a % err ra.i u* "• * 1 urv rd ati •* I I r. F .rMtMII 1 oti| lM>rrif. r.! r*% mio. | ut r%lA#f. I u-'Miiv 11. It It an ariw nt, and lo ms mu-r . jftio U'ltu u* 4*.| iitti an I iiif4rini van '•tied i.fifr up.ii t 1 hr*f <•*•*•. To tli** j iTokonl lime I n*r<t ih-i-c %.} Hud not a |*in Imi tv*r raltirn***!. I tin it it k ♦#•% tvbttt at am th* matter, 1 •oilUl iht |<lit ki‘H** , t n tin** thu coin|l4itJt. Tin* It. |l. |l. mi'lml tiiivly nml |Kfr*rfull ii|t4in mr )i\>r: tu> N|>'lile bun lippii •|*!aiioii anl my <*<inat4ttitiMi litiiil m t.i|i<i!v. IC-Ttioni. Coitffi*UtloQ (in., 114/ (i, I>M. UN I M4’E A CUED INTE< i RITY Inm V. Ir*'kf (l< wn twelvi* jr*in hijo ntl h:ve lot In*'* ii Riiie io woik hi nee. 1 1 rive lout proptr action of mv i.lpn mi t For five > icriiftilouj vorei f Imve tip c sired on my tcaii* and iione.Hii.l • t humo Uni.* mv e*‘efic*)t iiozau to ; tail, anti for thre<* y*:ira imve been coin , paratively b in<l . Have l*en trenled b> eminent ybynieiaus of diAeieut hcliiudn ; without, si cure. I have taken fi hot ! ties r f 11. B. B. (made nt (in.) • and nil fcrofuii im sre lie:l --| in*r. li.fisiinniufion my eyes h• I dihftppeured and there ta ootne improve ment in m\ vtijju. Am very n:u<h len (fitredsmd relieved and lie-in to lee! i ke a boy again- feel 31 y strenirth aiifl ueTivitv art; returning in my *<*. | and iiips. The B It. nets vigorously upon my kidi.efU, and the gre it iuantity of matter ihnt im been forced out Ihrouifb the skin in utterly inciedibie. often so otfennivc in odor H 4 to produce nausea. I refer to ail hucino&K men o LaHru e. (Ja. P. PUOPIIILL. ha (J range, Un., Inn. 13, ISbO. PROOLAI.VIS ALOUD. We have a ease under our immediate observation of tthcuniatisai which lias been cured by the uec ot 11. B. B. Sam Sinceon (col) was almost hefpltas when we put him on B. 11, Ik He has taken about 8 buttles Mid says lie is well, and to all appearances Is well. He Is now oiii regular porter and dues all the work heavy and light and proclaims aloud the virtues of B. B. B. Dunaway A Cos.. Druggists, Arkansas Orty, Ark., April 80, ItWi. DEMONSTRATED MERIT- . Sparta, Uu., May 15, 1880. Blood Halm Cos: You wil p ease ship us per lirst freight one gmss li. It. B. It giv-. sus nleSsure to report a good trade lor this preparation. Indeed ii his far eclipsed all other blood remedies, both in demonstrated merit and rapid sine with us. Bozier* Yardman. RHEUMATISM. Although a practitioner of near tiven-, tv \ini v. my mother influenced “me to procure B. li. B. fur her. She had been confined to her bed several mohlhs with Itheitniatism, which had suhbornly re sisted nil the usual .remedies. Within uvemy-iour hours after commencing is. 11. 8., 1 observed marked reli< f. She has just commenced her third bottle and is nearly as active as ever, and has been to toe front yard with "rak•• in hand” cleaning tip. Her improvement is truly wonderful and immensely gratify ing. Cl. 11. Montgomery, .*i. D. .Jacksonville, Ala., Jlay 15. 18*0. A BOOK OF WONDERS, FREE. AII wbo (teelre lull infonnaUmi about theeause ml core of Blood l’oUona, Beiolula anil Scrofulous Swellings, Ul cers, Sores, llheuniutisin. Kidney coin plaints. Catarrh, etc., can secure by moil free, a copy of our fi-p.jrc Illustrat ed Book ot Wonders, tilled with the most wonderful and startling poof ever be lore known. Address, BLO. D It A I, It Cl. e llauta, On, TO flltt 3‘UBLIC WK have op ned a DE Pi OMVB OF FICE at luOt Cheity Biu-et, arfii we ask the patronage of ail. After sev oral years of experience it gives us full knowledge ot the huliucss Business ami private work strictly attrnded to. Call Slid See us or address Gto-gia Central Detectiys Agency, 100 J C terry Street, Macon, Ga. _ 13 WEEKS. The POLICE GAZETTE wi t be m idea, secu e y wrapped, to any ad dress in the United States for three months on receipt of ONE DOLL A R. Liberal discount al owe! to post masters, agents and c übs- Sample copies utai ed tree Address all orders to Rh’HARD K. FOX, Franklin Square, N. Y. THE BARBER SHOP! AT i’HE Hightawsr Housa At which place Will Weaver, the ever polite and accommodating barber, can al ways tie found, ready to attend to cus tomers. 9 10 tf. ~HOTCHKIN~ CARRIAGE WORKS. We manufacture Open and Top Bug gies, consisting of the Hide Spring, End Spring. Brewster, Timken and Edward Storm Spring. Also various styles of Two-Seated Car riagos, Wagons, Cutters and Sleighs. igg _ | OUR Me. S WAGON. Liberal iiscctxt to the trade. Send for Catalogue and Flic** before buyfna. HOTCHKIN CARRIAGE WORKS, *TACeK, *. V, Tk Urctt Fnati} Paper* • TBE NEW TO&K LEDQFB FOB THE TEAR 1836. Wr canard Inn • .fieri rMtcrate that Ho* yvwiitf pMifilr, nf iHir dir, i:^rJ • b irrcsllag nort Indr.wiH. family paper such s paprl u everjr father auil inraiier Wfrtild a isli lIK-ir rill him* 111 rtaxl. It has at a) * leu oar >im lo make lbe I-dpr such a pa|wr. Tn a bss I ern its grral, <:hrrten!ie, pxshntiin .ling teat - urc. It i our btglnvi ambition to make a g.NI paper—iiul merely for lln T rung, ul itao lor all jnaiple, lire obi aud lire m 'ldle sge i as Well i* tbe v-meg. As < nave said la-fore, e lesre untir ing in nnr power undone for Hie grutittca ti m and biMiuctimr of -tur ulreeiiltcr. The Le Iger is always a live paper,keep il.g pare with the genius ami spirit of American progress la addition to the stories, miscct.ene ous aniclea uy eminent scholars ami di vines will Ire continued ; so w ill out in - J curate scientific department. We shall reply, as heretofore, to tbe innumerable questions sent to us mi love and domestic affairs, and every variety of sunj •ct. The Ledger for the year 1886 will con tiniic to lie ‘he (treat Family Paper, full of good and interesting reading. It off**.s at once .me of tire cheapest, greatest, and most lasting of pleasures. It contains the purest sweetest, and most delightful stories, striking narratives and instructive biographical and historic si sketches No amount of money stands in the way of our employment of the very best aud most |Mipulai writers. Now if you want a paper thal lias something iu it—something to amuse, tn enteitnin, to instruct—tiie liest and truest love stories, sound, wholesome doctrines about right and wrong, and nn infinite variety of interesting, agreeable and di verting articles, subseri' e for the Ledger. The f ust I* notning compared to tiie val ue of IV hat you gt. Oar suliscrilret's will lih’ e no postsge to pay. We pre-pay tiie postage ou every paper that we Mail. ; OUR TEUVUs TO SBASCUIBEKS FOR JBH—i’OSTAOE FREE. Si.gte copies $3 per annum; four cop ies $1(>? which is $3 SO a copy ; eight cop ies *>2o, postage trek Ihe party who sends ue S2O for a club of eight copies, (all sent at one time,) will lie entitled to a 'copy free. Those wito get up clubs, in their respective towns, can afterward add single copies at $2.50. Jfo subscriptions taken fur a less peri, id one year. " hen a draft oe mohe order,or Express innuuy ortbr, can cMufchiciitly be sent it will be prel'emiil, as it will prevent the poss bility of the loss of money by mail. Ri-ntem'.ier that the pcstage on the Ledger to all parts of the country Will lie paid by us, so that our sebscribers will iiaye no postage to pay, C-iT\Ve employ no traveling agents. Ad dress all eoiimiunications to ROBfciliT BONNER, Cor. of William ami Spruce St'., New Ymk. w : tm (iOI W Ci WEST, NORTHWEST OK- SOUTHWEST, si ifn Your Tickets Read via the N. C. & ST. L. R’Y The McKenzie Route, Th.e First-class and Jpassengers’ FAVORITE ! J. 11. Latimiii, YV. T. Rcokks, Pubs. Agent, P.ibb. Agent. Atlanta, Qn. Chattanooga, Tenn. W. L. Danley, Gen. Pas. & Tkt. Ag.-n*, Nasliville, Tenn. GEORGIA-FANNIN COUNTY’. Mary Hal! ) Libel for divorce iu Fan vs. > nin Superior Court, October Dai, jel Hall. ) Term, 1886. It .appearing to tins court bv sufficient legal evidence, Timt tbe defendant does not reside in said comity, and that be re sides without tiie limits of said State. It. is therefore ordered by the court that ser vice be perfected on the defendant by tbe publication of this order once a month for four months before the next term of this eourt in Tub Elmjay Cockier, a news paper published in Gilmer county, Ga. \V. T. Day, petitioner’s attorney. Grant ed. James R. BttotVN, Judge 8. O. B. R. C GEORGIA-FAXNIN' (JOUXTY I, the undersigned do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true extract Dom tbe .Minutes of said court. Given under my hand ami official seal. This Oct. the 29th, 1886, 1., G.Cutcher, e_. 8. O. 11 11 fee $5.25. ■for patents ia Foreign coun the Scientific rfc a* solicitor* s-tnnrfcs. copy id States, and to obtain patents in Canada, England. ?•'ranee, tyonu&ny, and ail other countries. Their cvperi enee is unequaled and their faeiiiiioa arc unsur passed. Drawings and specifications prepared and filed In tee latuatOfficeon short colice. Term a very rearonaiMo. No charge for osar.iir.&tioa cf models or drawings Advice by mail free. Patents obtains* through Mnnn&Co.aranoticed Inthe vCiBMYII IC has tuo largest circulation uadis the most influential newspaper of it3 kiuJ published in the world. 1 he f.cvantages of truch a notice every patentee tinders? .n<is. Th*s end sn-rn.': i!v ill nitrated newspaper w published W EES.LY at §3.fX) a year, and is •umil;e* to be the best paper devoted to science. Inecoioi's. invent ien, engineering works, and otocr departments of industrial progress, pub us e.i tn aay country, it contains the names of n r.htf r.teoa end tit ie of every invention patented '.erf. four months for cso dollar. ch> <1 by e;i newsdealers. ll * f Vt >a have an invention to patent write to Wunu z Cos., pabtishers of Scientific American, •bl Uro .dwiy, New Yo:k Hanubook übqut parents mailed fres. .WSWSPftPEI? A book Ofioo pago*. A,- ihebostbookforan ll tVn'lVPlnn'M adYWtiaer to con* riOVERT Slitfi iult * , br h export M inoeJ or otherwise), itoiiutamslistsoi m'w[m|H‘ib andesiinmu* ortho cost of advertising. The advertiser who wants to spend one dollar, finds in it tbs in formation he require* while forfcim whowlil invest one hurnlred thousand dollars in ml* vertisinc. a scheme is indicated whic h will meet his every requirement, or can be made So Ha to bn alight chano+a mad* arrived at by cor* rttpomiem*. 14U editions have been leaned, gent, post-paid, to any address ir in cents. Write to UEO. V HOWKI.L A CO., NKWsrAPKK ADVEKTJMNI. HIUt.AU OOxprue**t •'niilingHiiutetfcj.l, KawVnr* 14 I. G. 1.1 SCHEDULE. O* aflar Ortobrr Ihe l* h t IhM tram* on Iha Marietl* a* I Nurtu diurpt “No. 1. Passe*'g r, aoin“ North brt'e Marttdta, .. 190 a. M. trnvr at (hmlmi tW-'J A. v 10-sre l ant<i, 10:25 A. M Artlve al Jaapcr 11:45 a. m. Lave J- after, UslU a. m Arrive hi Eiiiijty 1: i.O |. n. la-are K I jav I:4'* |>. m. Arrive at Mineral II uff 3:03 r- <>•• Lrave Mineral llluff, 8:10 p. m Airive al Stale Line 8:43 |> •. No 2, Passenger, Going South. Lave Slate Luie 9:15 a. m. Vr ive at Mineral Buff ll:5l a. in. Leave Mmeial Klufflf 10."0 a in. Airive al Ell-jay 1i:25 a. in, 1.-ave Kllijay 11:3) a. m. Arrive at .tasper 121 p. m l.*e;ive Jns|V-r 1:25 p. m. Arrive at Canton 2.54 p. in. Leave Canton 2:55 p in Arrive at Marietta 4:28 p. m No. I will pass No 2at Talkiug Bock. No 2 makes close connection at Mariet ta with trains going North and South ou Western and Atlaulic Ra lroad. J. B. Glovik, Supt., M rietta, Ga. D. J. K. JjHNSiIN, Physician and Surgeon, ELLIJAY, - - - GEORGIA. Tenders his piofessional services to Fite people of Gilmer and surrounding counties and asks the support of his friends as heie tofore. All calls promptly filled. WM.BOLLMANN, wAioaia* j Sfiuctf"''* Silverware, Spectacles ( Rings. Etc, No. 10 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga, IT WILL PAY YOU If yon propose going West o' North- West, lo ivrile lo mo. J represent the S mr! L'ne. Fred D. Bush. D. I\ A . 11 4 Gm. A- l.unth. G * PATENS CAVEATS TRADEMARKS AND COPYRIGHTS : btsined, and all other business in the (J. Latent Office , Bonded to for moderate fees Our office is opposite the U. S. Patent Office, and we can obtain Patents in less Line than (hose remote from V\ ash Lgton. .'-end model oi drawing V'n ad vise as trt patentability free of i barge: and we make no charge unless we obtain patent. We refer here to the Postmaster, the ' Opt. of Money Qrtler 1 iiy., and to of ficta sof the L!. {*. Patent' ffloe For cireu ar, advise, terms aud references to actua c ients in your own ttute or coub y, wnte to C. A. SNOW & GO., Opposite patent offlee, Washington D.c. GEORGIA—PICKENS COUN ! Y’. "• ht-reas I. (J. Suns, a'miiiisuutor of Margaret! Sims, represents to the ' ourt in •his petition, duly tiled and entered on rec ord, that he has fully Administered the es tap- of said Margarett Sams. This is, therefore, to cite at) persons concerned. eii'S and'ereditors, to show cause, if any they* can, why said administrator should not lie discharged from his adntiuis’rulion, and receive letters ot dismission, on the first Monday in February 1887. 3 it pr. fee $4 98 E. Boon, Oidinary. Chester Copnty Agricultural Works. fjrp butu UUiii’J i£JEwJull "Wheels cr-o mado of iron, tha driving wheel having a LIGHT, concave face. The com bos is made of ir.i, consequently EAXLY, ) feN'-'K no warning <>r got- HVS&ZL3. Ym Uus oat of “ I,M r* tai Vv'V' J f\ Tb® cnn'f-c.) W!LL DROP M tit® tiorn '‘roup ng. Wo* f'or-M iA A \ v . *. iuvire tlu.lera. f armors lid HILLS on iLv.--, i.'- - ,i'f 4 / '■ .SU.'i'iiiory ROWS, AW D > V J- -"■/ 'via fe to tn,.v y i r a of? '•>>’ V Jr oui* m .t-Uiu *. OPERATED. cocpsii & mu, e.mum, mzm ca., MANUFACTURERS OF TME “TRY MF.” HA' TSOPEft. Write for Circular and tell tw what you want. E. IV. PAYS re * toil, Drawer 1003, Klmlra. N. Y. Or our Mew York Office. Eastern Agents, lilt A, fUKEI k Cos., Poston, Mass. Our i at-: tol \ ertlrsi boiler will not pnms. No dancer cf burning Sues. Tn* Ttrj bt thing for 700 to do U to do'tiia vtry beat thing you know how. Thia U bud ral to follow, but • aaf* os a. HACK LINE! —OF— P. r. BRYANr, MORGANTON* GEORGIA. " ill run from Morgan ton to Mineral Bluff, daily, to meet the trains. All persons traveling can Ire accommodated on his line. A full l ivery Stab e outfit will be kept for order* JOirN F. STRATTON ’ 49 Maiukx Laxb, Nuw Yoek. Importers, Manufacturers aial WIKLKBALK DKAf.Ki: IN AI.L KINDS OF Musica I Me t ' chandise , Mosioili Boxes, Band inslriimenfe. Sra ’on’s Oelebra'ed Bus3i 'n Gu Vi 1 n S ‘ines. TIIE CELEBRATED FRANK Manufactured by John F.Stratton. John F. Stratton’s CELEBRATED Tiiyi BRASS SBAND INSTRUMENTS. ALSO John F. Stratton 9 a Sold Trumpet Accordeour*. 'l lro handsomest Aceordeon in tiie Market. JOIIiN F. STRATTON PiccTii" Acc "decEP. J -IIG F. STIIAT'ION’vS H-ti’p Guitar®, Etc. John F, Stralton, 49 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK, 3 25 CENTRAL. HOTEL f Eilijay, - - - Georgia. Is the special popular resort for com mercial men and tourists of all kind, and is the general house for prompt at tention, elegant rooms and fare second to none, in this place. Reaaoi abie rate*. * Mrs. M. V. Tee n will give her ;.er sonal attention to guests iii 'the dining SuoKETf &mm AR -K J-i 1C v* r odo any kind of O PEN K'J vei'r in best of style and nr one .or i t' -I I K:t ]on shot t notice ip furnished by m. ivY have two S; tv Milts. Fi tu iug ' .Mi.l, etc which enable us to d.> work ss rapidly tv * on as slmrt notice as any other cuips-iilc r, ui the o wintry. The personal attention of f. W. Duckett given to such contract.*. Call on or address, DUCKETT & DUNN, Rm.uay, Ga. TO THE Milling 1 Public fiHE undersigned takes pleasure in ir tormnig all who contemplate building or repairing Miiis, in the best and mos luralde style, that it will be to their lies nterest to consult him before employing or closing contracts irith others. Besides being fully prepared, after years of study and practice, to do all kinds of Mill work 'ii the best workman-like manner, lam -\£cnt for all kiiirs ef Mill Machinery ( ttie most improved patterns, and guai antce to seil them at Manufacturers’ ana Imporleis’ prices, including the celebrated booilal te c iS'ucjs anD the Leffef Doniiie Turbine Water Wheal French Burr Stones, Eureka Smutting Machines, etc. Alec, E. Van Winkle & Go's SAW .MILLS, MILL SWINDLES, SHAFTING, GEARING, ETC. In short, anything in the line cf Mi Machinery. Now, if you want anything in my lint I promise satisfaction in woiKmansliip and price. Cali on or address JW. DUCKETT Mill Contractor. Dec. 29-ly. EI.LIAY, GA Or ANICWSAKKF.=t I D*jfy,nd f.amn a Vir t 1 b-.f l'f\ AV\ ft,'? g ailing t!.9 skiilod pby iVnVwWl|'t ,’■***',rij? 16 ft'-? a Radical Cure /-og trie inclnlfcencc. or KERVOTT3 .Avoid EvS i e cr>:>oion ot prebn 2A£SfXtXXX .Kr™ ••ojs niuwUe* far iSrse Organic Weakisss. O f PHTSICAX^||S& , tf^rLaSnS? e Waviftsv LLaE :?ent cl- urhcrt. Tal.-C a jJI EESI.fE RkiinY that has InYoure Sl MtddieyAgCdßED thousamiv, d..* Aged Men, Bfiß.‘ =: ir’v rf! " wiih *!!TO g/gt:on to bunresa, or ceu6 Tested FOR ovtßB<x£^|P ainor ineoavwiicnae fa Years dv use in man Sir-,,, Thousand cases. IwEf ■1 tft - to thi Mat of die—r? ita A ■ejgsp#c:fl- inflttcnct* -a fe*l H?v KCf witlumi Ct*ay. Thfcra> Ii*IAL U|<ir >l ftiDstiou* of fhc ho nrruar.B ■•■man orrattirnt UresirireiL rAiUUGj. M|llie anirvatlnc elenunfj TIfE HUUfe, which nave Ikh OnJ MBttn back n- 4 faalSvrtis ’ OOBW-f,* cvor..ear!ief * r rapidly p M-iuthi. . . rur. "®WafEh9B- atacKoreastisssrMrs* THIS PAPERS*^ fwxpaiwr Advert tains Bureau do Ipru> v v l,,whurtvir. i-'mv MkUl VfIKK uauU. tor it UIVPGVT fuim*