The Ellijay courier. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1875-189?, January 09, 1890, Image 4

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AGRICULTURAL. HOUSEHOLD MATTERS, WOMAN’S WORLD. gW t— WISDOM. WISDOM. CURIOUS FACTS. I ! n G,m1 > f:li!h i>, n , n. fait!, in I riOTEKE SCARFS. §H world becar because the lmpo^t?Eng1 _ rd^X je^ i Nef • ’ TOPICS OF INTEREST RELATIVE The fancy of ha nging a scarf or “throw” PLEASANT LITER ATCRE FOR Famong the roses. a 0ry ar0 m "I? TO FARM AND GARDEN. over the corner of a picture or becoming an easel FEMININE READERS. A somj |tion aaking is not so much in- The average life of an ocean cable, c », ? i, ta ,£ s: 1 ,?;£ to break the angular lines is dicated I a mistake as by at present constructed, is twelve municipal regulations general, and adds dainty* grace and color never nj years. )f Judaism, -mack somewhat SENSIBILITY Of TFTE HOUSE. to otherwise colorless, sombre, MRS. HARBrSOs’s BUSY DAYS. pd that the Mummies guaranteed to be 3000 years vet there can be ic nobler Tlir luirse will leave musty hay un¬ many Mrs. Harrison is busy, active woman It] man with old may now be purchased in Egvpi a ,m or more practical wisdom than theirs though beautiful prints. Thus an etching a the fed [the man most toler- for or it ; touched in his bin no matter how hungry. of springtime be enhanced in beauty every minute of the day, says ft Wash¬ too apiece. was to make the law of man, a liv He will not drink of water objectionable may ington letter to the Pittsburg Timet. She ant < A Mc^witown (Penn.) i g counterpart of the law of God, in to his questioning snills from bucket by a scarf of India silk in pale azure blue household demand¬ Rth rooster choked heir highest conception of it. or a flgused in pale colors and conventional sees to every matter a to death whik attempting to swallow \ which some other odor makes offensive, ing her attention, and is especially fond frien r a cor- small slake. a Miss Marian sixteen-iair however thirsty, llis intelligent nostril pattern with apple blossoms, or a picture of visiting the conservatories. When dial iur glance. More green QJfl Edison, # the ilith,; will widen, quiver and the of autumn may be hung with a scarf of her grandchildren here they A than twenty-five tans of piper speaks * four languages, ”7 *> is j query over bine and white Chinese crape in a pattern are arc have too were used in pHn^jng the ballots for'the a fair musician, daintiest bit offered by the daintiest of of bamboo rice branches, with wild always with her. Now that they are muchJ;J fjects, it is recent election, in Massachusetts. ana uses a pencil like a draughtsman. or absent she has leisure give to her still nid to ignor- A Canadian smuggler who A C’nrt* painting, the last new books and maga¬ ant oftl has been in the lor ('atn~rli zines, the pile of daily and her Conquerj kl converted by Evangelist Moody has paid head, ns well as of all Iiro dim), t hroni *3 * J crane printed with a graceful night of pajters irlf thou hast done $2500 conscience money to the' Dominion tang Dr. disea-es, if taken in tone, i- i Hec" d OX® EA’jOYS .. „ , mail. that, thou »y Usin^ I’ieuu’s (r.t den Medical l)i>co\ U ll ° S in \ l<)rsts ' Us ‘ k 111 1' water-fowl to drape easel pr it is almost as Government. will l gallop ]) wildly t ii about pasture with- may f serve ^ an th<tf »t\ , or money paid for it will be proinihlv iv- Both tlie method and results when ni a ■ ^ hoUls nlaml water one The This latter burden is not quite as great well for Objection to au- Iceboats tiriicd. * * By out striking the surrounding fence. I he o{ the furnis]l wM st . where as during the first few months of her other’s app pn. may be said to travel faster A pleasant rup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant rx TZ 1 T S V JT"' 1 , r SU g gC White House residcnce,butit isamarvel- thine than the wind, because tlrey acquire You more will physic linll and refreshing to the taste, and •“<«* ‘U-ipcrv will be valuable and where Look not rto the past; it a i ever acts unity Others will when loosened from ply b(lr den lous job yet to get through with each Jfuliy itj ^Wisely momentum, and in the lull of the wind Than I'iceeV small , TelIets, , ‘ gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, the stable go directly to the gate or bars it , is ' aml sim ^.-Neu, day and allow accumulations. comes improve their inertia carries them aiong. The Purgative kind. Liver and Bowels, orna lu „ lrt the not any the preset" iGo forth to meet. cleanses the sys¬ opening to their accustomed feeding v b TrWunc She drives out often in the mornings tlic shadow vj put fear and A sixteen-year-old girl has been arrested Goil makes the ii oiv worm as well as tlie tem effectually, dispels colds, head¬ grounds; and when desirous to return, j \ downtown shopping excursions, and a. in New Aork city for the star: the light iu both is divine after hours of careless wandering, will on the ith- j ; niau ]y heart, "Ji‘1 crime stealing atrocious aches and fevers and cures habitual i APPLE BUTTEK. goes in and out business store w Nothing I constant agree- of her father's trousers How’s This! constipation. Syrup of Figs is the distinguish the outlet and t patiently * I exciting least attention from ! people,! while he slept and Wenger one par-! T,lis old-fashioned and wholesome out the any- mtnt 0 f Sive together but- pawning them. U^n^aTlV One Hundred Hollars reward foe only remedy of its kind ever await its opening. The odor of that pro- body. But generally for the shopping ! van |tj an ,f ' Let the spirit of A wild hog was shot recently at Oak C ?&. , ^ mU,0t bp 1 l “-' duced, pleasing the pro¬ ticular part of the fence is their guide to ! vpr '' • or sauc<! i i s still made on some expedition she takes the office carriage humanity Vyv |lencc Hill, Cal., which '!;S 1 ! yS v r to taste and ac¬ it .—Itorte and Stable. I f,1 ‘■’““l its preparation is a part of the snihns of the servants to drive her, di I prevail, and It weighed 560 pounds. ^e^r^wi^aod'l^'J-e^i;:; W. ■ ',‘ Y ' V- Toledo. (). ceptable to the stomach, prompt in regwlar farm work in autumn. The first one discord and e'l ronld he hau- was snow-white and had tusks six its action and truly beneficial in its ___ , in its preparation is to evaporate and consequently is hardly ever recog¬ ished from tlr-v ,J bld. — -inches long. A pound of lead was found jion^and «Vhle J..'^rnTu| , a“." r X effects, prepared only from STORtXO CABBAGES. stej) cider; or nized. Life sM iu his carcass, the result of efforts of for¬ ixations made nnarndtUly by tiieir linn. the most I have tried various methods of keep¬ boil down a quantity of sweet when the never he i clear and easy as mer hunters to kill him. :: ^Ohil™"*' ' Vholcsalc Druggists, Toledo, healthy and agreeable substances, ing cabbages through the winter, with¬ hence it is often called “cider apple TOE ENGLISH GIRL. 1 Iting faster at the its many excellent qualities com¬ out success, says a writer in the American sauce.” If there is a large cauldron or sight ot some ■•df-risking deed. What is known as the “tree of life” is mend it to all and have made it OuUvcatar. Attempts to bury in pits or j sp * 1 cttle, as there is on many farms, The English girl, observes a traveler in AVe feel no i [what is the liigh- glowing in the United Brethren Church, •„ Bank/te Oh?o. i6r Tol ^° Khtta * 1 the mo9t popular remedy known. trenches failed with me, and second, I j that may bo Used; otherwise, one or the Boston Herald, is romantic and sub¬ est prize , In, and almost be- at Falmouth, Penn. The plant is of the s ( alHrr ^ Cure is ta>.ev. iw^ernaav Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50o ould not readily get at them wanted, mere large kettles are provided • with missive. While as full of sentiment as lieve iu i ^ain it. Npicewood variety. It has now attained S i- r ,*; C , the aw and act- and $1 bottles by all leading drug¬ < as the ideal love letters tied with blue rib¬ ^IffBCf^Wfc LJjire iriee'll'iV,* 23Si niiicous sur by reason of frozen ground. Often the proper support, so that a fire may be Of e. feft. and shot from i rice rico v v 'U./K!J?i 1 r bottle. ,u Sr] TeAtimooials .......... ....... sent tree. gists. Any reliable druggist who under them. There will be much bons, she still regards her lord $51 he earth through knot-hole in •• K ’ e ,I l,y „ii Druggists. cabbage would freeze also. My present made man as itgl a Life. ; a the p mlk not have it hand will method of storing cabbage in winter is to stirring to he done, ami long wooden and master. She rarely dreams of dis¬ George DA [y, 1 of Lawrence, pit floor. ^'.reiiop, <’reiiop, tlie Pai fi ►mo «i Fitrnif»rM. may on pro¬ them stirrers should be provided. A barrel of puting the supremacy of her husband, Mass., is $5U to-day On the railroad near Canton, Ohio, Mil. 51 i: ■ e, abundant cure it promptly for any one who Jar, alt heads down, in bins in my cel- ac-' , I'Med down to eight gallons, i'.,th" - or even brother, and her privilege risked Ills life | for having fine, large mastiff was killed by train a Cl ry Ops. in n t nformation anasTiR»*.^> un . wishes to try it Do not accept and from one to three in depth, and jifeasure nmdominister them. droJ eeks ago to save a a % Joartl. , L ........... 1 Portland, free, Ad- 'ahyUChstitnte.^HHB^^^. fording Mtbe'room at my command. I M bile the cuter ;s being boiled t ie. ap- unto man from He was standing three months ago. Those living near tire aoan *iii*t in nd Or < *. do not mill cabbage from the ground, hut ph* prepared. Formerly this was She is so affect it home circle I I on the rocjr A 'asket Beach, when place declare that they have seen the dog, If If affl>1 amelecIwiflTsq^^esiisePr. ed \vi tu IsaacTltnmii CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP I *»■ b “pa™g-b«», which the that the average man has only to lH, **J^, :ipsiz; a bis ghost, almost • on‘s tin s Eye-Water. au-r.Drukgistsseli l.’rmAiist 'when put in the cellar in this wav I cut neighbors , >’ assisted. Now, at. there mitted there to straightway fall iTeSif i the ! th a gentleman clinging or then and heard cries, every night since ■ at 25c in r lioir.e SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. them off just above the roots, with a are nu- to ( led liis attention. The ns of an animal in A Chicago druggist rotniled over UiO.tlilJ lOVISVlLU, KV NEW YORK, N Y. wnall hand By making slanting ,,lpr,ms apple-parers, some of which not over heels in love with a girl who wor- j young clcrl pped off shoes and coat, distress, whenever a train went past. . PuimII s Punc h” 5e, (M^ra^ in four ini.nihs. ~ axe. a ""'.V but and quarter the ships her brother, is forever kissing her and diving MMMEN FiSD THAT cut the cabbage will not be broken from pare, . ore ap- and disputes with her sisters the water swam rapidly Two cowboys in Texas got into a dis- Last Winter the stump. The roots have no keeping the wors very expeditious- fond father, toward the wed boat. The unfor- put< over their relative merits marks¬ *>’• The apples should he sweet of the honor and delight of warming the ! tuuatc occupai] as qualities. Cutting off the roots does ones; “high abonf^ *j*' ,'" , jJ 1>1 swim, and men. A test was arranged. One named was troubled ho baiii^ with rtae«,n»fc*m iu my with all the dirt. il kiu.l that will • cook tender. 1- rom paternal slippers. Even when of was just "ising 1 all strength when Dugon hit Mexican dollar with revol¬ r ^ ,,lt **hoaWer and joints of my ley: as mt to bu Able away station” she takes her in making the Grouchyg^taw. ! ^ a a u- walk. 1 I take off the principal share of the two-and-a-half to throe bushels arc re- turn a TUcrc a , lcavv ver at 200 vards. His opponent mounted «ton't feel t<H»k Hood’s * fc nrBa|iar!l!* f and now e*eh rbe teaand preparing the toast and superin¬ surf. aiuiril.Sw’p.^g . anv aclioHor pains surplus leaves. Store the cabbages when 'l” lrel1 l( ir b “™* 1)1 pl,pr - man wei ]->„ liis mustang, and, going at full speed, i nly •'toj.|i*d the anywi.ere, and it not tider being . first evaporated, J ,the apples tending the breakfast generally—a task pounds, htty h bit the dollar fore ness in m hhoulder mil v> drv. I can keep them bv the above j boiled togeth- umls nlort , th!lll Grouchv twice at the same distance. .oinU, l at makes me feel as lively .as a ten-year method until late in the spring, and still; «« “dded, and the whole Near Rolling Fork, La. five-year- «>k)boy. i sell neAVR|>a|iers right in 11 until _it .becomes jelly-like. At this a TlIK liave them tender and crisp. In fact, Pr old child of a colored woman at¬ Mlbbl.i: OK Till: STUr.Kf t ^ iere * s danger scorching, ana it was every day iu (he year, and have l«»,i ,| ,|, ket|> all of my vcg fttohtefr-4it- ihWIHiii. <l continually. tacked by a wilflcit and severely bitten. nveyears, and slaadlng on ilia .-.d i u at , ,'i excepting--BW-squasli. The temperature! m,,st bu st ' rrL ’ home ss^^iEs^rr The mother ran toTfs Tissistaiicee .n;J I'leale. lean lell you. lean Is* a , milk, the is done, add to ri? jsr r £ en¬ seen every day In should be maintained at about forty dc- ' r '''- wnen ; deavored to beat the animal off, when fie ,!l j'M,"'— 1 V" r “ei lonu.kin, msl t)i* Kall> Aveuuos g. a after winter sets in. Stored in this * wnnauum and allspice, but the nmjor- tried to carry the child off with him. and. - V .. Oenoklv,,, N. V. X ■ . vegetu-j , without the While No matter to what advantage she may two for wav the farmer the‘cold may have good ‘V *•» ,hc it \™mencd spices. to kegs appear in evening dress under the soft into the hundsWr otliO the ,, ea(:U am) did succeed in dragging ii, n -port dis¬ Hood’s Sarsaparilla S />„, bits throughout season. j ,ot - ****«’ w ( eseners who had tance. •dd hjr all druggist*. »1; sl< or other woouen vessels, or jars of stone- radiance of the wax candles, what the j |»ceii spectatoC^f the ciident and the > 1.1. HocO» CO., Apothft for Crepared on _ j made the inveterate bachelor whispers to effort 'Athe .j.' -pj,). A little child of Mr.and Mrs. Gib hrist, (g vies, Lowell, Mas LIBERAL MANURING PAY'S. ware are used When well most brave yo\,,, c i l , 1 ^ few miles IOO Doses Onei : sauce keeps si long time .—American Aon Iiimself is this: “By George! what a gentleman wlm was hlMt an(| a from Parksburg, W. Yh., Dollar —- Agncullurfl, N . | met its death in The ' i* A couple of wife s’oc would make! And what u Uecn capsized l vas r e, u ,i„| t() ;,j s child a strange way. I ; make small field, years ll,m,c j » earriage. yo .mg l,is rescuer, was going up the steps with a small Hijo a 1 ,1 I was taken in o t, tin horn iu its mouth, when it fell for- lx . hkh i., ■*. tm |M| Sc cortMm td toc IN JAPANESE - COSTUME. I happened to bq large hand, y » agLefler physician who ward on its face, forcing the horn down car. avoir, ihh them A miff . l“t^ . CoZeqLnH^ l‘haffi«l u[i!u. iSlmi „ „ , nl „ ,. on suseita^||^^k niueii its throat, lacerating it terribly that it et *' -ti-iv t»c ixr«(Sfd f a storm for iwuntv i»*ur r. < u l , ; f s "- ;lr '! llf P "P °. f l,uttcr The Countess Oyana, wife of the labor, lie was *, j|| so hours .it .ilretch, aiu? dill hv ;>ri.»yct»*»l ir«*iv .vciy ’ was rmiwiiw *. - from'/the died from the effects of its injuries. cit ot rain D.’Mdcs shielded tror.t ‘he manure, chip dirt from the wood-yard, 150,1 sua P s ’ tap " l >ut “ luto cold nese Minister of War, is one of the few however, and ■IMS Iiitinj; j> winds. N«» maUcr wlut you* occupation, slaughter-house offal and refusr. until tht* | "‘‘ l u ladies of the court circle at Tokio who labor of that »^ (y f, )(l a fter' .he A workman under the supervision of if you are liable to be caught in a rain “ or Hraiid now 1 . >r 1 -Ono receive tiA'R homes in the native returned lnmu Mpwhile geutV'- Lamp Inspector Noonan, of New Haven, r-torrn. you sh*mM hive on hand a Fish ground was covered so deeply that the ' ‘ < at own < the Slicker * It will t;urcly rave yrirr litailb •>"! stuff could hardly be plowed m.der. A ,ora u,< ,l ’ ,wU *’ half tea- eostume which European fashions are so mail who had ■s,.,. w a|| Conn., was digging up a decayed lump- perhaps garment your life. ‘tamped I't-ware with of worthies* the “hidi imuatton^ Brand neighbor ctime along ,imt ctisiuuo'l my soa;i, >.u 1 oilv-p , n of >figar, •. iti fast driving out of the land of the hunting high i; fFt low „ |,j g ), rc . serv ,. r •, post, when they discovered a live snake LESSENS PAINjrpQ every Truth: Mark P«>n’t arrept any iidetinr cr> 1 * hen methods. “That field would be rich— ,a f ‘’ ips > ,oon ol butter, and one cup ^Jikado. Tlie Countess prefers the com- but no one scvjied jinally to the It coiled dispatched around the with base of the post. It Mother to LIFE nr. r without ymi car. have ..-xtra tlie c« st. 11 1 i^lt i'aruo.’ars IiijihI Slick. am? i 11 .llurtratcd delivered but the rest of the farm kept poor.” The " sour ,nllk - U:lkp ^'" l 1 K '“ 8 - fijrtabie and picturesque Japanese dress young man. was several blows ,u a diminishes catalogue free. yield of potatoes from the manured Oysters and for the in their Sick Remove liquor, the adding hard tj^lhe aubgiyed, foreign and coetiines th’.sgj, which spite of the the court fact tective found 'it was his caged \w,rk. iu, * and *rouel M m shovel. sum «•». i0-jncved I'/' variety, J "111111 to he two ot the and poison- a half A 1 TOV^Fr? ” fcus*. ground was at the rate, this season, of P iirf stew own Vis is'rxy" of thenMuigt'anuse Providence, ajl in one of t| v; \ d iisii v 250 bushels per acre; not an exceptional pepper and salt, but no milk. Crackers that s'.ie wo- BRAS+IElU HtGULATOR*. ATLANTA ■ 1 I < w added, educated iu Alv. erica, having grad- the ci*v met tl\ ntlema 11 feet loug. UOOIl yield, but a good one for this locality. Pan be or it can be poured ovet-n men gc • living about three tuiles SOLD e YAU ORim^rS. un lll.\ Ol.VK.Ii ‘ \T Sufficient to convince me, at least, that 1 slice of nicely buttered toast. Buttei uati d at her Vassaar in who I85s,uhe has lv ouly wik.. MJ8e Hj’ veemg.. i^Mri LI ILomiT A tic~ V Akron, Ohio, lms a hen Ely nreiiu^e ■ Th»* .Ml'UH •* .1 \\ l .d sSON 1 %rj y' a\ received a better profit from the fertiliz- Pau be added to the stew it the doctor , -man of ruv egg ot solid iiu far' iintl • riHt.i riifl and .TMiH f!* * ers than if they had been thinly Spread ' permits. , haecalaureme degree, btemat? 1ml laid fori lifter 1 none of •tip*”! of in nil ad Bur*» i*x|n*i ** i*id ‘ I'll before have 'won ;»ul et f.’ 1 M Si Udr fergeT'aToa". A fittie ground, : Union'Sauce for Roast nuekr .5 )il'-ix F . spear about soown ten i:. I these cun* sides ..Siton lmv/! lio , a ' | been c [•t 10 ' I 1 .. ‘ - t '• II -11 ! • t ' ill'* I || .1 - vadi and w pl l worked, will pay bet- onions ipitil very .soft; ehsoi t “avr. years PFIired. soV.v.tA tl.’.y » oil *. Ill **t tool. t**‘l . < • J.tM ..M ‘ 1 (‘ 5 ■ {•' f 11 I \\ ('ifc It every time than a large area of poor threv-w^a* while they are cooking; then try, coming with tlie Japanese Emba I'' .. • ^jj They art iu..t can Lli??. 11 it <S • !•.. 11 - I ti • *< • * t for <!. tin V**d 1 -It to v 1S72, ami ilioroughlyiP be thrown smartly against wall without < • . 1 ground imperfectly worked. Which is drain and rub the onions through a seive of retin uing so a g* ■ ■ ■■■> ap -Hi piililo rn* « Americanized that she h.*j i-ine-s J any visible effect. •cop* ' I f**i l-iir th* ►•••1 u 'it* a ,n t mi»* in>t only ui^j^r way of suyiiig that the last add one nr.-l a naif cupfuls ot hot ntilk. .v ug I' J\j»j*ly Hnlm Jin** «a«*li iiostril »>»»Jv I ■ I*, dau all -• '••u- ! M .nn tlx* rn t*ar- .ic load of and the of the tablespoonfiil >f butter mid salt and gotten 'tff own langunp The term “watch” as applied to a I.Y HU WKSS* ,«»!v»*i'm ar<- -ti.n • i'r.t 1 h . u it manure, last turn a .'uilien d coljegr"T^ppe«reTlTi liy'Hi'lbizeu of Dp timepiceu I- Warutti Si . N.Y r«‘lH mid wit : s italiiH, nsec ot*i| , inklriTti •• rf»i*t %():' • d*'1ai’ . f j lit,a l»i cultivator on an acre, pays better than : pepper to suit taste, in by her ex¬ pocket ^ not as old as the arti- iSsi arc • 11 miii at tl'iv .!!•/ l • '(*• Vi'll'l |u lie ctD-i ( p t.i if y»'<ir the first one. And, mil il the capacity of , Fried Egg Plant—Dare and cut into tremely attractive tall, girl, graeeful pretty—even and well to | Don't child Id telf^li tell in in ’(h^ilts I.Vresencc. or elite sayings of r!c called it-!;. “The Tie'^i^Minxket Poek!*!^%^(j^^a!i<l timepiec “Tlu BUSINESS fM*l»* v .. r tvti' •fill’, r*- t •••;*’•• toil* ly * you h;<i *;• <*:).*• i< r - '»** tit \ at to * a ’lUffli. luisM the first acre is measured, it is folly to slices half Inch thick. Koak in salt eyes- your w as COLLEGE, **,.4.*rpi.:vi« • ’tat • • *i’ 1 11 * *’5 ai» at, fotHied. The return to her native Don't “C(Pcto "<lF‘to bush hush up!’ lip!" or“Don't Niiremburg Animated t; , toll Sin i'll \ tVHSSON, *1*1*1- either to the second. water an hour «>r more; dry and dip first try to her something of ordeal, eouii- bother say say ji qiwstions,” made in 1471, by Peter llele, of Nttreiu wro NASHVILLE, TENN. n‘. *‘’i tin 1 v p*’ ti;;*>1*1, *1 nnm, - f into beaten egg, then iu cracker dust or was an me w so many iio.u> li st for the fowls. j fi|, e hrciul erumba, and fry broa a in half t*he came here a girl of twelve, adopted when a child vest ions you. If Jie asks liurg, and cost a year's labor. It was liH'iuoro though yot iu iiifatp y. AFTER ALL OTHERS FA 5 L COKSbLT One of the things of prime importance butter and half lard; season with pepper tiie Christian religion and tlie customs for the sake I knowing, answer him, valued at $1500,and was about the size pyinu «oJd ninny ot tiirtn !•*• OR. LOB' for the health of fowls, and without am j ,. 1H> |{ thoroughly. and habits of thought of Western civil- though lie asl “seventy times seven” and shape of a goose egg. eciviiig Mtlarfcm ranign.K 1 ori’til.u fron. to Si. * which they cannot be kept in improv¬ izatiou and went back a marriageable questions a day qnd teach him to remem- At, Newton, Penn., Giles Gifford, after r»Ot> per MDIIIIIU. or . iddicwH an Jlusli Uu'bling -Take four eggs, one It. W. *> I4 .v Nerili Ilillaii.ll’liln, fur ing condition, is tint they shall at all cold mush, tablespoon of womrm of twenty-two, with the knowl- lier what von 11 hiln. a sharp nice, headed off a wood¬ t?i* t.*:> **»*«tii»ei»t tr.>iiti||eut F Of of ill ecu lito**d 1 It “I.. I’oIkoIih, 8k! ski KriiptUms, times have free access to drv earth or cup one large edge that her parents would immediately Wheu you fomise a child something, chuck and reached its hole first, and COUTKEHN PRiHTEIiS’ SUPPLY CO. Nrrvout* VunplalntR, Hrlvlit » •ns, J*it*i*an\ ’ ’ i TT-I i batter, , two thinis ol a cup of , sugar. Mir ...- find husband for her. possibly don't forget W I idml 11 • iut ' 9 <lii-t, , . where , tlicv J may J wallow and . tree . well „ together" ’ , acid , , • of .. a very I to'ulfil! the prome-* to the stack liis heel in the hole to block the WK I'AVUY JS Imo- Mainline **r fr.*n* --. - < . o«um .rkdnn'in. . pint sweet J Type, Casss, Stands, themselves , , , from insects. Through ' a the ■ milk ■„ to . the .. mixture, one imur 1 into n deer , one Fortunately not at all the in sympathy eh w ith her ideas. the letter. just If you me not scrupulous to tlie do rodent. bis Thereupon the woodchuck Presses, f#'Ton Beiut f«*r day*. lionk •*»«» on ^ ^ •l*Kl iiiriilshod l\l( |lil»«*Href>K. liy mall FREE summei, it . they f *ro allowed to run al grate , nutmeg . f top ami , , bake , till . - f. iscn spouse was as you ug e you may expect stuck teeth through Gifford’s boot I?Apcr Cutters large, not much attention to this is re¬ jian, the custard becomes on firm. Count hvao Oyana, who was himself edit- one to set you own a false au». learn to and into his big toe. The foot was re¬ and rs»;D in a vmsvisu oh fo« a ^ Double Breecii-LoaSer quired, as they can generally look out cated in France, .and as whose wife she be tints himscy moved from the hole instanter, and the I'UHUSUINU llOtJHE. tor rhein^ hes, and they will" be found. Chicken Soup—Take all the bones of a has taken immediate rank in social and j Don’t Iran., 1 mercilessly ur ler foot woodchuck slipped out of sigiit in a n^fnll an ns mid HAVE UOMIVI^lS fern telling out hollows in the drv ground i c hicKcn, crack them and add the dark philanthropic circles in Tokio. A mint- the wishes ofcLild, but respect them as twinkling. Gifford limped off, crest¬ 54 West Alabama Street, ATLANTA, GA. and dusting themselves to their great meat: cover well with water and stew for rter of Japanese women have since come j far as possible. fallen at being outgeneraled by a wood¬ Hr* rh-Insibi , ft Iw fi< 1 . satisfaction. Now that winter is here. t5 “ pp or f,,ur hours. Flavor tin* broth to this country as students, and several Don’t be latently tin nn ing a child chuck. Rrcrthd”* 1Tlfi»l*.*.f»r !iaj SSeM Hit"*, J'.'.t te*. fit fit t(* f It. J".L'*. rii. provision should lie made that they " ith so;ne •■'inly cut lemon peel; salt to here MissShigc Nagai entered j , with “I’ll whip “I’ll put stick CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH F*lf(*Mtlaf hiclcl plaicd, j fJ.CO, so * are now. ^u, or a PEHNYROYALPILLS CimIdchcu !6 e»*il. continue take their dry-dust baths ,i,stc 11,1,1 a U1 11 lit,lc sll iT‘“ tip(l 1,1 11 l ,ipp ® tlie Vassal’ School of Music in 187H. and 1 you.” promise, of clms- She Kml Fixed Jt. flafi' 1 2-*. DUdjr I..’ iAl-fuigi J nv* jrer . .iu to over your CRirriTU jl GkMPL £,&12 W.Main,Loui&iiile.Kf. under shelter. of nuislin. All fat here must be removed. Onions— made of t'w.bqianese a love match Navy, with who Lieutenant educated Urin, j | seldom tisement oeeur^B*, umt^^etion but of if th; same be of It rwjuires a pretty smart school mm **TU»M4 For this purpose nothing ia better than I Beefsteak bun it l \N ith was pr,Me. you promise, teacher nowadays to get any the best of a iw tei-« >A\ tli*- W»*r»*J !!ow;:sr "* j dry road dust, and keeping Slice onions and lay them in your skillet by bis G.ivetnnicat at our Naval Acad- keep your modern youngster. This K —rV'/rii.Nn n»- T*k*. Y uli' v.fbrr. •• hep. i v •* i.... vW/ In every one was never more n.» n«* of * ;•!.*• X«*. li» I fowls should lay iu supply while it with pepper, salt and bits of butter. I-ay einv at Annapolis, and first met his Don’t pimislr;child in anger, but let fully demonstrated than it the other TS / -ii *f* •l**«ig*-r»*uw board I-* Imiet, • .|«;.» |.|:,it -» vraj -s V a • ' s ! •: be obtained a can tender another piquant Yassar fete him know that dislik was -^./s j “ tingi-rou*. !atu|.*t for •-oimti-rfelit 'oiinii 1-articidwrs, rfi it. , i |... •*.. •iUl» J 7 K >l< Sl.OU nud keep enough of it for over them a li e-leak, then countrywoman at a y i - the task, hut day in one of the Chicago schools. Iu ellof for l.udlc*.” i«, feffer. bt return »v. I .11 *-t | Sf i their use through the winter, when the layer of onions, seasoned. Cover closely to which a number of Annapolis youth perform it for hi good. Don’t even lot cf the schools the old-fashioned ill. Same - • some ■trr(hr B >*l t o.. KatiUon «« l, l a. Vt • it-, i **ii* s •*t.i? tv ..... * ground outside lias become wet and and eook very slowly until done; eerve were invited. The wedding was agreed him sec in you a race al the “I’m-big- and unnatural method of teaching frer- as N ' k-. T I* . It * $.-. \ .1 - II I a I lilt It'.H. muddy or frozen. Where there very hot and it is a disk lit for a king, tipon before either returned home. One ger-thnn-you-and;ou’ve -got to mind” writing : employed, and the chil¬ JONES B - li* * * r »ll llidi im . '* It i Mie-:n, are - - arin s • |*»i «*»-« *n A »• «•« i .i 8» i «i t i < jt • |. “ j,. many fowls it is quite a good plau to Beef Ball—Throe pounds of beef. of tin* festivities attendant on the mar- spirit. dren are obliged to twist their hands over 11; ki.ias nn\\K i .* »*• i. i; m. h Imii -mall witli window facing chopped riage in Tioko was the amateur presenta¬ Don’t manifest, spirit of partiality. unnaturally iu order obtain the free- : I V/Ml^KKY a loom a fine, two well beaten eggs, one tion of the “Merchant Venire” before Children detect to PAYS THE FREICHT. »•' ITS ir***! s’ !*• liAJs- U to the south tor this special purpose, large cup of bread crumbs, two onions of are sure < this. ann movement. In order to insure this , .i l u \\ airoii >n:lt*«., ■ 1 nut ,, palp >*!•«• of w< lather than box of dirt in their the court and Mikado. Miss Umc Tsuda Don’t in small child that f Ir.<n I.* eis M..| 1 r.iss I t...r a roost- chopped fine, salt .and pepper to the Miconrat a position the teacher plates a small shirt T«r»- iV.trr H't'l I'eain . for lirti'tr- «■» rWEE. SSCSO. \ _ __ __ I* 'LI-l-V. M. Dig place or uesting-room, so that they taste; make it into a large ball and put it studied at the Archer Institute in Wash¬ for which you *11 punish him wheu button ct; the back of each little right * *T- w* Scalr, i i t r ATLA2iTA.U — " officu »y>iw vuu?«.h* st • • » i • n. ina v < I list themselves without covering into a pot with a iiitle water.and three ington. and is now teaching iu Tioko in ! older, band, as piauo teachers sometimes place JO.MEx t * lit ..:, ih CF h pap BINGHAMTON, r a* : . everything else with dust. \\ hero there iarge spoonfuls of tomato catsup; sim- the Peeresses’ School for Japanese No- Don't do things for tlie sake of pennies on the backs o' their pupils' IIINOIlAMTOs, SURE SR!?' V X '\t - Hf»V; lias been neglect provide blewomeu. causing liiu^^Hhow and tlien X. \ . vri i r*rf-* l *rf ; I this a to dusty earth liter slowly until done, scold becau^Boes anger hands. This is done to in mre the keep¬ OPIUM HABIT l ultwn iron A l.njim* V% sKsr orn vs tpia-.. fur ashes be substitn- ‘ tiie itand in the “correct” jiosi ted, purpose, may Savory United Egg Pudding-Chop Don’t feel it ’.reath so. ing of and answer the pur,Rise very well. tWo ^ of col(1 )laI ro!( , FAStllOX NOTES. your dignify to tion, for if tipped in the the button mm I croons who ail to make or 3I1V give a child the for refusal, if slides off and thus lie the erring ! A \ siluiil>l** |>I*» 'iv« 'r*** k bf 1- I*m* Ul IWin I„ any provision ’ loose nson a trays j. r.-i ti lli.N w. Lrt,*iK.M o whatever, and keep their fowls from :l,is or fch fi ., e . M;lke „ cllstar>1 of onc J qOMt AH sleeves arc above elbow. practicable to if it is full inr»rrnMfcm of nn i K.V<v K.iht .'W.-U-IU Mi ■ Sie*s|y rlirr . in f) , ;ni , k sis ;uM a teMp nfu , Waists grow- shorter and less peaked. so o; not, your scholar. This button arrangement is • thraMHfl. Dr.J.<*. ti**: li• •: * * *: rs* *n. V Is**.«- In. T rr«*»rrihi» r.n*J fnlirr'n l.nieou uuui without «..«*■*,**& former in. pired such quite tiresome the children, 1 they ‘ ^ d»»r-f. *« ku,d. spring (unless ham is used, when less The basque waist is almost thing of i confidence ; ve to an a \ I if \ T8. "*n ixv ■ » • • *«»i .i - ^ |!r 1 r.M in *j:f p iF.c lit*; f*»r ii tin **a !*»»• ntv •>f the need not exp,-et many eggs. v i „ lw Mix meat and eustard a to that he will complain of it at home. The other after- (' ' in Afnr*.** A 1 AlftTfYfi " 1 I *r*fj * tit Of f • ’V> *i. y* F.t .'.t f ; of thisrii^aNr. and will find them lenng from the past. cheerful!uxubmwHKigh he docs not bright little girl returned from •iltilkt'Th*.mp»<»ti li*.n<s »ti ru'% r k wi* ii n ,»•. H.tN'iHAHAM.M I su ver- to tIser ur 5n{oa leP lish nlt noon a » .> > *tlii . i**.. a _. I*a AmUrirtm. N . n.m.-A« )«rl \Ur!d. , , p , . , Tartans and stripes are in higher favor understand otives. | *. j ,, its of butter over the surface and bake. than vonr school and said to her mother: “Mamma. BlflMC'TI \ *>k-k.« r:D-f. I’d- : - • • r* -*, T\'n li r. • il f'-r Pudding—Take ever. Don’t deceive ofrighten (by bugbears) I kept the button on my hand nearly alt! UUliE J . iti.taii-hj* Nrithfi M'.iL * *•.8h* : s ; • I* . i«*»:i, ars, i.,. f.*i*1 r.r**l i of it it h.'»M FARM AND GARDEN NOTES. Potato one pint of The looped tablier is infrequently seer, children into obeieuce.—Ae» Etghtnd day to-day.” The mother expressed stir H lirjaut’** tli' D.iirbiy ( fflirgc. tau^ut 157 l y l in il«r- N. »!•-*-- V. faction. r . Toulouse , and , _ EmMea . , geese are very fiuclv J. mashed, ineaiv liotatocs, one t.ible- on new gowns. Fanner. - 'ft prise at such a feat. “Yes,” said die i*.!: I» .THK n**(vR’ *• S p 0 !fll . of ,. a ,t,. r one , up of sugar, a Skirts longer in the CHEAP HOMES H2.0D. large, hardy and rapid growers, and do |ft tfc rtlt the «ratal . rind amt juice „f grow back, but AsS -mord of Invasion. little one, “I gummed it on with a piece 1 Arknnsa gpd*. ,n»raDt- i invc-***ncnt* d-j_ , shorter in front. of ”— CHeay lit raid. »: ; > p r - on v-lso.'S’. tie. n mil, .i i-.t, r. lemon, lour (leavingone part of th^taf my gum. u.n* wd mip. I.ANI* t * Mm-.-.'-Ntr, : tnitpar’, Atk A. N. one eggs The newest Paris have the skirt Hunicheu, and dumb land¬ A small farm may he made larger with- the whites to ice the topi; stir well with gowns scape painter, death from aeoi- DOUBt-E-AC TION nut extending its hr deciding and sewn on to the bodice. w >se a The Stamp Nuisance in Mexico. SWIFT REVOLVER. enriching the soil area: and thorough one pint of rich milk; Kike slowly. When Brown, and black gloves dent is iust annr iced from Wittenburg, Mexico, like France, is cursed !» the AUTO MATI C more done the whites whipped tan. gray , y pour over to a are was a walking Kmeri al of the horrors L'ultvation. froth with four tabiesjioous of sugar. Let he correct wear with all out-of-door to.-j of the Ru „ ian ,j.. of Germany in stamp nuisance. Every contract, check, MHIHUD >' Safely Barrel Catch . va n official document and receipted bill of Hu* If manure your iand you is can rich, to keep make it and so. and save if all it it brown. Salad Dressing Without Oil—Pound * Cl< P:mels ’ remain a fashionable and popu- ; bu"h, 1813. He village- was ^ in 1812 hours’ at journey Birken- merehantdise over 82f> in amount, must try. tor Symmr- Beauty. , lirp* Larre’* ssifcle fc fftn flw9«k »fce*s| fh a two have its stamp, the value of which varies is p««r do the same that you may make a t , u ,fo „f tw hard boiled un*il lar feature on most gowns for street and from Wittenberg One dav during the IK^Irrint and IVorkmi tship. diuh^rr {loriion of it rich. . Tc „ eggs with the amount expressed on the face of 38 Cal. smooth, then add a tess’monfti! of mixed carriage wear. Russian bomharni'-nt of the town the the writing. Postage laws are simply out¬ AS PERFECT A PISTOL AS m The selection of a creamer should hinge mustard, one srdtsjioonfui of salt, half AH waists have surplices, bretelles. 1 villagers all left heir homes to watch the Mexico CAN POSSIBLY BE MADE. what is most desired, highest quality ' saltsponnfui of half the plastrons, waistcoats, of firing from tb^eghts, and Frau Huni- rageous. Letters can come into // v»vr d-der dors net k~rr it,trU? Cirt: ... -v Mi or a pepper, quau- or revers one fr->m the Vnited States for two cents, or postpaid ..*» rrr?jf,l t ,f pr ilk greatest and convenience lalior. ami economy in time, and tity of cayenne, teasjeioniii! one of teaspoouful h*m..n juice; of sugar, mix kind or another. chen, her rottage.^Bnenly with b^&utor. was there left appeared alone in can I c sent from Mexico to die .'states for Sent! Air. in <t:im|is for our ItRkpai'o illu-- Prire. f For -r Sal? space ■ a Ostrich feather tippets in colors to at five its the half ounce, but the some trat<*«I Caialngnt* of tinn«, Kifle*. $w Peaches should use»l chicks , he>- all thoroughly, then add sufficient and dinner ,kp r * wo kr BL* ossacks, who asked «e Ter«s I*oli< ** l.omN, Sportin; Onoilfi of all k»n*i». t-tc. not J>e for match evening gowns arc seen letti rsent to any point within the llcpuli- This is f « heavy breed, as they tend to dcf-mpi cream and vinegar to make the prepara- in the best houses. for money, g mother trem¬ lic costs ten cents. This is fatal to any¬ JOHMP. LOVELL ARMS CO., Manufacturers, Boston, Mass. t!.e chickens while the breast bone is still tion tiie consi-tcucy of ordinary- creaiu. Entire dre-scs of crocheted wool are blingly told ad none, where- thing like free correspondence among the i- cartilaginous state. ~ upon they s» and her child, bound be NEW PaTENT. THr ON1Y PF^F-CTiV SAFE FtSTQj M»! £. a worn by English children, especially deli¬ poorer i lasses and it certi inly cannot _ — The ' who . makes , the . A Crow Thai is Almost Unman. cate in cold, damp weather. them Ligeti egged them with profitable to the Government as if the STRATTON Business CoUege men most monev “Budge the of ones, their knouts both insensi- as BRYANT & from farming are not the ones who work is nam-- a tame crow Tiie Carrick with fiat bo. ; were rate pet tetter w as jo wsr- on the princi¬ the hardest the hours, but those *° NIi— Oriie W of cape, a or bk ple -of quick sales and small profits.”— or mm: stole ending in square tabs at the knees On the ret villageis they KY. wiio manage with the greatest wisdom. •'°het. Iff. il" g "S all over town and higher, is fashionable London ir,(*ab yfo-* Star. B’.ak Keeptn LOUISVILLE. returns to his home at night. He is fond jt a wrap. were res tore I to| sci' * i" ness hy medical Write far House plants . . should , ... have much , as sun ot , , l«^r „ ami will drink . . , it - until . , intoxi- . The exquisite “finish” which is put aid. but. as a the injuries he TDiSO.s REMEDY FOR CATARRH.—Best. Ka-iest er.ii i is lig”* i.. ounng •_ the winter months o. millionaire died, leaving as cated. . , In hi' , . rambles , . , lie visiie-i . . , .. the de- upon all dresses and mantles, and which had reeeivei. Hi arbea Temaincd deaf A Vienna a 1 to us**. I'iieaiest. Relief is immediate. A cure is lmsssble; -: , admit . .. air whenever . tlie , distinguishing hi* nuly heir keep the certain. For Cold the Head it has equal. :em- int, { . w n-rc lie , found , , mueh , . to interest - . is the feature of the times, and dumb tirtil t'.J end < his days. His request for to in no j'Cra'ure is not tooeold. ,, say fnrty , . degrees , |im |Ilut , Us thp ? L„ [lt5 of the ooa is an outcome of the tailor gown. death was. index., a d re * consequene* family vault lighted with several Jabioc alirenheit the . i* ,n o,a*n .a,r. .; ilc ; or s and takes delight in veiling ‘ ail - '-- of the mahreatmet t he ha<; received “ V- koff electric lamps for one year. But th As a rule it is bes; not to prune liie aboard for Ou. ie*.. "- -Pittj.iry DU- Tiie Russian Emperor as he grows enty-six yiaro eye inas iu a. as lie was aiulmriti.-s having refuse*! the necessary peach tree* until the spring. More or older becomes in appearance more and over by a w goo, -.hi approach of |M-rmi'*ion. the heir onlere*! a candle and applied Jess of the wood is ofteu injured liy * ----—- more a typii-a! Cuswri,-; colossal in tig- wuich he was o la! ie to heai Hunichew a Ik.x of parlor matches to Vie placed near It Is an Ointment, of which Sold a small by particle drngcUts is sent freezing, and in pruniag this should al- A company has Iieca org.iniz- d in Sf. entirely bald, fiat-nosed, and tapw*>| 1 wasinuclj the man in his <offin. iu ease he shanh. to the nostrils. Price, 50e- Warren, or Pa. ore, enor- was a veiy ivunte~ai by mail. Address, E. T. HAitUTINU, ways la- removed from the trees. ; Louis to manufacture gtnaite shiugh*. mously mustachod and lwardcd. uatronized by tie* rm.ut inuwrialfamilv. wake up from his long sleep. _