Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, February 16, 1876, Image 2

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THEJOURNAL WWWK OR A N HERI fV. Krnrm ' W SrSTTv: FkRRUAHY 7 77,6 we 1 .- ~ ■:'■':■ . r acg Arur: D ; .r Ktt'igiurAi. , Tlir. neg>*'>'*iw>n found u rkulelon; *i th river bank, in CdlmnlMitd Tti Time* thinks it a yankce Wt, *k<*t and buried tlvore itt the lm iif WJlaon*’ raid. lf)t local <<T tin Times think Si. TolMitirte** day has become ft mi - •Mkw in ihw latter days, front the JmuL lliat sentiment haa been Iran*-- ' y burlesque. Ha say*: Many art cn.ioti* hi| twl takes udv.ui v snug# of the occA*t >n lo “gel oveil" with somebody'll© duanif: dike. And now the Tin ler Herald comer t the fre itwrith Hoar wild Turkeys, killed at ona-rfbot.lhy John ‘England, near Howard, a Tew days ago. I bar. Nja*: We are gI.J Vo ace that •migration ;.g nan (.’obii,bi*( arc offoring 500 tlollarsiru fir] hand# to go'to Mmoissippl,M*>r they) aay it j at tlakoa tOO fl -Vir' in gold) ■io Imy a uim •4v<v.i'4y in tho**© W'w ttnafuKea. Mr. Mi ton Daiia* cih, with 250 ! bualiolr of corn, war burned in On!- tioon county Lari w eek. jialda nil gallons of milk per day. The Celnmltrr HhguLe.r any*: A few daya ago Air. N A. Nicholb* Wt oeiwed a ItfUtff from Emanuel. South, colored, who loft licre about Christ enaa and wont to V.ichtlburg Mira. The negro represented Uio country a bad pi no* for-colored jjieoplo, and i* anxious for Akc. tQ-uciid' him money, upon which ho may re turn to lus <guo3 *e.ld “’bona ” in Georgia. The Ma! College nt Griffin has been deatroyed by lira 'J'ho build.) i, I( T war a tine onu, coating about ten tliouwml dollar#. A.ltttb* girl in Jasper County war 'found dead in the bed a few day* ago. Tho aMppotitioo rs that it died with croup. A little negro child, owing to the .wwoloemt-aa ot it* parent# *w, burned to death in Burke oounty last week. iUnk Tommie Hheout ir anounced naa.,a*s'>cictc editor cf the Montioello 1 Banner. Hon. T. W. Grime*, repfwrnta ti,s ns J,he'JLcgiklactire, front Mtt* cogcc iounty ha* rrsigtied. Mr. (4. i. • young man of ainrtHtig abilit'ife* ami tins ia to 1* regretted. Anew olcotiur ka*jeeft ordered. The Columbus Times is ono of the most M^tbio'f*j>er* in the Slide. Her* tedriio way they tlc: “The nam iof*he Ilan.il on Vnrtion Sian l>eeu to Abated to Hamilton Joint hal. .It nwr. good county paper and i* indusiMOua in getting up local new*.” Tho'LsrGiango Reporter says that Mr. WHjfltoßobftt* klUod three hogs, the.-other Hay, Hint weighed 1,400 ‘l'AMO'd*. s©n of them eight mouths [old, wtjgived 640 pounds air. Well Wiliams, living near kCurnetvXle, killed a wild turkey gob I Jor nmettfing five feet in height, and and weighing twenty-fivo pounds ttf-J ter being cleaned. The bone* of it*. wi re 1 inches, "and oi its tbtghaj 10 inche* in length. Xihukatxoh Auawra,—Since Har iri* county ha* opened the way, omi graii-ni a gems aro having A lively time in Georgia. We have hcatd 01 a -verai thaigot into trouble rccontly: fhtwao Columbus fhoii. Miller a* twwMtO over to*tvoar tathc u*t Ktrmj of the count) oonrt, in a bend of ♦fiOO; another in CbatlaWhec emm’y i caught a good thrashing, and was di reeled to “get further;” still another,, at fto* Spring*, escaped a tarring find featherisig only by making a great maujr track* in a short time • itb the beeltf all jx>inun* towards llos Spriuga. That’* rigid. I/'t them f**l the penalty of *noaktng into r -mmanitie* ami violating law, order, and domestic harmony. Giut Fm IS Nkw Yoku.— A firo broke out in the lower patl of Jicw York city Tueodny rooming which resulted in ervt dent ruction of property snd *oro loss of lift*. It original**] in a building on Crosby r irri vbieb aaimdod through to JJroadwajT. btaarai buildings worn destroyed, and oibara badly damaged One firm last a stock of good* rai sed at #600,000; acotlur, about f <50,000, The total taw la estimated three mil'ioaaof dollars, about ten third* insured. Two firemen were kill, and. gagT' The fHeada of tha President don’t s f “crooked whiskey " now ; they call It “ rim ed com juice." Uouesty the best policy WBih Among Oar Advertiser*. Fur Pars*. We intend lo look well to the in. onr rdvertiai-rr, both Ineil and eettfiiborini;; an I, in doing this, wu hI-o Imve an eye to the pecuniary welfare of all Uni Jottßitai. readers. It i* an admitted fact that the tmw chanta with whom ton uan g t the Intel bargains, arc there that ad ter tian, and, by their at yin if advertis ing, you ein estimate their liberality.- There u aucli a thing nr lihurrlity in Irarle, ami btiriner uien know how lo ore it. Wti know there nru busi nesauar* among onr advertiaera, anti no intend to let the people know .who they are. Il I* merely Mlgge-tcd that.tradesmen whom) w rda ire never Been In the neimuaperr, havo no in ducemefitr to offer ctirtonters, ami tiro'f* endure t ot desirous o( iuorcae ing thoir trade. In there nrlie'o*, whiufa will bo itoniinnitd front time t<> lime, wo Miull ret forth the claims lo public favor nl itll who advert!*# in our column*. Now for our fikht WALK. Jsnl unlay morning we donned onr beet suit, tu'lh an eye to bluinOtr, auil .moderately wti! Satisfied with the way tlie world ".as naiiig u*, strolled and >urn lown. Opposite the liotol, oafc.'ond sac© , i the buaine-a itouwc of t ‘ltvaerl V Kuahrougli—a tuun t*j firhi-"b ■*’ rt rpectabklity, and jitri as goi>d men tvr can b© found itaywhuts Wo walked into l.lteir neat, well keep rtcre, and the ifiiv.t |tei‘!)ou we mu' reaa tho head .clerk, IwnC some and .obliging, lien iK , our reportur ot the llumiltou -mar— Vela. Ilia face tv a* all over smiles, for be hndjurl. been'dewing a pieas iinl cbnt with some young Indies who h:i(l beim in slni|iping, and bad just gone out, leaving will) him the cash for a pretty little bill of good*, lie ya, however, lhat sometime* llies© shopping cx|>©dili'Jns end (juile differently. BoindimM a crowd of girl* will come in and have him tear down half the good* on his shelves, and per/tajw buy a spool of thread ; bnt ho enjoy* it, for their brgdit qye* and aui.*sliiny, lresli laces amply re pay him lor the trouble of rc-ar ranging hia shelves. Ren informed m of the stale of the market, and wo [Mint on lo tho rear of tho store lb ©bat will) the Judge, and the plena- Cowsert. We always iij*ty .the company of these ■friend*, for welknow they arc good men iiutl 'true. 'L’hay told us they*, VMM dome a goll trade, both.in dry qcods and groceries—their personal infuoaoe ill always.command thfc' luit il u*y dosiro to iuorwaao their trade, and, therefore, offer spoui >1 juduesment* to the jio iplo of the { unrounding coun'ry. They have on i hntnl nn ample nupply of dry go *ds, 1 notions, hardware, etc., etc., also a g,iod stock af groom. X, all of wh ; - h ihqy.aro selling nsilow down ua they ufAii ,pcs-ihly all'>rd. They soiluit lu.de, uml we JitK/iv ihorn -to be re liabU’, honc*t, trustworthy num. Altar n plensnnt Imil-hoiir spent Jic-c we tir ed down'bo street e riidt Mr. Hi >rca at Ids blacksmith shop, with * desire to have tv mt* ipo'ntod since cnl ing them into play i no often during life has sotnewihat •blunt**! them. <-bi the wny toe rpit an old gout lew in of the African per suasion a iio asked for a it tilt Job of work. Having no work for him, wc out him off a chow of tobnoou, and synipadLctir Jty revnarkedt “If wc were worth a brllien itfdul lar* wc would do much totudp.lhcl poor.** Then we naked him what ho would do if Ito were worth that much. “If ( 'teen ecu tit dal much,* slowly iwplie*! the old SHiij a* 1.0 gently rubbed his hald bend, " N be Ip de poor, too,** After I’d built ! a big, fine Jmitstv, and a great Idg •UWo, and tud si a or ten Imisscs, fu clot hew, a shinin' watch and chant, • atid some other ucvoKrtlies of life, 1M f begin l,i taku cure of de poor. I’d buy 1 a blue *i!k noetic for all de poor old ’ imu, white kid siloes for de children, and ebertr jshw woman should have one of de uiooftt spring corsets to he found iu Hamilton. All, ‘ Boss! it •tiakesni) heart ache to link how much I eou'tl do for de poor if some oue would only gib me a billion of doi lar*.’’ “We don’t uppo*c, H we replied, looking down-heartedj ” that cither orto of ns willi-ter h:ive a millionth part ol tbal money. Wo must strug gle, Afric, and do the best, we cun and live as happy as we may ; and if the poor c<>mo to our doors, w e must not turn them away empty-handed, cron if we bate to cut a pound cake.’ Tnc old man showed hi* gyms and moved on ; we grasped our lend pen cil and continued our walk to the aurasniTti shop. Hero we foi nd Mr. Shores busy at at work. lb i< a wot king man, does hat be uudvrlakea well, and] I at the moat reasonable ryte*. lb- i> anew man in Hami!toa;'bnt Ins al ready won hia way to public ftvor. If o r fit ment tt ith to'consult fheii own go id let them heed his adyer lisemept, ami Mistaiu this necessary brunch of lamiaeas in •*><*'■ to win ll* Is pre|unni| lo do all ikaiJ.-> id hlickr Muilhing, buggy ami tt-agon makii.g. and in a good hand hi tinning uml gum-m tbing. Nest week we shall probably conclude onr av.ilk among the merchant* of H.millott, of er which weslia'l visji Hi© lawyers, due tors, and other advertiser*. I*. The Tax Hill. The t..-i x bill, notv Indore the f. ng irlnturc of Gent gin, ntillioriitos the Governor, with the assistance of the Comp'roller General, lo levy a tax not exceediig four-tenths of one |n r oent. on the taxable property <>f the Suite,exclusive of the (one-tenth of on© per cent.) already imposed to pay interest on the Wtil'ing bunds, t The following arc some of the spe cific taxes in addition to this general lax: A poll tax of one dolin’, for educational pirpose* upon each male inhabitant between the ages ot ‘JJ ajid CO years, resident, in the Slat* on the first day of April; on each law yer, doc'or, dentist .and daguerrcati ariist, anti agent P' uolicitorjofan in surance company, ten dol ars, on each auctioneer, keeper of n ten-pin alley, jool or billiard table or a bagtelle tabic for game or jtlay (except lor exercise or auititfcmcnt not prohibited liy law) twenty-five dollars; on ped* illers of patent ipedicinos, ifce., fifty dollars for each county; slight-ol- I liAnd performei’H, twciny-five dollars ! for each county ; circus o tupauies, i two Ituu<lred dollars for each ih.v, in cities, towns und counties coniaitiing I more than ten thoueind inhabitants, j undone huinbed dollar* f*r each (fay in smaller place*; upon shows or cx liibhiofis, except for literary or char liable I ’.rpoMU, twenty-live dollars — not to apply to theatrical and oper atic cxliibitiuutg upon sowing nw ejiino companies, five hundred dollar* to he | laid to the Comptroller Gen- upon each emigration agent oue hfmJrcd di liars for each oounty ia whioli be operates; dealers in pat ent or intoxicating bitters, brandy fruit, its*:., twenty-five dollars in each place of sale. There arc also taxer on the business ol insurance compa nies, express and tcl.grqpii compa nies, and sleeping ear companies. •w • ♦ • .A Bullet Girl Burnt liftin' Slake. An inquest lias been hehi nt Shcf •iichlton the hotly of the poor bullet girl, Alma Oldale, who met her death under the wrelchodost circumstance* through >a fire which occurred dur ing the purforimuiuc of a pantomime at iho Sliofli id theater on the 16th of December hist. The unfortunate deceased tvas.ottly eighteen von-a of uge, aud una*ougagod to enact the part of an “i-stia”’ or ‘ Eying lady ” in the trails urination went* of the, paniomimu. > s he wus suspended (from:tlic “-flics,” standing on a piece, of rron and strapped to an iron rod ini her back. The gau/.e curtains : a tiie wing, from some unknown ! causa, caught fire and wore blown by 1 a •current i*l cold air toward the ile ccascdg her •mn-lin skirts -she had on besides otfly a single garment— were at onceenv, loped in fl linos, and •it was stated nt the inquest that two ■minutes cliqued -before she could bo lowered to the stage. Being strap* j*d 'to the Iron rod, she was, of etiwrsc, utterly powerless, and be twooH •■such affatc aud being hurned alive at-the stake wc are uunble to disceru any material difference. Alula Ohriilo wp|ic irs to have it rub rgoi e the proc's of roasting with rein irk able courage, but her nervous sys tem wn* entirely !i tiered by the tho shock else had sustain al, and, af ter lingering a few days, the poor, crontwe died. Cat'TtON.—Tbo last wonts of George Washington were: Never trust a negro with :\ gnu. Wo would add an equal important maxim: Never trust a woman with an um brella. The most dangerous and reckless thing on record is a woman with an umhrella. If she does charge on you and gouge your rye out with the ferrule, she will whirl it around rapidly abrade your nose with the j'oint of the swift revolvin'' ribs. R ei.u: tops—Rev, C. C. Willi has accepted the care of ihe Baptist church at Reihesda, nrai Kiles'ie, f.*r 'the present year. Set\it<s*will h held there the first Sabba’h and Sat urday before, instead of the second as heretofore. We congratulate the people upon having secured the ser vices of one among the best pastor in the state No nun is more gener ally beloved and respected than brother Wilds. A ThUmslitful linrdtutiil. 'lf he had coi.fi "1 himself lo hi gitirnnte quill driving duties then would hove bet*" no occasion for him to bo strutting around with his left hand in a sling, a patch on hi* tio r e iii'il an nbsnrb old gum shoe *m on* loot, iiu was, ItnWcicr,ctfly .’tnothet kictim lo 'that egotistical ujdnion ol all men that they can do anything heller than a woman. We went home ve*tei ilay, and ifiWind Ins v\ *f pip i.i..; nji peaches ill lho-c old-fashion e*l tin ean that are closed with seal ing wax. She had an old apron on, and two or three little splotches ol sealing wax ornamented tin floor, while Uie cat under tho table was licking a pica: about the size of a postage stamp, on her back, with great a-: Unity. See litre, Maria,’’ said he, “you’ll cripple yourself with Ihai. hot wax directly,” but as she made no answer, he continued, oracularly, “Women never have any median leal genius any way. If there’s possibly a way •ol doing anything wrong, they’re al ways sure to try il.” “Do you think you can do any bitterV” she observed wii.li some acidity. '• Why, of course I can.” “ Well, here, just distinguish your self, then. So he sal dutvn. She handed him a fresh can, just out of the water. lie took it in l.is hand, and dropped it as (hough it had been a streak *.£ light ning, while he snick his finger in his mouth and looked sudden death to her because l*o could not swear. She gave him a lowl to hold the next one with and he took it on his knee, lighted the sealing wax stick, and commenced probing around ; but the bottom burned his knee, and lie jerk ed, bringing the burning wax stick across the back of bin left band ; then fie jumped up, bowled, and dropped the can, which emptied a spoonful ol preserves into his slipper. This made him frantic, and ho went dancing about the kitchen like an inebriated dirvish, waving the burning wax un til a drop took him on the nose. In his :ig my, he kicked tho offending ©mi through the window, scattering the contents over the dog who ran into the street howling and raising the alarm of tuad dog, that occupied the attention of all the people within three squares. Then he submitted j to belaid upon the sofa and plastered with llrnr and sweet oft imtd lie looked like a badly repaired scare crow. lie is now willing to take an affidavit the size of a barn door that lie will hereafter let the women be just SB awkward as tin y eliojse—7vw ton 7'm Pass, I)a Sonudhitig. Roys, don’t I c a burden to your parentm, compelling them to support you—no matter v. hat, so it. i hones', boo!, around and obtain ci-.p'.oy incut ; then oft* with y*ur court and dfitermiiic to woik your way up. The latter of prosperity is within the reach of every oue iueliued to use it. l’crhaps your father is rich, and therefore you think there is no need for you to work. What a senseless extusrJ Your fa'.hcr may he now, but next year, or next month, some had event may absorb his riuhec and leave him in a condition worse than poverty —in debt. There are hnn drode of misfortunes which in ay re ■ tuee his means ; illmss may lay him low, and his business lacking his supervision, may go to ruin. Then you, his son, not having been taught the necessity of lab ■r, and unski led in the use of hands or hr iin, and can do nothing but fret and worry. Your condition h worst than that <d the most humble workman in your] fuller* establishment, for his i-xperl 1 encc will iceornuHUid him to another situation. Besides, poverty to you, who have never known tho Want of i anything, becomes doubly aggrating. jib ought up in luxury and Idleness, plain food is nauseous to your dainty palate, and common garments seem tho livery of shame. You shun a meeting of the associates of your bet ter days, and they pass you with a chilling nod ; as much as to say, You arc poor now, and of course cannot i resumo tojreekon us among, your acquaintances.’’ *’ loys, strive tv b>independent.— beam to he useful in this world—to he ab'o to “puddle vour own canoe,” as the saving is. Then, if trouble comes to your father, lie will have ! at least one friend to assist him in regaining his former prosperous con-1 di ion—an affectionate, industrious j and energetic son. Hri n This.—All | ersona indebted to me for suhgcriplion or advertising are requested to settle the suite at "ice. All dues ran be left at tRe Jor i;N At, ofTtce during mv absence. D. \Y, U I'oVLLt, oisaoi.t Tie* isr. 'lhe u..a of 1! V. M VT! f “'A n V.'l *♦- ville, Ua., I. 'tel* 1 ’’ •""!> " content 1 ' Tl, not** and accotff.ts <st the ulmve firm are in inv lianrt* To. collection, i’artic* in • lobteri will save cos’! and further troiib'c hy ■•l'lf'i * on me within tho next thirty *i*y* i" 1 ' 1 " t. .i mfirr. (iKOliiiiA i'lAi.kia l'*H ntv. Win-ict it liu lea'ii represented tome that (ho . .Lite * f J.d.n M I! Norw.HHl, lat*'of mid •amity. *l* ceaied, is mirepresentu I, ami not tikelv to l! represented - All person* coocernod <" hordw not'fi*il to ritow raise, if any tiiey have, hy the first Monday in March next, why the Clerk of the Kaperior Court, or wine oilier fit and proper i-eiKon, aland 1 not lio appointed nd mini-lmtor upon lli'f er-taf - of rai I deceased, (iiveo under nt hand oflfrdnllv. Kel*. 7, Ik7d. fehO td J !•’. C. WILLIAMS, Orii’y. HA HR IS SHKII FV’S SAIE. Will h c sold before the courthouse door in Hamilton, between the legal Ilnur* of sale, on the first hues day in April Ilex', the following property: (j,.*- |,< me- and J.d In the town of Hamilton known an the dm;; store, bounded on tlie w* *t hv II oid stwut, on the ninth hy Mur id,;* . vacant I'd, on the ea*t hy Murphey’s hit,' on th" north by Korhc’s vacant lot. l. ei on nathv pr./perly of Mitchell & Cood m. to satiafv a nsti t.:KC tifa in my hands in favor < f Mrs K I Price va Mitchell & Good man I'rotierly p 'iutoil out i.i fiiii. fel.U td ' JIl lIOIIIXs .tN, KhcrifT HARRIS SHERIFF’S SALES. Will tie s 1 I hef.'ro the courthouse door in the town of Hamilton, Harris county, Ga., ln'twiH u llic P'Ral hours of sale, on the first Titcsd ly In March next, the foliow.ng prop- A!. o a’! Hint tract or parrel of land flttll at and, lyimr and being in the lhth U : strict of mixinary Muscogee now Han is county, con t ii.i ::: lot) acres, mo c or less, and bounded fodiiws: < '.imneiKiiiif at the eri/innl c m er where lots No. ISO, 137, IL> an I 1 13, cornel''* from tinaice tenth (if! poles and corn its on ft fence, from thence west lift pol s to ill.; lines that divi ies lots M3 from 14*2, and „ , cmfin'ies line WcM until we strike the ! a 1. Tin- licit divides tai I lots from that of the fraction*, atiA from thenw; on said hack line North netil striking the Millie a-v creek, fh.nre il > Slid ere k as it crooks and t irns'to tlie mouth of lTnrily’s spring branch, tii 'iiee up saiii branch opposite a certain e-oss e i c. then st aiiht to fence, thn stralulit nilh the fence, making the fence t ie till * running a little east of south, until -Liking the Is-giaiiing lino that divides the above m ntioned lots 133 and 1-13 ; then corners than with sai I line due cast to the beginning corner. Said land levied on under .1 li fa is-vied fiom Hariis Superior Gomt, in favor of YV. Hamer vs. W. A. Ware, for the balunca of purchase nmney. Property pd*nicd out hv PlaintifTs Attorney. Also 428 acres, 2 roods, and 23 poles of b.ml lying and being parity in tbe 2d district, originally Troup, now 11-. iris, and in the 22*1 district, I originally Mit-cog-e, now Harris county, bounded as follows; On the East land <>f W. L, Latham and L-e Mil U is. North by W. Woodall, A. D. Anderson and Mrs. Fuller. West by Sol. D Loach and D. (1 Murr.ih, and on the south Dy C. 11. Trammell and Mrs. A. Mnrrah ; said land known as the laixl upon which the dd F. M. Trammel took the homestead on, and on which the said F. M Trammel! now resides, levied on ns Liu’ properly of the said F. M. Trammel!) to satisfy a li fa in nty hands i sued from the Superior f.'ourt of Harris county in favor of Monroe Davidson, ami John ldrooks, Transferee, vs, A. A. Trammell, A. O. Tr -a II and I. M Trammell, <ie— fend,.n's. A’sn. Uvi’ acres of land, more of less off .if lot K i. : Ivins south of the Collins i ..Try iou'l, turu-leU * n ills >ut i I*y I"* Is of f’. M, ially a:;.l o.uO l.y toils 'A K Ilo lyh;.; iiii't *-i.tr.tr in the S'ViOtli ilistiict ii M., Uo t-i *u as llui qioperty of W. T Oodwin to -ali .fy >■ tutmiteoni* tl fa in lny huvls, in of' Km M W’aU-rhimre vs. Cl ’l' (vnl.vin. l’r jivrty (loinlel out by \V. C. CoMoi , 't'.imsb rif! in said ft fa, vVI-o, 1 aiT' S of hind, in wo or less, off of lot M' lyiinr north of the Collins Kerry i Mil. iMim le l cast anil solitti by fauns'of r, It Mil, mi l• ■ by lands or' K 11 T.iltv. i \ ivv and beiliu; ii tiie 920 ilis'rii t, O, It , l.'v'nci on as the pro; erty of W- r f (fcdwin, to sali‘ ‘y a i’2 eieo on a fi ti iiv mv ireels in f.iv -r < f ivm li'l W itoi hem■ vs. WT. (! ■!’ in. l'iv;s rlv pi>ntirl out ly 'V. C. Cut'oii. tiaiisfvT’i a in *n;d flfft. One sorrel in : e, ‘M coiv and a.iff, two v**ttlin ■:; iiirl i* *■ Jioir. Oivied on as tiie niopriUv of .1 1, f.'v-or?. to satl-fv n mortstajiC !i fa in mv lu'.iHih Hi favor of (Jambla iX oop> laud. Also lots of Ism’ Nos 61 and "(!, and west bill' of lot Xu •'!>, io fin; 20tli district of Har ris county,- rontiiiiiimr 600 acres, more or ii--- l ,i oi to satisfy atifa is ned from H ut!- Superior ('otirf in favor of .1 K 0 Wil liam's, Ori ii; i uy. tor the use of dames N TVm lierton. aaninst (Jeorge W fiordon, principal, aud S i' W eldon and Roliert Weldon, .Sc'jU lities, as the property of said Robert Weldon, ft curl iv Also - > ncres of land oif of the fiorftnfcst coiner ol I *t of Pirnl No 174, itt tho ftl dis* fii’ict rf Harris county, to Sitfsfv .fusticc* ti fa in- m v hnti in favor of \V A Hodgow vs KlnioU (lliisis. Levy made uttd rcturrted to rue ly A L More* f ( .V.-o 1C 1-i* Her* s off of (ISc Foiftlnvest eor lief of lot of i i’ ll No T -l, in thtf?l?ih dia tru t(} M to Kfli slv a li fa in mv handn in favtA' of K H Nor worn J Vs (1 I tmde and tetitmed to me ty L More, AUo I .if s oi land Noe 104 end 100, iu fin? (V>7ith district G M, to sitisiy two tax tlfas fh f>vtr of tl>* State GilAtu* iriado and returned to me hv Solomon BiciWy, Also lots of fund Xoa 171 nnd fn the , A*tli diatilet (J M Levied on a* the prop erty of V t* Cotton to nxtlsfy a tintrM li.'r Court lift in my hands in fivor of R I, I’uitf'ctt vs V G CottonnndA M Mulholland. 0 fchli-td 4 1> KOUJNSON, Slit riif. Dlt. IV. SOtTHWICR, s', in ! s7 Whitehall st, Atlanta, Ga, ( -:i<rir.H‘ to rur* ml! of obstacle* to Mood imparities, obsfmctMw of m tiM ■* from nuy c ui> , and eA ry ailment or m. kiit .?< whi li result?< fi fiin abuSi* <>* finpru dctkcri with impiffd tJ t! *irt*c*j*. Hivinsr f lie evp’ni . c*‘ of di ui) yea v* in his bprrial- Ues. he I,a- pqrLv'r\l ronicdics that fife efToc- Uuliftull i:He eases. Tfls patients rtre be* ii *r treati*i hv m*ii mi-1 express everywhere, ( a;i or arii’rest with a tamp in confidence. DEHTGUS & fIIKDITOKS NOTICE. All (Vi’.-otts indebted to (lie estate? of .John JhoodH ilet/tHr 1 are hereby required to W&fte in ;:i ■ !; itt* payment and those having Ha ; ust sii I c.'tntc are required to proem (hem tiulj :ntncntieatetl within the time prt* seri!>':l hv !iw. bM if A T KKOOKS, Adm’r. t %G UN onn r aas r v r, ci'av u <•, 4 w*’ * a-*' *r' f -J" T .'4h# rOll SALE AT PRICES TO SUIT HARD TIMES, lIY W. H. ROBAHTS 8e 0 0., who invite the attention cvf tlie public to their largo and complete stock consisting of Cook-iug and 3E3C©£ttl2i.S' JS^E'O'VdEI® 1 (CharttM’ and ollrcr first-class patterns), Gralfs, Hollow Ware, Wood and Willow \Xm, Silver, Fiaßi! ami Britannia Good* Crockery and Glass Ware, Pocket and Table Cutler;, of onr own imporltilicn. Manufacturers of Tin , Copper and Sheet Iron Ware of every description. Prices as low as (he lowest. fColumbus, C4n., Nov. 28, 1874 SOLUBLE AMMONIATED SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME MANTTFACTUItED BIT G. OBER & SONS, - - Baltimore, Md. Wo are agent* for the sale of the above well known and reliable Kertdiasr, aud are pre pile 1 t i fumixh our frisnils and the planting public in any <{ i.iu’ity and ou the is '*t leas unable term*. Special in lucement* lo our Granger friend-*. fel'2-fJm I’LAUCE, BLNFOUD & 00., 20 Broad at, Columlms, Ga. C. A. KKDU J.- I’. MANLLV. YV.M. KpuD €. A. MESIB & €©., 128 BROAD STSET, COLUMBUS, QA. OFFER ONE OF THE * zm asoHaiA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Purchasers may Depend Bottom Prices* To SDealox’S WIIFfIBSPISIiLIIOIiIIIirS . ; ' :f. vv-M. M. HUDSON, of Harris, is with us and would l" glad to tee his fik-r.ds. . fcblfj-70 =* A. DIC PHOWPHAI' 111 (IHGH GRADK,) iPMiariß ®bp izzxv mmm, ETTIWAS DISSOLEB BONE, £nmm mm, Pare Chemicals for Making - Home Fertilizers, also a full lihe cf IMPROVED FARM IMPLEMENTS. HOLSTEAD & CO-, fcblfl-78 COTAJMfi'trs, OA GRAND CLEARING OUT SALE! Having on hand a heavier stock khan usual, we propose, for the next tliirty dnysf, ter seM ottr Winter Clothing AT COST FOR CASH, incTndmg Business Suits and Overcoats for men, boys and children. Now is the time to secure a Bargain, Sir. CilarlKs A. LoVfcLAcff is With US, and would be pfeaSeil to sic his friends, feli'i-Om THORNTON & At'EK, 78 Broad Ft, Colunlfcns, On. TO THE PEOPLE OF HARRIS COUNTY! COWSERT & KIMBROUGH HeSpactfuily iufortn the people of Harris ahd adjoining counties that tLey have added ■ GROCERY DEPARTMENT To their other business, and will in future keep on hand a full and desirable assoi imeirt.of Iv'resli IP£\7QCs>±J'y G-arooearioie*, To wbMi the attention ot customers is invited, and which trill be sold low for the cash. Our Dry Goods, Clothing ami other departments will be kept up to the old standard, and we will sell mir goods as low as any house (n town. . . (liver tis a trial, ami be convinced of the .. utli of what we say. deoft-Bm FAMILY GROCERIES. CHOICE CONFECTIONERIES AND FRUITS. J. J. & W. R. WOOD, JS'O-77 ISBOAD ST, COUJJtBUS. GA," OiTi i to th coWsttmor a well-selected stock of new and/boice Groceries, ftonfectlonelier* an ii aimed 'foods, which <** guiinuitee pfirc and fresh, and sold at the lowest po .-. ilde p.Wca, . Rest and purest Candies fri the city. Fresh and tellable Harden Seed at bottom pile MY keep everything pertaining to a first-class Family Gfccery Store Call and eXaffiltia our goCdsyiud prices. [dc3-3lnj J. I. & IV. It. V,'OGD.