Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, March 29, 1876, Image 3

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T n ,V > A1M1) CPU MTU ====: town "’'diheTjtokv. COUNTY OFFICERS. i VO William* ordinary; J D Robinson . :,*■■ \ H ll.rilen clerk of superior court; ft,' U Miller tux receiver; J U G.iffiu tax iiHcior H C Kimbrough trenuuror ; John i uneH surveyor; \V J Smith coronet. M Sy SS.MiWc.neri-W I Hudson W C ..nlmston, R WRobinson. N H B rden clock 1 Board of Education— W 1 Hudson. I lynn u . w 0 Johnston, R G Hood, T J Neal County School Corn mis'nor —J T Jolwnou MKMUEUS OF TIIIS LEOIHLATUItR. yif j Hudson >c tutor; G L Kilpatrick anil U e Moss, Jr, representatives. COLKT CALENDAR FOR HARRIS COUNTY. SUPERIOR COURT. Martin Crawford judge—W A Little solie itor-genetal-N H Barden cltrk-J D Rob inson sliciiff. Convenes second Mondays in April and Octobr r. COMMISSION Kits' COURT Convenes first Tuesday in each month. ORDINARY’* COURT Convenes first Monday in each month. JUSTICES' COURTS. Hamilton (672-l> District -Jno T Williams J p Ob as Bedell N P—meets first Saturday. Vmiey Plains (786)—1’ N Sparks NP, Geo W Cooke J V— 2d Saturday. Milner’s (782)—R C Milner NP, P Sutton J P—4tb Saturday. Waverly Hall (934) —G A B Dozier NP, E J Stanford J P . Ellerslie (61)5) —Thos Neal N P, A S Elli son J P • Catania (696)- J B Pate JP, W H Tnomp son N P • Towe- 19th 1707) —Twsse Cox N P, W Nun ually J P—3d Saturday. Upper 19th (1186)— JdCW Lokcy J P, L Hargett N P— illi Satnruy. Smith’s (1247) —Jas G Smith J P, S Moore H P—4th Saturday. White*ville (920)—S H Reese N P, A J Gordon .1 P—2d Saturday. Whitaker's (079)—RM Whitten J P, Flynn. Hargett N P Davidson’s (781)—T L Davidson J P, Ah Weldon N P . Blue Spring (717)—J A Moore NP, C Hacl cy J P—first Saturday. Goodman’s (703) -J M Culpeppc-r, J I’, S J Goodman N P-2d Saturday. The Cash System.—As we have to pay the cnsli for everything we use about our house ami office, we are comp* lied to do a strictly cash business We will take wood or pro i - lit market p-'C' ■>, in pay for sn'-scnns tions. Although anxious for patronage, we preter a limited cash business to an extended credit one. Pill !! INII SOUTH RAILROAD SCHEDULE. Until further notice the train will run on this read (buy as follows, Sundays excepted: heave Kinysboro ' . n All Arrivt* nt Co’umlo.ia 8 40 a m Leave Coluiubns ** 20 r M Arrive at Kimrsbo o & }' M W.M. RUDD, Ja., Superintendent. Useful Invention. —“Patent out sides” and “insides” are lashed on :.!l sides by the press of Georgia gener ally, but when a fellow undertakes to t-at thirty birds in thirty days, it is well to hold on 10 patent insides —at- test, Col. Thornton. inifF -**■ —— Sm.UA.. —A linlo negro died on the plantation of Mr. Rxbtri Johnso. , a few dnvs ago, who was thirteen niontl s o'd and weighed only on<- jouiid. It was once a healthy child : weighed twoh eor fifteen pounds, but was stricken with paralysis, anti dwindled down t a pi-ifi-et stele on Urct-VEPiMJ. — We are p'eased to leurn that Mr. M. 15. Kly and Ids son ; re from lhe hurts recei\• ed in Girard, a short time since. A g<n'hman, ju<t from there, informs vis that Eddy is about well, and that Air. K'v is consided out of any dan ger. The accident was a most un fornate one, and we are glad to hear of this improvement. Our AoxIN. — We are glad to see Rev, S. T. Fuller on the streets again. He had the misfortune some time since to get his foot badly cut. He is not vet able to wear Ins shoe, but can attend his regular appointments. Air- Fuller is a well educated and talented young minister, and we are glad that he can meet his congregations again. Unfortunate. —W e regret to learn by a letter to Judge IT. C. Kim brough, that liia little grandson, Hen ry Clark, had bis leg broken by a falling door, one day last week. I' seems tliat he and his mother were out at the fowl house attending the fowls, when a puff of wind came tip blowing down the door with the above result. The little fellow was getting along very well at the time the letter was written. Personal. —('apt. T. 11. Moore, master of the Julia Bt. Clair of Cen tral Line boats, hauled in at this port last week, and cast anchor and tied up for twenty-four hours. The Cant is a who ! e snuled genial gentleman, and has none of the air of I own-the whole-concern about him. Ilis most excellent anl charming lady accom panied him, and we hope their visit was made pleasant enough to insure us another call. Swimming Match.—Mr. Welch, of Hamilton, proposes to swim a mile against any man In the United States. He proposes to swim only in fro-h water, and says he will wager SI,OOO on each swim, and will meet any man on the half way ground. He also proposes to dive against anyone who may feel disposed to show his pluck, and will also go fcl.ooo or any othu amount on that. If there is anyone who would like to t -ke a little exer cise in that way, lei him come t> the front. Who spinks tin t? GOSSIP. The late freezes have made the fruit “hide out.’’ This is indeed nice weather—on Polar bears. Tite quarterly meeting was largely attended last Sunday. In i lie next life old batchelors are to be boot-blacks; how wo pily old batch elors. The question for the next debate Is; “ Was Julius Ceasar a patriot?’’ Let’s all go out. The debater who decided he didn’t have a rudder to his ship, was mis taken—he only got the ballast wrong Tlrere is a man in Hamilton who defies the world in a swimming match of one mile. One young lady has found a leap year cravat, but it is not exactly a sleeve with an arm in it. A brown vail was left in the Meth odist church last Sunday. The owner can get it by applying at this office. His ideas on the financial ques tion were just as “cleat as mild’’—he had an eye to real estate you know. The debaters have decided to back Congress in this specie business, and have decided not to repeal the “act resuming specie payment.’’ Life is short at best. A few more smiles, a lew more tears, then our lit tie planet will close. Is it worth while to hate each other such a brief space ? We were glad to see so many of the young folks of Waverly in town last Sabbath, and hope that they will come up ofituer. Those young ladies who were so eagerly looked for in town have come and gone, and with them they carried the hearts of several Hamiltonians. The Chairman of the Executive Committee will call a meeting to se lect delegates to the convention as soou as it is called by Col. Tuggle. Of course it is all right to choose your own opinion, but then don’t do uin a sneaking way. Coine out like a man, and whuu you are sure you are l ight t.eu go abend. Of course she had rather have her feet among the roses than to have her head among the stats —alraid sue will show her sniped stockings, you see. Dr. Mitchell wants more doc tors to conic to il.miilu u. Ttte dot* tor a.n’t sharp enough to keep ihe people sick, amt “ that’s vvhiu’s the matter with llaimah.” The “wee suin’ hours” of night were inutit* last ftatuniay .lio-Sit l)j‘ music <.liscuiir>c*d hy &ouit* !of ettf country fii.nd>. It was nice enough to b.ing out the cake and wine. The next time a fellow leaves church in tune ot love feast to go to eo hs sweetheart, we expect to Jou ltNah him. ill it loveieust wasn’t the hind to suit him. There was a very strong wind last Monday night, w hich created a great deal oi excitement, but did no serious damage. A good deal of fencing was blown oowu, among which was that inclosing the Baptist church. We regret to hear that Judge Hudson has been quite siek, but art pleased to hear he is now belter, auu s.autls a fair chance lor a speedy re covery. lie is a member of the Georgia Senate, “ Mary had a little lamb — We’ve heard it o’er and o’er Until that little lamb b, comes A perfect little bore. So I propose to make a grave, And dig it deep and wide; That Miiry’s lamb and all its hards . He buried side by side." Competition for Marckli.us. —A steamboat captain came out in T o the country last week, and alter hunting ill day in the rain and mud, came home late in the evening almost starv ed, after having kill< and three jorees, two sapsucks and one tomtit. He declared he could eat a quail a dar tor ninety days without quailing, (if someone would furnish t hem ), and that the people were foolish to think licit Col. Marcellas Eugene Partridg Thornton would quail before eating thirty birds in thin y consecutive days- Gordon’s Speech.— We return thanks to Ilun. J. U. Gordon f-r a copy of his speech delivered in the Uni ed Stales Senate on the Oil) inst.. relative to the revenue laws. Gen. Gordon’s speech-is an able one, and h ; s i o-itiou upon this important sub ject meets wi:h general commenda tion from all sections if the country The object t f Senator Gordon is to so amend the revenm laws as to secure economy' and ceitainty in the collec tion of iinert a! revenue, at:d to pre vent official bauds, hereafter, in tin* 1 depaitrm.nl of the pul lie sen ice. Judgo W. I. Hudson. The Hamilton Journal Las inter viewed Senator W. I. Hudson, and he tells “what he knows about farm mg,’’ but does not say anyth'ng about his great legislative capacities. Thommton Herald. If there is any use for such flings as the above we fail to see the necessity for it. Mr. Hudson is the Senator from the 251 h district,and is at this time quite ill at hisresidenoeafew miles from town, and it is generally thought that his iilness is the result of his hard work and loss of sleep during the present session of the Leg islature. It was through his efforts, and careful nursing of the N, & S. R. R. bill that the old stockholders were able to gi t the recently passed, generous bill through both Houses. It has been stated that others did the work, but we are satisfied Senator Hudson deserves all the credit, and we think it nothing but fair that his constituents should know he has not been sleeping over their interests. The Judge is an active, generous man; fearless in the discharge <f duty; and makes us an excellent sen ator. We hope he will soon be re stored to health, and able to take his accustomed place iu the busy walks of life. Quarterly Meeting. —The meet ting was very well attended, and proved quite an interesting service. Rev. J. B. McGee preached several very interesting sermons. He is an able divine and the people in the main are much pl.-ased with him. The Sabbath service was very im pressive and the house was fi led to Ihe bark seals. It was gratifying to sec so many of the young men anJ young ladies come forward and par lake at the communion table; it shows that they are not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ . In the afternoon, three children of ilia Rev. G. S. Johnson was baptised at his residence, by Rev. Mr. McGee. Rev. C. B. LaHatt preached quite an interesting sermon at the night service. The Standard reports that Ed. Sally, who was arrested for killing his step-father in Talbottop, has been sentenced to bo hung on the 29th of April. He is to ha i g publicly, be tween the hours of 10 i. m. and 2 r. m. of that day. We believe this is the first instance that we ever heard of where a criminal was sentenced to bo hung on Saturday. Can the St: ndard ttli us why the change from F. iduy ? AN ACT To Provide for Kef.pixo a Record of all, Bonds issued in this State, and for otuer Ptueesis: Section 1. Re it on voted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, That from and after ilie passage of Ibis Act, it shall I*3 the duty of all public and private corpora tions in this State who shall issue or endorse any bonds for circulation to furnsh to tli > Secretary of State a certified statement show ing the letter, date of issue, number of bon,is, amount of issue, rate of iniere t, when and where payable, and the date of the law, if any. authorizing such issue, and t shall be the duty of the secretary of Slate to have the same recorded in a book to be kept by him for that purpose. Section 2 ID it further enacted iry (lie authority aforesaid, That all public and private corporations in this State who have bonds uow in circulation, issued and endorsed by them, shall furnish to the Seeretaiy of State within ninety days from the passage of this Act certified statements required by tire first section of this Act, and (be same shall be required by said officer as provided lor in sai I first section. Section 3. Be it enacted Iry the authority a oiesaid, That public or piivate corpora tions neglecting or refusing to comply with the provisions of this Act snail be fined in a sum not exceeding five hundred collars for each offense, one half of S lid line to go to the party giving information of such viola tion, and the other half to go the public school fund of the county. Section 4. lie it further enacted by the autb oiity aforesai i, That no bonds shall la placed in circulation until the provisions of me first section of this Act with regard t< s icii bonds shall have been compiled with, and any person placing such bunds lu circu lation without such compliance shall be sub ject to a fine of five huu ircd dollars for every bund so put in circulation. Section 5. Be it further enacted by the authority afoie-aid, That the Scetetary o State shall receive as compensation for the ecords provided for in the first and second sections of this Act and for giving transcripts of the same twenty cents per hundred words, the fe e for recording to he paid tty the cor , oration issuing the bond, and the fee for transcripts to bo paid by party applying fo. same. Section 6. Be it further enacted by the authori'y atoresaid. That all laws and puts of laws in conflict with this Act be and the same are hereby repealed Assented to Fobiuury 28, 1870. JAMFB M. SMITH. Governor. TIIOS. HARDEMAN, Ju., Speaker House of lieyreaei.tatives. J. L. Swiar, Clerk House Representatives. T. .1. Sivmovs, P.c Went of Scna'e. J. W. Menpott, Sucre try of Senate. It Call for n District Convention. In the ab once of a ohai mtn for his distro , no oall has been made for a convention to selool delegates to the National Convention at St. Lotus. A number of senlletuen have suggested that the different counties in this district, select d< legates on tho 14:h of April to meet at La Grange on the 21st of April, to se -1 ci delegates to the St. Louis Con vein ion. No one sems to recollect who the last chairman was, and we don’t know ourselves unless it be Hon. W. O. Tuggle of La Grange. Those with wlmm we have talked prefer La Grange, as it is about the most central part of the district. VV’e hope our country exchanges w ill uo tice the tint* and place designated above, and agree to hold it there. This is the Fourth District, ami we are entitled to send to St. Louis two delegates from the district, aud four from the State at large. The counties can sond twice as many delegates to the La Grange Convention as they have Represents lives iu the Legislature.— Columbus 'Times. We have conversed with some of our prominent men and they agree to the above proposition. We are icquesttd to anuounco that there will ho a meeting held iu Hamilton on the 14th of April to select delegates to the convention at La Grunge, on the 21st, if that should he tho place and time agreed upon. Harris coun ty is entitled to four delegates. A Henry county widow, who shot herself through the heart with a doub le-barrel shot gun, shows a degree of determination and enterprise sel dom noticed in these demoralized days. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. $3 TO S2O p:r u>i> ftt home. Samples w.,i ih $t free Stinson & Go, Portland. Me. SEN D 25c. to G P ltowell & Cos, New Yoi k. for pamphlet of 100 pages, containing list., of 80iA) naw-pipers and estimates show ing cost of advertising. sl2 A I)AY at home uvents wanted —Out- fit and terms free. True & Cos, Auguala, Mo. liTV giving sTe 3 vJ 1 V Lila Sewing Machines, Hunting Case Watches, Velvet Vests, and Black Silk Dresses, free TjVQTTITN with our Greenback Pack. J. iUll£l ages. Send to Inventor'* Union Greenwich bt., N. Y, AGENTS WANTED: Msdals and Diplo mas Awarded foi HOLMAN’S NSW 1800 Illustrations. Address for New Circulars, A. J. HOLLMAN<& CO., 930 ARCH Street, P.,ila, 1,000 AGKItXg, Teachers, Students Men an l Women, wanted to tell CESTIWIH GIZETTEEB ►hows Grand results of 100 YMAS P ..0 GRES A Whole LIBRARY. --Boston Umbo Not a LUXURY, but a NIfiCESSITY — Irue.-ocean, Rost selling Book Pib Good Pav. Want, Gen A rt. in every cut . of 1. 01. A dr,-s u J C ModURDY & CO.. Pli la, Pa. Fshych. M tcv, or Soul Charming.” How either s-x may fascinate and gain the love and affec i.manf any person they choose instantly. This simple, mental acquirement all can possess, fiee, by mail, for 20c. to gether with a marriage gui le, Egyptian Ora cle, Dreams, Hints to Lelies, WeJdmg-Kl ;ut Shirt, &c. A queer I* ink. Address, T. WIL LIAM A CO , Pubs., Phila. UTII TP|| AGENTS for the bestselling WIAILIJ Stationery Packages in the world. It contains 10 sh-cte p iper, 16 en velopes, golden Pen, Penholder, Pencil, Patent Yard Measure, end a piece of Jewelry. S ngle package, with pair of elegant Gold Sheve Buttons, postpaid, 25i ts, 5 to, $1 00. This p ckago has been examined by the pub lisher of Hil l found as represented—worth the money. Watches given away t - all Agenls. Circulars f-ec HR HE & (X).. 769 Broadway, N Y. For COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, AND ALL THROAT' DISEASES, Use WELL’S CARBOLIC TABLETS, Put up Only in BL UE Boxes. A TRIED AM SURE IIEHEDV For sale by Druggists genera ly, and Jonhston, Holloman & Cos, PHILA., PA. A FARM OF YOUR bWA is The Be:,t Remedy roit Hard Times! TEM& MOTJSSTJAM and the Host and riieapest Railroad Land Are on the Line of the UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD IN KT HJIBIR. A.. SECURE A HOMK NOW. Full informati m sent FREE to all parts of the World Address, O. K. UAVIS liaml Com'r 11. 1’ K. K , Omaha, N< Itrai-ks Filler. Warren & CO., M ANUFACTURKRS 0 F STOVF, ft TbA Laboist Amokt* RANGE V FURNACE kj Mncr is tub Market. o ;k new wood and cooking stovis G3LDEN CROWS REPORTER. SPIRIT OF ’l6. OUTHERN GEM. AND THE VAtnOVH TEWART‘IMPROVED’ MEET TH . W vN Id OF E/t-.HY DEALER. Correspondence invited. IT ice List arid Cn i puti to fu , w uaiEN a. ca. „¥i W*fc. fct;o--v, A .w Vork. JOHN S. REESE & CO., General Agents, Baltimore, Md. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO AND COMPOUND ACID PHOSPHATE. THE ABOVE Hlgil CJhr*lc3L© AUR MANUFACTURED ONLY by the PACIFIC GUANO coir- PANY, at th<-lr works, Charleston, 8 0., uiul Wood's ti de, Ma s . under the superralon oi iluir competent chemist, aeu every ao is GUAKUANTEKD OF STANDARD GRADE and of FULL. WEiGHT, as markko on it. SOLUBLE PAC PIC GUANO COMPOUND ACID PHOSPHATE WILL MAINTAIN TJIE Highest Chemical Standard THAT can he posidbljr be snonrrd by the use of the most approved fertilizing Ingredient*. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO contains a large amount of Ammonia aud Potash, as well as available Phosphate of Lime, an shown by clu inlcal analysis ; hut to obtain the utmost etH-Jerry iu (oin murine., apeviar alien.ion is given to the selection of ingredients which furnish these qualities in the most natural fotm, uoucau irate.! so as to se urea unllorm, poweiful and lasting influence ou the plant till matured TllK STSADY INOHKAsa IS TU* SAL* OS Tills UUANU )R TUB PAST TRN YKAtiS IS A SUFFICIENT SVIDItMCB Of ITS Q&ZAt TALCS TO TUfi SOIL; from a tow tons the first year, its sale have grown to upwards of 30.000 TOKIS3 iu n *lngle season, Two THousand Tons of Soluble Paolflo Q-uano Are now briug received at my Warehouse iu Columbus and at various depots connected with my sub-agencies, and I am prepued to sell the same for Cash and ou time urituout interest, pays do in currency, and also for Cotton, payable October loth, on a basis of fifteen cents nor pound for Middlings, WM. H. YOUNG, AGENT OF PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY, Columbus, G-a. Also on hand—PERUVIAN GUANO, DIBB3LVBD BONE, LAND PLASTER AND RUSI’-PiiOOF OA IS for sale for CASH only for Hams County—-W. C JOHNSi’ON, Giro of Gamble A Copeland, Uamiliou, o*. TilOS. li Ki 1181 l JUG.I, Cstaula Feb' 10-Um DISSOLUTION. ArrsNiioN Creditor! i Thlß day M. C. FAKI.EY k CO has dlsso'- ved copartnership by mutual consent. Ail persons indebted to said firm will please come forward and make immediate payment, as further indulgeLCo will not be given. You can settle your accounts by note or for cosh. Mch. 29-lm M C. FARLEY A CO. GEORGIA— Harris County. John W Murptreyund Irby H Pitts, admin istrator with will annexed of Win Wliito hetd, late ot add county, deceased, apply for Utters of dismission — All person* concerned are hereby not'fled to show cause, if any they have, by the first Monday in July next, why said application should not Is- grunted. Given under mv Imud and official signa ture, Mar. h 13, 1876. marlfi-td J. F. C. WILLIAMS, Ord'r. £) IL V E R-JP L ATE D WARE. Electro-Plated Table Ware, AND ORNAMENTAL ART WORK. IN GREAT VARIETY, MA N UFA G TED BY MERIDEN BRITANNA COMPANY 550 Broadway, New York. The lxt Plated SPOONS and FORKS aro those Silver-Plated heaviest on the parts where necessarily the mast wear comes, and hearing the Trade Mark. 1847 —ROGERS BROTHERS- XII- N. B. —Tills great improvement In Silver Plated Spoons and Forks is applied alike to each grade of P’ace. A 1. and 1 oz , as or dered. Tlie Pri •.an I Machinery for Man ufacturing flies goods are Patented. I lie Extra or “ Standard Plat j ” made by this Company is stamped A 1, simply, and is plated 20 per cent, heavier than the ordinary market standard. Premiums award ;d at all Fairs wh re exhlbi ed, from World’- Fair of 1852 to American I /stitule Fair, 1874. iucluaiva. COMMERCIAL. HAMILTON RETAIL PRICES. COJIKKOTF.D WFIiKLY UT COWfiSIIT & KIMUIIOt.OII. Bulk meat—sides 14 1-2 shoulders 10 Bacon haras 17 Flour-A $8 60 B 8 00 Corn meal 1 00 Sugar—A li! 1-2 C 12 1-2 Coffee —choice 30 Syrup—New Orleans 90 F.orida 70 Cheese —cream 20 Eggs 1G Buffer 25 Chickens 10 COLUMBUS WHOLESALE PRICES. C JIUtECTKD WEEKLY BY C. A. REDD & CO. Bacon —clear lib sides 14J shoulder* 1 1 j Bulk meal—clear rib sides 13 shoulders .. 10 Bnurging 12$ to 10 Codec, Kio 285f1i29 Corn 1 IGifH 20 Copperas 1 Flour 0 Hauls —sugar-cured 15 plain 14 I lard ware—Swede iron 9 refined 0 Flow steel 10 Horseshoes .. 7 Mule shoes .. Nails .. .. 4 25 Axes, p do* .. 1 2(0 1 4 Hides, dry .. .. 1 Oft 11 Lard—in tierces .. 10 <t£l7£ in kegs .. .. Its® 10 Leather —hat ness .. .. 45 tipper, Tj* ride . 2 50@8 00 hemlock .. .. 30033 Meal . . . 1 15 >il*—kerosene . . 20021 Rice .. . • • • • 9 Balt .. .. 1 9002 00 Bvrup . . . •• 60 to 75 Sugar .. . 12014 Ties HW fobac-eo . . . 55075 Wkirky ... 1 004 00 ECONOMY IS WEALTH. From tl.is data my terms will be sviiotly cash, and I shall offer special inducements to my customer. My suck of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. wi I always !>o largo and variod. I Lave in store the Lest and cheapest lot of flouit in this market, pul up in barrels aud sucks, at wholetale aud retail. Meal at mill prices. Corn, Outs, Bran. Bacon and bulk mca *. Lard, Sugars, Coffeos, Teas, Syrups. Wines aud Liquors, Shoos, staple Dry Goods. Fancy Groceries, Canned Goods, juto., etc. You can save monoy by onlling -on utobe'oro ptttchasihg, as I slu ll hav* no bad debts to mako good by charging long prices; and 1 buy my good* front importers and manufacturers for cash. My mono henceforth will be ‘ Small proiiti and qu’c’c sales.” No charge for drayago. Respectfully, J. 11. HAMILTON. Junction Franklin, Warren and Oglethorpe Sts., Columbus, Ga. W. J. WAIT. J, A. WALlißlt. CUAU. U. WaTI . WATT & WALKER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, COKNER;UNDEH RANKIN HOUSE, COLUMBUS, GA., Have tin Large A and Best Selected Stock of Groceries in this City, CONSISTING OS BACON SIDES, Bulk sides, I!iron shoulders, Bulk shoulders, Bulk hams, Bacon hams. Lard In tierce*, buckets and kegs FIjOUK of all grades, including the celebrated Hilvkr Laic* brand—the host in the warld. BAGGINO. 'He*, Silt, Sugar, Mackerel, Soap, Cheese, Coffee, Oysters, Sardines, C.uckeis, Potash, Soda, Starch, Shoes, Boots, and Staple Dry Goods, such as Osnahiugs, sheeting, shirtings, checks, stripes, yarns and pants goods. Aho a well-selected stock of WHISKY, from $1 per gallon to $5, and of any bran 1 1 r per cent proof that may be desired. Our stock of SUGAR includes every grade and price, and our lot of SYRUP cannot be equaled in thi* rity. I* includes ail grade* of New Orleans in barrels, also several huudr-d barrels choice Florida Syrup, wired is superior to anything in the market, end much cheaper in pi ice. It has a delightful Haver, ilch, clear color, and selected expressly for our tralo. Cash customers can always save money by giving us a trial before purchasing elsewhere. fet>2-l y WATT ft WALKER. N. H, BARDEN, Soiatlx Side of FuuTolio SQ.u.ar©, Keeps constantly on hand, Cheap fo r Ca h, BACON, Sagnr-curt-d IIAMS, BIIOULDERS, TANARUS, ARD, FLOUR, All grades SUGA If. best Hyson TEA, Rio (.’OFFBE, from fine to choice. Best Florida SYRUP, E iriy Rowe.Ea<lv Goodrich and I’ttrk eye PATOTOES Beat (beam CIiKHfSE, PICKLES, gallons, naif gallons, quarts ami pint*, TOBACCO, choice lot CIGARS, PEPPER, French PRUNES, London Jou Layer Raisin*, Salmon, Oysters Nuis, and CONFECTIONERIES, Lot of fresh Garden SEED, good assortment of NAILS, Brandy Poaches, Chow Chow, Soda, Soap, Powder and Shot, etc., etc. A&lb (Si2I2Ak3P 3J3UE ©ASSa i H. Cook always on hand, anil will take pleasure In walling on customers. feblCSm IJkadquauturh Army ok hik lihspecta iilk and Gkntkkl, £ (Joi.L'M i*us, Ga., October 20, 1875. f General Orders , No* 1. All stragg'ers from this command, not destitute of self-respect, and des iotii of presenting a respectable appearance iu the march of life—all who lontetnplatc timiriraony, ami all who have rceeircd even s scratch fiotn the ragged edge of Cupid’s dart—are hereby invited to report in person, with out delay, at the well known Clothing ouse oi Thomas & Prescott, in Comm dus, Ga., where they can supply themselves from their superb stock with every article of apparel worn by mortal man, including elegant and substantial Business Units; elegant and fashionable Dress HhUs; Overcoat of all kinds. Wedding Suits made to order in the highest style of tile art with a neatness and beauty of finish appropriate to the most refined taste. Also an innumerable quantity of every stylo and variety of Coats, Vests, l'auts, Undeiotoihing, Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas, etc. And last of all, but m.t the least, their celebrated Kkep Blurt, which has no superior iu material or make, sold by them at $1.25 cash. Prices lower than ever before. By order of THO 'IAS & IT.ESC’OTT, tbk cxotiubkb. Psm lb’ Devil, Adjutant. oo'-i9