Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1876-1885, May 24, 1876, Image 3

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ANJ) CJ>'l\ T TTf *IUiV.\ UTOK. ’!!!!! em it ITKS, J’lonih'n ’ at tlm B.q>iir thurcli on tlio fil*t i ii'i tlil'O hitijil'ivn, n l ITur’nv before til - tliMil Hun 1 1> In e ii'li month. lti'V. S. T. Knl v r | u tin-. I’who *• g t hu M.t'io i-t Cburrh on tli.i Unntli ii'i l . tui In in iM' i' in ft. I: <■ s. .:i i i' I'.r. p omlii 'f:ut t!i'' l*i'i*•' > t din Ulmroh on (i- •! i| i|||');|i ll| :i: 111 " til. I! 1 ".'. G tv M X 'll 1 >:isl• I uhnU'li’Ai. ug\; it> m in r. ,T. 11. Lavi'inen, in nor; .1 I'.*' Wibi'ins, .1 11. Cows. rt. .1. T. ll.m n mi i L 1.. Etnu f rl, louii'i Inc :W. S “ Tusuu, uiuinlml l’osr-i Wire, .1 W diml. , i'. m 1). il.v nrrivnl nml tli'P'li llll'r i .1' Mi'i N, _ COUNTY OF TT.RL JV C Wiilian- o” .iini-y : J l Eoliinsrn sliritf; NHli r : 'i c.'i k hi'sui ii. r ••omt; I) unis M tier i.'ipc Vr: .T It Cl ifiiti fix C'l|,i"it.; tl C!\ iii'ii" ii..ii tto.is irer ; John II U:,i’ll* h sui vt" or ;tV.I S ■ ; tli cor- nor. C-utcy Cos n i i—i- no s tV 1 Hudson, tV.C Jnli' sloii I. tV !;■.! ins ni. >: H II irdcli fleik. Ik.mil of Kill, t., i tV I Hu' 1 .-',m. Flynn ~H pit, tV C .li I r.-toi■. II C Hood, T and Neal Coumy S'honl (‘iiinads'iioi .1 T Johnson iiomrkrs or 'iin: i.ku: -i.iti"ik. tV t lluii ' ni sen ii. i : 'I I. ivi patri.lv an) It K Moss, Jr., ii'pi'i u'ntafU’.'S €(£].{T CiLES3i:t FTI ll'.KPi’iS COI'XTY si';'i:i:ios col'i'.T. Mutin C'.awf 'ji 1 "o -tV A Lit"' solic itor-gc'ieml —X H i’.'rVn clerk J D Rob ins a she ! if. Coi.oii.s ,-'i "nml Mondays in April an t Cos" b -r. Ov.ni ;-i .Mills' oorriT Convenes liist I'.are iai in oaeli month. oedinmiv's court Con .on is first i1.0.i li\ in !i month. ,11'srioi.s’ 0.,.,:;: n. H'lnilton (672 ) D t.io -Jno T tVilliivnis JF, Cl,m Bed'll N 1’—,.,.•••* I; st Sitnnlav. \ il oy I’.ii'.n. (7'd'‘. — 1 NF. inn sN P, Geo tV Cos ke JP—IF ~. t !1 s . Mi.nor s (7325-il C M :.ior NP, P Sutton J P 11, Sol!' 'HI . Wave Jy If ■;'! . ..3 1 -G AII Dozier NP,E; J Stalltov I 1’ . Flier lie i' !'■ -ik s Neal N P, A S Elli :S 11 .) P . Catuioi i‘• 1 1 — I I’. Pat. JP,tV II Thomp son N P Titiw.o ’Bib ,?■" 1 j.vro Cox NP, tt Nun li liy .1 P- -3d S 'or !a.v. U p, r l Ptti <1! '0 ,: - J,l \\ L'.key JP, L 1 laruotl N P till S'llurav. Sii Mi's ilJiTi Jos (i •■'ii.ii*► J I’., 6Moore 'N P 4 )i saturd iv. tVi.ilesvide i‘)iIO)-s 11 Reese HP., A J Co* do J P -d s' inirdav. tVliii -lien's if,7:l)—ll M Whitten J T Flynn 11.11-'. m N P David mi's (731 )l' L Divids n J P, Ah Wi. n N p ill Sari'ii' iTii'f— I \ Moore NP, C 11.n1,!> ,!> J t*—lii'i* SoMu' ' ,v. (1 i "Inaii's yiia i .'('in pper, JP, 8 •ti. u i.ium NP— 2d ato i•. M-iiiii .NiisMTh schush lu i 1 ’on m l aft ;r Sa it 1 . i) ty, I' th of May ”t’ inn on Jills- a-!'! Vij Y-. i- "■ f ows : TANARUS k-days. aad s ,tu -lays, Isa f(’ 'u.'i 1 )S . ' k \ M ‘-2 no P V l.v ive Kin s ■ *ro . . t. 7 0 \ ;.i 4 • tM* WM.U' T)!' -Jk.. im i".\ itcn<l( lit. A:a ■ re..r r'p. 4P!. Tne (la. ‘ii'ton Tni"', in finr'.'MH’O i , t.iiai i.s in,i : .or lidj. it to van nail in at: 1 IA -> A ocia* u n ■ .in isi\ adds: -‘Oar jr.iNo.-s go uiiii ill il {!• no v -is ever a fine iS-ial'i' li eil.'d Pi\l il ir it tvns "lien el.ialiifUT acuaid am m_" so mailt Iv iuliis ot the q iii. il J prayer was hoard. The Tt’cgra,; h t-iy s nneluxly sent to the office of the Savatrni’a News llie oiin-r day a keti >)'lager. Harris •L u.iced it and l.cjan toeing: Of all the cakes My mammy link' 1 * Give nit* ij.st lover Peer.” But Mr, E-till mid h in to get off •of iti.it, as he wanted tii :fc beer for the Press As-< i ohm. Ever since then Harris hits be.n nvlutuh !ly. The young Led -s o: A'.oiunibus pe ruse the ice ere-itu -i.:ns as ;hey p onreiiade the streets with young •gentlemen, much to the discomfort •ol’ b oth r Huff Zack Bird, negro who was to hove been hanged in Forsyth last Friday, •escaped the gal'ows—the Governor having commuted his ciitci.ee to im prisonment for !i!e. ■ Parson Fictuing, of t'.e to and; iy 'News disclaimed the tide.of “ Rev erend ’’ in the Press A-sooia'ion, but .every body in isted that lie deserved the title. Wo hope fee will continue -the noble work of contorting Harris. Harris of the Savannah News, says he has a vague recollect i' U of tnk -111" a drink of water in .'[aeon with out setiling Cor it. Wo goes- he was .quite small when he took that drink of water, and he can’t be thought hard of for not recollecting it. Count J ih trial is on a vi it to Ids orange Grcvcin 1' 1 orid i. 1 < i> mak ing extensive preparation for the coming rice crop as well as looking after the interest of the bi id ol cham ber. Prof. C. li. B. Natte reqn -‘s u< to return thanks to the 1 idies <sj - in]ty, tiie patrons of the scho. and the citize is generally f >h .-ir tesy and liberality in dona iug to tl " picnic which was given under ’!.•- enq :C'3 of his schod last Indav. lie also returns than's to the diff-r --en‘committees for t!-" f-i h.in dis charge of their : 1 !'-■ • local ii hi:: rs. Oo'toti elio|ijiii g is now in order, •iml the slant] is rt*|ioi'teil tjtnul. It tviti’t l>o denied that tfir* pretti est ojils in (lenrgia live in Hamilton. We are under oldigl'ions ton snlv seriher at Mountain Hi 1 tor cotirte m si os. “These 1 vety ll nvera with eomph i tnetits etc.,'’ is the watchword ill Ca tania. They have quit, “claiming kiM' down at, Catania and turned their tit. tention to the manufacture of bnqtte'.s. Kin_sl)oroiigh ivrts regaled with odor de Afric last. Wednesday—the negro military Com Columbus picnic cd there, The young people, middle-aged people and old people, at -Mountain Hill, attend picnics just ('or the fun of the tiling. We understand that, Mrs. Parker, the treasurer, Iris ordered lumber lor fixing the cemetery. It, is badly out j of r pair and needs immediate atten tion. A picnic at Dunlap’s Mill was at tended by some of the Hamiltonians, last Saturday, and they report a very pleasant day of it. The Ellcrslie huntest are sitting line': on their “jew claws” waiting for the hunting sca-on to return, so that they may achieve a wonderful victory. “Oil! what do tho wild waves say?” lias been satisfactorily answer ed by a Hamiltonian who recently vi-ited Savannah. lie says th'dr inn gunge is “ker-slosh, ker slosh.” “ Ol'l Bach” attended the quarter ly meeting .at. Clowers* and looked as pleasing as a “basket of chips.” Well, some folk are destined to be “gay and happy still,” and we believe the aforesaid ancient friend is one of them. I) in Pearce, a negro on the planta tion of Com set t it Kimbrough, has killed two rattlesnakes in the p' si week that were together 2d years old and had 21 rattles. This is the first irae we have ventured to write up a snake story, and charily is a great tiling you know. Hon. 11. C. Kimbrough has shown us ;t beet, which was sent him by Mrs Hilliard Pitts, which measured 11 inches around and 32 inches in length. That beet heat is anything we have seen in this beat jn lie way of a beet, '1 lie reports from .ad see!ions of the c-n,.iry concerning crops are very up ir aging. Tio stands of corn .-n il co* tin are ex e’lent, the crops are in fine condition, and prospects were never more flittering at this season than at this time. •• v. 11. C. Shores has shown us a set of cradle fingers which were made by him-elf that will compare favorably with any northern work. The harvest is near at hand, and, if our rural friends wish to have their cradles repaired, Mr. Shores will fix them up all right. Blackberry pies are a delicacy lux uriated mby the Cat an dans. Those young ladies down there are the best cooks, and the sweetest girls in the country. They even put sugar can dy cn pound-cake. One of the typos of this oifice when in-isted on to partake more freely of the delicacies at the picnic, declared that he h id already indulged the clamorous calls of a craving ap p tilo until the manifest, sense of an internal fulness admonished his stay. He meant that he had eaten enough. There is no special device for engrav ing an engagement ting. A spider web with a fly in it is a very pretty device, bnt we won’t have the heart lessnoss to say it is an appropriate one. Dr. M. TT. White, of White viHe, will preach at the Methodist church in this place, on tire 4th Sunday night in this month, at 7 o’clock p. m. Let all go out to hear him, and they v. id be repaided. Things must be drawing fo a focus when a clerk in bis emhu'Usrn ex liibits his memorandum hook to a young lady in order to persuade her that he will “do to tie to.” We hoard of its being done last Friday, and ‘his was not the first time, Mi--c Emma B—, Susie L r, c B and Yfiii'i" W——, and a bevy of rb ar sweet little school gbls, by imita tion, graced <nr sanctum by their presence l iif, Friday. One of the young ladies has decided that she would enjoy the newspaper business, and noting will be left undone on our p -ri to encourage 'he idea. I Mis. Di.zi r has the ha si Irish po tatoes wo have seen this year. The specimens we have seen are as large as a goose egg-. Sho picked a mess of beans from her garden l ist Satur day; the Hist wo have lie ird of this season. THE PICNIC. The pienio which canto off last Fri ll v was a “big thing,” and was the largest that Ims taken place in 11am ; ilton in a long time. When the old j folk of our village set out to do a I thing, they, generally, do not allow it to fall through, and on this occasion they turned ottt in mass, and the re sult was a pleasant day to everybody. It appeared that every one was try ing to outdo tho other in the agree ab'e. Wo will put Hamilton against the world in getting up a basket din ner, nml on this occasion they seemed td surpass even themselves. An amtisjug feature of the programme was the drawing ot tho badges and then a hunt for partners. We heard of some rather lively trading on the badge question, hut all were satisfied that the boys had tho best of the bargain. Reading the love letters caused much amfisenumt, and tho tenor of many of the letters was con clusive evidence that they knew something about the business. Some ot the married men received letters suggesting tho idea that if they should he so unfortunate as to lose their wives it would not ho a,task for them to get another. Many of the neighbors in the sur rounding country came in, and all bad a pie: sant, merry day. IVrsouiils. Jliss Fannie Mitchell, who has been quite ili, we are glad to learn, is convalescing. Dr. Byron Copeland was in town last Friday to attend tho picnic. The Doctor holds his own remark ably well, and steps around like a four year old coll. Cujit. Font Grimes, the popular conductor of the North it Souih train, has returned Irom the Centcn nial, where lie had a pleasant trip and saw ‘whole oudles’’ of sights. W. W. Jenkins, the irrepressible Colonel of baclieloric fume, made us aslant, call last Thursday. Be was wearing his new suit, but couldn’t be persuaded to remain over to the pic nic. That span of grays and those new clothes suggest an idea not very pleasant for unsuccessful competitors 'o contemplate. Capi. Jim Jximbrnngh was iu the city Thursday, and renewed li is prom ise to give us a bottle of .that g* od old wine he has on hand. He also stated that he has twenty-five acres in oats from which he expects to gather thirty bushels to the acre. He reports the negroes as working unusually well, and his crop fine. # Y. M. C. A. The members of the Young Men's Christian Association, of Hamilton, are requested to meet at the Method - Ist Church on the first, Sunday in June, at 3 o’clock r. m., for the pur pose of transacting business of im portance to the Association. It is pa. licu'arly desired that all the mem bers be present. By order of J as. M. Kimbrough, Pres. T. Ij. Jenkins, Secretary. Thanks. —Yv r e return thanks to our considerate friend for roinr inher ing us in our loneliness. The follow ing will explain itsel'; Ed. Journal*: Wo send you a specimen of our Irish potato patch, and in sending only a specimen, we apologize on the ground that we know that you arc a “ ove-'orn” bachelor and have no “fairy fingers’’ to boil, butter and pepper a mess. Roast them by your lonely fireside, and while munching away on them in single blessedness, may the reflec tions engendered thereby, be prodtic live of a happy result. Your friend, D- P. S.— After gathering a mess of beans, we concluded to send you one of the largest. Don’t you think any housekeeper who can produce. the like i,f that iliis eaily in the season ought to be raised a bean in the enti maiion of the thi ifty ? Como round, we will see your Lena, arid raise vnu one better.—Er>. - A- . " V L'.-t e ;. u c, ALtS®^ tr 1 • i j n i',i i' i jif , I I \\ J's *1 I lof i'vi t’le 0 il "t II P's'' iteo r ill the t 'wit ot IJani'Hii i mi the it hi Tui'siluv in July iii'Nt, wi liin 'li.* lo ni In,nr. ,t Hnii*. ilin tallow iig |>ru;io. tv. t i-vvi : One r'"l v ami it'iii'liiia. Hint i m liinpjv Icvi. it on ns fo pruportv of F. s, , nil R 4 JJowaui wi Wv • 1 oof g. !{i rt in in isvoi uf M. C l'.irley & Cos. v. F. S fpiwml m„| It. Itinvaiil i'l'iv 1 7<> J. D. FOH N. (IV, |vrilt' HARRIS SIICKIFF'S SALES. ! Wi Ibn sold before the fJou-t teni'e door j jn the town of Hiuritllon, op 1 fie llrst Toes i (tnv in Jll "0 next, within llp'l | Imni'N of | Kile, to-w t: One lot of Iv if No. gill, in gt-t ■ district of tfivris county, liounueil nil the J south by lands of J. J) iHkj- and IJ li. | Mobley, and on tin enit bv bants of It, 11- , Mobley. I’.'Ofwrtv levied on ss Vh p |ir"peit\ | of Mrs. M ivy S. Bryant to snisf. a ti fa >ii 1 toy hands in favor of John N. Romm t vs j Mary S. 1! ynnt. I Atn. at t 1 o -am‘time nrd plicc flft-en j acres ef hitidoU'nf lot No. g:’4 unit sev niy [ acres of 1•• v• 1• t oft - of | t No. 233, sail lyinv . unit I i'ln in the 7th (fisti iet of Mariicounty, I boon '.'it 1 11 flip vyest by lands of J \V. Epps an IM. J Jones, Hint on the north nipl i-n-t by taints of J. W. Epps and Mu. W iliains in and T. J. Neat, tfevied on ns the properly of J. M. Brntshaw to Mitifv a tax ti lain favor of tint State vs. J M. Bradshaw, levy made and letnrned to nle Ijy .8 Be k ey, I, (.:. Also, at t 1 o same mid pj iee lot" of land No. 101 iii-l Hl.-; said land lyiiiK nrpl lajnif ill tile <1 '.Jo ci-triet, G M. Txn i. it ou as fiiv inopeitvof ti. (I Gntlin to snti-fy two tax ii t s in my ti ads jn f ivor ef the St >tn vs (I tf (It (It'i. X/ vy madn amj returned to me by Solum n Biekley, L. C. Also at tin 1 same time and plan;, rne-hnlf interest in lots of land Nos. *U, 70, 71 nu t AS in tlie gist and strietof llnrriseouiitv. Sail land heinij Imun ed as follows: On m rtli hv land of H. W, Fitts; on east by taint of B. li Wil liams: south, by KnlUei'rv eio -k: m il on tin west by lain!- of 11. AV. 'Pitts, and Webster Sold vs the properly of Sarah S. Williams to mtirfy a imi t uice ti (il issued from tin lis Superi r Court in avor of .1 ones M. Unit vs Sarah W lliams and John J Wi lions The sai I 1 ml now in nnstc sion of I lie sai I Sarah S. Wiiljams and John J’ W illams. J. p. lioniNsoN, SiieritV. May Ist. 1870. i;siray notice, G W Houston has rxhi'.lted lu fore J T Porni'ith an Wm It Smith, fieehoiiims ot tlie ti/'Jtb Dirt jet, G M. of snid county, a eertiiu while ox iiiailied wit]) 11 shaijow b,uk end muter hit in the I, ft oar, and crop am) split in (lie ai-pit ear; about tlieaaeof twelve or fourteen years, and valued by said free holder to lie woith the sum of twelve and a half dollars. The owner m hereby mcjtjcij that iijjless claimed the said ox will lie so and (>u tlie free hold liy tlie sheriff ou the 13th day of Mijy, 1876. Given under my hand and official signa turo May Ist, 1870. 1-t J F C Wir.iiAMs, Oidi' fiy. GEORGLV llakuis Coimv James Forties iidministiator of (lie Cstii'e of John Westwood, lute of said county, de ceased, has applied for letters of dismission. All persons concerned are hereby piijj,tjeil to show cause (if any they tiHvej iiy tlw tiiiyt Monday in August next why said applicant should not tie uism sse I. Given under my hand an.l ottiisii signs urn Huy lot, 1876. 1)1 J F 0 Wiu..i.uis. Ordioa UKUI’iGIA Harris Coc.my. F Ij ttopk ins. executor of the last will and test oni 111 ot William Hopkins, deceased, his m ulc appli'atioii for letters of <1 ism ii -inn All persons concerned are liei' by notilied to sin w cause (il any they have) by the first Monday in Augn-t mvi -jv11 ■, letteis nl '.lis mi- ion slumi.t not lie g antul said applieoil. Given under r.'jy limul and i tticiul signa ture May Ist, 1876 3m J J,'C Wiima.uk, Oiddmry GEuBGIA -Harris C'orvrv, Nancy 1, Granf ru makes npplicafion fot tell, is of adininstraij n upon the estate of William J i’niuford, lalei.f Mini comity, de ceas 11. All poisons concerned me hereby indifie ! to show cause (if any they have) by the first Monday in June next why Jetti is of iidministratlou should not be granted to s.;iji| applicant. Given under mv hand nod official H.;iiu tnre May Is', 1870. 80,1 J F C Williams, Ordinary. SEW IfILILI.YCBY COODF! Mihs Many L. HiuickJj&h fttfaiu opened her stock lit her OL ID STfY ND . nn<l will J> ■ pleased to serve her eld JCrirnds an 1 c.ihtomri’K, arid ah in.my n< WiOip Ha* will give hern call. ,She will sail low lor Cash, and ijirarranSce Safisf icl ion. 4 (oJirJis)Dtt£)3 IPiEISIB l hi order to introduca our largo, eight,-page Literary, and I . inily family, the THE SOtJ- VhNIII, we will send it, on trial,six months for only QO CBlltS, and to each subscriber we will mail, p st-paid, four elc- Kant On, f nimitns: “Little Ked Riding Hood, ’'Tin- < hiid-ren’s Swing," "IVio.p-a- Loo, and '‘Mother’s .Joy." 'f’lie-e pictures .•ue not common prints hut genuine Oil Chro nios in sixteen colors, that ate equal in up pearaneeto fine oil painters. Jus-think of it four lino clironios and an excellent litor nrv paper six months for fit) cents. Tty it. M ike up a club of five subscribers arid we will -end you an extra, copy for six monrhs and four extra chfotoos. No dancer of losing vour money. We refer to the l’ost Maxtor, llrrstcd, k our responsibility. c H h require I ir.l advance. No sample free. ,V" uts wanted trr take subscription;, and sell byr firm pic tures. I'iom •.,!’. to ;fdO a day easily rnarlc A dregs W. M. Ji UR It () W, Bristol, Term. ONEDOLLAR WILL GET THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION POSTAGE FREE, TILL J.UTARV IST Wl Jt is tb? Pea ling Paper the in South. Red but I’n Rulcntißl oit L ulici naloi ial paigus o[nir,'g. Every Georgian nliptild tak" the KEOFEE'S t’Aj'ltlt Suver-r 1 Sofia Store*, by ilihtingvvibed authors, runnjrig fill time, . r-’f Tl, getter np of a CIJJB OF TEH will receive Hie FABER I'UiCE. S< n 1 jour subscription fur tliisgrca I’ouTcrr, and Family Journal, PUBLISH LI) ATTIIi; CAPITAL W. A' IfK.MJTifLL k CO., Pub’rs. All it'.a. Georgia. J_)HN S. REE3E A. CO., Ganeial Ag2nt3, Baltimore, Md S©l,UJ$IgE PACIFIC UA^O D COMPOUND ACID PHOSPE 1?3. — thf arove TTi!?li CjbrHde 1!1 er tiiizorffli auk .'[anffactfred oxi/Yiy t o.' pacific ouano oom rANt.nl th i winks (’mr'p-fQn, H aivl W k!s Ii U* vl .un |*r (lie siijm.tv' ni-m ut iinir t \j,u n> .1 ts.j . bv. ,< (JUAUHANIKIiD ON STANU.UiO ml <*t' l Ui/j whmikao on ir, SOLUBLE PAOFIG GUANO .-v TT IJ COMPOUND ACID PHOSPHATE WI L L MAIN TA I N 1’ 11 E ISsgliest CiiCßiascaS Btasidar^ THAT can lie pnsi’dv l>e siivdired by the tiVi of lha most.approve? ferti i/, in t ii; eli nln SOU'dl.M I* \ 'IF! ’ GF\N T G contains •hi tv* ft tumult, of Ammonia and Potash, as well as available Phosphate of Wine, as shown by e’o mi al ana yIs:1 ut . 1 o:,! ,o t e ntm o,t etll in ill Ibis mmner, s vcial attention is given to the sle sion of i igredimits sthieh firm-ti 111 a; quaii'les in me mst out nal lulu), cu.inu flute tgoasto so 11 r* a uniform, powerful all 111 ting toll ii'sc.i on tlie plant lill inatni'e I Tll* srnAov ixc isvsu is th* sal* oy run UrAsoKiu t.ib p.\r v,:\>n is a suiin’ijtvr kvib-a- ■. nr its Hiif.at valor t> tiik goti.: from 1 lew io:n tbs first voir, its Hale have grown lo upwirds of (30,000 tOUss in a -ing e s.-iison. Two Tons of Soluldlo Psaoiflc Ouatao A''a ue v b *in 7rorvll at my Wirebou ni 1 0 >lll nil 1a 11 at v iri ms dep >‘s eomii: teit witli my .1 ib- .g, .a,.1 tam no i1 ~and tne sin > fir C'. han l 0:1 tiai) wilho it hitjrjs*, p lya'i.e i1 e irro icy, an 1 also fo C.'.itt in. plya du Oetn mr f,l!i, 01a bisii of lift,: n,, n; per poun I for .Middlings. WM. H. YOUNG, A G EXT OF PACIFIC GUAXO COMPANY, Col umb"l.l S3, O- n. A'so mi Hand PERUVIAN GUANO. HISS'U.VRD BoN'E. t,\NB PIASTER AN!> RUH'-P GGF rA l\ 1 sde for CA dI mUy Ttr-A 11U for II ur s C nintjr —W. 0 J) IN il’J.s; (J.rj of G 1.4 da .S( J i,/.d 1 id, it Ini lton, (j . lit )•>. II ivl'JßttJl G il, U duel 1 F.eb 16-3 in DISSOLUTION. Atixmiox CiuuiTons! Tics day M. 0. FAIIT.KY .t CO lias dtssoT veil,eopurtupisi ip by iniitud consent. All poisons indebted to said line will pleaseooine forward and make immediate payment, as further indulgencgi will not he given. Vuii can settle your accounts tiv note or for cash. Midi. 29-1 in M. C. FAIU.EY & CO. GEORGIA— Haiiiiis Coixtv. John W Mnrp' ey and Irby It Pitts, admin istrators with will annexed of Win White head, late nl s id county, deceased, apply for 1 tiers of (lisinis-imi— All persons concerned npe hereby notified to show c am', if any they have, by the first Monday in July next, wiy said Application should n it In- granted. Given mulct' mv baud nml .official signa ture, Mar h 13, 1876. mll to t.l J. F. C. WILUAMS, Oril’y. DEBTORS & CREDITORS NOTICE. All persons Indebted to Hie estate of John Biooks decease I lire hereby required to maki iinyc;di)itu payment an t those having c'uims arainst sii l ustat ■ are required to present them duty authenticated within the time pro sctili' and tiy law. f. 1.1(1 if A T BROOKS, Adm'r. GEORGIA, llAjitpia Couxtv. W. W Goodman lias appli'd for exemption of p rsonatiy and sot ting apart and valuation of homestead, ani| J will pa s upon tlie same at my office in ll.unlit ill, o 1 tit j 3rd day of Apiil" next u|t 10 o'clock, A. M. J. F. !'. WHJJAMS, Ordinary. inch! 1-76. Tma f AWtR HI ON FILE WITS Vrktc AdrerUtlug tkmtriucu own b uuMle COMMERCIAL, HAMILTON RETAIL PRICES. ORRKCTKD WKERI.Y ItV OOWSKRT & KIHIIROIMIII. Bulk meat sides 14 shoulders 10 Itieon hams 17 1-2 Flour—A $8 f.O 11 8 00 Corn meal 1 00 Sugar—A 13 1-2 I' 121-2 ffoffue -choice .20 Syrup—New Oiloans 00 Florida 70 Cheese—cream 20 Eggs Vi Butter 20 Chickens 15 COLUMBUS WHOLESALE PRICES, OORBECTED WEEKLY BY C. A- HEilft (i 00, Bacon—clear rib sides, , ~,,,,..141 shoulders ill Hulk meat —clear rib sides 13 shoulders .. 10 Bagging .... .... 12J to 10 Coffee, liio Corn PW) 80 Copperas 4 (</>& Flour 0 506rU0 00 Hams —sugar-cured.. .15 plain 14 Hardware—Swede iron 1) refiner) 0 Plow steel 10 IL rfse shoes .. 7 Mule shoes .. fi£ Nails .. .. 425 Axes, Ijfl doz .. 125514 Hides, dry .. .. lOff 11 Lard —in tierces ~ 10 @174 in kegs .. .. 180)19 Leather—harness .. .. 45 upper, TP side . 2 aso@3 00 hemlock .. ~ 3 Oft. 33 Meal , . , 1 15 Oils—kerosene , . 20021 Rico .. , ~ 9 Salt .. ~ I 9002 00 Syrup , . . ~ oo to 75 Sugar .. . . 12014 lies ~ ~ ~ 5 j (djfi Tobacco .... 55075 Whisky ... 1 000 iOO ECONOMY IS WEALTH. From this (Into my tonus will In* urmotri.Y hash, ntni I sliafi offi.r special indueomcmU to my custom us. My stock of (rHOCEHIES A IST n lOVISIONS, wi I always lie largo tui.l variml. T liavt* in store th" l*et anid dllefcbcitt. U><; of Kh'iuit in tiiis m.irkut, put u;> 111 barrel, an Is icks, at whofMttfVwl WMil Mcnl at mil! prions. Corn, Oats, Bran. Bjcoa anti bulk “meats. Lut'd, Sugars. Cofl’cßs, Tens, Syrups. Wines and Liquors, Siioos, sta|ije li "y floods. Fancy Gioceiiea, Ciuiund Goode,"oU'. ( etc. . You cau save money by (tailing 011 me bnforo purcliasilig, as I shall have, no bad ilobt- to m ike good by charging long prices; and I buy my good 4 Irom Importers and nianuf ictui'ors for cash. My motto henceforth will lie ‘ Small profits and quick sales,” No charge for drayage. Respectfully. J. 11. HAMILTON. Junction Franklin, Warren and Ogjcthorpe Sts,, Columbus, Ga. W. J. W ATT. J, 4. WALK Kit. ffilAS. 11. Will, WATT & WALKER, WHOLESALE AND BETA It) GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, CORNER UNDER RANKIN HOUSE, COLUMBUS, G Y., Ifuue the Largest ami Tfcat tfrfcct&lfSt&cfe of Groceries in this CLy, m tCONHISTINfi^or BACON KfDEi, R'ltk uidwf, Bieon shoulJura, Balk h!vul l x*, Balk trainßu'.m L oils. Lard In tlereea, buckets and kegs. FLOUR of all graT s, lie luding the celebrated Sir,veil f,.\K* brand—the best, iu tiie world. BAGGING, Ties, Silt, Sugar, Mackerel, Soap, Ob is. Coffee. Oysters, Sardine., L'mckent, I’iit.iish, Soda, Start'll. Shoes, It sits, an t Staple Dry GeO'ls, such ns Osmburgs, slieetirig, slilrtings, cheeks, stripe*, yiirns and pants goods. Also a well-selected stoel: of WHISKY, from $1 per gallon to SO, and of any brat/! of per cent proof that may be desired. Onr stock of SUGAR includes every gride and priea, an 1 our lot of SYRUJ -emi-it 1* equaled in this city [s includes all grates of New Orleaus in barrels, also sev. 1.11 be.el.'ed banels clioiee Florida Svnio, which is supwlnv te anything in the market, and much cheaper in pi ice. It has a delightful (Jayor, rich, pleer color, and selected expressly for or tr "le. < tash euslomers can a! Aays save money by giving us a trial before ]mrctias-irig "Fewhere* fel>2-ly WAT! & WALKER. ■■■■■ii,. ■ ■ ■■ 1 1 in. 1 N. H, BARDEN, Sou. tFi Slclo or Sciuare, Keeps constantly on hand, Cheap f>* Cash, BACON, Sugar cured HAMS, SHOULDERS, LARD, FLOUR, All grades SUGAR, best Hyson TEA, ltio COFFEE, from fine to choice. Beat I’iopida SYRUP, E o'ly Hose. Early Goodrich and Pink eye PATOTOLS Herd Cream CHEESE, PICKLES, gallons, half gallons, quars ami pints, TOBACCO, choice lot CIGARS, PEPPER, French PRUNES, London dojj Layer Ii bins, Salmon, Oysters Nuts, awl CONFECTIONERIES! Lotof fresh Garden SEED, good assort merit of NAILS, Brandy Peaches, Clmw Chow, Soda, Soap, Powder and Shot, etc., etc lUttfc ©miS-LIP 2*3)31 SPISSII QLfcSUfc TT- l t’'C. If. Cons' always on band, and will take pleasure In waiting on customers, foblfil-su — ■ ■ ■ ■ .I-T-: —'-1 IJ i-: a uqu a rtuim Aumy of tiik Kespkctaiile and Genteel, ) Coi.UMIiCS, Ga., October 2Q, J 875. f General Orders, No, !. All stragglers from this command, not destitute of self-respect, and des r<in ol presenting a respectable appearance in tlm mareli of life —all wlo contemplate matrimony, and all who have received even a scratch fiom t) e ragged edge of Cupid’s dart—are hereby invited to report in person, with out delay, at the jwcll known Clothing ouse oi Thomas & Prescott, in C'oumuous, Ga., where they can supply tbemsclve* from their superb stotk with every article of apparel worn by mortal mart, deluding elegant art] sulistantial Business Suits / elegant an<) fashionable Orest Saits/ Ocercout $ of all kinds. Wedding Suits inado to order in the highest style ol the ai tj with a neatness and beauty of finish appropriate to the most refill'd ted'. Also an innuincrable quantity of every style and variety ot C. uN, Vest-, Pants, Underclothing, trunks, Yalises, Umbrellas, etc. Ami I.is. ol ail, bid. not the least, their celebrated Kkef Shirt, which has no Bupeuor in material or make, sold by them at cash. Prices lower than ever before. By order of THOMAS & PRESCOTT, we clothiers. I'K'MXK’s Devil. ATns ;:rt\ oci- 9