The Ellijay courier. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1875-189?, December 23, 1886, Image 2

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TIIR RLLIJAV COUIII Kit . CM.M4II. '• * COLEMAN A KIRBY, Editors A Proprietors ELLiJAY.OA. THXKMIHB S’. IM> Or net ai. Organ ff tiii.MKn 0 Official Ok#ix of Fasxin Cos. Official Organ of l*n ntxs Cos OUR UK ST. Another lint* among Ihe few has come when the editor, in common willi all mankind, de •irea rest. Christmas lias come, and the printer need* a holiday as well as other people, so we will therefore not issue a paper next week. The next issue will be Jan. 6'h, which will contain an account of the elections soon to transpire. Nothing hut an advertising sheet will be issued. In the meaniime, however, we waive the ensign of good will, and wish our friends a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. With whatever fesiivilie* the day may bring, we hope that the merry ring of good clieer and the gifts of old Santa may glad den the hearts of the many little ones all over the broad land. ■ ——- WHAT WE WANT. The political camats is in full blast. The farmer lias been el bowed almost through his Sun day coat, ami the candidates’ mean liquor having left him a bad head and a worse slomache, be feels like retiring to some quiet quarters and plan hia own campaign against the grass ol 'B7 and the “gaunt world/’ By your permission I will sug gest a fine hiding place, and one, too, that will yield more gold than all others known to out section. Somewhere on .vour farm search out in a little cove slotting southward a fertile spot about 10 X 14 feet. Ciean off nicely and put thereon enough wood to burn the ground till suf wilr Wj daen that may be there. Dig up, (noi deep) and clean off all the trash and row tobacco seed —tramp in while the ground is yet warm Then cover the bed witli pine or cedar brush sufficiently to keep the ground from freezing. Then go home, and after supper get down the old cob pipe and smoke to the health of all the candidates whose sunny faces you have eluded, and to the fine crop of tobacco, the foundation of .which you have laid. Space does not permit a further say at this time. But for the interest of the farmer directly, and thereby the general welifaro of the country, 1 want every planter who can to put in at least one acre of tobacco. Kscolect 1 was raised on tobacco, and will lake great pleasure in telling you all 1 know about its growth, sale and manufacture. Any who desire I lie lies! seed amt will call at my < ffice 1 will in form him where and how to gel them. 1 am also investigating the market as to where and how we can get the leaf on the best sale at the least expens, K T. Bickkns Ellijay, Ga.. Dec. 20, ’B6. • - ... . *i i— " TUE COUNTRY BOY. The country lad who in trained to simple ways and homely virt ues. aud who learns wlial a dol lar is worth by actually earning it, under the laws of imperative necessity, has a tremendous ad vantage over the town boy. T.* country schools are far mferioi to the town or city school, but this is counterbalanced by the fact that the country boy is train ed to work from the lime he can pick up coin cobs to ruu the kitchen stove until he goes out to his own home. The country boy has a mile or so to w alk to and from school, which give him vigorous eppetite and health. The country boy or girl is lace to lace with practical realities. He sees how stowly money is made on the farm ; he is taught from youth up the need of economy; he has the nature of saving tirsi explained to him every day in the week ; he is not exposad (o the temptation of the aaloou. or the ball room; he is uol tempted so much to be a lady’s man before he has occasion to use a razor on hi* downy cheeks. lie miy b a tr.fl j (rude, ha may not far! ca*jr m company, but in litre long closely contested race ol life, it ia the chap that trudges to School baiefooled in simmer and in atogas in winter, whose moth* i #*r cuts his hair with Ihe sheep* •hears, that leads the chap tha< goes to the city school with the •‘arched shirt fiamt and fancy slippers, and whom head is shav ed with (lie lawn-mower in llm barber-shops. Such iias been our observation, and w think w< know wha> we are talking about Speaking from xperieiice, we never read any books with such avidiiy as those we devoured while ihe horses were resting ai I tie end of Ihe plow laud. Tnc boys we envied forty years ag<>. because they wore cassimere ami laughed at our jeans, have drop ped so far hack in the race that we have almost lorgollen Ihe in. The chaps who ha 1 plenty <1 money at college, and Ihe city ored leliow*, have not been heard from much since: while (lie country boys, who wore plain I'iotlies and kept close lo their books in the old college, are leading Ihe thought in lowa and oilier Stales to-day.—lowa flo’in stead. SEC RE L SORROWS. They suffer most who suffer alone. Kacli heart knows and hides its own bitterness. There are people who bruit their troub les about, who hawk them as wares in exchange lor sympathy. 11 .t these are not the people who need sympathy most ; these are not the ones who mourn as those without hope. Toe real sufferers are those ol us who wrestle alt the night long w.t'i our gl'iets like J*:ou did with tlie grappling angel, and who hide them awav behind a smile when daylight comes, as a dove lolds its wings lo conceal Ihe arrow that has pierced its vitals. The finest acting in thn world is never seen on the siage. The real trage dians and dramatist go in and out of the marls ot trade ami the meeting places of society. They are men ami women who talk am) laugh ami live like oilier people, while deep down iu then bosom u tragedy goes on with no audience but the eye ol (Jo<<—j tragedy in winch the faiigeU Hrt* gtiuyvfng and swallow rngTttir ilie core of a human Heart. Some times when we hear ripples of linkling latiguler, how lit tie we suspect that instead of bubbling up, it is pumped up from the hol low depths of a soul dial has shaken hands wnh hppi.iass,uml bid hope an everlasting farewell. Soinesunea when we are lickleu with (tie sound of the songs, how lit Ile we dream thuf I lie heart of the singer is break ing. li every heart that bleaks could be heard as a noise, the din of the explosions would make the world un uninhabitable pam deinonium; and if ail tlie hoi leara that tall unseen upon pil lows in the silent watches of the night, counl be turned into one river’s channel they would deso late the lumi with a flood. Allei all, it is strange Dial man ever laughs. Every step he lakes is toward his own grave. Man is a creature that comes to us labeled “from the indefinite past u the indefinite luture.” Time tin tomb-builder, is ms only Iriend, since lie uni icks t'le only gate through which man may flee from ins hounding iio.ibles. L tr ope ns like a morning in Mav, nut Us close is a brown and murky aummn, fi.led with biting winds and barren trees, aud anoss tin' gloom of its shaded scenery ail silently they p>ass belore us, laces we sliall see no mora. 1, f- is a battle at best. In marching through it we have to face lem pest oltener than we find flowers Tnose who die young are wrong ly reckoned unfortunate. Tney only reach home ahead nl us, ami gel in sooner out ot (tie storm. Secret sorrows increase with ibe years “The world has less of bright neas, And the earth a gastlkr whiteness Every year.” Aud the my I Ideal old was more ol a pliylosopher Hi an a pn el when he said : “1 have seen yon wintry sun Twice forty times return; And every time but aided proof That man wus made to muuru.” Toe shadowy night, which 3onies so regularly to swathe oar baby planet in blink. less, is only a giidle of atmospheric crape whfch nature ties about a con gregated world of mourners. Nobody but an inspired writer could ever have said, “Each heart knowelb its owu bitterness.'' That out l.t le irßltnr* stands in ihe place sf ihe ten thousand ?■!• lines it would r. t| tire to describe ihe degree* and k<nd* of biller* j ties* of which the human heart is < ,susceptible. It may be Hie bit-j trines' ol a repentance ilia' came t i too late; It may be lb* bittern**'; .that finally crystal z # over the 1 1 soil hut r*yles sadness of an un lit quilted lo?*; it may be the bit - j ■erners that bang* about Ilm haunting memory of a near one and a dear ene, whom we trust.e<i with coldness, and learned lo* tale that ‘we never pi z ■ the mu sic till 'he sweet voiced bird ha down.’ Bit whatever the speed* ,ic case may be, tlie bitlernees i* ii here, only lo go out will ih* | candle ol lile. G>d help Ihe pen ; pie who have a secret sorrow, the world can’t do it. B'lt * veil the bearers of bitter ness in tiie nearl,€Ven the victim* of a secret sorrow, may have one dream of sweetness that will conie to pass by and bv. Some day un der Ihe sound Of a song that nr man can sing, and in Ihe presence of a multitude I hat no man can number, and in front ol a throne that stands in Ihe nudsi of a sea of glass, the agents will unbuekie every burden ol Ihe chafed and bending shoulder of those who have accepted that invilatio', • Come unto Me,” and who have lound the Priniieer ot “I will give you res'.” Then repentence that came U.o late will be turned inti ihe “reptmence that needelh not to be repented of,” the bitterness that hang* about tlie memory ol I hose whom we wronged ami crushed will be bloited out by their presnee and.forgivenassjaud those upon whom our love was wasied here may love us there with a love that is undcfiled by flesh. Secret sorrows may gnaw, but they can not annihilate. Amt I hey will be cast out like unclean spirits when we stand in * lie pres in rd liim whose shadow is brighter than localized suns, and of whom (lie prophet sad, “lie shall v/ipe away all tears Irom their eyes.”— Columbus Enquirer Sun. Toe Western and Atlantic folks are bappv over the way their pas senger business lias increased. Tlie magnificent advertising that is being done by Ibal line is bear ing its certain reward, li is cap- Wftm .ft ,F eHI majority._of !-h* boys ol 1861—’64. Ex. —■■■■— ■ Remarkable Memories, There was a Corsican hoy who could rehearse forty thousand words, whether sense or nonsense as they were dictated, and llu-n repeal them in the reversed or der will.out making a mistake. A physician, about sixiy years ago, could repeal the whole ol “Para dise Lost,” without a mistake, al though lie had not read it lot 20 vearr. Euler, ihe great mathe matician, when he became blind, could repeal the whole ol Virgil’s "/E eid,” ami could remenibei tlie first line and tlie last line on every page of the particular edi liou which lie had been accus tomed to read before he became blind. One kind of relenlivi memory may be considered as il.s result ol sheer work, a determi nation toward one particular a chiev meat without relerence to eiiher cultivation or to memory on oilier subjects. Tois frtquen - Iv shown by nelsons in humble lile in regard to tie Bible. An old beggai-.nan a< Stirling,known ihoul iiily years ugo as “Blind Aiick,” afforded an instance ol I ins. He knew the whole ol (he Btbjo by by heart, insomuch iliai. ■ i a sentence was read lo Inin, lit could name the book, chapter ami verse; or ll tne book, chapter anil verse were named, he could giv. he • xaci words. A gentleman, to test him, repeated a verse, pur pos. lv making one Verbal iitatcu racy. Aleck hesitated, named the place where I lie passage was to be found, but at the same time pointed out the verbal error. The 'tuae gentleman asked Imu to re peal tile nineteenth verse of the seventh chapter of the book oi Numbers. Aleck almost irgiautli replied : “There is no such Verse. Tiie chapter lias only eighty-mite verses.” bfisseudi had acquiree by heart six thousand Latin verse.-; and in older to give his memory ex rots. 1 , be was in itie habit daily ol reciting s x hun dred verses from different lan guages.—Toronto fill b >. Thousand* of people suffer with head, ache, uot kuowiug that in most case* it is a svmplmn of diseased kidneys and liver, which plasters and lotions can uot heal, the best and safest remedy m Dr. J. H. Me Lean's Liver and Kidney Balm. SI.OO per bottle at Watkiu* A Cos. (f.sw U* Waaler* 4 AH*m*e Railroad and it* connection* have ea'abll'he 1 ll;*ir through sleeping car l ues lot the winter lire in crease in passenger business i becotni'ig very marked. No line leading Ir on the west lo Florida offer* as insny or •• good sleep ing tit line* to Florida as the Western and A'lautic I** sched ules are r-msrkably gooJ.—hen •retaw 0 *get te A NAMELESS CASE Mv cat-e u* '-een a very curl*.us one for about tliirtei u rears. At Interval* of about ore week 1 would be attacked With spells of severe ar.d most escrscisJng pain, always commencing iu tlie region of my rs. Tlie pain would then |fo upward* and effect iny body and liesS, and seemed to penetrate ill. vsrv eye ball*. meeting tne moat intense .uttering laatinx about eiglU hour* each spell. I resorted to *ll kinds of medicine with out benefit. Several treated my ease, but none gave relief. 1 Xiourty used B. 15. It. n* an experiment, nnd to mr utter ato .isliment all pain an 1 suffering van jelied after using three liases. To tlr? present time 1 have used three bottles, und not 7i pain lias ever returned. I do not know what was the matter, neither could mv physician name the complaint. The It. 15. 15. acted finely nnd powerfully upon mr liver; my apnetite ha* been splemldl and mv constitution built ib‘ rapidly* It. Thomas. • Constitution Ga., May (i, 1838. UNIMPEACHED INTEGRITY. lam 55. Broke down twelve years ago and have not been able to woik siuee. lidve lost proper action of niy blp* and legs. For five years scrofulous sores have oppuwed on mv scalp and nose,sil l at th"; sal/g tibia mv eyesight began to tail, and for three years have been com paratively blind . Have been treated by eminent physicians of diflereut schools w itliout a cure. I have taken five bot tles r.f 11. B. H. (made at Atlanta, Ga.) and all scrofulous sore gradually heal ing. Inflammation about mr eyes ha* disappeared and there is some improve ment In mv vision. Am very much ben i fitted and relieved and begin to feel i'ke a boy again—feel good. My strength and activity are returning in my legs and hips. The B. It. 15. acts vigorously upon my kidneys, and the gre it quantity of matter that has been forced out through the skin is utterly incicdiblc, often go otfensire in odor as to produce nausea. 1 refer to all business men of LaCrange. Ga. P. I’KOI'HILL. I.aUrange, Ga., Jnu. 13, 1330. PROCLAIMS ALOUD. We have a ease under our .immediate observation of Rheumatism wliiofi has been cured by the use ot 11. B. B. Sam Simpson (col) was almost helpless when we put bint on It. it. It. Be has taken about 8 bottles and says be is well, nnd to all appearaaces is well. He is now our regular porter nnd does all the work heavy nnd light nnd proclaims aloud the virtues of B. B. B. Dunaway A Cos.. Druggists, Arkansas City, Ark., April 30, 1886. DEMONSTRATED MERIT. Sparta, Ga., May 15, 1886. Blood Balm Cos: You will please ship us per first freight one gloss B. B. B. It gives us pleasure to report n good trade lor this preparation. Indeed ii lias fur eclipsed all other blood remedies, both in demonstrated merit and rapid sale with us. Busier A Yardman. RHEUMATISM. —of. ucaii.ißttau_ procure B. B. B. for her. She 1, at been confined to her bed several imn.hs with Rheumatism, which had subbornly re sisted all the usual remedies. Within twenty-iour hours after commencing B. B. 8., 1 observed marked re li. f. Bhe has just commenced her tlii r and bottle and is nearly as active ns ever, and has been to the f.ont yard with "rake in hand’’ cleaning up. Her iuiproveiueat i* truly wonderful and immensely gratify ing. C. H. Montgomerv. d.D. .Jacksonville, Ala., May 13, 18-6. A BOOK OF WON DESS. FREE. All who desire full information nbout the cause and cure of Blood Unisons, Scrofula and Sctofulous Swellings, Ul cers, Sores. Rheumatism, Kidney coin plaints. Catarrh,’etc., can secure bv mail free, a copy of our S2-|mge illustrat ed Book ot Wonders, tilled with the most wonderful and startling proof ever be lorekuown. Address, BLOOD BALM Cl. tliinta, Ga, TO I'llH PUBLIC WE have op net! a DETKC i IVE OF FICE at IdOJ Cherry street, anu we ask the patronage of all. After sev oral years ot experience it gives us full knowledge of the business. Busiuess and private work strictly attended to. Cali and see us or address Geo-iia Central Detects Agency, ltitlj Cherry Street, Macon, Ga. $1 13 WEEKf^i, The POLICE GAZETTE wi 1 be m ilea, secu e y wrapped, to any ad dress in the United States for three months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR, Liberal discount al owe! t • post masters, agents and c übs- Sample copies mai ed free Address all orders to RICHARD K. FOX, Franklin Square, N. Y. THE BARBER SHOP! AT THE Higbtowdr House At which place Will Weaver, the ever polite and accommodating barber, can al ways be found, ready to attend to cus tomers. 9 10 If. • v~C-'JV l+f it i!El i - J] r j AV v -> j* -a . , n v i .*c'i an :d I%L>v.. _ v t_ V; q sawestai tha* - , ‘ ' tSeoldnyk li i \ j \ Stus^.isaSaeat ML I V; £**#■ “ mm’.. 1,1 tier urt“ Mm t39.0* aud upward*. MWaciumJ Mid rUd 1,/ tie Jattlo Crook Machinery Cos., MTT £I.SJ ,w The Great Familj Fpr. THE HEW YORK LEDGER FOB TBEJEAB 1886. \W ran not too often reiterate that the young people, |'till) of our day. need a puir, inter**'in* and initrwilVt family paper such a pa(*-i a* every father And mot ln-r would wish their children to read. It hoi a)any* been our iut to make the ledger rock a paper. Ttr* ha* leen itn great, disrsi tcrintic, ptv O uin-tiog teat ure. It is our highest ambition to make a good p|*r—not merely tor tlx; young, ut also tor all |*-opJe, the old aud the middfe-agwi u Well is the young. A* we have taid la-fore, we leave noth* i*g in our power undone for the gratifiea li hi and instruction of our subserilxtrs. The Ledger i* always a live paper,keep ing pace with the genius and spirit of American progress. lo addition to the stories, miacel'.ene nns articles l*y emment scholars and di vines will be continued; so will our ac curate scientific department We shall reply, as heretofore, to the innumerable questions sent to us on lore and domestic affairs, aud every variety of subject. Tne Ledger for the year ISB6 will con tinue to be. ihe Great Family Patter, full of good and interesting reading. It off*-.s at once one of the cheapest, "rentes;, and most lasting of pleasures. It contains tlie purest sweetest, and most delightful stories, striking narratives and instructive biographical and historic al sketches. No amount of money stands in the way of our employment of tha very best and most popular writers. Now if you want a paper that has something in it—something to amuse, lo enteitain, to instruct—the best and truest love stories, sound, wholesome doctrines about right and wrong, aud an infinite variety of interesting, agreeable amt di verting articles, subscri'e for the Ledger. The cost is uotning compared to the val ue of what you g t. Our subscribers will bat e no postage to pay. We prepay the postage on every paper that we mail. OUR TERMS TO SUBSCRIBERS FOR 1880.—POSTAGE FREE. Single copies $3 per annum; four cop ies $lO, which is $2 50 a copy; eight cop ies. S2O, postage free. Ihe party who sends us S2O for a club of eight copies,(all scut at one time,) will be entitled to a copy free. Tnose who get up clubs, iu their respective towns, can afterward add s ngle copies at $2.50. No subscriptions taken for a less period than one year. When a draft oe money order,or Express money order, can conveniently be sent it will lie preferred, as it will prevent the possibility of the lost of money by mail. Kefllein'jer that the postage on the Ledger to all pans of the country will be paid by us, so that our sebscribcrs will haye no postage to pay. ■HTWe employ no traveling agents. Ad dress all communications to ROBERT BONNER, Cor. of William and Spruce Sts., New Yot k. GOIN G WE ST, NORTHWEST * SOUTHWEST, Your Tickets Read via the N. C. & ST. L R’Y The McKenzie Route, The First-class and Emigrant Passengers' FAVORITE ! J. H. Latimkr, W. T. Rogers, Pass. Agent, Pass. Agent. Atlanta, Gn. Chattanooga, Teun. W. L. Danley, Gen. Pas. & Tkt. Agon’, Nashville, Tern. GEORGIA-FANNIN COUNTY* Mary Hal! ) Libel for divorce in Fan vs. nitt Superior Court, October Daniel Hall. ) Term, 1886. It appearing to the court bv sufficient legal evidence, That the defendant does not reside in said county, and that he re sides without tlie limits of said State. It is therefore ordered liy the court that ser vice lie perfected on tlie defendant by the publication of this order once a month for four months before the uext term of this court in Thk Ki.i.i.iay Courikr, a news paper published in Gilmer county, Ga. W. T. Day, petitioner’s attorney. -Grant ed- Jamss Ft. Brown, Judge S. C. B. It. C GEORGIA —FANNIN COUNTY I, the uudersignefl do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true extract from tlie Minutes of said court. Given under my hand and official seal. This Oct. the -9th, 1686, L, G.Cutchek, >J. S. O. Mil fee $5.25. I ST i. lil {SJS a oße°li f n I dred R Cj H Thousand applications for patents ia f3 g3 the United States and Foreign oour.- RE-Hra tries, the pahiishers ef the Scieatifio H a American continue to act as sol ie it or a | " id for patents caveats, trade-murk?. copy ■■■■**=*■ right*. etc., for the United States. api to obtstn patents in Canada, England. France, Germany, and all other countries. Their e.vperi* ence it, unequalod and their facilities are unsur passed. Drawings and specifications prepared and C’ed In the Patent C)fßoe or short notice. Terms very reasonable. No charge for examination of models or drawings Advieo by mail tree Patent* obtained through MnnnfcCo.are noticed Inthe SCIEVHFIC AMERICAN. which has the largest ci real at ion and is tfee most influential newspaper of its kind published in the world. . The i.ivan?ages of aucli a notice every patentee understands. . This largo and splendidly illustrated newspaper Is published WEEKLY at $3.00 a year, ana is admitted to be the best paper da voted to science, mechanics, intentions, engineering works, and other departments cf industrial progress, pub iiz .ed in any oountry. it contains the name* cf all paten tees and title of every invention patented week. Try it four months for one dollar, ©o and by all newsdealers. If you have an invention to patent write to Munn A Cos., publishers of Scientific American. K 1 Broadway, New York- Handbook about patent* mailed free. NEWSPAfER Thu bestbooljfofaa Advertising ‘mpls r vt 1 * 111 * WI P" uneed or otherwise. Itooatatns lists of nosi spapers ami estimates ofthu oost of ad vurttsl ng. Tbs advertiser who wants to speml one dollar, flnds tn it the In formation he required while forthii who will Invest one hundred thousand dollars in ad vertising. a scheme Is indicated which will meet his every requirement, or con be maele to rid sc i hfi tHfhlcknngei eatUy orrirni ,ti by cor responiieitet. lot eduiosis liave been issnoi. Pent, post-paid, to any address lor lo cents. Write to GKO. P. KOWKI.L & Cos!) MEWSPAI'KR ADVERTISING BPRICAU UospruovSt PrthUiis House Sq.t, Now Vo- k <JsWcfv to y* r ‘ u '*f. Hrs.,l*. *V\ 9- Ml ov.t iuulsowi huiwins “SHUfe. LA I. fl. 1L SCHEDULE. Os s*a aft'-r Orfnbrr Ibe ISifc, I***, train* on tit* Marietta and Strath Or>n fix K.n rnad will run a* follow*: 1 No. 1. r, Goto* North L*e Varu-tta, SSO a. m. Arme at Cwitou 10:24 a. u Leave t aut’in 10-.55 a. * Arrive at Jasper 11:45 a. m. Leave J qri. llfit® •- m Arrive *t Etlijav 1:30 p. m. Imre Elliiav, 1:4 ) p. m. Arrive at Mbienfi Bluff S:'is |*. m. Leave Mineral Bluff, 8:10 p. m i \irive at Slate lane, 3.45 p m. No 2, Passenger, Going South Lave State Line 9:15 a. in. Ar ive at Mineral Bluff 9:50 a. in. I. avc Mineral Biuffff 10:00 a. iti. Arrive at Elhjay 1::25 a. in. Leave Eliijay 11:80 a. m. Arrive at •* asper 130 p. m Leave Jasper 1:25 p. m. Arrive at Canton 2:54 p. m. L ave Canton . 2:55 p. in. Arriye at Marietta '... 4:28 p. m No. 1 will pass No 2at Talking Rock. No 2 makes close connection at Mariet ta with trains going North taid South on Western and Atlantic Railroad. J. B. Glovkk, Supt., Marietta, Ga. DK.J. R. JdIiNSDN, Physician and Surgeon, ELLIJAY, - - - GEORGIA. Tenders his piofessional services to the people of Gilmer and surrounding couulies and asks the support of his friends as heie tofore. All calls promptly tilled. WM.BOLLMANN, j * Silverware, SpectacleSj Rings, Etc, No. 10 Y\ liitehali St., Atlanta, Ga, IT WILL PAY YOU If you propose going West, ot North-West, to write io nv'. 1 represent the S tort Line. Fred D. Busii, D. P. A.. 11 4 6m. Atlantn, G •. PATENS CAVEATS.TRADE MARKS AND COPYRIGHTS ( btained, and all other business iu the U. 8. Patent Office attended to for moderate, fees Our office is opposite the U. S. Patent Office, and we can obtain Patents in ..irss o remote firm Wasb l-glOn. ."end model oi drawing Wo ad vise as to patentability free of <harge; and we make no charge unless we obtain patent . We refer here to the postmaster, the -opt. of Money ()rder Dir., and to of ficta sof the U. 8. Patent Office For circu ar, advise, terms aud references to actua c ients in your own State or couniy, write to C. A. SNOW & GO.. Opposite patent office, Washington d.C. GEORGIA—PICKENS COCX i V. V' lit-reas J. G. Suns, adminisuator of Margaret) Sims, rcpresenls to the < curt in bis petition, duly tried and entered on rec ord, that lie bis fully administered the es tate of said Margarett Sams. Tibs is, therefor*, to eiie all persons concerned, sirs and creditors, to show cause, if aay they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration, and receive letters of dismission, ou the first Monday in February ISS7. 3 n pr. fee $4 98 E. Hood, Ordinary. Chester County Agricultural Works. AVONDALE COM DRILL. lit heels are made of iron, the driving wheel having a LIGHT, Sfo, concave face. The corn box is made of iron, consequon *y HANDY, -w™ no warping or get- DURABLE. irm, fel ting out of shape. wfl * Th© operator cun nfco WILL DROP m the cora itnppiGt;. We THE CORN aud others in ViresteJ In IN HILLS OR \ A*ri,-uU aral Machinery ROWS, AND to thoroughly inspect OPERATED. COG PER & HSLL, AVONDALE, CHESTER CO., PA. MANUFACTURERS OF THE “TRY MF” HAY TEDDER. of all Sizes. Write tor Circular and tell tie whet yon want B. W. PAYS K A SUSS, Drawn 1003, KUnlra, R. Y. Or mir Sew York Office. Eaetern A (rente. Hill. Cunu k Cos., Beaton, Maaa Our patented Vertiral Boiler wUI not prime. Mo danper of burning Hum. The very boat thing for you to do is to do th* very best tjung yon know how. Tkia is a herd rule to follow, bn t s sets one. HACK LINE! aM —OF— P. r. BRYANr, MORGANTON. GEORGIA. Will run front .Vorgantbn to Mineral Bluff, daily, to meet the trains. All persons traveling can be accommodated on his line. A full I ivery Stab’e outfit will be kept for order. JOHN F. STRATTON\ 49 Maidkx Lank, Nkw Yoke. Importers. Manufacturers aud WnCLFSALE DEALEK IX ALL KINDS OF Musical Merchandise , Musical Boxes, Barn) Instrument'. S ra"on's Celebra'ed Russim Gu Vi (i l n S 'ines. THE CELEBRATED FRANK B.CONVERS^^^^^^ Manufactured by John F. StrattOD. John F. Stratton's CELEBRATED BRASS SBAHD INSTRUMENTS. II ALSO John F. Stratton's Gold Trumpet dccordeonp. The handsomest Accordeon iu the Market. JOHN F. STRATTON i , „ Piconi' Acc>'deonp. JOHG F. STItA'I I ON’S Harp Guitars, Etc. John F, Stvatton, 40 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK. 3_25 Iy. CENTRAL HOTEL! Ellijay, Georgia. Is tlie special popular resort for com mercial men and tourists of all kind, and is the general house for prompt at tention, elegant rooms and fare second to none, in tin’s place. Reasonable rates. ——Mrs. \f . V. Tee.n wilt give tier per sonal attention to gucsta in tlie dining hail.. _ 41 1 v DUCKETT! DUIN AK 1G Vfl 1Y ■a do any kind of C RPEN E i work in best of style and hi ones, or LU '.IBE’R on slimt notice is furnished bv us. We have two Saw Mills. Plaining‘Mid, <t<\, wliicli enable us to do work as rapidly and on as short notice as any other cnrpente'S iu tlie cTuritry. Tiic persona! attention of J. VV. Duckett given to such contracts. Call on or address, DUCKETT & DUN FI, Eiaijat, Ga. TO THE Milling Public 'jpIIE undersigned takes pleasure in in— " forming all who contcmplale building or repairing Mills, in the best and twos durable style, that it will be to their las interest to consult him before employing or closing contracts with others. Besides being fully prepared, after years of study and prictice, to do all kinds of Mill work iu the best workman-like manner, . 1 am Agent for all im of Mill Martriaerv of the most improved patterns, and guai - antee to sell them at Manufacturers’ anu linporteis’ prices, mcluding the celebrated BOOKABLEt ETJiNS A$D THE Leffel Doable TurDine Water Wheel French Burr Stones, Eureka Smutting Machines, etc. Also, E. Van Winkle & Co’s SAW MILLS, MILL SWINDLES, SHAFTING, GEARING, ETC. in short, anything in the line of Mi Machinery. Now, if yon want anything in my lint I promise satisfaction in iyoj kmansbip and price. Call on or address J- W. DUGKETT Mil) Contractor; Dec. ?9-ly. EI.LIAY. GA PSIOS-. rS3ESfeKEfi;USCESiI!Ty W A Is&i§3WOB*AIOWEAXIEP£ Decay .and nammons r\ -\ ,fz, § s?c.Lscuredisecsca, bf- CTAU Ck m S fling tho skilled Phy s re-*lit fr<m an ? Jou’hfal indiscretion, A KADiC/iLCURc /too iree indnlgcnce, or KE3.VOIJS vVtf over brain work. Avoid l . imposition ed prsUa- D Wf . jpjl**- *.auo rcineuica for these Drpsis Weskaess, $ jPHYsicAj. I anSf^ssaa: g? nrfiAX" meat else where. Takes SUES RevKikY that h.v* In Young 6c Middle • CURED Ihotsaaßda, dots Agjd Men, wLh •**"- wveww-- tton to busmtsa, c.r cau*e Tested for over Six - or inoonvmi.oM ia YearsuvusEtNMAN ’ i ISLSSr'.>S2M < SI.St Thousano Cases. = d!55 ¥- _ sto tht Mat of dtsaarc it* w •porifl- iaflueace ia ftH ww w | without d<4ay. The sat- VRIAL ® oral fbaatienaof the Itu- FACKA DKm 2 B or K*W‘Um ia reatt r^d. - B nt ■ Th animating element* HA W w ?f^h E fL Y s®^!S?cf OTS f!GOGEU^^‘.'^±£?RUP.-!Jf THIS PAPER ESS® Maw spa per Advertising Borsnu <lO Sprui-a y cur YORK So uiMia lor It lullf&VT I Vim*