Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, February 23, 1876, Image 1

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VOL. IV.—NO, 7, THF,JOURNAL BYLiHATrE & GKANHEiiIIY, ai.iH suimcJ’‘u • its. • * OO f)f\ 0 copy <• yc••. • * * , fin On# rtonv Mx .... •* • 1 rr : copy ti,v.c months .. <•> <jYij£ I‘tift *. >viUi *ho ■*•■' J-. . . - riutaJiiberH ’•vi’*HS: r h ■ >. l - ( * fron •.• p-> 1 #<* * '''•*'•• ' " ' ' ' tbr !*;*-' 0 the portr'i u v ... ■'-w wtU 5' rt. m#ed, at w-h uk (nut to wi. a t!i*V v. ish it srit. All cviplj°nß wnst Ik. fund in mlvanoo. TJm l paper will 1w slopped nt I! vend of-tlio iiiß pV*M for. n}™.i saWniptions c pr.y (HotiGy rnewwl. JUity Wie year, <*ASJI ApYEBTifJNG PATE3. SPAfiK i mi 3 liv.s 6 imw 12uirS_ *' i„, h . . $' 'I ff) TTTD '$ 600 S 'JO 00 s iudiea.. 460 725 11 00 18 00 X indies .. ft Oft 900 15 00 22 00 A mete*..' ft'f 1100- 18 00 27 00 1 column. J fi 50 14 00 25 00 3500 I column..' 12 50 25 00' 40 00 00 00 \ column., 22 00 41 <*■' 02 00 100 00 Wrrlirf nn:t ctostfis ot exceeding six ■ V;ij 1 be published fvoo. p : ,v.nen-t-H 1.. 'tv made quarterl-yin advance, according 4o schedule (rates, unless otherwise agreed .upon. Persons sending adverti lament a. will state ■tile leoptli of lime-they wish them published end the space, they want them to oc upy Parties Advertising by contract will he re ntal atd *to (their legitimate business. liKSAd, AnVU'iTISKMENgS. fltßndiPsales, perinCh, four weeks. • -S3 50 .mortgage fi fa sates, per inch, eight weeks, ........ • • •* .60 Kfttation for letters of administration, iruardianship, etc., -thirty days •> 00 Retire to detaois and creditors of t>u _ estate, forty riavs. • ■ • 0 *.'o Application for leave to sell land, four flhles.of hind, tftc., per inch, forty days 5 00 “ ■“ .perishable property, pur Inch, 'ten davs * ”0 Appljoftionforletters cf dismission from tnardiansbip. ‘fortv .lays 0 ™ Apflichfionfor letters of dismission from __ ■ adihinistra'tion.tbree ltn ntbs 1 KstaldiShing lost papers, the full space of three niontiis. per inch .< 0° (CompellingUitles;frotn eseoutaTS or s.r.- where bond 'lias been given bv<he' ! eee“t'd. the full space _ of threfe months, pdr inch < ®0 tSs rAy notices, -thirty days. 3 00 Ka e for foreclosure <,f •tnortjsgo. tour mouths, monthly, per ! rl.. . ’ 00 lCsle of,insolvent papers, thirty days... •> w homestead, two weeks - l,l> :!£3u.isixifcsgggi Cards jl7- A&txJa.z.xx^, /£/ <•'," *.•# ps* ..•/•■•:■ ■ ."D fnrsT ' r\ v% ■•' * • y SVV ' V - '" HAIMH/TOW, GA. J.T&M 0 8 L E V , .ATTORNEY AT LAW, HAMILTON, .7.1 Will - continue to -ywfD H- in all the ‘State nn<i jjriitf ,• ' Ifud ■ % Ml'l ( '• hv*irf rri 1 P Ivy.fi? • * “ • •lU3SILTON ' r A Vps*W .i-UvUtioi,; .op.*-'ativc suv^ci'}' #s*s** IVrr* Ovl# “Li’A ‘“onATT AM 00 Cll EE 11' ’ BY. By J. T.iUIG6I2IBOTIIES{. WEST POINT, GA ~ ALONZO A. BliZlBB, .AtTC'KNKY AND CO'JKSKLQR at La ,7, MOLUZI BUT, GA. State anil Federal Courts in 0&o;gia, an<l Alabuina. Maec.-* Coaiiner* HI ilAvr-ti OiiV’e over C. A. :■ ■' 1 1 u <Co b stoie. Columbus. Qf <- dec'4-1 y .BLirs-otes Uosicz*, ,ATTQIJN£Y-AT LAW, GEORGIA VTiltjpriic.tici; in the Chatiahnodn-e ( 'ircr.it, anywhere sUe. OjSce in ti e Ivo!) kwest ' of.ti-e Comt-’noiiKc, irti. j-u 8 Columbus Dental Rooms, \\Y. T.v^ L ’ PfiOi^n/iCiL Stwgia Home N CENTRAL HOTEL, ** <3r .Jilrs. S.‘E/. : )\oLr>iUDOE,'T ro P’ sß, !L. L'Harvey, Clerk, u. a. rukkkt.]". c. u. Euissacu; JL ’JSSE'LL .& li US SELL, _ Attorneys ui Zair, .U-I-UMIiUS, ..- - -’ < (U. Will practice in the fjtuto and I’-dcml :Cou.. Acve & Murdock’:* store. lt>B Broad Street, Uoi^ipbus. CLi. (j. a, xtEKHE, :ME R C HANT T AIL OR, ,I*i B;cai £t„ CeliUibili, VV> ~las cn bairi n l-*n r hp:ae m -r,> a ; is:; ■ f (t, i:- 'j*iaen Drewi (j.ioiiii. E..yi‘sl e.s: l frpnUi , -Vissiraeu;.',_Vts.tii.gii, <-tc. CrtiUig done ut leu onabia reta . yor.r oioti'c-fimmle try me, and l eunr .aniao pciiec t satis jtetipu in style and ; ike. 'j'ho Old JHuji’k Kovtirio, jit p. j, In sllenoo ho gaged upon tj;c lonely pi ico IVhere onc.e way bU.eJiil-iltoiid s In me, lint tyjiere time in ilafnrj had, not left a Ijaco To reui;;id J>!m of days ijiat ttc.v gojje Bayc a proud r+J th:v.t : cod there still, And .-pretd its great trin . :,ex r,fc, As though jit its pride it strove .. co::: cal The übsc.iKo so luucly and .dreur, Eut the hour tow ns-1 so culm and :. '.aio At Uui close of Unit fair summer's eve, Was uuJjiejeut to awaken in lu.an’ry t he scene Of the past, ami .the present relieve. The aged man sat at the base of the oak, And Iris sud lace glowed vvidi a smile, As in fancy ho seemed Time's decree to re voke, And live ;:i his youth for awhile., He saw the neat cottage asit onto had beeu, Ere it yielded to Dio touch . fdec iy, And the boy with iiismotUei wits living again As in yeai.s that had tony; passed away. He thought of the babe in its mother’s cm- Cli total iJ.CC, VVith .spiijt so free, and with brow so fair, Ere sorrow and age ha . furrowed his liiot. Or tilled his young .bosom wiih care. Tic thought of tiii boy with his kite to the tree lie, How his glad heart swelled, and his bright eye .shown, E.,e that heart had been crushed l>y grief and disease, A* u tlyc briglituegsy f vision hav 1 paled i:do gloom. lie thought .of the proud youth so umnly, so brave, And liic maid lie had loved so well, Ere dcaihltod consigned her so soon to the gtaw, And left him ip sorrow to dv. sil. iXTocontoious, Ms joy gave .birth to a song, Ee.ivet.ing, though husky and tony, Eor.he sang whivt lie sang wlien happy and young, - In the Jong, time aye. From the great pend ant boughs a nightengale heard him, •And ceased in the midst of her lay; While the even’g wind loath !o disturb him, fr.eaitl.i'j- crept away. Then tiie hilertce that-*ott let! r*ic*rrd U:n, When the song ili"d away on the air, Was :! r!oep a* the fa’i-ry that lam.id li i:i, And hunted vv.iß the voice ;.-f his c-.i/e. His bead tlic exh v. ; iv.-’ii-ing, The M-iiio became iL-cd on r; ■ L And ft s (1 1 .•■■,' ie; ling 11-..1 t tilled me tr di ■.l . to ,-p. Ah! neverp-hall fonow •.•-•.veel..uiHjedi-ort, . m:f- to iii'-'s c * res slnll he aw.-.k-. n; For ciiiOiiou had stirred the disease at Lie heart, 1- ad he v.fthed from 1.-is I'evcHe in Heaven. As the Idol lines of twilight were jr<dli:.•;•• away, In Hie hash of the t hoar pel; and, His spirit w. hoiueo .. i of day, Vt T he:< he ares y. .harec: real. A Defense; •? Buys:?. In reply to Mr. Djaiiie.Jlpa. T.,.L. Jones, ct Kentucky, said: Jefferson Davis, sir, was born in Kentucky. Site whi-ridied hor son in the days of ills var y manhood, and she o, iii not no tv, in. the gloomy even- ing. j his checkered life, disown or dishonor him. lie bore an honored name in this Republic before the (Lavs of seces.-i ,'!i. Ha portrayed its * -i eloquence ftnd its courage 1.1 ihccoun cil and in the field. lie spoke and fought and bled for hia country’* glory, of which yon are so justly proud. He was one of -the greatest ministers of war the Republic ever had, stud it was his clarioti v -b e and noble Searing that inspired his .Jss sissippi rjihanan with the daring coinage to drive the furious cuargo at Bejrua Vi-ta, .which, as is were snatched victory front defeat, and crowned the American artns vvitu one of the greattat bat-llos <f th • ivons. lie stood at li*s rSi.cc in ii.o ctutr chamber .of .thi- Caj-itol, a great and honored Senator, end mourned al most in te.;: his uepa.ture from those wa'i:). But li'.s Elate com manded and he felt boun-1 to obey. e world known Lu atu i'.-: J •, anu the yorld, uX I*±r:gc rei-pects hinn are has cap.'ted ia vour dungeon-, in chain?, ana by all .-tanucr of utg:c nation attempted upon Ida:, In- own otTencvß arid lirOteo oi Ins; and now, idilmuyh teivft. •A. fortune, his eye dimmer!, and -i - fee.. - • >'W h j Btiii bearing auu■; •, . u old. f: ig for v, hi o. he ormo . j nobly—doing a!i ire c.m to ..e . | and ciihgbtea our i - . ope. the resources and to pr. .. e I the wealth and the fatuo at c >\u ! :non country. | li there ,ih> mercy k-ft for him ' | Has the goiitleman fro .. . i . * j history ia.y^iu,,^ud,.h^ : Le.ao pofc- EAMILTfiWt HARRIS GO., GA„ WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1876. cast of 13 1 0 fuin.ii 7 Let liint iminein ber ilia tiob'o :i;;tg of noble o.'iHjut;r --• n-sj to (lie coiiouercil through ;i!l time; let liint remember iho civil wars, tho rebellions if you please, on bo continent of ciyiliai l Kut-ope, and be will iiud that tho great names on both sides are treasured up in the ! maids and hearts of ramie y iu-ra li-uis, a common lieiita;" - :.nr.~ niO'i people. Are if. • 1 Caesar and t’oiupey lion.n od alike by ihe descending ages of K une? Are not the Legitimists and tho Pretend ers, the Bourbons and the Boimpanes held in common renown by ail Frenchmen? And the. Bound Heads uud the Cavaliers, Cromwell and Charles, honored alike Ly all Eng lishmen? Let me tell the gentle man that the lime will come, perhaps near m hand, when tho names of Grant, and Sherman, and Sheridan, and Lee, and Jackson, and Brecki-n --tnige —yea, sir, of the martyred Lin coln, and the now insulted Jefibrson l>avi„- —will be read with common price and common respect by. the American youth, and the last may be honored as much ns the first ? Such is history and such the nature *;yd character of man. I speak thus in no invidious sense or with sectional feeling, I f.ve my whole country. Thank God., sir, there ate no A’lcg- h tunes, no Potomac-’, or dividing linos in my polities. I yield to none in appreciation of tho common glory of my country, and in meeting cut ample piait-e and justice to ail its heroes and ad its people. I pray you, sir, let us take our lessons from the spirit .and preaching of tho Divine Master. His mercy and love extended to all, from the good Alary to the wretched Magda lene, from the beloved disciple to the Jew of Tar übs. Why, the gentleman from Maine v;o. and have had tho Christ to have rejected Paul because he had been the chief of sinners, and yet lie did most and best to promote tho greatness and glory of his once persecuted Lord. I implore the gen tleruau, in the name of peace, and iiarmony in tni.3 inessea year o. our history, in the name of patrkni/m mid union, to strike from Lis substi- Tuie t!.o invidious ctioepti-'U, that li , ] , . . .... . Bet our amnesty V; ts broad and ft.: iJS tiir ; ■ 81.B 1 . lilt S lii': -i.: *v* Ij>lj> of Go<!, n - 1 • t l ;. .j r v'-:,..5 An old Uiii-ii with <° boidiii' 1 .: over coi ’• ou a hi can yin; ieko'ry k-.Hdf.iL Hi ,i Laud cnlvred : oLi.’c* on M street yes?.erd ;/ lo :-n‘k*f Johnson, ilo left open as he ■ entire J, an<! w walk ing across the room, when the oliiv ering occupant yelk-.! out : tilmt that do oi ! ” Did you epe.d; to raa ?” inquired the cid man, aa he kaiti cl. ‘•Yes, sir, I spoke to you ! ” “ What did you say ? ” “ I said shut 5h it door ! ” “ Which door ? ” “The one behind yon, sir. Tins is not a saw-mill sir ? ” “Did Isay that this was a saw mid ?” inquired the man. “Don’t you suppose I know an office from a r v> “ Why donlt you shut.that door?” tcreamed the tuun behitfd the desk. “ Do you want toe door shut I ’ “Tea.” “ Then I will shut it. There, the door it. shut. Now, let me ask.if you know a man named Johnson?” ‘■Yes; a tkourond oi’ theuil” “ Will you tell mo tv kero .1 can find any of them ? ” “Mo, l won’t! If I know a tail iion Johnson's I wouldn’t tell you where you c uld liud .. blamed .o.ue or Uie lot! ” “ Very well, sir,” ri.id the * Id man as he turned to go, “ tiint'a what I get by obliging you. Not, one in ten would have shut that door for you.” “ I don’t waut it shut,” growled the office man. “ Then, si., I .shall leave it open, sir, 1 said the old man as Ire went out. 0*0(1 t:e did. .ci, C 0.. - cuttie v. .iii down a.. '■' ;.f,or him, but it is .Join that you can Lit a :n..n after lie .:ar got Leu hot : i,a siari. Aiv. :,:aiU! Vis —('on er.ntt ted act tio jicid, ,ht o ut ■; oil of iaveiidar, two d:acinus; oil . of rr.se ruai ';, one .. o.oi.;:.; oil e*uv* -; on.; i ■ : .n: oil ui cairn' or, ..me umic*. >|vu t. • c... ipbor in the uc ■ i • | acid, then aid tin- perfumes. .Viter jicaaainmk together for it fcv.’ days, r. 1 1 :■ ! • • * - v... - - u :<it /. * * dj-L I filUit-C'.l ak.'i bouiotl fyr ;< jjdj}, . Jlis Honor iui.l Biju’i. I.o\ II IX V.MX. “Ma th-i Jack, I’m worry to see j you here,’’ said his Honor to the next prisoner a tall woman with sad eyes. 1 wi-h I hadn’t come !’’ sljo sob-r bed. Well, I suppose you couldn’t help yotirsel ', Martha, but pleaso don’t looked so mclrnclioliy, Bight now, when every woman is making .currant jolly and raspberry jam, you ought to smile like a. cow in a cornii Id.” •“Don’t aims'! mol - she wailed as she wiped her eye* “I won’t Martha; T wouldn’t abuse my own grand- 1 Viler. On the con trary., I ask yo’j'.o cheer up. There’s light ahead, Martha.” “There's no light for me!” she said, as she.carefully widod her nose. “It may that you have loved in Wain?” ho queried. “Yes, sir—tltat’s it’s it, sir.” “ Well, I can’t blamo you then (or throwing a dead over into our neighbor’s garden and raising a row. I have loved in vain, I loved fat woman once. Ah! site was beauti ful —she was gorgeous she was worth two yoke of oxen and the best co3'*> sheilct in Medina county. My love was vain. She turned away from me as the polar bear turns from a drifting barrel full of dollar-storc diamoud-s and v.-i-h os they were veal cutlets. It was years and years ago* Martha, but even when I think of it now i feel as if i could tear a three story hap.se down and pick iny teeth with tho splinters.” “ She sol. Led mouth “Go home, Martha,” said lie hus kily,' “go home a id put the Monday washing to soak and be prepared to enter upon tho arduous duties ol the coming week. Don’t be Tuck less any more—don't any more cats around — remember that other hearts Buffer with yours.” A WXLLISU St Alt. “ You needn't have no trigl over me,” said WiliiamLl’almer a-- he toed the mark. “ Yon want to plead guilty, oh ?’’ “ Yes, sir—sen !me light up.” “I'll „„ud. you up, of oca iso, bat I .r-n’t the pure r.ir of liberty any charms for con? Hadn't you rather t ide on the ferry boats and seethe women faint away when their kits blow ,if than to go up to the Retreat Ai.d make chairs ? “ 80, sir—l'm tired, hr: gry, strap ped and discouraged. “ Will sixty days do you?” “ I duuno.” “Weil, sny four months?” I'd rather you <1 make it six. I want to hit down and think, and get fat, and regain ruy health. I’m all shuttered to pieces.” “fjix it is, Mr. Palmer, and if I could send you for lifty years I’d do that. I See you haven’t got any stamina of character. You are an old log, content to Uoat with the current. When you sit down you want someone to rig a derrick and hoist you up, so as to save exertion. I’ll send word up by (lie drive), and I’ll Let my farm in Canada against a hat that you’d step around high while your sentence .lasts. — Free Pres,?. Phessed to Death in a Cotton Scni:w.-r-The Charlotte (X. C.) (ob server says that m <v; that city a son of Mr. Kliison vYall r, ten or twelve years of age, was crushed to death in a col lon screw. <lt is ii :j f known why the little fellow went into the screw, but. no one was aware of bis presence tiler.*, and it is supposed lie w'u; asleep when lie machinery was put. in operation. After the bale bad b-.- :;i pren-ed, a portion of one of the little lay v feet was discovered pro truding from i’, and the investigation which ibis led to revealed the hor rible -fact tli.il the unfortunate child h i been p-'ckeu in the bale of cot ton. He was crushed out of nil sfe ipe, as ca t be imagined when it ia remembered ife t the whole ni;ichin <T7 of tiie screw had ii.B full force force upon his body. —- - - ***"*'~~ ■**-*• ' ■** A youi.*vrut-n, . whoso repu - nitiou loi Y‘r.”•.-.y v. n., jg.lo of tin* !,(. i*t, vi:l t</ ]i j * i fiMin ha A- "Dfe' r; * iC VTGpt i<s' j of w i.ippit ' tbi'-lren. “ by,” s.i.d ho, “ the only thing my failin' whip ,,cd me tor, v> .i tell eg tite truth. ’’ “Well,” retorted the doctor, “it c; Ted you oi ii, did’nt it:’’’ Cht':i{) (sov.'nuuusi!. T heard a man ;jy, a few days I since, ho “ was not in favor of cheap j government.” The eotiveivo of that, : without roii)c quahlieaiion, is, he is in favor of a costly one, and, tli ro fore, in favor of the present one, fed j oral, state and county. Let us see. j Harris county has increased her taxes and expenses about ->-1,000 annually above what they were six years since —about Go per cent. Aiul the peo ple are Go per t-mt poorer, making a gap between the people and tho gov ernment 1;*0 per cent. Thirty-live per cent more for the county and 33 per cent*less for tho people, it will ho government and no people. Tho last Grand Jury congratulated tho people on being out of debt as a oouat.y, and the roads were in good condition. Tho debt part should have been written in dim pencil lino and read in an under tone, at and as to tjh roads, some portions of road havn’L been touched, and some of Tho most supe-ficjjl work done I have ever seen ; but that’s out of the line. In I£o7 the legislature of Ga. re stiioted the amount to be noted by idle per oeniutu assumed to $375,000. The writer, before the war, was worth in property, about Id times of what be is worth r.oiv and didn’t pay twice as much tax as lie pays now. 11l a arithmetic says that lie pays now, about 7J- times, or more, in the ratio of Ids property than he did then. Is that 750 per cent? I ttypk we paid at one time before tho war, 1-14 of one .per cent, or.shput 7 cents on tho dollars. We pay now 50 cents. Wo were wqrtb then jibqut 600 millions; now 201 uillious. We now raise, ad valorem, on the 231 millions, about 1.305.000 dollars, outside of the specific taxes, whiskey, rental etc. Bullock spent, 1 t' ink, $.1,800,000 a year. Smith, well—occasionally—at any rate —a portion of tho time-r $2,500,000 and $2,220,000. The Rads reached high water mark in salaries and pay for public service and position, and tho Democrats run thorn out, and put down for a year or so, hut soon put back about ail but the two dollars per diem of Legislators, as that was a sort of personal matter, and there they have kept evqr since, and now they propose to rains $150,000, more on dog ', and perhaps come by con solidation. In, or about the time .of Fillmore and Pierce, §00,000,000, sufficed for the Federal Government.. Now, about §]90,000,000, besides about §120,000,000 for in: cyest oil public debt. Mr. Dawes, Republican lead r in Congress, two years since, seri ously and solemly warned the party in power, “it was time fpr retrench ment. Extravagance had gone its length, np longer to be subdued;' that, the machinery was no more com plicated now than in earlier years, and but little n.oro expense : m or sary.” Cheap or costly, which is h ? When the whole amount of actual circulation in tiie land goes through the treasuries atjngally and suspended from active circulation. Oil) FaililKß. Couldn’t Tull a Juis — As ono of the dozen old v.oin-n who drive milk-carts around Detroit was rat tling across the Campus Marinas yes terday a chap wearing lavender pants and a bright blue* ueefelic motioned for her to sto;.', and then approached and inquired : “Do you put water in your milk?” “Ye-, sir,” was her prompt. reply. “Ah, ha! So you own right up, do you ‘Acs, sir.” Her prompt replies rather stagger ed him, but after some hesitation h asked : “And what makes you do it” ‘".Because it’s much healthier for calves when mixed half and half!” she retorted. j5Le unitid f r him to usk another (piesli 'C, but he couldn’t t hoik of any —For oyster puiies in b,utter,' make a baiter with the y.eik of one egg, or more, according to the qua lity of oysters you in tain i t.o prepare, .a .iil.!.* nutiri souie beaten m.tc.', :. lit tie f! .ar and . Balt: dip in tbsi oy sters au-d / tlmtn in laid to a ulus ir owai. If preferxsl .1 litj!e , ;.:t;. may ha shred v-wy fi.nc ami m:x.- i with butter. The batter may a!.-,o be i.ii.i- thicker and formed into the shape, of a | : tiy, put into a tin mold, ha oyster being ahop. v : io Ull-.l COV. e red over, a.id ;he Vv i.oie l;&i;vd as a pudiu” . An In.'iaooii!, Old LwJy. She lives down on Baker street, and she has a daughter about eighteen years old. The old lady retains all her sii))jdicity n I innocence and slid doesn’t go two cents on stale. The other evening when a “splendid catch” called to escort the daughter to the opera the mother wouldn’t take tile hint to keep still, and would not lie Ip carry out the daughter's idea that they had wealth. While help ing her daughter got ready site ask ed : “Mary, are you going to wear the shoes vs nil cua- heel oil', or tho pair with holes in ’em?” Mary didn't seem to hoar, and the mother inquired : Are you going to wear that dollar gold chain and that washed locket, or will you wear the diamond father bought at the hardware store?” Mary winked at her, and tho young man blushed, but tho old lady went on: “Are you going to borrow Mra. Brown’s shawl, or wear mine?" ?I:u-y bustled around the room, and tho,mother'raid : “Be careful of your dross, yon know it’s tho only one you’ve got, and you can’t luvo another ,putili the mortgage on this place is lifted.” Mary remarked toiler escort that it promised to be a beautiful evening, andfis fcbo her gloyo her mother asked :• “Thoso are .Hardy’s gloves, ain’t they ? She’s boeit a good neigh bor to u, and I dhVt know how you would manage to go anywhere if nhs didn’t live near us.’.' Mary was hurrying to get out of tho room, when the, mother raised her voice once more and asked : “Did you run in to Mrs. Jewett’s and borrrvr her bracelet and fan? Yes I see you did. Well, now you hook real stylish, and I hope you’ll have a good limu.’’ Mary sits in her window end sighs for the splendid man to come and .beat her around soma more, but lie hasn’t been there since that til; lit, Tho old lady, too, saya that ho look ed like a nice young man, and she hopes Im hasn’t been billed by the treat ouv. The So'rt Foiiutaki Boy. ]le was riii s i ng tho glass when the old lady entered lifts store. It wits hot weather, and the .soda fountain looked so tempting that she con quered her avoriccs and and walked over and told the boy that aj o would take a glass. “Do you wish for ally in it ?” be inquired in a whisper. “A ily I gras! us! no!” she replied a look of disgust on her face. .“ Just as you eay, madam,” lie went on us he drew some lemon syrup. “People are so different in taste, you know. .Some object to iiiea ard some don’t. I’il mix sonic' pine apple syrup with this lemon, and now will you have a great deal of gas and a little w or, or a great deal of water and little gay?’’ “ I’m puriv thirsty,” she said. “ Well, then, you want uyorc v, &‘cr tlian gas, and there won’t he no much danger of sa explosion..” “ Explosion ?” the queried. “That was the word, madam. We hare had but tew such here tiiia giuuuier, and I truly hope that we may have no more.” “ Does soda water blow up, .'oiks ? “T.nfc depends ou tiie state of their haaitii. Borne people could stand here and drink all day, while others might get the gis tipped up this way, and boom ! they’d go !” “.Bum ?” “ Y )-’m—Hy into a lliou*:tud pioces. You never saw a humau being ex plode, did you ?” Y <rcy, no 1” “ Web, you don't have the leas l warning. They may be laughing or la king, and ad a once the store is filled with false h:.ir, monogram gar tern, liu uli n, cosset*, Hot, leeih and r died plate jewelry. It wukea n gn-at round here, and }i wo lind’i three ol the .smartest negroes in to wn to pick up and sweep out, v. e’ i Imre t.> Bint tip tlm store for a u hole a t "Hjus niter an cxplodon.” If stood with the gla-’s in hi hand rgiiaiittg the syrup and wait ing, a. id ?Ua said : “ I dii.’t suppose it was dangerous | slutl'” as I toid you, it depends ro oi tuu 0j...0rn, ti yuUi : 4 ybu* t digestion $2.00 A YEAR. < impaired, ono glass of soda would blow you higlior than Gildottoy’s Idle, mid tho coroner would bo lucky to find >' much as your spectacles to hold an inquest on. If your system is all right you may drink a hundred ulasacs mid )oej no disastrous effects. No t, then you’ll have a good doal of water and but littlo gas, eh ?’* Hie glide c. deprecatory motion and asked : “How’s tho atulFnpide?” “ Well, I can’t go on and explain sill Iho process. Thoi'o’s mirbio dust, aci 1, gas, sugar-coated pills, giant powder, coinage* water and kerosene .II mixed together and distilled. The distilled liquor is placed in a retort, ivhv’.e t cbomjvftl action separate* and the gas forces it up separate pipes.’ “ Kerosene and pills I” she gaape^. “That’s what I said, madam- You look inii'.cm,it and honest, and I hope ,/oc wo;,”, say anything about it. I Uui i this fountain in order to sup port a widowed mother and seven fatherless children. If you say any thing I’d he discharged, and if I were disehirged I should commit suicide You’ll liavo plenty of wator, eh?’’ “No sir, I won’t,” slio replied. ‘Do yyti suppose I’d drink acids nud kerosene ?’’ “ Not in their crude state, mpdara, butjjin this process “ I don’t care for tho process 1” „ fccy napped ; “ I would’nt touch stuff!” “It is a mild bavorago, madam, and the doc ” “ Well, 1 don’t want any. When Igo ty swallpwing tar and lard and koroscjje you’ll know iL Vtposcu I’d l,;auk some and exploded !’’ }' iyoa’t mention it,’’ be whispered* “Don’t speak of it!” “ jjl’m sorry for von, young man but there’s a cov,i..ah!c,l:>ing right in sight of our house, and I think —I—!” “ Yol’.’il drive uie to a suicide’s grave, you mean I’’ She sipwered j’cr spectacle? j Ook a ; long look at him, und went out with out replying. A Friukd to the,Pooh. —An earn est looking atranger entered the I)i --reetor’s office yesterday and asked how the poor camo on,'Dud f.fter a little conversion, said : 1 “Please name some poor widow who would like a barrel of flour.” “I’ll La onjy Stoo glad,” r< plEp the official. “ Mrs. S would like ono. “ Would she J” “-I know she would.’’ “ Well, I hope you’ll send one up !” sighed tiie stranger us he bucked fpjr the door, HigL.Sj id a grand’thing, says tho Ai buna Herald, when ho confrou ted Blaine and bis angry adherents, and exclaimed, “I tell you that this reckless iiijsvepres: ntation of the South must stop hero. I put you up on notice that when hereafter you make any assertion against her, you must be prepared to substantiate it with proof !” ,i. n Lakj.kst irr ilia I.ovk. —A newly njarrh and couple from somewhere down the Laming road wore ridingdj a Grand River car and the groom insis ted . bulbing the bride's baud in his big red paw. ‘Ohlno, don’t!’ she said, as slip jerked her,hand away. ‘Oh ! luv, let me hold your hand, just ten minutesl’ he pleaded, ‘Shoo! Don’t you see they are look ing at us ? she whispered. ‘Tiny are, eli!’ he replied, looking up and down the ear, ‘Wall, now, 1 &u going to put my arm right arouud y •, ,r; <J if any fellow in this ear bates io sit crooked I’ll git up and uaop the floor with him until I wear him out to Lis shoulder, blades,l’ His arm encircled her, and the oi lier passengers looked as Bolou n as if they were ou their way home from a funeral. Thu Thomaslon Herald advocates tho re-election of J as. M. {Smith to.r Governor. A Doctor in Baiuhridgo lias a fe re,Jy refused three offers ot mai liaqe since leaj) year begun, dipjt i o :sor must be hugging some delu 6i\ o phantom. 1.Li,..s m r>..il.O'.r county A:a., sold at mortgago sab, hwt " eek, wrought from livo cents to live dol lars per core, Sixteen hundred acred tfU’tf gold, . H. .