The Ellijay courier. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1875-189?, April 14, 1892, Image 3

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THE ELLIJAY COURIER. ELLIJAY, GA., APRIL 14, 1892. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. “Sweet, I must $*•; ’it* lute” said he; She did not moan or shiver, Bur, looking at him smilingly, Said: “Better late than nerer.’ 1 A cold snap last Saturday. Don’t forget that Joe Sellers keeps nice fratf. beef steak. Mr. Jim Hutchison, of Canton, was up to the wedding Sunday. J. S. Smith, Esq., of Santa Luca, has our thanks for cash on account. A new house is being built for Hir¬ am Williams near the old Academy. Ladies bat* to suit everybody! Pci :e* to suit! Mks. N. A. Mull. Muses Hester Hutchison and Laura Oreer have returned from Fair.nount. Try »t*CK-PR*UGHT tea for Dyspepsia Editor Iloldcn, of the Blue Ridge Post, was in the city on business Fri¬ day last. Some of our yoitug men have been turkt?y hunting, but with very poor success. Sewing machines at p ices way low down at this office. Come and sec be fore buying. J(ST* BLAvK-DHAliGU i lia rur»« Constipation. (Jet J. M. Veach’s Flour at Mull & < honey’s. Every sack guaranteed satisfactory. Our musical friend, John Marshal, waa in Ellijay this week. He is al¬ ways a welcome visitor. J. YV. Hipp says he has got some good horses and buggies. If you don’t believe it, “ try him and see.” We. had an immense rain fall last week and ihe bridges wen damaged so that we got no mail lor two days. Buy the Climax bhoes. Every pair warn-uted or money refunded. Mi ll a Chkney. MrEIrr^’r WlWg OF CARDUl tor female disease*. Mrs. I)r. Pickett and her charming daughter. Mi** Flora, of Canton, were u » -ur.u.ithe wcd.iing. At Ducklown, Tenn., a named lohns Amburu fell into a shaft 140 tcet deep. He was fished out and got well. This is the ttuth. Ladh »' hats! Ladies’ bats! Call and ( xaniiuc piiees before buying else¬ where. Mits. N. A.‘Mull. v ‘ ( still have an occasional whiff of wind, caused by the coat Uil of March swishing through the nir as she rapid¬ ly makes way for April. Look to your interest. Buy the Climax Shoes at Mull & Cheney’s. Every pair warrented, or money re foj^ied. R Mi. t*. L. McKL nev, wiio is wilhi At-1 ianta. was up Sunday to attend the wedding of bis brother. A new street is being opened through the Jarrelt {iroperty by the North Georgia Town Lot Company, which will open a new way t - the depot. Our friend and form«-r school fellow Dr. YV. L. Harper, of Ciifton, Ark , arrived here on Sunday last. lie come to visit his mother, who is very sick. We have laic y been afflicted like Job of old, with sore boils on our person in so mu<-h that rapid perambulation be¬ came impossible and even slow navi¬ gation was a proer-s attended with lunch agony and ver^ liltlc gmce. i We received an anonymous commu¬ nication f’-om Hoard town district this week, which cannot publish. ' we os j I we have heretofore stated, we cannot and will not publish communications without knowing the name of the wri-1 ter. MaRRIKD— vtr. Pledger ullivan to Mif* Laura Hipp. he marriage took place in Union county where Miss liippha* been teaching. I he bride is an Ellijay girl, who graduated at Ihe G. Yt. University at Alliens, Tenn.. last year, \Y'c wish them wedded hap¬ piness. jvicElrec’s Wine of Cardul and THEDFORO'S BlACK-DRAUGHT are for sale bv the f«How merchants in Gilmer countv: M. V. Teem, Ellijay. 4 . M. & J. IL Bearden, Ellijay J. It. Johnson, Ellijay. YV . Allen, Carteeay. H. L. Ltnitb, Hoy. YV. M. Simmons & on, Talona. A BRILLIANT WEDDING. Two Happy Hearts United for Bet¬ ter or for Worse. On last Sunday afternoon, a long train of buggies and carriages, freight¬ ed with the elite of Ellijay and vicinity drew out and hied away up the Mor¬ gan ton road, and thence by a circuit¬ ous route to the hospitable mansion of Mr. John YV. Holt, in the suburbs of Ellijay. The high water in the river rendered the circuit necessary. At 3 o’clock a large number of guests, so large a number that the bouse could not contain them, assembled in the front yard. There was a murmur of expectancy, and an instant of breathless suspense, when the bridegroom, Mr. John M. McKinney, of Blue Ridge, Ga., and the bride, Miss Florence, the charm¬ ing daughter of our genial host, ap¬ peared upon the-scene and being join¬ ed by the attendants werespediiy made one by Rev. J. T. McIIan, of Ellijay. Congratulations were in order, and Mr. Bob Holt made the hit of the evening when bo said with his inimi¬ table air of drollery: “In the language of the philosophical Rip Van Winkle, ‘may you live long and prosper.’ ” After adjourning to the parlor and re¬ ceiving the congratulations of the as¬ sembled guests, dinner was in order. And such a dinner! It was a regular old fashioned North Georgia wedding dinner, that would have warmed the heart of an ice berg to have only seen it. Alter dinner the happy couple ac¬ companied by the guests drove to White Path springs and back. The bride and groom and a party of friends left Monday for Blue Ridge where an elegant reception awaited them at the home of the groom’s fath¬ er, Col. M. McKinney. Among those giving wedding pres¬ ents were the following: Fallie Cantrell, Lillie Lockmiller, Mrs. Dr. Pickett, Mis* Flora Pickett, Roxie liurlison, Miss Haley Holt, S. L. McKinney, C. F IIo:t, II. H. Holt, Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Ellington .and II. M. Hunt. They will reside at Blue iiidge, where in their new home it is the de¬ vout wish of the writer that their fu¬ ture may be as full of happiness as their past has been filled with pleasure. NOTES. The bride-groom, the well-known and handsome John McKinney, who numbers his friends by the hundred in three states, never looked better than when he was “spliced.” lie was 25 years old the day he married. The bride was dressed iu pale pink silk trimed with lace, with an Easter Lilly on jicr breast and looked the pict¬ ure of innocent maidenhood and mod¬ est beauty. Mr. John Marshal made music for the occasion on a piano and autoharp. U. S. Mail Agent, Ham Holt got off duty and was at the wedding looking his best. Mr. J. B. McKiuney was at the wed¬ ding Sunday. , . Mr. Bill Wilson, of Blue Ridge, spent Sunday in Ellijay and vicinity. GUESS WIIO Got the 1 Ind end of his buggy ven¬ tilated by another buggy pole running in to it. Eat two dishes full of eggs bard boiled. Eat boiled custard and thought it was egg nog, but “sorter weak like.” Horse Hew tip behind—“sometimes” Said when lie married he was going to call his wife “honey.” SPECIALS CASES S. II. Clifford, New Cased, YYis., was troubled with Ne uralgia and Rheumatism, his Stomach was disordered, hi* Liver was affected loan Icgret-, apixj tite Ml away, and lie was terribly reduced in fivsh mid strength. Three bottles of E ectric Bitters cure i rim. Edward Shepherd, FI i-ritburg, III., had a running sore on his leg of eight years’ Standing. He used *hree bittl-* of Elec¬ tric Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklen’s Arnica Sal ye, and his leg is round and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., had five large F#ver w*— -** *»*• im '* u **’ »n d h« was incurable. One bottle of Electric B ttcrs and mi!* box of Buekleu’s Arnica SaiVe cured him entirely. Sold by J. It. Johnson J) ug store. 8 ' * I) It. ■! OH N BILL TR(>YBUS lari’ c (Kill H (j lick move worms ft m Choir- >• SC’"" n>*\ le- or t*“ i«aU hunt londtb T v medicine i cent st urnjc '■* .1 h I) l**o k & -1 a r - St. U* iLY IIi p will <*«n*t >«»u iioitnn^ **nd wi 1 *urely do you good, if y *u h*-c u Co«K>», 1 old, or any trouble with Tnront, Chest or l,uu|f». Dr Km*. '* New Diacovery for CoiiHUiiipl on. Coughs huiI Colds is gun anleeil to C>Ve relief, nr money will pH id inica. Buff* ivr-i from L* **ii| p<* found It jiint Hie llduj: ami undei ils use bad a Bpeedv and perfect lecnV'Ty. Try ft sam¬ ple 1 OUl<* at our expense and learn for votuee.f jnal how giwwl a thing il is «iai boltle* free at J. R. Johasun’s Drug Store. Large alxe 60c. «nd $1.00. 8 -*® RANDOM TALK On Various The warm sunshiny spring days the subject dear to the heart of sportsman and small And that brings on more talk. a few fishing remarks would out of place. We unfortunately have not as many in our mountain streams as we had. Thanks to civilization. vy e have heard one of the old settlers of Ellijay Valley say that back in the thirties, he has seen Indians fishing at the confluence Ellijay and Canecay rivers. The was oiear as clirystal and great of fine white suckers lay on the shining through the clear like silver. The Indians would their canoes noislessly out over and spear them, obtaining a boat directly. But those happy days are gone and Indians and the clear water and fish with them. Yet we still have a good sprinkling fish in our streams, inly it requires and good bait and other ac¬ to catch them. Morlli of the Blue Itidge there are of the mountain trout. 'She beauties that almost jump hook and the flavor of which be tasted to be appreciated. youth of here, also in the Coosawat may be caught plenty of large with a trot line. So after a'l some good fishing in reach of Ellijay. Tom Drift. who Ventilated his hat. Went to Chattanooga. Said her fellow' was “sweet as ” ; YY r ent to see hi* girl and the dog tied. Wrote to a certain young man and hunt to kiss his brother for her. Got mad because another fellow on ihe front gate of a certain The young man is that says he can any of the girls buggy riding, can’t go with them otherwise. * Palo Alto, Humphreys* Veteriua-y Specifics used on the stock farm of the home of Sutiol, Jkn std? This complets tlTff* prominent stock owners wdio the use of Humphreys’ Specific*.. GET THE BEST. An elderly physician,whose debility and blood desease, has successful informed the writer was only one patent medicine that recommended his patients to take, that was Dr. John Bull’s advised its use as a tonic and casts of blood poison it always a cl aim UndeF its influence eruption qu ckly heeled and aches and paths vanished, aud r of JOHN BULL’S found himself better every way. blood remedy can possible be com and it -nvariahjv giyes sfactioii in the user. Vou wr mg your f if ton fail t-> e v« it a iiul It is tin t»est spr ng m-d c*ue and t»!o » I *i 'hat Can i»e m l ie Lu-sp* b*l*' I'lM-rtioimtub) $1 t*i> Fur si’«- • i • ug iris. C^TBy it n F Fia* kiin, Liu e Ru, k, ik *as le iuced to h most a ek< l<* and 6o wet-k I c< uld hardly walk appitite and iigestion both were p<> was extreomly nervous, sleepless and restless all day* Seven Bull’s Sarsapai-slla made me as sound U6 when a boy.” THE HEW STORE At the Cobb Stand will save Come one, come all and g a trial and tve will convince we mean what we say. VV'e carry line of merchandise everything from a sack of r irginia salt to a paper of pins, all sorts of produce, tan ties, corn, hides, w'bHhi -.VC. ,uu neeC you have any^“' n g 1° will pay you to see us. Mull & Chk>J - Ellijay jay, G&v TO SON.*T67 J me Gond ; i-W.:S ssley for YV P a 0 * l:orw< C II»1> 11 ■>. i putiullage, Hiui 03 m;.k 1 g b**«i g> M«l.* Iaittou 1 pi ices, we lioi.e l© merit deuce Hiid support. KWOni guoil* arc for sale In every in North Georgia and Alabama. ll’.s ciicutai* ror reference and don't a pound of Guano or Acid Phosphate til you enquire for above brand* indy. IHE HOME C tlEM 1(3 aL t (). For Bale by D, M. llYATT, Depot. NOTICE TO STOCKMEN* All oartie* liavimr homes or Passing Paragraphs, Apple blossoms are making their ap¬ pearance. Mrs. L. R. Patton,. RocWfcrd, 111., I writes: “From X>e personal experience can recommend Witt’s Sarsaparilla a cure for impure blood and general debility.” M. ^.Teem. Gilmer is a finiL country for apples and many of our farmers are planting out orchards. It is a fixed and immutable law that to have good, sound health one must have, pure, rich and abundant blood. There is no shorter nor surer route than by a course of De Witt’s Sarsapa¬ rilla. M. V. Teem. The recent freshet did considerable damage to farm lands in this county. Bright people good are tbe quickest to recognize a thing and buy it. We sell lots of bright people the Little Early Risers. If you are not bright these pills will make you so. M. V. Teem. The roads alsi were considerably damaged by ihe racent rains and should be at once repaired. If dull, spiritless and stupid; if your blood is thick and sluggish; if vour ap¬ petite is capiicious aud uncertain, yon need a Sarsaparilla. For best results take De YVitt’s. M. V. Teem. The subject of roads is one which our people do not take sufticieut inter cst. “Late to bed and early to rise will shorten the road to your home in the skies.” But early i > bed and a “».it tle Early Riser,” the piil that makes life Teem. longer and better and wdser. M. V. A country having good toads is on the high roads to prosperity. Early Risers, Early Risers, Early Risers, the famous little pills for con stipatioo, aud sick headache, dyspepsia nervousness. M. V. Teem. Of course it is difficult to make and maintain good roads in our mountain country, but it can be done by judi¬ cious road law* right y enforced. It is a truth in medicine that the smallest dose that performs the cure is the best. De YVitt’s Little Eaily Ri¬ sers are the smallest pills will perform the cure and are the best. M. V .Team. The present law' makes the poor man work the road, while the rich man us¬ es it, which is all wrong and contrary to the spirit of American institutions. YVe truly believe De Witt’s Little Early most Risers to L». the wist and mitura^ effective, orist prompt eco¬ nomical pill for LMliousness, indiges¬ tion hndiuactive live . M. V. Teem. Remarkable Literary Announce ' men'. Hawthorne’s Letter” and Longfellow’s “,” profusely il¬ lustrated, botl^for onlr 10 cent 8 , post¬ paid, priuted from hxrjje (brevier) type, on fine sUper’cAlend^'d book paper, and specimen pages>.fiee to any one, is the lu¬ tes!, announcement off John B. Akleu, PubHsber, 57 Rose St.. New Yoik. Ore Would suppose they would sell by the million, each woik being a famous an¬ ther’s most fanioiii|^|cluctiou, Order your j nm the Talona Lime VForlSf jMrbck, Ga. In small lois, 75 cents ] barrel. Special rates for car loads, partners, use lime on your land, it ben >uano. u e will send you a ton for $(>.00. Try it. Ad dress all orders t fi < The Tal r,% I/me YVorks, Talk hg Rock, Ga. YV. G. MeNfUcy, Manager. Six Dollars ( o Chicago. The Cincinnatti, IT.tmlAon and Lay ton Railroad aunoumv a reduction »of the fare between Cin <nnatti aud Chi¬ cago to .six dollars. bis rate is now in effect and in purcH ,s hi^ tickets to the World’s Fair nty see that they read via the C., II. 9c, D., the Pullman Safety VestibulejL-i«feL lejUU^ e with Diiing Deniocratic A&ar Meeting «s For the purpose o. 8electln <le,c gates to attend the St S ‘ to to be be held in .Atlanta <’ ktc Convention X >^all of the Demot n May the 18th. of Gilmer couOiNa®^® Mass Meeiifi£ ‘ '» assemble in a TuesdfNLljiutir -S.’ourt t house on the first next. * j- !*m. Ex. Com. umw * a or d nut (divsici in, retii|l id from practice It • v u had placed in hands by an -i tndm liii-Aimtary formula of a v»-g* t ,ide remi, for the speed >••.» -n< ■ cur "eiisii npthin. ait _ , III a .-nut <!> :.-iag ixr uiiu •■ dtea ( ‘ , 'r;* , <*..Xe lVl .us l»e '* 4 | ,h1 Ner^011s Mmplahita, liter having tested its wo,». oliriltiv0 powers in thousands .* 0# has felt it leriug fellows. Aetuatt By this motive and a desire to rcleive !isn an ffering, 1 will genii free of chat Y (l all who de ir e it this recipe. i. ,1 * tr it |nia, Er«M»*h bn.'liHh, wnhlvitl “• •**lt Ine'uJ, or and Umii«. Se|| m-ii* 1 bv |1H . prti|Mir . mg 11 ,, niy mg with si • unp. 111 Il iiainin^ d fll I |Y < n .. .. , v NOVKS.s-20 S*20.Powers' 1'owe, I' S • w Y 01 K. I Keh.*2(ku. *81. hr. BUCKLES’* A US K •J \ SALVE Hrtiises, The nest salve in tin- nrltl tor cuts, 8i»aes, Uleeia, Chap H libeinn, Fe¬ ver Sores, letter. ll mien, Cliil idHin-, l oins, ami sit t Eruption,*!*!! P .-Itively cure* I’ili , d. it i v guarantee' isiaetion, or money For ^ eU. Price cents per box. by J, ecu. Talona, Heavy rain* and high Water* last week. ConB.derable damnge was done by the recent fievliit. The farmers are all ready to plant corn but still wait for a befer season. Mr. M. A. Allen has been assisting t e boy* in repairing the .dain.ige done to the M. & N. G. railroad. The Mamie boom is stilfon hand. T! e machine is still running and pulling the drdi through the fin« marble. Mr. McNeliey is selling biff lime faster than he can get it ready'. S. Elmer. Cartecay. The swell ng buds and the cry of the whipporwill call to mini that our conn*, tiy will soon be clothed iu all her gor¬ geous beauty. The energetic little villiage of Cartecay nas made quite a number of improvements recently, such as planting shale trees, re pairing buildibgs and cleaning up in gen¬ eral. Messrs James and Robert Holden are off to Atlanta with a nice lot of beef cat¬ tle this week. Messrs S. E. I boson and Charlie Smith recently got into a hot comfat with ten hughe garter snakes m a bund*. It is said they knocked something like the back step tor a while, but finally suc¬ ceeded in k lling seven of them. The late freshet has damaged property considerably. There was a verv nice quilling given at Mr. Thoms.,s Taboi’s Monday. Rev. J. F. Pettit preached an able ser¬ mon Sundry at the old home place of Aunt Susie Stoue The good people of Clear Creek are always glad to hear Mr. Pettit. YV. S. Clear Creek. Corn planting. Wheat crops are promising. The fruit indications are good. Mr. Joe Teem has been to Atlanta on business. A certain young man puts his nose in a vice when he shaves. Mr. YVillmm McArthur lias purchas'd the Collit farm and will make his future abode in Gilmer. “B 11” is a straight to ¬ ward fellow and a bachelor of high stand¬ ing and long experience. ^ fTccle >»■»■.'I iWcu I'A/rf' ' fined to his bed ou account of sickness, has about reeovtred to his health. Mr. Edmund Waddel, of Hambelton county, 1 ex , is visiting liis sister, .^rs. Sydia Evans. Mr. Pinkiiit Sutton, who moved from this part to Cherokee county, Aia., wa< recently adjudged insane and s»nt- to t! e Lunatic Asylum iu Tuscaloosa, Air. His wife has just leturued to this county, and is living with her father Mr. Rubin VY right. Fritz. Mountaintown. The farmprs in this section are busy preparing to plant corn. Tllf IOC -at c *M s ap sui- impeded \eg eu.tio l<> Ml'MIi l*x r. pc - i f.e C .-idev.ible niH t >om t n on Mtui The saw mill of K'ine & llowen is no -■ located near J. YV. Whithrow. Our cstcemi u friend, Dr. W. L. Harper of (li ton, Ark , is visiting his mother, who L confined to her room with dropsy. Ae learn that Mis. Gilbcit Jones lias received iiei p iy lr.»m the Naslivillu Life Insurance Company, in which her biu bund (deceased) had a policy. Frof. Shiner’s school closed the 8ih iust. at Mountaintown Institute with fiat leriug results. Rev. James E. Tallant preached an able sermon loan attentive audience at the Clvipel the 3rd inst. We hope to hear ft*, m Rev. Ju ins Pickett on the taiiff question through the columns of Thr Courieu in w, stort time. The Sunday School was reorganized at Z "o Hi 5 with Mr. C. »V. J 01 .es as Su¬ perintendent. YYe icatn that dessis. G W. Rmdul C. YV. Jones wid repair tlieir grint anil, Aukioola. MilliLeryl Millinery! i jusr htcnv d TH L4H AST I. i 'i U; i v v r hriMi • !j■ ■* L. •,) •.* . iUl Latest Styles. La ties’ bat*, Ribbons, Morions and Dress Trimmings. MRS. N. A. MULL. COLB STAND, ELLIJAY, GA. Hutchison & Davis. BLACKSMITHING AND WOODWORK. A 1 work done in substantial and Workman-like man ner. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 0 §hoi> P at llutchifon iStand on Daltou Sirtel. Wait for the Wagon AND We’ll all Take a Ride! ................TO................. MARTIN V. TEEM’S He Keeps a Fine, Large Line o t Er erything in the Way of General Merchandise. Groceries, Groceries, All kinds, both Staple .and Fancy. Dry Goods, Dry Goods, Bought in the Northern markets and sold very low. Notions, Notions, An Endless Variety--Im¬ ported and Domestic. Leather Goods, Bridles, Harness, Trunks, Valises, Etc. Queensware, Queens ware, And Fancy Articles. HOME Agency for the NEW Sorghum Sewing Mills Machine, and Chill Highest prices paid for all kinds of Country Pro¬ duce. w MARTI N V, TEEM . ALL ABOARD! ALL ABOARDI J. W. HIPP & SON, WHY Fill il SUB STABLES. IF YOU WANT A GOOD TOR YOU E AT REASONABLE PRICES, Go to tlio Stable of .J. W. Hipp, ( to Bows, Good Hscls hiid BMiies. Gooi Drivers, GooilM TO THOSE WHO PATRONIZE OS! Competition is the Life of T:ade. Dou’t forgot this when you c n 5 t » t > .vu, but c ill anJJ see J. W. HIPP & SON, A.j«I You Will Tlmnli Vour *tar H . Il 7ou Are Going West AND YVANT LOW RATES To Arkan¬ sas, Texas, Missouri, Colorado, Oregon and California, or any point WEST or NOR 1II VEST— IT WILL PAY YOU To write to me. FllEI) D. BUSU, n. P. A., L. & Jf. H. K. 4*2 YY’all St., Atlanta, Ga. We Will Pay A salary of $25 to $50 per week to good agents sell to represent us iu every countv ami our general line of Me return td cs at tv.aniifielurer*’ luiees. Only those yy !u* want steady employ ment need apply Catalogue and particular* send on re ceipt of 25 cent* for expressage. A. KAltl*EX & CO. 1 - 2*2 (juiucy Street, Gliiougo, 111. For Malaria, Liver Trou¬ ble, or Indigestion, use BROWN’S IRON BITTERS Clothing, Clothing, Gents’ Furnishing Goods bought prices direct and sold at that will ASTONISH YOU. Hardware, Hardware and Agricultural Imple¬ ments for the Farmer. Shoes, Boots and Slippers, Latest Styles, and prices lower than ever before. Hats, Caps and Millinery--All Sorts. times Recognizing hard, the fact that are tve will give you bargains for cash that will induce you to give ns your trade. My polite and attentive clerks will always he found and ready prices, to show you goods whether you buy or not. Thanking you for past patronage, I respectfi^p38 ^ aia, veiw C H Cft«o bojtohmw* 4nunM. tr.LQiM. »°* *OB SALK ■V* ftnuutP M. V. TEEM, KLLIJAV, GliOHGIA. T. A. SHELLEY, LIVERY STABLE, NELSON, GA. Patronage of the Traveling Public So¬ licited. Everything first class. CpiuutcrcKi Traveler:* and visitor* to the Mat b e YVorks will find lure clegau iccoujiuodatione f^r travel. It) £8-6