The Ellijay courier. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1875-189?, February 23, 1888, Image 3

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i iik hUiJAY a>UKii u. KLLIIAY. iA FKBKI'ABY . IBW- OCAL INTELLIGENCE. lank oat far a cutter of advertisement* nest week. • Mr. O. T. Jtrret wu off to Atlanta tbi* • week on bootee**. Several new totecriten bare come to tbi* week and atece laat lame. Mr. C. E. Bagwell of thu place paid Talking Rock a abort Tiait tbi* week. Tbe irrepreaai'de Dare McNairn i* along the If. k N. 6. R. R.peddling hia popular grocerka. Ask your neighbor to subscribe for the Cocbiu It will cost you nothing and will do ns a faror. * Of [course tbe meu who expect to run for office know it. Gentlemen, let the people know it ten. | Notice tbe advertisement of Mr. 8. E. Johnson in thiaiasne. He baa a special rate to offer hia customers. Judge Allen of tbe Ordinary’s Court and Judge Bledsoe of tbe U. S. Commissioner’s Court paid Blue Ridge a visit this week. Tbe merchant who advertises is tbe man to trade with. He is not afraid to tell hia prices or say what be has for sale. " Tbe Seminary organ bas arrived and ia now used in tbe chapel eery ice and will be used hereafter in church worship. Tbe lecture of Rev. B. W. Huckabee lust night at tbe Seminary was eloquent, pithy and instructive, and was highly en joyed by tbe laige audience who beard* it. Mr. John Fears of the firm of Edwin, Bates & 00. of Atlauta.sells goods wher ever he goes. He sold a $3,500 bill to Mr. Sam Tate of Pickens last week. Deputy Marshal lankersley arrested one Cbasa Godfrey of this cnuutv last Monday, and after a trial before tbe Com tnisloner at this place, was bound over to the Federal court. Mr. John S. Everett bas opened out a stock of groceries and general merchan dise in tbe bouse lately occupied by tbe CoDßtmc. Call and see him if you want goods cheap. Read tbe article on orchard grass in this issue offthe Co*riek,| Harley Tabor bas forty bushels of the seed at cost, also clo ver and herds grass seed. Put in one acre this year by all means. * Mr. Charlie N. Tolbert of Fairmount, Ga., has accepted a position in the estab lishment of Mr. M. V. Teem as Bateman, lie is a clever good looking and pleasant young man, and will be a valuable adjunct to Mr. Teem's store. Soma unknown party broke into the grocery of Mr.|M. V. Teem that is located on lhe Morgaaton 'road just without the corps rate limits of the town. A plank wai tors off tbe rear nt the building nnd was fastened back with a nail. Onff about a pint of liquor was left Mi. Mphney, the keeper. Mr. George Lowe informes us that lie crossed over the Worley bridge on Moun taintown creek last Monday about 12 o’clock. A little while after he crossed, tbe bridge fell in making a wreck of the entire prnjierty. It was about 15 feet above tb water, which is about three feet deep. Judge Greer of tiie county court declines to assume control of the matter, and Ordinary Allen has not yet signified liis intention of remedying the situation. Rev. N. L. Osborn, one of Gilmer’s most entirprisiug farmers and loyal citi zens, dropped into see us Tuesday last. He said his community had put in a week of good work during the late spell of fa vorable weather, and had much to say that was interesting about our farmiug in dustries. He does a first class business at Mountaintown with his store, besides being one of the best and most progressive farmers in North Georgia. It will be interesting no doubt to the many friends of Dr, N. W. Blalock to learn that his interesting family are locat ed at Ooltewsh, Tennessee, on the E. T. V.& G, railroad about 16 miles from Chat tanooga. They haye established a Normal School at that place that offers special in ducements, and the Doctor )S Proprietor of the Hotel at that place. He was once •native of this eountv, and subsequently at Talking Rock in Pickens county. The Coukirx wishes them a plentitude of suc- cess. Some persons around town certainly love a dram. On last Saturday night an en trance was effected into the depot by some unknown parties and some whiskey drawn from a barrel lying in the depot. There were several barrels of liquor ia the depot awaiting shipment. We understand sev' eral boys imbibed too freely of this stolen liquor and were intoxicated on Sunday. We imagine if the grand jury gets hold of this business of furnishing whiskey to minors and it is brought before Judge Brown, he will make it sharply interesting to the parties. Mr. Samuel R. Freeman has been in our little town some days after an absence of twelve years. He was once editor of the and is well known to all our readers. Since leaving Ellijay, he has been engaged at several places in the newspaper business but abandoned that profession about two-years ago. He is in the employ of the .Steubenville Pottery Company of Ohio, and that roisslou has brought him back to the playgrounds of bis youth. Ills familiar face lias main taltfod its bandit un- appearance, e‘*d • hearty welcome is encoded him by his numerous friends is this place aud section. IHOTHEB BACHELOR Desert* Hit Comrades, tod Joins the Fortunate Majority - Happy Marriage of an'EUiia? Cal lantto a Oartecay Belle. “On* by one thrmar* fall," and like wise ttearmy of E'lijay’s bachelors loses an occasional recruit. No sooaer had the Dews gone forth that Kllijay..had twelve bachelors dependent on the tender mercies of Leap Year, than the fair ones of our county came to the rescue. 80, early outlast .Thursday morning, ere tbe sun bad wheeled.over his eastern gate, happy hearts were astir. - According to previous arrangements Mr. Clarence E. Cobb, son of Hon. John P. Cobb of tills place, (allied forth from town in tbe nobby two-borne turnout of Hipp & Dooly on a mission that few are fortunate enouuh to accomplish more tbau once 'id life. The further he west the taster he got and the faster be got the further lie weut, for he was bound for his girl. After arriving at the borne of Miss Mary Mcllan, about uine milss from town on Cartecay valley, tbe two returned to Eliijay accompanied by Will C. Smith and Miss Ida McHau. The four drove directly to the hospitable home of Sheriff Mark Cox of this place, and were received by the family of c apt. Cox, some other relatives of Mr. Cob ', and a few invited guests. Promptly at 10:30, the couple filed into the parlor where Rev. E B. Shope linked the two for life in a very brief ceremony, followed by the congratulations and good wishes of the at tendants. A sumptuous and elegant dinner was tendered the group by Captain Cox, to which ample justice was done. At 2 o’clock in afternoon a paity weat driving , consisting of the groom and bis lovely bride, Or. L. L. Bishop and Miss Mol lie Cobb, Mr. W. S. Coleman and Miss Effie Welch, Mr. N. L. Cobb and Miss Pink Welch, and Mr. W. C, Smith and Miss Ida McHau. Much fun and hilarity were enjoyed by the party during the drive through the principal streets and the out skirts of our town. At night the happy event was celebrated by a lively little bop at the home of_Sheriff Cox, and on Friday a reception dinner was tendered the couple at the home of tbe groom which was high ly eujoyed by the entire party. The groom is a clevei and jolly young gentleman, and all congratulated him o n hia prize. The bride is a beautifulj and lovely young lady who numbered her ad mires by tiie semes and was one of the belles of her community. The entire af. fair was a pleasant surprise to the public, and especially to ber family, as none of tbem knew of the match but her sister, Mias Ida. The ContiKß adds its meed of good wishes to their many friends for them a most happy and prosperous life. If the people of Gilmer county appre ciate the effort of a few citizens to bene fit them, they will plant a Urge crop of tobacco, There ia an effort on foot now to erect a $2,500 tobacco factory to begin -i:h at this place. In order to he justi fied iu this enlerprise the people of the county will haye to plant enough tobacco to give ’.he faclory sufficient local support to justify its expense of erecting the house and pm chasing machinery. This tobacco factory will lie one ef the best things for this entire section that could be started. Every farmer should encourage it, for it will be money into his pocket. A factory would stimulate production, aud instead of raising from $lO t 0.525 per acre, the best any ot our farmers do now fj they would realize from $25 to S3OO per acre, Theu money would flood this whole coun try and your county site would begin to build and grow like a; towu worthy old Gilmer. Notice the article of Colonel Pickens elsewhere and come to the Farm ers Association April 3d. l)r. L. L. Bishop, who lias been home a tew days, left last Tuesday for Atlanta aud from that placs to Louisville, Ky., where he goes to receive his third course of lectures. He has attended two courses iu Atlanta, and not being satisfied with his fund of Medical information, he seeks other institutions foi knowledge in hia pro fession. His friends wish him abundant success and a pleasant term at school, when lie will return home about June Ist. Mr. D. M. Hyatt is spending several days with friends iu our town. Tie speaks ot going to Missouri or Calitornia in the employ ofhiscqmpsny. He may, howev er, be induced to settle iu business at this place. Mr. W. C. Allen ot this place is off this week to purchase his stock of goods to fill his new store on the public square. He will have a fulljline of goods and will offer them cheap. Dr. Dixie Watkins of this place who has been quite ill with an attack of fever in Atlanta, is improving. He graduates March Ist from the Atlanta Medical Col lege. What about the Southern Methodist and the Baptist Churches getting them an or gan? Can't the ladies stir up this question among our town people? The Daisy Patent Flour still takes the lead and gives satisfaction. Try a sack of it and see if your appetite will not call for more. It is thought that Jolm Prince, the slay er of M. 11. Gray in Fanuin couuty, has been booked by tbe Atlanta Police. Tbe editor enjoyed a most pleasaut but brief visit last week to relatives in Canton aud Confers, Ga. Mr. Davie Garren of ibis county is up in Fanniu county aud Cherry Log in this couuty. A communication from Applsou, Ten nessee icaohed us too late for publii at lon Ibis week. Mr. il. V. Teem is off tbi* Week to 1 Home, Us., on business. Drifting. • VO. M. 0. I i* going with Iks current. I aiu drifting with tbn tide, W her* so’err tbcjr tear me, On life’* sea so wide. I do not 000 the Haven. Nor yet a guiding star; I only knew no |f>> m* are here, Mv. pleasant voyage to uiar. Like a boatlwitb rudder broken, On the sunny waves afloat. So am Ia merry youth. Drilling in the boat. Wonder who sent the candy to the Seminary? THERE'S MONEY IN IT. In addition to what I have stated in ttiis issue I have beeu .requested to make an estimate somewhat as follows: One acre will produce from 500 to 1,200 pounds of tobacco. If flue cured (i. e. cured iu a barn with heat) it will average from 5 cents to 30 ceut6 per pound. This will be in money any where from $25.00 to $360.00 per acre. This is a broad range aud after a little experience no one need make less than SIOO.OO per acre. Ihe lowest estimate is more than the best faimers make on their best laud iu corn, and the expense ia about tbe same. Remember this can be made on the up lauds where you make nothing now. Iu order to run a factorygwe would want a local supply of fifty thousand pounds of leaf, this means 50 or 76 acres in proper’cultiration. Can we be furnish ed this much tobacco by tbe farmers of this section onejyear hence? Twice this amouut would be furnishen if tbe people looked at tbe matter as I do. Plant your seed,'come to the Faimers Association on April the 3d, and let us talk about it,’and if you coucluie it wont pay you shall iose nothing R. T. P. Eastern Gilmer. People of this section are sowing oats aud preparing for their next corn crop. Col. G. W. Heath a prominent citizen of this scctiou is very low from pneumo nia. We are mad with Clarence Cobb for stealing one of our Cartecay girls, Miss Mary McHau. Misses Mollie and Georgia Pettit gaye n quilting to the maids and bachelors of this country last.wei k which was attended. Uncle Spborn Holt is very low from a cancer aud other diseases, he is ninety years of age aud has been a citizen of Gilmer county 60 years Prof Noali Pettit of seven miles gave an entertainment yesterday and last night nt the close ol his school. The writer took iu-r walking stick and hobbled out to the entertainment but did’nt get any beau. Who will be our next'county schoo* commissioner? Why not John .Everett, of Eliijay? He is a splendid young man, fully qualified for the business and hi, home is in Eliijay where he can attend to any business any day the boys are in town. Prof. J. C. Walker, is teaching a 'vocal music class at Oak Hill John is a good b)y and certainly knows hie business in the school-room, lie lias pupil* who did not know the notes the first day of school; after going eight days could cor rectly lead a lession. Granny Jat. How a Baby’s Life' WaslSaved.l Death the grim monster, is fond of entering the happy 4 family circle, and to cut down with his fatal ■, scythe the syriie, yong humanity .which cheer and brighten the household; but after the keen edge of his scythe can be aveted by the fond.yarents, if they will exercise good judgement in procuring an efficient remedy for their ading* chid- Such a case is re'a’ed b low, and* the test imony given by the mother cannot impress itself upon the memory of all mothers who may be called upon to undergo a similar] experience,'a’id who are anxious to save their own baby’s life from the insidious attack of disease which poisous the very fouut of life, to end finally, in death. Furthermore, the entire harmlessness of S. S. S. is seen in the fact that little four-months-old babies take it with im punity.and great benefit. Ba'des pre disposed to scrofula should be brought up from the age of three months to eighteen months on S. 8. 8., that they may be free forever thereafter from the awful malady. Doctois prescribe S. 8. S. for scrofulous babies. ‘Gastonia, N. C., April 4, 1887. Gentlemen—Several months ago my baby, then over four months old develo ped scrofu’a. He had two seveie ris ings aud sores on the neck. I sent for our family physician who pronounced the case scrofula and breserbed S. 8. S. for it. I gave the baby 8. S. 8. for about a month, and it soon’ got the di3 ease under control. The sores are healed, and the baby is very well aud healthy in appearance. I know S. 8. 8. saved the baby’s life, and I told our doctor so. He is a regu lar physician, and prescribed S. S. S. for the baby as soon as he saw it had scrofula. Yours sincerely, Amanda Ingle. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed tree. Tub Swift Bpboibio Cos. Drawer 3, Atlautu, Ga. GEORGI A— Gihner county. Whereas the application of Humphrey Juekson us the next friend ol the heirs of llensou Jackson, lata o. said county do ceased, for a twelve month-’ support, has been tiled .nd duly eutrud on record, this is therefore to cue all parsons eou. ueruod to show cause, it any they can, why,on thetlrsi Monday In Murub next, the petition of the ai p[leant may not be iiißife the Judgment of tho court. Given under my band aud official seat, this the ninth duy of January, i*M. J.C. a11.1..N, Ordinary. From CorreipoudoaU. Flat Bkakco The bridge geroa* Mcatn taiotown ertfk fell down last M.m d>V about ooe o’clock. R. I. DoUmo (hauled heavy loads of rroastiea over It laat week and Ucnige I.owe liad crossed with a wagon only a few minutes before it fell. T. Y. Hind land bid off the *•<• b-j longing to the estate of his mother on last sale day. Henry Helton la now living at the place where Miltou Jarvis lived. Dillon Dover will get 25 dollar* from the state treasury on account of an arm disabled in the Confederate army. HCBTIC. Court is iu session at Cununiug and will be held in Cherokee county uext week. Mr. M. F. Eaton of Talking Rock speut a few days ill Eliijay this week. The croak of the frog betokens the near approach of spring. WILD LAND SALE For Gilmer County For The year 1888. GEORGIA—GILMER COUNTY Will b sold before the courthouse door ot said county In the town of KUijay,with in the legal hours af sale to tbe highest hi.ldcr for cash, on the lirst Tuesday in June 1888, said sale to be continued from day to day until disposal of, tho follow ing described property to-wit: lot of wild laud No. 1 in the 19tli dist and 2d section of said couity. levied on by virtue of and to satiety a tax h. fa. iisuetl by Jas, R. Kincaid T. C., for tbe purposes ot the State and county taxes for the yea.i 1887 Levy made Hy me this the 10th day of February 1883. Also at the same time and place, and in the wanner governing sheriffs sales, will he sold lot of wild land No. 18 in the 10 dist and 2d section of said county, lev ied on by virtue of and to satisfy a tax ti. ta. issued by Jas. It. Kincaid T. 0., for the purposes of the State and county taxes for the year 1887. Levy made by me this the 10th day of February 1888. Also at'he same time and place, and in the manner governing sheriff’s sales, will be sold Ist of wild land No. 08,in the 10th dist and 2d section of said county, levied on hy virtue of and to satisfy n tax fi. fa. issued by Jas. R. Kipcaid T. C. for the purposes of the State and county taxes fsr the year 1887. Levy made by me this the 10th day of February 1888. Also at the same time siul place, and in the manner governing sheriff’s sales, wilt he sold lot of wild labd No. 51 in the lldiet and 2d section of sdid county, lev ied on bv virtue of and to satisfy ii tax fi la. issued by Jas. K. Kincaid T. C., lor the purposes of State and county taxes fertile year 1887. Levy made hy me this the 10th day of February 1888. Also at the same time and place, and in the manner governing sheriff’s sales, will be sold lot of wild land N0.267 in the 6 dist and 2d section ef said county, lev ied on hy virtue of and to satisfy a tax fi. fa. istued by Jns. It. Kincaid I’,. (J., for the purposes of the State ami county lux es lor the year 1887. Lev} made by mo this the 10th day ol February 1838. Also at the same time and place, and in tbe manner governing sheriff’s sales, will be sold lot of wild land No. 27 inlthe 6 dist and Ist section of said countv, lev ied oo by virtue of and to satisfy a tax fl, fa. issued by Jas. R. Kincaid T. lor the purpeses of the Sta’e and county taxes tor the year 1887. Levy made by me this the 10th day of February 1888. Also at the same tipie and place, and in the manner governing sheriff’s sales, will he sold lot of wild land No. .19 Inruns' 5 dist and 2d section of said, county, lev ied on hy virtue of affd to Bntisfy a tax ti. fa. issued by Jas. U. Kincaid T. C., for tho purposes of the state and county tax es for the year 1837. Levy made by me this the 10th day of February 1888. Also at the same time and place, and in the manner governing sheriff’s s ties, will he sold lot of wild land No. 70 in the 6 dist and 2d section ef said county, lev ied on by virtue of and to satisly a tax fl. la. issued by Jas, K. Kincaid T. 0.. for the purposes of the state and county taxes for the year 1887. Levy- made by me this the 10th day of February l$S v t. Also at the same time and place, and ii the manner govering sheriff’s sales, will be sold lot el wild land No.IOC in the 5 diet and 2d section of said county, lev ied on hy virtue of and to satisfy a tax li. fa. issued by Jr.s. It. Kincaid T. (J., for the purposes of the state and county tax es for the year 1887. Levy made hy me this the loth day of February 1838. Also at the same time and place, imd in tbe manner governing sheriff’s sales, will be sold lot of wild land N0.153 in the 7 dist and 2d section of said county, lev ied on hy virtue of and to satisfy a tax ti. fa. issued by Jus. It. Kincaid T. C., for the purposes of the state and county tax es for the rear 1887. Levy made by me this the 10th day of February 1888. Also at the some time and place, and in tli* manner governing sheriff’s sales, will he sold lot of wild land N0.248 in the 7 dist and 2d sectiou of said county, lev ied on by virtue of and to satialy a tax fi. fa. issued hy Jas. U. Kincaid T. <J., for the purposes ol the state and county, tax es lor the year 1887. Levy made hy me this the 10th day of February 1888. Also at the same time and pbiee, and in the manner governing sheriff’s sales, will be sold lot of wild land No. 249 in the 7 dist and 2d section of said c >unty, lev ied on by virtue of and to satisfy a tax li. ta. issued by Jas. R. Kincaid T. C„ for the purposes ol the state and county tax es for the year j 887. Levy made by me tlf s the luth day of February 1888. Also at the same time and place, and in tbe manner governing sheriff s sa es, wi 1 be sold lot of wi ll laud No. 255 in the 7 dist and 2d section of said county, levied on by virtue of and to satisfy a lax fi. fa issued by Jas. It. Kinca <1 T. C., for the purposes of the state and county I axes for the year 1687. Levy made by ine this the 10th day of Feb ruary 1888. Also at the same time and place, and ill the manner governing sheriffs sa'es, will be so'd lot of wild laud No. 258 in the 7 dist and 2d section of taid county, iey’ed on by virtue of and to satisfy a tax li. fi. i-su dby .<a-. It. Riuca'd T. C., for .he purposes of the slate and couuty taxes for the year 18 -7. Levy made by me this the JOth day of Feb ruary 1888. Also at the same time and place, and in the manner governing sheriff’s sa'es, will be Bo'd lot of wild land No. 4 io the 12 dist and 2d section or said county, levied on by virtue of and to satisfy a tax fi. fa. issued by Jas. It. Kincaid T. C., for the purposes of the state and county taxes for the year 1887. Levy made by me this the lOlly day of Feb ruary 18-58. Also at the same time and p’ac •, and in the manner governing sh riff’s sabs, will be sold lot of wild land No. 77 in the 12 dist and 2d s- ction of said county levied on by virtue of and to stilLfy a tax li. fa. issued oy -las. K. Kincaid, T. C.. for the purposes of i In; *tito and county taxes for the year 1887. I.evy made by me this ti n Iod d*y of Feb i nary 1888. his the 16th day of Feb. 1888- M. L. COX, Sheriff. 1 |.> I>l Tf IT' Heiid dx cent *"V JL 11 I/j for posts***, am: *Kwive ir. o, • costly box of goods, which wiU hl < you to more money right away than anything *d*s in thie world. All of 1 either *i*-x rucccid from first hour, Ths 1 broad road to fortune opaus before the i worker* absolutely sure. At tioot ;4 Area* True A Cm. Auiuata Mourn. ACID PHOSPHATE. Farmers come directly to me if you want the best acid phosphate. I have a big lot fresh from the works. Don’t be monkeyed with nor talk ed into taking some thing that is no account. I paid down for mine, and can sell cheap for cash, or on time to responsible parties. I have used it, and know it is good. Compost your stable manure with it and make two ears of corn where only one grew before, and raise your gar den stuff, watermelons, etc., and set your grass and clo ver with it. Reapers, mow ers, rakes and buggies cheap as dirt. Fresh clover and grass seed, at cost. The Con stitution 90cts. Come to me direct. T. H. TABOR. Eliijay Seminary. o Calendar for 1837-88: First Term begins Jnlv litii, 1887, and will olosh Bop(ember 30tii, 1887. S-eond Turin b gms October 10,ii, 1887. and ?t’lo=es April 15ili, 1888. 1 RATES OF TUITION FIRST Grade —Orthography. Reading, Writing, Primary Go ograpliy. Primary Arithinnuo, SI.OO n *r month, Second Grade —Orthography, R-uding, English Grammar, Practical Arithmetic anti Geography, $1.25 per month, Third Grade. —Higher Arithmetic, Algebra, Rhetoric, U. S History, Li'in Grammar and Render, $1 50 per month. Fourth Grade —P i.vsiolngv, Natural Ph> lesooliv, Geometry Trigonometry, Caemr, Virgil, Geology, Greek Grammar, Reader Anabasis, $2.00. An incidental fee of 25 cents will be charged for second lerm. For further particulars concerning moms to rant, etc , see, T. W. (Jraigo, Trustee, 7 21 8 m. E'iijay, Ga. HERE IT IN! JUST THE THING FOR TBE TEACHER AND THE STUDENT. o o—o—o 0 Ho Mora Puzzling Ovar Examinations. Tho Great Educational Manual! THE NORMAL QUESTION ROOK, Oontaing 3,500 questions and answers taken from the best au therities on '.lie common school branches, arranged in a gvsletVulie and philosophic order with appendix. It contains qnes'iin and answers complete on Orthography, Reading, Arithmetic, Grammar Geography, U. S. History, Pnysiology, Penmanship, P irli unenlary Rules ami Civil Governtnen', together with hints on tiie theory and practice of leaching, forming a complete text book for teachers It is highly endorsed by collegians as adapted for (he use of com mon and high schools, and is Hie mosl complete book id Ho- kind in lhe United S'ales, it should be in 11 1 re hands of every teacher and student. 460 pages bound in fine english cloth, With gilt title. Only $1,50 sol iby subscription You miss ii if you fail to get Ibis book. Write me ami I w:ll get you one. Address, S. E. JOHNSON, Cartecay, Ga, Agenl N'Otnai Publication*. PROTRCT YOUR HQIiRS.I LE& DOUSLS: ACTION REVOLVER. GrOOD Theae, revolvers aro an exact TTr> _ TT dnoiiSil 3of tiro celebrated REVOLVER tain 4 rasa. no longer costs /•' • ' • -- .33 Caliber, twin? a Fate i W !%f SSS A :? V. ta /V-fiL'? > r V .r-TT*- - '/v’p :'"X w s \JJ 111 FULL KfQK£f. PLA t f.R, KMEJ*C<3 ftP-MOLE. V X',;;* T v\uvA::7r.j> r... ■ \.l l.- i ■, -t : ' j- Z‘j 7:ia y '■ J c.Tj.rvr-r.x ct> ■v.'ijsKii.t.iSf. VjC.i' . lor lu'io by I.’artiwaro and Cun Dealers everywhere. Kasvfaatand ty 5533 V-AILU* I'll, 3 Alt’ll> CO,, X-w Korea, Conn. _ SSSLLiCT fid TMB __ world I MAIR T.Xrt:J tttagazino .•v>s|3BP feeufiljr jruarsMe* i, at,if 104 .tu’.y A wetutely Safe . ~!• <,:* !a riAilft ” j UALLf'Y, flOrtTfNfl A v ? fA r l T | n>•;.?*, w**’t rww*~we4. HnJ ft lliaUfatftl CiUtwif. fiHA.Mtt.i74 r. r J.*; 4 < li.t I > IId.wMA, Ct.Bs, Sffi" IDE A L RELO t\ XWO TOOLS ©•<£'• WILL *V ONt-KALF TM* COST Of AMMUNITtOH. mrlßr fr 1I #lr,s of rrfr rt.rvu w \?h ps-d (n §ny of tti t *Ho- Ini'* JPm Jtitl i.f Ii toisj U.ul t. t. . si-!, t.v-tii t*f. .*cvn. F'u. :iici-/L,r Aly B wtiiiiAf yl+tiuut: *.y, mi.smi 6 W*oa i u 11 *t u.J *pi uiitiUMi of fi gb'\ shot m %miz, i>\m aso %m%. fßlig ■ Si 1 ih4 belter tl-su nuy othvr. ki 4 for Ir ce I4s| of lUtMMi IttQk to T' ■ j|SS at \ IsffMil MMisuientueiMt (-•>t|nsyp M MHI NffXttKMU* how liAvut, CuaMl a. a i. o. H. B SCHEBUIT. ' Ox and after June the 2'Uhj Tsfl7 •rains on the Marietta and North Georgia Railroad will nin as follows: No. 1, Passenger, Goins North. Leave Marietta, 8.507.~m Arnve at Canton, 10:14 a. Leave Canton, 10:1 5 *.' m" Arrive al Jasper, 11:29 a. u. Gave Jusper, 11:29 a. m. Arrive nt Elllijay 12:55 p. m. Leave Eilijav, 12:65 p. m. Arrive nt Mineral Bluff. J:01 p. a. Leave Mineral Bluff, 2:01 p. m. Airive at State Line, 2:24 p. m." Leave Slate Line 2:24 p.m! Arrive at Culbdrscm’H 2:34 p. ai. Passenger, Going South. Leave Cu1ber50n’5............10:32 a. m Arrive at State Line 10:42 a m. Gave State Line 10:42 a. ia. Arrive at Mineral Bluff 11:05 a. m. Leave Mineral Bluffff 11:05 a. m Arrive at Kllijay 12:11 a. m. Leave Kllijay 12;11 p. m . Arrive at Jasper 1:41 p.m. Leave Jasper ' 1:42 p. in. Arrive at Canton 2:57 p. m. Gave Canton 8:00 p. m. Arrive al Marietta 4;21 p. at No. I will pass No 2at Charles’ Cross ing. No 2 makes close connection at Marict- Ih with trains going North and South on Western and Atlantic Railroad. • J. B. Glovku, Supt., M Uriel t.t,Ga. GEORGIA— Gilmer County. M ill ba su’d before the court house do rof said county within the legal hours if Bah-to tbe li gli si bidder for cash on toe first Tiie da. in March 1888 the following described property to-wit: All Lhe right life and interest of Martin 15. Hn s ill and to hi' of ’and No. 198 in the 11th dist mid 21 section of raid couns ty, levied on by virtue of and to s.iti-fy a tax fi. fa. 'asm <1 by James H. Kincaid T. G. vs. the said Martin B. Ross for State and county fixes f r the year 1887 Levy made and retum-d to mo by A. Ingle L. C. This the 19th day of Jan. 1886, M. L. Gox, Sheriff. GEORGIA—GiImer Oounty. Wil 1 he sold before tho court house door of RHid county within the legal hours of sale to tha highest biddei for c sh on the fbst Tuesday iu March 1888 tho following described property to-wit: lot of hind No. 171 in lhe 7th dist and 2d section of said counly, levied on us the property of M. E. Ilill by virtue < f and to satisfy a tax fi. fa. issu.d by Janus It. Kincaid T. C. vs. the said JM. E. Hill for Slate and couniy taxes for the year 1887. Levy made and return ed to an by Cliailes Patterson L. C. 'lhis the 19th day of Jan. 1888. M. L. Cox, Sheriff. G l ' OUQlA—Gilmer County. Will he sold before the court house door in said eouuiy within the legal hours uf sale to the highest bidder for cash on the first Tuesday in March 1888, the following described properly to-wit: lot of land No. 140 in the 1 lilt district and 2d section of said county, levied on ns the property of Dnyid To*nsend hy virtue of end to sat isfy a tux fi. fa. issued by James H. Kin caid T. C., vs. tiie said David Townsend for the pin-pore of state and county taxes for the year 1888. Levy made by A. M. Vick L. 0., and returned to me. This, the, 30 day of January 1888. 11. L. COX, Sheriff. UKOIIAIA—GiImer County. Will be sold before the c urt house door in said county within the legal hours of sale to llie highest bidder for cash on the liist. Tuesday in March 1888, the following described property to-wit. lot of land No. 39 in the llth (list, and 2d gcctiou of said County, levied on as the property of Rich ard N. Stanley by virtue of and satisfy two tux fi. fas. issued by Ja. K. Kincaid, T. 0., ono for the purpose of poll tax for the year 18s7, and the otlier for state and comity taxes for the year 1887, vs. the said Richard N. Stnn'ey. Levy made and returned to nm by R. N. Holden I*. 0. laid the 80th day of Jan. 1888. M. L. COX, Sheriff. ~ r_ fl 13 WJEEKB. The POLICE GAZETTE will be m uieu, sccu c y wrapped, to any ad dress in the United States for three months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount al owed to post masters, agents and c übs- Sample copies rnai ed free. Address all orders to RICHARD K. FOX, Franklin Square, N. Y. THE Bcsf way w i To got a Ftrt~CtaxWatch lain ourt'o-OperatlvoClabs. Rili ns t® ts rsr. Sh&ffigj&W LOWEST CASH PRICES Only SI.OB a Week. Thousands of tit® best $38.00 Gold Watch ever mado oro cell ing in otu* Co-opcrativo Clubs. This Is the H-.t, Chwpoat, 3fo*t f'oKrrninnt, and only co-operative System ef selling watches. Ttio watches uro American Lever Stem W'ir.ders, containing every essential to cccuracy end dura bility, and havo, in addition, numerous patented Improvements found In no ether watch. They aro absolutely the only J>u*r. end !><i m ppSi <mt - tnen<> made la the World, and ore Jeweled throughout with OMirUJI. V J:UBI 111. The hshnlHMu ll'tt land A’.is the rtronx.wt and simplest mode. Thoy an />b 'y /hr vp pearanet, accuracy, £ur<- „ llty .{ ftvier, to any $76 I Patrh. ('uren op.-ntiv* Ch hi'}.ten bring* them within the reach t f every acu, ’TKX.,™KSYST<yME V II **.o. RoatKH ihiinP u mU iii&Mii! *mio*3*.| *%■, t XwMfSmJjil mmtbl As*w*. I fit jfjr tvW> ,/ Clubs Constantly Vvininc Isis lew sad t‘ . ” • IHi