The Ellijay courier. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1875-189?, January 09, 1890, Image 3

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iiiti klujay (ouiujiii.'Q^ggg Who A HISTORIC WEAPON. WANTED! SPIRAL SPRING BUGGY COMPANY” ...llu.mTjia 9 , 1890 . H Says “ — he has ■“ got J a «"» “sty” coming “• on his The Pistol that Bill Died, Arp Fired TTR.ICTS FOR curctjr imti Up. when Bill Johnson now localintelligence. last Sunday evening in Possession of an Dated her note Ellijay Man. TEN !ON FEET!! ISO. Several new eubfccribera during the last Watched the cows pray on old Christ¬ Coe mas night. A party erf genttemea sat i _-the chatted that Mack recently visited Ellijay risk offleo re®ntly, .And as business i jeiri*. jp fully unrolled ay the subscribers baye fav< ilked with his gin n :kage around wi’ijk the crunfpled lay Several uf oor niag and lead his filds ye to down at us this week by paying for their paper. of a newspaper ^iutig in loose em¬ Threw a kiss at her fellow when brace. New stock of ladies’ Hats A. just W. Dors. arrived. started Received home a Sunday letter last evening. Saturday say¬ the It object was Ordinary revealed A. M. wa9 Johnson, an old-time and Ellija d's Ellijay or Car¬ —---■«»-- “Conte love.” tecay all of the hicko Considcinble business was tiansacted in ing. into my arms, Colt’s six-shooting revolver. the Ordinary’s court in this place Monday Said that last Sunday was the first time There was nothing attractive about the last. he was ever out ridden by a young lady. pistol, as its rusty and hideous visage P pine and oak Mr. D. J. bavenpnrt has completed his They say like to have until married Sunday last Sun¬ peeped bard, but out from its the long stiff barrel leathern just 2i scab¬ years ry, residence Gilmer street and moved day, but postponed it next . out , ! found in Gilmer I nice on Got his girl’s year's gift and said ago a leaden messenger sped ou its mission Manufacturers liito it. new of |lie Best she paid him with a pair of red stockings. of death. j* tered MisseB sciiool Rebecca at the and Seminary Ida Whitaker in this place en¬ The misses are that called on tlie Ordi¬ Ordinary, “It has killed “and a its man use in and time,” accuracy said the to count want contractors CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES nary at his oftice last Sunday afternoon. day is remarkable. I have killed to from 10,000 this week. Sunday af¬ this to Saw the couple cooing last squirrels with it, and I never knew it to Ever Sold Ai the house Dr. keeping L. Bishop in the aud house lady vacated have gone by Mr. to ternoon swards. while strolling on the green tail fire, or I refuse loaded to reyolve it, when and after brought 14 500, et. Call at once South ! nto use have A. T. Logan. Went to a certain place in town to months, I have fired tlie same load with NOTICE THIS OFFER. -- .. »-—— this Diace, meet her fellow Sunday eyeniv.g and he One barrel loaded for and tai contract. Mon¬ We offer ilO.WX) cash to any manufacturer of carriages who Last Tuesday was sale day at wasn't there. the same cap. was will meet us amr and 320 acres of land were sold by Sheriff V two years, and when it was snapped it *■" * ™ su *“» for $13.2S. Said her fellow looked as sweet as crab rang as clear as a wV“ ,1 ‘' " soon timber Cok apple pie, while PS. as IlOW WE WARRANT THEM. Close a contract with Mr. Duckett for son in school. But to our ’ tfory. tf We do something in tlie way of guarantee that does. Tbe original Bill Arp, whose .ufii, delive Col. Coleman of buggies entire for and no one We warrant our lumber at once, or we may miss getting The laiKvis thjge went to the name one year our springs for TEN years. Sec if any other carriage young Tiv-^rttfufgbS^gji^ggiid since been adopted by Maj. Cbas. II. maker will do this. Read our warraut. °° the mills located with us. lecture sat r»-» .... I t ~ - down by a bachelor Smith, of Cartersville, and over which Ellija uthorized toj nafee OUR GUARANTEE. . D. Gostc-pffl'ns. crisp uom de plume the Atlanta Constitu¬ Spiral Spring Carriages are guaranteed, with fair and JUfSu^pentSunday last in town rROMJ. tion carries columns of wit and rugged one yqnr for from date of purchase in every particular aud the spring reasonable and all its use. mtach- for looking after his female interest. Cherokee philosopher to contra <jr -sue and QrjTT s Ctiiy J 1 "-'"* 8 ten years from date of purchase, aud if any part of said carriage shall fail ---a»-- truth from the by reason of imperfect material or workmanship, the seller hereby We unavoidably two d.-ys late with To the Farmers of Gilmer County. its readers, was a friend to the Johnsons good such defects free of expense to the purchaser. Will agrees C^r to Lc make were contract ade by him will Spring any other carriage ot oi our paper last week on account of failing who lived near Rome, Georgia. One day maker do this ? Of course they won’t. to get our paper from Atlanta ou time. As all I in the tim¬ Bill Johnson and Arp went to Rome. THE SPIRAL IS ADJUSTABLE, you mm aware, am Johnson drunk, aud offered good> Want contracts And the Spring good ber hiidfpcss. and often asked what got an open be will carry a load of 700 Mis. or spring easy with SO lbs Mr. D. T. Jnrvett is feeling over insult his best friend and companion. changed m ten seconds by boy ten old isn’t fan h« kind of timber. My advertisement will to a years ; Hits a good thing? Being able Hie arrival of a girl baby at his Ironic this. 1 wish to state that we Arp greatly his inferior physically, wflhin 30 days. to adjust the Carriage Spring to suit your weight without any trouble 8 Sunday last answer was made Call which put iu an appearance don’t want your young timber. We only aud had no pistol. Johnson habitually Rev. T. G. Chase occupied the pulpij want timber 20 inches and upwards in carried a brace of Colt’s big revolvers Sunday diameter. To take this does not impov¬ with him, and generously pulled out his and i,e wil1 promptly make you prices by calling ou him or writing him at the Seminary iu this place last erish your land, but leaves the young see the preseucc of a large and intelii/ growth free to grow staigbt, sound and long weapons of warfare, offering Arp his affine sfirae sfrirg vmwr gm phre, audience. faster and thus pay you better. choice, of the two.- .*tp selected this re- j. i nit Miss Mem a Buffington, ngton,^u^Mf^llijay’ ^ tf (t think Now it 1 is have this to interest sav to to voijl corte at i silver. apart, They turned deliberately aud fired walked two shots live Cixcnwxri, Ohio, to yona -paces highly esteemed JackfSq youmj. aUer.-Pah- - j j “nee and take contracts, and as ‘large apiece. Both nteu were wounded, and of Mrs. !£, F. _ f ones as possible,* and especially those JOHN F. STRATTON Ac SON, were taken in the same room in the old that live around Ellijay and near Kiiijay Choice hotel. They cursed aud denounc¬ and Cartecay' rivers. I desire that you blasphemy Musical Importers and Wholesale Dealers in I have all the.privilege, but you must take ed each other in unblushing un¬ passing them,the,'accomptwW limit cour - Mercurial Rheumatism, Mercbain 2* [the "Ovsiit /.e offered to you or I may til Arp was remove! to an adjoining room, teoua 6aluUtiun»vitb an tostof* Mr. J. C. Jones, city marshal of Fulton, 4-9 MAIDEN LA ! have to go up t> l( j down the railroad to and Johnson died in a lew minutes. As tfi* 11, summary I get the timber yo< might furnish. I know they lay' on bleeding couches sending impi¬ He was a trifle .(prised at Arkansas, writes : “About ten years ago I NEW VOKK. Mark Foster, you have it and it u your fault if you maledictions cacli other, Johnson’s command t£ with with the t' vo suspicious contracted a severe ease of b.’ood poisou. Mr. aud Miss Manic of do not make ous to looking soon sa* diat they The leading JOHN F. STRATTON’S CELEBRATED Pickens county, have moved to tills place up the amount wanted. rapidly ebbing life soon stilled his frenzied m (telivet physicians of tire cily were I’ake as large a contract as you can, lor eyideul-Vy biRiiiiit htnrooin : me*fl nu c tf tlo.t called in, and they’ cribed-inedicinc af¬ RUSSIAN GUT VIOLIN aud occupy their neat cottage just com - if you take small it lessens the tongue across which the seal o! death soon impoitaucejur u “'^ pres STRINGS, THE FINEST IN contracts of At last the m>gMt tie of ter medicine, which I took u'Hmut nfford plelsd on Spring street. chance of getting Hut plant located here, placed its ban silence. mes¬ revoivere quickly jMimteirf^ 1,1 ' u suc me relief, I also-tried utcriuiial THE WORLD. and if we secure it. you will have con¬ sage was brought to him that Johnson n«Mt *ew words ] any Mr. R, U. Logan, of Murray county, tracts to tun ten years, where those »vhq was dead, and Arp, who was always ciinvinciug apology. aud the stranger aud potash remedies, with the same unsue who has been attending school in this take _________________ small contracts . cannot tell all ol Johnson's friend a.ul who was quite a cesslul result, hut which brought nil anaf" OUR GUARANTEE— If a denier neeives a complaint, [wh’ch he believes for six months, entered college at I their timber, only sell what thee have celebrity wit, smd- his in tack of mercurial rheumatism that imuU- to Ik: honest] from any musician to whom he has sold any of these sit ings, lie Dabtonega this week. .V.T j contract ’Ihis is id. illi formant, “That as a do “settle it. my life oue of untold —"v-ny. Af’ei^-asrfD authorized by us to give hint another string without charge, nnd all such losj is Hurst tI ~ will hold 11 the ii Georgia • r> Con-, I an ejw. i-prise that we_j»‘ e pressiou became I gave ipy^fTfornui Bishop , a | ike illt0r08t J| in . There is no Mistake current in cmimie’nr- ”'i" ' ujkhjf Swift’l V 11 l,e ,nadu 8° ,M ’ 1,8 to mir customers, without quibble or question. [Beware ference Mt. SEUju of the Sen.iunry M. E. church iu Carrol! for this year j about the C^flind Lumber Co. (coming j | , a!, and d adaptability "’as employed with as • jfC) After taking several ot - n ni, ations.] Dealers will please send for disciiptive catalogue. Trade ot HI -flHHB anil »s any s is entirely cured and hj-HWPitted at lowest prices. la-ginning the Kith inst. 11 «!*v. It r 18lso ’' able I ' li iuci of tllis ce 1 consider Svii-Jg Specific -----------—-------— Quarterly conference will be ....... held -r lents t ly' | the greatest modiemrPV hUx.u tom M. E. church, South, next Saturday^ gained great oUdVfy Jploriety FOR m CHEAP STORE OF < to its in the to-day on the market.” Sunday lu thin place. Presiding j loose large turn i tliat da y- Bl11 >f' ,Iln80U was prompt Cure. Cofcr will lie present nnd preach. j sums of money in y our conn T ty. Will y«i| accept itf Jeff and youug Abb Johusou Swift’s Specify, s. S.) ___ Mr. Mont Smith, of Turmptown, has] Now let every citizen get to work and desperate men for several ‘ Eh bought the famous Ramsey Jack of Mur : l,L ' I P me by taking contracts and urging father was aa murdered uihiucivu >r- .iiig out all over my ray * county, and will serve ' tlie public dur. I h-tt'A have ,iis neighbor this t Iktfl ItLkrtl plant to do located the same. t»A«»* here. We must writer Ah ot hl^^lieunis t h father fall iu college killed. with near The Dahlonega, stranger was and I waB'’ veliug the blood VicTim poisoning. Stsvt m>V, Eh < iug the present season at his home. Very Respectfully, young was overland toule foetbaWhith his buv- 24 S. Royal Street, Mobile, Ala. Abu home, and later killed. Miller on s 9 J. W. Dec' came ersnek , strapped . . ., h( shoulders, i We arc sorry to note that Mr. G. II. near Kingston, went West aud a tew I across For thirty years I was nffl'eted with i Randetl, of near town, is dangerously ill Whoop limb Aikan-L took Ui8 uuinillatit, in smiling I H up the lau-e— t interest aud let’s years later was bung to a in rac «*, for he didn’t know bis highway blood (xiison, from which I suffered untold with something Tike scrofula. It is feared secure the mills for this place. It will sas with seven negroes by a party of men. j t,„st and good humoro l!) as ked them agonies. I commenced taking S._ S. S., W B poisou, if it 3 , that lie has blood so may benefit all alike. When the old man Jobuson was killed j '-if they ever drunk ciY-king.” “You and after using five bottles, I am entirely prove fatal. Jeff gave this pistol to Mr. Lcander Fin j bet we do,” both responds, and back in cured. W T II.liam ScmcxK, K For a safe and certain remedy for fever dley, personal friend of the family, who scabbards went both pistes- Davis got Flushing, L. I. Deputy Marsha-c—H&nn aud Jones car¬ and ague, use Dr. J. H. McLean’s Chills a dow rummaging aroud in bis shoul¬ Jasper this week frhm this county now resi les near Fairmouut, Ua.,aud lie in n to ried to and Fever cure; it is warren led to cure. der wallet, while the tw desperadoes I suffered for twenty years with IiIimkI fir a committing trial Lafayette, Joe and turn gave it to Mr. A. M. Johnson, Gil- gleefully smacked tbeir lif in anticipa¬ poisoning. Three bottles f Swift’s Spe¬ met’s chief executive. < Lias Weaver charged with violating the No tped to take those big cathartic pills; present tion of the -real so unexpetedly dis¬ cific (S. S. S.) cured me entirely. P revenue laws. oue of Dr. J H. McLean's Liver aud Kid¬ Ordinary Johnson has the pistol with all covered. In tlie meantini^Davis was Caiiikhink AIosiiib, resolutions of of ney Fillets is quite sufficient aud more the leathern belt and appendages as used watching iis turn, and te.'he astonish- Mineola, L. 1. Among the new some agreeable. , ,uent of ais newly m *d friends, he citizens it has been resolved to use no by Bill Johnsou before Arp shot him with pistol in- Treatise Tl'ood and Shin Diseases mailed our his own weapon. It has beeu in use over whipped out a big dungcra . on other fiour for the next year but the Daisy If health and life are worth anything, free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., FARMERS HEADQUARTERS FQS Patent, because of its superiority and and feeling of a quarter of a century, and it is numlicrcd the boys. “Click'’ went $ •klia ammer as Atlanta, Ga you are out sorts, and find “101,911,” the stamp of the manufactory leveled bis little two Cheapness. Good l they kuow a good out, tone up your system by tatting Dr. J. he gun ;t men. thu g after trying it II. McLean's Sarsaparilla. when it was turned out ou its checkered “Did you ever danoe anj ntleiuen?” rising Wednesday morning of this week Qnli General Merchandise! —-- — career by the great establishment ot Col. said Davis, as h.s i»—d,” eve fla^ Arp, his “but 1 nary A. M. Jolmsoi. was made to rejoice Thursday of last week Mr. Charley Mil¬ Sick Ina lachc, biliousness, nausea, cos- Sam Colt in Conuec-ticutt. anger. “No, by si ; by his gooil lady prcieuting him with a and Miss Lora Ifice, of Rock Creek in tiveuess, promptly aud agreeably ban¬ This revolver has history that is shroud¬ aiu going to try live tlie d-fil right now.” girl baby. ler are a And both men Wciil at it i. earnest, nnd this county decided to travel the “turn ished by Dr. J. II. McLean’s Liver and ed in mystery, and no doubt lias- figured in after they had entertain'd their lone For wind of life” together, and skipped down Kidney I’il'ets(little struggle lieic aud ilcspera- a pure and -some family pa ¬ pike pills.) many a w nerve audience of one with a jig a clog-dance lm the New York deck’y lias no i q i.t -X to this place and were m urled by Ordina¬ Dizziness, lion faced death at its mauth. The John¬ and a fewother steps, D/is told them Its is produetimis of the best . lohusou in his office iu the presence of nausea, drowsiness, distress hoys carried it by day and uight,a»d in i stop They all shot, hands and poetry the ry after sou to and it- Stories from of Dry Goods and Notions, dozen more s|K-ctators. eating, can l>e cured and prevented all their reckless and wanton careers its de¬ laughed over th ir nove'acquaintance |M>etfi, are t ie pens a or by taking Dr. J. II. McLean’s Liver the most gifted writ* r.f of tlie Sec -—-- and structive aud unerring accuracy was fre¬ and Davis bid them good ay. age. Boots, Shoes and Hats, ........... Tl' ;c is tlie second week of the new year Kidm-y Pillels (little pills.) quently brought play. Many times Arp afterwards relata tbe incident its ndvcrt-scnient in this issue. iuto and sol, “I the and how many have broken over the new The nvi9t delicate constitution safely when the shadow of equally feat less men with much delight, saw The lecture of Prof. Tallent Tuesday- Groceries, and Drugs, None Let can devil in that eye ol his. ;|j|^ncvv what resolutions formed ? we hope. use Dr. J. H. McLean’s Tar Wine Lung fell across their pathway and offered ns pistol inquired night last at the Seiniuary to a awarded EXCHANGE do good this tliau that meant qmfl^E” WILL GOODS FOR u» trv to more year ever Balm. It is a sure remedy for coughs, loss sistancc, its hideous barrel (minted the way- about our dancing Davis house on Civil z ition was very instructive. before. 'Vc stioulo cneer me wearj, ot voice, amt an throat and lung troubles. aloug whose avenue its rapidly chasing had Indian blood in liiag ml was a fear¬ Tlie.-e senii-monthiy lectures aie growing Country Produce ministei deed! «>f clianty to tbe needy, balls got in their deadly work and liumau less man when 0 "ce be fa the sting of a in interest and are of great lien- lit to the comfort the afflicted and do <sir utmost to Even the mostm-igorous and hearty pen- life wei»t out at the flash of its repeated wrong. school. Dr. 8. M. Merrill, chaplain of the make it pleasant for everybody. : pie have at timc^fi feeling of weariness detonations. Wc critically inspected every Arp and JobnsoMgiffi&ughed about U. 8. Army at Fort Clarke, w.ll lecture at AT HIGHEST MARKET PRICES. i and lassitude. To dispel this feeling take pace of its mechanism and closely obser. tbe incident, and admire tbe the Seuiiuary the 21st. remarkable aud unprecedented hot Dr. J. tbeTFown mischief. on GIVE HIM A TRIAL. Tli'm H. Me I .can's Sarsaparilla : it will ed every niche in its great iron sides that 1 ,,u " Davis took °" weather for January has brought out impart vigor and vitality, ‘ Uad , , , l Ured , i b 1,8 CWrnd,n i i, b utI ; | Tbev very olten made on dance and Parties desiring to go to any point in ,mi ‘ P * , 7 >’ * “ ' perpetrated tike pinks t.-any flowers that never b’ooni iu this of! , j manv on unre- Arkansas, Texas, Charleston, Augusta, | tnoii'h. In the yard of Mrs. Coleman in Fau'ts of ___ digestion cause disorders A ‘ , .U rusty cells, w« al- gisting lndividu , lfc W. 8.C. Savannah, Fiorina point, to ! tr. most imagined we could see the disem- j or any or any this plat- can be seen many violets ami the liver, and the whole system becomes bodied spirits of depar ted point south of Atlanta, will find to their in : freshness of derangid. Dr. J. H. McLean's Sarsapa- ^‘7 'I,'. wretches lurk- “ ** y V Xl , em? ot this 1,118 wm in At- ! white hyaentte with all the ^ ‘ te-n-st to communicate with J. H. Boston, srsxii’rs aeeut Western & Atlantic R.R., Marietta, -MANUFACTURER OF Ga., who will take pleasure in giving any then-1 Veale i l human f living information desired relative to rates and When you are tick you don’t want Pimples, blotches, scaly skin,ugly spots, ' ’- v <«ng ue » °r no 'l eye sbe feel poo’ly all ie time, suffer 1 schedules, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, MOULDINGS retical or even logical demonstration to sores and ulcers, abscesses and tumors, un- le “ ai " 8 ou t ' art1 ' ' ,lat " itu,>se ils r, i g" from lack of energy ai^Lioeml ‘no-ac convincc you as to the woi’.h of a remedy healthy diseliargi-s, such asralarrlieczema, : terror . count’ listess enerratio^K'o be needs a Seminary. you should us.-. Kx(k rimental know! ringworm, and other skin disc .Mfi, -re; Speaking of this pistol calk to mind a 1 tonic. Something is wronfwith ber blood, Those owing me on old accounts- will Brackets, and Builders Hardware. edge is the true criterion. Read :he expe-1 s> mptoes of stood impurity. Take Dr. J.; tenny little incident in the life of these Run for the doctor ? Not J all my dear please s--ltle at once, as 1 must have the fBotanic rieore of Blood others Bum). who have Their used plain B. B. B . ’ll. McLnrii Smsipwilh. two and men. participants They were boon companions sir. One physician’s fedjill rtkjjjPr provide her money. Those who are sending to school stan - ----- ‘ were in many a game of witii sure and pleasant ail time. this year must pay at oi before Hie close DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF ments cairy more force than all the logic There are times wheu a feeling of l.vss : - harmless l-ut sometimes hurtful, amuse- Get her a bottle of P P. ■sickly ash, of the scholastic year. ^nnd theories possible. tu.le will overcome the most robust, when nu ' ut - Ttey perpretreted many practical! jvike root and potassuffil JBic The very licst \V. D. Ali.ks. ---- the system craves for pure blood, to fur- i”**' 8 al thc exjK-nse of peacea’ le men who Woman’s Regulator a extant. It Lumber. cimut Rev. on J. the X. Myera, Southern pastor Met^i.iisl of the Ellijay -otK, : n'sli Tlie heal the e'ements remedy for of purifying health and strength, submitted known character to their prauks desperadoes, l»ecause but of thei: reaches the source of yoj^^ms- tnjppiictiy and IT WILL PAY YOU the Mond is as occn- quickly, and before wj^^Knd it, y.air arrived at this place last 'huraditjr to as Dr. J. H. Mele-an’s Sarsaparilla. sionaliy they w mid oe outwitte<l at their wife will he another bless the county. same his charge His wife, ot the son church and daughter work in this ac¬ Mr. J. H. -----—-- Tankcniey, of Carters in acknowledge gw**. aa<l when >u eucWcvS they would beaten always with kind fate that relict brougfaf^H. t^wRihysicians to her no to If you write propo-e to me. going I represent West or tlie XoithWest, Short Line, were ticc and cn Oianning age Gilmer welcome companied iu the street. daughter in house him, «nr This aud of county, will Dr. they family add E. found and W. mnch has Watkins his a e son parson- warm Elti amt on I Uoldeu an A> Murray .ait each- twelve lUgles cmnty, with a months which steel-trap has a he pair ago prizes to a of negro its European very toes highly. caught and or Johnson side and frmokuces a as ped they and and often -bin Arp prompt stranger were did acquiescence. to sitting plan hove their by in tlie actions. sight, toad- Once ] ' sbonhi ducted dorse . oncomitant and be household ir<ntr'n without Ini, (lintf where; it. it.ffill p.v is ire sale no blood appreciate.!. by well reputa- and con- its I ___________ r Money km» D. to Prsit, Loan Atlanta, D. F. A., Ga. Shingles, Ms, Cheap for Cash. to , -ihl it tc Mr Tankersh-y, and a short time True to his instinctive bent for fun, Arp hie medicine dealers every where. On improved farming land at C per rent jay’s social circles. We bespeak fat a fir. Moses caught and be also laughingly suggested his pardner ! Partus wishing borrow brirg i <»i>e to that i ----- int -n-st. to 25 & 27 IVEY STREET, them a pleasant stay among us and the let Mr. Tankers Icy have it. They they have some amusement out of the un- FOR COR v S, WAKTS AND BUN- : :1! tlanrikcls with turn:. !>■• not loan in community a gracious good by the minis inaL-s no douM, as tin-y seemed to know known sojminur 5~ they- awaited his’ IONS us-.-on!y A’-bott’, Fi-t Lufisn fVrn ! Attv, try of Rev. Mr. Myers. each other. coining, an-.! wLec the traveler was List P;,iut. * ! " Ellijay,"*Ga. ATE ART A, - - GEORG lit.