Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, April 05, 1876, Image 2

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,HEJOURNAL ITI GUAM HEI \ , Kditoi APRILS, 187fi. h i> a * ! “ u V.wUHiifJ vti- w*Ti* V"tilrillel f.v t ut republican*m New tUmi-nSTr*-K‘ *’e recent cl*km, l>y atfuighl "tit •!um uni Mika. on. Fitz H Lee, of Virginia, hi* been clitd field officer by tie jtiijwii.u .' firitin the South, w hicli ivtll lilt? Notitliviu bitlalloe 4.f iho centennial ■ Jan. Gordon, in Li* Statc-U<.lTß<* t-pcsch, Mt3: “AVl.m ngnin*t. * in iflluv at ri b mi, tli* world, tlie fl-sfi—Wd the Senator from In diuM.’’’ Thin for short,* *tsnd for Bcelsubali, Hie prince of devils. The TfutFicid* in 'Gongren under Maine'* lead, Lave cried etrtp lfc**f m> lu-ulj, p tltt upon Otitftoul * believe, til*, halt the Uemocal*r l<*a*ipg donn flie streeta teltewing with lie Yh* tia*Hel nil* evade ' oTorite of ItelinapV disgrace by Calling trim a Dimes™t. H<> it scema iHnt, irtu to their in ! inct lor plunder, they or ’■ nrole the SwcTretaiy ol W :ir, and kept him till be ejwiili'd. An exchange which aernia to have been kec) ing cotint, sa}‘ ■ Eight paper* in th State love expressed iheir choice for (lovei nor; two for Smith, two for Jatnca, one for Gar’’" il, o f r ILtulcrnan, on for CphjuUt and one for Johnson. The ITome Journal report it tl> <li-*- covcry recently, in the inld*t of the limestone formation iibout twelve mile* routhwcol of I Vny, of a perfect human figure, nud that every body who Law visited it retrtrn* with the full convict ioti that it i- nothing ]c*a tl an tile remain* of Lot’a wile. lii‘ (onvmition with a lending Senator on Sfltnrdny, Plerident Grant i* reports and to have anH : “ I look forward to the day when niy term expieca, a* the happiest day of my .He.’* Million* of hi* tellow-eidz m* are fiWktrfi for ward to iJia ' y w ith th- imme plefi-irifr iiii<nj*fio. Tle W ffvhiwgi > ft .rrmpowh nt of the AugumJl Owbtbuu'iuah.-t luis lilts to y at onr Ci,ngrvi,*man: " Mr. lUrri*, of Georgia, i o- e (if the must lugi iy reßpretcd tuetitbers of the lit uu;. Hr i* slwsvk at hi* jx'sj. und L # perfect wheel horse in eel ion. Hi* influence it> id**-sj■ it ad stui you may lie Mire (military. Oof. Mart-situs Ttiomton has eaten Ills thirty ijtisfls i thirty day*. Hi an* made sick three time*. The Ihm duj - fie ate two, making 31 in all. Tlic lost it ode him (juite *ivk, hut uu orange ami apple kept it (low u. flu regtthu- hour for eating, "as 1 |>. m. daily. Ii i. sire tiscil h.insolt', n res tatiriit ami made #2O. Thornton L a jwuug, on married man, jiud a jour nalist l } ji > i- Tlie Tail>..uon Siam aid nils very amusing Mnry of how a ch.i| at • railroad agent at Howard tuition out of aev' t A irteolsand Toflg jog liv re|n • M-ofing he h id been rent thirc by the IV eitern Dup-ti tm’s taVisl. a udegiujli fltee theie. Ilu toon Lieciillt>.-’j liAihcd to bt tele giajhte i-i|i’oi >at tin- ( file'go the i lie ttiod to bny a tan yW t Battler. 1 The eel'llnd <'' gre**i< t> 1 District j Cenvmlk n mctu at Albany, the j third at Mate**, the foitrth at West j Point, 'he fifth at Griffin, the *i*th ] at ftWh dgetrrtto, the seventh tit j <?a?ee*ri ! !e— *ll on April *’6. Kush j courty i* entitled to twice a* many 1 rfelrp*:r* in tledL’riet cot vent ion- i a* it ha retire** n'ntive* in the lower j branch of the T.egi^’ifnre. Cok Jsute* Wau.lell, " t o lias pis’, j returned from a visit to llog. ,\. If | feteplo n*. ir forma the ('oatli'MlioH ilinl fie thinks that gentleman is uu- , proving in health and i* better now j than he ha* l>r< n any litre tlii yp#t, lla pat on his dothing and s-; it j* be lore the firs for some time last 1 hor • • #iwy- Ti.is is the fiist time he has sit up this yttfr. A Meriwether murer rite* thus: T fear mnr ilat there id be f<* oms or when! mude, and there is as insect dcatroj in" tie oats and wheat. 'fi.iii a i>i-s i< te*r that h:.< licve* ft'.-n. *p'f> r oChefoic, a twiv abettt the ►ire fltiv cob i' of "hr rut • Worm S'hcy ate, )o e\ r, ■ If lii cut. i* . .i' hey cat U'C (\s and wj.jks i j*. ( n: *rt- :n< reus, c-v*tnng r i Randolph ermn'y, and n> here 1} uiimofn. Tttty play bav>e with oaf Kd v.heat, awl iltat very iptick, f.u W&in cai'ng r.v >octi tt> katehi GUIUiENATOHIAL. AVc copy from the Aflu la 'fJonnti tut ion fho "following article Which j will not only interest, hut phviae I many of otir readera : | Kiirron* Go*sTrrt'Ttox: Y r "ii have ! .T,:neron-h n nprod the c'dommi of j vnnr e\ n t'Tfi'n * pvtfv f to the imbliit of Mlre gubernatorial question ; and one I thin" certain, no vetec'o ran !>•• f.nnd in Georgia heller abjeto p ve fire i thing an ailing than th" Atlanta j f bo'b on amount of Fa large eiri'nl'i'ion ad th- high mint j oiatiotiin w hil tbo peimle ji Id it. Tn ron-ideiing this ipir>*tioe, w i It 'i* of all'll importance to every 'ho If ing man in the State, it ha* oeeuned to inn that the tight man —’lo* one tpat it 1,0 elected—is not Vel in 'he | tfeld ; in this eowdidention the mime (of Governor Si th i ln■ t■ ,lv lon lilted nit •fern* *o he the is l ' < I j the people that he -hull next represent (•Jeorgi.i in the I .S. lenn'e. The other gen'lnmen who ire prominently in the field f..r Governor have met with very heated oppoiiiioti on eoimt of various rt:aofi wliieh have | heretofore been nr*p*fi ngatnrtt them, although thev are good men, arid no n of ahilitv, and each woit'd doiihl'*. make ft good goveri or ; hot anot 1 ■ man lipially ne good in every resi eet and pethm'- V ith ft better eornhina* tion of qualities, taken ahog'*tlier. j then either of the gentleman now I Sefote tie* penpV, e- ttld no’ only I tronb'c the qnb*t afters, but if elect- I ed, mill Ido* inet rumen'al in lead I in<r the Stn'e on to a higher degree jof prosperity and h tppine* by n j judicious find ceonornical adminie! in j lion. Now, 1 prevent for genera! id erf ion the iriton of (’"i. .Itune-i M. Moh'ev, of Ilninilton, a* the r : gii' intin Io pin in tlie field to inn a good healthy raee, sml to meet, the v.ews and olijeetu nliovn stated. '1 hi geri tjeimm is favorably known thfongli. out the Slate an one of Georgia’s teadi' g men; and even now otvnpii* n p eition of great honor among hi* otinntryinen. He haa reprea**ited 11 niw county several times in tl.r* T.cglxls' tire, and was in-tniiin ii! n! in pissing iwim very J 111)0. rtaii laws, ntif) alihotigh a lawyer by profeasien --him! a h ailing one ftt that— he . a stieei naltti, p e.iic and ftnm r. Koinan can be found more liberal in h.tt fe< l ino* low mil all yet firmer in the diehnrge of ,i tlirv that devolves upon bait. His present at finding in the moneyed wm Id show a him to bo a good finni.ci' i, nmi to .‘bow that tins standing is not the result of ncci ditll, I stale that he started out in life a poor boy, and by Ins n n en ergv, economy and capability, hits not only given himself a liberal edu cation, but lias amassed a handsome (artline. lie posses-rs nil the rc outsiU'N neccs.-aiy to tnul.e one of the bust Governors Goorgiu over had. Hit is n (,'hrt'stain gitilleuian, nml absolutely tent)-ernte, of good It,gal and ndmitii!*i*raii\e ai ilitv, tm inter . slid and nit ecHslui limner, a man id in (lim bing ti lino-tvs iu the cause of ngUi, and what is so iieeiusary for th* interests of the sbde, a guotl li- ! nanrit r. Hoping von will give l lds Mi inner- j tion in the CoimtiltiliOH as you have, kindly done tl o other cases, 1 am, very respect I ally, An Oi DCt i ir.tts. j March SSif, IS7O. W e have heard this matter favor nldy spoken ol’ several times; mid why no' Hnrri* comity li*rih ilgov ci'tior for Georgia n* well as any oilier county ? an V why not ' and, Mbh y the man ? M’o know him well; lie would make an excellent cot el nor, and we candidly In-iieve nus if r man, nor one belle ijnnlifi 'd to 111 the iHi *e can he ouad any where. He is ti nun of first roe ability, liberal in h s views, and alto oetl.er practical iu whatever lie un dertakes ; lie st in ts high as a m it ,1 integrity itt his own community mil i. -.avorab'y known aim's dirpttgh 'it the whole Stale; and nl ready the pcuji’e are apcaklhg of him in connect ion with our nc\t l o gn-ss ioi ul elect ton. The Cos one! is not a candidate h i my office, amt t < ver apeak* of tin matter mde-s someone bring* i| am! we are not advised us to whether hit woiiid it creep - a nominal im or tint, but suppose lie would, as bi few tni ti In the world would ixtu-e >o honorable a po-i.i n it* governor ol Georgia, we do know, hoi v -r, that die people o.ivld tint give ii to * m o de e: \i• • man. 1. X> toi:i< u> Tut: r.— flu* V• i olio Sl.iKt'a •■/ repot t* the capture ut n • g;o, Ain- ,1 ... Ls.ui, .* in-t no-, vie - u fa Bildwti.v 11 af w day* ago !i< h ii >ti>!cn gv.tl* irutu the cititcuij' uf Talhrttton, to the amount of t'\i (lit ltd red 'lo'hi s. All the gm-d- tu m nil in a bouse pat kid awnv in l>t>v 11, la* given the peopio of that emu unity a great deal ot trouble, and ha®, no doubt, incited other tie "roes to commit depredation*. Tin head mao in the elm of thieves i- Abe Jackson, and he is now securely locked iti jail, where it is W l>o hope, he will remain until he hit* the prop er handling. TStc si cm wh :i ihc fu i uionbi o; l *<3ruai Gvd I ” can i **-.“■ „j lt j it ■> ,-iiuiii r\ f N lien ,• ti| ti.-*ver • dherc to vour nM cav principles. — "ktlfinw: t Gunit*. Aiming Our Exchange*. A litf'e gi I Vn- liurnefl to *fleath in 1 lioftia-ville last week. Th editor of the Thninasvilh Tinun don’t eat rftw {tofft'oea ftn\ more. , A•• xr "'n year o'd boy wna sent '> itie- jieK.ienr iary the other <!ay f'tr • tcftliirg a horse. Su nnah is trying to get the gov ,•I*lllll*lll to establish a naval station ear that city. Mr C. CrcnshawV re*idtu jy- in I. i Grange, was r.diiusl last 1' inl sy night if article* to the value of ♦3OO. ’flic Oglethorpo fc'Jio says tfnit, small grain never looked hi tter at., tiii* season, ami that an nnits ial large (jaa it v lias been sown in that e no y. 'He re’ll hen fair in Th< m isviMt* on the first of May. The sturdy sons of toil, their wives, their sweethearts, and everybody else are invited. The Co’iimbuuites nre noa* busily engaged hunting robin*. Lveryltody* that can raise a sh t gnu or a intisbei t ike part tn this Incrafive bnsire-* The Sander vi V; (itorgim say* that Judge H >o!< is into*her candi date for Governor. That wont do, tlx; Hawn U too Hfv<*n <*n tin* place < f Air. Win. Shepherd, of \\ ilker-ott t'ottn ty, were htirneil the other <lay, in cluding Ins and wcl ing. Ti,:- how ,cs of Mr. John Hilton, o' ,I,(hi son county, were recently do and toyed by lire, mil oil Tuesday, the reside ic. of .Mis. Ann Stevens was burned. Miss l.izz'r Tb'Votie, da , igh , *r <•( ({ev. J. il. DeVotie, died in G illin on tlie 25tb of lat itioiiHi. Her iv itiftins were brought to t oitttnbu* for inierment. Tim h nap report* a negro near Geneva killed widt a brush three \ n i!,| ducl tl Out of a drove of tiiue. j filin’* what we end mailing his f/Umi pood and m'siny a emipie <>C beans, i We clip thi* from Hi* Golumhu* Times of Thursday: ‘Col. J. M, | Mobley, of Harris, is proposed for j Governor. Ile is a man ol tine tal | etna and sterling integrity.” The co’ered military paraded in OolutTibiis last. week. Muske'* ami ‘•nigger” don’t mix muchly, but they laid a bins driiin and luxuriated in plenty of noise. The ’! liomasvillc Times w arn* it* readers tbatiberc w iU lm frost on the ■till, fttli and 10th of April. T.et ev ery body govern themselves aeeor dinoty, as these editors know ull n buut it. It Ims been decided ill Georgtn that keeping a | ostoffieeiit #2O ft year, utid dmng cooper work to lid in the j spare momentw, is net a professional pursutit. They art 1 blaming the nlnmoac ma kers in Maiittiuia because Spriira sti i sit* in old W niter’s la. ; the young folks are on of humor heean-e coal oil mid wood tires cos; s * much. fo> slow, ind wait for w on* weather and moonlight nights to come. (leti. Tom Thumb, the giant, ba le, n to Columbus. His maiiiuiut.lt cii i ice draw n by Shetland ponies o emeu much exei emi-ut during lh<- street parade, dhi ocal (pill push er of the T-htts joined the procession; the reporter tor th* tJnyiiirer was looking after his interest in the rail road sgin ey on Front btl\et, and missed the fun. The duel! of ill Now nun* lier dd ol]', , has la on pui ng tacks in the ed - teh ir, and provolt s him to so :ik oit 1 1 is v: “Spring comes ala,ir ;he 20. hol March, hut it you adt s t ib*w uon a sharp tack ii -ii come much nonmw. Well, they have nil h;n their say : lit ii g and now w e ri-’t to sm tfuo the den'\a f.iiutp is, a ii ah ifiul siiines brightly wherever it goes. We e it.’l claim the eonapiettoun ].lace on the wal', imhss it bet, r he-1 wishes. If that i- the case, paste us up b oth . ;■ Dennis. The Ciithl cr .Viswi’up ■ is respon si'ilc for t is : One dw last week dome .>gr children were p aling neat a creek t Quitman eoii' ty. when an a!!i.;itor ■awle V out and wallowed vo> e children. Next day a parte night the ioligulnr, cut !i n open, itid took the little negro out alive ihi> no new-paper lie, but as re eled te us h a I is'vrr (tii I lit \ ever, lie), w ilo sutt'l.tnli lies ;h, i lttHuent by two ne"voes who -.i* ha child. Tlie PG/wfcA report' etv ! I’anin je hi the e !ii vvealli r in ii s \>. :tVy, to <ra : ''.co, f; it t- ,-v id even muoh if the con that nit el eel ;>' . 1 ; .• r> "" IOVM P • IV- i*’ full upon m. berry tr.-e* beenu. black and dropped to the ground at ier tlie 'Mil wl bntiUay ifl its ray HEAD QUARTERS 1 OR GUANO! UUniLIZ YOUR CROPS AND GROW lUCfI. II yuti wUh to h,vest in tli' BOSt 3T*CX* OX*S3 b, tin slate ap;! .to J. w. ST® HE if. : a a r ncopo^ r ;.”- i; ; ,r;SS sp'n, asl u fuW stock oJ fiUrt-;i:r.lßS itl.icli 1 |tro|K.s* tovll CHIIAr KwaCAMi. s. w. stoi 11 y VIETON, G A UKDItUIA. Harris CoexVi*. W W (itKblumn Igih it|-}>li <) for *nwi\ ptlon of fM*i>oouiiy ftUfi KMiiiiH upiirt tmi viti'iftifon •rf houi<*tt;;ul. nr4 I wH |HI-f np<)n Jfie-.'imM nt iry tifTiM' ri llt mi! toil, on tins 3rd d-fj of A| ii u< J.taf 10 o r! < k. A. M. J. V. C. W4IsUAMB. Ordiofiry. nu?fil4-rw. A Vitraney i:t lilt 1 Naval Avadcuy. WaoIIINOI ON, 1). C., ) Mii eh i4i h, 1870. f Mb. Enircu: I hare omti notified bv the lloiiornbe Secretary if tin* Naw that there is a vacancy in the Na\ ttl Academy from llm Fourth dis tiic of Georgia; and in order, that each and every applicant may li tre a fair anti eq : 1 opportunity of con tending f.r tin* nomination of cndel nt d-l p'nan, I hereby give notice that a eo npetittvc exaininalion will he held M VVt -I. I'oint, Ga., on l*’ii dy, the fin day of May next. Tt.rs I oiul ha* b -i n seieettal ft- the ninst pj.fih’.e and oonveident to nil parts if t 1 e district. The following gentlemifß will pleawe act a board of ex iiiiiner*: (.’ roll county —J. 11. Richardson, s \V Ii ut s. p ,u eotm y—F. M. Di.ncan, ( T>. I! in. He-ird coutrv —Frank I. oft in, Dr. Peddy. ('iiiiiph ll county-—l*, c. Mohlejr, J. W. Pee':. Coweta county —A. D. l’rei n.an ! Dr. .1. T. l’eese. Ve-iweth r county—J. W. Dark, Dr J. K and. T'et rell. Tronj) eunity —A. P. Moody, Dr. ' .1. \V. O-ii >. i ITims eoun y • IT. Mo*s, J. M. Mobley. i Muscogee <■ it - tv— I. M . Gritn'-s, Dr. F. A. St nidfold. 'l’alhot c inity—-J. T. Willis, Dr. (!. 15. I,‘itiur. ( lialtahooeheecount}’ —W.A. Far ley, C. .J. Woo ridge. Marion county —K. M. Unit, Dr i J Is.. Halve. I j\ majorif vof the examiners pres : int w ill ciriistitute a quortuii to con duct tlio examination, and tn, ke the award ; pro\ ided there is one teacher and a physiopiii among tiv-ouiiie-y Applicauta most have a good iim ai charicter, *.>umt je. y sieal org iiii'iu, i t id mn*i bo lxtwo.n fourievu and (igldecn years of age at the time , i evainiu.ilioi) lor a imission into the Aetnl-'-nv; ivfiich i xaiitiiiatiori w ill llike place on the 2i tof .l.me nex: , In tlie competitive examination, can- , iftdat 'S will be eXiiiimied ;u readme, writing, spelling, a. it liinctic, geogra j*hy and Ivnglush tjiatmnar, i hereby appoint (’oh A. P. M-votv, of tiic city ( I \v "*t. Poin', cliairuian of the hoard ot ( xautineis, and shall lui'iiissb him with a copy of the rules anil regulations of the Naval Acade my, in order tint the examination in iv be Livid in strict coalornitty to the sluin’. Any anil all persons wiio desire to ( i.’oniiielc for too nomination will please collier with Col. Mootv, and notify Imu ot their iiitciiiinn. It. U. HAW*IS. The Fourth District. L.\(i:aN(SK, li*., March 2d 1370. — The couitru: tees composing the Fourth Congressional District are re* spevtlully retpiosti il to send delegates to a district odivi utiou on the 20th ol April next at West Point, da., o aciect t\Vo district, and tour ata'.odei ogates and alti mites to the Notional Denioc atic convention wuicil meets tin •_VHi ol June next at fch. Louis, . o ..dept a piatiortn and nominate o.mdi iaiea for l’resideut and V ioe- L r,.-.i . m. Keb county is entitled to twice many dtd.gaus sit has ri pro. iit;:ti\ es iu the lower brunch ul tlie l,ig;sl:U'.lir. Done by r | icst of membirs ot the District Executive commi toe. IN . U. i IH.GI v. Notice. Tild e w ill li • a meeting of tin inocrat 1’ ■: tv to d.u th omr Lieu .e on Saturday, the 15th iust. to p. 'in', deleg te* to the 111 ik cunve.ui u, ai Wes. Point, on tie guilt iust., to sul.c delegates t" tie X.wienal lAtu era tic convention. ,T. T. W ilpains, I'iniii ni:lU IKutioeiaiie. Ivi IXuU Asothur Onk.—Tlie ilivvkiusvil!* Di'imioh asks us to see: a O' e more fir J 'nl issi, nnd u c lake pleasure in doing so. Here is the score : "It is too g.Hul to keep, ao.l our readers must know it. lie lives in Palm'd, is a “ Hardshell ” tanner, and hurridl out of town _) ester.lav to go home and measure up tiny bush els oi corn which he bad sold fur it, -liar rer b; ,el. lie votpects in sell one I umired and fifty lushd more out of :.i>‘ y u’s crop. Score one more Tr I’-Tn^ki.** HARRIS SHERIFF’S SALE. Will b<* s<>ld before th<* com thottse door in Hamilton, between tlie leg I linin', o) sa-le, on tile first Tttesday in April next, tlie following property: (. ... nous un i lot in thotmvn of Hamilton kooAtt'is tii *h"g st'ire. bntm'lel on tie west I>r li o-ol 'i ■t, on ilie seWln lg Mnr |\ M :u,l lot . Oil the C.-St liv Murplo-v s I'll .’ oil Un- no-lit t* Korw’s VII. lint lot. 1/ V... I ,m li-thc |*i I tty of Mitchell & o<x*l r„:i*i, to tid' >' t -t(ei.gc lil tm )’ bitnds ir: favor of Mi it 11 .* P lie Vs JJtttMll * (joud i m Proparty p io'ixl out in t’t-i I t,;i til .1 It KOHfNSOM. Slo riff HARRLS So i-.tM.TN SALES Will he Hold bdotc the cuu'irtlouse door in tlie town of llaiiitltCn. on the Ist Tie e d,y in Aoril within the leynl houvs *f mile, th ; f .llowhia property": Forty acres of Unit, more-or less in the .oiittr east eoinor of lot ot land Xo. 212. in ti, ■ INtli ni-.itl,t of 11 ir i' county', levied on ns the properly ot N. W. < huunpion, to satisfy two it fas In a*.}' h inds in favor ofdoun McUoiiyli -V t 0., vs i.. tt. I'h inipi ai. Ix.vy made air! i. a n.'d to low liy .1. H. M* or*’, b. * . Aim, at, lhe same time an I place 2’acres of land of >.'ilit-cast cornet "I t'.ieea ! hdf „■ I I of 1 in*l No. 25* in tn- 2bt di-irici of !lart is comity, levied on ns the property ot A. Ji. Johnson, to satisfy a tax ti ta in my hands ill favor of fits state vs. A. li. JuUns-n T. vv in ala and returned to mo by James L. L>>-<*■>, h. C. Also, at till' same tune and place 50 acres of lull of III" west corner of lot No. 10, km* .mi a, tlie t lamp Ground pluee, iu Hi-21*1 district if Hards i miuty 1-v'Cd mi os the p.op e tyoffi H. Dnrj-r.to sari-fy a tax li fa in my iiSe ds ift 1 vnrnftlt- S' at- vs (i. 11. Doz’-r r, V y made and returned to me by dames L. I.i-'.n, 7,. 0. Also, at the same time and place 100 acres o ■ or t"-o. 4>f lot of land BP, - -i, * lure, hour • and on tin- m-tli i,. a.- use ~ -U tlie • ■ t hy A. J It.iit. in 21st district, lev. and e ■to I tie property • W. Hi.. Mover t i r.r is IV two tax ii I ill oil hands iu favor ol the sente ys. .1. \\ Hightower. I/ vy itv.'ue an t ret imod to r.)" hy -lames T.. l,i-<m, Ij. L . Also, pt the same t mf and pjaca (.lie }<Ui*se ant lot in th i=.'l l ti I. tesi ill". in tl.e j couuiy of Hi ii-. in <)2O lest, (i M. h vied I on a.-i’ ,' ja . erti f \. M. Mulbo tan to sat it\ 111 iea j l tic* " 'as in my liau -i ■ t:*(O' and .lull, K Noriv ol i ,i- A. M. Mnl sol land h ’vy ma le an 1 returned to me by I’. U. Cot , toll li. C, A 5.,, at the same time and place, one third int nest of tin' wln at and corn mill si'a tod on tie I’au'R|,ling ciL't-k in the 20:h I' st. of Harris o.uuty,hounded on 'he no th by Jo ! si'idi Itovd: west tiy \V. T. H'ldson: l.y V dk-T fil'ec; east by limit; b.'vi'd oil as tlie 1 ty ofT OS. II Ji.r to satisfy a Ii fa in my liaods In f.vor of .1,,* ;di Id Itroivn tor the is* ot '1 lio’CMittb', 11 ■"1 * ik‘'o. versus ] Tl, 11 >!.; I ini \. ,aand Y>'i.ii mT-Smitr t a Mil 1,1.1 rn.T p' itrewsfe-r, and Morrell ! Riko. af s a.e.ii i 'S. A' , t!i • mv,ic ti-ge nit ! p’n-e. ! one i<t u 1 land, No. 2('>o, in th.,’ 20th i Disiiic.t nl Uat'.'i* e otnt y, a* tlie pt >p I er* vof r.x. and. M. H. vin tr> satisfy a j i .*. it iin f;' , o’ , fill" bte \s. Mrs j '■>. !i \ in, hew m i l’e fted retuin ,l ■ !l. Hu y, L. V. A ••!. :i* lim-lime tune and place, one Ue of !:i"d, Nn. 204, in the 21st IXidiie.t nl II irris c/mm.V, as the prop ertv of Mrs. M|. y Hryaot to -atisfy a i x fitit in l ivin' of the Sbite k*. Mrs. M i \ ib , >nt. Levy made and ie ttimed by Anthony liutls, f*. C. i Also, :r the sante time and place, fi loeii ace* of land off of lot No. 234, j :.•;<! , Wri'v nr! tv* off of iol N'. 233, ' svd 'and Iving and being iu the 17th Di* : ol Harris county, honndo I on * j the AY -st hy hinds of (L NY. Epps stud ; M. .1. Jones, on the North and East by and. \Y. Epps, Mrs. Williamson and j , T. J Neal, South by Kilpatrick, le> i ed on a* the property of J. M. Brad slenv to satisfy a tax liiii iu favor of 1 the Stile Vs. J. YE Brad dtavv. Levy 1 made and returned l>y Soloman Hick* | lev. Ti. O. THIS TAf-KH IS ON FILE WITH ** Where A3\ Drtiainjf VuutruclA can made lii Published Quarterly. Jaji;ary Nrvprp just bmued, and contains over 100 Paops, 300 T> vr* dfsrrir ti-rns of mord than 500 of < R Fl'jwci'S find Vegetables, with Directions fot >re, i < orkd J'LAir, etc. —-Tho mpst w • ful ami < t vvoik 4. the kind in the world. Only 25 ccnti. lor c. . , \tr. k'uLii .!f fl In and German. Aiiurcst., JAMES VICK. Rochester, i .. Y* Lit t . ~IV YARD. Offer'tbp sale Koo.s roK IlATciiixo jrom LIGHT and DARK BRAH MAS, nr IT and I’AKTHII)(IE CO IiIXS. BROWN and WHITE LEGHORN'S, SILVER GRAY DORKINGS, and liOUHAXS, at t PER liOZZEN . Give us a t;;s’. Send stamp for ciiclar. Ad,, ess ISAAC LYNDE, M*);t.>ito, St.\uk Cos., 0. marl 4u THEHAMILTOM JOURNAL A Weiaist menls inaortcJ nl re: donaMo fftfoA St BSCRH’TION RATES—IN ADVAXCK, One copy one year. . t rtft “ “ six months. - . i 00 I’lirec cojti • mu; year 6 0(f Six “ “ “ 10 00 Ton “ ” “ v.... 18 00 Twenty “ .. - 35 08 Subscribers outside of the County must remit twenty cents addition* for yearly posmge, or ten cents for six inorrliis. The proprietors wiil not be i'cspon.-ible for inoiie.y remittances by mail unless made by registered fetter. Tito Journal lias received many and high encotiitiYns sihee it started' and we shir!l strive for still further approbation by trying to make it a EVER' Address ai! communications to LA IIATTE & GRANBERRA r , Hamilton, Ga. SOLUBLE AMMONiATED IS UPERPIIOSI ’HATE OF LIME MANTJKAOTUKED BY G. OBER & SONS, - - Baltimore, Mi We fcfe ag-*nts for the sa'e of the oiiove an*ll known and relßb'e Fertilizer, and are pre j jmed to f-iriilsh our frauds and tin* planting public in any quantity anti on the most rcas J unable terms. Sp tial in lucements to out Giamrer friends. feb2 5m PFARCE, BIXFURI3 & CO., Broil 1 gt. Columbus. Ga. i t. A. KEDD and. I*. MANLEY. WM. BEUH €. A. MEBB & CO., I• • ; U,S EEOAP IXSFTi CoiUM%irk 04. OFFER ONE OF THE jpjnssT stocks cxiOOSßias 1 IST GBOELdUtA. • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Purchasers may Depend Pot tom Prices. WI OFFER SPIODU-ISilillllfS Agenis for tlie TAY LOR OR LI M.MLS GIN. \Ve offer Special Imiuckmhnts and guarrantue to please. -<tr-M. M. HUDSON, of. lLuiis, is '"ith ns end would be glad to *cc liis fii-r.ds. fU >lo*7o ACI i > I>IIO SP If A r L' II (HIGH HKADE,) S ©H 3 SAW S(S)SJIS, ETTIWAN DISSOLVED BONE. NOVA SCOTI A LAND PLASTER AKfCU2,TOBA'h JMSitJ. Pure Chemicals for Making Home Fertilizers, ALSO A FULL LINE OF IHPBOVED FAHM IMPLEMENTS. I-IOIiSTISiAt) & CO-, fcMO-JS COZUMBUS, GA GRAND CLEARING OUT SALE! Ilaving on hand a heavier stock than usual, we propose, for the next thirty days, to sell our Winter Clothing AT COST FOR CASH, including Business Suits and Overcoats for men, boys and children. Norr is the time to secure a Bargain. Mr. Charms A. Lovex,ack is with us, and would lie pVn>-e.l to see his friends. fel.'2-Om TIIORXTOX & ACHE, 76 Broad st, Colnmlrtl, Ga. TO TtlE i’EOPLE OE HARRIS COUNTYf COWSERT at KIMBROUGH it.-pvtfully iufurnt the people of Harr’s an 1 ndjoinitig eonatie* that they haN-e hdded GIdOC !vRY DKPAKTMENa 1 To their of . business, a:nl will in future keep c n ha” i u 'ui ad ?e*iraWe *e?ortmes , .i Froslx Family C To wilt- h the attention ot custoftiers is invite I. and wh' *•.ill he soM iow for the cash. Our Dry Goo s, Clotliing met titi.er dcpartm s wiil ee kept ip to the 6W standard, and we will ,-ell oir "iMxis low as any hpwe in towr, Qk| us v tiifti, an Ilj c* vii ed < f the tTrlitih pl • ii stv. dep3-om FAMILT GIIOCEBIBB. CHOICE CONFECTIONEEIES AND FRUITS. J. J. & W. R. WOOD, XO. BROAD ST, CQLTJMBUS* GA., G.\RDEN SEEDS, which are trite anil genuine Northern Seed. CHOICE COXFEU i ION ERIE,S which we guarantee pure and fresh. SI GAM and COFFEE, all Gaides. CANXEED GOODS, X UTS, ItAISONS, TEAS. SPICES. *ro., re, BUCKEIS.TUBS, 1 IN WARE, BROOMS. FOREIGN, .'An DOMESTIC FRUITS Give tts # call and we wil suit you in stjle and prices. Cent ! i n>Mnh a*, lie ‘id anb mti*Jaclion Gtiartnlecil.